Kingsbridge Homes - Home Care Guide

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Kingsbridge Homes Home Care Guide

DEC 2021

© Copyright. Pictures and material provided in accordance with VBA’s guidance material titled “Minimising foundation movement and damage to your house”. Additional photos are the property of Hermitage Properties Pty Ltd. E&OE. 2


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ISO 9001:2015


CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR NEW HOME! The Home Care team would like to congratulate you on the construction of your new home. As a part of the Kingsbridge Homes experience, we are here to help and assist you in the time after you obtain the keys to your new home. Below is some guidance and maintenance information to ensure that you can enjoy your new home for many years to come. To give you the best experience possible in your new home we have included a section of frequently asked questions relating to a number of areas of your new home, as well as maintenance guides, user information and contact details for key elements of your home, and of course we are always here for you to ask questions at any time. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Home Care team via email at Warranty inspections take place between 8.30am and 2.00pm Monday to Friday (depending on the area). Completion of any warranty items and inspections of your home will be conducted during these times. We ask that the homeowner/tenant and/or a representative make themselves available during these hours to ensure quick rectification of any works. You will need to make both yourself and the property available during business hours for all rectification work to be completed. Our trades will contact you directly to arrange mutually suitable times.


WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? You now have your brand-new home and will be looking forward to settling in. Just like you will need to settle into your new surroundings, your house will also continue to settle. During this time (up to a year or two) you may find that you may notice some minor defects in your new home, for example hairline cracking in corner ceiling joins. This is perfectly normal and no cause for concern, unless the cracks are appearing in plaster areas that are wider than 5mm (the width of a $1 coin). In this situation, please email the Homecare team in writing, with photos, and we will investigate. In your HIA Victorian New Homes Contract, Clause 39, states the Builder, “must fix any additional defects in the building works that the owner [you] notifies in writing within 3 months or earlier’ of you taking possession of your property or the date we handover possession of the property to you”. To arrange an inspection, please return the 3 Month Home Care Form to our office by email within the 3 Month (90 day) Defects period so we can book in an inspection with one of our warranty inspectors. Q. What if I am not happy with the quality of the finish at the end of the construction? A. Prior to the 90-day inspection, you can report any major defects directly to the Site Supervisor. The Site Supervisor will investigate the quality of the finishes and will ensure that all the finishes are consistent with our high-quality standards and the contractual agreement.



Make sure you read all the warranty and manufacturers’ maintenance guides included in your handover pack.

Complete and return any warranty cards to activate your appliances, etc. directly to the manufacturers’.

Using the enclosed 3 Month Home Care Form, note down any concerns or issues that arise to ensure we cover everything during the 3 month inspection.

Read through the following information and ensure you have a good understanding of it. If you need any clarification or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Q. After hand over, who do I contact if something is wrong or not completed? A. Your building supervisor will be your contact for any building related issues until your 3 Month Inspection. Any items that are not emergency or issues that may lead to harm or further significant damage should be noted and addressed at your 3 Month Inspection. If you have any other problems, please note them on your maintenance form and your Kingsbridge Homes Warranty Supervisor will assess them during your maintenance inspection.



The exterior or your property requires just as much love and attention as the interior. It will be the first part of your house that visitors see. So here are a few things to be

mindful of regarding the outside of your home.


DRAINAGE AND SLAB CARE CONCRETE SLAB - The concrete slab is the foundation of your home and it is one of the most important things to maintain, you can do this by keeping water away from the sides and underneath the slab. Check out the guidance advise from the VBA at the link here Q. Is minor cracking in my garage and alfresco slab normal? A. Yes, the surface cracks are due to shrinkage in the concrete as it cures. There is little that can be done about this. Expansion joints are used in larger areas of concrete to minimise this. The minor cracks will not affect the long-term structural integrity of the slab. DRAINAGE - It’s important that all drains are kept clear of rubbish and debris and are allowed to drain to their full intended purpose. Ensure you clear any debris from external drains and that the drains are draining correctly. Be aware that any additional landscaping or external work conducted after handover may impact on and interfere with the drainage designed for your home, this can include retaining walls, irrigation and laying of additional drainage for driveways or turf. We advise speaking with a licenced plumber or landscaper prior to undertaking any work. Never pour paint, chemicals, oil, concrete, plaster, pesticides or other substances down any of your external drains. Check with your local council for instructions on how to dispose of these types of substances correctly. Q. I am wanting to connect my garden shed to the house’s stormwater drain, can I do this? A. No, the stormwater drain has only been designed for the house to drain into and this could overload the drain causing flooding in your back yard. Please consult with a licensed plumber to assist in this matter. CLEANING YOUR DRAINS - Not every home has a silt pit or an agricultural drain installed, so please ask us to show you where the drain access is and how to clean the drains. Q. Can I move my drains to undertake landscaping work or pour an additional slab? A. This is a tricky one. Yes, you can however if you do, you risk damaging the drain and pipework. This can cause extensive issues and you may need to pull up a large area of your backyard to repair any damaged pipe work. Before commencing any drain or pipe work moving, removal or replacement please engage a licenced plumber.


GARDENS AND TREES - Before planting anything new, consider speaking with a professional to make sure new plants and trees wont effect the slab or exterior of the house. Also consider their watering needs and how this may affect your concrete slab. Q. I am planning on completing my own landscaping after handover, will my home warranty be voided? A. Any slab movement caused by poor drainage (such as over irrigation or lack of drainage with retaining walls) as well as inadequate landscaping, may void your warranty. Please speak to us if you have any questions or concerns. NATURE STRIP AND INCLUSIVE LANDSCAPING – If your property has included landscaping or if the nature strip has been reseeded after works it is the responsibility of the owner to water the grass seeds, plants and lawn daily for the first 3 months. Any plants that die or grass that does not reseed will not be covered under warranty if this is not done and an independent contractor may be called out to determine this. If it is determined that watering or misuse of the area occurred, the call out fee maybe charged to the owner.


WATERING – When you are watering avoid watering directly onto the slab or exterior of the house and we suggest installing automated watering systems a sufficient distance from the slab to ensure water does not pool or go under the slab and again we suggest speaking with a professional contractor, licenced landscaper or plumber. Q. Can I install an automated watering system or sprinklers? A. Yes, just take into consideration the direction of the water flow (keeping it away from the house) and the amount of water (you want to avoid pooling around the slab). We recommend placing sprinklers away from the houses in the middle of the lawn and monitoring their wattage area to ensure they are not impacting on the exterior of the house. WEEP HOLES – Around your slab you may notice, in the brick work, gaps. These are called weep holes and allow for ventilation and air flow of the inner wall cavity. It is imperative that these are kept free from debris, mulch, soil and that you do not fill them up or obstruct the air flow into these gaps. Q. Can I build a garden bed covering the weep holes? A. No, this is not recommended at all as it will restrict air flow to the inner wall cavity. TERMITE TREATMENT – As a part of the construction of your house we installed an initial termite treatment at the slab stage. Before undertaking any additions to your property, we recommend you familiarise yourself and contractors with the property’s termite protection. We also recommend you follow the installers guide to avoid voiding your warranty. Check out some more information here



PAVING AND DRIVEWAYS All external paths and decking will be sloped away from your home allowing water to drain away from the house. We recommend you apply expansion foam to every surface that comes in contact with the side of your home to allow for minimal cracks. CONCRETE PATHS AND DRIVEWAYS - The concrete paths surrounding your home have expansion joints allocated in their construction. It is normal for small hairline cracks to occur over time, however if you notice any major cracks please do not hesitate to contact Home Care. Driveways are designed for normal family vehicles, if heavy vehicles are used on driveways you may find that cracking and/or sinking can occur. As heavy vehicles fall outside of the intended use of the driveway, any cracks, sinking or issues from misuse of the driveway will not be covered under warranty. We also suggest avoiding driving on the edge of the driveway as this is also a weak point and may cause cracking, sinking or breakages in the concrete. You may notice that as the concrete cures that there may be some slight colour variation throughout the paved paths and driveway areas. This is completely normal and natural and does not represent a lack of or less integrity to the concrete. It is simply a result of how the concrete is affected by weather and curing duration. Sealers or stains that have been used on external paving, paths, decking and driveways will be affected by the weather and general use. We suggest checking them regularly and in line with the manufacturers’ guidance material included in your handover pack.



WINDOWS We recommend checking that windows are in good working order and to follow the manufacturers’ guidelines for cleaning. Q. Why do my second storey windows not open as far as my first storey windows? A. Upstairs windows are restricted from opening to help maintain the safety from the risk of falling and causing injury or death. This is a national requirement and any tampering with the windows to get around this could contribute to a person’s serious injury or death. The allowance for the opening is to allow ventilation and air flow but protect people and children from falling or climbing out.

RENDER/BRICKS Generally, the outside of your house is pretty robust to the normal conditions in which they are built, however if you live near the coast or in areas where they may get extra dirty, we recommend hosing them down every few months to ensure the exterior of the house stays in the best condition. RENDER – To avoid damage, plant garden beds away from rendered areas and avoid watering or pooling of water against the render directly. To clean the render, you can use a standard garden hose and if staining or stubborn marks are causing you concern, you can use a soft brush to assist in removing these. Please also note that the render can fade over time due to weather and conditions outside. This is perfectly normal and is not considered a warranty item. Small cracks are also common over time and are not considered for coverage under the warranty, however if you are concerned please let us know and we will look into this for you. BRICKWORK – to avoid costly repair work on brickwork, we recommend planting garden beds away from the brickwork and avoid watering or pooling of water around the brickwork. To clean the bricks you can use a standard garden hose or soft brush for stubborn dirt. Please note that bricks can fade over time due to weather and conditions outside. This is perfectly normal and is not considered a warranty item. Small cracks are also common over time and not considered for coverage under the warranty however if you are concerned please let us know and we will look into this for you. Q. If repairs are done after handover on my render or brickwork, will you colour match it? A. All possible options for colour matching will be undertaken, however we cannot guarantee that this will be a perfect match. We will endeavour to match the colour as close as possible using the materials, treatments and products available at the times.


ROOF AND GUTTERS When checking your roof after a storm for leaks or cleaning the gutter we recommend using a professional contractor who is trained in working at heights and the safe use of ladders and safety equipment required for these tasks. ROOFING - Damage to your roof caused by storm damage or foot traffic is not covered under the warranty and subsequently does not cover any internal damage caused by these issues. Please have your roof inspected after severe weather, storms or the installation and additions on the roof such as solar panels or repainting of roof tiles. A roof service is done by Boral just prior to handover, ensuring the roof tiles have been installed correctly and are all intact. After handover roof tiles are the owner’s responsibility and are no longer under warranty. Q. Will my 3 Month Inspection include a roof inspection? A. As our inspectors do not have the appropriate training or equipment to carry out an inspection on the roof, they will conduct a visual inspection from the ground during your 3 Month Inspection to make sure no defects have occurred. CLEANING GUTTERS – it is your responsibility after handover to clean and maintain the gutters. The warranty for the house does not cover damage done due to blocked pipes or gutters. Q. is it normal for gutters to hold water after it has rained? A. yes, gutters can continue to hold small amounts of water after it has rained, this will either drain away or evaporate. The tolerance for this is 10mm at any point.


STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY – Although additions to your house after handover are not restricted, please note that any additions or alterations to the house’s frame and/or roof trusses may impact the structural integrity of the frames and trusses and void the structural warranty. This is included but is not limited to additions such as pergolas, verandas, sheds, garages, etc. We suggest speaking with a licenced contractor to undertake any alterations.


METERS – Utility metres are the responsibility of the homeowner after handover. It is your responsibility to make sure they are in good working order, free from obstruction and readable for the utility companies. Any faults or suspected faults should be reported to the utility company ASAP. Q. Where is my gas and water metre located? A. The gas and water metre are usually located at the front of the property on the side of the house. We recommend contacting your utility provider or a plumber should you need to turn your gas or water metres/supply off or on.


HEATING AND COOLING - If you’re having problems with your heating or cooling, please refer to the manufacturer’s guide, and contact your heating and cooling installer if the problem persists. HOT WATER SERVICE – We recommend annually checking your hot water service for leaks and anything that looks out of the ordinary. Please refer to your user guide to advise how to do this. If you need assistance or repairs, please see attached the list of contractors that will be able to assist you. We recommend your check that the relief valve drains into an external drain. Check out some more information at the link below


SOLAR HOT WATER - If your home has a solar hot water service installed, the solar panels must be connected at all times to a power supply and the solar control unit. If they’re left unconnected for long periods of time, they can freeze and burst. This won't be covered by your Warranty. So if you're planning on going away for an extended period, check the manufacturer's guide for how to leave it safely. Q. Do I have to connect my utilities or is this something you do for me? A. your utility connection is your responsibility, we have the gas, water and electricity lines as well as the NBN lines installed during construction however as the owner you will need to have these connected. GARAGE DOOR - All garage doors require periodic maintenance; you can find this information in the manufacturer’s guide. Also included in your key handover pack is one of the most important items, the guide for opening an electric garage door during a power outage. Q. why is my garage door beeping? A. the garage door may beep to remind you to service it, this is not built into all garage doors but is becoming more common. Under no circumstances do we recommend leaving it until it beeps and suggest that you read the manufacturers’ guide.



We suggest using floor mats near entryways to catch and minimise dirt and debris from entering the house and suggest the use of floor protectors on furniture such as Syneco Felt, plastic chair leg ‘boots’ or other floor protectors. It is recommended that you remove shoes where possible to avoid scratching the flooring surface and all installation and manufacturers’ recommendations are adhered to limit the voiding of the warranty with the manufacturer. Q. How often should I clean my floors? A. It is recommended that you vacuum twice a week and steam carpet sand rugs clean yearly. This will depend on the level of foot traffic through the home, where you live, the occupants of the house, and if you have pets. CARPET - Over time you may notice that the carpet stretches and this can cause a ripple effect. This is common in high traffic areas as well as fading and wear and tear on the carpet in these areas. We suggest referring to the manufacturers’ warranty and guidance material in your handover pack for care, guidance and the included trades list should you require their assistance. Q. What is covered under my warranty for the carpets? A. The warranty will cover defects relating to the manufacturing, installation or joins in the carpet only. TIMBER FLOORS – To ensure your floorboards last and look great from the day you get your keys and for many years to come we recommend that your follow the manufacturers’ guide on caring and maintaining your floorboards including how to wash and clean them as well as how often they require resealing. The floorboards and skirting are not covered under warranty for water damage or damaged cause by incorrect maintenance and care. We suggest cleaning up spills and excess water immediately to avoid expansion of the timber or damage. Q. Can I use a steam mop on my timber floors? A. No, we recommend that you do not use steam mops, wet/dry mops or the like on timber floors. The excessive water and steam create humidity and can seep into the floorboards and cause them to swell. This is not covered under your warranty.


TILING We suggest using floor mats near entryways to catch and minimise dirt and debris from entering the house and suggest the use of floor protectors on furniture such as Syneco Felt, plastic chair leg ‘boots’ or other floor protectors. It is recommended that you remove shoes where possible to avoid scratching the flooring surface and all installation and manufacturers’ recommendations are adhered to limit the voiding of the warranty with the manufacturer. TILES – Tiles in high traffic areas need to be cleaned and inspected regularly for chips, damage and cracks. Avoid dropping heavy items on tiles as they may cause cracking. Q. Will my tiles be replaced if they are cracked or lose? A. Under the warranty for your house the tiles will be replaced if they are loose or if cracks cover more than 5% of the tiles surface within 24 months from handover. GROUT – Grout is the fill in between the tiles, this over time can change colour or crack due to a number of factors such as the house settling, the weather causing expansion and shrinkage in the house as well as the cleaning of the tiles and grout. This is completely normal and is not covered under warranty however if left untreated can cause further issues. Ensure you read the maintenance guide for your tiles and grouting and remember to inspect them regularly and reapply grout when needed. Please note regular maintenance of the showers is the responsibility of the owner, unless the damage is done due to poor workmanship. It is recommended showers are re-caulked and re-grouted every five years if they have not been regularly maintained. Q. My grout is discolouring, what’s wrong with it? A. Grout can discolour due to a number of reasons including the cleaners that are being used, the foot traffic if on the floor, dirt and spills or using water that is not changed often enough to clean the area. This is not deemed a defect and we recommend consulting the manufacturers’ guide for cleaning guidance. SILICONE – Over time silicon can discolour, develop mould, or deteriorate in quality, after the application of the silicon in your bathrooms, kitchen and laundry during construction it is your responsibility to maintain these through cleaning and reapplying when required, please refer to your maintenance guide from the manufacturer.



2 House Width


Min. Block Width


House Length


Min. Block Length



CRACKS - Hairline cracks in your walls, cornices, skirtings and architraves over time is normal, they can be caused by the weather, the heating and cooling inside the home or when the house settles. If you are unsure, please contact us and we will look into this for you and let you know if it is normal or if we require more investigation. Q. I can see the plaster joins under the paintwork on the ceiling, is this a defect? A. No, all ceiling joins are visible under certain lighting conditions, however if in doubt give the Home Care Team a call and we can investigate. To find out if this falls within the normal tolerances and standards, we can perform a simple test which involves viewing the area during the day as well as at night. PAINT – After the handover of your house the wear and tear on painted surfaces is not covered under your warranty. We suggest protecting corners and surfaces when moving furniture or when contractors are working in your house. To clean the painted areas, use a damp sponge and lightly wipe away any marks or spills, do not press to hard as this may remove the paint and cause discolouration. It is recommended that you clean off marks and spills as soon as possible to avoid stains. Our warranty doesn’t cover any wear and tear to painted surfaces after you move in. Q. The display home I visited seems to have a different level of finish and quality to my finished home, why is that? A. All of our display homes experience high levels of foot traffic and cleaning, more than regular houses. To ensure that everyone that comes through one of our display homes gets the best experience we regularly repair and reseal floors, walls and high traffic areas, which exceed our normal standards.

WINDOWS AND DOORS WINDOWS – To ensure that windows work to their full potential please clean window winders and accessories regularly and ensure the space is free of dust and dirt. To wash the windows we suggest warm water and a soft sponge to clean the windows and protect from scratching and removing of any tint on the windows. From time to time you may need to oil the winders but suggest referring to the manufacturers’ guide


DOORS – To assist with doors opening and closing properly we suggest keeping all door frames clean and free of dust and dirt. This can be done by using a clean cloth to wipe clean the area. Doors and windows should be wiped down immediately after spills or marks are seen to prevent staining and marks. Use a damp sponge on the door and warm water and a soft sponge on the windows. Doors themselves have a three-month warranty period from handover. Q. My door is catching, what can I do? A. at your 3 Month Inspection we can adjust your door, after this time though we suggest engaging with a qualified carpenter to make any adjustments. SLIDING WINDOWS AND DOORS – Sliding doors and windows work and move using a track system. To ensure that these run smoothly and to prevent damage to the slider rolls keep the tracks clean of dirt and debris such as rocks, clay or leaves and keep them dry. As all sliders respond differently in different weather and usage if they become hard to move to jolting when moving please refer to the manufacturer's guide. WINDOW COVERINGS – This is the responsibility of the owner to install after handover. We suggest engaging with a contractor that will install these correctly to the wall, window or frame in the most appropriate and hardy spot to ensure they do not fall and are attached properly. Window and door coverings should not be attached to architrave and your warranty does not cover damage caused by inappropriate installation of fittings and fixtures such as windows and door coverings.



WET AREAS CONDENSATION - Condensation is common in bathrooms, laundries and sometimes can be seen in bedrooms and the kitchen. It occurs when excess humidity is released on to cold surfaces. To alleviate the condensation open windows and doors and use exhaust fans where applicable. If condensation is allowed to sit on windows and walls mould can occur and cause extensive damage. It is recommended to always use exhaust fans when they are installed and to clean exhaust fans regularly to allow for maximum air flow. If you are having issues with condensation, please refer to the Condensation on Windows and Doors PFD in your handover pack. DOORS – Due to the humidity in wet areas the water can cause doors to swell and change shape. If doors become tight or hard to open or close, then please contact us. TAPS – It is the responsibility of the homeowner to ensure that all taps are cleaned, maintained and serviced or replaced if need be. Please refer to the manufacturers’ guide for cleaning and maintenance information. Under your warranty you are only covered for leaking taps if it is deemed to have been installed incorrectly by the installer. Please check all taps and connections immediately and notify us of any leaks.


SINKS AND BASINS - Be sure to regularly clean any hair or bathroom products from your bathroom basin and shower drains. In the kitchen make sure you only dispose of suitable items down your drains such as water, the discarding of food scraps or other items not meant for sinks may cause blockages and will not be covered under warranty. Drains are designed for discarding water only, please remember this. Any leaks or blockages and related damage caused due to misuse will not be covered under warranty. TOILETS – Your toilet is also a drain, although capable of handling more than just water all items placed in your toilet should be biodegradable and flush friendly. To assist in recognising what is not appropriate please do not flush any of the following items down your toilet: baby wipes, cotton wool balls, newspaper, toys or small objects, food, sanitary items or similar waste products. In new estate or when recycled water is being used to flush toilets the sediment in the water may cause the cistern to constantly make a running noise. This is not a defect and it will be your responsibility to engage with a plumber to rectify this issue.



APPLIANCES The initial installation of your appliances is covered under your warranty; however, it is your responsibility after handover to fill in and return any warranty cards to the manufacturer. It is also your responsibility to clean, maintain and service your appliances as directed in the manufacturers’ guidelines. If you have any issues with your appliances, please report them directly to the manufacturer. SMOKE ALARMS – Smoke alarms are one of the most important lifesaving devises in your house. You should never tamper with (place sticky tape over when beeping or paint, etc) or cover smoke alarms. If you are moving smoke alarms, please read the link below regarding placement of smoke alarms in your house. consumers/guides/smoke-alarms It is the owner’s responsibility to regularly check the alarms are in working order and to change the batteries at least once a year. The CFA recommends changing them at the beginning and end of day lights savings each year, the first Sunday in April and the first Sunday in October. RANGEHOODS – these should be cleaned regularly, depending on the model installed this will differ. Please see the maintenance guide for directions on keeping this clean and serviced. Please note that this can become a fire hazard if not kept maintained.


BENCHTOPS STONE – Although stone bench tops are very robust, misuse may void any manufacturers’ warranties. We suggest placing heat mats under any hot items such pots, pans, plates, air fryers or similar sources of heat and to not stand on the bench top. Q. What should I clean my Stone Bench top with? A. We provide for you in your handover pack a cleaning solution for your stone bench tops. It is your responsibility to replace this once it is used. LAMINATE – Although not as robust as stone laminate bench tops can be durable if looked after and maintained. We suggest placing heat mats under any hot items such pots, pans, plates, air fryers or similar sources of heat and to not stand on the bench top. In addition laminate will swell if water gets in under the laminate itself, avoid allowing pools of water to sit on the bench top and wipe up spills immediately and wipe around the sink and joins regularly to remove water.

CABINETRY If you find that your doors or draws are stiff or slightly rub on the cabinetry carcass as you open and close them then please let us know at your 3 Month Inspection. These can be adjusted or eased by our inspector as long as its within your maintenance period. After this period of time it will be the owner’s responsibility to adjust the doors or shelves and they will not be under warranty.

ELECTRICAL All light fittings, power points and data points have been installed by our electricians and checked to be in full working order. If you need to move, change or adapt a fitting or power point you must use a registered electrician. If you need to do change light bulbs please check the wattage and type of light bulb and replace it with the equivalent.



CATEGORIES OF WARRANTY AND HOME CARE Having something go wrong with your new home can be a stressful experience. In order to speed up the solution it is important to understand the different categories of warranty that exist. There are two (2) main categories of warranty: •

Category 1 – Kingsbridge Homes Warranty

Category 2 – Manufacturers’ Warranty

Each category is outlined below and step by step instructions provided to assist you with your warranty query


CATEGORY 1 – KINGSBRIDGE HOMES WARRANTY As previously mentioned, pursuant to Clause 39 of your Building Contract, Kingsbridge Homes offers a New Home Warranty service for three (3) months after handover. The following process has been developed to assist with us attending to your items as soon as practicable. Please take the time to review the steps carefully so we can accelerate your warranty queries. For any assistance after the Kingsbridge Homes New Home Warranty Period (3 months from handover), please write to the HomeCare team. We will arrange for an assessment to be carried out on the issues raised and determine whether repair works need to be carried out. Please bear in mind that whilst we will strive to fix any defaults certain items, including but not limited to, normal wear and tear, normal shrinkage, hairline cracks, valve washers and paint touch-ups are not defects and are not covered under the warranty period. As the owner, you are responsible for looking after your home, including but not limited to, landscaping, ongoing maintenance and regular home care on your home as stated in the Special Conditions in your HIA Victorian New Homes Contract. To ensure that all warranties are honoured by the manufacturers, we advise that you follow all guidance material on the care and use of all products to ensure the warranty conditions of any manufacturer are met. We have also taken this opportunity to provide further information including but not limited to your homes foundation and footing system


as detailed in the below diagram. STEP 1 – COMPLETE AND SUBMIT WARRANTY FORM We have provided you with a “3 Month Home Care Form” in your property handover pack. This form will assist you in booking in for your 3 month property inspection and assist in letting us know if any issues that need to be looked at specifically. We ask that you fill this in and return it to us via the email address To assist us in addressing any issues or defects you have we request that you list all your items on the form and give as much detail of each item as possible including but not limited to the nature of the issue, location of the issue and if possible, photographs of the issues. To be eligible for cover this form must be received within the 3 months after handover. Any items raised after this time will be covered at the discretion of Kingsbridge Homes and we may refuse to rectify an item that was not raised within the 3 month warranty period. If you have lost or are unable to locate the form please contact our Home Care department on 03 9213 0542 or email STEP 2 – WARRANTY INSPECTION BOOKED Upon receiving your 3 Month Home Care Form, one our friendly team members will be in contact with you within 7 days to organise a convenient time for our inspectors to meet with you at your property. Our inspectors conduct inspections between the hours of 8.30am to 2pm Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays. Inspections on weekends are


not possible unfortunately. STEP 3 – WARRANTY INSPECTION CONDUCTED On the day of the agreed inspection one of our inspectors will meet with you to discuss your concerns on any issues that you may have noticed or wish to evaluate. The Guide to Standards and Tolerances is a valuable tool used by inspectors to help clarify areas of building standards not prescribed in legislation, building control and policy. A copy can be found on the Victorian Building Authorities website on the following link file/0018/111492/Guide-to-Standards-and-Tolerances-2015.pdf. If you are unable to attend or have elected to appoint a representative to attend the inspection on your behalf, we ask that you advise our office in writing at least 48 hours before the agreed inspection time. When advising in writing please include that you authorise ‘given name’ to attend the inspection on your behalf. The inspection will normally take between 20mins to 1hr to complete, so please allow sufficient time during your schedule to ensure we can cover all the items you wish to discuss. STEP 4 – WARRANTY ITEMS AGREED UPON During the inspection a detailed list will be agreed upon and signed off on by both parties for any rectification works that are required. In the event that the owner and inspector cannot agree on items to be rectified a further meeting may be scheduled with our Customer Service Manager. STEP 5 – WARRANTY ITEMS RECTIFIED Once an agreed list of items is finalised our Home Care co-coordinator will make the necessary arrangements for contractors and suppliers to attend to rectify and complete the works. It is important that access to your home is provided to ensure rectification works can be carried out efficiently and we will work with you to have these done at times that are acceptable by yourself and the trades. We will endeavour to rectify all of the agreed warranty items within 30 days of sign off on the agreed items to be rectified.



CATEGORY 2 – MANUFACTURER’S WARRANTY If you experience failure in any of our manufacturers’ products in your home, it is best to contact the relevant supplier directly to arrange a service call under their manufacturers’ warranty. This will ensure your issue is handled in the most efficient manner. We have provided for you brochures and warranty documents for each supplier in your handover pack which will specify the terms and conditions for their manufacturers’ warranty as well their contact details. Suppliers and manufacturers’ products can include, but are not limited to, the following items: •

Garage doors

Kitchen appliances

Heating and cooling units

Hot water units



Water tanks

If your inquiry is not dealt with satisfactorily by the manufacturer then please contact the Kingsbridge Homes Home Care department on via email at homecare@ A member of our warranty team will make contact with you as soon as possible to discuss your concern.


STRUCTURAL WARRANTY In addition to internal and manufacturers’ warranties, Kingsbridge Homes is fully insured by QBE who provides comprehensive cover for domestic building work performed by a registered builder. The insurance policy applies where the contracted building works are incomplete or defective and the builder has died, disappeared or become insolvent. For your convenience, a copy of your QBE insurance certificate is included in your handover pack. Under the terms of the QBE policy, structural defects in respect of loss or damage are covered for six (6) years after the completion date of the insurable domestic building work. Structural defects under the policy are defined as any defect in a structural element of the home that is attributable to defective design, defective or faulty workmanship or defective materials that: a) Results in, or is likely to result in, the home or any part of the building, being required by law to be closed or prohibited from being used; or b) Prevents, or is likely to prevent, the continual practical use of the home or any part of the home; or c) Results in, or is likely to result in: i.

The destruction of the home or any part of the home; or


Physical damage to the home or any part of the home; or

d) Results in, or is likely to result in, a threat of imminent collapse that may reasonably by considered to cause destruction of, or physical damage to, the home or any part of the home For further information please refer to


WHEN WORK IS REQUIRED To ensure that we can identify, assess and rectify any issues that are covered under the warranty and defects period we ask the following of the owner/occupant of the house: 1. ACCESS TO THE HOME 1.1.

Access to the home is to be made available at the agreed time between Kingsbridge Homes Home Care team, the owner/tenant and/or representative and the contractor engaged to carry out the work. This is to ensure that rectification works can be carried out efficiently and in a timely manner

1.2. The owner/tenant and/or representative may be charged with a call out fee if he/she does not provide access to the home at the agreed time when the contractor/s arrives. 2. AUTHORISED CONTRACTORS 2.1.

Kingsbridge Homes will provide qualified trades people to conduct rectification works at their discretion and as agreed upon with the owner and/or representative.


Kingsbridge Homes will not reimburse the owner/tenant and/or representative for payments made to unauthorised trades people.


Please refer to the VBA Guide to Standards and Tolerances for a complete listing and definition of warranty items



IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY In case of an emergency we recommend you call 000. An emergency is a situation that poses an immediate risk to health, life, property or environment. For non-emergency situations such as damage after a storm or flood please contact the SES for advice. Q. what happens if I have a water or gas leak over the weekend and cannot contact Home Care? A. we suggest you contact 000 if it is an emergency or your utility provider immediately and follow their instructions. reception For non-emergency situations please contact Home Care via email. For warranty and repairs please contact the below contractors:




Hot Water Service and Solar Panels


1300 367 565

Appliances (Dishwasher Oven, Rangehood, etc.)

Domain Appliances

1300 438 266

Heating and Split Systems

P & H Heating and Cooling

(03) 9702 4946 or (03) 9702 3366

Garage Doors


1300 799 177

Security and Electrical

Brad Mongta Electrical Services

(03) 8899 7120

Plumber (South & East Suburbs)

GK & EM Plumbing

(03) 5942 8504

Plumber (North & West Suburbs)

Costa's Plumbing

(03) 9311 9044

Plumber (Geelong Region)

GPG Plumbing

(03) 5298 3027

Shower Screens, Glass Splashbacks, Mirrored/ Vinyl Robes and Robe Fit Outs

A Touch of Glass

(03) 9708 2910

Windows & Sliding Doors


(03) 8781 0265 or (03) 8781 0264

Timber Floors

Surfaces by Hynes

For home insurance related questions please speak to your policy holder. For licenced trades please contact the Victorian Building Authority (VBA) by visiting or by calling 1300 815 127.


Fixtures and fittings to your home as well as appliances are not covered under Kingsbridge’s warranty. These are covered by the manufacturers’ warranties which have a variety of time frames, policies and procedures. The information below is a guide to the individual manufacturers’ warranties and is true and correct at the time of printing, please confirm these with the individual manufacturer. Please note that any call out fees charged by the manufacturers will be charged to the owner directly, and this should be confirmed before you engage with any services. 14

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