
11 minute read
Mathematcal Methods and Models in Composites
2nd Editon
Vladislav Mantč University of Seville, Spain
Key Features
• he book will be a use ul re erence in the development o new theoretcal and computer models or the design, manu acturing, testng and applicatons o composite components and structures
• Contributng authors are worldwide prominent e perts in the ver di erent areas o applied mathematcs, ph sics and engineering related to composites
• Especiall suitable or oung researchers showing a great variet o di erent approaches available toda to model composites manu acturing, structural behavior, and damage mechanisms
Mathematcal Methods and Models in Composites (Second Editon) provides an in-depth treatment of the modern and rigorous mathematcal methods and models applied to composites modeling on the micro-, meso-, and macro scale. he diversit o such methods and models used in the anal sis and characteri aton o composites, their behavior, and di erent phenomena and processes associated to them has grown steadil . his second editon e pands upon the success o the frst editon and has been substantall revised and updated.
Wri en b known e perts in di erent areas o applied mathematcs, ph sics, and composite engineering, this book is mainl ocused on contnuous fber rein orced composites, with ever increasing applicatons (e.g., the aerospace industr ), though it covers also other kind o composites. he topics o contributed chapters range rom scaling and homogeni aton procedures in composites, thin plate and wave solutons in anisotropic materials, laminated structures, shells, thin walled composite structures, fber rein orced nonlinearl elastc solids, instabilites, buckling and postbuckling, fber kinking and spli ng, racture and damage anal sis o composites to highl e cient methods or simulaton o composites manu acturing like resin trans er molding. he results presented are use ul or the design, abricaton, testng and industrial applicatons o composite components and structures.
his book is an essental re erence or graduate and doctoral students and researchers in mathematcs, ph sics and composite engineering. E planatons and re erences in the book are su cientl detailed to provide the necessar background to urther investgate the ascinatng sub ect o composites modelling and e plore relevant research literature. t is also suitable or non e perts who wish to have an overview o both the mathematcal methods and models used in the area o composites and o the open problems in this area that re uire urther research.
Vladislav Mantč is Pro essor o Contnuum echanics at the School o Engineering, Universit o Seville, where he is currentl teaching Solid echanics, Elastcit , racture echanics, Plastcit , iscoelastcit , inite and oundar Element ethod. He graduated in mathematcal engineering rom the acult o uclear Sciences and Ph sical Engineering, C ech echnical Universit o Prague, receiving a degree with distncton and ector ward in 984.
January 2023
£150 | HARDCOVER 978 8006 87 0
Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Europe
Extent: 708pp
Type: eview olume
Series: Computatonal and E perimental ethods in Structures
Main Subject: Engineering coustcs
Sub-Subjects: Engineering echanics athematcal odeling echanical Engineering General aterials Science
Keywords: Composite aterial Laminate Shell Plate ultla er Smart Composite Structure hin Walled Structure St ened Panel ibre ein orced onlinearl Elastc Solid andom Composite ult
Scale s mptotc Homogeni aton Scaling nisotropic aterial Stroh ormalism odeling o anu acturing
Process odel rder educton
Proper Generali ed ecompositon educed asis esin rans er oulding Suspending luid heolog ultph sics in Laminates amage elaminaton Cohesive nter ace Large e ormaton racture nstabilit
Readership: n essental re erence or researchers and graduate and doctoral students in mathematcs, ph sics and composite engineering interested in structural behaviour and damage mechanisms
• icromechanical odeling o dvanced Composites and Smart Composite Structures Using the s mptotc Homogeni aton ethod ( Alexander L Kalamkarov)
• Scaling unctons in Spatall andom Composites (Martn Ostoja-Starzewski & Shivakumar I Ranganathan)
• Stroh Like ormalism or General hin Laminated Plates and its pplicatons (Chyanbin Hwu)
• Classical efned, ig ag, La er Wise odels and est heor iagrams or Laminated Structures (Erasmo Carrera, Maria Cinefra and Marco Petrolo)
• odeling ramework or the nal sis o nstabilites and elaminaton in Composite Shells ( J Reinoso, M Paggi and A Blázquez)
• i urcaton o Elastc ultla ers (Davide Bigoni, Massimiliano Gei and Sara Roccabianca)
• nstabilites ssociated with Loss o Elliptcit in ibre ein orced onlinearl Elastc Solids ( J Merodio and R W Ogden)
• Propagaton o a leigh Waves in nisotropic edia and an nverse Problem in the Characteri aton o nital Stress (Kazumi Tanuma and Chi-Sing Man)
• dvanced athematcal odels and E cient umerical Simulaton in Composite Processes (Emmanuelle AbissetChavanne, Anais Barasinski, Francisco Chinesta)
• odeling racture and Comple Crack etworks in Laminated Composites (Carlos G Dávila, Cheryl A Rose, Endel V Iarve and Frank A Leone)
• elaminaton and dhesive Contacts, heir athematcal odeling and umerical reatment (Tomás Roubícek, Martn Kružík, Jan Zeman, Christos G Panagiotopoulos, Roman Vodička and Vladislav Mantč )
• nteracton o Cracks with nter aces (Dominique Leguillon and Eric Martn)
• Computatonal Procedure or Singularit nal sis o nisotropic Elastc ultmaterial Corners pplicatons to Composites and heir oints (Vladislav Mantč, Alberto Barroso and Federico París)

Yong Xue
China University of Mining and Technology, China
Xiran Zhou
China University of Mining and Technology, China
Sheng Zhang
China University of Mining and Technology, China his uni ue compendium brings together most o the ke issues involved in research in novel s stems in telegeoprocessing. t elucidates a comprehensive introducton to the problems encountered in telegeoprocessing engineering and the ma or technologies and standards related to designing an integrated, ull unctonal telegeoprocessing s stem based on the latest multmedia and telecommunicaton technologies. he use ul cross disciplinar re erence te t benefts teachers and researchers in both universites and research organi atons, and or an one keen in the impact o Earth observaton, big data, geoin ormatcs in civil communites and human societes.
Telegeoprocessing is the integraton of remote sensing, Geographic Informaton System (GIS), Global Navigaton Satellite System (GNSS), Big Data and Telecommunicaton.
Professor Dr Yong Xue, an e pert in uanttatve remote sensing and big Earth data, an cademician o the nternatonal cadem or Europe and sia, a Corresponding cademician o the nternatonal cadem o stronautcs and a Chartered Ph sicist. He received his Sc degree in Space Ph sics rom the epartment o Geoph sics, Peking Universit in 986, his Sc degree rom the nsttute o emote Sensing and Geoin ormaton, Peking Universit in 989 and his octor o Philosoph (Ph ) rom the epartment o pplied Ph sics, Universit o undee in 995.
He is currentl a Chair Pro essor in the School o Environment and Spatal n ormatcs, China Universit o ining and echnolog (CU ), the team leader o the ivision o Photogrammetr and emote Sensing at CU , the deput chair o Chinese atonal Commi ee o the nternatonal Societ or igital Earth igital Energ Commission , the deput director o iawang ield Staton or Land ehabilitaton and Ecological Succession in esource epleted ining reas, the inistr o Educaton, in iangsu, China. He is also the director o the Collaboratve Cross isciplines esearch Center o elegeoprocessing at CU , the director o the emote Sensing ig ata Center or Energ and Environment at CU and the director o the Center or ntelligent emote Sensing nal sis, nsttute o rtfcial ntelligence at CU . He has published more than 3 0 peer reviewed papers (more than 260 corresponding and frst author papers) with more than 3720 citatons and an H inde o 33. He has published two academic monographs (co author) and more than 320 invited con erence presentatons. He is currentl on the editorial board o the ournal nternatonal ournal o emote Sensing and the editor o the World Scientfc Publishing emote Sensing book series (200 ).
January 2023
Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing
Extent: 345pp
Type: onograph
Series: Series in emote Sensing Volume 5
Main Subject: Environmental Science
Sub-Subjects: Environmental Engineering Environmental anagement Planning
Communicatons Electrical Electronic Engineering
Keywords: elegeoprocessing
Geoprocessing emote Sensing G S
G SS eal ime Geoin ormatcs isaster
Readership: esearchers, pro essionals, academics, and graduate students in environmental engineering and environmental management planning
• emote Sensing and eal ime Processing in emote Sensing
• ntegraton o emote Sensing, Geographic n ormaton S stems and Global avigaton Satellite S stems
• Parallel Geoprocessing
• lgorithms and ata Structures
• Grid Computng and Geoin ormaton
• High Per ormance Computng or emote Sensing ig ata
• ata Communicaton
• Protot pe elegeoprecessing S stem
• elegeoprocessing pplicatons and urther evelopments
Science in Society
Climate Change and Climate Policies
Nico Stehr
Zeppelin University, Germany
Hans von Storch
Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon, Germany & Hamburg University, Germany
Key Features
• Ke discussion o climate science in societ . Governance o climate. Climate policies and climate science. Knowledge and politcs. Histor o ideas o climate. he social constructon o climate
Hans von Storch and Nico Stehr, the authors of this anthology, refect on the popular and scientfc percepton and constructon of the phenomenon climate, climate change, climate policy and the impact of climate on society. n the earl 990s, the authors encountered notable resistance especiall as the wrote about the urgenc or societal adaptaton to climate change. Something is wrong with our planet, and it is obvious that immediate acton is needed to rect the situaton the mankind actvit that has been impactng on climate changes. However, the translaton o scientfc knowledge into societ is not automatc or an autonomous orce. oving science into societ is sub ect to economic, politcal, and cultural constraints and a central issue o the book.

ico Stehr is a sociologist speciali ing in the theor o modern societ and the sociolog o knowledge Hans von Storch is a mathematcian and is also ph sical climate scientst. Since the authors inhabit rather di erent scientfc cultures, their collaboraton moreover is genuinel interdisciplinar and e emplar or transdisciplinar work. ore specifcall , the book documents the interdisciplinar path and the wide range o themes that has occupied ico Stehr and Hans von Storch during more than three decades o oint research and writng and that contnue to be o beneft to current research and re ecton on the interrelaton between nature, democrac , societ , governance, and climate.
Nico Stehr is Karl annheim Pro essor o Cultural Studies Emeritus at the eppelin Universit , riedrichsha en, German . He is a ellow o the o al Societ (Canada). He is one o the authors o the Hartwell Paper on climate polic . His recent books include he Power o Scientfc Knowledge (with einer Grundmann, 20 2) s Libert a aughter o Knowledge (20 6) Understanding ne ualit Social Costs and enefts (with manda achin, 20 6) Knowledge s Knowledge Power (with arion dol , outledge, 20 7) Societ Climate (with manda achin, 20 9) one Social heor o odernit (with ustn oss, outledge, 2020) and Knowledge Capitalism, 2022.
Prof. Hans von Storch is irector Emeritus o the nsttute o Coastal esearch o the Helmholt entrum Geesthacht (H G), Pro essor at the Universit o Hamburg and Guest Pro essor at the cean Universit o China ( ingdao). rom 987 995, he was Senior Scientst and leader o the Statstcal nal sis and odelling group at the a Planck nsttute or eteorolog , and untl 20 5, irector o the nsttute o Coastal esearch o H G. lthough a mathematcian b training, he became involved in the social science dimension o climate change in the 990s, specifcall in the ramework o postnormal science. n recogniton o this, he became a member o the acult o social science at the Universit o Hamburg in 20 8.
January 2023
Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan Europe
Extent: 232pp
Type: eprint olume
Main Subject: Environmental Science
Sub-Subjects: Climate Change Politcal Science Polic Studies Public Polic
Keywords: Climate Science Scientfc Knowledge Climate Change Climate Policies Governance Histor o deas Climate eterminism daptaton
Readership: n one interested in the societal conse uences o climate change. Students o modern societ . Climate scientsts. Polic makers
• Social Construct o Climate and Climate Change
• Histor o deas o Climate
• Cultures o Science
• Climate Policies
Conjuring with Computaton
A Manual of Magic and Computng for Beginners
Paul Curzon Queen Mary University, UK
Peter W McOwan Queen Mary University, UK
Key Features
• While there have been books on magic with maths, and magic with science, we believe this is the frst comprehensivel e ploring the links between magic and computer science

• oth authors are eminent researchers and award winning or their public engagement work. heir cs4 n and eaching London Computng Pro ects that the book draws rom have a huge global ollowing including o teachers. his book is an e tended version o one o the most popular aspects o their pro ects using magic tricks to introduce computer science ideas. his is a much more comprehensive version o that idea
• t will appeal to an one interested in magic or computer science novices interested in learning magic, magicians interested in the links to computaton, and also teachers, students and the general public interested in computng. t gives teachers un and novel wa s to introduce computng topics
• Computng is now compulsor in UK schools as well as man other countries so there is a lot o interest in un wa s to learn about it and teach it
• t also builds on the traditon o recreatonal maths and magic and will also be o interest to those interested in la recreatonal mathematcs science and S E public engagement
The team behind Computer Science for Fun (CS4FN), bring you Conjuring with Computaton: A Manual of Magic and Computng for Beginners. evelop our skills to be a magician while also learning the basics o computer science b e ploring its links to magic. Each chapter e plains how to do a simple magic trick, step b step, then uses the trick to introduce linked undamental ideas in computer science in a un wa .
reading the book ou will learn to do sel working tricks, be able to hold magic shows, create ou own versions o tricks and with creatvit even invent our own. We cover
• Sel working card tricks
• agical igsaws, bo es and other ob ects
• alse shu es and cuts
• alse choices
• agic with books and pictures
• entalism, clairvo ance and tricks with ghosts
• agic built on technolog
• ind out our riends superpowers ou will also learn how computaton underpins con uring answering uestons like
• What is computaton
• Wh are the skills o a computatonal thinker, like decompositon, abstracton and generalisaton, so important
• Wh is data represented in di erent wa s
• How is eas to use so ware created
• How does maths underpin programming
• What are the basics o c ber securit and privac
• Wh must we all understand how computng technolog a ects societ he book includes profles o computer scientsts, and magicians with links to technolog , through histor . aster con uring and thinking computatonall .
January 2023
Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing
Extent: 280pp
Type: Stud Guide
Main Subject: General
Sub-Subjects: Popular Science So ware Engineering Programming General Science igital Securit nnovaton echnolog Knowledge n ormaton anagement atabases n ormaton Sciences heoretcal Computer Science rtfcial ntelligence achine Learning obotcs nd utomated S stems eural etworks etworking achine Percepton Computer ision Popular ecreatonal athematcs
Keywords: Computaton Con uring Computatonal hinking Computer Science Programming agic Computng n ormatcs Sel Working tricks Human Computer nteracton C ber Securit and Privac Cognitve Ps cholog
Readership: General public hose interested in learning how to do magic tricks and la computng mathematcs science including those visitng science and technolog computng museums. hose learning computer science sub ects (at school or universit ) with an interest in magic
• ntroducton
• lgorithmic hinking
• Evaluaton Logical hinking
• aking it work or people
• ecompositon bstracton
• Procedures Procedural bstracton
• uilding igger
• bstracton ata epresentaton
• Human Computer nteracton
• Evaluaton Logical hinking
• ore dvanced Computatonal hinking
• C ber Securit and Privac
• dvanced echnolog
• cknowledgements
• urther eading
• nde o Computng erms
• nde o ricks, llusions and Con uring echni ues
• nde o People