2 minute read
The Reasoning of Traditonal Chinese Medicine
Song Xuan Ke Asanté Academy, UK
Key Features
• elivered rom the point o view o C reasoning, whereas most C theor books are mainl ust statements o theor without much e ploraton o the reasoning or ratonale behind them
• Easil accessible material or new students or practtoners, e istng practtoners, or those with a general interest in the sub ect
• Editng o original manuscript provided b both C and Western medical pro essionals
This book is intended as an introducton to Traditonal Chinese Medicine (TCM) for students, practtoners, or lay people with a general interest in Chinese medicine. t provides concise and compact deliver o C s histor , philosoph , theor , and treatment principles. he author has approached this rom the perspectve o the reasoning behind Chinese medicine, its philosophical oundatons, and its approach to treatment. he te t is accompanied b clear and bold graphical illustratons to allow or easier understanding.
Professor Song Xuan Ke, ounder, and principal o sant cadem o Chinese edicine has practced and taught raditonal Chinese edicine worldwide or over 30 ears. He started to learn his skills ver earl , when he was a 3 ear old bo he was apprentced to three herbal masters in his home province o Hubei, China. He was medicall ualifed in both Chinese edicine and Western edicine in Canton Universit o C in 982.
His clinical success as a leading consultant o raditonal Chinese edicine in the UK since 986 has been eatured in the bserver, ail ail, and on C, C , , Channel 4, and man other broadcastng media throughout the world. He is twice listed in London Evening Standards op 50 Health Practtoners and London s 00 est lternatve E perts, respectvel . He is simpl brilliant ( uoted rom London Evening Standard 8th a 200 ).
Pro essor Song Ke has been success ull promotng and providing cupuncture services in HS hospitals such as the o al ree, Whi ngton and orth iddlese Hospitals, working as cupuncture Consultant at the o al ree Hospital. He has also been involved in research programmes in C with various London Hospitals and was instrumental in se ng up the Sc (Hons) and Sc courses in raditonal Chinese edicine at iddlese Universit .
Pro essor Ke was one o the ma or ounders o the ssociaton o raditonal Chinese edicine, C , and the general secretar o the organi aton. He was also the president o the ritsh Societ o Chinese edicine. He is vice president o Pan European ederaton o C Societes. He is actvel involved with the UK epartment o Health in the process o Statutor egulaton o Pro essional Practce, and he was a member o its egulatng Working Group.
January 2023
£55 | HARDCOVER 978 8006 307 2
£30 | SOFTCOVER 978 8006 3 7
Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan Europe
Extent: 200pp
Type: Popular ook
Main Subject: edicine
Sub-Subjects: lternatve edicine Chinese edicine
Keywords: raditonal Chinese edicine Chinese edicine C cupuncture Chinese Herbal edicine uina assage i in ang heor ive Element heor ongue iagnosis Pulse iagnosis ang u rgan heor cupuncture eridian heor lternatve edicine
Readership: ewl enrolled students o Chinese edicine courses including cupuncture, Herbal medicine and uina assage or recentl graduated students o C courses
• edicaton
• cknowledgements
• Pre ace
• n ntroducton to C
• etaph sics o C
• Causes o isease
• echanisms o llness
• Diagnosis
• reatment o llness in C
• he Preventon o llness in C
• Epilogue
• Glossar
• ibliograph