1 minute read

Fundamentals of Radiaton Biology

Susan B Klein Indiana University, USA

Marc S Mendonca Indiana University, USA & Purdue University, USA


Key Features

• ncludes the biolog , chemistr , mathematcs, and ph sics that orm the oundatons o radiaton biolog

• ncludes state o the art research results and current h potheses

• Presents an engaging narratve that enhances the accessibilit o di cult sub ect ma er


Fundamentals of Radiaton Biology presents a contemporary, comprehensive review of the interactons between ionizing radiatons and biological materials, tracking the consequences to three inevitable endpoints: cell resttuton, cell death, or cell transformaton.

he introductor narratve is ollowed b e aminaton o larger scale phenomena including tssue responses to radiaton in ur , organ ailure modes, and resultant human illness including cancer. Ultmatel , Fundamentals of Radiaton Biology considers circumstantal radiaton incidents impactng biological s stems including radiological terrorism and radiaton polluton remediaton. Chapters presentng an overview o carcinogenesis and radiaton therap techni ues based in radiobiolog discuss two signifcant e pansions central to the concerns o the te t.

his book takes an unprecedented narratve approach to radiobiolog each chapter e pands on the undamentals surve ed previousl to lead the reader steadil to a panorama o radiaton biocomple it . o biological event happens in isolaton. ctons evoke reactons that alter structures and cause living s stems to adapt. t also e amines the components consttutng mammalian radiaton response machiner and correlates them with resultant ph siological behaviors.

February 2023

£125 | HARDCOVER 978 98 25 765 0

£80 | S C E 978-981-125-891-6

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing Compan

Extent: 400p

Type: e tbook

Main Subject: Medicine

Sub-Subjects: uclear edicine adiolog edical maging ioph sics ioph sics, iological nd edical Ph sics ncolog uclear Chemistr Cancer esearch

Keywords: adiaton iolog adiaton ioph sics Cancer adiotherap Health Ph sics adiaton

Readership: edical students, radiologic technolog students, cancer oncolog researchers, medical ph sics residents, Ph sicists

• he rigins o adiaton

• nteractons etween adiaton and bsorbing aterials

• adiaton Chemistr

• he iochemistr o epair

• Higher rder iolog and adiaton amage

• odeling adiaton iolog

• pplicatons o ose esponse odels

• n ivo adiaton esponse

• adiaton and Cancer iolog

• adiaton herap

• adiaton Sa et

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