6 minute read

Time to Rethink Risk Management

Surviving Future Global Crises

Key Features


• his book covers what organisatons should have learnt rom the C 9 crisis and previous global crises

• ased on adaptng risk management to the emergent UC environment

• Proposes a reimagining and re ormulaton o Enterprise isk anagement and provides guidance on how organisatons and governments can incorporate this

• E istng literature in the feld is e tremel limited, with most books having ver limited scope and at most addressing one specifc global crisis


The purpose of this book is to change thinking about crises and risk. isk management is toda both a great success, an impressive achievement, and a notable ailure. t works, and it doesn t work. t saves lives and propert , and it ails to save lives and propert . t helps and it hinders. Like all such management approaches, this has a lot to do with how it is emplo ed and practced, but in the case o risk management there is also a much more undamental issue. he risk management ramework, the risk management model, is wrong. an organisatons toda treat all risks as point events, when the real risks involve s stemic threats inherent in the global econom , and the uncertain nature o global societ .

he book argues that risk management has come a long wa , but that evidence o its more recent ailure is now all around us and that it needs to now change dramatcall i it is to accommodate current realites. Whilst there is a clear need or us all to manage risk through a crisis, there is a lack o understanding o the nature o crises that is impeding progress. s well as providing a conceptual basis or changing the wa risk management is undertaken, the book provides a blueprint or managing at organisatonal level through a global crisis, and, to a more limited e tent, at government and other levels how to prepare, what to do when it s happening and how and when to emerge into the post crisis world.


Professor Tony Bendell is commi ed to making organisatons less ragile and more ant ragile. his was the ratonale behind his 20 4 Gower book uilding AntFragile Organisatons and the establishment o the nt ragilit cadem in 20 2, or whom he acts as Lead Consultant rainer. uring the C 9 pandemic he has ocused more specifcall on how to make organisatons more Crisis Proo , which is the sub ect o his new book Time to Rethink Risk Management: Surviving Future Global Crises to be published b World Scientfc Publishing in 2022.

He is distnguished or, amongst other ualites, an incisive intellect that draws him to innovatve thinking and its applicaton to his feld, an in ectous passion about business improvement, and an idios ncratc sense o humour. hese are all ualites that lie behind his uest to bring nt ragilit into the practcal domain o business and entrepreneurship.

February 2023

£50 | HARDCOVER 978-981-126-448-1

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 300pp

Type: Popular ook

Main Subject: usiness and anagement

Sub-Subjects: Corporate Governance ecision Sciences Entrepreneurship General usiness nd anagement nnovaton echnolog Knowledge n ormaton anagement peratons anagement peratons esearch Suppl Chain anagement rgani atonal ehavior ndustrial rgani aton General Economics Corporate inance nternatonal inance one anking nvestments inancial arkets nsttutons Climate Change Economics Climate Change Polic General nterest

Keywords: Global Crises Enterprise isk anagement E rganisatonal Survival

Readership: oard members, Chie

E ecutves and irectors, Chie isk cers, isk anagers and usiness Contnuit anagers, anagers, rganisatonal Change, rans ormaton, ualit anagement and rganisatonal E cellence specialists, usiness School students on and related courses, and readers interested in current thinking about managing risk and the conse uences and strategies or surviving through a global crisis

• Pre ace Se ng the Scene

• odel o Global Crises a Conse uental odel or E

• Knowing the Crisis is Coming

• Seeing the Crisis is Coming

• Knowing the Crisis is Here

• rganisatonal anagement hrough the Crisis

• imel Emergence

• er the Crisis

• mplementng Sensible Enterprise isk anagement


How Mathematcs, Physics, and Chemistry Constrain Society

Alexander Scheeline University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA


“Following Alex Scheeline’s excitng cruise among the wonders of modern science that starts with measurements and ends with politcs, business, research, and freedom will surprise an open mind not only by consequences of the logical constructons, but also by the miracles of self-consistent scientfc journeys and beauty of amazing discoveries. I absolutely recommend this book for amateur science enthusiasts with a keen interest in metrology.”

Peter Strizhak Professor of Chemistry, Natonal Academy of Sciences, Ukraine

Key Features

• iscusses how limitatons in science a ect human behavior and societ . or instance, electrical engineering, statstcal mechanics, and number theor are shown to have politcal and personal applicaton. Links among thermod namics, sociolog , and environmentalism are also drawn

• ncludes e uatons to e uip readers to see or themselves how various ph sical limitatons orce certain societal behaviors, and how behavioral changes might a ect societ and over what tme rame

• Shows how to ident hard limits vs. unconstrained choices


The physical sciences and mathematcs are extraordinarily useful in explaining the material world. People and societ are constrained b ph sical realit , but we are o en unclear on what constraints are absolute, which ma be relatve, and those that are simpl a ma er o taste. andwidth e plains how limitatons in the movement and percepton o in ormaton constrain human behavior, cogniton, interacton, and perspectve. How ast can we learn How much Wh are habits and biases unavoidable Wh is the common statement an naton that can land people on the moon surel can ... re uentl wrong Using e uatons and ph sical models, andwidth describes constraints which, in part, e plain politcal, economic, religious, and personal rictons. spects considered include how much in ormaton can one human absorb in a li etme How ar does a process o perturbaton propagate How do speciali aton or generali aton, critcal thinking or belie , in uence what people accomplish hroughout, e uatons are used to compactl e press ideas, illustratng wh mathematcal econom o e pression accelerates communicaton and deeper understanding. he critcal impacts o uncertaint , uctuatons, or noise, and their implicatons or law and societ , are emphasi ed.


Dr Alexander Scheeline is Pro essor Emeritus o Chemistr at Universit o llinois at Urbana Champaign, US . He is an elected ellow and Honorar ember o the Societ or pplied Spectroscop , as well as ounder and President o SpectroClick nc., a frm developing hand held spectrometers, and ounder and ice President o nchor Science LLC, a materials development partnership. He has published over 30 artcles in internatonal peer reviewed ournals, and is known or his work in optcal spectrometr , instrument design, sensors, ultrasonicall levitated drops, o idatve stress, chemical kinetcs, oscillator chemical reactons, and the d namics o nonlinear s stems. His numerous awards include the istnguished Service ward, Special Publicatons ward and (twice) W eggers ward (Societ or pplied Spectroscop ), istnguished Service ward and nnovaton ward ( ederaton o nal tcal Chemistr and Spectroscop Societes), E50 ward ( merican Societ o gricultural and iological Engineers), and the CS ewsmaker ward ( merican Chemical Societ ). He holds a Ph in Chemistr rom the Universit o Wisconsin adison, US .

February 2023

£85 | HARDCOVER 978-981-123-787-4

£35 | S C E 978-981-123-854-3

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 500pp

Type: Popular ook

Main Subject: Chemistr

Sub-Subjects: nal tcal Chemistr

Popular Science Statstcs General Ph sics (Popular eading) Spectroscop nd ther nal tcal echni ues Communicatons eural etworks etworking Comple

S stems Politcal Science Polic Studies

Public Polic n ormaton heor uantum echanics nd uantum n ormaton

Probabilit heor Stochastc Processes

Statstcal Ph sics, Comple it nd onlinear namical S stems ( ncluding Heat nd hermod namics) General pplied athematcs General Science uantum heor Social ssues Human Securit Statstcal echanics General nterest

Keywords: Science and Societ

Readership: his book is aimed at general readers and scientsts with an interest in how limitatons o the ph sical sciences a ect societ and human behavior. t could be used or undergraduate courses in anal tcal chemistr , communicatons engineering, statstcal mechanics and nonlinear ph sics, and is also appropriate or seminars in sociolog , theolog , politcs, economics and law


• easurement

• Correlaton vs. Causaton

• oise

• Signal

• Uncertaint , uantum and Classical

• Sampling

• andwidth

• etecton Limit

• namic ange

• Potental Wells

• onlinearit , Comple it , and Chaos

• arkov Processes

• eural etworks

• ualitatve, uanttatve, riage

• oug Ho stadter Got t ight the G del heorem

• ental oom Lens

• heolog

• Politcs, usiness, and Law in Light o athematcal Concepts

• esearch and reedom in Light o athematcal Concepts

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