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Studies of China and Chineseness since the Cultural Revoluton
Volume 2: Micro Intellectual History through De-central Lenses
Chih-yu Shih Natonal Taiwan University, Taiwan
Mariko Tanigaki The University of Tokyo, Japan
Key Features
• Provides insight in contemporar China caught b the triad o the C pandemics, US China rivalr , and China rising
• Presents a pluriversal st le o anal sis to abide b neither Euro nor Sino centrism
• races the unu ered legacies in the nuanced a er streams o the Cultural evoluton without privileging an canonical narratves
• Enables mult perspectve (e.g. gender, ethnicit , diaspora, colon , personalit , intellectual growth, and cosmopolitan) and mult sited (e.g. ussia, Hong Kong, the Philippines, China, the UK, and ongolia) comparison o the impacts o evolving ideologies
How did the Great Proletarian Cultural Revoluton afect everyone’s lives? Wh did people openl give awa their identtes to adopt revolutonar roles and dutes How did people, who lived with di erent sel understandings and social relatons, inevitabl ac uire and practce revolutonar identtes, each in their own light his book plunges into the conte ts o these concerns to seek di erent relatons that reveal the evoluton s di erent meanings. urthermore, this book shows that scholars o the Cultural evoluton encountered emotonal and intellectual challenges as the cared about the real people who owned an identt resource that could trigger an imagined thread o solidarit in their minds. he authors believe that the evoluton s magnitude and pervasive scope alwa s resulted in individuali ed engagements that have signifcant and di ering conse uences or those struggling in their micro conte t. t has impacted a uture with unpredictable collectve implicatons in terms o ethnicit , gender, memor , scholarship, or career. he Cultural evoluton is, there ore, an evolving relaton beneath the rise o China that will neither ade awa nor sancton integratve paths.
Professor Chih-yu Shih teaches China studies, anthropolog o knowledge and internatonal relatons theor in the epartment o Politcal Science o atonal aiwan Universit in the capacit o atonal Chair and Universit Chair.
Mariko Tanigaki (Ph ) is Pro essor in the epartment o rea Studies, he Universit o ok o. Her research interests cover contemporar Hong Kong studies and southern China studies.
Tina S Clemente is a Pro essor and the ssistant to the ean or cademic airs at the sian Center, Universit o the Philippines iliman. She earned a Ph and in economics and a S in business economics at the same universit . Her research interests include China Studies, Philippines China economic relatons, development studies, and economic histor . She is editor in chie o the Chinese Studies ournal and is the lead editor o China Studies in the Philippines ntellectual Paths and the ormaton o a ield (20 8, outledge).
January 2023
Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan
Extent: 200pp
Type: eview olume
Main Subject: Asian Studies
Sub-Subjects: China Studies; Asian Politcs Societ sian Histor nternatonal elatons Politcal Science
Polic Studies Public Polic Social ssues Human Securit
Keywords: he Cultural evoluton
China Studies aoism ussian
Sinolog ongolian atonalit ritsh roadcast Compan he Philippines
Gender Studies i inping Hong Kong
Readership: cademics, polic makers, pro essionals, undergraduate and graduate students interested in China studies, China s Cultural evoluton, ethnicit studies, Chinese histor , Hong Kong studies, intellectual histor , ournalism
• rom ron Girls to Greed Girls Gender arking Stabilit and Chaos be ore and a er the Cultural evoluton
• China s inorites in the Post Cultural evoluton Scholarship Case Stud o nner ongolia
• ussian Sinolog uring the USS P C ivalr , Late Soviet and Post Soviet Periods ra ectories o Evoluton
• Cross re ecton on evelopment ecollectng China, Contemplatng the Philippines
• Hong Kong as a ase or China Watching and the Growth o ron S Weng s Scholarship
• ritsh edia Coverage o the Earl Cultural evoluton, 966 969
• Cultural evoluton and the aking o i inping