3 minute read
Applicatons of X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy to Catalytc Studies
From Routne Analysis to Cutng Edge Surface Characterizaton
Spyridon Zafeiratos CNRS, France & Université de Strasbourg, France
Key Features
• his book is the frst that is entrel dedicated to the applicatons o PS in catal sis research. n important eature o this book is that contains chapters dedicated to in situ operando studies in electrocatal sis and photocatal sis based on recent technological advancements, which is a relatvel novel feld o PS applicaton
• he book contains also classical applicatons o PS in heterogeneous catal st studies, like or e ample studies o model catal sts
• nother uni ue eature o this book is the descripton o the practcal aspects o the method. lthough this topic has been alread part o several books related to PS, the originalit here is that the book is addressed primaril to catal tc studies, and it is wri en b PS e perts with background in catal sis
• his book provides the essental in ormaton, without complicatng the reader with elaborate theoretcal and e perimental details which are not directl relevant or catal tc oriented studies
XPS has become a mature technique and automated XPS facilites can be found in industry and in universites all over the world. his trans ormed PS rom an advanced characteri aton method or dedicated research, to a rather standard anal sis techni ue o sur ace anal sis. he catal st s sur ace state is probabl the most prominent actor that in uences the catal tc per ormance. t is there ore no surprise that PS has become an indispensable tool in studies o solid catal sts. t has been directl used to investgate issues such as the sur ace compositon o the actve catal st and the reacton and deactvaton mechanisms. Several e cellent essa s describe in detail the theoretcal and practcal aspects o ra photoelectron spectroscop .
he ob ectve o the book is to provide a comprehensive overview o the current status and uture perspectves o ra photoelectron spectroscop dedicated to catal tc applicatons, including thermal catal sis, electrocatal sis, and photo(electro)catal sis. he book contains 3 chapters, startng with the necessar introducton o the techni ue background, including basic phenomena and instrumentaton aspects. he second part o the book ocuses on the presentaton o long established applicatons o the techni ue such as PS studies o model catal sts. n the last part, the book describes relatvel recent developments o this method or cu ng edge sur ace characteri aton mainl using s nchrotron ra radiaton.
Spyridon Zafeiratos received his Ph rom the Universit o Patras (Greece). n 2004, he was awarded a post doctoral ellowship rom the a Planck Societ and oined the norganic Chemistr epartment o the rit Haber nsttute in erlin, to work on the applicaton o ambient pressure PS to heterogeneous catal sis. n 2007 he was appointed C S associated researcher (C ) at the PCEES insttute in Strasbourg and in 20 8 was promoted to research director ( ) at the same insttute.
February 2023
Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing
Extent: 486pp
Type: eview olume
Series: Catal tc Science Series
Main Subject: Chemistr
Sub-Subjects: Catal st Chemistr
Electrochemistr Ph sical Chemistr Sur ace nter ace Chemistr mSpectroscop nd ther nal tcal echni ues Sur ace Science
Spectroscop nd ther nal tcal echni ues
Keywords: XPS; ESCA; PES;
Photoemission Photoelectron Spectroscop a Photoemission Chemical State nal sis uger
Parameter Powder Catal st odel Catal st anocatal st anomaterials PS uantfcaton Electrostatc
Charging PS nal sis o Electricall nsulatng aterials Casa PS PS
Peak i ng PS Peak ackground
Readership: he primar market o the book are researchers and graduate students, working in the feld o catal sis and materials science. lso o use to catal sis industr pro essionals who are looking or a concrete and simplifed resource dedicated to the recent advances o the techni ue in their feld
• a Photoelectron Spectroscop in Catal sis mpact and Historical ackground
• Practcal spects o PS rom Sample Preparaton to Spectra nterpretaton
• ntroducton to Chemical State nal sis b PS
• he os and on ts o using PS to uali and uant Powder Catal sts
• PS nal sis o Electricall nsulatng Catal tc aterials
• ssigning PS Peaks to Chemical Environments using irst Principle Calculatons
• pplicaton o PS in Studies o odel Catal sts rom Single Cr stals to Supported anopartcles
• pplicaton o Photoelectron Spectroscop to lign the Energ Levels o Photocatal sts
• ime esolved a Photoelectron Spectroscop to Stud Photocatal tc eactons
• Stud Catal sts at Work b ear mbient Pressure a Photoelectron Spectroscop
• Characteri aton o Catal tc aterials with Scanning Photoelectron icroscop
• ppl ing PS to Stud Electrode Electrol te nter aces
• P PS Studies o i ed Conductng Electrodes uring High emperature Electrochemical eactons