6 minute read
The Sixteenth Marcel Grossmann Meetng
On Recent Developments in Theoretcal and Experimental General Relatvity, Astrophysics, and Relatvistc Field Theories (In 4 Volumes)
Proceedings of the MG16 Meetng on General Relatvity Online, 5 – 10 July 2021
Key Features
• Contributons b e perts in the feld
• Covers a wide range o topics
The proceedings of MG16 give a broad view of all aspects of gravitatonal physics and astrophysics, from mathematcal issues to recent observatons and experiments. he scientfc program o the meetng included 46 plenar presentatons, 3 public lectures, 5 round tables and 8 parallel sessions arranged during the intense si da online meetng. ll talks were recorded and are available on the C et ou ube channel at the ollowing link h p www.icranet.org video mg 6.
hese proceedings are a representatve sample o the ver man contributons made at the meetng. he contain 383 papers, among which 4 come rom the plenar sessions.
he material represented in these proceedings cover the ollowing topics accreton, actve galactc nuclei, alternatve theories o gravit , black holes (theor , observatons and e periments), binaries, boson stars, cosmic microwave background, cosmic strings, dark energ and large scale structure, dark ma er, educaton, e act solutons, earl universe, undamental interactons and stellar evoluton, ast transients, gravitatonal waves, high energ ph sics, histor o relatvit , neutron stars, precision tests, uantum gravit , strong felds, and white dwar all o them represented b a large number o contributons.
he online e proceedings are published in an open access ormat.
February 2023
Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan
Extent: 4876pp
Type: Proceedings
Main Subject: Ph sics
Sub-Subjects: stronom , stroph sics nd Cosmolog ( ncluding Geoph sics elatvit nd Gravitaton Computatonal, athematcal and heoretcal Ph sics
Keywords: General elatvit stroph sics Cosmolog a er ccreton ctve Galactc uclei lternatve heorieso Gravit lack Holes inar Stars oson Stars Cosmic icrowave ackground Cosmic Strings ark Energ Large Scale Structure in the Universe ark a er Educaton E act Solutons Earl Universe undamental nteractons and Stellar Evoluton ast ransients Gravitatonal Waves High Energ Ph sics Histor o elatvit eutron Stars Precision estso General elatvit uantum Gravit Strong Gravitatonal ields White war
Readership: Graduate students and researchers interested in general relatvit , astroph sics, and cosmolog
• Part A:
◊ Plenary Sessions:
New Results from Testng Relatvistc Gravity with Radio Pulsars (Michael Kramer)
Dragging of Inertal Frames by Mater and Waves ( Jiří Bičák and Tomáš Ledvinka)
Probes of the Progenitors, Engines and Physics Behind Stellar Collapse (Chris L Fryer)
The Observaton of High-Energy Neutrinos from the Cosmos: Lessons Learned for Multmessenger Astronomy (Francis Halzen)
The First Results of PandaX-4T ( Jianglai Liu on behalf of the PandaX Collaboraton)
XRISM: X-Ray Imaging and Spectroscopy Mission (Makoto S Tashiro and the XRISM Team)
The SVOM Mission ( J-L Ateia, B Cordier and J Wei on behalf of the SVOM Collaboraton)
Quantum Field Theory with Boundary Conditons at the Horizons (Gerard ‘t Hoof)
The Development of General Relatvity and the Cosmological Constant ( Asghar Qadir)
The Irreducible Mass of Christodoulou-Rufni-Hawking Mass Formula (Yuan K Ha)
Reshaping Our Understanding on Structure Formaton with the Quantum Nature of the Dark Mater (C R Argüelles, E A Becerra-Vergara, A Krut et al.)
First Results of LHAASO (Ruo-Yu Liu for the LHAASO Collaboraton)
On the MG16 Awards 2021 (Remo Rufni)
The White Dwarf Binary Merger Model of GRB 170817A ( J A Rueda, R Rufni, Liang Li et al.)
• Parallel Sessions:
◊ Accreton
MHD Processes Near Compact Objects (Sergey Moiseenko)
Accreton Discs and Jets ( Audrey Trova and Shokoufe Faraji)
◊ Actve Galactc Nuclei
The Black Hole in M87 (Brian Punsly and Jorge Rueda)
Machine Learning in Astronomy: AGN, Transient Events, Cosmology and Others (Rahim Moradi and Yu Wang)
Multwavelength and Mult-Messenger Observatons of Actve Galactc Nuclei (Paolo Giommi and Narek Sahakyan)
◊ Alternatve Theories
Extended Theories of Gravity and Quantum Cosmology (Yi-Fu Cai and Wentao Luo)
Mathematcal Problems of Relatvistc Physics: Classical and Quantum ( A Shadi Tahvildar-Zadeh and Michael Kiessling)
Wormholes, Energy Conditons and Time Machines (Francisco Lobo and Diego Rubiera-Garcia)
Theories of Gravity: Alternatves to the Cosmological and Partcle Standard Models (Stefano Bellucci and Orlando Luongo)
Conformal Dilaton Gravity and Related Issues (Reinoud Jan Slagter)
Horava-Lifshitz Gravity ( Anzhong Wang)
Ghost-Free Models of Modifed Gravity: Massive Gravity, Horndeski and DHOST Theories, Other Related Models; Their Propertes and Solutons (Dmitry Gal’tsov and Michael Volkov)
• Part B:
◊ Black Holes: Theory and Observatons/Experiments:
Theoretcal and Observatonal Studies of Astrophysical Black Holes ( Alexander Zakharov)
Black Hole Thermodynamics (Hernando Quevedo)
• Black Holes in Alternatve Theories of Gravity ( Juta Kunz and Kamal Hajian)
• Binaries:
◊ Explosive Events Associated with Compact-Object Binary Mergers (Chris Belczynski and Jorge Rueda)
◊ Post-Newtonian and Post-Minkowskian Correctons for Binary Gravitatng Systems ( Johannes Bluemlein)
◊ Multchannel Studies of Nonstatonary Relatvistc Stars (Vladimir Lipunov)
• Boson Stars:
◊ Scalar Fields in Cosmology (Carlos Herdeiro and Alfredo Macias)
• Cosmic Microwave Background:
◊ Cosmic Backgrounds from Radio to Far-IR (Carlo Burigana)
◊ New Horizons in Cosmology with CMB Spectral Distortons ( Jens Chluba and Andrea Ravenni )
◊ Status of the H₀ and σ₈ Tensions: Theoretcal Models and Model-Independent Constraints ( Joan Solà Peracaula and Adrià Gómez-Valent)
◊ Efects of Primordial Perturbatons Enhancement: From Black Holes Formaton to CMB Anomalies ( Antonio Enea Romano and Krzysztof Turzynski )
• Cosmic Strings:
◊ Cosmic Strings (Reinoud Jan Slagter and Batool Imtaz)
◊ From Cosmic Strings to Superstrings (Carlos Martns and Ivan Rybak)
• Dark Energy and Large Scale Structure:
◊ Dark Energy and the Acceleratng Universe ( Alexei Starobinky and David Polarski )
◊ Cosmography with Gravitatonal Lensing (Claudio Grillo and Mimoza Hafzi )
• Dark Mater:
◊ Interactng Dark Mater (Nikolaos Mavromatos)
◊ Dark Mater Searches with Liquid Xenon and Argon Detectors and Self Gravitatng Systems and Dark Mater (Marco Merafna and Soroush Shakeri and She-Sheng Xue)
◊ Dark Mater: Beyond ΛCDM (Carlos Argüelles and Andreas Krut)
◊ Dark Mater and Rare Processes (Carlos Rita Bernabei and Zurab Berezhiani )
◊ The Nature of Galactc Halos (Francesco De Paolis and Asghar Qadir)
• Part C:
◊ Educaton:
Teaching Einsteinian Physics to School Students (David Blair and Mateo Luca Ruggiero)
◊ Exact Solutons:
Exact Solutons in Four and Higher Dimensions (David Blair and Mateo Luca Ruggiero)
Exact Solutons (Including Higher Dimensions) (Susan Scot)
◊ Early Universe:
Quantum Fields ( Andrei Lebed )
Topological Methods, Global Existence Problems, and Spacetme Singularites (Spiros Cotsakis)
The Early Universe (Stefano Ansoldi)
◊ Fundamental Interactons and Stellar Evoluton: Why and How the Sun and the Stars Shine: The Borexino Experiment (Giampaolo Bellini, Dmitry Naumov, Gioacchino Ranucci, Gemma Testera)
Rotaton in Stellar Evoluton (Georges Meynet)
◊ Fast Transients:
What Can We Learn from a Growing Sample of Fast Radio Bursts? (Duncan Lorimer, Victoria Kaspi and Bing Zhang)
Non Standard Cosmological Probes (Duncan Lorimer, Victoria Kaspi and Bing Zhang)
Photospheric Emission in GRBs (Gregory Vereshchagin and Damien Bégué)
High and Very High Energy Emission from Gamma-Ray Bursts (Francesco Longo and Fabian Schüssler)
Electromagnetc Counterparts of Compact Binary Mergers ( Jonathan Granot and Paz Beniamini )
Unusual and New Types of Gamma-Ray Bursts (Binbin Zhang)
Gamma-Ray Burst Correlatons: Observatonal Challenges and Theoretcal Interpretaton (Maria Giovanna Dainot and Liang Li )
GRB 170817A and Binary Models (Marica Branchesi and Giulia Strata)
Binary-Driven Hypernovae of Type 1, 2 and 3 (Carlo Luciano Bianco, Christan Cherubini and Simoneta Filippi )
◊ Gravitatonal Waves:
Sources of Gravitatonal Waves (Andrew Melatos)
Mid-frequency GravitatonalWaves (0.1–10 Hz):
Sources and Detecton Methods (Wei-Tou Ni )
Numerical Relatvity and Gravitatonal Wave
Observatons (Nigel Bishop)
◊ High Energy:
Very High Energy Gamma Rays (Razmik Mirzoyan and Alessandro De Angelis)
Future Missions for High-Energy Astrophysics (Filippo Frontera and Shaolin Xiong)
The SRG Mission: First Results from eROSITA and ARTXC (Andrea Merloni ) eXTP — Enhanced X-Ray Timing and Polarimetry
Mission (Marco Feroci and Fangjun Lu)
Observatons of HE and UHE Cosmic Rays (Ivan De Mitri and Fabio Gargano)
• Part D:
◊ History of Relatvity:
The “Fall and Rise” of Betelgeuse (Costantno Sigismondi )
History of Relatvity, Gravitaton and Cosmology (Luis Crispino)
Time and Philosophy in Physics (Shokoufe Faraji )
◊ Neutron Stars:
Dense Mater in Compact Stars (Alessandro Drago and Jorge Rueda)
Compact Stars as Laboratories for Testng Strong
Gravity (Aurora Perez Martnez and César Augusto Zen Vasconcellos)
Pulsar Power in Physics and Astrophysics and Pulsars and Pulsar Systems at High Energies (Andrea Possent and Pak-Hin Tam)
◊ Precision Tests:
Gravitatonal Lensing and Shadows (Perlick Volker and Oleg Tsupko)
Experimental Gravitaton (Angela di Virgilio and Claus Lammerzahl )
Variaton of the Fundamental Constants, Tests of the Fundamental Symmetries and Probes of the Dark Sector (Angela Victor Flambaum and Yevgeny Stadnik)
Dragging is Never Draggy: MAss and CHarge Flows in GR (Oldrich Semerak)
◊ Quantum Gravity:
Loop Quantum Gravity (Marcin Kisielowski and Jerzy Lewandowski )
Quantum Gravity Phenomenology (Giovanni AmelinoCamelia and Jerzy Kowalski-Glikman)
Loop Quantum Gravity: Cosmology and Black Holes ( Jorge Pullin and Parampreet Singh)
◊ Strong Field:
Strong Electromagnetc and Gravitatonal Field Physics: From Laboratories to Early Universe (Sang Pyo Kim and She-Sheng Xue)
The Efects of (Non)Linear Electrodynamics on the Propertes of Astrophysical/Gravitatonal Compact Objects (Seyed Hossein Hendi )
◊ White Dwarfs: White Dwarf Explosions (Robert Fisher and María Pilar Ruiz Lapuente)
White Dwarfs, Magnetc Compact Stars and Nuclear Astrophysics (Manuel Malheiro and Jaziel Goulart Coelho)