3 minute read

Optmizaton Modeling for Supply Chain Applicatons

Haitao Li University of Missouri-St Louis, USA

Key Features


• ntroducton to optmi aton modeling (data driven Prescriptve nal tcs) using e amples and applicatons in suppl chains

• ocus on modeling techni ues on model building rather than soluton algorithms, which is o en the frst step in developing industr strength optmi aton tools and decision support s stems

• Comprehensive and s stematc treatment on widel applied data driven optmi aton techni ues linear programming, integer programming, network optmi aton and constraint programming

• pplicaton modules or the prominent suppl chain applicatons network design, producton planning, suppl chain confguraton, scheduling and routng

• Using the state o the art optmi aton so ware PL CPLE Studio allows readers to uickl appl and implement optmi aton or real li e problem solving


How to design an efcient and cost-efectve logistcs network? How to plan procurement, producton, and transportaton to meet customer demand with minimum operatng costs How to se uence obs through machines or on tme order completon nd how to dispatch vehicles and schedule their routes to serve customers e cientl nswers to these uestons are ke to e ectve and e cient suppl chain operatons. his book provides a s stematc and comprehensive coverage o data driven optmi aton modeling techni ues and their applicatons in suppl chain management. rom the methodological perspectve, it introduces various model building techni ues including mathematcal programming (linear and integer programming), network optmi aton, and constraint programming. rom the applicaton perspectve, it covers the topics o suppl chain network design, producton planning, suppl chain confguraton, machine scheduling, and vehicle routng, among others. t also introduces the state o the art optmi aton modeling so ware, the CPLE PL Studio, as a power ul and accessible tool or implementng the modeling techni ues and soluton methods in this book. Sample codes will be available upon purchase o the book. his book is essental reading material or researchers and students in business, data anal tcs, industrial engineering, computer science and applied math who would like to learn optmi aton modeling in the conte t o suppl chains. t is also suitable or practtoners and consultants in industr who would like to understand the behind the scene techni ues in o the shel commercial optmi aton so ware. s a te tbook, it can be used or an advanced undergraduate or graduate course in suppl chain management, operatons management, data anal tcs, economics, and industrial engineering.


Haitao Li is Pro essor and Chair o the Suppl Chain nal tcs epartment, College o usiness dministraton at Universit o issouri, St Louis, US . He holds his Ph degree in peratons anagement (2005), aster o rts in Economics (2002) rom the Universit o ississippi, and achelor o Engineering in oreign rade in ndustr with a minor in eronautcal Engineering rom ei ing Universit o eronautcs and stronautcs, P China (2000). r Li has man ears o research e perience in optmi aton modeling and algorithm design, and has been actvel working with industr and research insttutes in the applicaton domains o suppl chain optmi aton, pro ect scheduling and resource allocaton. His research was sponsored b the US rm esearch ce, US epartment o ransportaton, Hewle Packard Labs, meren Corporaton, E press Scripts nc. and the ssociaton o Suppl Chain anagement. r Li has published more than thirt ournal artcles, and is currentl serving as an ssociate Editor o the ournal o the peratonal esearch Societ and an Editorial oard member o the nternatonal ournal o Pro ect anagement.

January 2023

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 344pp

Type: e tbook

Main Subject: usiness anagement

Sub-Subjects: peratons anagement peratons esearch Suppl Chain anagement athematcal odeling peratons esearch athematcal Programming

Keywords: athematcal Programming odel uilding Suppl Chain anagement Suppl Chain ptmi aton etwork ptmi aton Constraint Programming Suppl Chain etwork esign Producton Planning esource Planning Pro ect Scheduling ehicle outng Suppl Chain inance

Readership: or advanced undergraduate and graduate students, researchers and practtoners in operatons research, suppl chain management, operatons management and industrial engineering

• Modelling Methodologies:

Introducton and Overview

Linear Programming

Integer Programming

Network Optmizaton

Constraint Programming

• Supply Chain Applicatons:

Supply Chain Network Design

Producton Planning

Resource Planning

Supply Chain Confguraton

Machine Scheduling

Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling

Travelling Salesman Problem and Its Variants

Vehicle Routng Problem and Its Variants

Credit Term Optmizaton

• Appendices:

CPLE PL Studio

Simple ethod or Linear Programming

E act ethods or nteger Programming

Soluton ethods or Constraint Programming

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