
8 minute read
The Ultmate Guide to Doing a PhD
Merle van den Akker Commonwealth Bank, Australia
Key Features
• he Ph process is an inherentl untransparent, ascinatng, et undere plored topic. he demand or more in ormaton regarding the Ph process is huge, and the target audience or this book is broad as a result o this. his book can be a helping hand or those actvel considering doing a Ph , those who are alread in a Ph , as well as those ma have onl ever given doing a Ph the smallest o thoughts
• his topic has millions o ollowers across di erent social pla orms. nd these are onl the pla orms that am aware o . lthough the language used in academic se ngs ma be considered comple , he Ultmate Guide to oing a Ph will be wri en in a wa which assumes no prior knowledge o academia, nor will it target a specifc feld o stud (e.g. marketng, ph sics, philosoph ) making it accessible to an reader regardless o background, interest or educaton level
Have you ever considered doing a PhD, but have no idea where to start? r are ou doing a Ph and startng to eel like ou re losing the plot oing a Ph starts rom the ver the idea o wantng to do one itsel . What motvatons work well and which don t when making it through the Ph he book also includes several chapters on appl ing to a Ph , universit selecton, supervisor selecton and document preparaton. We then move onto what goes on during the Ph , which is where the ma orit o uestons o en arise. uestons around workload, tme management, mental health, social comparison, (peer) pressure, supervisor (mis)communicatons, all the wa up to publishing, teaching, networking, con erence a endance, presentng work and preparing or the ne t step are addressed. nd es, the ne t step ma ers are ou planning to contnue to work in academia, or not he book addresses both career pathwa s, sta ing in or leaving academia, e uall . here has been increased pushback against the idea that those with a Ph should automatcall remain in academia, especiall as the academic ob market has become increasingl saturated. here has been an increased interest in transitoning rom academia to industr , but again, the in ormaton on how to properl approach this remains sca ered. his book aims to take a (prospectve) Ph student b the hand and outline the entre process, answering ever ueston the could possibl have along the wa .
Each ear the number o applicants to postgraduate research and Ph programs increases, et the in ormaton on how to success ull navigate the ourne remains obscure. his is where this book comes in e plore ever aspect o doing a Ph .
Merle van den Akker is a behavioural science manager at a bank. She decided to leave academia a er completng her Ph in behavioural science. uring her Ph she blogged about the applicaton o behavioural science to personal fnance on her blog one on the ind, as well as the Ph ourne . t s the la er that garnered her a lo al ollowing and made her reali e that there was a dire need or a guide to help out Ph students, through each and ever stage o the Ph .
February 2023
£60 | HARDCOVER 978 8006 345 4
£35 | S C E 978 8006 364 5
Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan Europe
Extent: 270pp
Type: Stud Guide
Main Subject: General
Sub-Subjects: Popular Science eaching nd Learning
Keywords: Ph cademia oing a Ph Surviving a Ph Ph Guide Post graduate Post Graduate Guide esearch octoral raining How to Ph Ph or ummies Ph ental Health cademic dvice cademic wi er cademic Cha er
Readership: ounger (undergraduate, Sc) students considering doing a Ph . n one (older students, practtoners and pro essionals) considering doing a Ph , or those who are engaged in educaton research or understanding the current struggles in the Ph process
• Introducton
• Thinking About Doing a PhD:
Reasons to Not Do a PhD
A Critcal Evaluaton of Reasons to Do a PhD
The 5W’s and 1H of Doing a PhD
Biggest Misconceptons About Doing a PhD
Concluding Remarks (So Should You?)
• Applying to a PhD:
How to Find Topic (Open vs Closed Projects)
How to Find a University (Home, Abroad, Intercontnental)
How to Find a Supervisor
How to Find Funding (Home, Abroad, Intercontnental) (Company, University, Country, Excellence)
Getng Documents in Order
How to Survive an Interview
Weighing Multple Ofers vs Dealing with Rejecton
Concluding Remarks
• Startng the PhD:
Setling In
Planning The Research Supervisor Communicaton
First Year PhD Review
Concluding Remarks
• In the PhD:
Structure Amidst Chaos
Writng It All Down
The Publicaton Journey
Time Management & Mult-Tasking
Taking Breaks
Mental Health
Talking Supervisor (Again!)
What Do You Want from the PhD?
Knowing When to Quit
Doing “Just” the PhD Isn’t Enough
PhD Review, Year 2
PhD Review, Year 3
Concluding Remarks
• Finishing the PhD:
Balancing Writng and Job Searching (CV Writng)
Leveraging Contacts
Mental Health Revisited (Surviving Yet Another Existental Crisis)
A Good PhD is a Finished PhD
Final Year PhD Review
Things I Would Have Done Diferently
Concluding Remarks
• PhDone! What now?:
The Ant-Climax of Submitng
The Viva
Concluding Remarks: The Afermath
• Final Words
What Happened and Why
Robert J Sherertz Wake Forest School of Medicine, USA
Jon S Abramson Wake Forest School of Medicine, USA
Key Features
• C Chaos was wri en b two in ectous disease ph sicians, who each have over 35 ears o e perience caring or patents with a large variet o in ectous diseases. dditonall , both did research in understanding the pathogenesis o in ectous diseases, and collectvel have man ears o e perience handling outbreaks at the local level, have been involved with guideline documents making recommendatons or reducing in ectons at the natonal level, and have global e perience managing internatonal in ectous diseases
• he book begins with three frst person accounts rom ph sicians involved in C 9 care during the earl pandemic, when it was overwhelming hospitals
• t then tracks its course rom Wuhan, China, to other parts o the world, while comparing and contrastng public health interventons, both at the hospital and local communit level, , all the wa up to countr level
• t a empts to understand the broad spectrum o C 9 disease, both clinicall and pathoph siologicall , as well as its global collateral damage
• t e plores in depth S S Co 2 vaccine development, testng and the geopolitcal problems with vaccine deplo ment
• t a empts to understand the origin o S S Co 2 and its place in the pantheon o other organisms causing pandemics
• t identfes unanswered uestons related to C 9 and looks at possible solutons
• t concludes with some late breaking pandemic events at the end o 202 ( micron variant, etc) and a global photo essa about the pandemic
COVID Chaos is a book about the 2019 SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic that was writen real tme, spanning the tme from March 31, 2020 through December 31, 2021, by two Emeritus Professors of Infectous Diseases (Adult – RJS, Pediatrics – JSA). S s and S s careers began with the H pandemic, involved collaboraton with the 2009 n uen a pandemic, and now are fnishing up with the Coronavirus pandemic. he authors have broad e perience with outbreaks, rom the local level ( S had career long responsibilites or controlling outbreaks at medical school hospitals and worked taking care o C 9 patents during the pandemic), all the wa up to the pandemic level ( S wrote a book about the 2009 n uen a pandemic and has worked with the WH or the past 0 ears.

he aim o the book is to give the reader some insight into the global impact o the S S Co 2 outbreak during the frst two ears, rom multple perspectves (patent, healthcare provider, global cit en, public health, economic, geopolitcal). n a empt was also made to understand how S S Co 2 caused disease, both its pathogenesis at the individual patent level, and globall , as to how it was so success ul at causing a pandemic and how it compares with other organisms capable o causing outbreaks, epidemics and pandemics. t is wri en to be o interest to an one who likes to read and wants to know more about what happened during the C 9 pandemic and wh .
C Chaos was wri en b two in ectous disease ph sicians, who each have over 35 ears o e perience caring or patents with a large variet o in ectous diseases. dditonall , both did research in understanding the pathogenesis o in ectous diseases, and collectvel have man ears o e perience handling outbreaks at the local level, have been involved with guideline documents making recommendatons or reducing in ectons at the natonal level, and have global e perience managing internatonal in ectous diseases.
he book begins with three frst person accounts rom ph sicians involved in C 9 care during the earl pandemic, when it was overwhelming hospitals.
t then tracks its course rom Wuhan, China, to other parts o the world, while comparing and contrastng public health interventons, both at the hospital and local communit level, all the wa up to countr level.
he book a empts to understand the broad spectrum o C 9 disease, both clinicall and pathoph siologicall , as well as its global collateral damage. t e plores in depth S S Co 2 vaccine development, testng and the geopolitcal problems with vaccine deplo ment, and a empts to understand the origin o S S Co 2 and its place in the pantheon o other organisms causing pandemics.
February 2023
£115 | HARDCOVER 978-981-126-457-3
£40 | S C E 978 98 26 560 0
Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing
Extent: 480pp
Type: Popular ook
Main Subject: Li e Sciences iolog
Sub-Subjects: icrobiolog irolog esearch General Li e Sciences n ectous iseases icrobiolog irolog Public Health (+Epidemiolog )
Keywords: COVID-19; Pneumonia; hrombosis Stroke ocardial in arcton entlators ial sis ults stem n ammator isease in Children Preganc Long C Long Haulers ortalit isk actors mmuncompromised iagnosis
PC ntgen ests ntbod ests
Chest a C Scan ransmission
Personal Protectve E uipment asks Superspreaders ndoors utdoors ein ecton verwhelmed Hospitals
S S Co 2 utaton Pandemic n ectous isease Coronavirus
Readership: cademia medicine, in ectous disease, microbiologists, virologists, epidemiologists, public health, nursing industr vaccines, drugs, diagnostc testng, healthcare workers, general public, nonfcton readers
• Prologue verwhelmed Hospitals
• aking o a Pandemic
• Path o estructon
• isorgani ed Global esponse
• irborne ssassin
• accine Salvaton
• Collateral amage
• rigin Stor
• Pantheon o Plagues
• re here Geopolitcal Solutons
• he Human Side
• cknowledgements
• Epilogue
Metal Halide Perovskites
Jin Zhong Zhang
University of California Santa Cruz, USA
Zhiguo Xia
South China University of Technology, China
Qi Pang Guangxi University, China
Metal halide perovskites are the hotest materials currently.
his uni ue compendium covers s stematcall the undamental aspects o s nthesis, propertes, and applicatons o metal halide perovskites that e hibit uni ue propertes and use ul unctonalites.
Wri en or beginners and practtoners, this use ul re erence te t provides a good balance between undamental concepts principles and related recent researches with man highlighted e amples.
his volume benefts researchers, practtoners, graduate students in materials chemistr nanochemistr , ph sical chemistr and semiconductors.
February 2023
£85 | HARDCOVER 978-981-125-741-4
Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan
Extent: 300pp
Type: onograph
Main Subject: aterials Science
Sub-Subjects: ew aterials General aterials Science Semiconductors elated reas aterials Chemistr anochemistr Ph sical Chemistr
Condensed a er Ph sics
Keywords: etal Halide Perovskites

Solar aterials H brid Perovskites
Readership: esearchers, pro essionals, academics, and graduate students in materials chemistr , ph sical chemistr and semiconductors