
2 minute read
A Philanthropist’s Guide to Giving
Asia-Based Insights from Asia Philanthropy Circle
Bradley Wo
Asia Philanthropy Circle, Singapore
Laurence Lien
Asia Philanthropy Circle, Singapore
Key Features
Stacey Choe
Asia Philanthropy Circle, Singapore
Natalie Kennedy
Asia Philanthropy Circle, Singapore
• ost e istng philanthrop handbooks are wri en with a Western target audience. his book is uni ue or its ocus on sia where the conte t or philanthrop is markedl di erent. While it draws in ormaton and rameworks rom across the world, it details how these appl in sia through sia specifc e amples and case studies
• his book contains case studies o philanthropists in sia, providing real li e e amples rom noteworth philanthropists in the region
A Philanthropist’s Guide to Giving is a handbook for philanthropists and foundatons with the desire to practce strategic, impactul philanthropy in Asia. ew resources e ist in the sia region that can serve as re erences along the ull ourne o philanthrop . his guide touches on all relevant points at the various stages o this ourne rom designing a philanthrop strateg or involving amil members in giving, to evaluatng the impact o philanthrop or pursuing collaboraton while giving.
ou are embarking on a philanthrop ourne oursel , this guide is intended to serve as a go to resource or our path orward. t aims to answer our most important uestons b introducing di erent rameworks and highlightng ke consideratons. t will not prescribe a single best wa or philanthrop , but instead enable ou to be more confdent and in ormed in cra ing our own approach.
otabl , this guide is tailored or the sian e perience, based on the learnings rom the sia Philanthrop Circle ( PC) and its members. he book has distlled ke lessons rom seven ears o in depth engagement with PC members it eatures 29 case studies o sia based philanthropists, bringing the realit o giving on the ground in sia to ou.
presentng di erent approaches to philanthrop , best in class models and e amples, as well as practcal insights rom PC members and learnings rom PC pro ects, ou will be well e uipped to e plore and e pand our giving in sia.
Author & Editor
BRADLEY WO is sia Philanthrop Circle s ormer Knowledge esources anager. n this role, radle oversaw the organisaton s thought leadership and research pieces, which included the authoring and development o the Philanthropist s Guide to Giving and the uture o sian Philanthrop .
LAURENCE LIEN is Co ounder and ounding CE o the sia Philanthrop Circle.
Laurence is also the Chairman o Lien oundaton, a amil oundaton established in 980, that has become well regarded or its orward thinking and radical approach in the felds o educaton, eldercare and the environment, as well as the Chairman o Lien , the oundaton s humanitarian arm.
February 2023
£50 | HARDCOVER 978 98 26 820 5
Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan
Extent: 260pp
Type: rade Pro essional
Main Subject: Asian Studies
Sub-Subjects: sian Politcs Societ Social ssues Human Securit Southeast sia Singapore Collecton
Keywords: Philanthrop Philanthropis oundaton on Proft Charit Giving Social mpac sia sia Philanthrop Circle
Readership: Philanthropists, oundaton and non proft pro essionals, and other pro essional advisors and individuals interested in the feld o philanthrop
• ntroducton
• Strategising Cra ing Pathwa s towards Goals
• Structuring Se ng Up a Success ul S stem
• amil rans orming Giving into a amil Legac
• E ecutng ranslatng Plans into Practce
• Evaluatng ncorporatng Evidence or E ectveness
• Collaboratng a imising mpact through Collectve cton
• Conclusion