2021 EMPLOYER OF CHOICE (PUBLIC SECTOR & NFP) This award recognises the best public sector or not-for-profit organisation to work for in Australia. Finalists were judged on their leadership, engagement, communication and employee benefits.
Export Finance Australia Export Finance Australia is a great example of what workplaces can achieve when they value their employees and customers equally. This certified Great Place to Work, and one of Australia’s Wrk+ Best Places to Work, believes that placing organisational culture at the heart of what it does will ensure ongoing success. This is reflected in the company’s strong, engaging work culture, which is focused on creating a sense of belonging, purpose and achievement.
Export Finance Australia
Achieve Australia Cancer Council Queensland CareFlight Level Crossing Removal Project Penrith City Council The Disability Trust VERTO
Export Finance Australia’s leadership programs and values have inspired loyalty among employees. Here are some of the highlights of its people-first approach: Inclusivity The leadership of Export Finance Australia have actively worked to create an inclusive culture that promotes growth and nurtures belonging. Teams are allowed to thrive and feel supported through the ability to get involved in organisational culture initiatives, including the Culture Champions, the Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan Working Group, many strategic leadership programs, and the women’s leadership program. Strong diversity Export Finance Australia is very focused on creating career pathways for its Indigenous employees. More than half of the company’s employees were born overseas, 41% are bilingual or multilingual, and 54% have lived overseas. Export Finance Australia is also an advocate for gender balance achieved with women’s representation on the Executive and Senior Leadership Team at 43% and 46% respectively. Engagement Even during the most challenging times, Export Finance Australia has been able to prioritise the wellbeing of its employees and support a safe and happy workforce. In 2021, the company received an engagement score of 87% and an Employee Net Promoter Score of 88%, acknowledging its commitment to its people and workplace culture. Furthermore, 98% of Export Finance Australia employees agree that they have the flexibility they need at work. Email: info@exportfinance.gov.au Website: www.exportfinance.gov.au Phone: 1800 093 724