have an apology to make. In the last issue I inadvertently inserted a wordsearch grid on page 22 which had a lot of the letters missing making the puzzle impossible to complete. This caused a huge amount of consternation, confusion and frustration for readers which I am very sorry about. I was inundated with phone calls and emails pointing out the error for which I am truly grateful because it confirmed to me that the magazine was being read from cover to cover and an extremely valuable vehicle for our advertisers. As always, I urge you to mention Horsham Pages South when you respond to advertisements so that advertisers can track where they receive response from. There is no doubt that the magazine works as exemplified by the majority of advertisers that have been with us for over 12 years.
I am also grateful to our advertisers for sticking with us throughout the ‘Lock Down’ and with you, our readers, for supporting our advertisers and local companies throughout this difficult time which will help everyone get stronger together. Its important that as a community we don’t relax our social distancing and everyone sticks to the rules so that infection rates continue to stay low and we can avoid a repeat of the Summer. Please don’t stop giving us feedback, be it good or bad, so that we can continue to improve the magazine and provide a useful source of news and information for the whole community. Stay safe and well. Richard Milbourn, Editor E:
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