4 minute read
Cyber Laundering
Internatonal Policies and Practces
Nathalie Rébé
Key Features
• his book is a compilaton o artcles rom worldwide academics and pro essionals speciali ing in and Law as well as inancial crimes
This book illustrates current cyber laundering practces and the underlying risks associated with them, such as cross-border crimes and terrorism fnancing. espite the e istence o internatonal regulatons and strong worldwide cooperaton, countermeasures and internatonal response e orts are o en hindered b en orcement and urisdictonal issues, as well as online asset recover comple it .
his work investgates the blockages to the accomplishment o c ber laundering regulaton and en orcement at the internatonal level. t provides strong legal recommendatons or ostering the constructon o more e cient means o implementaton.
Dr Nathalie Rébé holds a octorate in usiness dministraton ( ) rom Paris School o usiness, and a octorate in uridical Science ( S ) on inancial Crimes rom homas e erson School o Law (US ). She has partcipated in various internatonal con erences as an academic author, and taught both nternatonal Criminal Law, and usiness dministraton universit level courses. With a postgraduate iploma in C ber Law rom the Universit o ontpellier, r b s research and publicatons ocus on ew echnologies, Securit , Privac , and egulator a ers.
February 2023
£80 | HARDCOVER 978 8006 282 2
Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan Europe
Extent: 278pp
Type: eview olume
Main Subject: Social Sciences
Sub-Subjects: Social Issues; Human Securit igital Securit General Economics nternatonal inance
Keywords: one Laundering C ber Laundering irtual Currencies irtual sset itcoin e nline Casinos ark Web Gaming errorism sset ecover urisdicton egulatons Cooperaton En orcement Gambling rtfcial ntelligence ew echnologies nternet C ber Crime ata
Readership: ntended or inance, and Law postgraduate students. lso use ul or researchers, law ers and polic makers
• Editorial ote
• ntroducton (Nathalie Rébé)
• Virtual Laundering Practces: Turning Cash to Cryptocurrency (Eric Fulton)
Combatng Blockchain-Enabled Crime (Mansoor Ahmed-Rengers)
Online Casinos: Artfcial Intelligence and Money Laundering (Fausto Martn De Sancts)
Not A Game: The Need to Harmonize a Global Regulatory Approach to Combat Money Laundering via Virtual Assets in Massively Multplayer Online games (Mikhail Reider-Gordon)
Malicious Financial Actvites in the Dark web — the Extent of the Informaton and the Knowledge (Tal Pavel)
Cyber Terrorism and Organized Crime (Georg Thomas)
• Countermeasures and Internatonal Response: Evoluton o Legal and egulator esponses to one laundering isks elated to s EU and US E amples (Tanya Gibbs)
Worldwide Cooperaton and En orcement ssues (Benjamin Musau) nt C berlaundering he nclusion o irtual sset Service Providers ( SPs) ( Jennifer Palpacuer, Benjamin Aouizerat)
Cr ptocurrencies sset ecover ultdimensional pproach (Stavros Katsios & Ioannis Blatsos)
Prosecutng ransnatonal C bercrimes rom erritorial Sovereignt to ew urisdictons, the Swiss E perience (Ludovic Tirell i)
Towards a Sustainable Arctc
Internatonal Security, Climate Change and Green Shipping

Michael Goodsite University of Adelaide, Australia
Niklas Swanström Insttute for Security and Development Policy, Sweden
Key Features
• Global viewpoints
• he book is State o the art with the most recent anal sis on shipping, securit , and natural resources available with an interdisciplinar approach connectng economic, securit , environment and engineering with a number o chapters including impacts o the ussian invasion o Ukraine to their sub ect ma er
• he maps which depict various scenarios re ect state o the art research
• Contributors are well established as well as newer scholars with respect to studies in the rctc
• Uni ue maps and fgures rom the authors
The Arctc is changing quickly: environmentally, economically, and politcally, without sustainable politcal and military cooperaton because of the conficts of interest among the stakeholders. ussia, Canada, the United States, the ordic states, and non rctc states such as China, apan, and others see the economic benefts rom the region but struggle with addressing the securit challenges and the potental environmental impact o actvites conducted there. his book provides a snapshot o the areas connectng transport, environmental securit , resource development, and militar securit with contributons wri en in 202 and others wri en a er ussia s second invasion o Ukraine.
Michael Goodsite is Pro essor o Civil and Environmental Engineering and the inaugural irector o he nsttute or Sustainabilit , Energ and esources ( SE ) at the Universit o delaide. He is a on esident Senior esearch ellow at nsttute or Securit evelopment Polic , where he led its rctc China research theme. He is an e perienced e pediton leader to the rctc with circumpolar feld e perience. He directed the ordic Centre o E cellence or Strategic daptaton esearch ( CoE S ) and conducted environmental studies at rctc bases. ormal ualifcatons include ScCE, ScEnvE, , Ph E ust, CPEng (Civil Environmental anagement Leadership), EngE ec, E , PEC Engineer, ntPE( us), UP C, us , C . Pro essor Goodsite is a ormer US and militar o cer.
Niklas Swanström is irector o the nsttute or Securit and evelopment Polic , and one o its co ounders. He is a ellow at the oreign Polic nsttute o the Paul H it e School o dvanced nternatonal Studies (S S), Senior ssociate ellow at the talian nsttute or nternatonal Politcal Studies and a guest lecturer at Universit o Pavia. His main areas o e pertse are con ict preventon, con ict management and regional cooperaton Chinese oreign polic and securit in ortheast sia he Korean Peninsula, the elt and oad nitatve, traditonal and non traditonal securit threats and its e ect on regional and natonal securit as well as negotatons. His ocus is mainl on ortheast sia, Central sia and Southeast sia.
February 2023
Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan Europe
Extent: 2 4pp
Type: eview olume
Main Subject: Social Sciences
Sub-Subjects: nternatonal elatons nternatonal rade usiness General General nterest aritme Studies
Politcal Science Polic Studies Public Polic Securit Studies errorism Social ssues Human Securit
Keywords: rctc Shipping Securit Sustainable Growth Climate Change aritme outes ining esource evelopment rms ace rade ilitar ases ilitari aton inorites n rastructure Search nd escue aps eltng o ce eceding ce Environmental egradaton
Environmental daptaton Climate Change daptaton ransport ce reakers Competton esearch
Cooperaton Stalemate Polit aton
Polar egion Geopolitcal ension
China ussia ordic States rctc Council US
Readership: rctc scholars and scholars o regional securit and climate change global polic . lso use ul or sian scholars interested in the rctc
• Securit namics n, hrough, and ver the rctc egion
• Comprehensive Securit Prere uisite or Sustainable evelopment
• ncreased aritme outes in the rctc and heir Securit mpact
• ussia in the ew rctc
• ordic States, rctc Council and sian Powers Polar, Powers and Politcs
• rctc Shipping Economic and Environmental ssessments
• Shipping in the rctc is Climate Change a Game Changer
• enefts and pportunites o ero Emission Shipping in the rctc
• Structured nal sis o Sustainabilit in rctc ransport Studies
• nal sis o Supplier evelopment Strategies or Climate Change itgaton and daptaton
• he uture o Shipping inerals rom the rctc