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Evidence-based Clinical Chinese Medicine

Volume 26: Rheumatoid Arthrits

Charlie Changli Xue


RMIT University, Australia

Chuanjian Lu

Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Chinese Medicine, China

Key Features

Brian H May RMIT University, Australia

Xuan Xia

Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Chinese Medicine, China

• Uses an innovatve whole evidence approach his book combines multple t pes and sources o evidence to provide a uni ue and comprehensive assessment o the available evidence or Chinese medicine in the management o rheumatoid arthrits

• Clinicall in ormatve and relevant his book integrates the results o meta anal ses o clinical trial data with evidence rom the classical Chinese medicine literature, and the recommendatons in contemporar te tbooks and clinical guidelines or the applicaton o Chinese medicine in , using s ndrome di erentaton where appropriate

• eveloped b a skilled team he authors are internatonall recogni ed, well respected leaders in the feld o Chinese medicine and evidence based medicine with strong track records in research with multple publicatons in the feld. best available evidence


This 26th volume of the Evidence-based Clinical Chinese Medicine series provides a mult-faceted “whole evidence” analysis of the management of rheumatoid arthrits (RA) using integratve Chinese medicine. eginning with an overview o how is conceptualised and managed in conventonal medicine (Chapter ), the authors summarise the s ndrome di erentaton and management o in contemporar Chinese medicine (Chapter 2), based on clinical guidelines and contemporar books. Chapter 3 provides detailed anal ses o how and related conditons were treated with herbal medicine and acupuncture in past eras based on the classical Chinese medical literature. he subse uent chapters comprehensivel review the current state o the clinical evidence or the integratve applicaton o Chinese herbal medicines (Chapter 5), acupuncture therapies (Chapter 7), other Chinese medicine therapies (Chapter 8) and combinaton Chinese medicine therapies (Chapter 9), as well as anal se and evaluate the results o these clinical studies rom an evidence based medicine perspectve. Chapter 6 reviews and summarises e perimental evidence or the bioactvit o commonl used Chinese herbs and their consttuent compounds. he outcomes o these anal ses are summarised and discussed in Chapter 0. mplicatons or clinical practce and uture research are identfed. his book in orms clinicians and students in the felds o integratve medicine and Chinese medicine regarding contemporar practce and the current evidence base or Chinese medicine therapies or managing . t enables clinicians in making evidence based decisions in patent care. t also provides researchers with a comprehensive surve o the state o the feld that can in orm uture directons or clinical and e perimental studies.

Cover Available Soon

January 2023

£100 | HARDCOVER 978 98 26 036 0

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing


Extent: 440pp

Type: onograph

Series: Evidence based Clinical Chinese edicine Volume 26

Main Subject: edicine

Sub-Subjects: lternatve edicine

Chinese edicine Endocrinolog heumatolog

Keywords: cupuncture Chinese

Herbal edicine Chinese Herbs

Evidence based Chinese edicine Complementar and lternatve herapies Herbal edicine heumatolog Classical Chinese edicine Classical Chinese edical Literature Evidence based edicine ntegratve Chinese edicine

Readership: Clinicians and students in Chinese and integratve medicine


• ntroducton to heumatoid rthrits

• heumatoid rthrits in Chinese edicine

• Classical Chinese edicine Literature

• ethods or Evaluatng Clinical Evidence

• Clinical Evidence or Chinese Herbal edicine

• Pharmacological ctons o the Common Herbs

• Clinical Evidence or cupuncture and elated herapies

• Clinical Evidence or ther Chinese edicine herapies including ai Chi

• Clinical Evidence or Combinaton herapies

• Summar and Conclusions

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