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Regulatng Cyber Technologies

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Cyber Laundering

Cyber Laundering

Privacy vs Security

Nathalie Rébé


Key Features

• his book is a compilaton o artcles rom worldwide academics and pro essionals speciali ing in and Law as well as inancial crimes


Regulatng cyber maters is a complex task, as cyberspace is an intricate world full of new threats related to a person’s identty, fnance, and private informaton. lgorithm manipulaton, hate crimes, c ber laundering, and data the are strong menaces in the c ber world. ew technologies are generatng both privac and securit issues involving anon mit , cross border transactons, virtual communicatons and assets, among others.

his book is a collecton o works b e perts on c ber ma ers and legal consideratons that need addressing in a tmel manner. t comprises cross disciplinar knowledge that is pooled to this end. isk mitgaton tools, including c ber risk management, data protecton regulatons, as well as ethical practce guidelines are reviewed in detail.

he regulator issues associated with new technologies along with emergent challenges in the feld o c bersecurit that re uire improved regulator rameworks are considered. We probe ethical, material, and en orcement threats, thus revealing the inade uac o current legal practces. o address these shortcomings, we propose new regulator privac and securit guidelines that can be implemented to deal with the new technologies and c ber ma ers.


Dr Nathalie Rébé holds a octorate in usiness dministraton ( ) rom Paris School o usiness, and a octorate in uridical Science ( S ) on inancial Crimes rom homas e erson School o Law (US ). She has partcipated in various internatonal con erences as an academic author, and taught both nternatonal Criminal Law, and usiness dministraton universit level courses. With a postgraduate iploma in C ber Law rom the Universit o ontpellier, r b s research and publicatons ocus on ew echnologies, Securit , Privac , and egulator a ers.

February 2023

£80 | HARDCOVER 978 8006 285 3

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan Europe

Extent: 252pp

Type: eview olume

Main Subject: Social Sciences

Sub-Subjects: Social Issues; Human Securit Politcal Science Polic Studies Public Polic igital Securit nternatonal inance

Keywords: ew echnologies C ber Privac Securit egulaton lgorithm C ber Laundering Hate Crimes ata he dentt isk anagement non mit ata Protecton Ethical Hacking C bersecurit ark Web Polic C 9

Readership: ntended or postgraduate students in and Law. lso use ul or academics, researchers and polic makers

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