4 minute read
Handbook of Accelerator Physics and Engineering
3rd Editon
Alexander Wu Chao SLAC Natonal Accelerator Laboratory, USA
Maury Tigner Cornell University, USA
Hans Weise DESY, Germany
Frank Zimmermann CERN, Switzerland
“This book is an outstanding collecton of essental informaton about accelerator physics and design. For those working with accelerators, it would be a very handy source of essental practcal informaton on the design and operaton of linear and circular accelerators for high-energy physics and synchrotron radiaton.”
IEEE Electrical Insulaton Magazine
Edited by internatonally recognized authorites in the feld, this expanded and updated new editon of the bestselling Handbook, containing many new artcles, is aimed at the design and operaton of modern partcle accelerators. t is intended as a vade mecum or pro essional engineers and ph sicists engaged in these sub ects. With a collecton o more than 2000 e uatons, 300 illustratons and 500 graphs and tables, here one will fnd, in additon to common ormulae o previous compilatons, hard to fnd, speciali ed ormulae, recipes and material data pooled rom the li etme e perience o man o the world s most able practoners o the art and science o accelerators.
he seven chapters include both theoretcal and practcal ma ers as well as an e tensive glossar o accelerator t pes. Chapters on beam d namics and electromagnetc and nuclear interactons deal with linear and nonlinear single partcle and collectve e ects including spin moton, beam environment, beam beam, beam electron, beam ion and intrabeam interactons. he impedance concept and related calculatons are dealt with at length as are the instabilites due to the various interactons mentoned. chapter on operatonal consideratons including discussions on the assessment and correcton o orbit and optcs errors, realtme eedbacks, generaton o short photon pulses, bunch compression, phase space e change, tuning o normal and superconductng linacs, energ recover linacs, ree electron lasers, cr ogenic vacuum s stems, stead state microbuching, cooling, space charge compensaton, brightness o light sources, collider luminosit optmi aton and collision schemes, machine learning, multple re uenc r s stems, EL seeding, ultra ast electron di racton, and Gamma actor . Chapters on mechanical and electrical consideratons present material data and important aspects o component design including heat trans er and re rigeraton. Hardware s stems or partcle sources, eedback s stems, confnement, including undulators, and acceleraton (both normal and superconductng) receive detailed treatment in a sub s stems chapter, beam measurement and apparatus being treated therein as well.
detailed name and sub ect inde is provided together with reliable re erences to the literature where the most detailed in ormaton available on all sub ects treated can be ound.
February 2023
£165 | HARDCOVER 978-981-126-917-2
£75 | S C E 978 98 27 0 5 4
Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan
Extent: 950pp
Type: Handbook
Main Subject: Ph sics
Sub-Subjects: Partcle Ph sics High Energ Ph sics uantum ields
Electrical Electronic Engineering
Keywords: Partcle ccelerators ccelerator Engineering Colliders
S nchrotrons etatron C clotrons
Readership: Ph sicists, engineers and practtoners in accelerator science
• ntroducton
• eam namics
• Electromagnetc and uclear nteractons
• peratonal and esign Consideratons
• echanical Consideratons
• Electrical Consideratons
• Subs stems
• uthor nde
• Sub ect nde
Discontnuous Phase Transitons in Condensed Mater
Symmetry Breaking in Bulk Martensite, Quasiperiodic and LowDimensional Nanostructures
Vladimir Dmitriev ESRF, France
Key Features
• espite a long histor and considerable progress in the feld, no new ttles have recentl appeared on the corresponding topic o this ttle
• mportantl , this book will be the frst publicaton which presents the current status o the phenomenological theor o phase transitons in its entre but compact orm, making this a uni ue te tbook on the sub ect
• he book will prove help ul to a wide audience o students, researchers, and lecturing pro essors
• he book o ers not onl new domains o applicabilit (such as martensitc trans ormatons, cr stalli aton o the cr stalline and aperiodic bulk materials, comple uids or viruses) where the theor demonstrates its e cienc , but it also e uips the investgator with the necessar methods and theoretcal tools to control and manage their e periments
Discontnuous (frst-order) phase transitons consttute the most fundamental and widespread type of structural transitons existng in Nature, forming a large majority of the transitons found in elemental crystals, alloys, inorganic compounds, minerals and complex fuids. Nevertheless, only a small part of them, namely, weakly discontnuous transformatons, were considered by phenomenological theories, leaving aside the most interestng from a theoretcal point of view and the most important for applicaton cases. Discontnuous Phase he book also considers the applicabilit domains o the s mmetr based approach in ph sics o low dimensional s stems. t includes comparisons o stabilit o di erent sur ace superstructures and metal monoatomic coverage structures on the sur ace o single cr stalline substrates. he e ample o the twisted graphene bila er demonstrates how parametri aton in the spirit o an advanced phenomenological approach can establish s mmetr controlled, and there ore model ree, links between geometrical parameters o the twisted bila er structure and reconstructon o its rillouin one and energ bands.
Transitons in Condensed Mater introduces a densit wave approach to phase transitons which results in a unifed, s mmetr based, model ree theor o the weak cr stalli aton o molecular mi tures to li uid cr stalline mesophases, strongl discontnuous cr stalli aton rom molten metals and allo s to conventonal, ull segregated cr stals, to aperiodic, uasi cr stalline structures. ssembl o aperiodic closed virus capsids with non cr stallographic s mmetr also alls into the domain o applicabilit o the densit wave approach.
February 2023
£125 | HARDCOVER 978 8006 29 4
Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan Europe
Extent: 438pp
Type: onograph
Main Subject: Ph sics
Sub-Subjects: Condensed a er Ph sics General aterials Science anomaterials nd anostructures
Keywords: Phase ransiton
Phenomenological heor Condensed a er Structural rans ormaton
S mmetr Group heor ransiton rder Parameter econstructve Phase ransiton artensitc rans ormaton
Pol t pism rder isorder rans ormaton ensit Waves rder
Parameter Space hermod namics isplacive rans ormaton
Cr stalli aton Li uid Solid ransiton periodic Structure uasicr stal irus
Capsid onoatomic La er Sur ace econstructon ila er Graphene oire Pa ern
Readership: Suitable or both undergraduate and advanced courses o condense ma er ph sics, and academic researchers in the feld o materials science. lso suitable or researchers and engineers working in metal ph sics and metallurg
• Phenomenological heor o Weakl iscontnuous Phase ransitons
• S mmetr Predicted iscontnuous Phase ransitons
• Phase ransitons in Cr stals Classes and pes
• dvanced Phenomenological heor o iscontnuous Phase ransitons
• isplacive econstructve Phase ransitons
• rdering pe econstructve Phase ransitons
• Phase ransitons rom sotropic State Cr stalli aton
• Phase ransitons in Low imensional Structures