9 minute read
Confrontng the Enigma of Time
John R Fanchi Texas Christan University, USA
Key Features
• he book shows that man o the issues which arise in understanding tme occur when tme is treated as i it is the same ph sical uantt in ever applicaton
• he reader will gain an increased awareness o tme and its place in our understanding o nature
Time played the role of a monotonically increasing evoluton parameter in classical Newtonian mechanics. Einstein re ected the ewtonian concept and identfed tme as the ourth coordinate o a space tme our vector. oda , scientsts are considering di erent concepts o tme as a means o resolving incompatbilites between relatvit and uantum mechanics. or e ample, some view tme as an emergent propert o a s stem rather than a undamental propert . lternatvel , others are considering two temporal variables. he purpose o this book is to e amine the role o tme in modern ph sics.
John R Fanchi has a Ph in ph sics rom the Universit o Houston and is the author o a variet o books in the areas o ph sics, earth science, mathematcs, and engineering. He was co ounder and frst President o the nternatonal ssociaton or elatvistc namics. He has worked in the energ industr , and has taught courses in energ , engineering, and ph sics at e as Christan Universit ( CU), Colorado School o ines (CS ), and the Universit o ulsa. His books include Parametri ed elatvistc uantum heor ( 993, Kluwer), Shared Earth odeling (2002, u erworth Heinemann), Energ echnolog and irectons or the uture (2004, Elsevier cademic), ath e resher or Scientsts and Engineers (2006, 3rd editon), Energ in the 2 st Centur (4th editon, 20 7, World Scientfc), Principles o pplied eservoir Simulaton (20 8, 4th editon, Elsevier), he Goldilocks Polic he asis or a Grand Energ argain (20 9, World Scientfc), and eason, aith, and Purpose he Ultmate Gamble (202 , World Scientfc).
February 2023
£45 | HARDCOVER 978 8006 3 8 8
£20 | S C E 978 8006 334
Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan Europe
Extent: 2 0pp
Type: Popular ook
Main Subject: Ph sics
Sub-Subjects: General Ph sics (Popular eading) General Science Histor Science Popular Science stronom , stroph sics nd Cosmolog ( ncluding Geoph sics) Partcle Ph sics High Energ Ph sics uantum ields elatvit nd Gravitaton uantum echanics nd uantum n ormaton
Keywords: ime Enigma o ime
Classical Ph sics Special elatvit Parado es General elatvit Gravit cton at a istance uantum heor Standard odel o Partcle Ph sics
Cosmolog E panding Universe n aton n atonar Cosmolog uantum Gravit ime s rrow elatvistc namics ewtonian ime
Einsteinian ime inkowski ime
Historical ime
Readership: General public. lso suitable or undergraduate students, graduate students, acult and researchers in the felds o histor o science, philosoph o science, general ph sics etc
• ntroducton
• Introducton to the Enigma of Time:
Time from Prehistory to the Ancient Greeks
Time from Ptolemy to Kepler
Newton and Maxwell
• Einsteinian Time:
Einstein’s Special Relatvity
Paradoxes of Special Relatvity
Gravity and Acton at a Distance
General Relatvity
• Cosmology and the Infatonary Universe: Introducton to Modern Cosmology
Evidence for the Expanding Universe
Physics of the Subatomic Scale
Prelude to the Big Bang
The Infatonary Universe
• The Future of Time:
Time’s Arrow
Time: Death or Rebirth?
Historical Time
Epilogue — Resolving the Enigma of Time
• End otes
• Dates
• e erences
• nde
Politcs of Climate Change
Crises, Conventons and Cooperaton
Swaran Singh
Jawaharlal Nehru University, India
Reena Marwah
University of Delhi, India
Key Features
• Presents a uni ue blend o theor , polic and initatves or mitgatng the impacts o climate change
• Crit ues e istng literature and discourses on climate change
• Cr stallises ideas about the in uence and impact o human actons on natural catastrophes
• Elucidates the narratves in developed and developing countries where people are startng to accept that their actons can contribute to a collectve result on a global scale
• irrors the s nergies re uired or climate related acton and climate governance and their critcal anal ses
The year 2020 was a watershed event in the history of climate change politcs. t marked the end o the second commitment period o the K oto Protocol and the beginning o the ambitous Paris greement. t was also the ear o the pandemic, where the disrupton caused severe implicatons on a global scale. he pandemic also brought be ore the world the severit and scale o the transboundar challenges in a globall interconnected world. t e posed the weaknesses o the global insttutons and governance structures in tackling the comple and imminent threat o climate change.
s states prepare or the uture o global climate change negotatons post the C P26 event o 202 , there has been a signifcant shi in the politcs o climate change at all levels. he negotatons took place in the shadows o the pandemic, which has challenged the politcal letharg and non commi al a tudes o states on the climate change ueston.
Unlike in the past, climate change is now a hot issue on the politcal high tables. t has also spilled outside these negotatng spaces and into the public sphere. Whether it is the school strikes led b children or the indigenous struggles o marginali ed populatons, the politcs o climate change toda is ar more diverse, representatve, and actve. t the same tme, we can witness the shi s in the state s understanding o the problem, which is actvel in uiring about its securit and geopolitcal dimensions. he boundaries between traditonal and non traditonal threats to securit are ge ng blurred as climate change, and its m riad impacts wreak havoc on ecos stem resilience, the state s wel are capacit , and people s ever da lives.
Hence, this volume seeks to decipher the nature o global climate change politcs in the post pandemic and climate insecure world. Who will be its main actors, main stakeholders, and losers How will uestons o e uit , sustainabilit , and fnance interpla at the C P26 event and therea er How will developing and poor countries engage with the issue in the ne t phase o climate politcs inall , how will the ambiton o the Paris greement, which is re ected in the language o net ero targets and the two degrees Celsius temperature goals, be brought into acton
Dr Swaran Singh is Chairman and Pro essor, Centre or nternatonal Politcs, rganisaton and isarmament (C P ), School o nternatonal Studies, awaharlal ehru Universit ( ew elhi), President o ssociaton o sia Scholars ( ew elhi), ember, Governing od , Societ o ndian cean Studies ( ew elhi).
Reena Marwah ( .Phil, elhi Universit Ph , ndia, nternatonal usiness) is Pro essor, esus and ar College, elhi Universit .
February 2023
Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan
Extent: 200pp
Type: eview olume
Main Subject: Social Sciences
Sub-Subjects: Politcal Science Polic Studies Public Polic Climate Change Climate Change Economics Climate Change Polic nternatonal elatons
Keywords: nthropocene Climate Change Governance Climate cton U CC isasters Ha ards, Human Securit igraton Politcs
Environmental egradaton Sustainable obilit Carbon Emissions Carbon Leakage Clean Energ Green Energ
Carbon ootprint C P26 shore enewable Energ Strateg Common ut i erentated esponsibilites
Environmental Polic
Readership: Academics and students interested in environmental studies, climate change, climate securit and societ , sian Studies, governance, and polic studies
• Politcs o Climate Change ccords and iscord (Swaran Singh and Reena Marwah)
• Issues:
All Ships Are Not Raised: The Politcs of Climate Disasters in the Anthropocene (Saurabh Thakur)
Climatc Politcs of Non-state Actors in the Post-pandemic Era: Insights from Eco-cinema of the Global South (Anand Sreekumar)
Climate Change as a New Area of Sino — Quad Competton: Pacifc Islands Perspectves (Artyom A Garin)
Politcal Economy of River Ecocide in Bangladesh: A Study in the Context of Dhaleshwari River (Rabby Us Suny, Oliver Tirtho Sarkar, and Md Abid Hasan)
Challenges of Space Debris and Space Drag: Building an Internatonal Climate Change Regime (Swast Rao & Kunwar
Alkendra Pratap Singh)
• Insttutons and Initatves:
Climate Acton by the European Union: Making the European Green Deal a Reality (Kakoli Sengupta)
Internatonal Solar Alliance: Testng a New Framework to Approach Energy Shortage (Claudia Astarita and Julius Hulshof )
Multlateralism Eforts in Asia: What’s the Way Forward? (Prathit Singh, Namit Mahajan, Ritvick Khanna)
• Climate Change Narratves with a Focus on India: nternatonal Climate Governance ndian Perspectves (Chaitra C )
Policies as nstruments in Promotng Sustainable evelopment Limitng the Climate Change ssues in ndia (Sheeraz Ahmad Alaie) he mpact o rida s or uture ovement in ndian Politcs (Sonia Roy)
Emerging ndian Partnerships in Climate Change with Special e erence to Covid 9 Era ( Adit Basu)
Singapore Ageing Issues and Challenges Ahead
S Vasoo
Natonal University of Singapore, Singapore
Bilveer Singh
Natonal University of Singapore, Singapore
Key Features
Srinivasan Chokkanathan
Natonal University of Singapore, Singapore
• Caters to the rising interest on the issues o ageing in Singapore, in light o the naton s gre ing populaton
• aises the socio economic implicatons arising rom an ageing demograph
• ddresses the more comple viewpoints and artculaton b seniors and other interest groups or social and healthcare services
• Contributed b e perienced pro essionals dealing with ageing issues
Ageing is a part of life that all Singaporeans must face and, in fact, all families will have their next of kins undergoing that life stage. Singapore geing assembles a team o researchers, administrators, practtoners, advocates and academics rom varied social service and care sectors, to share their thoughts, concerns and uture challenges aced b an ageing Singapore in di erent arenas.
With the Singapore demograph showing a gre ing trend, it is increasingl vital or the government and the social, health and economic sectors to meet the needs o an ageing naton. he appropriate services and support have to be in place to respond to the issues aced b seniors. his edited volume serves as a use ul resource or those who are working or researching in the feld o ageing.
Editor, Dr S Vasoo is Emeritus Pro essor o atonal Universit o Singapore. He obtained his octorate and aster o Social Work rom the Universit o Hong Kong and holds a iploma in Social Studies with distncton rom the Universit o Singapore. He authored several monographs on social issues and has published various artcles both internatonall and locall . He was awarded the Honorar Li e ember o the Singapore ssociaton o Social Workers or his outstanding contributons to social work in Singapore. He was the ember o Parliament rom 984 to 200 and served as Chairman o Government Parliamentar Commi ee or Communit evelopment. He is dvisor to a number o voluntar wel are organisatons in Singapore and actvel involved in communit development work and actvites.
Co Editor, Associate Professor Bilveer Singh who teaches and is eput Head in the epartment o Politcal Science, atonal Universit o Singapore and an d unct Senior ellow at the Centre o E cellence or atonal Securit , S a aratnam School o nternatonal Studies, an ang echnological Universit , presents chapter 2 on Singapore and the Politcs o geing n verview.
Co Editor, ssociate Professor Srinivasan Chokkanathan is currentl undertaking research work in elderl wel are, elder abuse and management, service deliver and polic issues or care o elderl . r Srinivasan graduated with Ph rom atonal Universit o Singapore and completed his postgraduate Phil stud in Ps chiatric Social Work rom atonal ndian nsttute o ental Health.
February 2023
£70 | HARDCOVER 978-981-126-518-1
Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan
Extent: 350pp
Type: eview olume
Main Subject: Social Sciences
Sub-Subjects: Social Issues; Human Securit Politcal Science Polic Studies
Public Polic Singapore Collecton sian Politcs Societ Southeast sia
Keywords: Singapore geing Populaton geing geing ssues geing
Heathcare Critcal Care ged Policies
Elderl Care
Readership: Undergraduates and researchers stud ing ageing issues and those working in social service, healthcare and communit development sectors
• Social and Healthcare ssues o Singapore geing Some mplicatons and Challenges (S Vasoo)
• Singapore and the Politcs o geing n verview (Bilveer Singh)
• amil Policies, amil elatonships and lder dults (Kalyani K Metha)
• rganisaton and eliver o Long term Care in Singapore Present ssues and uture Challenges (Kalyani K Metha and S Vasoo)
• uilding Social etwork or lder dults aton wide nitatve b the Singapore Silver Generaton ce (Corrine Ghoh and Andrew Sim)
• ssues and Challenges o igitsaton in geing Singapore (Tan Tai Kiat)
• eaching ut to Elderl Living lone ightening the odes (R Jai Prakash)
• n ormaton echnolog s ole in geing and Communit Service ( Jedi Pan Zhengxiang)
• Productve geing E amining Conceptual and Empirical ssues (Peter Sun and Nancy Morrow-Howell )
• ata anagement and nal sis in the Social Service Sectors (Leong Chang Hoon and Angelica Ang Ting Yi)
• geing in Singapore and the sian Conte t (Srinivasan Chokkanathan)
• Ever End e uires a Planning End o Li e ssues mong lder dults (Lee Geok Ling and Chee Wai Yee)
• Conclusion (S Vasoo and Bilveer Singh)