3 minute read
Mark Lundstrom Purdue University, USA
Key Features
• he publicaton coincides with the 75th anniversar o the inventon o the transistor
• ocusing onl on the essentals, discussing all the most used transistors silicon S E S, heterostructure E s and H s, and power S E s
• er use ul book to pick up or semiconductor technologists and those intending to develop transistor technologies
• irst introductor transistor te tbook that seamlessl treats S E s rom long channel s uare law devices to short channel ballistc and uasi ballistc devices
• irst introductor te tbook to treat the topic o transistor reliabilit
Current leading-edge CMOS transistors are about as small as they will get. We now have a simple, clear, ver ph sical understanding o how these devices uncton, but it has not et entered our te tbooks. esides, C S logic transistors, power transistors are increasingl important as are heterostructure transistors or high re uenc communicaton. ransistor reliabilit is also important but rarel treated in introductor te tbooks.
s we begin a new era, in which making transistors smaller will no longer be a ma or driving orce or progress, it is tme to look back at what we have learned in transistor research. oda we see a need to conve as simpl and clearl as possible the essental ph sics o the device that makes modern electronics possible. hat is the goal o these lectures. his volume rearranges the amiliar topics and distlls the most essental among them, while adding most recent approaches which have become crucial to the discussion. o ollow the lectures, readers need onl a basic understanding o semiconductor ph sics. amiliarit with transistors and electronic circuits is help ul, but not assumed.
Mark Lundstrom is the on and Carol Sci res istnguished Pro essor o Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue Universit . He currentl also serves as nterim ean o Engineering, while spearheading the college s new microelectronics economic and work orce development initatves. He is a Senior esearch ellow or the Krach nsttute or ech iplomac , Li e ellow o the EEE, and ellow or both the PS and the S. mong his recognitons or his career contributons are the Semiconductor ndustr ssociaton s Universit esearcher ward, the Semiconductor esearch Corporaton s ristotle ward, the EEE s Cledo rune ward, and the EEE s Leon K Kirchma er Graduate eaching ward. Lundstrom was also elected to the US atonal cadem o Engineering or leadership in microelectronics and nanoelectronics through research, innovatve educaton, and uni ue applicatons o c berin rastructure . He also ounded nanoHU (h ps nanohub.org), which now serves a global communit o more than two million annuall .
January 2023
£95 | HARDCOVER 978 98 26 726 0
£50 | SOFTCOVER 978 98 26 768 0
Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing
Extent: 250pp
Type: Lecture otes
Series: ew Era Electronics a Lecture otes Series Volume 1
Main Subject: anotechnolog anoscience
Sub-Subjects: anoelectronics Circuits S stems Electrical Electronic Engineering pplied nd echnical Ph sics Condensed a er Ph sics
Keywords: ransistors Semiconductors ntegrated Circuits Power Electronics S E C S Heterostructure Electronics Circuits uasi allistc evices Energ and iagram
Readership: dvanced undergraduates and graduates in electronic engineering, semiconductors, microelectronics and nanoelectronics, as well as pro essional engineers
• irst Look at ransistors
• Circuits and evice etrics
• heor Energ band approach
• heor raditonal pproach
• obile Charge
• heor he allistc S E
• heor ransmission pproach
• ulk S E s
• Power S E
• ransistors and Semiconductor emor
• Heterostructure ransistors
• ransistor eliabilit
Mesoscopic Nuclear Physics
From Nucleus to Quantum Chaos to Quantum Signal Transmission
Vladimir Zelevinsky Michigan State University, USA
Alexander Volya Florida State University, USA
Key Features
• here are no competng books (onl ournal artcles)
• he treatment combines nuclear ph sics, statstcal thermod namics, mathematcs o random matrices, and simple engineering schemes o possible applicatons
• he authors have signifcant e perience in practcal universit teaching and publishing te tbooks
This book summarizes the recent development of nuclear science as an important part of mesoscopic physics, the intermediate world between the macroscopic and microscopic. his ast developing area with man practcal applicatons includes comple atoms, molecules (including biological), nuclei, small scale solid state s stems, and uture uantum computers. he comple it o the problem appears due to the richness o problems, rom the necessit to stud individual uantum levels, to the undamental eatures o statstcs and thermod namics.
January 2023
£55 | HARDCOVER 978 98 26 3 4 9
Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan
Extent: 60pp
Type: onograph ( reat s e tbook)
Main Subject: Ph sics
Sub-Subjects: uclear Ph sics
Keywords: uclei sotopes Pairing Chaotc Ensembles Parit iolaton Superradiance
Readership: he book could be use ul or the reader interested in the current evoluton o science, on all levels rom a student to a practtoner working in di erent areas o ph sics and engineering
• ntroducton
• ucleus as a esoscopic b ect
• an od uclear Comple it
• Statstcal Ensembles
• Shell odel as a estng Ground or uantum Chaos
• ucleus as an pen S stem
• uantum Signal ransmission
• e erences