1 minute read

Fundamentals of Laser Physics

Key Features

• Considering the rapid development in laser related felds, this te tbook covers not onl the basic materials but also the latest advances in laser ph sics with discussions on e perimental results on various laser related phenomena based on a coherent theoretcal ramework


• his te tbook covers enough amount o essentals but is concise enough to be covered in one semester

• his book provides a coherent theoretcal ramework rom the beginning to the end so that students can move on to the ne t sub ects with ease once having mastered the preceding materials


This book is intended as a textbook on laser physics for advanced undergraduates and frst-year graduate students in physics and engineering who need to use lasers in their labs and want to understand the physical processes involved with the laser techniques in their felds of study. his book aims to provide a coherent theoretcal ramework on the light ma er interacton involved with lasers in such a wa that students can easil understand the essental topics related to lasers and their applicatons and get accustomed to the latest cu ng edge research developments. ost o all, the content o this book is concise to be covered in a semester.

February 2023

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 360pp

Type: onograph ( reat s e tbook)

Main Subject: Ph sics

Sub-Subjects: ptcs nd Laser Ph sics tomic nd olecular Ph sics

Keywords: Laser ate E uaton

Spectral Line roadening Saturaton

Spectroscop Laser Linewidth ptcal loch E uaton abi scillaton

Pulse rea heorem Laser hreshold re uenc Pulling ressed State ode Locking switching re uenc

Comb Cavit E Superradiance

Superabsorpton E ceptonal Point P S mmetr on Hermitan S stem

Readership: dvanced undergraduates and frst ear graduate students in ph sics and engineering who need to use lasers in their labs

• Classical heor o Emission and bsorpton

• Einstein s heor o a er ield nteracton

• Semiclassical heor o tom ield nteracton

• Spectral Line roadening

• Lamb ip Spectroscop

• ptcal loch E uaton

• ore pplicatons o loch E uaton

• ate E uaton ppro imaton

• Coherent Pulse Propagaton

• uantum heor o Laser

• Strong Coupling egime o Cavit E

• Surve o arious Lasers

• Pulsed Lasers and re uenc Combs

• ther Laser elated opics

• Single Photon Sources and ovel Lasers

• on Hermitan Laser

• E ceptonal Point Lasers

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