Man and natural ecology

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Man and Natural World, Ecology і

Камінська-Клецкова Я. Ю ., гімназія «Ерудит», м. Київ

Tton уроку: розвиток умінь (комбінований). Обладнання: роздавальний матеріал: картки

з текстами та завданням на них, транскрип­ ційні знаки; схематичні малюнки, магніто­ фон, запис тексту; таблиці з правилами дій людей щодо природи. Цілі уроку:

Thank God men cannot fly, and lay waste the sky as well as the earth,

Henry David Thoreau

практична: систематизувати лексичний матеріал з теми; розвивати навички ус­ ного мовлення з теми; вдосконалювати навички аудіювання, читання, письма; освітня: розширити та поглибити знан­ ня учнів з теми; розвивальна: розвивати мовленнєву ре­ акцію, мовну здогадку, пізнавальні інте­ реси учнів; розвивати мислення, па­ м ’ять, увагу, уяву в умовах гри, культуру праці та спілкування учнів; виховна: виховувати бережливе ставлен­ ня до природи та її багатств, почуття від­ повідальності, ввічливості, доброзичли­ вості, а також загальну культуру учнів.

Основні завдання уроку:

The sun, the moon and the stars would have disap­ peared long ago .., had they hap­ pened to he within the reach o f p red­ atory human hands . Havelock Ellis

1. Діалогічне та монологічне мовлення; (декламування віршів, розповідь діа­ логів, висловлювання думок і своїх по­ зицій) 2. Аудіювання 3. Письмо 4. Гра 5. Опис творчих робіт (малюнків) ХІД РОБОТИ I.

Організаційний момент, ознайомлення з цілями та постановка проблем уроку Т. Today you are to think to speak, to play and to compete, to write and ever to compose, so be at­ tentive.

(а:) — disaster. (е) — mess, weapon. (з:) — term. (а:) — environment, society, pile. (u:) — pollute, pollution. (і) — dear, pile, spoil. (ei) — prise, cafe, waste.

T. Look at the blackboard where we have the motto of our lesson. There are words said by chief Seattle in his letter to the USA President Franklin Pierce in 1854: “Teach your children what we have taught our children that the Earth is our mother. What ever befalls the Earth befalls the sons of the Earth. Ail things are connected like the blood, which unites one family. The Earth doesn’t belong to man, man, belongs to the Earth”. T. So I would like you to discuss this quotation. You may use the questions on the board as a plan for answering. 1. Do you agree with this quotation? Why or why not? 2. What does it mean for you? 3. Could you express its meaning in your own words? T. Look at this globe on my table. What words or things relate to our planet, our Earth? Ps. Water, people, life, mountains, woods, fish, rivers, plants, air, birds. T. Name me the word, which means places where people, anim als,and plants exist. (Учні дають відповіді й записують їх на дошці у виг­ ляді схеми.)

II. Основна частина уроку Фонетична зарядка

Учитель показує учням транскрипційні знаки, а учні називають слово за темою уроку з цим знаком. (з) — (о:) poison-cause, shortage (л) — dump, destruction.


Ps. Habitat.

Т. You are right. For people, there are... Ps. Flats, houses, cottages...

T. And for animals and plants? № 8 (2 3 4 ) березень 2 0 0 9 p.

М ІЙ КОНСПЕКТ Ps. These are forests, woods ground, soil, oceans, and fields...

the largest rain forests in the world are found in South America.

T. All these places, we can name as...

Tropical forests have ( 1 ) us with many sorts of plants for rood, (2) and industry. They could probably supply many more. They also re­ duce (3 ) keep water clean, and slow down the greenhouse effect.

Ps. Environment. T. Thank you, you know this material very good. But we have problems with our environment. What it is? Ps. It’s pollution. T. What kinds of pollution do you know? And what negative things can you name with them? (Учні на дошці записують свої відповіді у ви­ гляді схеми.) Ps.

However, the tropical forests are being (4 ) to make room for sins like farms, mines and plants. About 20 million hectares are lost itch year — an are more then twice the size of Austria. WWF is working ( 5 ) and save the forest that are (6 ) to plant new trees for fuel wood and to slow down the greenhouse effect affect and to (7 ) governments to think about the forests ant their importance then giving (8 ) aid. The ozone layer D angerous Acid

T. As the home task for today you’ve designed some kinds of clothes telling people about ecological problem of the day. Now show your designs to the class, describe it. Choose the best one. (Учні no черзі виходять до дошки, демонст­ рують свою творчу роботу й пояснюють Ті.) Т. I see that you are worried about the environ­ mental problems. Now read the texts and com­ plete the sentences using the words from the box. You may have to make some changes in the word forms. 1. Greenhouse effect. 2. The tropical forests. 3. The ozone layer. Greenhouse effect Bum Cans

D estroy Produce

A tm osphere H old

Experience Drive

The Earth has been getting hotter because we are (1 ) too many “greenhouse gases”. These gases (2 ) the heat. Trees and plants help take gases such as carbon dioxide from the ( 3 ) ___, but we have now (4 ) to many trees. There are not enough trees and plants to do this job. We make carbon dioxide when we ( 5 ) wood or (6 ) cars. CFCs (other dangerous gases) are in refrigerators and aerosol ( 7 ) __. The green­ house effect is noticeable in the warmer tem ­ peratures that people have ( 8 ) over the last two decades. The tropical forests D estroy In ­ ternational

Encourage M edicine

Flood Protect

In dangers Supply

Tropical forests or rain forests are most, densely wooded areas with an anal rainfall of 200 cm. N 2 8 {234) березень 2 0 0 9 p.

C ancer Absorb

C hem icals Diseases

H oles R adiation

T h ere is a s uffi ­ c ie n c y in th e w o rld fo r m a n ’s n e e d b u t n o t fo r m a n ’s g reed . Mohandas K. Gandhi

There is a layer of gas called ozone. It covers the Earth. It protects us from the dangerous rays of the sun because ozone gas (1 ) the sun’s ultra­ violet ( 2 ) __. However, when ozone gets near the Earth (in (3 ) rain, for example) it is also very ( 4 ) itself and causes ( 5 ) . There are now (6 ) in the ozone layer. Some (7 ) used in refrigerators and in the productions of foam plastics reduce ozone layer, allowing harmful ul­ traviolet rays to enter the Earth’s atmosphere, thereby contribution to skin (8 )__ . T. What should we do with all these problems? Tell me please. Ps. — Walk or use a bike instead of going by car. D on’t litter with paper, cans, and bottles. — Recycle used materials such as metal, bottles and paper. — Plant more trees. — Feed birds in winter and help them survive in the cold. — Save energy: Use less electricity and gas. Turn off the lights when you leave room — Clean rubbish from lakes and rivers. — Have showers, not baths. Showers use less water. T. Listen and answer the questions after the text: “Clean up the countryside society”. Make sure you know these words: 1. A grove [grauv] — гай, діброва. 2. Rubbish dumper ['глЬї/ 'сілтра] — люди, які влаштовують сміттєві звалища на природі. Clean up the countryside society Vicki was coming from her small country school and it was one of last the days of the term. There //

O y '.v H fЛлітератураsa ГЙСЬКА jte

There’s so much pollution in the air now that if it w eren’t for our lungs th e re ’d be no place to put it all. Robert Orben

М ІЙ КО НСПЕКТ was sun in the sky and the birds were singing their beautiful songs. Vicki loved the countryside and she had lived there all her life. Weather was so nice that Vicki decided to take a longer way home, to the cottage where she lived. On her way she passed through a little grove where she used to play. Vicki was shocked to see that the grove looked terrible: it was piled with rubbish. Vicki ran all her way back home. She had to do something about this mess. Suddenly she had an idea. She would Start her own Clean up the Countryside Society

M o d e m technolo­ g y o w e s ecology

an apology. Alan M. Eddison

When Vicki got home she phoned four of her school friends-Alice, Rosie, Cathy and Jane. They all agreed to meet her at the grove. The girls set to work filling big black plastic bags with rubbish. It was hard work but soon all the rub­ bish was cleared away and the forest looked beautiful again. Questions

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

D o n ’t b lo w it — g o o d p la n e ts a r e h a rd to find. Quoted in Time

From what place was Vicki coming? What happened to Vicki on one of the last days of the term? Why did Vicki take a longer way home that day? Why was Vicki shocked when she saw the mess? What idea did Vicki have when she saw the mess? Who helped Vicki to do the job? What did the five girls do?

T. I know that you’ve leant the poem: “ I go forth to move about the Earth” and you’ve prepared three dialogues for these lesson. 1. “Where do you want to live?” 2. “An Ecology class” 3. “Acid rain” I go forth to move about the Earth

Dave. You’re right. But there’re a lot of parks in New York, aren’t there?

Paul. There certainly are. But I ’m sure there are a lot more cars and car parks there. I really pre­ fer a quiet life in a small village. *

Dialogues “An ecology class” Frank. We had an ecology class yesterday. We discussed different environmental problems. Chris. No wonder. They are the most important problems these days. Frank. I think many people understand they should protect the environment. Chris. Do they really understand that? I’m not quite sure, because factories dump waste into rivers, air pollution is getting worse too. Frank. T hat’s true. And yet more and more peo­ ple fight against nuclear tests, nuclear weapons and other things. Chris. But will they win? And when will they win these battles? Frank. D on’t lose hope. Let’s hope for the best. Dialogues “Acid rain”

P I. Oh, Timur, I’ve heard that you live in the village Krukovshina now. is it really so? P2. Tell us please! P3. All right all right. It’s true my family has a rather big house with all modern convinces and the most important thing that we have a gar­ den and a kitchen garden. P2. Oh, it’s cool, I think! Fresh fruit and vegeta­ bles are so useful for our health. P I. You are right. It’s clean air, clean water, quite life, what do you want else!

I go forth to move about the Earth. I go forth as the owl, wise and knowing. I go forth as the eagle, powerful and bold. I go forth as the dove, peaceful and gentle. I go forth to move about the Earth

in wisdom, courage, and peace.

P3.1 agree with you, but friends, nowadays a vil­ lage has the same ecological problems a village has the same ecological problems as cities and towns.

Dialogues “Where do you want to live?”

P2. The same?

Dave. Paul! You know what? My father’s got a new job! are going to live in New York.

P I. Which ones?

Paul. In New York? Really? Have you ever lived

in a big city?

P3. Soil pollution, water and air pollution of course! P2. Really?

Dave. No. I haven’t. Have you?

P I. It’s a disaster!

Paul. Yes, I have. I lived in San Francisco with

my grandparents for a few years. I didn’t like it there. Dave. But why? Were there too many people or too much noise and traffic?

Paul. Yes. there was. And I don’t like crowds and pollution. There isn’t enough fresh air in big cit­ ies you know. .* £/

P3. It was raining yesterday. And you know, after that rain the rain the leaves on trees and bushes became yellow with black points. PL. What was that? P2. You see our air is polluted and when this air mixes with the rain, we have acid rain. One of them was yesterday.

...... ........................ ...... .......

ш ошйшар ■

№ 8 (2 3 4 ) березень 2 0 0 9 p.

М ІЙ КО НСП ЕКТ P I. What can we do in this situation? P3. I’ve heard and I’ve read that people must put filters at factories and planets, at buses and cars. Then air will be clean. P I. We’ll solve this problem if people all over the world think, speak about air pollution and do useful actions to solve this problem. P2. You are right. P3. I agree with you. T. Let’s play the game. • The 1-st group will write adjectives to define water. The 2-d group will-write adjectives to define air. • The 3-d group will write adjectives to define soil. Which group will write more adjec­ tives? \ Questions 1.

2. 3.

You know from your lessons of biology that human being mainly consists of water and human being can’t live without water more th e n how many days? (7) Human being can not live without air more th e n who know? (5 - 6 minutes) We know that soil also important for us, be­ cause it gives harvest every year. Human be­ ing can not live without food more than _ how long? (3 months)


Which of this food can help the world’s ecology? a) Eggs. b) Cheese. c) Brazil nuts. 7.

In 1945, an atomic bomb destroyed the Jap­ anese city of Hiroshima and killed many people. In 1986, there was a nuclear acci­ dent in Chornobyl, Ukraine, which is__ a) Equal to the Hiroshima bomb. b) Equal to 10 Hiroshima bomb. c) Equal to 2000 Hiroshima bomb. 8. a) b) c)

Which of these is not ozone friendly? The washing machine. The refrigerator. The refrigerator.

Score: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

a — 1, a — 0, a — 0, a — 1, a — 0, a — 1, a — 0, a — 0,

b — 0, c — 0. b — 1, c — 0. b — 0, c — 1. b — 0, c — 0. b — 0, c — 1. b — 1, c — 3. b — 0, c — 1. b — 0, c — 1.

Ozone Quiz

III. Завершальна частина уроку


T. And now let’s make some conclusion. What was the topic of our lesson? What did we do? What did you like best of all?

2. How big is the hole in the ozone layer? a) The same size as the UK. b) The same size as the USA. c) The same size as Africa. 3. How long do CFCs stay in the atmosphere? a) A year. b) Ten years. c) 100 years. 4. What damages the ozone layer most? a) Burning the rainforests. b) Acid rains. c) Pollution o f the sea. 5.

Every year burning rainforests destroy areas the same size as _ a) London. b) Wales. c) Austria.

William Ruckelshaus

8-10: Congratulation! You are ozone friendly! You care about your world very much. 5 -7 : You know a lot about the environment, but there is even more to learn. 0—4: You are a danger to the environment. Try to learn and care more about the world you live in.

T. How “green” are you? Are you a m other Earth’s child a real danger it? Do this quiz, then add up your score and listen to the analysis.

Chemicals called CFCs have been destroy­ ing the ozone layer. What are they? a) Chlorofluorocarbons. b) Hydrocarbons. c) Monosodium glutamates.

Nature provides a free lunch, but only if we control our appetites .

IV. Домаш нє завдання T. Read the text and complete the sentences in your copybooks. Thank you for the lesson. Good-bye! Text We live on a beautiful blue planet — the Earth. There are a lot of mountains, hills, rivers, seas, oceans, forests, deserts and green fields on it. The Earth is full of wonders and is rich in differ­ ent animals and plants. There are six continents on our planet: Africa, North and South Ameri­ cas, Eurasia, Australia and Antarctica. Our planet is very big. When it is day in one country in the east, it is night in another country in the west. When the sun shines brightly, we have sum­ mer, but when it is cold and the ground is cov­ ered with snow, we have winter. People live in different countries on five continents and many islands. They speak

B e c a u s e w e d o n ’t thin k a b o u t fu tu re g e n e r a tio n s , th e y will n e v e r f o r g e t us. Henrik Tikkanen

М ІЙ КОНСПЕКТ different languages. Our country is Ukraine. It lies in Europe. People who live in Ukraine speak the Ukrainian language. Продовжити речення (Complete the sentences)

I think th e e n v i­ r o n m e n t sh o u ld b e p u t in th e c a t e ­ g o ry o f our n a ­ tio n a l s e c u r ity . D e fe n s e o f o u r r e ­ s o u r c e s is j u s t a s im p o r ta n t a s d e ­ fe n s e a b r o a d . O th e r w is e w h a t is th e r e to d e f e n d ?

T. And now turn over the text and complete my sentences: 1) We live__. 2) There are a lot o f__. on it. 3) The Earth is full__. 4) There a re __. 5) When it is day in one country__ 6) When the sun shines it is __. 7) People live__. 8) They speak__. 9) Our country is __. 10) People who live in U kraine__. Додатки

“Teach your children what we have taught cur children mat the Earth is our mother. What ever befalls the Earth befalls, the sons of the Earth. All things are connected like the blood, which unites one family. The Earth doesn’t belong to man, man belongs to the Earth” . Chief Seattle to the USA President

Franklin Pierce (1854) 1) Do you agree with this quotation? Why or why not? 2) What does it mean for you? 3) Could you express its meaning in your own words? Design T-shirts telling people about ecological problems of the day. Don't litter! Feed birds! Save energy! Plant trees! / \ \ Put filters! / \ • Not cut down trees! / Stop \ / a the bum k \

Robert Redford

[л] Dump Destruction [a:] Disaster [e] Mess Weapon [з:] Term [u:] Pollute Pollution [0] Poison Spoil [o:] Cause Shortage [ai] Environment Society [ei] Pile Praise Safe Waste [1] Clear Spoil


Clean up the countryside society. 1) From what place was Vicki coming? 2) What happened to Vicki on one of the last days of the term? 3) Why did Vicki take a longer way home that day? 4) Why was Vicki shocked when she saw the mess? 5) What idea did Vicki have when she saw the mess? 6) Who helped Vicki to do the job? 7) What did the five girls do?

№ 8 (2 3 4) березень 2 0 0 9 p.

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