Ask the doctor program

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October 2011

"ASK THE DOCTOR" PROGRAMME Suggested level - A2____________________________ Yanina K AM INS’KA-KLETSKOVA, a teacher o f English, gymnasia “E rudyt”, Kyiv

PROCEDURE I. INTRODUCTION T: G ood m orning, dear guests! G ood m orning to you, dear children! I am glad to see you here. Today we are going to show you the programme “Ask the Doctor” . And at the be­ ginning I would like to tell you some words about our Health. М и з тобою — лю ди, най доскон аліш і створіння на землі. М аєм о розум, яки й відрізняє нас від тварин. П ам ’ятаєм о минуле, мріємо про завтраш ній день, ся ­ гаємо творчих верш ин, м андруєм о стеж кам и рідного краю , спілкуєм ося, учим ося, працю єм о. У цьому нам допом агаю ть надійні п о м іч н и ки — органи наш ого тіла. На жаль, не кож ен володіє глибоким и зн ан н ям и про будову власного тіла — дуже складного й розум ­ ного механізму, подарованого нам природою . З н и ніш ньої розповіді ти д ізнаєш ся про таєм ниц і організму лю дини. Ми надам о інф орм ацію про деякі хвороби, порадим о, як із ним и боротися та бути здо­ ровим и впродовж усього ж иття.

II. WARM-UP Т: Listen to th e rhym e, read it and say w hy th e boy feels bad w hen he com es hom e. PO EM I’ve got a headache. (2 times) Every tim e I get a headache I d o n ’t want to go to bed. M am a takes me to the doctor. I’ve got a fever. (2 times) Every tim e I get a fever I d o n ’t want to do my homework. M am a takes m e to the nurse. I’ve got a stom achache. (2 times) Every tim e I get a stom achache I d o n ’t want to eat my lunch. M am a takes me to the dentist. I’ve got a blister. (2 times) Every tim e I see th e dentist I d o n ’t want to see my sister. I always com e hom e feeling worse. (Read the poem with the class in chorus. Give it a brisk rhythm. Follow the procedure o f rubbing out a few words at a


time and reading the poem again until the words disappear and the class knows the poem by heart.)

III. MAIN PART “A SK T H E D O C T O R ” PR O G R A M M E (Лунає музичний твір Поля Моріа «Симфонія».) Presenter 1: G ood m orning, our dear guests. Presenter 2: We are glad to see you here in our studio at the program m e “Ask the D o cto r” . Presenter 1: Today we will talk about our health and the way to be healthy. Presenter 2: T h a t’s why we invited two very fam ous doctors: Mr. Cold... Presenter 1: And Mr. Piggy-Wiggy. (Іде діалог ведучих та лікарів про життєво важ ливі органи — м озок і серце. Використ овую чи пласт ичні іміт ат ори, л ік а р і поясню ю т ь, я к ф ункціоную т ь ці органи та що необхідно робит и, щоб підт рим уват и їх у належ ному стані; розповідають про негативний вплив шкідливих звичок на серцево-судинну систему.) Presenter 1: I have a q u estio n to Mr. C old. W hat should we do to keep the heart healthy? Mr. Cold: To keep your heart healthy, you need to go in for sports, take cool showers and, o f course, do m o rn ­ ing exercises. Presenter 1: Maybe we should eat som e special food w hich is useful for our heart. Mr. Cold: If you w ant to have a healthy heart, you should drink juice and eat a lot o f vegetables and fruits, apples and oranges, for example. Presenter 2: And tell us, please, what we must not do if we d o n ’t want to spoil our heart. Mr. Cold: We must not drink a lot o f coffee, smoke, drink alcohol and eat a lot o f food. Presenter 1: Now it is clear. We’ll take care o f our heart after your words, because our body needs a healthy heart. I t’s one o f its m ain organs. Presenter 2: Yes, you are right. And I would like to put a question to Mr. Piggy-Wiggy. W hat is harm ful for our brain? A nd what is useful? Mr. Piggy-Wiggy: O ur brain is very im portant to us. This organ helps us think, move, speak. If there is som e­ thing wrong with your brain, you can hardly live a norm al life. Presenter 1: I’m already afraid. D octor, please, advise us what to do to be healthy. Mr. Piggy-Wiggy: O h, it is easy and difficult at the sam e tim e. At first you should go to bed in tim e. T hen eat a lot o f vegetables and fruits, m eat and cheese, drink





m g l is

October 2011

- N 37 (565) -

w ater and juice. D o n ’t drink coffee and tea late in the evening, d o n ’t smoke. Presenter 2: T h an k you for th e inform ation. Maybe our guests have som e questions to o u r doctors... Guest 1: My nam e is A nn. I have som e problem s with my ears. W hen I ’ve got a cold, my ears hurt me very much. Tell m e w hat to do w ith it. Mr. Cold: OK. I have brought a plastic ear w ith me. Look here. Your ears are connected w ith your throat. And when you have a sore th ro at, your ears ache too. W hen you have a cold or flu, your ears hurt you and it’s all right. They hurt you w hen you are ill. Guest 2: Mr. Piggy-W iggy, I have a p ro b lem w ith m y eyesight. It is g ettin g w orse. A nd I c a n n o t w atch TV and work at a com puter a lot. Mr. Piggy-Wiggy: Do you watch TV all your free time? Guest 2: Yes, I’m a housew ife and I like w atching my soup operas. Mr. Piggy-Wiggy: T h a t’s your problem . You m ust not watch TV for long hours. I t’s very harm ful. You also spoil your eyes spending m uch tim e at your com puter. Presenter: T hank you, D octor Piggy-Wiggy.

Mother: You m ust not stop the cough, you m ust cure it. “ Kofol” will help you, my daughter. (Донька випиває ліки й перестає каш ляти.) Presenter I: And again we are here in our studio. Presenter 2: A nd as you rem em ber you are watchiitg the program m e “Ask the D o cto r” . Presenter 1: We have a le tte r from o u r c o n sta n t watcher. Listen to it, please. LETTER My nam e is Kate. I ’m a teacher. A fter work I com e hom e and prepare supper, th en I check copybooks and go to bed. And I often feel bad. Som ething is wrong with my health. Som etim es my heart hurts and I have a terrible headache. W hat is the m atter with me?

( На сцену виходить дівчина із забинтованими голо­ вою та ногою. Вона потребує допомоги лікаря.) Presenter I: We have a person here who wants to see you very m uch. C om e in, please. W hat’s the m atter with you? Patient: G ood m orning. T he thing is it hurts m e w hen I touch my hand and it hurts m e w hen I touch my head. Mr. Piggy-Wiggy: Let me see (обстежує її). Mr. Cold: A very interesting case. Your problem is in your finger, because it’s broken (накладає пов’язку на па­ лець). You have to go to hospital for an X-ray. Patient: T hank you, doctors. Presenter 2: I t ’s tim e for an ad v ertisem en t. We’ll be back soon. Stay w ith us. (На стільці сидить дівчинка, яка сильно каш ляє, а її дідусь намагається зупинит и кашель за допомогою ліхтарика. Заходить мама з лікам и.) Mother: W hat are you doing, grandpa? Grandpa: I have sto p p ed tra in s w ith th is lam p for 40 years. Now I want to stop her cough with it.

Sincerely yours, Mrs. Sm ith Mr. Piggy-Wiggy: I think I know w hat your problem is. You spend a lot o f tim e indoors and you seldom go o u t­ doors. You must spend at least 2 hours outdoors every day. Presenter 1: O ur program is unusual today. Presenter 2: Really? Presenter 1: Today our program m e is ten years. Presenter 2: Let’s celebrate its birthday w ith a song. All together: Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! H appy Birthday “Ask the D o cto r” ! Happy Birthday to you!!! Presenter 1: O ur program is over. Presenter 2: We hope that it was very interesting for you to be present at our program m e. Presenter 1: We got to know a lot o f new inform ation about our health and the ways to be healthy. Presenter 2: We wish you to be healthy, wealthy and wise. Presenter 1: Goodbye. See you soon!

IV. SUMMING-UP T: Sum m ing up our lesson, we can say that our health is the best treasure we have in our life. So, we should take care o f it. I t’s very easy to dam age your health, but it’s very difficult to improve it again!!!

Тільки на найсвіжіші новини з життя видавництва, повний асортимент видань, книжкові новинки, анонси заходів та конкурсів, а також УВАГА! Відтепер безкоштовна юридична консультація освітян. П оринь у вір туал ьн ий с в іт « Ш к і л ь н о г о світу»! .Ж




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