2 minute read
Introducton to Matrix Theory
with Applicatons in Economics and Engineering
2nd Editon
Ferenc Szidarovszky
Corvinus University, Hungary
Sandor Molnar
Szent Istvan University, Hungary
Key Features
Mark Molnar
Eötvös Lóránd University of Sciences, Hungary
• Practcal approach to linear algebra with demonstratve e amples and cases
• Easil digestble e amples rom economics and engineering
• Clear and concise structure
• ew theoretcal topics and applicatons rom felds other than economics
• ore di cult e ercises which re uire deep understanding o the theoretcal issues
• Some moderni ed proo s which give be er overview o the stud material
Linear algebra and matrix theory are among the most important and most frequently applied branches of mathematcs. he are especiall important in solving engineering and economic models, where either the model is assumed linear, or the nonlinear model is appro imated b a linear model, and the resultng linear model is e amined.
his book is mainl a te tbook, that covers a one semester upper division course or a two semester lower division course on the sub ect.
he second editon will be an e tended and moderni ed version o the frst editon. We added some new theoretcal topics and some new applicatons rom felds other than economics. We also added more di cult e ercises at the end o each chapter which re uire deep understanding o the theoretcal issues. We also moderni ed some proo s in the theoretcal discussions which give be er overview o the stud material. n preparing the manuscript we also corrected the t pos and errors, so the second editon will be a corrected, e tended and moderni ed new version o the frst editon.
Prof. Ferenc Szidarovszky is a mathematcian ocusing mainl on game theor , control and s stem theor , d namic s stems with applicatons to engineering and economics, numerical anal sis and computaton, optmi aton, operatons research, calculus and their applicatons in economic sciences, linear algebra.
Prof. Sandor Molnar is a mathematcian specialising in control and s stems theor with a special ocus on linear s stems and applied mathematcs in energ s stems modeling. He is currentl giving lectures as a pro essor emeritus at S ent stvan Universit . He was an invited lecturer at the Chicago Universit , the Universit o ri ona, the ok o etropolitan Universit and the arcelona echnical Universit . He gives lectures in linear algebra, applicatons o control and s stems theor , computatonal theor and energ modeling.
Dr Mark Molnar is an economist, currentl an associate pro essor at EL E E tv s L r nd Universit o Sciences, acult o Economics. Previousl he was a Head o epartment o acroeconomics and nternatonal Economics at S ent stvan Universit . He has given lectures in micro and macroeconomics, applied economics, internatonal economics, linear algebra, calculus, d namic s stems and tme series anal sis. His research encompasses energ s stems and climate change emissions modelling, artfcial neural networks and tme series anal sis.
January 2023
£120 | HARDCOVER 978 98 25 664 6
£70 | SOFTCOVER 978-981-125-793-3
Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan
Extent: 450pp
Type: e tbook
Series: Series on Concrete and pplicable athematcs Volume 23
Main Subject: athematcs
Sub-Subjects: Linear nd ultlinear lgebra atri heor athematcal inance Economics General Engineering athematcal Economics Game heor Econometrics
Keywords: atrices Special atrices ecompositons Canonical orms
Characteristc Pol nomial Eigenvalues Eigenvectors iagonali aton ordan orm Singular alue ecompositon, Linear Spaces, nner product Spaces
Splines rdinar i erental E uatons oundar alue Problems umerical i erentaton umerical ntegraton
Readership: Wri en primaril or undergraduate and graduate students stud ing engineering, economics and business can also be used in courses o ered b the mathematcs department, or b an kind o engineering and social sciences can also be used b researchers in mathematcs, economics, engineering in additon, high school special courses, and teacher training courses can emplo this te tbook
• ectors and atrices
• ector Spaces and nner Product Spaces
• S stems o Linear E uatons and nverses o atrices
• eterminants
• Linear appings and atrices
• Eigenvalues, nvariant Subspaces, Canonical orms
• Special atrices
• Elements o atri nal sis