3 minute read
Fundamentals of Electronic Materials and Devices
A Gentle Introducton to the Quantum-Classical World
Avik Ghosh University of Virginia, USA
“... contains well-crafed and advanced problems that help solidify understanding of the subjects.”
Key Features
• he book contains core material or two popular and well regarded universit courses (won the U s highest teaching award or the author)
• he book contains research which earned a place in the 20 6 Ph sics World op 0 esearch reakthrough in Ph sics
• ogether with the homework, the book can easil be adopted or comparable courses across multple learning insttutons
• Soluton manual to the e cellent homework uestons inside is available or instructors
• he book and courses are uni ue or combining top down device ph sics with bo om up uantum ph sics towards the same technological goal, namel emerging hardware or the uture o computng
The Romans built enduring bridges well before Newton came along, armed simply with a working knowledge of mechanics and materials. n contrast, toda s bridge building is an elaborate enterprise involving C tools, composite materials and acoustc imaging. When technolog is pushed to its limits, a working knowledge proves inade uate, and an in depth understanding o core ph sical principles, both macroscopic and microscopic, top down vs bo om up, becomes essental.
We fnd ourselves toda at a similar crossroad in semiconductor device technolog , where a working knowledge o solid state electronics is no longer enough. aced with the prohibitve cost o computng and the slowdown o chip manu acturing, device scaling and the global suppl chain, the semiconductor industr is orced to e plore alternate pla orms such as 2 materials, spintronics, analog processing and uantum engineering.
his book combines top down classical device ph sics with bo om up uantum transport in a single venue to provide the basis or such a scientfc e ploraton. t is essental, eas reading or beginning undergraduate and practcing graduate students, ph sicists un amiliar with device engineering and engineers untrained in uantum ph sics. With ust a modest pre re uisite o reshman maths, the book works uickl through ke concepts in uantum ph sics, atlab e ercises and original homeworks, to cover a wide range o topics rom chemical bonding to Ho stader bu er ies, domain walls to Chern insulators, solar cells to photodiodes, in E s to a orana ermions. or the practcing device engineer, it provides new concepts such as the uantum o resistance, while or the practcing uantum ph sicist, it provides new conte ts such as the tunnel transistor.
Avik Ghosh is Pro essor at the Charles rown epartment o Electrical and Computng Engineering and the epartment o Ph sics at the Universit o irginia. He holds a Ph in theoretcal condensed ma er ph sics rom the hio State Universit and a postdoctoral ellowship in Electrical Engineering rom Purdue Universit . He is also the U site director o the S ndustr Universit Cooperatve Center on ult unctonal ntegrated S stems echnolog ( S ).
February 2023
£85 | HARDCOVER 978-981-126-595-2
£50 | S C E 978-981-126-657-7
Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan
Extent: 300pp
Type: e tbook
Series: Lessons rom anoscience a Lecture otes Series Volume 8
Main Subject: anotechnolog anoscience
Sub-Subjects: anoelectronics
Condensed a er Ph sics anomaterials and anostructures icroelectronics Semiconductors elated reas heoretcal Chemistr uantum Chemistr Circuits S stems
Computer Engineering Electrical
Electronic Engineering agnetc
Propertes anostructure uantum echanics nd uantum n ormaton
Keywords: anomaterials anoelectronics uantum Electron ransport Semiconductors
Semiconductor evices agnetsm opolog opological aterials 2 aterials Spintronics
Readership: dvanced undergraduates, graduates, researchers, and industr pro essionals in the ollowing felds condensed ma er ph sics, nanoelectronics, semiconductor devices, nanomaterials, materials science, device ph sics, digital electronics
• Equilibrium Physics and Chemistry:
Fundamentals of Informaton Processing
Quantum Physics: A Whole New World
Interpretng Quantum Probabilites
Bumps Along the Quantum Path: Steps, Wells and Barriers
Numerical Methods and Approximatons
Angular Momentum and the Hydrogen Atom
Atomic and Molecular Structure
Solids: From Bonds to Bands
Spins and Magnetsm
How Do Spins Interact with Their Surroundings?
Countng States
Filling the States — Statstcal Physics
• Top Down: Classical Transport:
Physics of Mobility: Fermi’s Golden Rule
Physics of Recombinaton-Generaton
Engineering Barriers — The PN Juncton Diode
A Simple Switch: The Bipolar Juncton Transistor (BJT)
Voltage Gatng: The Field Efect Transistor (FET)
• Botom-Up: Quantum Transport:
Landauer heor o uantum transport uantum ransport with Sca ering on E uilibrium Green s uncton ( EG ) or Charge on E uilibrium Green s uncton ( EG ) or Current ime ependent E ects