Jesus said, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full”. Two things are seen in this statement. First there is such a thing as real evil. Satan and his demons want to steal, kill and destroy, in fact they want to bring all of humanity to Hell with them. They have the right to do exactly that since all of us have sinned, broken God’s law. But that is where Real Life comes in, the second part of Jesus’ statement. Two thousand years ago Jesus, God’s son, fully God yet fully man, one who never sinned, came into our world, and died in our place for our sins. He fulfilled the ancient Jewish sacrificial system by becoming our sacrifice for sin through his death on the cross. In that one act he took our sin and the penalty for our sin, death, upon himself. When he rose from the dead, he shattered both sin and death and could now offer all mankind Real Life. How do we receive this Real Life? Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies, and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.” We receive Real Life by receiving the giver of Real Life, Jesus, into our lives. The Bible says, “to all who received him (Jesus), to
those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God…children born of God.” The moment we ask Jesus to forgive us of our sins and come into our life and be our Lord and Savior, Real Life begins. The apostle Paul said it this way, “if you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Real Life awaits you. In the following pages you will read the testimonies of real people who have experienced Real Life. Do what they did, ask Jesus into your life. Pray with me this prayer: “Jesus, forgive me of my sins, come into my life, be my Lord and Savior. Thank you for hearing my prayer and thank you for loving me.” Grow in Real Life by knowing Jesus more through praying, reading the Bible (start with the Gospel of John), and attending a church that preaches the Bible and believes that God’s power is available to transform you. We want to help you grow in Jesus and enjoy Real Life, so call us at 871-7311. May God bless you! Dr. James & Pastor Colleen Marocco
Senior Pastors
The Children’s Ministry at King’s Cathedral is just what your child is looking for!
Thrilling surprises! Hilarious puppets! Exciting games! Awesome leaders! We have many weekly ministries for all ages on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights designed to give kids a connection with Godly leaders and a connection with Jesus.
We even have a free bus ride ready to pick you up. Call 871-7311
Don’t miss another week! Sundays 8am & 10am Wednesdays 6pm
Table of Contents What is Real Life?
Stories of Hope 5 Testimonies of Restoration
Financial Miracles 17 and Healing
“In Jesus, there is hope, healing, deliverance and transformation....” PASTOR COLLEEN MAROCCO Everyone seems fine until you hear their story. Pain and sorrow mark their lives. There seems to be no answer, or hope. What can we do to help? God has the answer for their troubles. His healing touch for physical, emotional, and spiritual hurts. Transformation ministry provides a place to hear each story, declare God’s solutions, and pray for God’s intervention. Luke 4:18-19 “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” With Jesus there is hope and there is a solution. When a hurting person comes to Jesus there is a change. In Transformation Ministry we encourage this process by applying
forgiveness and God’s principals for change. When a person is struggling with life controlling issues, each day can feel like a failure. Together we are gaining understanding and becoming victorious warriors over our feelings and any strongholds through the power of Jesus’ blood. We are acquiring tools for successful living with Jesus as the center of our lives. The problems of our world look insurmountable. We can’t legislate the healing. Sometimes we sit back thinking there is nothing that we can do. Jesus died to free all mankind of their slavery, we have the answers. We must have compassion and mercy. We must provide opportunities for people to come face to face with Jesus, confront sin, and be strengthened with grace to accomplish God’s destiny for their lives. In Jesus there is hope, there is healing, there is deliverance, there is restoration, there is TRANSFORMATION.
Come Join Us!
Monday at 6:45pm 5
King’s Cathedral Maui Prayer Garden
or call 871-7311 ext. 103 for more information
Henry & Eva
“God touched him and he surrendered....”
Henry and I met in prison. Henry grew up looking for love in all the wrong places, doing things like stealing, fighting, drinking, and drugs to find acceptance with his friends. He found acceptance but it was so empty. I was in prison myself, when I met Hnery as he served food to us. I promised one of my friends that I would call him when I got out. I did and we began dating. Our relationship was very chaotic because God wasn’t the center of our life and old habits came back. I kept trying to get Henry to go to church and finally he began. One service at a time became two and then three. One day God touched him and he surrendered to the Lord. God also healed him of really bad sleep apnea. Henry began to realize the mess that God had taken him out of and revealed things that needed to be changed. We were married and began a new life with a blended family. There were some hard times but God has brought us through. Now Henry sets his alarm to remind him to stop each hour and pray, and he has seen God answer specific prayers for his family. Henry and I are serving in several ministries today, reaching out to people who are hurting and broken. Henry said, “He (Jesus) has given me a glimpse of His heart for people, how much He really loves them.”
Jodie & Robin
“...as we grow together, we grow in God!”
Jodie: I was 10 years old when we came to First Assembly of God (now King’s Cathedral). My parents got saved in 1980 and since then our household was radically changed. Before that my dad was an alcoholic and got into accidents because of drunk driving. It was very stressful but when they gave their lives to God they were on fire for God. My dad started serving God full force and became part of the ushers ministryand led cell group in our house. Seeing other families come in and my parents actually praying for these people changed my life. I got filled with the Holy Spirit at 11 years old at the Kids Camp. I remember the power of the Holy Spirit like warm oil being poured over me. I fell down and was crying and started speaking in tongues and the Holy Spirit never left me. In my teenage years I was rebellious, went off the path and got pregnant at the early age of 17. I was 19 when I got married and
had 4 sons after that. As time went by we grew apart from each other and the Lord. I was just going through the motions. Our marriage was beyond repair and we ended up getting a divorce. Robin: Growing up as a kid I did a lot of stealing and did some drugs. My first taste of drugs was graduation night. It got a hold of me for 20 years, but God is good. I got saved four years ago and I’ve been drug free for 4 years now. I met Jodie and invited her to church. A year into our marriage I was coming to church just to come but Jodie felt like we needed to do more in church. So we talked about it and prayed about it and now we do a Love and Respect class in church and we’re a part of the transformation ministry. The biggest change is that we serve God together and are growing together. As we grow together we get closer to God.
Daniel grew up in a Christian home and was in church every Sunday. When he started hitting the teen years Daniel wanted to be like everyone else. Daniel was an all-star surfer and played all the sports. “Everyone was partying, but I wasn’t allowed to go. When I was 14, I ran away from home. I was on the streets of New Port Beach sleeping on roof tops or wherever I could find. I started drugs and alcohol which led to bigger and harder drugs; I was in and out of rehabs, jails, and psych wards. I was running aimlessly. At the age of 25, I gave my heart back to Jesus.” Karrie was raised by her grandparents. She got married at 18 years old to a very abusive man and started drinking and smoking weed, soon they were divorced. About that time, she found out her mother had been murdered when she was just a baby. Her grandparents had never told her. She became bitter and went full force into heavy drugs. She said, “I started hanging out with gang members, murderers, anyone I felt wasn’t good, that was
Daniel & Karrie
“...I cried the whole time and couldn’t figure out why...”
where I wanted to be. That is where I could hide my misery.” She ended up in prison and just to get out of her cell went to a church group meeting. “I cried the whole time and couldn’t figure out why,” She decided to change when she got out of prison, but went right back to being an addict on the streets. She got caught again and this time chose a rehab instead of a 5 year prison term. That’s where she met Daniel. After a year of parole they decided to move to Maui and get married. At their friend’s church, King’s Cathedral, they got saved. Marriage was good but hard, Karrie says, “I had expectations on what a Christian life should be, it should be perfect all the time. I learned that there is a real enemy so we have to work hard for it.” Daniel adds, “We’re trying to stay plugged in to the church as much as we can, we are serving in choir, Transformation, and the bus ministry. I feel that if you’re not moving forward in God you could be moving backwards.”
In 2005 I drank some anti-freeze because I no longer wanted to live. It was horrible and I realized I wanted to live. The pastors came and prayed me through even though I thought I was going to die. Nobody thought that I was going to live, but God through his mercy said no. He said “You’re not going to die”. He turned my life completely around from what it was before. I just thank Jesus for that because He has done so much for me. He has given me a lot of my mind back. There are a few things that still aren’t there, but they will be. I know that He has helped me financially. He has helped me get a good place to stay and even a nice cat to be with me. I know that He has taken care of everything for me. I know it’s because the prayers of the church and especially the ushers ministry that has gotten me through. I know it is their friendship. Everything that happens to me in the future is because God has everything under control. I thank Him for it and I say devil too bad! Better luck next time. I just praise
I came to Transformation broken. I was in the middle of a complete mental breakdown and was consumed with anxiety, fear, and plagued with severe panic attacks. I lost my job, my friends; I couldn’t eat, get restful sleep, or even speak at times. All I could do was cry. The devil had me convinced that I wasn’t safe and I deserved to die. I spent many a night away from the things and people that had once made me happy. In the depths of despair I seriously contemplated suicide. Fear consumed me 24 hours a day, seven days a week and I just wanted it all to go away. That’s when I realized that I had no one else to rely on but Jesus and I pushed myself to go to church because nothing could harm me in the house of the Lord. One evening I heard Pastor Colleen talk about Transformation, a place where the brokenhearted could go to find restoration. From the first night I began to feel a change happening within me. It was so encouraging to hear the testimonies of others who had felt rejection, pain, and had some of the same thoughts and experiences I had, but they made it through. They found joy once again and that’s what I held on to. The Lord began a mighty work within me and with the help, love, and encouragement of the leaders of Transformation I began to find myself again. Today I can say that I have more peace, happiness, and joy than ever before. It’s something I thought I would never have because I was convinced I didn’t deserve it. The chains that kept me bound for so long continue to fall off of me and every day the Lord fills me with joy. I’m so grateful for the ability to be a part of this wonderful church. I encourage you to take a step of faith and allow God to transform your life.
I was raised in Upcountry Maui, I attended Catholic school from preschool to 12th grade. Even though I had knowledge of God and went to church up to 7th grade, I knew who God was but didn’t have that relationship with him. I didn’t know that you could actually seek him beyond a simple prayer. When I was growing up I defined myself by the attention I could get. Whether it was from different people or men, the level of attention I got determined my worth. It was only recently when I found out how strong my worth is in God that I realized that I didn’t need those things because God sees my value and has a purpose and plan for my life. Even though I had a two parent home, my parents divorced when I was in high school because of an adulteress relationship. As a teenager my entire world was crashing around me. I tried to do life my own way but realized that I couldn’t do it on my own and now I see how God delivered me out of many difficult situations. One of my family members introduced me to Christ but I was reluctant at first to go to church. I knew about God and Jesus but thought that I didn’t need to go to a building to worship him. I was so naïve on the relationship aspect of it all. Jesus was just something you called out to when you needed help, more of a force than a real person. I started attending King’s Cathedral and God touched my heart, I could physically and tangibly feel him. I found out that He has a purpose and plan for my life and that He is a personal God. I could actually speak to him and get a response. With many areas in my life God has helped me to overcome, forgive, and surrender my life to Him. Now I can help others and be surrounded by his love. So I started doing door to door ministries and helping people. I help at the altar and connect people to God. Right now I’m serving in Transformation ministry and my heart truly is for people who are lost and broken and don’t know where to go.
Born and raised on Maui, I spent my childhood in Happy Valley. During a neighborhood Bible study I met a family that invited me to King’s Cathedral. The first Bible verse I learned was John 3:16. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life”(NIV). My grandparents brought me to church, but as I grew up I made some choices that took me into some hard places. Three children and three marriages later I surrendered to Jesus and His plan for my life. I have found out that I cannot do anything without God.
Do you sing, dance or act? Do you play an instrument? King’s Cathedral’s Music Ministry is the place for you! Praise Band, Orchestra, Sanctuary Choir, Ethnic Choirs, Worship Dance, and Hula Sound, Lighting and Stage Design, Production design & Drama!
Many are using their talents weekly to worship God,
the only person missing is you! So join us... For more information
Contact Pastor Harold Bacos 808-333-8775
Our Bus Ministry is a Church on wheels! Free bus rides From all over Maui to our 10am service every Sunday Our Bus Routes from Happy Valley, Harbor Lights all of Kihei, UpCountry : Paia, Makawao, Pukalani, Kahului, Waliuku, Waiehu, and Hawaiian Homes. Call 871-7311 for a free ride to church Minister Glenn Foo Sum at 214-3531 Bus Director.
Jamal & Mahealani
“...we live with a desire to be continually transformed...”
His Story
Her Story
Jamal: I had been saved for many years but little by little began to fall away from God. What led me to fall away was hiding things in the darkness, not being completely open with my wife and leadership, not letting people into my life, not taking advice and thinking I knew everything already. Evil made its way into my family with strife, contention, and arguing. I began abusing drugs and alcohol. With no strong foundation in God and my faith failing, news of my sister’s death was enough to break me. I ran.
Mahealani: The enemy has come to “kill, steal, and destroy.” That makes him a murderer, a thief, and a destroyer. On October 31st, 2009, the devil did just that…..Well, at least he thought he did. Our marriage of 10 years was over. Drug abuse, adultery, neglect and everything else that comes with selfishness threw me and my children into a deadly concoction of abandonment and rejection. In a house full of 5 people, we experienced such loneliness. Spiritually I was stunned. In 2010 we divorced. Jamal was my “everything”. When I lost him, I lost me and felt worthless.
Through everything my ex-wife and the church prayed for me. God was there drawing me toward him, showing me that what I was doing was empty. There would be moments of fun but then He would take the veil off and show me what was really going on, demons and lots of evil. I was never satisfied, it was so empty. I knew these relationships were going to end and that people were going to turn their back on me. I kept doing it because I was afraid of acknowledging the pain I felt for hurting my family and a fear that they would never accept me again because of what I did to them. One night I was really drunk and high driving from Lahaina after a party and blacked out. When I became conscious I realized I was in Kihei and my car had jumped an irrigation ditch. A three inch PVC pipe went through the windshield and into my seat just inches away from my head. I screamed to God, “Why did you let me live”? I was mad, my sister had deserved to live, not me, at least she was there for her kids. I heard God say, “I have a call on your life and there are things that I need you to do and I’m going to turn things around”. God spared my life. Mahealani: Then God did the impossible, the unexpected, what he does best, He restored my heart to His. He defined me and established my worth. I was accepted by God and that crushed the rejection I felt. He taught me true forgiveness and how to walk In His love; He set me free! In 2011 Jamal began to turn back to God, to his children, and eventually to me, beginning our road to restoration. Had we not chosen to let God enter our hearts to teach us forgiveness, I would’ve been burdened with judgment and
doubt and he would’ve been embarrassed and ashamed of his sin. The opportunity of reconciliation would have been dead on arrival. Jamal: I started coming to church. It was a big fight at first because I worried about who was looking at me but I was so hungry for God that all
I screamed to God,
” Why did you let me live?”
of that didn’t matter. God was telling me there were things on me that no matter how hard I pray they won’t come off unless I yield and submit to the leadership of the house. That very next day Dr. Marocco came up to me and said, “God told me that I’m going to break these things off your life”. God was saying that I need to submit to authority because roots inside of me were so deep that they need to be pulled out of me. The degree of my submission was the degree of my deliverance. Mahealani: By the grace of God, on February 11th 2012, my husband and I joined in marriage once again, and the hearts of the children were restored to their father. We experienced the truth of the gospel as simply this, the ministry of reconciliation. With this heart, we serve at transformation ministries. We coach, share, and stand as examples of what only God can do. We remain transparent as day to day living has its ability to add new dynamics to our testimony. We live with a desire to be continually transformed.
Wellspring Snack shop & books
King's Cathedral Prayer Garden & Sanctuary Cappucinos / Saimin / Paninis / Devotionals / Bibles
Open before and after services!
Adrian & Betty
“...Our total dependency is in Christ alone...”
21 years being married and serving the Lord faithfully is a beautiful testimony in and of itself. We have seen the goodness of God in our relationships and marriage time and again. The Lord has blessed Betty and I with awesome communication and love. We have been a vital part of King’s Cathedral as Small Group leaders, in Ministry Outreaches and in the Ushers and Greeters ministry. We also pray every day for God to send people our way to be an encouragement and a blessing to their lives. We are bold for Jesus and love to share the gospel to the hurting and dying world. We thrive in giving ourselves to win others to Christ because it brings us joy and fulfillment to see the miracles of God transforming lives.
We have experienced many challenges and trials but have seen God’s mercy and grace as we fought the good fight of faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. You can lose a home, a job, or a car, but when you have Jesus you have everything. Our joy, happiness, and riches come from our relationship with Jesus Christ and our purpose in ministering to the lost. We have learned that God must be the center of our marriage. We have been praying for years for our unsaved family and now we are seeing our nieces and nephews and their children coming to know the Lord and serve Him at King’s Cathedral. God answers prayer. Our greatest testimony is being a faithful thither to the house of God. We always have more than enough to share with others. He is so faithful. Our total dependency is in Christ alone.
Minister Billie
In 2004 I knew my life was going to change. That summer I felt God calling me to attend the discipleship school here at King’s Cathedral, KSM (King’s School of Ministry). So at 19 I packed my bags and moved to Maui from Oklahoma. In the two years that followed God completely changed who I was and how I saw Him. Growing up I didn’t really have ‘need’ of anything. My parents worked hard and we had all the necessities of life. But moving to Maui and being on my own I saw how God is truly my provider, healer, and my best friend. God showed me that there is great satisfaction in serving Him even in the rough times. It’s in those times that He became all I needed. Almost 9 years later, as I looking back, I see how God orchestrated my every move. Being called into the ministry at 16 and not knowing where or how it would happen, but knowing if I would just trust and obey Him it would all work out. So today, my husband and I have the privilege and honor of serving at King’s Cathedral as the Youth ministers. Every day we see how God directed our steps here and His promises are unfolding before our eyes.
I was in service and we were taking up a special offering. God told me to give everything in my bank account except $.36. I reminded Him that Christmas was coming and I would need money for gifts, but I obeyed God. I attend Kaahumanu Hou, on that next Thursday, I discovered that I won 1st place in an essay writing contest and received a $500 prize! God showed me how great He is, and that He will use me!
Tom & Merlee
Sixteen years ago, my husband had an open heart surgery. Two valves were replaced, valves that were supposed to last a lifetime. Well, that didn’t happen. In Nov. 2010, He had a subdural hematoma and was flown to Oahu. After a month of observation, he had to undergo brain surgery. God spared his life. Things went well, but the devil continued attacking us. The beginning of 2011 was very challenging. He had another open heart surgery. This time it was so critical that the doctors declared his kidneys, lungs, and pancreas were shutting down. Immediately prayer warriors stood in the gap, Kings Cathedral Pastors came down to the hospital and prayed for him. God was in control. We totally surrendered everything to God. After 13 days in coma, he woke up, moved from ICU to his regular room. He began therapy, walking like a child, from few steps to 20, 50, then 100. After 2 days, he could walk around the unit he was in. With the advice of his doctors he could only come home, provided there’s a rehab place for him. We began to look around, and prepare for his homecoming. We came straight home and never needed to go to rehab. Miracles after miracles happened time and time again. We can’t stop declaring the goodness of God, not only through healing but also in our finances. The Air ambulance bill was almost $20,000.00 but we only paid $280.00. During our stay in the hospital, there were people blessing us, not only with food but also envelopes full of money. For 28 years we have been members at KC and we wouldn’t trade it for anything!
Tim & Mary
While Mary and I were both raised in strong Christian homes that believed in tithing, when we got married it was something that we did not continue to do. Over the years God brought the issue up from time to time in our lives, reminding us that while he was being faithful to us for the other right decisions we were making, there was still more blessings out there for us. Every time Pastor would speak about tithing it would make me squirm but one obstacle just seemed impossible to overcome, we couldn’t afford it. We had gone through Financial Peace University and learned how to budget, but no matter what I did, I couldn’t make it balance. We were always in the red. When Robert Morris came last year to a conference at King’s Cathedral his teachings on giving convicted me to the core and after sitting on it for a few weeks I decided that I would try this again, even if it meant taking a second job. Well, the second job made no difference in the state of our budget, it still wouldn’t balance. I broke down in tears one night, knowing what I needed to do, but had no earthly way of being able to do it. After sitting on it for a week, I made a decision. Even if it meant being late or not being able to pay the credit card bill, we were going to tithe. That first month, we were more than $250 in the red, but God was faithful. It was little things that happened, $40 from a credit card that had been paid off but we had overpaid, a change in our home escrow account that lowered our house payment $80, and a claim from our insurance company. By the end of the month, everything was paid. This went on for 3 months before everything started to balance out, and since then, everything has begun to shift. We finally sold our house after it had been on the market for almost a year and a half and got a small bit of cash out of the deal. We have now been tithing solidly for a year. It has gone from being something that I felt guilty about every time it came up, to something that we enjoy to do.
In August 2008, I went with some friends to see the sunrise on Haleakala. After we enjoyed a beautiful time we started back down the mountain. In a few miles, the brakes on my car went out. I steered away from an oncoming van and tried to stop the car by turning into the hill. As I did I clipped the side of my friend, Hector’s car that was driving in front of me. It flipped upside down against the guard rail. That little rail stopped him from rolling down a cliff and saved his life. Because of the mercy of God there was no one injured. I learned that God’s salvation is manifest in our lives every day.
Filipino Minstry
Pastor Arthur & ,Anabell Daguimol 281.2630
Fridays 7pm Prayer Chapel
Filipino service at Prayer Chapel every Friday at 7:00 PM in Ilokano, Tagalog and English ministering to Adults, youth and children. Home Bible studies are available in Lahaina, Wailuku, Kahului, Kihei and Paia. Please call King’s Cathedral @ 871-7311.
Catedral Del Rey
777 Mokulele Hwy, Kahului, HI (Entrada por la Capilla enfrenté de la fuente, en el segundo piso)
Para mas información llame a Ministra Beth (808) 264-5702.
La casa de Dios…tu casa Una Iglesia cuyo territorio no tiene limites Servicio los Jueves a las 7:00p.m. (misa) Estudio Bíblicos los Sábados y Domingos ven a compartir con nosotros, creemos que Dios levantará una generación de jóvenes que impactarán con el mensaje de vida que Dios pondrá en sus corazones. Actividades para toda la familia.
Tongan Ministry Service
will kick off July 7, 2013 2pm “Malo lelei Kainga Tonga o Maui” Kuo taimi ke kumi kia Shihova, kae ‘oua ke ne hoko mai, o faka’uha ma’oni’oni. Vivili ki he ‘Eiki lolotonga ‘oku ala ma’u, Ui kiate ia lolotonga ‘oku ala ma’u, Ui kiate ia lolotonga ‘ene kei ofi. Mou omi ke tau kumi kia Sihova i KCl Tongan Ministry aho Siulai 7, 2013 he Sapate kotoa pe 2pm. Fore more info contact Minister Lokasi Gorringe at 808-280-8314
Marshallese Ministry Sunday 10am Monday 6pm Young Adult Service Thursday 6pm Women’s Fellowship Friday 6pm Youth Service Saturday 9am Men’s Fellowship
Marshallese Small Groups are available please call 873-7103 or 871-7311 The Marshallese Minsitry meets at 95 South Kane Street in Kahului across from Foodland.
KC Maui Extensions King’s Chapel Lahaina
astor Robb & Min. Lokasi Gorringe P (808)280-8313 286 Lahainaluna Rd. Service Times Sun 9am & Tue 730pm
King’s Chapel Hana
Pastor Daniel & Jackie Wine (808)344-1220 Hana School Classroom 4111 Hana Hwy. Hana, HI 96713 Service Times Sun 8am
King’s Chapel Paia
Pastor Pascal & Minister Cece Hardy (808)283-5012 154 Hana Hwy. Paia, Service Times Fri 7:00pm & Sun 1030am
King’s Chapel Kula Pastor Ron Moody (310)245-1272 4758 Lower Kula Rd. Service Times Sun 1045am
King’s Chapel Cowboy Church Minister Manny & Cathy Aruda Oskie Rice Arena Olinda Rd. Makawao, HI 96790 Service Times Sun 9:30am
House of New Life Alton & Linda Shimodoi
House of New Life was created to bring hope & a future to adolescents and adults whose lives have been wrecked by drugs, alcohol, abuse and more. We wanted to create a safe residential program for boys;bringing about family reconciliation and restoration.
Located at 4758 Lower Kula Rd. Kula, Hawaii 96790 (808) 344-7308 www.houseofnewlife.org
Family Life Center Maude Cumming FLC Director
Located in the middle of Maui, in the town of Kahului, Family Life Center provides a wide range of programs to help people in need to access the basic needs of food, clothing, and shelter. The agency provides a food pantry, a clothing closet, shower facilities, phone services, mail services and assistance with housing. As the social services arm of King’s Cathedral, Family Life Center is dedicated to meeting the needs of the community in a way that gives a person hope, and maintains their dignity and reflects our belief that every person is valuable with a God given purpose. On a daily basis Outreach workers are out on the streets offering assistance to the unsheltered homeless and inviting them to Family Life Center’s emergency shelter, Ho’olanani (which means “a precious place that brings life”). This relief program accommodates up to 50 men, women and children. The primary objective of Ho’olanani is to offer homeless individuals and families a safe place to sleep while taking the steps necessary to exit into transitional or permanent housing. While in the shelter, individuals are given a hot meal, hot shower, clothing and case management to assist in transitioning out of homelessness. Helping clients transition into permanent housing is one of the primary services Family Life Center offers. “We see people who want to get housing…and we
help them by paying for security and utilities deposit, first month’s rent and offering case management to address barriers that may affect their ability to secure housing.” In the last year approximately 200 families were assisted with securing permanent housing. For many years, Family Life Center wasconcerned about the lack of affordable housing and therefore began to look into the possibilities of acquiring housing that could be offered to the low income families it serves. In 2011, FLC acquired a 16 unit apartment building which now houses individuals and families who had difficulty finding and affording housing in the open market. Family Life Center continues to seek out other affordable housing opportunities. Once they get on their feet, many former clients return to volunteer and to serve in any way they can. Many lives have been turned around because of the hope they were given when they passed through the doors of Family Life Center.
Pastor Daniel Wine
Family Life Center Pastor
Located at 95 South Kane Street, Kahului, Hawaii Fore more information call 808-877-0880
Pastor Albert Kamau 808-357-1504 Kahului Minister Jeremy Low 808-457-8445
Small Groups
SMALL GROUPS are designed to help you grow in God and connect with Godly relationships in a home setting.
Ministers Darren & Sharay Ho 808-357-7875
Minister Brian Butcher 360-931-4786
Kula & Makawao Pastor Ron Moody 310-245-1272
Haiku, Paia, Pukalani Tony Sagabaen 808-267-1253
Pastor Robb Gorringe 808-280-8313
REALITIES is a study that will form the foundation for your Real Life with Jesus. Classes are free! Call 871-7311 for more information. Minister Darren Ho Wednesdays 6pm - 7:00pm 357-7875
Judy Rodrigues Sunday 7:30am - 8:30am 268-8771
Cathy Nakama Sunday 5:00pm - 6:00pm 344-5627
Trina Shepherd Sunday 11:30am - 12:30pm 579-6485
Minister Beth Schultz Spanish Realities Sunday 10:15am 264-5702
Bessie DeMello Sunday 9:30am - 10:30am 264-0111
Eva Turalva Mixed: Thursdays 5:30pm - 6:30pm 463-6724
We must put our trust in Jesus by inviting Him to be the Lord of our life. The Bible states, “If you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” (Romans 10:9) Dear Jesus, Forgive me of my sins. Jesus, I recognize you died for me on the cross for my sins so I could be forgiven. You rose again to give me new life. Jesus, I receive you now as my Savior and Lord. Take control of my life for I will serve you from this moment on. Thank you for hearing my prayer. Thank you for loving me. In Jesus name, Amen! If you sincerely repented of your sin and made Jesus your Lord you have been“washed,” that is cleansed from all sin, “sanctified” made holy, and “justified” seen by God as one who never sinned. Let us know you prayed this Prayer call 871-7311 today so that we can rejoice and pray with you.
King’s Cathedral Maui
777 Mokulele Highway Kahului, HI 96732
Dr. James and Pastor Colleen Marocco Senior Pastor
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Phone: 808.871.7311 www.kingscathedral.com Service Times: Sun 6am, 8am, 10am, & 6pm // Wed 7pm