1 minute read
Adventures in Earth Sciences
Karen Kwek
Adventures in Earth Sciences is an immersive encounter with more than 15 natural processes that take place on our planet and beyond. Wh are there our seasons in a ear How does the o one la er protect li e on Earth What kind o displa s light up our skies ig up ossils that take us back in tme. ravel to the edge o a whirlpool. nd ourne to the heart o the sun. rom parched deserts to the ree ing tundra, rom ocean depths to starr heights, and rom tn rocks to gas giants in space, e plore the workings o our ama ing universe as never be ore
The World of Science comics series engages, educates and entertains children, impartng scientfc acts, while nurturing the love o Science through d namic, ull colour comics. ll topics covered are in line with the Singapore primar Science s llabus and the Cambridge primar Science curriculum, and also o er be ond the s llabus insights designed to stretch in uiring oung minds.
January 2023
£9.99 | HARDCOVER 978 98 26 677 5
£6.99 | SOFTCOVER 978 98 26 678 2
Imprint: WS Educaton Co Publicaton with English Corner Publishing
Extent: 80pp
Type: Comics
Series: World o Science
Main Subject: Educaton
Sub-Subjects: Children rom 6 o 2 ears
Keywords: Science Comics Primar School Earth Sciences
Readership: 6 2 ears olds, Singapore, sia Pacifc, worldwide. rade, schools, libraries ever where