1 minute read

Modeling and Simulaton for Collectve Dynamics

Weizhu Bao

Natonal University of Singapore, Singapore


Peter A Markowich

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia

Key Features

Benoit Perthame Sorbonne Université, France

Eitan Tadmor University of Maryland, USA

• Comprehensive and original collecton o cu ng edge topics on modeling and simulaton or collectve d namics and its emerging applicatons

• he contributors are leading researchers in the felds o mathematcal models, numerical methods, mathematcal anal sis, as mptotc results, and emerging applicatons

• ased on tutorials, these materials are accessible to graduate students and unior researchers

• E tensive re erence lists lead to both historical developments and recent advances in the felds


The thematc program Quantum and Kinetc Problems: Modeling, Analysis, Numerics and Applicatons was held at the Insttute for Mathematcal Sciences at the Natonal University of Singapore, from September 2019 to March 2020. Leading e perts presented tutorials and special lectures geared towards the partcipatng graduate students and unior researchers.

eaders will fnd in this signifcant volume our e panded lecture notes with sel contained tutorials on modeling and simulaton or collectve d namics including individual and populaton approaches or populaton d namics in mathematcal biolog , collectve behaviors or Lohe t pe aggregaton models, mean feld partcle swarm optmi aton, and consensus based optmi aton and ensemble Kalman inversion or global optmi aton problems with constraints.

his volume serves to inspire graduate students and researchers who will embark into original research work in kinetc models or collectve d namics and their applicatons.

January 2023

£75 | HARDCOVER 978 98 26 6 3 3

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 242pp

Type: eview olume

Series: Lecture otes Series, nsttute or athematcal Sciences, atonal Universit o Singapore Volume 40

Main Subject: athematcs

Sub-Subjects: athematcal odeling umerical nal sis athematcal iolog Partal i erental E uatons Calculus ariatons nd ptmal Control ptmi aton

Keywords: Collectve namics Kinetc odel ean ield okker Planck E uaton lasov okker Planck pe E uatons Populaton eproducton acterial Cell ivision C cle Lohe ggregaton odel Partcle Swarm ptmi aton Consensus based ptmi aton Ensemble Kalman nversion

Readership: Graduate students and researchers in computatonal and applied mathematcs, mathematcal biolog , mathematcal modeling, computatonal science and engineering

• ndividual and Populaton pproaches or Calibratng ivision ates in Populaton namics pplicaton to the acterial Cell C cle (Marie Doumic and Marc Hofmann)

• Collectve namics o Lohe pe ggregaton odels (Seung-Yeal Ha and Dohyun Kim)

• ean ield Partcle Swarm ptmi aton (Sara Grassi, Hui Huang, Lorenzo Pareschi and Jinniao Qiu)

• Consensus based ptmi aton and Ensemble Kalman nversion or Global ptmi aton Problems with Constraints ( Jose Antonio Carrillo, Claudia Totzeck and Urbain Vaes)

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