
4 minute read
Modeling and Parameter Extracton Techniques of Silicon-Based Radio Frequency Devices
Ao Zhang
Nantong University, China
Jianjun Gao
East China Normal University, China
This comprehensive compendium describes the basic modeling techniques for silicon-based semiconductor devices, introduces the basic concepts of siliconbased passive and actve devices, and provides its state-of-the-art modeling and equivalent circuit parameter extracton methods.
he uni ue re erence te t benefts practcing engineers, technicians, senior undergraduate and frst ear graduate students working in the areas o , microwave and solid state device, and integrated circuit design.
Ao Zhang was born in an ing, iangsu province, China, in 995. She received the S degree in Electrical engineering rom an ing Universit o Posts and elecommunicatons, an ing, China, in 20 7 and the Ph degree in icrowave engineering at East China ormal Universit , Shanghai, China, in 202 . n 20 9, she visited Carleton Universit , awa, , Canada, as a research associate working on H modeling using artfcial neural network techni ues. rom 2022, she oined antong Universit , antong, iangsu province, China. Her research ocuses on modeling and on wa er millimeter wave measurements o actve and passive devices.
Jianjun Gao was born in Hebei province, China, in 968. He received the Eng and Ph degrees rom the singhua Universit , ei ing, China, in 99 and 999, respectvel , and the Eng degree rom the Hebei Semiconductor esearch nsttute, Hebei, China,in 994. rom 999 to 200 , he was a Post octoral esearcher in developing PHE optcal modulator driver at the icroelectronics Center, Chinese cadem o Sciences. n 200 , he oined the school o Electrical and Electronic Engineering, an ang echnological Universit ( U), Singapore, as a esearcher in semiconductor device modeling and on wa er measurement.
February 2023
Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan
Extent: 350pp
Type: onograph
Main Subject: Engineering coustcs
Sub-Subjects: Electrical Electronic Engineering
Keywords: evice odeling Silicon ased Parameter E tracton E uivalent Circuit odel
Readership: esearchers, pro essionals, academics, graduate and undergraduate students in electrical and electronic engineerin
• ntroducton
• odel and Parameter E tracton o n Chip Spiral nductance
• n Chip Spiral rans ormer
• Small Signal odeling and Parameter E tracton o S E
• Large Signal E uivalent Circuit odeling o S E
• oise odeling and parameter e tracton techni ue or S E
Smart City 2.0 Strategies and Innovatons for City Development

Deog-Seong Oh
Woosong University, South Korea
Fred Young Phillips
University of New Mexico, USA & Tongji University, China
Key Features
Avvari V Mohan University of Notngham Malaysia Campus, Malaysia
• his book o ers leading edge, internatonal perspectves on Smart Cit 2.0
• he tension between e cienc driven smart cites and creatve, inventve technopoleis (which b the nature o innovaton must be ine cient) have not been e plored be ore the present book
• Chapters are contributed b prominent, leading thinkers and practtoners rom a do en countries, representng both the developed and the developing worlds
Almost a century since the idea of creatng more humane — more human-centric — cites was brought to the fore, how far has mankind progressed towards creatng a true “city with a heart”? How ar o are we, and what can we do to close the gap he frst generaton o smart cites showed the limits o top down planning, in which cites contracted out design and implementaton to providers. s residents resented pa ing high ta es or smart urban eatures that the did not want or use, it became plain that smart cites were not sustainable, and needed to be re thought. Smart Cit 2.0 starts the design process with understanding the needs o human residents. Li le has et been wri en about smart cites second wind. his book o ers leading edge, internatonal perspectves on Smart Cit 2.0. t o ers an overview o the sustainable smart cit concept, presents leading e perts latest thinking on strategies or a new generaton o smart cites, and showcases eight implementaton case studies rom seven countries. ll chapters are contributed b prominent, leading thinkers and practtoners rom a do en countries, representng both the developed and the developing worlds.
Deog-Seong Oh is President o Woosong Universit and ormer President o Chungnam atonal Universit , both in ae eon, South Korea. r h is e pert in public and urban polic , economic development, and technolog commerciali aton. r h is a member o the U ESC High Panel on Science or evelopment, and rgani ing Commi ee Chair or U ESC s Global nnovaton orum.
Fred Phillips is currentl on acult at the Universit o ew e ico, US , and ong i Universit in Shanghai, China. He is the 20 7 winner o the Kondrate edal, awarded b the ussian cadem o Sciences.
Avvari V Mohan is an ssociate Pro essor o Strateg nnovaton, irector o esearch and ala sia Lead or the nternatonal Centre or Corporate Social esponsibilit in the o ngham Universit usiness School ( U S) at the Universit o o ngham ala sia (U ).
February 2023
Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan
Extent: 350pp
Type: eview olume
Series: World Scientfc Series in anagement Volume 8
Main Subject: Engineering coustcs
Sub-Subjects: Civil Engineering Urban Planning nnovaton echnolog Knowledge n ormaton anagement Politcal Science Polic Studies Public Polic Social ssues Human Securit Environmental Energ Economics esign uilding anagement
Keywords: Smart Cit Urban n rastructure Urban utures Urban echnologies Cit Planning Services utomaton
Readership: Cit planners and cit o cials, students and researchers in the felds o urban planning and in ormaton technolog , n ormaton in rastructure consultants and providers and internatonal banks and aid agencies
• Smart Cites ntroducton to the olume
• Overviews:
Policies and Rules of Engagement in Traditonal and Smart Cites
The Conceptual Framework and Key Strategies of Smart City Planning for Sustainable Urban Development
• Strategies of Smart City Innovaton:
How to Prepare for the Wicked Problems of the Postnormal Era — Introducing an Evaluaton Model for Vucability Improvement
Understanding G.A.R.L.I.C.s. — An Innopreneurship Platorm for Smart Cites
Human-centric Smart City Development Strategy in Taiwan
Did Users Co-create Innovaton in Smart City Initatves? A Case in Japan
STP Development in the Context of Smart City
Korea Technopark: Evolving Integrated Business Platorm
Impacts of the First to Second Generaton of Smart City Initatves in Japan
The Bright and Dark Sides of Open Innovaton in Public Organizatons: Evidence from Smart City Projects
Why Don’t Regional Innovaton Systems Have Comprehensive Informaton Support?
• Best Practces:
Smart Cit Strateg or uilding an nnovaton Pla orm aedeok nnopolis
Smart Cit Energ nclusion, owards ecoming a e er Place to Live pplicatons o Smart Cit or Sustainable Urban egeneraton he Smart Cit in eveloping Countries E periences rom ra il or isaster anagement ecover
Smart Sustainable Cites Entrepreneurship Proposal o a on aggregatve pproach