2 minute read
China Change and Confucian “Benevolence”
Human Values, Truth and Policy
Colin Keith
Henry Kissinger observed, “Everybody wants to be a China hawk.” China is a bull . China is a i German . China commits genocide. China disrupts the internatonal rules based order. esponding to such unin ormed generali aton on the nature o China s regime and its lack o human values, the Western Liberal emocracies have created their own China Problem b clinging to Cold War anachronism. he clash o values is not nearl as deep and e tensive as is o en claimed. urthermore, the contemporar public discourse on China needs a complete assessment o the values that have emerged in i inping s China. i is regarded as red like ao. i, however, has abandoned ao s view o class struggle and his noton o a re uvenated China embraces traditonal core principles that ao bi erl condemned. en , or benevolence , or e ample, now in orms entwined domestc and oreign polic as moderate prosperit in all respects . en , or benevolence is aligned with common securit and common development . he ueston is whether this is a positve restoraton o traditonal values that will contribute to domestc development and internatonal peace, or restoratonist iddle Kingdom ism designed to assert Chinese values worldwide. his book s anal sis o Chinese values argues that the current interpretaton o the China hreat is predicated in a serious misunderstanding o Chinese values.
t is o en commented that China is the defning geopolitcal issues o our tme . his book is an especiall tmel contributon to the currentl limited public polic debate on China as a threat to Western values and the internatonal rules based s stem . Correcton is long overdue with re erence to speculatve assumptons that i inping s regime represents a return to ao s regime. Socialism with Chinese characteristcs has signifcantl moved on under i s leadership. H perbole about China has presumed the contnuaton o Chinese Cold War ideolog and has either lightl commented on, or ignored altogether the resurgence o core traditonal ideas in Chinese polic ormaton. his book provides detailed research o i inping hought and i inping iplomatc hought . t adopts a widel construed, but serious interdisciplinar , approach towards the China Problem , drawing on both the social sciences and humanites. his wide angled approach includes new sinolog in its recent review o translated China , s nthesi ing traditon and culture with the development o modern Chinese ideolog , politcs and polic ormaton. he book s signifcant topicalit is presented within an unconventonal approach and orma ed contents designed to reach out to the biggest circle o general and advanced, China interested readers in the tme o great debate.
Ronald Colin Keith completed his Ph at the School o riental and rican Studies. He retred as Pro essor o China Studies, in 20 7, rom Gri th Universit , athan Campus, risbane.
February 2023
Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan
Extent: 500pp
Type: onograph
Series: Series on Contemporar China
Main Subject: Asian Studies
Sub-Subjects: China Studies sian Politcs Societ sian Economies sian usiness anagement Social ssues
Human Securit
Keywords: Chinese alues under i inping he China hreat in nternatonal elatons East West
Comparison o Human ustce and the ule o Law in China and the Western Liberal emocracies Chinese Politcs, Law, Culture and Societ Post
Globali aton and Chinese esponse to oreign rade and nvestment
Comparison o the Supreme Courts o China, UK and US
Readership: cademics, polic makers, graduate and undergraduate students, pro essionals interested in China studies, Chinese politcs, Chinese governance, Chinese societ , Chinese histor , Chinese response to oreign trade and investment
• ntroductor ote
• List o llustratons
• agistrate a s “Justce” and the General Secretar s “Benevolence”
• a atches Concepts (Ge i) with US and UK Supreme Court udges
• Enter Centre Stage, Western Law Pro essors with “Bugles Blowing”
• he Giant Kangaroo Serves as the unning og o the US
• Part Corrupton and the “Supremacy of law”
• Sir Edward s enda raton on the “Rule of Law” vs. stopia
• he ankee mbassador e uses to “Call a Stag a Horse”
• magining China Polic that Supports Human alues