1 minute read

The Legendary Justce Bao

Avenger of Justce



Aloysius Yap

Illustrated by Shaul Heymans


Once upon a tme in China, there lived a legendary magistrate who was known as Justce Bao! lso known as ao heng, ao Gong or ao ingtan, he was a wise and earless man who disliked in ustce and dishonest , and he would never stand b and do nothing while there was a wrong to right.

n this book, ou will read tales o ustce ao s amous cases. ou will also discover the origin stor o this well respected fgure who remains a household name in man parts o the world


Aloysius Yap has been a writer, editor and content creator or over 5 ears, working in the felds o entertainment, the arts, and public service. He holds a degree in communicaton studies rom the Universit o Western ustralia, with ma ors in English and Philosoph .

January 2023

£9.99 | HARDCOVER 978 98 26 344

£6.99 | SOFTCOVER 978 98 26 345 3

Imprint: WS Educaton

Extent: 96pp

Type: Children s Chapter ook

Series: Pop Lit or Kids

Main Subject: Educaton

Sub-Subjects: Children rom 6 o 2 ears

Keywords: Classics Chinese Classics Classic Literature ustce ao ao Zheng; China

Readership: 6 2 ears old

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