10 клас Тема уроку: Подорожування Цілі уроки: а) практична: удосконалювати навички монологічного мовлення з опорою на наочність. б) освітня: поглибити знання учнів про способи подорожування. в) розвивальна: розвивати у учнів здатність мовного самоконтролю. г) виховна: формувати почуття гордості за свою країну. Застосовано: картинки, підручник, таблиці, картки. Хід роботи: 1. Мовна і фонетична зарядка. (Учням пропонується перекласти з української на англійську слова по темі “Подорожування” і скласти з ними речення). 2. Бесіда з класом по темі “Подорожування”: 1) Do you like travelling? Why? 2) Do you travel a lot? 3) Do you prefer to travel with your parents or with your friends? 4) Which way of travelling do you choose? 5) What are advantages of travelling by plane? 6) What are disadvantages of travelling by train? 7) Is it convenient to travel by car? 8) What other ways of travelling do you know? 9) It helps to broaden your outlook, doesn’t it? 3. Діалогічні мовлення учнів на тему “Подорожування”. Teacher: Imazine such a situation: You are going to visit a country during your holidays at the airport (railway-station) you meet your friend. You begin speaking with him (her) about your future holidays about the advantages of planes and about travelling in general. 4. Робота з картками. (Учні отримають картки, де можуть прочитати різні точки зору і висловлюють свої власні думки, аргументуючи їх). 1) I like travelling by air best. 2) I quite enjoy travelling by sea. 3) Travelling by train is my favourite way of travelling. 4) I enjoy sensing the sudden changes in life and climate.
5) 6) 7) 5.
It’s very unpleasant to come back home in winter from Egypt. I like getting to different places. Travelling is one of the most wonderful things in the worid. Монологічні мовлення учнів по темі “Подорожування” з опорою на картинки і таблиці.
Travelling People began to travel ages ago. The very irst travellers were explorers who went on trips to find wealth, fame or something else. Their journeys were very dangerous but still people keep on going to the unknown lands. Modern life is impossible without travelling. To understand how true it is, you only have to go to a railway station, a port or an airport. There you will see hundreds of people trying to catch a train, a ship or a plane all wishing to go somewhere and to get there as quickly as possible. People travel on business or for pleasure. There are many ways of travelling. Of course the fastest way of travelling if by plane. Nowdays people who go on business mostly travel by air as it is the fastest means of travelling. Travelling by air is becoming more and more popular. It’s no more wonder therefore that an ever-growing number of people choose that way of travelling. It’s fun to travel by air. In that matter one of the advantages of travelling by plane, apart from enjoying the rapid shifts of scenery, is that you get a full view of landscape, something you miss, if you go by train or by ship. You can book your tickets at any plane some days in advance. Stewardesses take care of passengers while they are travelling. Some people travel by car, others – by air and good many – by train. The railway still takes care of the great part of passengers. Trains are more convenient for most people in some ways. Besides, they run like clock work and are nearly always in to the minute. Though travelling by train is slower than by plane, but it also has it’s advantages. You can see the country, you are travelling through and not only the clouds as when you are flying. Modern trains have many comfortable seats in all passenger carriages, and besides there are sleeping cars and dining cars, which make even the longest journey enjoyable. One of the most pleasant things in world is making a journey in a car. Many people like to travel by car. You can get out wherever you like, stop when and where you have mind to enjoy delightful places. Besides you can make your time-table, you don’t have to buy a ticket, and you are not afraid you will miss a train. That’s why travelling by car is popular for pleasure trips, while people usually take a train or a plane when they are travelling on business.
6. Ролева гра. Pilot: Good morning, ladies and gentlmen. British airways are glag to meet you. I’m your pilot, Mr. Smith and I wish you a pleasant flight. Stewardess: Let me introduce myself. I’m Flint, a stewardess, and this is Miss Dove. Welcome to our plane. Our flight lasts for 3 hours and we’ll land in London at 12 o’clock. The speed of the plane is 800 km / hour. The height is 2000 metres. The temperature outside is 12 degrees below zero. The temperature aboard is 20 degrees above zero. British airways wish you a pleasant flight. Tourist 1: Is this your first visit to England? Tourist 2: No, it isn’t. I was in England several years ago. And what about you? Tourist 1: Oh, it’s my first visit. England is the country of my dream. By the way, what is the weather like in Britain? Tourist 2: The weather is fine today. Tourist 1: You see, the weather is changable in Britain. English people say: “We have no climate, we have only the weather ”. Stewardess: Ladies and gentlmen! Dur plane is about to land in London, the capital of England. We ask you to fasten your seat-bells. Stop smoking and don’t leave your seats up to the final stop of the plane. Our plane will arrive exactly on time. 7. Ітоги роботи.