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Graph Theory and Mobile Communicatons
Masakazu Sengoku Graduate Insttute for Entrepreneurial Studies, Japan
This comprehensive compendium discusses the basics of graph theory to its applicaton, focusing on the applicaton of graph theory to mobile communicatons. mobile communicaton connects a mobile terminal and a base staton wirelessl , and the base staton enables communicatons all over the world via a wired and satellite communicaton s stem. his means that the mobile communicaton s stem includes wire and wireless technologies, and also hardware such as analog electric circuits, digital circuits and a so ware part such as computer algorithms.
his use ul re erence te t deepl studies how the network structure in uences the per ormance o the corresponding s stem.
Masakazu SENGOKU received Ph rom Hokkaido Universit in 972. n 972, he oined as a esearch ssociate, Hokkaido Universit . n 978, he was an ssociate Pro essor, iigata Universit and he was promoted to a Pro essor at iigata Universit in 989. He was ean o acult o Engineering, iigata Universit during 2003 2007. He was an E ecutve ice President o iigata Universit during 2008 20 4. Since 20 4, he has been President o Graduate nsttute or Entrepreneurial Studies.
His research interests include network theor , graph theor , transmission o in ormaton and mobile communicatons. He received est Paper wards rom E CE ( E CE he nsttute o Electronics, n ormaton and Communicaton Engineers) our tmes and EEE con erence est Paper ward. He received the chievement ward o E CE in 2005 and istnguished chievement and Contributons ward o E CE in 2009. He was a member o Editorial oard, ACM, URSI, Wireless Networks, Kluwer Academic Pub., an editor o the Journal of Communicatons and Networks and a regional editor o Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers, World Scientfc. He was the President o Engineering Science Societ , E CE in 2003 2004. He is a Li e ellow member o EEE, a ellow member and a Honorar member o E CE, a ellow member o SS .
February 2023
Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan
Extent: 350pp
Type: onograph
Series: dvanced Series in Electrical and Computer Engineering Volume 23
Main Subject: Engineering coustcs
Sub-Subjects: Circuits S stems
Communicatons Electrical Electronic Engineering
Keywords: Graph heor obile Communicatons etwork heor nalog Circuits igita Circuits Cellular S stems 5G 6G H PS Satellite
Readership: esearchers, pro essionals, academics, undergraduate and graduate students in circuits s stems, communicatons and electrical and electronic engineering
• asic Concept o Graphs
• rees, Cotrees and H brid rees
• atri and pplicaton o rees
• Graphical iews o Electrical and Electronic etworks
• perators in Signal low Graphs
• Locaton Problems on Graphs and etworks
• Cellular S stems in obile Communicaton S stems
• Channel ssignment Problems
• obilit and Communicaton ra c
• ult Hop Communicato