5 minute read
The Wisdom of Solomon
The Genius and Legacy of Solomon Golomb
Beatrice A Golomb University of California San Diego, USA Guang Gong University of Waterloo, Canada
Alfred W Hales IDA Center for Communicatons Research, la Jolla, USA
Solomon Wolf Golomb lef an unparalleled legacy of accomplishment and recogniton for his work in the applicatons of mathematcs to coding and communicaton theory. His legac also includes a host o individuals whose lives and careers were immeasurabl enriched b their interactons with him. he co editors have a empted to collect man artcles essa s in this volume, o a not too technical sort, b a representatve collecton o such individuals. mong their motvatons is the wish to convince the reader o the incredibl prescient choice o his given name.
he frst secton consists o three artcles which have alread appeared elsewhere, b noted e perts in the felds where the ma orit o Sol s contributons lie mathematcs, computer science and electrical engineering. he second secton consists o three artcles b the co editors in memor o and tribute to Sol. he third secton contains 25 30 artcles b Sol s amil , riends, students, colleagues, etc. he cover a great range o topics and var widel in length, technicalit and other aspects. n the last secton are contributons b Sol himsel , covering various aspects o his career and interests, as well as other related material.
February 2023
£70 | HARDCOVER 978-981-123-436-1
Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan
Extent: 400pp
Type: Popular ook
Main Subject: General
Sub-Subjects: Popular Science Electrical Electronic Engineering General pplied athematcs Histor Science
Keywords: Solomon Golomb Golomb ickman Constant Coding and Communicaton heor Shi egister Se uences
Readership: General
• II:
Introducton to Solomon W Golomb (Elwyn Berlekamp)
Solomon Wolf Golomb 1932–2016 (Andrew J Viterbi )
Solomon Golomb (1932–2016) (Stephen Wolfram)
A Career in Engineering (Beatrice A Golomb and Solomon W Golomb)
Golomb’s Shif Register Sequences — Work with a Great Mind (Guang G Gong)
Memories of Sol (Alfred W Hales)
• III:
The Most Interestng Man in the World (Daniel Arovas)
The Issue of Shif Register Sequences (Richard Blahut)
Solomon Golomb — Some Personal Refectons (G S Bloom)
Golomb’s Norske Forbindelser (Tor Bu)
Sol Golomb, My Friend (Leo Buxbaum)
Ode to Sol ( John Dillon)
Puzzles and Tilings (Tuvi Etzion)
Solomon Wolf Golomb, May 30, 1932 – May 1, 2016 ( Jeremiah and Karen Farrell )
Teaching Research and — Teaching (Aviezri Fraenkel )
My Life with Sol (Harold Fredricksen)
Focus and Contrast ( Jonathan Hall and Tingyao Xiong)
Taped Conversaton re Sol and JPL ( Jon Hamkins)
Board Game to Board Room (Robert Hanisee)
The Wisdom of Solomon (Larry Harper)
The Norwegian Connectons of Solomon W Golomb (Tor Helleseth)
Sol Golomb and a Twice-in-a-lifetme Celestal Event ( Jonathan Jedwab)
Solomon W Golomb: A Man of Humility, Integrity and Compassion (Rochelle Kronzek)
Sol Golomb — My Hero and my Idol (Abraham Lempel )
Golomb and Radar Transforms (Nadav Levanon)
Funeral Oraton (C L Max Nikias)
From Professor Solomon Golomb’s Math PhD Advisee to his Stock Market Guru (Stephen Schloss)
Bob Scholtz’s Memories of Sol (Robert Scholtz)
Solomon Golomb: Wise Man, Biblical Scholar, and Father-in-law (Terrence J Sejnowski )
Professor S W Golomb was my Advisor and Mentor (Hong Song)
Sol Golomb in the Fay Zloc Era (Robert Tausworthe)
Early Days with Sol Golomb (Lloyd Welch)
Consummate Gentleman and Scholar ( Alan Willner)
A Tribute to Sol Golomb, the Genius who Transformed USC (Yannis Yortsos)
Meetng Young Sol (Neal Zierler)
• IV:
Eight JPL Lab Oratory Issues
Shif Register Coders and The Golomb Algorithm
Sol’s Trip Report re Marshall Hall Visit
Hadamard Matrix Discovery
Comma Free Codes: Two Papers
Radar Measurements of the Planet Venus (L R Malling and S W Golomb)
“Spelling the States”, etc., from Golomb’s Gambits
“Word Ways” Excerpts
USC Engineer “From JPL to USC and Beyond”
Forty Years afer Sputnik
Golomb’s Reminiscences
Periodic Binary Sequences: Solved and Unsolved Problems
USC Viterbi “Super Sol”
USC Trojan “Busy Signals”: Natonal Medal of Science
Leter to Granville; Erdos Number “Minus One”
The “Golomb-Dickman Constant” — Leter re Lagarias Artcle
LA Jewish Journal Obituary
Shizef Raphaeli Obituary Translaton by Edna Sharoni
Puzzles in Memory of Solomon Golomb ( Joe Buhler et al.)
Final Oral Exam
Conjuring with Computaton
A Manual of Magic and Computng for Beginners
Paul Curzon Queen Mary University, UK
Peter W McOwan Queen Mary University, UK
Key Features
• While there have been books on magic with maths, and magic with science, we believe this is the frst comprehensivel e ploring the links between magic and computer science
• oth authors are eminent researchers and award winning or their public engagement work. heir cs4 n and eaching London Computng Pro ects that the book draws rom have a huge global ollowing including o teachers. his book is an e tended version o one o the most popular aspects o their pro ects using magic tricks to introduce computer science ideas. his is a much more comprehensive version o that idea
• t will appeal to an one interested in magic or computer science novices interested in learning magic, magicians interested in the links to computaton, and also teachers, students and the general public interested in computng. t gives teachers un and novel wa s to introduce computng topics
• Computng is now compulsor in UK schools as well as man other countries so there is a lot o interest in un wa s to learn about it and teach it
• t also builds on the traditon o recreatonal maths and magic and will also be o interest to those interested in la recreatonal mathematcs science and S E public engagement
The team behind Computer Science for Fun (CS4FN), bring you Conjuring with Computaton: A Manual of Magic and Computng for Beginners. evelop our skills to be a magician while also learning the basics o computer science b e ploring its links to magic. Each chapter e plains how to do a simple magic trick, step b step, then uses the trick to introduce linked undamental ideas in computer science in a un wa .
reading the book ou will learn to do sel working tricks, be able to hold magic shows, create ou own versions o tricks and with creatvit even invent our own. We cover
• Sel working card tricks
• agical igsaws, bo es and other ob ects
• alse shu es and cuts
• alse choices
• agic with books and pictures
• entalism, clairvo ance and tricks with ghosts
• agic built on technolog
• ind out our riends superpowers ou will also learn how computaton underpins con uring answering uestons like
• What is computaton
• Wh are the skills o a computatonal thinker, like decompositon, abstracton and generalisaton, so important
• Wh is data represented in di erent wa s
• How is eas to use so ware created
• How does maths underpin programming
• What are the basics o c ber securit and privac
• Wh must we all understand how computng technolog a ects societ he book includes profles o computer scientsts, and magicians with links to technolog , through histor . aster con uring and thinking computatonall .
February 2023
Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan
Extent: 280pp
Type: Stud Guide
Main Subject: General
Sub-Subjects: Popular Science So ware Engineering Programming General Science igital Securit nnovaton echnolog Knowledge n ormaton anagement atabases n ormaton Sciences heoretcal Computer Science rtfcial ntelligence achine Learning obotcs nd utomated S stems eural etworks etworking achine Percepton Computer ision Popular ecreatonal athematcs
Keywords: Computaton Con uring Computatonal hinking Computer Science Programming agic Computng n ormatcs Sel Working tricks Human Computer nteracton C ber Securit and Privac Cognitve Ps cholog
Readership: General public hose interested in learning how to do magic tricks and la computng mathematcs science including those visitng science and technolog computng museums. hose learning computer science sub ects (at school or universit ) with an interest in magic
• ntroducton
• lgorithmic hinking
• Evaluaton Logical hinking
• aking it work or people
• ecompositon bstracton
• Procedures Procedural bstracton
• uilding igger
• bstracton ata epresentaton
• Human Computer nteracton
• Evaluaton Logical hinking
• ore dvanced Computatonal hinking
• C ber Securit and Privac
• dvanced echnolog
• cknowledgements
• urther eading
• nde o Computng erms
• nde o ricks, llusions and Con uring echni ues
• nde o People