2 minute read

Governance and Financial Performance

Current Trends and Perspectves

Emilios Galariots


Audencia Business School, France

Alexandros Garefalakis

Hellenic Mediterranean University, Greece

Christos Lemonakis

Hellenic Mediterranean University, Greece

Key Features

Marios Menexiadis

Aegean Airlines, Greece

Constantn Zopounidis

Technical University of Crete, Greece

• his book proposes a novel ramework or combining the Corporate Governance ramework (CG ) with up to date corporate fnance topics

• he book will per orm a signifcant role in enhancing the understanding o the Contemporar Environment to a great e tent. oth researchers and practtoners working in the feld o Corporate Governance will highl beneft rom it

• his book will be ver use ul because there are onl a limited number o books in the market that provide a good collecton o state o the art re erences on prosperous investment decisions


This book focuses on corporate governance and proposes a novel framework for combining the Corporate Governance Framework (CGF) with current corporate fnance issues arising in the Contemporary Business Environment (CBE) and cointegratng them with today’s business needs. It consists of a good collecton of state-of-the-art approaches that will be useful for new researchers and practtoners working in this feld, helping them to quickly grasp the current state of corporate governance and corporate fnancial performance.

Good corporate governance is not onl important or companies, but also or the societ . o begin with, good corporate governance strengthens the public s aith and trust in corporate governance. Legislatve processes were developed to protect the societ rom known threats and prevent problems rom occurring or recurring. ecent corporate scandals shed light on the impact that corporatons have on social responsibilit . he new ocus on the corporate governance ramework increases the responsibilit and accountabilit o companies to their stakeholders and provides a solid ramework or enhancing corporate per ormance.


Emilios Galariots is ull Pro essor o inance at udencia usiness School (E U S, , CS ), rance and ssociate ean or research. He has occupied several high impact administratve posts at udencia as irector o research Laborator ounder and director o the insttute o inance ounder and director o the Centre or inancial and isk anagement (C ) Head o the inance epartment and Head o esearch is. Prior to serving in his present positon, r. Galariots was a Senior Lecturer at urham Universit usiness School (E U S, , CS ), UK, where he was also irector o the masters programmes in fnance.

Alexandros Garefalakis is Certfed nternal Controls uditor (C C ), Certfed Public ccountant ( ellow o CP ), anagement ccountant (C ), Certfed Controls Specialists (CCS) and usiness Consultant in numerous companies, organi atons and European programs rom 2006. lso, he is an ssistant Pro essor at the epartment o usiness dministraton and ourism at Hellenic editerranean Universit (H U) in Greece. He holds a degree in inancial pplicatons, a aster degree in ccountng and inance rom Universit o Southampton and Ph in ccountng rom Hellenic pen Universit .

January 2023

£80 | HARDCOVER 978-981-125-957-9

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 290pp

Type: eview olume

Main Subject: Business and anagement

Sub-Subjects: Corporate Governance General usiness nd anagement ccountng ( anagement) Corporate inance

Keywords: Corporate Governance S stem genc heor eturn on ssets Stock eturn irm Per ormance esponsible anagement and ESG

Readership: or researchers and practtoners working in the feld o corporate governance to help them to understand the current status on corporate governance and corporate fnancial per ormance

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