1 minute read
China versus the US, World Bank and IMF in Sub-Saharan Africa
Lynne Ciocheto Massey University, New Zealand
Key Features
• ers a comprehensive and holistc approach to issues that are a ectng development e orts in the region
• Wri en rom an interestng historical perspectve
• Long term une ual structural relatonships in Sub Saharan rica social, economic, and environmental are e plored
This tmely book provides a comprehensive overview of the actvites of the major foreign forces actve in contemporary Sub-Saharan Africa. Stmulated b the abundance o reports in the media critci ing China s presence in Sub Saharan rica, there is an anal sis o China s involvement in the region compared to the largest Western pla ers the United States, the World ank and the nternatonal onetar und. China has onl been economicall actve in Sub Saharan rica since the 990s, while the United States, the World ank and the nternatonal onetar und have been actve since the 950s. ndeed, the World ank has been the ma or lender or development during the whole period. he book e plores how these oreign interests have assisted with, or hindered progress towards, addressing the challenges acing the region. hese challenges include high rates o povert and low levels o human development, loss o politcal and economic sovereignt , periodic sluggish economic development, government indebtedness, illegal fnancial ows and corrupton, the resource curse, environmental destructon and climate change. he approach is interdisciplinar and emphasises the ke development issues social, economic and environmental sustainabilit . n audit approach is used to e plore changes within China and the West since the 950s and evaluate their impact on Sub Saharan rica.
China versus the US, World Bank and IMF in Sub-Saharan Africa is an important re erence or academics, researchers and students. t is also wri en in an accessible st le that is suitable or the general reader.
January 2023
Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan Europe
Extent: 312pp
Type: onograph
Series: World Scientfc Series in ultnatonal nvestment and usiness
Main Subject: Business and anagement
Sub-Subjects: nternatonal rade usiness Social ssues Human Securit acroeconomics icroeconomics
Politcal Science Polic Studies Public Polic evelopmental Economics
Keywords: Sub Saharan rica China evelopment eo Colonialism
Readership: cademics, researchers, students and general readers interested in the histor o contemporar Sub Saharan rica
• heories o evelopment
• ercantlism and Colonialism
• he evelopment ecades
• Sub Saharan rica since 2000
• he West since 945
• China since the 950s
• the West and China in Sub Saharan rica