3 minute read

Aiming at Medicine?

Human Biology, Health Sciences and Medicine Futures

Charles Oxnard University of Western Australia, Australia


Key Features

• his book uestons those man oung people thinking o careers in medicine, health and medical science. oung people, girls as well as bo s, are o en worried that the ma not be good enough, or clever enough • et oung people have worked so diligentl , ge ng good grades in high schools, doing well as undergraduates, memori ing acts as medical students, working hard and long as oung doctors, and then into practce (and or man , also, teaching and research)

• t all seems so obvious, and to some, so o pu ng. ut it s reall so much more

• n this book are m answers to the ueston the are or ou, students o all ages or our parents (especiall doctor and science parents the wonder should ou ollow them ) or our grandparents ( orever proud o ou, their grandchildren, whatever ou come to do ) or all our other supporters, interested in where ou are going or an one else, wondering about the realites o learning, discover , practce and service or ever one, worried about the wa s that medicine and medical educaton are changing

• Parents (especiall mothers) are orever proud o their sons (and their daughters) child, the doctor s this part o the wa credita o eio Listen to the ld an Edson rantes do ascimento (Pel )


Though frst a doctor who treated patents, the author became a professor, questoning facts (researching), excitng students (teaching), borrowing ideas (from the breadth of science, statstcs, technology, engineering and medicine), and challenging ‘how it all works’. hough beginning gentl , the ueston in the book eventuall leads fercel into how research, teaching, practce and service reall occur, and to erocious challenges both inside academia and out in societ .

t is hoped that this double erocit will be use ul to students wondering about their utures to ph sician and scientst parents looking at the possibilit o their children ollowing them to all parents and grandparents worr ing about the careers o all o spring to an one interested in the processes o discover , teaching, and service and or ever one, concerned about the wider implicatons or educaton and or societ .


Charles Oxnard, ( Sc, , Ch , Ph , Sc, degrees in iolog , edicine, Science and Engineering), has had a research, teaching, and administratve career on three contnents, in our universites, and during more than si t ears. He was ean o the Undergraduate College (Universit o Chicago), the Graduate School (Universit o Southern Cali ornia), and the acult o Science and griculture (Universit o Western ustralia). He has been irector o combined Ph , programmes twice in the US .

Cover Available Soon

February 2023


978 98 26 333 0

£30 | S C E 978-981-126-419-1

Imprint: World Scientfc Publishing


Extent: 300pp

Type: Popular ook

Main Subject: Medicine

Sub-Subjects: General edicine edical Educaton General nterest General Science oung dults or 3 nd bove eaching nd Learning

Secondar nd High School

Keywords: eaching esearch Practce riad natom Surger Ph sicians edical Communicaton, Heredit evelopment Growth uncton

Evoluton edical School pplicaton steoporosis ones erves Spinal Cord and rain itamin 2 efcienc odine efcienc Cretnism orensics

Readership: High school students, undergraduate students, medical students, research students, teachers and educators, student mentors, parents, and all interested in the careers o the oung

• You, Our Students, Must Be Centre-Stage: First: Three Students

• How it Happened to Me: A Road Less Travelled: A Passion for Science and Medicine

First Discovery: A Very Small Finding

First Teaching: The Teaching/Research Nexus

First Practce: The Research/Teaching/Practce Triad

• Research Wrinkles: How Research is Really Done: “Just Sheer Dumb Luck” (Professor McGonagall, Hogwarts) Borrowed, Gifed, Shared, Even Invented, (But Not Stolen?!)

Three Heresies and Thrice a Heretc!

Guessing Human Pasts! ‘Guestmatng’ Human Futures?

Gold Standards, Accepted Wisdoms, Best Practces: (Are They Crippling Straight-Jackets?)

‘O-Metrics’: Revealing What Is Hidden! Change, Challenge and China!

• Challenging Inside the Ivory Tower: Students Efectng Change. Is It Possible?

Professors Efectng Change. It is Impossible!

Deans and Change. The Poisoned Chalice: Is It Ever Possible? The Conscience of The University!

Military Interludes

• Challenging Beyond the Drawbridge: rom es and rrows to Pandemics and C ber emics o We Have a Science echnolog edicine Problem Hal wa ut Climbing Up, Sliding own re eaching and esearch Careers ow oribund he World Sphere Should We be Worried

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