5 minute read

Principles of Astrophotonics

Simon Ellis Macquarie University, Australia

Joss Bland-Hawthorn


The University of Sydney, Australia

Key Features

Sergio Leon-Saval

The University of Sydney, Australia

• t is wri en at appro imatel fnal ear undergraduate level, and provides a sound introducton to the feld suitable or both students and researchers coming to the feld or the frst tme. t bridges the gap between standards te tbooks on traditonal astronomical instruments and more advanced treatses on photonics • n additon, it describes the state o the art in the feld, describing current instruments, those under development, and directons or uture research


Astrophotonics is the applicaton of photonics to astronomical instrumentaton. This rapidl developing feld is a new approach to instrumentaton in which the bulk optcs o traditonal instruments, such as lenses, mirrors, and di racton gratngs are replaced with devices embedded within waveguides. his enables instruments that are smaller, modular, more stable, and most e citngl , with optcal capabilites not possible with traditonal instruments.

strophotonics has reached a stage o development where man protot pe devices are now being tested on sk , and the frst ull edged instruments incorporatng photonic devices are now being used or observatons. he feld is thus transitoning rom one o instrumental research and development to mainstream observatonal astroph sics.

his is the frst book ocussed on astrophotonics, wri en b three e perts in the feld. eginning with a sound introducton to the basic principles o astrophotonics, it is intended to communicate the current status, potental, and uture possibilites o astrophotonics to the wider astronomical, optcs and photonics communites.


Simon Ellis is an ssociate Pro essor at ac uarie Universit where he is the head o the nstrument Science Group, which is responsible or research and development in astronomical instrumentaton and technologies. He has over 20 ears e perience o research in astronom and astroph sics, including instrumentaton research and development, the evoluton o gala ies and clusters o gala ies, and the astroph sics o positronium. He has pla ed a leading role in the development o astrophotonics, most notabl in the feld o H suppression. He was the commissioning scientst or the world s frst two instruments to use fbre ragg gratngs or H suppression. He is currentl leading the development o this technolog or use on the European Southern bservator s er Large elescope. He has published oundatonal papers in the use o silicon photonics or astronom .

Joss Bland-Hawthorn is a Laureate Pro essor o Ph sics, and irector o the S dne nsttute or stronom , he Universit o S dne . He has more than 30 ears e perience in astroph sics and astronomical instrumentaton. n 2000, he ounded the feld o astrophotonics, now a ma or subfeld o photonics. With irks imoth irks and Sergio Leon Saval he developed (and named) the photonic lantern, a device that is fnding wider use in science and industr .

Sergio Leon-Saval is an ssociate Pro essor at the School o Ph sics in he Universit o S dne where he is now irector o the S dne strophotonics nstrumentaton Laborator (S L), and eput irector o the nsttute o Photonics and ptcal Science ( P S). He has more than 6 ears o e perience in the research area o photonics, and made breakthrough contributons in the felds o specialt optcal fbres and astrophotonics, including the co inventon and pioneering the development o the photonic lantern technolog , a corner stone o astrophotonics. He has published over 85 internatonal re ereed ournal papers and more than 90 con erence proceedings papers since 2004 with over 7400 citatons, and an h inde o 42. Pro Leon Saval has been a member o technical program and management commi ees on more than 0 internatonal con erences.

January 2023

£70 | HARDCOVER 978 8006 325 6

£40 | SOFTCOVER 978 8006 335 5

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan Europe

Extent: 286pp

Type: e tbook

Series: dvanced e tbooks in Ph sics

Main Subject: Ph sics

Sub-Subjects: stronom , stroph sics nd Cosmolog ( ncluding Geoph sics) | ptcs nd Laser Ph sics

Keywords: strophotonics stronom stroph sics Photonics ptcs stronomical instrumentaton nstrumentaton elescopes

Waveguides ibre ptcs Spectroscop nter erometr H Suppression ibre ragg gratngs Photonic Lanterns

Readership: inal ear undergraduate, or graduate students, researchers and practtoners in the felds o astronom , astroph sics, astronomical instrumentaton, and photonics

• Concepts of Astronomical Instrumentaton and Photonics: Introducton

Astronomical Optcs

Astronomical Instruments

Propagaton of Light in Waveguides

Waveguides in Practce

Coupling Light into Waveguides

• Astrophotonic Devices: Interferometry

OH Suppression

Photonic Spectrographs

Wavelength Calibraton

• Future Astrophotonics:

Une ploited Photonics he uture o strophotonics

Feminism Undaunted

50 Years as a Muslim Feminist

Wazir Jahan Karim Universit Sains Malaysia, Malaysia

Key Features

• uni ue approach to eminism as the power o womanhood a guide to mentoring students on the importance o individualism in academic achievement in depth observatons o ala sian slam rom a eminist perspectve the emergence o politcal orms o oppression towards minorit women and groups and wh the are targeted b politcians ahan s own colour ul career as a eminist in an oppressive academic insttuton which saw eminism as a challenge to the status uo o maleness in a tertar educaton


Wazir Jahan engages the reader in absorbing stories from her childhood to retrement against a backdrop of events in Malaysia — cultural, academic and politcal — which elucidates the complexites of being a Muslim feminist, in a divisive Asian society. Her narratve demonstrates that each woman can success ull negotate the boundaries between patriarch , amil and modernit i the believe that being a woman is s non mous with being a eminist that insttutons which obstruct women s path to reedom can be challenged through recognising the power o individualism. ahan believes that once a woman understands what can work well or her, within the limitatons o her own achievements and resources, she could be able to rise above these intmidatons o li e and actvel engage in pursuing her dreams. or ahan, emininit and eminism are complementar orms o actvism which enabled her to gain acceptance and legitmac or her work with disadvantaged and minorit women. Her rank and re reshing con essions o success and ailures in her work on women and gender demonstrates confdence, individualit and charisma a catharsis in the ourne to discovering the power o womanhood.


Wazir Jahan obtained her Ph rom the London School o Economics and Politcal Sciences in economic anthropolog . She is the co ounder o Gender Studies in ala sia (K , US 978 200 ) and ounding director o the Centre or esearch on Women and Gender (200 2004). She is also ounder and the ounding President o the Southeast sian ssociaton or Gender Studies (S ), 992 996) President o the amil Health evelopment ssociaton, Penang ( H ) Permanent Chairman o he awi Peranakan Heritage Societ and Permanent rustee o the Pan Pacifc SE sian Woman ssociaton, ala sia (PPSE W ). Wa ir is a Li e ember o Clare Hall, Universit o Cambridge. She is the frst anthropologist to conduct feldwork on the a etse and to live in the mangrove enclave o Care sland, ala sia ( 974 978).

January 2023

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 250pp

Type: Popular ook

Main Subject: Social Sciences

Sub-Subjects: Social ssues Human Securit Southeast sia sian Politcs Societ

Keywords: uslim eminism emoirs o a uslim eminist Gender Studies Gender Empowerment ertar eminism sian alues uslim Girls in issionar Schools Women s nsttute K Centre or Women and evelopment Gender Studies in ala sia he Communist einsurgenc Colonialism in ala a issionar

Educaton in ala a atonal Universit o Singapore, Euso College Universit Sains ala sia inorit Women rang sli a etse on Care sland Lahore and igraton to ala a Haf Ghulam Sarwar ismillah egum unawar r Karim awab in aurice loch

Readership: Undergraduates, graduates and researchers interested in the intersectonalit between eminism, race, religion and societ


• ala a, 955

• Earl eginnings, Lahore, 873

• he Women s nsttute

• he Convent

• Secret eadings

• Euso College

• he Social Sciences

• he LSE

• emme atal

• o ot orget Us

• eminist ields

• K

• Passions o aith and Love

• Cambridge Conversatons

• Epilogue

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