2 minute read
Models and Methods for Quantum Condensaton
and Fluids
Weizhu Bao
Natonal University of Singapore, Singapore
Yongyong Cai
Beijing Normal University, China
Key Features
Ionut Danaila
Université de Rouen Normandie, France
Peter A Markowich
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia
• n original book with a comprehensive collecton o signifcant topics at the ronter o modeling and simulaton or ose Einstein condensaton, uantum turbulence and uantum chemistr
• Contributons rom leading researchers in the feld that touch upon di erent aspects o ph sical problems, mathematcal models, numerical methods, as mptotc and variatonal results
• aterials are based on tutorials which are accessible to students and oung researchers
• E tensive re erence lists lead to both historical developments and recent advances in the felds
The Insttute for Mathematcal Sciences at the Natonal University of Singapore hosted a thematc program on Quantum and Kinetc Problems: Modeling, Analysis, Numerics and Applicatons from September 2019 to March 2020. As an important part o the program, tutorials and special lectures were given b leading e perts in the felds or partcipatng graduate students and unior researchers.
his invaluable volume collects si e panded lecture notes with each sel contained tutorials. he coverage includes mathematcal models and numerical methods or multdimensional solitons in linear and nonlinear potentals ose Einstein condensaton ( EC) with dipole dipole interacton, higher order interacton and spin orbit coupling classical and uantum turbulence and molecular d namics process based on the frst principle in uantum chemistr .
his volume serves to inspire graduate students and researchers who will embark into original research work in these felds.
January 2023
£120 | HARDCOVER 978 98 26 604
Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan
Extent: 364pp
Type: eview olume
Series: Lecture otes Series, nsttute or athematcal Sciences, atonal Universit o Singapore Volume 39
Main Subject: athematcs
Sub-Subjects: umerical nal sis athematcal Computaton tomic nd olecular Ph sics athematcal odeling Computatonal, athematcal nd heoretcal Ph sics Condensed a er Ph sics Computatonal Chemistr
Keywords: ose Einstein
Condensaton onlinear Schr dinger E uaton Gross Pitaevskii E uaton ultdimensional Soliton ipole ipole nteracton Spin rbit Coupling uantum urbulence olecular namics Process Computatonal uantum Ph sics Computatonal uantum Chemistr
Readership: Graduate students and researchers in computatonal and applied mathematcs, computatonal uantum ph sics, atomic and molecular ph sics, nonlinear optcs, and computatonal uantum chemistr
• ultdimensional Sel rapping in Linear and onlinear Potentals (Boris A Malomed)
• ipolar ose Einstein Condensates roplets and Supersolids rising rom e ond ean ield E ects (P Blair Blakie)
• athematcal heor and umerical ethods or ose Einstein Condensaton with Higher rder nteracton (Yongyong Cai and Xinran Ruan)
• S nthetc Gauge ield and Spin rbit Coupling in Ultracold tomic Condensate (Li Chen and Han Pu)
• rom Classical to uantum urbulence asic Concepts and odels (Ionut Danaila and Luminita Danaila)
• umerical ethods or Solving the ime ependent Schr dinger E uaton or a olecular namics Process (Hailin Zhao and Zhigang Sun)