3 minute read

Internatonal & Multdisciplinary Pedagogy

Discoveries, Innovatons, Challenges & Successes

Michael A Radin Rochester Insttute of Technology, USA


Key Features

• he book o ers numerous photographs as comparisons and diagrams

• he book provides several practcal e amples o developing internatonal pedagog innovatons in di erent educatonal s stems. hese include mathematcs and multdisciplinar courses

• he book presents the utli aton o primar , secondar , alternatve and limited resources

• he book also ocuses on establishing internatonal relatons, a positve internatonal and multdisciplinar teaching and learning environment and achieving the e pected learning outcomes


The book’s primary objectves are to welcome you to the abundant and meaningful internatonal and multdisciplinary educaton discovery journey. ou will grow rom e posure to other cultures and their practces and daresa , become be er teachers in our local as well as on line environments. ost ever local classroom is mult cultural as well. he students have di erent backgrounds and di erent wa s o internali ing in ormaton meaning ull .

he book will provide practcal e amples how to design, promote and teach various courses and seminars abroad. E amples are those the author e perienced with a specifc pedagogical idea that is success ul in one s stem, however, the same concept ma ace une pected challenges or ail in another s stem. ost importantl , the book will ocus on appl ing eedback as vital tools that will guide us to the designing, promotng and teaching mathematcs and multdisciplinar courses and seminars. he book s most important goal is to make internatonal and multdisciplinar educaton accessible to ever one.

he book will compare several educatonal s stems as well as their similarites and di erences. hese include di erent teaching and learning st les, students preparaton levels, and students interests and value orientatons. he goal is to inspire ou to embark on our own innovatve discover ourne , seek out mult cultural and internatonal teaching opportunites and to e ectvel reach, e ectvel communicate in ormaton and help students learn.


Michael A Radin earned his Ph at the Universit o hode sland in 200 and is currentl an associate pro essor o mathematcs at the ochester nsttute o echnolog . ichael started his ourne anal ing di erence e uatons that portra periodic and eventuall periodic c cles as part o his Ph thesis. He has several publicatons on the boundedness and periodic nature o solutons o ratonal di erence e uatons, ma t pe di erence e uatons and piecewise di erence e uatons. uring the last 20 ears, ichael published several papers together with his undergraduate and graduate students at and has publicatons with students and colleagues rom iga echnical Universit , Universit o Latvia, Pskov State Universit and aroslavl State Universit .

January 2023

£60 | HARDCOVER 978 98 26 07 7

£30 | SOFTCOVER 978 98 26 2

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 200pp

Type: Stud Guide

Main Subject: athematcs

Sub-Subjects: athematcs Educaton arketng nnovaton echnolog

Knowledge n ormaton anagement

Globali aton nternatonal elatons eaching nd Learning

Keywords: nternatonal Educaton ultdisciplinar Educaton nline

Educaton esources Primar esources Secondar esources lternatve esources Educatonal S stems eedback nternatonal Hori ons nternatonal Collaboratons

Evolving our nnovatons evising our nnovatons Selling our nnovatons

E pected Learning utcomes nline

Con erences ultdisciplinar

Con erences nternatonal Con erences sking the ight uestons

Readership: he primar audience are students, acult and administrators. he book can be used or various high school courses, pedagogical courses and especiall courses that address internatonal or global educaton, leadership, innovatons, advertsing and marketng

• Internatonal Fronters:

Sources of Academic Innovatons

Positve Learning Atmosphere

Multdisciplinary Educaton

Expansion of Internatonal Horizons

Piecewise Sequences

Periodic Cycles

• Mathematcs Teaching Strategies:

Hands-on Teaching & Learning

Use of Multple Colors

Prompt Feedback

Flexibility to Students’ Feedback

• Expansion of Internatonal Fronters: Comparing Educatonal Systems

Building Internatonal Collaboratons

Promotng New Seminars and Courses

Available Resources

• New Mathematcal Horizons:

Workshop–Based Calculus at RIT

SAT Preparatory Course

Discrete Mathematcs

Introducton to Diference Equatons

Recogniton & Deciphering of Paterns

Internatonal Math Olympiad

• New Multdisciplinary Horizons:

Introducton to Photography

Internatonal Research Coalitons

Risk Management

Introducton to Business Start Up

• Resources & Feedback:

Available Resources

Alternatve Resources


Limited Resources

• Promoton of Ideas & Innovatons: Evolving your Innovatons

Revising your Innovatons

Selling your Innovatons

• Online Teaching & Learning:

Successful Online Teaching Practces

Expected Learning Outcomes & Beyond

Advantages of Online Environment

• Post Pandemic Environment: ew echnologies pplicatons ew nternatonal ronters

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