DCA Insider - December 2018

Page 13


PUTTING OUR PRACTICES FIRST As we take time with our loved ones across the

Recently, we asked several of our Regional

country, let us also take time to show our gratitude

Managers to take on a new leadership role to

and to Never Forget the service and sacrifice of

drive and focus our efforts to identify, eliminate

our military service men and women, both here at

and/or reduce work that isn’t increasing the

home and abroad. We recently celebrated Veterans

value of dentistry to our patients or team

Day and are fortunate to have many veterans in

members. Having these new Directors in place

our family at Dental Care Alliance. Personally, and

and on the front lines will ensure that we are

as the son and grandson of men who served our

able to create value and synergies with our

country, I want to express my respect and sincere

new, prospective and existing affiliations. Sue

appreciation to all of our Veterans.

Lortie, Nicole Lipp, Shawna Eury, and Eduardo

In the last edition of the DCA Insider, I shared being new to DCA, my experiences in getting to know the teams in both the Support Center and many of the dental offices that we support across the country. Clearly, we have world-class doctors, hygienists, office staff and Support Center team members.

Dale Hockel Chief Operating Officer

Laventman have stepped up to lead this work. Additionally, in this new role, this focused group is on point to help bring on new affiliations. Please reach out to them with any suggestion on reducing work in the office that isn’t adding value to our doctors’ or patients’ experience.

The passion that you have for providing quality

I want to wish you and your loved ones all the best

care to our patients is undeniable. Certainly, there

this holiday season. As we wind down and 2018

is room for improvement in how we communicate

comes to a close, I can truly say I am encouraged

and support each other, to ensure that we are

by all we have accomplished over the last several

collectively providing exceptional experiences and

months. I am encouraged and excited for all that

quality care to each and every one of our patients.

2019 has in store for us!

The leadership team is working hard to ensure we have the right platform in place to accomplish this. One of the areas I would like to highlight is the current effort to better understand and identify ways we can enable the dental office staff to focus their efforts on the patient experience. Every practice wants and needs to grow, through both new and repeat patient visits; and, we recognize that inefficiencies such as unnecessary tasks or incomplete requests can take away from this critical focus. We will target and remove as many of these inefficiencies as possible, as we strive to put the practice first.

FAVORITE HOLIDAY TRADITION When I think of the holiday season, I always go back to family dinners at my Grandma’s home. Her love of Christmas and joy in bringing us all together are some of my fondest memories. This very special time of year and occasion to come together with family and friends, while giving thanks for all that we have, is very special to me.


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