4 minute read

Internatonal Development Cooperaton and Aid Management Theory

and Practce

Author Translated by


Jianzhi Zhao Fudan University, China

Qin Lin

Shanghai Normal University, China


This book studies the theory, practce and evaluaton methods of internatonal development cooperaton, aid and assistance management in detail from a global perspectve. t a empts to answer the ollowing uestons How e ectve are the current Western aid methods How should China optmi e current internatonal development cooperaton How to e ectvel design an aid management s stem in the internatonal communit How to assess the e ectveness o aid he book contributes to studies in internatonal development cooperaton. he theoretcal part anal es the main concepts, viewpoints, theories, and disputes in current internatonal development cooperaton, primaril ocusing on the di erences in concepts between traditonal development donors and emerging donors represented b China. he practcal part studies the roles and importance o di erent sub ects in internatonal development assistance. his part also e plores the impact o di erent aid management insttutons on internatonal development cooperaton. he evaluaton part reviews the current mainstream methods o internatonal development assessment and uses non e perimental methods o impact evaluaton and randomi ed controlled trials ( C s).

Author & Translator

Jianzhi ZHAO is an ssociate Pro essor o Economics and Public Polic at the School o nternatonal elatons and Public airs o udan Universit in Shanghai, China. His current research interests are internatonal development, public polic , public economics, and development economics. He has worked at multple internatonal organi atons, including the World ank, sian evelopment ank, and nter merican evelopment ank. He was also a visitng researcher at the ank o inland. He has been invited to present his research at various government agencies, such as the Congressional udget ce (C ) and ank o inland. He has served as a re eree or man internatonal ournals and published papers in man peer reviewed ournals. He was a Shorenstein Postdoctoral ellow at Stan ord Universit and received Ph in nternatonal Economic Polic rom the Universit o ar land, College Park.

Qin LIN, Ph , is lecturer at the School o oreign Languages, Shanghai ormal Universit . Her research interests include Earl odern English literature and English poetr .

February 2023

£80 | HARDCOVER 978-981-125-887-9

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 260pp

Type: onograph

Main Subject: Economics inance

Sub-Subjects: General Economics evelopmental Economics Politcal Econom

Keywords: nternatonal evelopment Cooperaton id anagement S stem heor and Practce Evaluaton o nternatonal evelopment Pro ects

Readership: cademics, polic makers, pro essionals, undergraduate and graduate students interested in economics and developmental economics, internatonal development cooperaton, aid management s stem

• Theory of Internatonal Development Cooperaton:

◊ Defniton of Internatonal Development Assistance

◊ Latest Developments in Internatonal Development Assistance

◊ Research on the Efectveness of Internatonal Development Assistance: Literature Review of Aid Efectveness

Aid Ownership and Global Governance

◊ Internatonal Development Cooperaton Models and China’s Experience: A Comparatve Study of Aid Models: Japan vs Europe and America

China’s Experience: South-South Cooperaton

• Practce of Internatonal Development Cooperaton:

◊ Introducton to the Management Systems of Internatonal Development Cooperaton: The Concept of Aid Management System

Research on Aid Management System and Aid Efectveness

◊ Partcipants in Internatonal Development Cooperaton:

Governmental or Internatonal Development Agency: Latest Developments

Non-governmental Internatonal Development Organizatons: A Perspectve of Government Funding

Multlateral Development Banks: A Comparatve Perspectve

Internatonal Cooperatve Governance: A Global Governance Perspectve - Cooperaton between G20 and DWG

◊ A Comparison of the Aid Management Systems of Traditonal Donor Countries: The United States’ Aid Management System

Japan’s Aid Management System

The United Kingdom’s Aid Management System

France’s Aid Management System

◊ A Comparison of the Aid Management Systems of Emerging Donor Countries: Introducton to the Aid Management Systems of Emerging Donor Countries

India’s Aid Management System

Brazil’s Aid Management System

South Africa’s Aid Management System

A Comparison of Aid Management Systems between China and Other Emerging Donor Countries

China’s Aid Management System: A Path-dependence Perspectve

• Evaluaton of Internatonal Development Projects:

◊ Introducton to Evaluaton of Internatonal Development Projects: Introducton to Evaluaton of Internatonal Development

Basic Categories of Evaluaton of Internatonal Development

Impact Evaluaton and Its Importance

◊ Methods of Impact Evaluaton for Internatonal Development: on e perimental ethods o mpact Evaluaton andomi ed Controlled rials ( C s)

Financial Derivatves Markets and Applicatons 5th Editon

Obiyathulla Ismath Bacha INCEIF University, Malaysia

Patarake Sarajot

Chulalongkorn University, Thailand

Key Features

• he book has alread been well accepted now in its 4th editon

• Wri en in an eas manner e plaining the intuiton logic rather than the heav reliance on athematcs Calculus as is the case with most books in the area

• E tensive use o illustratons to show the applicaton o derivatves in hedging, arbitrage, and speculatve trades

• aterial adapted or local developing market ecos stem

• ncludes a chapter on slamic derivatves, i.e., shariah compliant derivatves. his is a uni ue eature o this book


This book is designed for beginners who possess no previous knowledge or familiarity with derivatves. Wri en in an eas to read st le, it guides readers through the challenging and comple world o orwards, utures, optons, and swaps. he emphasis on sian markets and contracts enables easier understanding. inancial derivatve contracts rom ala sia and select contracts rom hailand, Singapore, and Hong Kong derivatve markets are covered. or each derivatve contract, their three common applicatons hedging, arbitrage, and speculatng are shown with ull worked out e amples. E tensive use o illustratons, graphics, and vigne es provide or eas comprehension o the underl ing logic o derivatves.


Obiyathulla Ismath Bacha is currentl Pro essor o inance at CE Universit in Kuala Lumpur, ala sia. past president o the ala sian inance ssociaton, Pro bi athulla has been a trainer and consultant or several ala sian insttutons. He has sat on the oard o ank ak at ala sia, been an advisor to Great Eastern Li e ssurance ala sia, member o the shariah commi ees o HS C manah, Sabana E , Pacifc utual und, and has undertaken consultng research assignments or the World ank, U ESC P, and . He has also co authored an internatonall adopted te tbook on slamic Capital arkets.

February 2023


Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 560pp

Type: e tbook

Main Subject: Economics inance

Sub-Subjects: one anking nvestments inancial arkets nsttutons Corporate inance

Keywords: erivatves inancial erivatves erivatve arkets orwards utures ptons Shariah Compliant erivatves slamic erivatves

Readership: Universit students stud ing fnance and or fnancial derivatves and practtoners seeking an in depth understanding o fnancial derivatves

• erivatves ntroducton and verview

• erivatve arkets and rading

• orward and utures arkets Pricing and nal sis

• Stock nde utures Contracts nal sis and pplicatons

• nterest ate utures Contracts and Currenc utures Contracts

• ntroducton to ptons

• E uit , E uit nde , and Currenc ptons

• pton Strategies and Pa o s

• pton Pricing

• eplicaton, S nthetcs, and rbitrage

• ptons in Corporate inance and eal ptons

• nterest ate Swaps, Credit, and ther erivatves

• erivatve nstruments and slamic inance

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