3 minute read
Managing Informaton Technology Projects
Building a Body of Knowledge in IT Project Management
Srinath Perera
Western Sydney University, Australia
Robert Eadie
Ulster University, UK
Key Features
• his book aims to initate the development o the specialist od o Knowledge in Pro ect anagement , also learning rom relevant e periences rom other sectors such as constructon, aerospace and health among others, where pro ect management is well established and success ull practsed
• his book is designed to be o value to practtoners at all levels o pro ect management, e.g., elevatng the knowledge o novices current best practce levels, while providing pointers to e perienced practtoners on areas or potental improvement, based on a wider arra o lessons learned
• he book will also provide students, researchers and other academics with important insights into how best to appreciate and appl , as well as adapt and develop relevant principles o pro ect management in pro ect scenarios
Informaton Technology project management has changed dramatcally over recent years. rawing on the e periences o success ul pro ect management be ond the industr and s nergi ing cu ng edge research with well established practces in the industr , this book prefgures the ne t normal in pro ect management.
s a milestone publicaton, this book augments and boosts the speciali ed bod o knowledge in pro ect management b capturing and consolidatng ke elements o this knowledge base. Chapters are presented in our distnct sectons, each e amining a di erent aspect o pro ect management which includes generic pro ect management methodologies teambuilding in relaton to stakeholder management the ron riangle o ime, Cost, ualit , and isk and new and innovatve technologies and so ware or improved pro ect management. Substantated case studies and practcal guidelines are designed to be o value to practtoners at all levels o pro ect management rom novices to e perienced practtoners, while collectvel elevatng the bod o knowledge and skills needed. his book aims to upgrade and update the knowledge o current practce to novices o er pointers to e perienced practtoners on potental areas or improvement and provide innovatve insights to undergraduates, researchers and other academics on the development, appreciaton and applicaton o pro ect management knowledge.
Srinath Perera is the ounding irector o the Centre or Smart odern Constructon at the Western S dne Universit . He holds a Ph rom the Universit o Sal ord and is a pioneer in the feld o constructon in ormatcs b integratng technologies to constructon and pro ect management. He has over 30 ears o e perience internatonall in the constructon sector, o which 8 ears was based in the United Kingdom. He is oard member o the nternatonal Council or esearch and nnovaton in uilding and Constructon (C , www. cibworld.org).
Robert Eadie is an cademic Lead or Civil Engineering at Ulster Universit and a Sc Civil and n rastructure Engineering Course irector. He is responsible or pu ng together the frst Civil Engineering pprentceship to aster s egree Level in the United Kingdom.
January 2023
£130 | HARDCOVER 978 98 24 057 7
Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan
Extent: 480pp
Type: eview olume
Series: omain Specifc odies o Knowledge in Pro ect anagement
Main Subject: Business and anagement
Sub-Subjects: nnovaton echnolog
Knowledge n ormaton anagement S stems Engineering intech, Cr ptocurrenc , lockchain Economics nd inance So ware Engineering
Keywords: anaging Pro ects n ormaton echnolog Pro ect anagement nnovatve echnolog
Readership: Undergraduates, research insttutes, pro ect management practtoners and pro essional bodies in pro ect management
• anaging Pro ects he Case or Consolidatng and eveloping an Pro ect anagement od o Knowledge
• Generic Project Management Methodologies, Their Applicability to IT Project Management and Current IT Project Management Methodologies and Practces:
Overview of Generic Project Management Methodologies, Frameworks and Standards
Partcular Context, Priorites, Constraints and Trends of Informaton Technology Projects (Projects vs IT Projects)
Comparison of Selected IT Project Management Methodologies with Generic Project Management Methodologies
Case Studies on Applicatons, Challenges, Successes, Failures of (selected) IT Project Management Methodology
• IT Project Management Teams & Stakeholders:
IT Project Stakeholders and Responsibilites in Diferent Project Management Methodologies
IT Project Teams
The Role of the Project manager in IT Projects
Case Studies and Discussion
• Critcal Managerial Elements in the Iron Triangle — to Reconcile the Triple Targets of Time, Cost, Quality/Specifcaton/ Performance:
Project Time and Cost Management
Project Quality Management
Project Risk Management
Successfully Delivering Large IT Programmes
Learning from Other Domains/Sectors in Project Management
• New and Innovatve Technologies and Sofware for Improved Project Management:
So ware or ime and Cost anagement
So ware or ualit anagement or Pro ect anagement in uture
Case Studies and iscussion