
6 minute read
Associatve Algebraic Geometry
Arvid Siqveland
University of South-Eastern, Norway
Key Features
• Gives e plicit computatonal methods and includes the most necessar prere uisites
• ocuses on the meaning and the place o de ormaton theor , resultng in a complete theor applicable to moduli theor
• nswers the ueston wh moduli theor and it give e amples in mathematcal ph sics b looking at the universe o a moduli o molecules
• Gives a meaning to most noncommutatve theories
• Contains the frst e plicit defniton o a noncommutatve scheme, covered b not necessaril commutatve rings. his defniton does not contradict an o the previous abstract defnitons o noncommutatve algebraic geometr , but rather gives interestng relatons to other theories which is le or urther investgaton
Classical Deformaton Theory is used for determining the completons of the local rings of an eventual moduli space. When a moduli variet e ists, a main result in the book is that the local ring in a closed point can be e plicitl computed as an algebrai aton o the pro representng hull (there ore, called the local ormal moduli) o the de ormaton unctor or the corresponding closed point.
he book gives e plicit computatonal methods and includes the most necessar prere uisites. t ocuses on the meaning and the place o de ormaton theor , resultng in a complete theor applicable to moduli theor . t answers the ueston wh moduli theor and it give e amples in mathematcal ph sics b looking at the universe as a moduli o molecules. hereb giving a meaning to most noncommutatve theories.
he book contains the frst e plicit defniton o a noncommutatve scheme, covered b not necessaril commutatve rings. his defniton does not contradict an o the previous abstract defnitons o noncommutatve algebraic geometr , but rather gives interestng relatons to other theories which is le or urther investgaton.
Arvid Siqveland, Cand. Scient. ( aster) at Universit o slo 990 under the supervision o rnfnn Laudal, r Scient. (Ph ) at Universit o slo 996 under the supervision o rnfnn Laudal. Si veland has published a series o artcles on de ormaton theor , hal o them on noncommutatve de ormaton theor . He has been on the editorial board o several East European mathematcal ournals and was ver actve in the ordic altc lgebraic Geometr and athematcal Ph sics cooperaton ( G P) during his period as a ean or the acult o Engineering and atural Sciences at US rom 2006 20 4. He was one o the authors o the book oncommutatve e ormaton heor published in 20 7, and in 202 , rnfnn Laudal published the book athematcal odels in Science which Si veland helped in editng. his was when he understood that there was a missing link between de ormaton theor and mathematcal models, and that this link was a noncommutatve algebraic geometr .
February 2023
£120 | HARDCOVER 978 8006 354 6
Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan Europe
Extent: 358pp
Type: onograph
Main Subject: athematcs
Sub-Subjects: lgebraic Geometr lgebraic opolog ssociatve onassociatve ings nd lgebra
Categor heor Homological lgebra
Geometr (Conve nd iscrete
Geometr ) nd opolog Linear and ultlinear lgebra atri heor athematcal Ph sics
Keywords: oncommutatve lgebraic
Geometr ssociatve lgebraic
Geometr ne ssociatve ariet
Simp Spec e ormaton heor oduli Geometric nvariant heor ult Local ings Simple odules
Closed Points
Readership: he target readership is graduate mathematcians, and it can be used as a te tbook or graduate courses in algebra algebraic geometr . he e amples are good oundatons or master and Ph theses. Can also be adopted to di erental geometr and algebraic topolog K theor and can be adopted to the recommended reading lists in such courses
• asic ntroducton to ssociatve odul
• ssociatve lgebra
• ssociatve arietes
• oncommutatve e ormaton heor
• ssociatve arietes
• Computatonal E amples o ssociatve arietes
• lgebraic nvariant heor
• Pre d namic G
• namical lgebraic Structures
Necrotzing Enterocolits Insights into Pathogenesis, Diagnosis and Treatment
David J Hackam Johns Hopkins University, USA
Key Features
• his book is the frst o its kind to date, there is no comprehensive te tbook that ocuses on the treatment o children with necrot ing enterocolits
• he authors o each chapter are rom the top pediatric insttutons around the world, and are all leaders in the feld. hus, this book o ers a state o the art compendium devoted to the care o children with EC
• he market or this book is ver large healthcare sta who services newborn nurser will need to be able to diagnose and treat EC. his book is wri en in such a wa that it appeals to students, nurses, ph sicians, as well as scientsts in the feld
Necrotzing enterocolits (NEC), described over 30 years ago, remains the leading cause of death in premature infants from gastrointestnal disease. It is a iomatc that EC is both a devastatngl serious disease and one in which its ver underpinnings remain a m ster .
he disease develops uickl and without warning. Ever clinician who takes care o neonates will a est to the t pical scenario o a premature in ant who is at frst clinicall stable, then subtl begins to mani est a series o s mptoms which progress o en uite rapidl rom eeding intolerance, abdominal distenton and blood stools, to outright sepsis and hemod namic instabilit . Ever surgeon who operates on these ragile patents will have e perienced the scenario where laparotom reveals the presence o patch necrosis o the intestne with a distributon and severit which ma or ma not match the clinical impression that was present preoperatvel . large number o studies have revealed that neither the t pe o surger that is per ormed on patents with EC, nor its tming, can signifcantl alter outcomes in patents with this disease. hese clinical impressions reveal the highl variable nature o patents with EC, and also underscore the act that i we are to improve the outcome o these oung children, then a clearer understanding o the pathogenesis o EC at the molecular level is re uired.
his te tbook will ocus on all ma or schools o thought regarding the actors that lead to the development o EC, and will address the current scientfc approach to the development o appropriate treatments. n additon, this book will address the comple social, ethical, nursing and rehabilitatve issues that clinicians ace when caring or patents with EC. inall , a signifcant ocus o the book will be devoted to the scientfc underpinnings o this disease, and the successes so ar in the development o novel therapeutc approaches based upon these scientfc discoveries.
Cover Available Soon
February 2023
£98 | HARDCOVER 978-981-4725-94-1
Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan
Extent: 300pp
Type: eview olume ( reat s e tbook)
Main Subject: Medicine
Sub-Subjects: Paediatrics Surger ursing edical Educaton
Keywords: ecrot ing Enterocolits ewborn Surger Pediatrics Pediatric Surger
Readership: Surgeons, pediatricians, neonatologists, nutritonists, neurodevelopmental clinicians, and pediatric nurses
• Clinical Consideratons: Epidemiology, Defnitons, Diagnosis and Management: Necrotzing Enterocolits: Historical Perspectves and Defnitons
Nursing Consideratons For the Patent with Necrotzing Enterocolits: Stomas, Stools and Lines
An Updated Overview of the Medical Management of Necrotzing Enterocolits
Clinical Clues, Biochemical Indices and Biomarkers: Diagnostc Consideratons in Necrotzing Enterocolits
Is It NEC Or Is It SIP
The Role of Laparoscopy in the Diagnosis and Management of Necrotzing Enterocolits
Feeding Strategies in the Patent with Necrotzing Enterocolits
An Overview of the Surgical Care of Infants with Necrotzing Enterocolits
Innate Intestnal Defense and Necrotzing Enterocolits
Probiotcs in the Preventon of Necrotzing Enterocolits
Cardiovascular and Hemodynamic Consideratons in the Patent with Necrotzing Enterocolits
Neurodevelopmental Consideratons in the Patent with Necrotzing Enterocolits
Lung Disease and Ventlatory Strategies in the Infant with Necrotzing Enterocolits
Clinical Trials in NEC Research: Advances, Perils and Pitalls
Management of Short Bowel Syndrome in Patents with Necrotzing Enterocolits
Necrotzing Enterocolits in Unusual Cases: Term Infants, Congenital Anomalies, Comorbidites
Intestnal Transplantaton Strategies For Children with NEC
New Imaging Strategies For the Detecton of Necrotzing Enterocolits
Pain Issues in Infants with Necrotzing Enterocolits: Assessment, Management and Treatment
Brain Imaging in Infants with Necrotzing Enterocolits
• Societal and Community Consideratons in Necrotzing Enterocolits:
Hospital Delivery Systems and Health Economics in Necrotzing Enterocolits
Quality and Safety Consideraton Consideratons and Necrotzing Enterocolits
Clinical Outcomes in Children with NEC
Disparity Issues and Necrotzing Enterocolits
Ethical Consideratons in Necrotzing Enterocolits
• Biochemical and Molecular Consideratons in the Pathogenesis of Necrotzing Enterocolits: he ole o L Signaling in the Pathogenesis o ecrot ing Enterocolits he ole o Growth actor Signaling in the evelopment and reatment o ecrot ing Enterocolits he ole o Platelet erived Growth actor in the Pathogenesis o ecrot ing Enterocolits he ole o ascular evelopment in the Pathogenesis o ecrot ing Enterocolits ile cids in the Pathogenesis o ecrot ing Enterocolits he ole o the acterial Communites in the Pathogenesis o ecrot ing Enterocolits ntestnal daptaton and ecrot ing Enterocolits. asic and Clinical Consideratons he ole o itric ide Signaling in the Pathogenesis o ecrot ing Enterocolits ntestnal Epithelial arrier uncton and EC nnate and daptve mmune s uncton and ecrot ing Enterocolits ntestnal mmune daptaton and ecrot ing Enterocolits
Large nimal odels or the Stud o ecrot ing Enterocolits
Small nimal odels or the Stud o ecrot ing Enterocolits
C tokine Signaling and ecrot ing Enterocolits
Proli eratve Signaling and ecrot ing Enterocolits
Summar , uture irectons, ovel herapies utritve ormulatons in the Pathogenesis o ecrot ing Enterocolits utritonal Consideratons e ond the Gut in the Pathogenesis o ecrot ing Enterocolits ucosal Signaling in the Pathogenesis o ecrot ing Enterocolits
Paneth Cells and EC he Electronic ose iagnosis o EC rganic Compounds and EC
Human onor ilk and EC
Growth actors and EC