As the leaves change and the air turns crisp, we are delighted to present to you the Fall Edition. In this season of transformation and little things, we have curated a collection of stories, and features that capture the essence of the autumnal spirit.
Traditionally, Thanksgiving is a time for families and friends to come together to express gratitude for the blessings of the year, share a festive meal, and enjoy each other's company. But is Thanksgiving your favorite Holiday? In our main feature, we invite you and your family to incorporate one or more of these 7 Ways to Make Thanksgiving a Holiday You Love. Page 8.
Within the pages of this fall issue, you'll find useful content to strengthen a parent-child relationship, from seasonal snack recipes, book reviews, and cool stuff to a calendar full of adventure and activities!
Furthermore, October supports many meaningful causes dedicated to raising awareness. To celebrate Down Syndrome Awareness Month we had the opportunity to interview Mia, a special girl that is making a difference in our community and changing the perception of our differences. Learn more on page 28.
We hope this fall edition brings joy, inspiration, and a sense of connection during a season that reminds us of the beauty in change.
Thank you for being a part of the Kiddos Magazine community. Your passion for quality content and meaningful stories is what motivates us to continued strive for excellence.
Wishing you a cozy season!
Kiddos is a Florida based kids focused magazine, whose mission is to help strengthen the bonds between parents and their children by providing value-based content and quality journalism.
Veronica Lepere
Family First CityPASS
School of Rock Wilton
Etta Walker
Kiddos Creative Department
Tulips Photography
Veronica Lepere
KIDDOS MAGAZINE P.O. Box 431492 Miami, Fl. 33243
786.260.8492 info@kiddosmagazine.com
Iasked my kids their favorite and least-favorite holidays. While Christmas came out on top for both, one of my kid's named “Thanksgiving” as the worst. “But” said this child, “some of the food is good.” “Like which foods?” I inquired. “The cornbread, the pie, and Nana’s cranberry Jell-O salad.” Ah. It seemed like Thanksgiving wasn’t all bad. But both agreed; they didn’t love it. I understood. Keeping up with annual Thanksgiving traditions usually involves a lot of work for parents, but not everyone appreciates them. I wanted things to change—for all of us— this Thanksgiving. But how?
To help Thanksgiving move up on the favorite holidays list, I thought about what we could do differently.
If your family struggles with loving this holiday too, maybe you can give Thanksgiving an overhaul this year by incorporating one of these 7 ways to turn it into a holiday with Thanksgiving traditions you all love.
1Start a new tradition.
As a teen, I worked the holidays at a movie theater and on those days, my boss let my family see shows for free. I’d serve up the popcorn, make some money, and my parents and sister got a treat. We all liked the arrangement, and it lasted for a handful of years. What can your family do that’s different and will make this holiday one you love?
Thanksgiving traditions don’t have to be the stuff of your childhood. Make new ones with the family you have now.
parade, why not attend in person this year? If you can’t find a parade in town, tune in to one on TV. Make it special by having breakfast on the couch and watching as a family. You might be surprised how fun this can be for kids.
3Bake a pie—or a different sweet treat—with the kids. My kids and I have baked an apple pie together for most of the last several Thanksgivings. Maybe your family would prefer to bake a cake on Thanksgiving? Or something fancy like scones or donuts? Do what makes your family happy and create a new, sweet Thanksgiving tradition together.
4Decide on good enough dinner prep. My husband makes Thanksgiving dinner and is the type of guy who enjoys the challenge of a new stuffing recipe each year. As for me, I’m just happy I don’t have to cook. Talk with your husband about what you both envision for the holiday. Be realistic. What people remember most from Thanksgiving is the company and whether their bellies are full. So, just make sure there’s enough, but don’t stress over whether it’s Michelin quality.
5Combine travel with a tourist activity. Does the Thanksgiving tradition of traveling on the holiday make your stomach hurt? Me too. Growing up, I hated sitting in someone else’s living room for hours while the adults talked. And as an adult, I find it just about as hard. So, I’ve proposed to my husband that we combine our next trip with some sort of fun, touristy activity. I know there’s not a lot open on the actual holiday, but if you plan something for the day after, it might give you and the kids something else to look forward to.
6Invite people you don’t know well. Some of my most memorable Thanksgivings included untraditional guests—the elderly lady on our block, my son’s friend and his family, and my husband’s single coworker who got stranded in town last minute without dinner plans. Because we didn’t normally have holiday dinners together, these occasions became exciting very quickly. Think about who you can invite this year. New topics of conversation make things interesting!
7Choose a friends-giving or selfgiving activity.
I went to a “friends-giving” party a couple years ago, which was kind of like a potluck with various dishes—some Thanksgiving themed, but some dishes from the hostess’s Filipino background. I loved trying her plantains! If this is your kind of thing, host on the weekend before Thanksgiving so you’re free to do something else on the actual day. If you prefer something quieter, carve out time for some “self-giving” and whatever that means to you. It could be eating the leftover stuffing in front of your favorite TV show the next day. Or it could mean taking yourself to a coffee shop for some quiet time to read. Either way, it’s a special treat. That way, when Thanksgiving looms on the calendar, you have something to look forward to.
with tradition.
I grew up with the white noise of football games on TV during Thanksgiving. These days, our family keeps the TV off. Why not break the tradition that bothers you and start fresh with your family? A friend of mine doesn’t even make a turkey (her family eats lasagna). If your idea of family fun isn’t board games or backyard touch football, pick something you like. Go on a bike ride. Decorate for Christmas. Do what makes your family light up when you say, “Thanksgiving’s almost here!”
Which Thanksgiving traditions do you love, and which ones would you rather give up? k
Family First is a non-profit organization that provides parenting, marriage, and relationship resources through All Pro Dad, IMom and Family Minute programs, that help people love their family well, and gives them greater hope for the future. For more information visit www.familyfirst.net
"What people remember most from Thanksgiving is the company and whether their bellies are full.
3Purchase from our Amazon Wish Lists
Purchase a toy or game off of one of Nicklaus Children’s Amazon Wish Lists, specifically created for the patients at the hospital and across each of the outpatient centers.
4Drop Off Toy DonationsSave The Date!
The toy donation drop-off will be held on Saturday, December 16, 2023! If you have a toy donation and would like to reach our team, please email us at toydrive@nicklaushealth.org.
Due to strict infection control policies, all donated items must be new and unwrapped. No used, or lightly used, toys can be accepted. We are unable to accept clothing, blankets, latex balloons, candy/food items, or violent toys.
5Purchase Discounted Cards (for the holidays or any occasion!) on Minted.com
Mark your calendars and join Nicklaus Children's Hospital on Saturday, December 16, 2023, for their annual toy drop-off! This heartwarming event brings together countless members of our community who donate unwrapped toys to brighten the lives of our patients year-round during birthdays, end-oftreatment celebrations, going-home gifts and much more.
But the fun doesn't stop there! There are many other ways to support young patients: you can donate or create a fundraiser through a virtual toy drive, become a generous sponsor, volunteer your time or purchase an item from their Amazon Wish Lists.
Every donation counts. We can make a huge difference in the lives of Nicklaus Children's patients and families by spreading joy in their hearts and creating a lifetime of positive memories.
It's Always the Season to Spread Joy!
More Ways You Can Help:
Create your very own Virtual Toy Drive Fundraiser to help raise money for toys for Nicklaus Children’s patients. Nicklaus Children's Staff use the funds to provide personalized items for children visiting all Nicklaus Children's locations, from birthday celebration boxes to play therapy games, our popular Golden Toy Prize Towers, and bedside buddy games.
Businesses and organizations
love to give back to our patients by joining as sponsors for Spread Joy each holiday season. If you are a business or corporation interested in exploring sponsorship opportunities, please get in touch! Nicklaus Children’s Hospital have lots of great marketing benefits. You can email at toydrive@nicklaushealth.org.
When you shop for cards on www.minted.com, use the code FUNDRAISENICKLAUS to receive a 20% discount!
With the code, 15% of your purchase will
Source: Nicklaus Children’s Hospitalifu Nifa es una agrupación musical infantil fundada por la psicopedagoga Gianna Lodi en el año 1984 en su país natal Venezuela. Las payasitas Nifu Nifa cuentan con 39 años de labor ininterrumpida y 29 producciones discográficas, con discos de Oro y Platino y éxito comprobado en mercados como Colombia, Venezuela, Aruba, República Dominicana, España, Costa Rica, México, Bonaire, Curazao, Puerto Rico, Panamá y Estados Unidos.
“Nuestra meta es educar y divertir a la vez. Recordar a los adultos que los niños tienen sus propios artistas infantiles y que somos asequibles para ellos”, declaró Gianna Lodi, psicopedagoga y directora de las payasitas sobre la meta y misión de la agrupación, que busca trabajar de la mano de padres, educadores, organizaciones públicas y privadas que se dedican a proteger la infancia.
Con un mensaje esperanzador para las familias hispanas, las payasitas de Nifu Nifa se destacan por ser capaces de hablar el lenguaje infantil, respaldadas por casi cuatro décadas de carrera en la que han creado un mundo mágico
aniversarios, celebraciones infantiles, musicales, además de espectáculos multitudinarios alrededor del mundo junto a Disney World On Ice, y alcanzando reconocimiento internacional tras conquistar escenarios como el American Airlines Arena, en el que animaron las noches latinas del Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey, el circo más importante del mundo.
Fueron nominadas a los Latin Grammy 2019 y a los Suncoast Emmy Awards 2020. Representaron a Venezuela en el Desfile de la Hispanidad realizado en New York en el 2019 y en Washington en el 2023. En el año 2020 La Alcaldía de la Ciudad del Doral oficialmente proclamó el día 11 de Enero como el día de las Payasitas Nifu Nifa, además de haber recibido con anterioridad una distinción de la misma Alcaldía en el 2015.
Tras un arrasador éxito en los escenarios infantiles, la agrupación venezolana más importante para niños, presentó su nuevo álbum musical “Nifu Nifa y sus Amigos", distribuido por Orchard (Sony Music) y que ya está disponible en todas las plataformas digitales.
• Olga Tañon "Todos Somos Igualitos"
• Oscar D´Leon "Superpalabras"
• Raul Gonzalez "Olé Olé, Olé Olá"
• Karina "Bidi Bidi Bom Bom"
• Grupo Atención, Atención de Puerto Rico "Cuando un Amigo Baila"
Con un ritmo contagioso el grupo de las payasitas Nifu Nifa se ha encargado de distribuir sonrisas, y entretenimiento educativo a millones y millones de niños en diferentes países durante varias generaciones.
Este 28 de Octubre, las Payasitas Nifu Nifa se presentarán en vivo por primera vez en el evento anual de la revista Kiddos, Kiddo-Ween en CityPlace Doral para celebrar este día de disfraces, caramelos y mucho más, donde cantarán y bailarán con cientos de niños. Kiddo-Ween es un evento para toda la familia que no te puedes perder! Para más información, y para reservar su asistencia visita la página de Eventbrite.
Para más información sobre las actividades y la agenda de las payasitas, pueden visitar su cuenta de Instagram: @nifunifaoficial
oin Frost Science for an exciting day of activities throughout the museum and on the Science Plaza to celebrate the solar eclipse on October 14. Guests can enjoy hands-on space-themed activities, live science shows and demonstrations, and a unique Frost Planetarium show that delves into the science and history of eclipses. They will also be able to marvel at the annular solar eclipse using their solar telescopes, solar viewers, or a personal pair of solar eclipse glasses, available for purchase online in advance or in the Science Store.
October’s eclipse is an annular eclipse,
further away from the Earth than in a total solar eclipse. This means the Moon will not fully cover the disk of the Sun, leaving a ring of light around the Moon even when the two are fully aligned. It will be a beautiful sight! Here in Miami the eclipse will begin at 11:57 a.m. and reach its maximum coverage of 58% of the Sun at 1:34 p.m. The eclipse will end at 3:12 p.m.
During this time, you can safely marvel at the annular solar eclipse using Frost Science solar telescopes, solar viewers, or your own pair of solar eclipse glasses, available for purchase at the Science Store.
The celebration is included in the price of museum admission. Special programming will take place from 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. For $70.00, guests can upgrade to a premium
experience that includes exclusive viewing access for the Solar Eclipse Celebration, a private Frost Planetarium show at 11:00 am., special educational programming and exclusive Level 6 rooftop event access. Each ticket comes with a gift bag containing a pair of ISO-certified solar glasses and other goodies.
For more information visit: www.frostscience.org/solareclipse2023
It is easy to let our thoughts roll off the tongue as we parent our children—especially when they misbehave or push our buttons. All too often, we react to our children’s behavior with words that are unhelpful and sometimes even harmful. I know the times I’ve done this, I immediately regret it.
We don’t mean for our words to be discouraging or hurtful. We are exasperated, worn out, and likely at our wit’s end with parenthood. But it’s best to know what to avoid rather than discover it after the damage has been done. Will some of these still slip occasionally? Yes. That’s when we have to give ourselves some grace. But keep these 5 in the back of your mind as things you should never say to your child and consider what’s really at their roots.
1“Why would you do that?”
If you’re asking this question to discover your child’s motivation behind a behavior, then using this phrase can be appropriate at times—that is, if it is asked sincerely. If this is not your goal, you should avoid it altogether. Many times, the root of this accusatory question is demeaning.
Instead, strive to use simple sentences to identify the behavior and explain why it is unwelcome. For example, “I see you dumped all your goldfish in the toilet. Unfortunately, that is not where the goldfish like to be, and now we can’t enjoy them as a yummy snack. Next time, you should keep them in your bowl so you can eat them instead.”
2“You are driving me crazy right now.”
Saying this indicates there is a direct link between your child’s behavior and
your sanity. As hard as this is to admit, our children are not responsible for our actions or feelings. The root of this one is rage and will often add to the stress level of the situation.
If you find yourself saying this when your kiddo has an abnormal amount of energy, try saying something like, “Wow, you have a ton of energy right now! Unfortunately, I don’t have quite as much as you do. Why don’t we take some time to settle down by reading a book together? Then we can play.”
3“You have been so bad all day!”
Characterizing your child as “bad” is never productive or healthy. Even if it seems like he’s been misbehaving every second of the day, it’s probably not entirely true, and he definitely isn’t “bad.” For example, if your child shared his toys with his friend during a morning play date, you would not
"As hard as this is to admit, our children are not responsible for our actions or feelings.
want to group this positive behavior with “bad” behavior by offering a blanket statement like this. The root of a sentence like this is shaming.
Instead, avoid exaggerating and try using specific phrases that are less accusatory. For example, “You seemed to have difficulty following instructions this afternoon. I think we should go over the rules we have for lunchtime.” Or focus on the good behavior you’ve seen, like “The way you cleaned up after breakfast was really helpful. Let’s try to show some of that behavior at lunch.”
4“Don’t you want mommy to be happy?”
This one draws a connection between your child’s behavior and your contentment, and it’s dangerous. Placing your ability to be happy on your child’s plate is an unhealthy parenting behavior. The root of a sentence like this is manipulation.
If you want to let your child know you like something he or she does, say it. An example is, “I really like when you eat your vegetables for dinner! Did you know vegetables help make you grow big and strong?”
5“I’m not talking to you until you start behaving right.”
Withholding love and affection from a child to obtain a desired behavior tells your kids your love is conditional. Using phrases like this also sends our children the message that it is OK to do this with others. The root of this is threat.
Instead, try saying something like, “You keep throwing things at me, and I’m not sure why. It hurts my feelings, and it also hurts me physically. I would love to play with you but don’t want to get hurt. So, I think I will have to sit this one out until I know you are ready to play safely.”
What would you add to the list of things you should never say to your child? k
Family First is a non-profit organization that provides parenting, marriage, and relationship resources through All Pro Dad, IMom and Family Minute programs, that help people love their family well, and gives them greater hope for the future. For more information visit www.familyfirst.net
How many bricks it is needed to repair the wall?
Congratulations to Kiddos Magazine on its 10th anniversary! A decade of success is a significant milestone, and it's a testament to the hard work, creativity, and dedication of everyone involved. Celebrating such an achievement is not only a moment to reflect on the journey but also an opportunity to look forward to many more years of success and growth.
Families and friends gathered together and enjoyed a full day of fun and free activities including arts and crafts, train
rides, petting zoo, storytelling, toddler zone, a fashion show presented by City Threads, Feltman Brothers and Sunnies, music, raffles, and useful community resources offered by the exhibitors participating.
This event could not have been possible without the generous support of our Presenting Sponsor Nicklaus Children's Hospital, showcasing the Dental Health Clinic. Associate Sponsors Dade County Federal Credit Union featured "Savings is Fun" Arts & Craft Station and Humana
Healthy Horizons in Florida featured the Kid's Clinic Station. Entertainment sponsors Baptist Health presented a healthy snack demo and Comcast hosted a fun Hula Hoop contest.
We would like to express our deepest appreciation to our sponsors, exhibitors, and volunteers for their generosity, enthusiasm, and belief in the mission of this event. Their support not only makes the event possible but also enhances its quality and reach by brightening and enriching children's lives.
As we celebrate the success of this event, we acknowledge the invaluable role played by our readers and followers. Their love and ongoing support have been a driving force, and we look forward to continuing to inspire and empower
You’ll earn some serious brownie points with these cute Halloween Brownie Pops! Dipped in Candy Melts candy and topped with festive Halloween sprinkles, these quick and easy treats are fun for parties, favors and more! Kids will love drizzling and decorating these brownie pops for their friends! You can even package them in gift bags and hand them out to neighbors or trick-or-treaters. A quick and easy Halloween treat everyone will love; these brownie pops are all dressed up for Halloween fun!
Prep Time: 1 hr.
• Favorite brownie mix or recipe
• Wilton Orange Candy Melts Candy
• Wilton Black Candy Melts Candy
• Wilton Bright White Candy Melts Candy
• Wilton Halloween 6-Cell Sprinkles Mix
• Wilton Halloween Sprinkles Mix
• 9 x 13 Oblong Pan
• Cooling Grid
• Knife
• Ruler
• 8 in. Lollipop Sticks
• Disposable Decorating Bags
1Bake brownies. Prepare brownie batter following recipe instructions. Bake and cool brownies in 9 x 13 in. pan. Cut brown ies into rectangles, measuring 1 ½ x 4in. in size.
2Melt candy. Melt Bright White, Black and Orange Candy Melts candy according to package instructions. Dip tip of lollipop stick into Bright White candy, then insert into brownie. Let set, about 5 minutes
3Decorate brownies. Dip brownie in melted candy color of your choice. Tap gently to remove excess. Chill until set, about 5 to 10 minutes.
Fill three decorating bags, separately, with remaining melted Bright White, Orange and Black candy. Cut tiny tip in each bag.
Drizzle brownies with alternating color. Top immediately with desired sprinkles.
For more fun recipes visit www.wilton.com
Bring your look to life with Purse Pets, interactive pets packed with Purse-onality.
Light up your look with the all-new Purse Pets Savannah Spotlight belt bag! This fabulous and functional interactive Purse Pet Belt Bag is packed with stylish features. She responds to your touch, has multicolor light-up cheetah spots, 30+ exciting sounds and light effects plus five new songs. Age 5+
Purse Pets and Sanrio are excited to bring another beloved character from Hello Kitty and Friends to life! The new Kuromi Purse Pet really blinks and reacts to your touch. Feature iconic ears, and over 30 sounds and reactions with new games and music. Ages 5+
Rebel Stripez features a rich purple and metallic zebra print, both with pop-art inspired eyes, metallic hardware, and an adjustable strap to wear over the shoulder or as a cross body bag. Purse Pets blink and make sassy sounds. Age 5+
Available at www.amazon.com
November 18 to May 23
South Florida's historic botanical gem proudly announces its first-ever 'Avian Oasis' exhibit. From Nov. 18, 2023 to May 23, 2024, visitors can experience six captivating bamboo-crafted bird sculptures, each standing up to a staggering 30 feet tall, set within the lush landscapes of Pinecrest Gardens.
'Avian Oasis' is a transformative blend of art, history, and nature. This exhibition marks a monumental moment in Pinecrest Gardens' 20-year history as we invite guests to connect deeply with each avian story," said Cristina Blanco, executive director of Pinecrest Gardens.
Crafted by the world-renowned The Myth Makers, Donna Dodson & Andy Moerlein, every piece in the 'Avian Oasis' narrates a story, from a 15-foottall Macaw at the entrance honoring the historic Parrot Jungle and its founder Franz Scherr, the majestic 30-foot-tall Sandhill Crane outside the main entrance commemorating the late Sidney Poitier, to a 10-foot-tall Cockatoo that revives memories of Pinky, the high-wire cycling
bird symbolizing the original Parrot Jungle.
"We've always been fascinated by the intertwining of myth and nature. 'Avian Oasis' represents the heartbeats of Miami’s storied past, each bird singing tales of legends and heroes," said Dodson and Moerlein.
The attention to detail is impeccable. Sculptures are primarily made from bamboo, which is sourced from members of the American Bamboo Society. The Myth Makers enhance each sculpture with whimsical elements and splashes of color using repurposed and recycled materials.
Beyond mere observation, the 'Avian Oasis' is an interactive experience. Children can wander through the Peacock's tail maze or participate in a scavenger hunt, while adults find solace under the sculptures, creating lasting memories.
Event planners can elevate their occasions with Pinecrest Gardens' enchanting backdrop. The 'Avian Oasis' sculptures add magic to any event, from holiday parties and weddings to corporate functions.
"Each bird tells a story, and Pinecrest Gardens is the perfect stage. We invite everyone to let their imaginations soar with these beautiful Avian Avatars," Blanco added. k
For more information visit www.pinecrestgardens.org/mythmakers.
School of Rock is the largest and most trusted multi-location music school in the world with over 60,000 students across our network of over 300 locations worldwide. School of Rock is a music school reimagined! The patented School of Rock Method uses programs and tools that are designed to encourage learning in a supportive environment where students of all skill levels are comfortable and engaged. Their Song first methodology supports the students’ natural talents to learn music as a language, while also making it very fun as they perform as real rock bands in real rock venues around the city, across the US, and internationally. The School of Rock approach also builds and strengthens students’ teamwork, leadership, and confidence levels both musically as well as personally. Students of all skill levels, ages, and musical aspirations are welcome, ranging from ages 5 to 99, School of Rock is where music students grow into real musicians and take the music school concept to the next level for kids, teens, and adults!
After more than a year in the making, School of Rock Miami owners celebrated the Grand Opening of the newest location, School of Rock Doral., as part of the inauguration, the community enjoyed amazing performances by the School of Rock Coral Gables and School of Rock Coconut Grove House Bands, the school also offered special enrollment discounts, school tours, and trials.
Conveniently located at Westend shopping center, the Doral location now makes it School of Rock #338. The vibrant and growing City of Doral has now a new state-of-the-art facility where kids of all ages can safely build and strengthen
of Rock is more than just learning music, it is about creating a family of like-minded young people that connect through music, in a fun, safe environment where self-confidence flourishes. You are invited to tour this amazing and new facility!
Meet the Owners Music loving parents Laura and Andres Sintes are the brains behind School of Rock Coral Gables, Coconut Grove and now Doral. What is your connection to music and what brought you to opening these Schools of Rock in the area?
"Our family loves music, we enjoy many different genres, but rock is our favorite. We noticed our kids were musically inclined at a young age, but it wasn’t until we found School of Rock that they were able to make the most out of their natural talent. Two of our three children decided to pursue music professionally. Before we opened our first School of Rock in the area, we were School of Rock parents who realized first-hand the wonderful benefits of this program. Besides musical ability, our children gained a lot of self-confidence and learned to be
"This inspired us to want to continue spreading this positive impact, so we looked into opening our first school. School of Rock has an impressive track record and many awards as an amazing franchisor. Having experienced it with our own kids’ music and personal growth, we were already fully onboard with their mission, so opening our own School of Rock was a no-brainer. Miami is the place we consider home. It’s where we grew up since our teenage years, where we met, got married, and started our professional careers. After experiencing life in a few different cities in the US, Asia, and Latin America, we moved back to Miami in 2013. The diverse culture in this city provides an amazing opportunity to make music at School of Rock a fantastic and fun bridge that connects us all regardless of race or language."
School of Rock count with four other locations across the Coral Gables, Coconut Grove, South Dade, and North Miami areas. Everyone is invited for a free trial, you can simply go online at www.schoolofrock.com, select the location closest to you, and book a free trial using the online form, or call the school directly.
School of Rock Doral is located at Westend shopping center at 2600 NW 87th Ave., Doral, FL 33172. For more information visit www.schoolofrock.com
Exclusively uses premium Pima cotton to create clothes that are softer than soft, brighter than bright, and durable enough to handle every adventure. Their Happy Haunting Footie makes an adorable Halloween outfit for little ones and feels like a kiss or cuddle on the skin!
Available at www.kissykissy.com
Blue skies and green pastures on the old Pix Brix Farm. Fill your farm with playful chickens, ducks, sheep, horses and many other pixelated farm friends. Build 15 animals and a Farmland Play scene. Available at www.pix-brix.com
Great for embellishing more than just a tree! Get the most extensive, best-loved selection of a special Halloween collection of over 30 ornaments. Available at www.oldworldchristmas.com
This set features everything you need to create a unique sand kingdom including a multi-tier tray for dynamic beach builds and 10 new multi-purpose tools and molds to decorate your kingdom.Age 5+ Available at www.amazon.com
Create amazing videos like your favorite influencers! The completely adjustable tripod and smart phone mount helps you record hands-free from any POV. Share your content on your favorite apps like TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram to be the next big influencer! Available at www.amazon.com
Fun bite-sized treats are sugar, gluten, dairy, soy, and cholesterol free and contain no high fructose corn syrup and come in a resealable bag!
Available at www.tidbits.fun
Squish into happy wiåth our newest Orbeez experience, Mixin’ Slime Set. Mix the slime with the mixing dome, then spin the dome to create your very own slime combination! Age 5+ Available at www.amazon.com
Featuring exclusive characters, comes with three 3.5” dolls, five pets, one shopping cart, one deluxe collector card and three doll stands. The packaging also doubles as a play environment. Age 4+
Available at www.amazon.com
The collection is designed to keep little ones comfortable, snuggly, and safe; free to do what they do best – play, sleep and thrive. Their Halloween pajama set is a cozy way to celebrate the fall festivities!
Available at www.littleme.com
Did you know that gratitude is a learned behavior? Turkey on the Table® is a book & activity that encourages the whole family to express and display their gratitude. The goal is to turn thankfulness into a daily routine. As parents, we want to instill values in our children that help them understand and appreciate all of life’s blessings. Cultivating a grateful heart helps create a happy child!
The adorable knit turkey comes with paper feathers for the family to fill out with what they are thankful for until the turkey is "fully dressed" and ready for display. It makes an adorable
centerpiece (perfect for the kids table!) and you can even dress up your turkey with fun accessories! The kit also comes with a book that teaches children about what it means to be grateful.
This year Turkey on the Table introduce Thankful Feathers® Crafting Kit, now kids can have a Fall crafternoon and style the feathers! This kit contains over 200 pieces, including: 13 blank paper feathers, natural dyed feathers, pom poms, stickers, rhinestones, sequins, patterned tape, tissue squares & glitter glue!
To buy your Turkey on the Table visit www.turkeyonthetable.com
Visit Serengeti Crossing to see zebras and ostrich, experience farm life, and visit the tropics with ring-tailed lemurs and gorillas. Be inspired by the Zoo’s mission
If you are planning a family vacation in the months of October or November, visiting Boston, Massachusetts in the Fall is a fantastic choice! The city comes alive with beautiful autumn foliage, crisp weather, and a variety of family-friendly activities.
Boston is a popular tourist destination, offering a blend of history, culture, and modern amenities. Visitors come to explore its historic sites, enjoy its cultural offerings, and experience the unique atmosphere of this vibrant city. Boston is one of the oldest and most historically significant cities in the United States, with a rich history dating back to its founding in 1630.
The Boston CityPASS program bundles deeply discounted, prepaid admission to visit four top attractions into one easyto-use mobile ticket. Visitors can now save 45% on combined admission to:
• New England Aquarium
• Museum of Science
• Plus, the ticket holder’s choice of any two of the following:
• Boston Harbor City Cruises
• Franklin Park Zoo
• Harvard Museum of Natural History
• View Boston Observation Deck
Here are some of the top options:
Boston Harbor City Cruises
Take a break from seeing Boston by land to see it by sea! Discover the
to protect and sustain the natural world and learn how you can contribute to wildlife conservation. For more information visit www.zoonewengland.org
Harvard Museum of Natural History
historic and contemporary sites and nuances of Boston Harbor during this fun, informative, and fully narrated
60-minute Historic Sightseeing Cruise. Enjoy the sea breeze, spectacular skyline and, ocean views, plus a full cash bar. With heated indoor cabins, you'll be comfortable in any season. Reservation is required for this tour. For more information visit www.cityexperiences.com/boston
Franklin Park Zoo
Explore 72 acres of wildlife habitat in Boston’s historic Franklin Park. See wild faces from wild places—from fuzzy forest dwellers to winged wonders.
Spark your curiosity about the wonders of the natural world at Harvard University’s most-visited attraction. The Harvard Museum of Natural History is located steps from the historic Harvard Yard and offers sixteen galleries, including the world-famous Blaschka Glass Flowers, thousands of rare minerals and sparkling gemstones, dinosaurs, whales, and hundreds of wildlife specimens from around the world. For more information visit www.hmnh.harvard.edu
Aquarium adventure. Reservation required. For more information visit www.neaq.org
Boston offers a wide range of kidfriendly activities and attractions that are perfect for families traveling with children, from Boston Children's Museum to Tea Party Ships & Museum, rest assured your kiddo will be occupied! Visit www.meetboston.com to learn more. k
Just imagine getting up close and personal with a 65-million-year-old Triceratops fossil, witnessing an indoor lightning storm, and taking a journey inside the human body. With 700 interactive exhibits, exciting temporary exhibitions, daily presentations, and live animals, there is something for everyone! Create, experiment, and have fun at the Museum of Science! Reservations are recommended. For more information visit www.mos.org
With more than one million visitors a year, and home to over 10,000 marine animals, the Aquarium is one of the premier visitor attractions in Boston. Come see the boisterous sea lions, waddling penguins, majestic sea turtles, and more during your unforgettable
The newly opened View Boston Observation Deck is the city’s preeminent observatory experience, offering unrivaled 360-degree views of Boston’s breathtaking city skyline. The 59,000-squarefoot destination features indoor and outdoor panoramic views of the city, an open-air roof deck, two dining destinations, state-of-the-art immersive experiential exhibits, and more. For more information visit www.viewboston.com
Choice attractions do not need to be selected at the time of ticket purchase and can be visited in any order.
The tickets cost $79 for adults and $67 for children ages 3-11. Once activated at the first attraction visited, Boston CityPASS tickets are valid for nine consecutive days starting with the first day of use. (Should travel plans change, City Pass, Inc., offers a risk-free, 365day return policy on nonactivated tickets.) For more information, visit www.CityPASS.com.
October is recognized as Down Syndrome Awareness Month in the United States and some other countries. During this month, various organizations and individuals aim to raise awareness about Down syndrome, a genetic condition caused by the presence of an extra copy of chromosome 21. The goal is to promote understanding, acceptance, and inclusion of individuals with Down syndrome in society, as well as to celebrate their achievements and contributions.
According to the Global Down Syndrome Foundation, “In the U.S., Down syndrome is the least funded major genetic condition by our National Institutes of Health despite being the most frequent chromosomal disorder. Because of this, and because of lack of funding from other government
organizations, there is surprisingly little known definitively about the condition.
In our interview we had the opportunity to learn more about Mia. Her day-to-day life is quite busy! She has shared her life and story in the public eye, becoming a model and voice for Down Syndrome.
Mia is an enthusiastic 10-year-old model based in Miami. She loves running, bicycling, skating, jumping on trampolines, playing outdoors and swimming. She has fun doing puzzles, boardgames, having Tea Parties with friends and family, coloring and painting, dancing especially ballet, and helping Mom.
Mia has been featured on recognized magazines to continue changing the perception of our differences. Generating a wave of respect, inclusion, and acceptance of everyone’s values, celebrating diversity in a whole new level using social media platforms. Her portfolio includes recognized brands as Walmart, Toy’s R us, and Mia Belle Baby, just to mention some.
Her most recent project was participating on the Changing the Face of Beauty Campaign “See Me in 2023” with the goal to increase representation of the disability community in talent firms across the world.
What is your day favorite's part?
After praying, reading together it is super fun, it helps me to use my imagination, it teaches me some new vocabulary words, it makes me love reading more and more and the importance of accepting myself, just the way I am.
Do you have any Fall traditions you like to do with your family?
We go on an annual family vacation since in October my mom and I celebrate our birthdays together. We take Halloween seriously, my dad, mom and I dress up in Disney theme character costumes like Descendant, Coco, Miraculous, etc. and we enjoy the Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween party.
How do you celebrate Down Syndrome Awareness Month and why it's important to you?
We wear CRAZY socks to raise awareness! (The idea arose because chromosomes are shaped like socks) and blue and yellow, the colors for Down Syndrome awareness. We also educate and invite our neighbors and friend to do randon acts of kindness to spread inclusion and to be part of the activities we participate, when we volunteer at our local GiGi’s Playhouse. I like also to do arts & crafts projects to celebrate this important month.
October is one of our favorite months of the year! It’s a month to raise awareness and celebrate the many abilities of our loved ones with Down syndrome.
Can you describe Mia in 3 different words?
Happy, Confident, Creative k
To learn more about Mia, you can follow her on Instagram @mia_folch
Every witch will want a wombat after reading this humorous picture book perfect for little readers who want a new pet! Wilma, a young witch, cannot wait to get her very first cat! But when the pet store is fresh out of kittens, Wilma brings home. . . a wombat?! What a CATastrophe! A wombat is nothing like a cat, but maybe if Wilma puts cat ears on the little critter, no one will notice. . . . (Spoiler alert: they do.) Ages 3 to 7.
The apples are ready for harvest and Halloween is here! What better way to celebrate than by donning homemade costumes and going to the local apple orchard? In this charming story, a boy and his family enjoy everything the orchard has to offer, including searching for scarecrows, getting lost in a corn maze, and going on a hayride. Ages 3 to 8. www.beamingbooks.com
3. The Big Book of Mysteries
A fully illustrated guide to 100 real-life mysteries that remain
unsolved by science and historians... from the Loch Ness monster to the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Ages 8 to 12. www.amazon.com
4. Little Mole Gives Thanks
This is the fourth installment in the Little Mole series. Pinecone pie, acorn stew, mushroom soup! Little Mole's big table is all set for his fancy fall feast, and he can't wait to welcome three very important guests. But when each of these guests delivers the news that they won't be able to attend, Little Mole doesn't know what to do. Who will fill his table? Disappointment turns into gratitude as his community shows Little Mole what true friendship looks like. Ages 3 to 8. www.beamingbooks.com
5. This is NOT a Unicorn!
By Barry TimmsThis book is NOT about a unicorn! Well . . . ok, maybe it is! But this unicorn has a horn that can turn into the most incredible things - a magic wand, a helicopter, even a space rocket! Join the hilarious adventure and prepare to be amazed by your brilliant new friend. With wonderful wordplay
and a funny and sweet friendship at its heart, this is NOT a unicorn book to be missed! Ages 2+ www.amazon.com
6. Kiki Kicks
"I want to be strong for the right reasons." Kiki has watched her mama practice karate for a long time, and now she wants to learn too. She wants to become strong and steady like a mountain. The bullies at school are strong for the wrong reasons. They make Kiki feel small. But today at her first karate lesson, everything changed. Ages 3-10. www.beamingbooks.com
7. The Kid with Big, Big Ideas
This innovative kid doesn't stop there, and with the help of their supportive Gran, they come up with the biggest idea yet. In a world that so often dismisses and excludes kids from decision-making, this book boldly suggests that not only should kids have a voice, but that their ideas just might be the ticket to making progress. Book 3 of 4: The Big, Big. Ages 3-7. www.beamingbooks.com
8. ...And Everything Was Okay
By Natalie Martinez and Ileana TorresJoin these two adorable and funny puppies as they go through the adventure that is life and the problems they encounter. In this first story from The Good Boys Series, the pups enjoy life in Puerto Rico but learn they will soon be moving. As moving day approaches, we learn about their favorite things from Puerto Rico - the food, traditions, and last but not least, their abuelas. They reach a crossroads when they realize they will leave all this behind. What will they do? Ages 3-8. www.instagram.com/thegoodboyspublishing k
he Berry Farm is thrilled to announce the highly anticipated Season 4 Grand Opening! With its enchanting atmosphere and captivating sights, The Berry Farm invites visitors to indulge in an unforgettable journey through the beauty of fall.
Nestled in Miami's picturesque countryside, The Berry Farm unveils a world of seasonal delight as it launches its fourth season. As the temperatures cool and the leaves begin to change, The Berry Farm beckons families and friends to embrace the spirit of autumn with its array of family-friendly to-dos.
Harvest Festival Extravaganza
Mark your calendars as The Berry Farm's 4th Annual Harvest Festival runs until November 6, promising an array of
festivities to capture the essence of the season. From breezy hayrides to fall-themed photo opportunities, the Harvest Festival invites guests to create lasting memories amidst a backdrop of vibrant autumn colors.
Delight in Culinary Excellence
As autumn aromas fill the air, guests at The Berry Farm can indulge in a variety of delectable food options that cater to every palate. From seasonal favorites to classic treats, the culinary offerings are sure to delight both young and old alike.
Fun for the Whole Family
At The Berry Farm, adventure knows no bounds. With activities designed for all members of the family, from the youngest to the young-at-heart, everyone is sure to find their favorite form of entertainment.
fun that awaits at every corner.
Discover the allure of autumn at The Berry Farm and be captivated by the wonder of the season. Don't miss Season 4 and the Harvest Festival for an unforgettable journey and experience Miami's Countryside.
For more information, please visit www.visittheberryfarm.com.
Supported by:
tions prior to your rental and before riding the Jetcar.
With precision craftsmanship, these fourpassenger Jetcar effortlessly combines speed, style, and safety to redefine what it means to ride the waves. Indulge in the luxury of an exclusive booking, where you'll have the opportunity to unleash the full potential of the Jetcar.
Whether you're a seasoned rider or a beginner looking to dive into the world of water entertainment, Jetcar guarantees an incredible time on the open water. Feel the wind in your hair and the spray of the ocean as you effortlessly glide across the waves, leaving a trail of excitement in your wake.
Family fun adventures in the water can be an exciting way to bond and create lasting memories. Welcome to Jetcar Miami, your premier destination for exhilarating Jetcar adventures in the
Get ready for the ride of a lifetime with our exhilarating Jetcar experience. Designed to quench your thirst for speed and adventure. Whether you're seeking an unforgettable joyride, a thrilling day
Book your unforgettable family experience now and get ready to make waves and create memories that will last a lifetime. The open water awaits—dive in and let the adventure begin!
Remember to prioritize safety by wearing appropriate gear, following safety guidelines, and, if necessary, taking swimming or water safety lessons to ensure everyone has a great time in the water.
13th Annual Not So Scary
Family Halloween Bash
Miami Children's Museum's 980 MacArthur Causeway
Miami, FL 33132
1:00 to 5:00 p.m.
Put on your best costume and get ready to trick or treat throughout Miami Children's Museum's 17 galleries! This family-friendly Halloween extravaganza returns for activities like mini pumpkin decorating, spooky arts and crafts, lunch, character meet & greets, and much more! Get your tickets on www.eventbrite.com
Kiddo-Ween Party at CityPlace Doral - Fountain Plaza
8300 NW 36th St, Doral, FL 33166
2:00 to 7:00 p.m.
OCT. 14th-April 21st
Frost Science
1101 Biscayne Blvd., Miami, FL 33132
Sharks, a new blockbuster exhibition making its North American premiere at Frost Science, invites you into a world dominated by members of the shark family to explore their genetic diversity, territories, interactions and significance to ocean ecosystems.
Highlighting the very latest science and with deep cultural overlays, Sharks explore the diversity of these ancient fishes.
For more information visit www.frostscience.org
Presented by Kiddos Magazine
Kiddos Magazine is bringing spooky family-fun and entertainment to CityPlace Doral and your family can’t miss this awesome event!
Kiddo-Ween will feature safe trick-or-treating, character appearances, scary faces Photo Booth, and amazing Pumpkin Patch station. As part of the celebration, kiddos will also be able to enjoy a toddler zone, train rides, petting zoo, hula hoop contest, giveaways and much more!
For more information about sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities call 786.260.8492 or email vlepere@kiddosmagazine.com.
Free event with Eventbrite registration
11th Vintage Auto Show at Deering Estate
16701 SW 72nd Ave, Miami, FL 33157
10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Guests can enjoy a relaxing day outdoors as they stroll down memory lane. Car enthusiasts of all ages can see a variety of vintage cars, displayed on the historic grounds of the Deering Estate.
For more information visit www.deeringestate.org / event/vintage-auto-show
Light Up The Night Tree Lighting Ceremony
CityPlace Doral Fountain Plaza
8300 NW 36 St. Doral, FL 33166
From 6:00 to 9:00 p.m.
All is merry and bright at CityPlace Doral!
Happy Thanksgiving Kid's Class
The Real Food Academy
570 NE 81st St. Miami FL 33138 9:45 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
In this class, we’ll feast on classic holiday dishes without guilt. These healthy Thanksgiving recipes are full of fall veggies and flavors. We'll be using traditional flavors like Pumpkin Spice, that we all reach for in our fall and holiday baking.
To book your child class visit www.therealfoodacademy.com
7th Spooky Science
Monster Mash at Frost Science
1101 Biscayne Blvd., Miami, FL 33132
11:00 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Get ready for a spine-tingling science adventure! From radical chemistry reactions to eye-catching and eerie experiments in the Mad Science Lab, you’ll spend the day doing hands-on science that’s so fun, it’s almost scary.
For more information visit www.frostscience.org
NOV. 17th-JAN 7th
Winter Festival at The Berry Farm
13720 SW 216th St., Miami, FL 33170
A magical wonderland filled with elaborate holiday photo ops, seasonal menu items, photos with Santa, and so much more. Experience the enchantment of Berry Bright Winter Nights, where tens of thousands of holiday lights illuminate our picturesque outdoor destination.
For more information visit www.visittheberryfarm.com
Submit your event information for December-January 2024 calendar before November 10th to info@kiddosmagazine.com.
The community is invited to the ‘Light Up The Night’ kick-off event, guests will enjoy a tree lighting ceremony, a fountain light show, magical snowfall and special appearances by Rudolph, Frosty and Santa. Free event. For more details visit www.cityplacedoral.com
Include event name, location, address, date, time, cost, a brief description, and contact. Events will be listed based on availability and it has to be family and kids related.