2 minute read
Climate, Chaos and COVID
How Mathematcal Models Describe the Universe
Chris Budd University of Bath, UK
Key Features
• he current high profle use o mathematcal models to make decisions on C 9 and climate and be ond has created both a concern in the public, and also a desire to learn much more about how and wh the work. his book aims to do e actl this. t also aims to provide motvaton or wh we learn mathematcs at school, showing the huge power that mathematcs has when it is used in the real world
• he topics covered, which include C 9, Climate change and saving the whales could not be more topical
• he level o mathematcs varies between none, and that learned b the end o high school. he reader can there ore choose to either get involved in the mathematcs and learn e actl how it is applied, or the can ollow the stor o how it is used in the di erent case studies
Mathematcal models are very much in the news now, as they are used to make decisions about our response to such vital areas as COVID-19 and climate change. re uentl , the are blamed or a series o dubious decisions, creatng much concern amongst the general public. However, without mathematcal models, we would have none o the modern technolog that we take or granted, nor would we have modern health care, be able to orecast the climate, cook a potato, have electricit to power our home, or go into space.
e plaining technical mathematcal concepts in a wa that ever one can understand and appreciate, Climate, Chaos and COVID: How Mathematcal Models Describe the Universe sets the record straight and li s the lid o the m ster o mathematcal models. t shows wh the work, how good the can be, the advantages and disadvantages o using them and how the make the modern world possible. he readers will be able to see the impact that the use o these models has on their lives, and will be able to appreciate both their power and their limitatons.
he book includes a ver large number o both short and long case studies, man o which are taken directl rom the author s own e periences o working as a mathematcal modeller in academia, in industr , and between the two. hese include C 9 and climate and how maths saves the whales, powers our home, gives us the material we need to live, and takes us into space.
February 2023
£60 | HARDCOVER 978 8006 304
Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing
Extent: 300pp
Type: Popular ook
Main Subject: athematcs
Sub-Subjects: athematcal odeling
Popular ecreatonal athematcs ioin ormatcs iocomputng
Computatonal iolog iomathematcs eaching nd Learning
Keywords: athematcal odelling i erental E uatons C 9
S odels Chaos heor Climate odels Saving the Whales Electricit Generaton aterials rigami Space
Readership: Keen high school students, teachers, S E undergraduates and postgraduates interested in the feld o applied mathematcs and mathematcal modelling polic makers and decision makers in relevant industries such as Educaton, Environment, Health and Social Care, and Energ members o the general public who want to understand more o the mathematcs behind the models used in ever da li e
• Pre ace
• How athematcs odels eal Li e
• Wh id the athematcian Cross the oad
• aths Saves the Whales
• How aths Helped in the ight gainst C 9
• Can aths Predict the uture
• he athematcs o Climate Change
• Energetc aths
• How uch aths Can ou Eat
• aterial athematcs
• aths Goes into Space
• e erences