Kiddos Magazine Vol. 11 Issue 1 - Back to School

Page 33

COMMUNITY Back to School Financial Tips Delicious Sandwiches SNACKS education, art & entertainment PLUS... Kiddos Cool Stuff Back 2 School Essentials Complimentary PARENTING 3 Ways to Keep Technoference from Hurting your Family Back to School august/september 2023 Vol. 11 issue 1 magazine HEALTH Managing the Transition to Return to School 10th anniversary issue 10th anniversary issue Celebrating a Decade of Publishing
To obtain this information in an accessible format, please call 305-375-2013. #DrainAndCoverMiami #FightTheBite @305Mosquito To report a mosquito nuisance, visit, call 311 or download our free 311 Direct Mobile App. Use insect repellent on skin and clothing to keep mosquitoes away while outdoors.
FEATURE 8 | HEALTH 10 | PARENTING 16 | HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIDDOS 18 | FAMILY TIME 26 | COMMUNITY 28 | Kiddos Magazine Celebrating A Decade Of Publishing 3 Ways To Keep Technoference From Hurting Your Family magazine’s just about kids Back To School Financial Tips For Students And Parents on the cover COVER MODELS: Jayden, Ava, & Mia PHOTOGRAPHY: Tulips Photography LOCATION: Magic Place Family Fun With A Pop! contents AUGUST • SEPTEMBER 2023 Vol. 11 issue 1 in every issue 12 SCHOOL CALENDAR Miami-Dade County Public Schools 14 ORGANIC Back-To-School Ready? 20 SNACKS Send Kids Back-To-School With Soft, Delicious Sandwiches 21 SCHOOL Back-To-School Is Fun With City Threads 22 PLACES Disney On Ice Presents Magic In The Stars 23 EDUCATORS Supporting Teachers 24 COOL STUFF Back-To-School Essentials 29 GLUTEN FREE Back-To-School Snack! New Mightylicious Gluten Free Cookie 30 BOOK REVIEWS Suggestions For Kids And Families To Read This Month 33 FAMILY EVENTS Where To Go With Our Kiddos 34 SUPPLIES Pilot: Your Ultimate Back-To-School Organization Companion Celebrating 10 Years Of Publishing Managing The Transition To Return To School 4 kiddos | August • September 2023

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Celebrating a Decade of Publishing!

We can hardly believe that it has been 10 years since we embarked on this incredible journey with you and your children. I know many of them are teens now! It is with immense joy and pride that we announce the 10th-anniversary celebration of Kiddos Magazine. It has been a decade dedicated to inspiring and empowering families and their children.

Of course, none of this would have been possible without the ongoing support and love from our readers and the amazing companies and sponsors we work with. This community is committed to brightening and enriching children’s lives.

To commemorate this special occasion, we have prepared an incredible backto-school event, a series of surprises, and giveaways to engage and delight our readers. I know preparing for the new school year and the summer transition can be an overwhelming task. As always, our anniversary issue is packed with plenty of back-to-school tips, ideas, and valuable information to start the new year right.

As we set our sights on the next decade, we promise to continue providing high-quality content that fosters creativity, learning, and personal growth. We will explore new avenues, embrace the ever-changing landscape of education, and adapt to meet the needs of our evolving audience.

Thank you, dear readers, for being a part of our Kiddos Magazine family. We are profoundly grateful for your support, and we look forward to inspiring and empowering the next generation of young leaders, dreamers, and achievers together.

Here is to 10 years of Kiddos Magazine and many more years of learning, laughter, and love!

Thank you all!

Kiddos is a Florida based kids focused magazine, whose mission is to help strengthen the bonds between parents and their children by providing value-based content and quality journalism.


Veronica Lepere


Nicklaus Children's Hospital Family First Gen-You DESIGN

Etta Walker Kiddos Creative Department


Tulips Photography


Veronica Lepere


P.O. Box 431492 Miami, Fl. 33243 786.260.8492

6 kiddos | August • September 2023
Kiddos Magazine is produced by V&L Design LLC ©2023 Kiddos Magazine Volume 11. Issue 1. Kiddos Magazine is published bi-monthly in the U.S.A. by V&L Design LLC. All content copyright ©2023 V&L Design LLC. All rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission of the publisher is prohibited. Kiddos Magazine assumes no responsability for claims and content of advertisements. This Magazine is designed for parents with children ages 3 to 15 years old. To become a distribution outlet for Kiddos Magazine’s just about kids @KiddosMagazine @KiddosMagazine @KiddosMagazine Tenth Anniversary! Kiddos Publisher’s Notes VERONICA LEPERE Publisher
please call 786.260.8492. magazine

Kiddos Magazine Celebrating a Decade of Publishing

It all started on August 1, 2013 when the first Back-to-School edition was launched. The magazine was established to help strengthen the bond between parents and their children by providing content and value-based activities. The goal has always been to make a meaningful impact on children's educational enrichment and development. As the magazine grew,

we engaged families with fresh, fun, and colorful content.

Over the years, Kiddos Magazine has also evolved to meet the changing needs of its readers while striving to make learning fun and accessible to families and children of all ages. This has been an essential resource for our community.

For the past years 10 years, Kiddos Magazine has been committed to families by providing high-quality content that is both informative and enjoyable.
8 kiddos | August • September 2023

In addition, Kiddos Magazine has been dedicated to promoting the love of learning among children, and its pages are filled with a variety of educational articles and activities that encourage parents and children to think, explore, and create. The magazine has been a source of inspiration for many families, providing them with an opportunity to be informed and learn about different topics in an interactive and fun way.

To celebrate its 10th anniversary, Kiddos Magazine is launching issue 62, a special edition dedicated to Back-to-School. This issue features new and exciting content to welcome the new school year that is sure to help and inspire families. The magazine is also hosting an annual Back- to-School event at CityPlace Doral where families can enjoy a fullday of fun activities and entertainment. At the event, you can expect: arts & crafts, a reading corner, a toddler area, a petting zoo, performances, train rides, characters, music, raffles, and much more!

In the past decade, Kiddos has had the great honor of partnering with amazing groups, professionals, and non-profits to make a difference in the quality of the lives of children and their families. Addressing local gaps or needs for reform, Kiddos and affiliates bring a voice to the voiceless and a spotlight on issues that are impacting our families and children, in hopes of making a positive and direct impact. Creating

awareness about problems like abuse or neglect, bullying, social exclusion, and many more, Kiddos, and its partners can distribute key information that can educate both parents and communities about programs available and how to prevent such calamities in our local community.

Kiddos is proud and honored to enter the homes of South Florida families and offer information and recommendations on education, entertainment, and many topics that serve as the glue that binds family members together. “With the pervasive nature of technology invading our everyday lives, there is a vacuum right now in how families interact with each other and how parents pass along their values to their kids”, said help instill those family-based values through the magazine and to strengthen the bond between families by sharing new programs and activities the whole family can participate in. We are committing to disseminating valuable information about important topics, to help prevent many issues our children face every day”, she added.

We are so excited to continue our mission, to grow and expand our reach and impact, and are so grateful to all of you that share on our collective journey. We couldn’t do it without you. Kiddos is truly a joint effort and TOGETHER we all play an integral role in its success, distribution, and influence. Thank you for helping us to truly make a difference in the lives of families in Florida and countless others we reach through our online presence.

As Kiddos Magazine moves into its second decade, we can look forward to many more years of engaging and educational content that will inspire and delight families and children for

Here’s to our 10th year anniversary, with k

For more information visit Follow us on social media Instagram, Facebook and Twitter at @kiddosmagazine

it’s just about kids | 9


Managing the Transition to Return to School

and read at home daily. A dedicated space encourages the child to be independent and responsible for homework and daily studies.

6Ask your child about their goals for the new school year, extra-curricular activities your child would like to be involved in, and new milestones that may be approaching, such as a transition from elementary to middle school.

7Listen to your child. Encourage your child to speak about their feelings and emotions as the start of the school year approaches. Some children can experience anxiety with the transition back –to –school, which can be managed by talking through their emotions.

It’s that time of year when parents of school-age children are preparing for the school year. For many, back-toschool preparation means school-supply shopping, visiting the pediatrician, selecting books, and buying uniforms. In today’s digital age, the end of summer is also a crucial time to ensure children and teens are getting back into a healthy routine. This includes reducing screen time and going to bed earlier than they would have been over the summer months.

Dr. Victoria Fierro-Cobas, a developmental-behavioral pediatrician at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital, explains how the transition to the school year can be successful with the help of some simple strategies.

“All of us parents understand that the summer months can be a time of rest and relaxation. It’s also a time of lax routines and later bedtimes. Incorporating a healthy schedule early in the school year can help children and adolescents thrive in their academics and extra-curricular activities,” she says.

Below are some helpful tips for children of all ages that can help with a smooth transition to the school year:

1Set a bedtime routine. Setting a standard time for sleep each day helps children get back into a schedule and ensures your child gets at least 8 to 10 hours of sleep each night.

2Create a morning routine. Equally as important as a bedtime routine, having a morning music playlist or sharing what you are looking forward to each day can help your children not dread getting ready for school.

3Reduce daily screen time to about 4 hours a day, including iPads, cell phones, and video games. Instead, encourage your child to go outside for a daily dose of sun and activity.

4Ensure your child eats three balanced meals daily that include at least five servings of fruit and veggies.

5Get organized. Carve out a space where your child can do homework

"It also may be helpful for children with specialized needs to rehearse the morning routine, drive to the school, and even sit in the classroom before the first day, if possible. This helps them feel confident and prepared for what to expect,” said Dr. Fierro-Cobas.

About Dr. Fierro-Cobas

Dr. Victoria Fierro is a developmentalbehavioral pediatrician at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital. She provides fee-based evaluations, assessment services and treatment for children and adolescents with various developmental and behavioral challenges. Dr. Fierro is board certified in general pediatrics and developmental-behavioral pediatrics. She is a fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics and member of the Florida Pediatric Society.


To learn more about Child and Adolescent Specialized Assessment (CASA) Program at Nicklaus Children’s, visit

10 kiddos | August • September 2023
Source: Nicklaus Children’s Hospital

Miami-Dade County Public School s

12 kiddos | August • September 2023 july 2023 august 2023 september 2023 october 2023 november 2023 december 2023 january 2024 fe uary 2024 march 2024 april 2024 may 2024 june 2024 2-41 3-50 4-40 1-49 DaysinGrading Period MTWTF 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 26 MTWTF 10 11 17 18 19 12 20 13 21 14 25 24 26 27 28 MTWTF 1 45 67 8 11 12 13 14 15 MTWTF 1 45 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 MTWTF 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 MTWTF 1 2 56 78 9 13 14 15 16 20 21 22 23 MTWTF 3 67 89 10 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 MTWTF 1 67 8 11 12 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 MTWTF 6 14 15 16 17 27 28 29 30 MTWTF 8 9 10 11 12 16 17 18 24 25 MTWTF 1 2 3 25 28 MTWTF 6 9 10 11 13 16 17 18 19 20 24 25 12
2023-2024SCHOOLCALENDAR•ELEMENTARYANDSECONDARY New Teachers Report Teacher Planning Da y District-wide Professional Development Day Recess Day (10 month) Beg/End of Grading Period Legal Holiday Available to opt Teacher Planning Day available to opt FLORIDA STATEWIDE ASSESSMENT May 1–31, 2024 May 8–17, 2024 Grades3–10 FAST ELA Reading & Grades3-8 Mathematics end-of-year comprehensive Progress Monitoring Assessment (Third Administration, “PM3”) Grades5&8 Science September 11–29, 2023 February 19–March 8, 2024 DatesAssessment 10 25 21 12 31 a o 16 18 13 24 19 19 20 29 30 31 26 25 26 27 28 29 8 1 27 28 29 30 31 oo 12 Grade10 ELA Writing Retake Grade10 ELA Reading Retake Algebra 1 Retake
Standards Assessments (FSA) Retakes 22 23 24 21 24 29 30 31 17 4 5 8 1 2 3 19 a 26 27 28 29 18 19 20 21 19 a 12 4 25 26 27 28 29 a 23 2 3 4 5 9 7 22 a 23 22 19 1 2 3 4 5 Legal Holiday (12 month) Recess Day Grade10 ELA Reading Retake - Grade10 ELA Writing Retake Algebra 1 Retake Geometry*** 3 4 5 6 7 14 15 30 31 26 27 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 1 2 3 4 5 15 22 a 11 10 9 29 30 2 7 8 o 10 o 11 9 school calendar kiddos
it’s just about kids | 13 Sponsored By: ® Curious George television series merchandise © Universal Studios. Curious George and related characters, created by Margret and H. A Rey, are copyrighted and trademarked by Houghton Mi in Company and used under license. Licensed by Universal Studios Licensing LLLP All rights reserved. The PBS KIDS logo is a registered mark of PBS and is used with permission. 980 macarthur causeway, miami, fl 33132 · 305.373.KIDS(5437) · Sponsored in part by the State of Florida, Department of State, Division of Arts and Culture, the Florida Arts Council on Arts and Culture, and the National Endowment for the Arts. With the support of the Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs and the Cultural Affairs Council, the Miami-Dade County Mayor, and Board of County Commissioners and the City of Miami. Miami Children’s Museum is committed to supporting the full access and participation of all families. To request materials in an accessible format and/or any disability accommodation, please contact us at 305-373-5437 ext. 130 or seven days in advance of your visit. To request sign language interpreters, please initiate your request at least two weeks in advance. TTY users may also call 711 (Florida Relay Service). Closing September 3rd On View Through September 4 1101 Biscayne Blvd., Miami, FL 33132 | 305-434-9600 |

Back-to-school ready?

It's that time of year again when summer vacation comes to an end and the school bells start ringing. But don't worry, because Suja Organic has got your back! Suja believes in the power of organic and healthy living, and they are here to make sure you start your school year off right.

Suja Organic is known for their delicious blends made with daily wellness and essential nutrition in mind.

They understand the importance of providing your body with the right nutrients to fuel your day, especially when it comes to busy students. Their nutrient-dense juices are packed with vitamins and minerals to support your overall well-being.

And now, Suja has expanded their offerings to include Suja Kids juices, available exclusively at Target. These juices are specifically designed for children, providing them with a tasty and nutritious option to stay hydrated throughout the day. Suja Kids juices are made with real, organic fruits and vegetables, without any added sugars or artificial ingredients. They come in three kid-friendly flavors like Apple-Berry Bliss, Super Fruit Splash, and Wild Berry

Lemonade making them a hit with even the pickiest eaters.

Going back to school can be a busy and sometimes stressful time, but Suja Organic is here to make it a little easier. By incorporating their juices into your daily routine, you can ensure that you're giving your body the nutrients it needs to stay focused and energized throughout the day. Whether you're packing them in your kiddos lunchbox or enjoying them as an after-school snack, Suja Organic juices are a convenient and healthy choice.

So, as you prepare for another school year, remember to prioritize your health and well-being. Suja Organic and their Suja Kids juices are there to support you every step of the way. Stay hydrated, nourished, and ready to conquer the challenges ahead. Here's to a successful and healthy school year with Suja Organic!

14 kiddos | August • September 2023
organic kiddos
it’s just about kids | 15

3 Ways to Keep Technoference From Hurting Your Family

Afew months ago, my family took on a goliath of a challenge—no screens after dinner for a month. Normally, we’d watch a show, play Wordle, text, scroll TikTok, and play Minecraft (yes, all at the same time). Our living room was saturated with technology, so we decided to disconnect to keep technoference at bay.

Technoference is a fancy word for technology interfering with relationships and communication. Parents like to point fingers at kids, but researchers and scholars are beginning to recognize the negative effects parental use of digital devices can have on parent-child relationships. Yep. We’re the culprits. Instead of sitting back and letting technology hurt our families, let’s do these 3 things to fight back against technoference.


when you’re “absent present.”

The National Library of Medicine defines “absent presence” as the act of being physically present but having your mind elsewhere because of technology. A clear example: My son scored the first two points in his seasonending basketball game, and I missed it because I was texting with a friend.

It takes a lot of discipline not to pick up your phone when you’re bored or when you think your kids won’t notice. But mealtimes and play are moments our kids need to see that we care, and looking away sends the opposite message. Being present is what makes it possible for us to notice, listen, and show our kids they matter.

Try this: Turn your phone off instead of just setting it down when you’re with your family. The act of having to power

Don’t make your kids wonder if you value your phone more than them.

it up is a second hoop you’d have to jump through, and it’ll force you to be more mindful.

2Identify techno-stressors.

What about your digital device brings you stress? Is it texting with your mother-in-law? Getting alerts from coworkers after hours? Reading the news? Another way technoference negatively affects parent-child relationships is when we allow devices to open a door to stress when that stress wouldn’t otherwise have access to us. Our kids sense it, and it adds tension to our homes.

Try this: Some stressors are avoidable, but even the ones that are not can usually be avoided during the peak hours your kids need you. If it’s homework time and you know your kids need a patient, calm version of you,

16 kiddos | August • September 2023

Find the seven differences between the two pictures.

silence your work notifications. Wait to check the news until the kids are outside playing.

3Understand the power of the interruption (for good and bad).

In a 2017 experiment, infant language development expert Kathy Hirsh-Pasek had two groups of parents try to teach their 2-year-olds words. The parents in one group were interrupted by a phone call while teaching, and the parents in the other group were not. The toddlers in the interrupted group didn’t learn the words, while the ones whose parents were not interrupted did. Disruptions to the flow of communication between parents and kids have detrimental effects.

On the other hand, what do you do when your kids interrupt you while you’re looking at a screen? Sometimes you have to ask them to wait a moment, but most of the time, their bids for attention are a chance to send a clear message. By putting the device down, you’re telling them they’re more important than whatever you’re looking at. Don’t make your kids wonder if you value your phone more than them.

Try this: Next time you’re watching a reel on Instagram and your daughter says, “Hey, Mom!” instead of replying with a half-attentive “hmm?” or an annoyed “I’m kind of in the middle of something,” set your phone down, screen sidedown, turn your body to her, and say, “What’s up? You have my attention.”

How do you fight technoference in your family? k

Family First is a non-profit organization that provides parenting, marriage, and relationship resources through All Pro Dad, IMom and Family Minute programs, that help people love their family well, and gives them greater hope for the future. For more information visit


it’s just about kids | 17 fun kiddos

Let's Celebrate! th.

Celebrating 10 years of Publishing

18 kiddos | August • September 2023
"Over the years, Kiddos Magazine has also evolved to meet the changing needs of its readers while striving to make learning fun and accessible to families and children of all ages. This has been an
Models: Jayden, Ava & Mia • Photography Tulips Photography • Location Magic Place

Happy Birthday Kiddos!

it’s just about kids | 19

Send Kids Back to School with Soft, Delicious Sandwiches

Back-to-school season brings change to routines and often makes each day slightly more hectic, especially for families with little ones. This year, despite the hustle and bustle, you can make quick and easy lunches for your kids (and yourself) that are both simple and better for you. These sandwich suggestions can brighten busy school days with a taste of home.

Brighten your children’s day with a fun, colorful Caterpillar Sandwich inspired by the experts at Nature’s Own. This tasty snack calls for ham, lettuce, cheese, tomato, cucumber and fresh, soft, fluffy bread before using a cookie cutter to cut out sandwich rounds and shape them into a creepy-crawly (yet delicious) “caterpillar.”

Caterpillar Sandwich

Total time: 25 minutes

Servings: 6

• 4 Nature’s Own Butterbread slices

• 4 ham slices

• 2 lettuce leaves

• 4 American cheese slices

• 1 cherry tomato

• 1 green onion

• 2 Roma tomato slices

• 6 cucumber slices

• toothpicks

• mayonnaise or cream cheese

1Using bread, ham, lettuce and cheese, make two ham and cheese sandwiches and two lettuce and cheese sandwiches.

2Cut cherry tomato in half. Cut green onion into circles.

3Using small biscuit or cookie cutter, punch out two rounds from each sandwich.

4Arrange sandwich rounds on sides, alternating slice of cucumber

and tomato between each. Use toothpick to secure.

5Place halved cherry tomato on each end.

6Using small amount of mayonnaise or cream cheese, “glue” green onion rounds to cherry tomato for eyes.

Find more inventive sandwich ideas at

20 kiddos | August • September 2023 kiddos snacks k
SEPT 7 – 10 SEPT 14 – 17 WATSCO CENTER FLA LIVE ARENA Tickets On Sale Now school kiddos Peter Pan Polo Twirly Dress Back to School is fun with City Threads Kids should always be comfortable at school! That’s why City Threads offers a wide assortment of best-selling, super comfy, back to school styles with high-quality tops and bottoms that make great staples in the everyday wardrobe! Boys Cotton Jersey 2-Button Polo Everyday Kids Clothes, Made In USA - LA Shop at Girls Peter Pan Collar Puff Sleeve Tee it’s just about kids | 21

Disney On Ice presents Magic in the Stars


Playing Watsco Center in Miami from September 7-10 followed by FLA Live Arena in Sunrise from September 14-17

hart a course through the night sky to Disney On Ice presents Magic in the Stars where every story begins with a wish! This all-new production brings the brightest Disney stars to life through cutting-edge figure skating, high-flying acrobatics, unexpected stunts, innovative lighting, thrilling special effects, eye-catching costumes, and stunning set designs. Experience the dynamic moments that take place on the ice and in the air when Disney On Ice visits Watsco Center in Miami from September 7-10 followed by FLA Live Arena from September 14-17, 2023.

Join Disney On Ice presents Magic in the Stars for a magical journey with Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, Donald, and Daisy through timeless tales and today’s favorites. The adventure begins when the North Star shines brightly and descends upon Jiminy Cricket as he welcomes and reminds the audience that the most fantastic, magical things can happen, and it all starts with a wish.

Pursue your dreams with Tiana, from The Princess and the Frog, as she strives to make her wish of opening a restaurant come true. Discover the power of three wishes with Aladdin when he finds a magic lamp in the Cave of Wonders.

Reminisce with Cinderella, Snow White, Belle, and Rapunzel as they remind us to never stop wishing and dreaming.

In the end, audiences will learn that everyone has dreams they want to come true, but the brightest light shines inside of YOU! Every one of you is a STAR! So, shine bright and let your stories light up the night sky!

Watsco Center is locates at 1245 Dauer Drive, Coral Gables, FL 33146 FLA Live Arena is located at One Panther Parkway, Sunrise, FL 33323

Tickets now available for purchase online at

22 kiddos | August • September 2023 kiddos places

Supporting Teachers

4 ways to help lighten the burden for educators

Teachers are more than leaders in their classrooms, they are leaders in the communities they serve, committed to educating the leaders of tomorrow, and their value cannot be overstated. To provide an optimal learning environment that equips their students for success, teachers often go above and beyond, sometimes at great personal expense.

In fact, an analysis by My eLearning World estimates teachers will spend an average of $820.14 out of pocket on school supplies during the 2023-24 school year, the largest amount ever, which doesn’t include all of the hours dedicated beyond the traditional school day.

To help alleviate some of the burden, consider these ways parents, guardians and community members can contribute and support the efforts of educators.

1Volunteer in the Classroom

One of the easiest ways to learn what life is like in the classroom and truly understand the needs is to spend some time there helping out. Many school districts could use volunteers to assist with one-on-one tutoring, organizing library books, chaperoning field trips, speaking to classes about career paths and more. Start by checking with your child’s teacher or calling the front office to see what opportunities might be available.

2Assist with Classroom Registries

Well-equipped classrooms are essential to student success, but teachers cannot do it alone. To help assist educators in reducing out-of-pocket expenses for classroom supplies, Classroom Registry allows teachers to create personalized lists of items they need, making it easy for the community to contribute to and support their efforts. Tailored to educators with personalized creation flow and recommended classroom items unique to each grade level – including popular items such as stationery, classroom decorations, art supplies, classroom treats and rewards such as stickers and “edutainment” items – teachers can share their lists quickly and easily through direct links to their custom registries.

3Work with Your Student at Home

Not all learning takes place in the classroom. In fact, you can model the importance of your child’s education at home and create good habits such as doing homework at a certain time each night, getting a good night’s rest

before school and using lessons learned in the classroom during family time. Contact your child’s teacher to learn more about the lesson plan and what you can do at home to assist with your student’s education.

4Attend School Board Meetings to Voice Support

Because important decisions that impact teachers are often made by those not in the classroom every day, keeping tabs on the issues impacting teachers and local school districts can help you advocate for educators if the need arises. Start by attending a few school board meetings to learn how they operate and get a handle on issues directly impacting teachers. Then make your voice heard – or run for the school board – to support policies and actions that serve teachers’ best interests.

Find customized classroom wish lists and more resources to support teachers at

kiddos educators
it’s just about kids | 23

Washable Smarkers 16 pack

The Washable Smarkers® 16-Pack includes 16 colorful scented markers, each with their own yummy scent. Each Smarker® emits its scent from the scented ink core. Available at

Smencils 10 pack

The Smencils® 10-Pack includes 10 of our gourmet scented graphite pencils that are made from 100% recycled newspapers. Each Smencil® has a #2 graphite writing core and comes packaged in its own recyclable plastic freshness tube.

Cutie Fruities

These adorable pencil pouch characters are made from a durable plush material and deliciously scented with an aroma that lasts up to 2 years!

Available at

Backpack Buddies

A unique clip-on toy that will customize a kid’s backpack, add some fun, and help them stand out from the crowd. The perfect way to spice up back to school shopping!

Available at


Kyte Baby Short Sleeve PJs

Our oh-so-adorable kid's pajamas include a short-sleeved top and matching pants. They’re perfect for story-time cuddles! Available in multiple patterns. Available at

Vava Nightlight

Made from 100% toy-grade materials, the VAVA dimmable night light has smooth touch control and emits a soft calming glow. With 8 colors to choose from, it has a rechargeable battery and an energy-saving 1-hour timer. Available at

Back to School Ornaments

These thoughtful ornaments capture the spirit of education and make a perfect gift for teachers and students alike.

Available at

Citrus Juicer

Back to School means healthy kiddos! No more messy and tiring citrus juicing! Simply slice, place on to reamer, and press juicer button - the Vinci Hands Free Citrus Juicer does the rest. Available at

kiddos cool stuff
24 kiddos | August • September 2023 Vinci Old
World Christmas
T AKEYOUR STORY F U REHTR T tu or ing&OnlineLearni n g Be o o ks &Audiobooks Dgi i t alNewspapers&Mag a z i sen Laptops&TabletswithInt e r n e t StreamingMusic HomeDeliveryService s Books,Books,Book s Movies &TVS e r i e s To obtain this information in an accessible format, please call 305-375-5094. September is Library Card Sign-up Month Get all this – free with your library card! Sign up today! Go to or visit any library location.

Family Fun with a Pop!

Kid-friendly Snacks and Treats Perfect for Sharing

Wexcitement going, take your kiddos to the kitchen to whip up a tasty treat for all to enjoy. Whether you’re celebrating a special occasion or watching your favorite movies, turn to an ingredient

childhood memories while making new ones with the family.

Consider these popcorn-inspired snacks to serve during your next adventure:

• When it’s time for a little fun in the sun or a trip to the park, sweeten up the celebration with this Graham Cracker Picnic Mix that’s a flavorful, kid-favorite combination of popcorn, bear-shaped graham crackers, marshmallows, fudgecovered pretzels and miniature cookies.

• Pizza is hard to beat as a snacking solution the whole family can enjoy, and this Grab and Go Pizza Popcorn is no exception. Ready in just minutes by mixing popcorn, Parmesan cheese and seasonings, little ones can help prepare a batch quickly before heading out the door.

Colorful and fun, these Minty Green Popcorn Clusters are simple to make and a perfect treat to share. Just melt together marshmallows, butter, salt, green food coloring and peppermint extract before tossing with popcorn and green candy-coated chocolates.

Graham Cracker Picnic Mix

Yield: About 12 cups

1/4 cup vegetable oil

1/4 cup sugar

5-6 drops pink neon liquid food color or desired color

1/2 cup unpopped popcorn kernels

1 package mini pastel marshmallows

1 cup bear-shaped graham crackers

1 package white fudge-covered pretzels

1 cup mini cookies

In large pot over medium heat, stir oil, sugar and food coloring.

family time
26 kiddos | August • September 2023

Stir in popcorn kernels, cover. Cook until popcorn begins to pop. Shake pot overheat until popping slows.

Remove pan from heat and pour popcorn into large bowl.

Add marshmallows, graham crackers, pretzels and cookies then toss lightly.

Grab and Go Pizza Popcorn

Yield: 6 quarts

1 cup grated Parmesan cheese

2 teaspoons garlic salt

2 teaspoons paprika

1 tablespoon Italian seasoning

Place popcorn in large, sealable plastic container or 2 1/2-gallon plastic sealable bag.

Spray popcorn lightly with cooking spray. Sprinkle cheese, garlic salt, paprika and Italian seasoning over popcorn and shake to distribute evenly.

To serve, scoop popcorn into reusable plastic cups.

Minty Green Popcorn Clusters

Yield: 32 clusters

12 cups unsalted, unbuttered, popped popcorn

4 cups mini marshmallows

2 tablespoons butter or light olive oil

1/2 teaspoon salt

1 tablespoon green food coloring

1/4 teaspoon peppermint extract

1 cup green candy-coated chocolate candies

Place popcorn in large mixing bowl.

In saucepan over medium heat, melt marshmallows, butter and salt, stirring occasionally, until smooth. Remove from heat; stir in food coloring and peppermint extract.

Toss marshmallow mixture with popcorn; cool 2-3 minutes, or until cool enough to handle. Toss with chocolate candies.

Shape 3 tablespoons of popcorn mixture into small cluster; repeat with remaining popcorn mixture. Place on wax paperlined baking sheet; cool completely. k

To find more family-friendly snack time favorites, visit

it’s just about kids | 27


Back to School Financial Tips for Students and Parents

This Back to School season Gen-You brings you 6 tips to buy smart, save and find out the best sales happening now:

1Visit your local brick and mortar retailers. Stores such as Staples, Office Depot, and Walmart offer competitive bargains versus internet-only retailers. Look for specials, but try not to let good prices lure you into spending on things you don’t need. Also, don't forget about local discount retailers who have low pricing year-round, such as Dollar Store or Five Below.


Shop during your state’s sales-tax holiday. Many states offer a shopping day or weekend during which they waive state sales tax. On these days, you can avoid state and local taxes, which can approach 10% in some states.


Use store coupons and rewards programs. Before heading to a retailer, check your mailbox for weekly coupons and store websites for printable coupons. Art supply stores such as Michaels often have coupons in the Sunday paper. Or simply download them onto your smartphone. These can mean big savings on your more expensive items. Coupons may even be available to pick up “in store;” so don’t forget to ask once you’re there.

Combine your deals. If you find a great sale at your local retailer, shop during a sales tax exemption period, use some coupons, and earn rewards points, you have just hit the grand slam of savings! If you pay with a


credit card that gives you cashback, you can save even more—just don’t let those credit card balances run up and accrue interest charges.


Online shopping is still the biggest timesaver, and we all know time is money. In addition to Amazon, there are other web-based competitors such as Oriental Trading Company and eBay. If your family feels that time is your scarcest resource, searching for deals online may still be your best way to save both time and money.


Consider taking advantage of any pre-packaged, school supplies program offered by your school district. This usually involves paying online for a tailored packet of school supplies that is delivered to the school, ready for use. These programs can offer competitive pricing and save you the time and effort of shopping online or driving to the store. k

For more information about financial tips, saving and checking accounts please visit

28 kiddos | August • September 2023
Plenty of retailers are taking the opportunity to host back-to-school sales. The best sales and deals in 2021 are here! From clothes, uniforms, and school supplies to mattresses and dorm room essentials, you'll find everything you need for heading back to school.
Source: Gen-You

Back to School Snack! New Mightylicious Gluten Free Cookie

Say hello to Mightylicious, the hand-crafted cookie for the kiddos that truly has it all: amazing flavor, perfect texture, clean ingredients—everything you want in a cookie except the gluten.

What sets these decadent cookies apart from the rest is their surprising deliciousness. Everyone is singing the praises of Mightylicious, not just

people with celiac disease and healthconscious snackers, but anyone who simply can’t resist a good cookie.

Behind every Mightylicious cookie is the belief that allergen-friendly treats shouldn’t sacrifice taste or texture. These soft-baked delights are 100% free of gluten, wheat, rye, barley, and RBST. The entire line is made from allnatural, non-GMO ingredients.

“Our hand-crafted cookies are designed to indulge and satisfy,” says Mightylicious founder and owner Carolyn Haeler.

The Mightylicious line features 7 varieties, including 2 vegan options: Brown Butter Chocolate Chip, Brown Butter Shortbread, Oatmeal Raisin, Double Dutch Chocolate Chip, Grandma Arline’s Oatmeal Coconut, Salted Peanut Butter, and Vegan Chocolate Chip. Kof-K Kosher.

Find Mightylicious online at and in retail outlets including Walmart, Whole Foods, Costco, King’s, and more.

kiddos gluten free
it’s just about kids | 29 k

1. How to Count to ONE: (And Don't Even THINK About Bigger Numbers!)

Get ready to show off your skills in this fun new counting book! But not everything is as it seems . . . is this book really only about counting to ”ONE?” Because there are SO MANY fun things that you could count. But wait —maybe there's a way to outsmart the book . . . and count all the way up to 100!

Ages 2 to 5.

2. Look, It's Woof Woof Dog

Preschoolers will adore Clare Youngs' friendly animals, with their high-contrast collage artwork, decorative foil highlights, and signature animal noises…and there's a tiny creature hidden behind a tuggable felt flap on each spread, too! In this book, you'll meet Munch Munch Rabbit, Glub Glub Fish, Quack Quack Duck, and Woof Woof Dog herself. With a final “recap” page of animal noises, and the question, "But what noise do YOU make?", little readers will enjoy lifting the last flap and saying “hello” to themselves in the surprise mirror! Ages 1 to 3.

Suggestions For Kids And Families To Read This Month

3. Garrison the Garbage Truck - Kindness at School

Join Garrison the Garbage Truck on his first day of school!

Garrison feels nervous at first, but after remembering to take calming breaths, he is excited for the day. Watch Garrison use kindness with all his friends to help each of them feel safe, happy and excited to be at school.

Garrison shows kindness to bring joy to everyone he meets!

Ages 5 to 6.

4. What on Earth Books By Marvelous Body

In this eye-catching book, readers can explore the hidden inner workings of the human body, look inside different organs and body systems, and learn about how to look after their own physical and mental health at the same time. Readers use the seethrough "magic lens" to reveal how our bodies function and the different body parts hard at work inside us. Find out how your senses work with your brain to show us the world around us, how doctors and nurses spot diseases, and how we turn food into energy... and poop. Ages 7-11.

5. What on Earth Books

Earth is Big: A Book of Comparisons

Get to know our planet in a whole new way by comparing it to a huge variety of other incredible things~from tiny particles to giant star clusters. Did you know soap bubbles are some of the roundest objects in the universe? Or that we humans are totally outnumbered by chickens? Or that the driest desert on Earth isn’t scorching but freezing? Tour some of the most extreme places on the planet and beyond it!. Ages 7 and up.

6. Relax Kids: Let's all BEE

Let’s All Bee is a fun and interactive book that helps the under 5s selfregulate and learn calming tools as they read, listen, communicate, wiggle and giggle. Children learn mindfulness techniques from a variety of animal friends who show them core skills that help them grow and thrive. Includes a set of 14 animal finger puppets to cut out and play with. Ages 3-6.

7. Relax Kids: What Can I Be Today?

Create your own mindful meditations and discover how many wonderful

combinations you can make!

What Can I Be Today is a self-read split-page book that allows you to create your own positive affirmations. Flick through its flaps to create your own positive personas -- and their amazing titles! What will you choose to be today? Ages 4-9.

8. Tulum a City Dog

Tulum, is a city dog. Luckily he travels with his family to the mountains of Colorado and lives a great adventure. It is a bilingual Spanish-English story that promotes empathy and love for pets. Ages 3-8. k

30 kiddos | August • September 2023 1 2 3 4 book reviews kiddos 5 6 7 8

That’s why our Medicaid plan is built for members’ whole health—from family and community life to preventive care and behavioral health. And that’s also  why we support the Kiddos Magazine Annual Back to School & 10th Anniversary Event.

it’s just about kids | 31
We know what matters to you—because it’s what matters to us, too
Healthy Horizons in Florida is a Medicaid
of Humana Benefit Plan
Learn more at FLHM32HEN Humana
of Florida, Inc.
Name & wrap your ownCRAYON! Sculpt colorful creations! Color and keep your own washable SCRIBBLE SCRUBBIE! buy tickets online & save $5 OFF GENERAL ADMISsION Go to Enter code: KidDos EXP. 12/31/23 20+ Hands-On Attractions (407) 757-1700 | 8001 South Orange Blossom Trail, Orlando, FL |


Kiddos Magazine Back to School & 10th Anniversary Event!

Presented by Nicklaus Children's Hospital

CityPlace Doral Fountain Plaza

8300 NW 36th Street, Doral, FL 33166

10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Come and celebrate with us our 10th Anniversary and Back to School Event all in one awesome party! Exhibitors and community partners. One day filled with arts & crafts, petting zoo, science projects, toddler area, hula hoop contest, performances, characters meet & greet, food, music, raffles and much more! For more information visit or register on Eventbrite. Free admission


Mummies of the World: The Exhibition

Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science

1101 Biscayne Blvd., Miami, FL 33132

The largest touring collection of mummified remains and related artifacts ever assembled is coming to the Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science in Downtown Miami. Mummies of the World: The Exhibition will reveal the true lives of ancient people from all over the world, including Europe, South America, and Ancient Egypt. For more information visit


Frost Science Laser Evening

1101 Biscayne Blvd. Miami, FL 33132

7:00 p.m - 11:00 p.m..

Join us as we combine legendary music with laser light visuals during Laser Evenings. Enjoy the Best of the Beatles, get fly with The Weeknd, break free with Queen and more, all under the Frost Planetarium’s 67-foot dome.

For more information visit

Disney on Ice Magic in the Stars

Watsco Center Sept. 7-10

FLA Live Arena Sept. 14-17

SAT. 12th - SUN.13th

Monster Jam

FLA Live Arena

One Panther Parkway, Sunrise, FL 33323

3 shows, 2 pit parties! Experience full-throttle family fun at Monster Jam®, where these 12,000-pound monster trucks tear up the dirt in intense competitions of speed and skill. Witness world-class drivers show off crazy skills and all-out racing in fierce headto-head battles for the Event Championship. Monster Jam also features breathtaking Freestyle Motocross exhibitions.

To but tickets visit


Back to School Easy Dinners - Kids Class

The Real Food Academy

570 NE 81st St., Miami, FL 33138 10:45 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

This class will show your child how to incorporate veggies into their meals to accent the flavors and create a healthy dinner! Our goal is for your child to learn how to help out when making dinner. They can get inspired in our class so Mom or Dad can take a break on meal ideas!

To book your child class visit


SAT. 12th- SUN. 13th

Miami Children's Museum Back to School Bash 980 MacArthur Causeway, Miami, FL 33132

10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

The new school year is fast approaching and we’re preparing in the most playful way possible! Decorate school folders in our Art Studio and enjoy an interactive original performance with our Theater Troupe. Participate in a Back-to-School Raffle and try a STEM activity to get those brain waves moving. Visit with local partners for resources to aid in your child’s success during the school year. For more information visit


Back to School Healthy Snack - Kids Class

The Real Food Academy 570 NE 81st St., Miami, FL 33138 10:45 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Summer is almost over, and a new school year just got started. Even if it is shaping up to be pretty different this year, kids still have their cravings, and here's a better way to prepare something to tide everyone over until dinner is on the table. We've got a menu for your child in this class that's filled with delicious snacks.

To book your child class visit

Chart a course through the night sky to Disney On Ice - where every story starts with a wish! Take a magical journey with Mickey, Minnie, and friends through the timeless stories of Cinderella, Aladdin, Toy Story, and Cars, and today’s favorites including Encanto, Frozen 2, and Moana. Experience the on-ice debut of Raya from Raya and the Last Dragon and create enchanted memories with Tiana, Rapunzel, and the Disney Princesses.

To get your tickets visit

it’s just about kids | 33 Where to go with our Kiddos Event’s Guide kiddos kiddos family events
AUGUST SEPTEMBER calendar submissions
Submit your event information for October-November calendar before September 10th to Include event name, location, address, date, time, cost, a brief description, and contact. Events will be listed based on availability and it has to be family and kids related.
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Pilot: Your Ultimate Back-to-School Organization Companion

The start of a new school year brings with it excitement and the need for organization. Start the school year on the right track with Pilot and experience the benefits of streamlined organization and enhanced productivity. To help students and parents succeed amidst the backto-school chaos, Pilot offers the “write” tools and tips to ensure an enjoyable and seamless back-to-school season.

Color-Coded Organization for Notes and Big Ideas:

America’s #1 selling G2 gel pen is a popular choice among busy students and parents due to its smooth and long-lasting gel ink. The G2 Harmony Collection features colors developed to promote balance, relaxation, and hope, inspiring students to stay positive and

achieve their highest potential. With four point sizes and over 35 colors, the G2 is ideal for note-taking, goal-setting, and capturing big ideas.

Planning and Scheduling Made Easy:

The back-to-school season often entails a flurry of planning and scheduling, from after-school activities to field trips. Pilot’s FriXion line of erasable pens and markers helps keep parents organized, even with last-minute changes. These smoothwriting and clean-erasing tools enable easy edits, ensuring that tasks and events are accurately recorded in a central location. The FriXion Synergy Clicker, with its smooth gel ink and precise point, is perfect for detailed planning, while the FriXion Fineliner brings vibrant, mistakefree writing to notes and calendars.

Attention to Detail:

For students and parents whose notes are prone to smudging, Pilot recommends using quick-dry ink for clean and effortless lines. When it's time to study, legible notes are essential. Pilot's Precise Rolling Ball pens, available in capped and retractable styles, feature a precision tip, making them ideal for organizing notes and completing homework assignments.

For more information on these writing instruments visit www.powertothepen. com and make this your most stress-free back-to-school season yet.

Registration open for 2.5 - 6 year olds!

We have open registration for the 2023-2024 school year for children ages of 2- 6 years Our school has been serving our community for 45 years. We are known for maintaining small ratios and for individualized instruction. We have licensed and accredited Montessori instructors, and as a nonprofit-owned school we have grants and additional support for families. We welcome a visit to our beautiful campus where the children are flourishing with a personalized Montessori Curriculum and a safe and nurturing environment

34 kiddos | August • September 2023 L o c a t i o n : 7 4 3 0 S u n s e t D r i v e , M i a m i F L 3 3 1 4 3 3 0 5 - 6 6 6 - 2 0 0 8 i n f o @ s u n s e t m o n t e s s o r i . o r g C o n t a c t u s t o s c h e d u l e a t o u r !
kiddos supplies

Here, Children Matter Most

Hope and compassionate care fill every room and hallway at Nicklaus Children’s. With the brightest medical minds dedicated to children’s wellbeing, we proudly maintain our position as the top-ranked children’s hospital in South Florida according to U.S.News & World Report’s 2023-24 Pediatric Rankings. Leading with compassion and extraordinary care, we demonstrate every day why this is where your child matters most. Nicklaus Children’s Hospital is the top-ranked children’s hospital in South Florida.

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