2 minute read
The Intertdal Adventures of Biogirl MJ
Exploring our Marine Shores in Search of a Mysterious Island
Man Jing Kong
Raye Ng
Illustrated by
Alan Bay
In this Special Editon comic book in the bestselling World of Science series, join Biogirl MJ, the co-founder and host of Just Keep Thinking, as she explores various types of marine shores, in search of a mysterious island! Embark on a ourne to discover the environment, make riends with the wildli e living there, and learn about the marine issues we are acing.
January 2023
£16.99 | HARDCOVER
978 98 26 665 2
978 98 26 6 0 2
Imprint: WS Educaton
Extent: 132pp
Type: Comics
Series: World o Science
Main Subject: Educaton
Sub-Subjects: Children rom 6 o 2 ears
Keywords: Science Ecolog Seashore
Li e Singapore arine iolog
Comics ust Keep hinking iolog
Readership: Children (6 2) and parents o oung children who are curious about animals and marine li e in and around seashores
Adventures with Man-Made Marvels
Editor Karen Kwek
Adventures with Man-Made Marvels is an immersive tour of more than 15 of the world’s outstanding monuments, architectural wonders and natonal treasures. Who made the giant stone statues on Easter sland Wh is the tower o Pisa leaning Where is the world s tallest building iscover the secrets o the Khu u p ramid. Lament the ate o prisoners in the ower o London. nd come ace to ace with the li e si ed cla arm o China s frst emperor. rom deserted ruins to cit sights, and rom underground m steries to towering sk scrapers, e perience the e e popping creatve and engineering eats o humankind as never be ore
The World of Science comics series engages, educates and entertains children, impartng scientfc acts, while nurturing the love o Science through d namic, ull colour comics. ll topics covered are in line with the Singapore primar Science s llabus and the Cambridge primar Science curriculum, and also o er be ond the s llabus insights designed to stretch in uiring oung minds.
January 2023
978 98 26 665 2
978 98 26 666 9
Imprint: WS Educaton Co Publicaton with English Corner Publishing
Extent: 80pp
Type: Comics
Series: World o Science
Main Subject: Educaton
Sub-Subjects: Children rom 6 o 2 ears
Keywords: Science Comics Primar School Sciences
Readership: 6 2 ears olds, Singapore, sia Pacifc, worldwide. rade, schools, libraries ever where
Adventures with Edible Plants
Karen Kwek
Adventures with Edible Plants is an immersive encounter with more than 15 plant species and parts that will tempt your tastebuds. How do cashew nuts grow Wh is sa ron such an e pensive spice Which ruit is ound in the desert ig up some tast tubers. Pick our fll o cranberries. ut watch out when ou tr wasabi rom ruit and nuts to staple starches, and rom rare ingredients to the world s avourite beverages, savour the edible gi s o the plant world as never be ore
The World of Science comics series engages, educates and entertains children, impartng scientfc acts, while nurturing the love o Science through d namic, ull colour comics. ll topics covered are in line with the Singapore primar Science s llabus and the Cambridge primar Science curriculum, and also o er be ond the s llabus insights designed to stretch in uiring oung minds.
January 2023
£9.99 | HARDCOVER 978 98 26 669 0
£6.99 | SOFTCOVER 978 98 26 670 6
Imprint: WS Educaton Co Publicaton with English Corner Publishing
Extent: 80pp
Type: Comics
Series: World o Science
Main Subject: Educaton
Sub-Subjects: Children rom 6 o 2 ears
Keywords: Science Comics Primar School Plants Edible Plants
Readership: 6 2 ears olds, Singapore, sia Pacifc, worldwide. rade, schools, libraries ever where