
三十二間小星兜付錆地輪宝紋五枚胴具足 ¥3,800,000~ 付竪二引両紋一荷櫃 ※P136に詳記あり
Russet Iron Two-Piece Armor with Wheel-Shaped Treasure Pattern, 32-Ridge Koboshi-kabuto (Helmet) Included from ¥3,800,000. includes storage chest with verticle double-line crest

唐冠形兜付張良黄石蒔絵佛胴具足 ¥3,500,000~ 付溜塗具足櫃 具足立 ※P137に詳記あり
Hotoke-do (Armor) with Zhang Liang & the Hang Shiong Maki-e Lacquer, Tokannari-kabuto (Helmet) Included from ¥3,500,000. includes tame-nuri lacquer armor chest, armor stand

C-005 鉄錆地桃形兜付
練韋二枚胴具足 ¥2,000,000~ 付一荷櫃 時代識箱(杉) ※P138に詳記あり
Two-Piece Tanned Leather Armor, Russet Iron Momonari-kabuto (Helmet) Included from ¥2,000,000. includes storage chest, antique authentication box (cedar)

鉄錆地六十二間筋兜付縦矧二枚胴具足 ¥1700000~ 付具足櫃 ※P139に詳記あり
Two-Piece Armor with Vertical Plates, Russet Iron 62-Ridge Suji-kabuto (Helmet) Included from ¥1,700,000. includes armor chest

C-009 鉄六十二間小星兜付縫延二枚胴具足 ¥1,800,000~ 付一荷櫃 重要甲冑指定書

Two-Piece Nuinobe-do (Armor), Iron 62-Ridge Koboshi-kabuto (Helmet) Included from ¥1,800,000. includes storage chest, Important Armor designation certificate, Tokubetsu Kicho Shiryo (Especially Precious Article) certificate, Kicho Shiryo (Precious Article) certificate (for jingasa hat)

Two-Piece Armor with Navy Blue Lacing, Black Lacquer Iron Suji-kabuto (Helmet) Included from ¥1,500,000. includes armor chest
鉄黒漆塗筋兜付紺絲威二枚胴具足 ¥1,500,000~ 付具足櫃 兜 六十二枚の鉄矧板を一行四点で留め、筋を立てて黒 漆塗とする。姿形は長丸で稍前方に伸び、肩をなだら かにする。八幡座は六段、金銅裏菊を底として素銅菊 透、裏菊、素銅小刻、抱花に玉縁を重ねる。四天鋲と 響孔、笠印付鐶は付さず、前正中際に入八双座金を置 いて一本角本を立てる。前立は木胎黒漆地の鍬形台 に金銅倶利伽羅龍を飾り、練韋朱漆塗の鍬形を挿す。 裏朱の当世眉庇は三光鋲で留めて黒漆素文とする。
は両面黒漆塗の鉄切付札六段を紺絲で毛引に威し て当世形に開き、一段目を小さく吹返す。
面具 鉄錆色漆塗の烈勢頬。金銅歯、糟毛髭を具え、耳金物 に古様な六曜を透かし、丸い汗抜孔を穿つ。垂は四段、 切付札を紺絲毛引威とする。
胴 鉄切付札を黒漆塗し、前立挙三段、後四段、長側五段 の二枚胴とする。胴裏は一面黒革張。三板は黒漆雁木 篠とし、鍍金素文覆輪を廻らす。前後立挙には金銅唐 草透の入八双金物各三で抑え留める。肩上も雁木篠 とし、襟廻りは亀甲金を紺地金襴で包むが大破する。
胴前は二段目に金銅裏菊座金の采配付鐶を打ち、背 は角合当理、待受に枕を具えるが受筒を欠く。草摺は 練韋七間五段威下げ、裾板に黒毛を植える。
袖 七段当世袖。胴などと同様の板札で紺絲毛引威とす る。六段目までを裏張する。
三具 家地を紺地金襴とし、凡そ仕立を通底する。籠手は鉄 黒漆塗皺瓢。小篠佩楯は踏込式、一文字と力韋を付さ ず、上方のみ家地を後補する。七本篠臑当は立挙を襟 廻りと同じくするが大破。
附属 方形の具足櫃に収まる。

Two-Piece Armor, Sogonari-kabuto (Helmet) Included from ¥1,400,000. includes black lacquer drum chest
総髪形兜付二枚胴具足 ¥1,400,000 付黒漆塗太鼓櫃 兜 矧板の様子は不明ながら、頭形の鉢に毛植して総 髪とする。眉庇は茶漆塗とし、額から耳辺りまで 及んでおり半首的である。中央に小さく一本角本 を立て、黄銅の三ツ笠前立を挿す。 は同塗の細 い鉄板札四段を紺絲で毛引に威し、当世形に開く。 肩摺板は韋覆輪される。
面具 鉄錆色漆塗の烈勢頬。糟毛髭、鍍銀歯を具え、耳 に六曜を透かし、丸に汗抜孔を穿つ。垂は両面黒 漆塗の板札四段、紺絲毛引威。
胴 碁石頭に刻んだ板札を前立挙三段、後四段、長側 五段を紺絲素掛威とし二枚胴に構成する。三板、 肩上も同塗素文として凡その飾気を排す。胴前に は鼻紙袋を付し、背は角合当理に受筒、待受、枕を 具える。草摺は練韋六間五段威下げ。
袖 鉄白檀塗の七段当世袖。全段を裏張する。
三具 鎬を一つ立てた同塗小篠による籠手と佩楯に、家 地と立挙のない六本篠臑当が添う。
附属 大振の黒漆塗太鼓櫃に収まる。

Two-Piece Armor with Honkozane (Plates), Rust-Colored Lacquer Iron 62-Ridge Suji-kabuto (Helmet) Included from ¥1,000,000. includes tame-nuri lacquer taikobitsu (drum-shaped chest)
鉄地錆色漆塗六十二間筋兜付本小札二枚胴具足 ¥1000000~ 付溜塗太鼓櫃 兜 鉄板六十二枚矧合わせで錆色漆塗とし、長丸に成形して前後 に膨らむ姿形をとる。銘は未確認。八幡座は鍍金裏菊を底と して赤銅菊透、裏菊、素銅宝瓶に玉縁を重ねる。四天鋲、響孔 を穿たず、笠印付鐶を高めに打つ。当世眉庇は打眉、見上皺を 打出して同様に錆色漆をかける。二本角本を短く立てるが後 補が想定され、一本角本用の立物(金工鍬形台の中央に日月 軍配を別作して付し、鍬形を挿す)を装着する。 は鉄切付盛 上札を錆色漆塗(裏黒)として、五段を紺絲で毛引に威し、当 世形に開く。一段目を吹返し、朱叩塗として赤銅の五三桐紋 を据える。肩摺板は威絲と同じ畦目と菱縫一段を飾る。
面具 鉄錆色漆塗の烈勢頬。銀の歯金具を挿し、上下髭を毛植し、丸 汗抜孔を穿ち耳に六曜を透かす。垂は四段、仕立は に通ず る。
胴 鉄錆漆塗本小札を前立挙三段、後四段、長側五段とし、蝶番で 前後を繋ぐ二枚胴とする。裏面は一面黒革を張る。金具廻り は同じく錆色漆塗の雁木篠、胸板に吹返と同紋を据える。肩 上は切付盛上札三段の小鰭を付し、先端には同据紋の杏葉を 蝶番で繋ぐ。水牛鞐は虫喰。襟廻りは亀甲金を赤羅紗で包み、 紺絲で菱綴して白糸を這わせ韋覆輪する。前立挙二段目に鍍 金菊花座金の手拭付鐶を打ち、背には四分一地菊毛彫座金の 総角付鐶を飾る。合当理を取り去った痕跡があり、孔を小桜 鋲で埋めている。草摺も練韋本小札とし、七間五段を腰革付 する。
袖 鉄切付盛上札七段の当世袖は前側を隅切としており、裏張は 前段に及ぶ。
三具 縹地花文錦の家地は、手甲に花文切鉄を添えた錆色漆塗皺瓢 籠手と、鉄同塗の小篠佩楯に共通する。佩楯は獅子牡丹絵韋 を蛇腹伏した一文字と力韋を充て、踏込式とする。三本筒臑 当の立挙は亀甲金を黒羅紗で包み、紺絲菱綴して萌葱糸を這 わせ、韋覆輪しており、襟廻りとは仕立を異にする。
附属 大振の溜塗太鼓櫃に収まる。

Five-Piece Armor with Vertical Plates, Black Lacquer Iron 6-Ridge Suji-kabuto (Helmet) Included from ¥960,000. includes armor chest, Tokubetsu Kicho Shiryo (Especially Precious Article) certificate
鉄黒漆塗六間筋兜付縦矧五枚胴具足 ¥960,000~ 付具足櫃 甲種特別貴重甲冑指定書 兜 鉄板六枚張の鉢金は前正中がやや張出しており、黒漆 がかけられる。金工五段の八幡座と笠印付鐶を具える ほかは飾り気を排す。眉庇も同様に黒漆素文、祓立台を 置いて三光鋲で留める。裏朱。 は鉄五段で素懸に威し、 一段目を吹返して素文とする。総じて漆は損傷、塗改を 散見する。鉢金には弾痕のような窪を一箇所認める。
面具 鉄黒漆塗目下頬。丸い汗抜孔を穿つが、耳の六曜透はな い。四段垂は に通底。面具にも鉢金と同様の損傷をみ る。
胴 縦矧板をはじめ、胴を構成する肩上、八間五段の草摺も 含め総べて鉄板黒漆塗で統一しており、そのため相応 の重量があり、連尺胴の形式とする。胴裏は板札毎に布 を貼って塗固め、引合せ側の矧板裏に「明珍益田定勝 宝永五(1708)八月日」の鐫銘をみる。益田定勝は所謂 仙台明珍の系で、掲出からもその作風が看取できる。背 には合当理の痕跡のみを残す。また、前正中をはじめ数 箇所に鉢金と同様の凹痕をみる。
袖 六段当世袖は に通底した仕立とする。
三具 其々が寄せと想定される。三本筒籠手(家地大破)、練韋 佩楯、鉄五本篠臑当。臑当の立挙には金具も練韋も綴付 けられていない。
附属 溜塗具足櫃が添う。認定書は銘を「増田定勝」とするが 誤記であろう。

Vermilion Armor Said to Have Been Used by Naito Kii-no-Kami from ¥800,000. includes armor chest with wooden frame cover

C-020 半首兜付胸取二枚胴具足 ¥350000~

C-022 金小札丸胴 ¥400,000

C-021 錆漆塗筋兜付縦矧胴具足 ¥300000~ 臑当欠失

蓮華唐草文緞子包二枚胴 ¥300,000~

Russet Iron Shiinominari Koboshi-kabuto (Helmet) Dome from ¥900,000. includes publication copy, published in Nihon no Meito ("Famous Helmets of Japan") Vol. 2 (Yoshihiko Sasama, 1972)

C-028 鉄錆地六十六間筋兜 ¥680000~ 付錆地目下頬 木箱(杉) 後正中在銘
Russet Iron 66-Ridge Suji-kabuto (Helmet) from ¥680,000. includes russet menoshita facial armor, wooden box (cedar), inscription in center inside

C-029 鉄錆地六十二間筋兜 ¥500000~ 付練韋黒漆塗目下頬(漆塗補修)「明珍宗之」鐫銘
Russet Iron 62-Ridge Suji-kabuto (Helmet) from ¥500,000. includes tanned leather menoshita facial armor with black lacquer (lacquer repair), carved inscription "Myochin Muneyuki"

C-030 鉄錆地二十八間小星兜 ¥450000~
Russet Iron 28-Ridge Koboshi-kabuto (Helmet) from ¥450,000.

C-031 鉄錆地八間筋兜 ¥300,000~ 付兜立
Russet Iron 8-Ridge Suji-kabuto (Helmet) from ¥300,000. includes helmet stand

C-032 鉄地朱刷毛目塗筋兜 ¥280,000~ 付天衝(後補) 小剥離
Vermilion Hakeme-nuri Lacquer Iron Suji-kabuto (Helmet) from ¥280,000. includes tentsuki frontal ornament (replacement), slight peeling

C-034 鉄黒漆塗八間筋兜 ¥200,000~
Black Lacquer Iron 8-Ridge Suji-kabuto (Helmet) from ¥200,000.

頭形赤兜 ¥150,000~ 漆剥離

C-038 鉄錆地鑢目面頬 ¥550000~ 剥離 内朱
Russet Iron Mempo (Facial Armor) with Thin Grooves from ¥550,000. peeling, vermilion on back side

C-039 鉄錆地目下頬 ¥400,000~ 内朱 「文化十二亥(1815)八月 明珍宗長」顎先銘 練韋本小札二段垂
Russet Iron Menoshita Facial Armor from ¥400,000. inscription on chin "August 1815 (Bunka 12), Myochin Munenaga", two-tiered throat guard with tanned leather honkozane (plates)

C-041 鉄錆色漆塗髭描蒔絵面頬 ¥350,000~ ヒビ 剥離 補彩
Rust-Colored Lacquer Iron Mempo (Facial Armor) with Mustache and Hand-Painted Maki-e Lacquer from ¥350,000. cracking, peeling, retouched color

C-043 鉄黒漆塗目下頬 ¥200,000~ 耳先剥離 剥離 補彩
Black Lacquer Iron Menoshita Facial Armor from ¥200,000. peeling, retouched color

C-042 練韋本小札喉輪 ¥200,000~ ワレ
Tanned Leather Nodowa (Throat Guard) with Honkozane (Plates) from ¥200,000. cracks

C-044 鉄地黒漆塗烈勢頬 ¥150,000~ 漆ヒビ
Black Lacquer Iron Ressei Facial Armor from ¥150,000. cracked lacquer

C-045 鉄錆色漆塗烈勢頬 ¥150,000~ 付合箱(桐)
Rust-Colored Lacquer Iron Ressei Facial Armor from ¥150,000. includes box (paulownia, not original)

C-046 鉄錆色漆塗目下頬 ¥120000~ 剥離 内朱
Rust-Colored Lacquer Iron Menoshita Facial Armor from ¥120,000. peeling, vermilion on backside

C-047 鉄錆地烈勢頬 ¥100000~ 内黒
Russet Iron Ressei Facial Armor from ¥100,000. black on backside

C-048 鉄錆色漆塗烈勢頬 ¥100000~ 内朱
Rust-Colored Lacquer Iron Mempo (Facial Armor) from ¥100,000. vermilion on backside

C-049 南蛮風叩塗二枚佛胴 ¥120,000
Two-Piece Foreign-Style Hotoke-do (Armor) with Tataki-nuri Lacquer from ¥120,000.
C-050 頭形兜付桶側胴具足 ¥150,000
C-050 Okegawa-do (Armor), Zunari-kabuto (Helmet) Included from ¥150,000.

C-052 胸取桶側二枚胴 ¥100000~ 付木箱
Two-Piece Yokohagi Armor with Muna-tori Lacing from ¥100,000. includes wooden box

Two-Piece Armor with Goishigashira Plates from ¥70,000. includes armor chest (cracked lid)
C-055 碁石頭板札二枚胴 ¥70000~ 付具足櫃(蓋ワレ)
C-053 腰取桶側二枚胴 ¥100000~
Two-Piece Armor with Muna-tori Lacing from ¥100,000.

C-056 母衣武者南蛮襟佛胴 ¥70000~
Hotoke-do (Armor) with Horo (Cloak) and Foreign-Style Collar from ¥70,000. includes carved wooden sashi-netsuke (inscription "Hikone Domain, Okubo Masanaga") cracking, peeling lacquer, retouched color
C-054 黒朱段替塗桶側五枚胴 ¥80000~ 付具足立 「岩井㐂四郎」朱銘
Black and Vermilion Dangae Lacquer
Five-Piece Okegawa Armor from ¥80,000. includes armor stand, inscription in vermilion "Iwai Kishiro"

C-057 鉄錆地瓢籠手 一双 ¥150000~
Iron Fukube-gote (Gauntlets), One Pair from ¥150,000.

C-058 鉄地黒漆塗突 形兜 ¥70000~ 剥離

C-059 練韋錆漆塗十六間筋兜 ¥70000~ 剥離
C-058 鉄地黒漆塗突 形兜 ¥70,000~ 剥離
Black Lacquer Iron Toppainari-kabuto (Helmet) Dome from ¥70,000. peeling

C-060 鉄黒漆塗目下頬 ¥90000~ 剥離 内朱
C-060 鉄黒漆塗目下頬 ¥90,000~ 剥離 内朱
Black Lacquer Iron Menoshita Facial Armor from ¥90,000. peeling, vermilion on backside

Rust-Colored Lacquer Iron Zunari-kabuto (Helmet) from ¥30,000. peeling
C-059 練韋錆漆塗十六間筋兜 ¥70,000~ 剥離
Tanned Leather 16-Ridge Suji-kabuto (Helmet) with Rust-Colored Lacquer from ¥70,000. peeling

C-061 鉄地錆漆塗目下頬 ¥70000~
C-061 鉄地錆漆塗目下頬 ¥70000~
Rust-Colored Lacquer Iron Menoshita Facial Armor from ¥70,000.

C-063 鉄錆漆塗頭形兜 ¥30,000~ 剥離 C-064 背割胴 ¥30,000
Sewari-do (Armor) from ¥30,000. peeling, damage, creeping woodsorrel (katabami) crest
C-062 鉄黒漆塗半頬 ¥50000~ 裏朱(漆剥離、ウキ)
Black Lacquer Iron Hampo (Facial Armor) from ¥50,000. vermilion on backside (peeling lacquer, damage)

C-065 二枚胴前部残欠 ¥30,000~
Two-Piece Armor, Incomplete Front Part from ¥30,000.

C-062 鉄黒漆塗半頬 ¥50,000~ 裏朱(漆剥離、ウキ) C-065 二枚胴前部残欠 ¥30,000~
C-066 Okegawa-do (Armor) × 2 from ¥30,000. ladder, chrysanthemum and water crests (front part only)


C-115 獅子牡丹高蒔絵鞍 ¥500,000 付時代黒塗箱(杉) 鞍飾台 「元禄十四(1701)」居木裏墨識
Lion and Peony Taka Maki-e Lacquer Saddle from ¥500,000. includes antique black lacquer box (cedar), saddle display stand ink inscription on saddle "1701 (Genroku 14)"


C-116 異形猪皮逆頬箙 ¥300000~ 付所載コピー 21×11×36 天王寺箙 『甲冑武具 重要文化資料図録 (第四輯)』(2004)所載
Fur-Covered Quiver with Boar Skin and Unconventional Shape from ¥300,000. includes publication copy, 21x11x36 cm, Tennoji quiver published in Kacchu Bugu: Juyo Bunka Shiryo Zuroku ("Armor & Weaponry: Illustrated Catalog of Important Cultural Materials") (Vol. 4) (2004)

C-117 牡丹高蒔絵鞍 ¥300000~ 小剥離 叢梨子地居木
Peony Taka Maki-e Lacquer Saddle from ¥300,000. slight peeling, mura-nashiji lacquer saddle seat

C-118 銀象嵌鐙 一双 ¥300000~ 「加州住善左衛門永國作」在銘
Silver-Inlaid Stirrups, One Pair from ¥300,000. inscription "Made by Zenzaemon Nagakuni of Kashu"

C-119 南蛮人象嵌鐙 一双 ¥190,000~ 付木箱(桐) ヒビ
Foreign-Style Inlaid Stirrups, One Pair from ¥190,000. includes wooden box (paulownia), cracked
C-120 黄銅象嵌鐙 一双 ¥140,000~ 象嵌剥離
Brass-Inlaid Stirrups, One Pair from ¥140,000. peeling inlay

C-157 大小 付鮫巻鞘打刀拵 白鞘 ¥1,500,000~ 付拵用時代識箱(桐 蓋ワレ) 錦刀袋・紫刀袋各一 大:長さ707 反り14 目くぎ穴1 差裏中程チリ小キズ 拵鯉口付近剥離 「武州住正方」鐔銘 「一蚕堂乗意」縁銘 「光太(花押)」小柄銘 「寿命」小刀銘 東京都第133086号 小:長さ504 反り09 目くぎ穴2 差表横手下刃境小サビ 中程地鍛キズ2 棟鎺元鍛ワレ 差裏物打鎬地小鍛キズ 表銘:加賀守貞秀 「武州住正方」鐔銘 「一蚕永春作」縁銘 「乗意」小柄銘 「三□包吉」小刀銘 栃木県第10178号
Large and Small Sword includes uchigatana mounting with sharkskin-wrapped scabbards, shirasaya scabbards from ¥1,500,000. includes antique authentication box for sword mounting (paulownia, cracked lid), brocade sword bag for scabbards, purple sword bag for shirasaya (for larger one) inscription on guard "Masakata of Bushu", inscription on edge "Issando Joi", inscription on knife "Kota (stylized signature)", inscription on small sword "Jumyo", Tokyo Prefecture No. 133086 (for smaller one) inscription on front: "Kaga-no-Kami Sadahide", inscription on guard "Masakata of Bushu", inscription on edge "Made by Issando Eishun", inscription on knife "Joi", inscription on small sword "? Kaneyoshi", Tochigi Prefecture No. 10178

C-159 備前長舩祐定 刀 付糸巻太刀拵 白鞘 ¥1,500,000 付錦刀袋(ヤブレ) 紫刀袋 長さ686 反り29 目くぎ穴1 差裏鎺元刃境鍛キズ 鎺上貝破断 渡巻、柄糸ホツレ 表銘:備前國住長舩祐定 裏銘:大永二年(1522)八月日 兵庫県第95156号
ISword, Osafune Sukesada of Bizen includes itomaki-tachi (long sword) mounting, shirasaya scabbard from ¥1,500,000. includes brocade sword bag (torn), purple sword bag inscription on front: "Osafune Sukesada of Bizen Province", inscription on back: "August, Taiei 2 (1522)", Hyogo Prefecture No. 95156

C-161 信濃大掾忠国 刀 付棕櫚塗込鞘打刀拵 白鞘 ¥1300000~ 付錦刀袋 紫刀袋 甲種特別貴重刀剣認定書(日刀保) 長さ715 反り14 目くぎ穴2 差表中程棟小キズ 鞘小アタリ、ガタツキ 白鞘鯉口補修 表銘:信濃大掾藤原忠国 佐藤寒山白鞘識 東京都第143810号
C-161 Sword, Shinano-Daijo Tadakuni includes uchigatana mounting with fully lacquered hemp palm scabbard, shirasaya scabbard from ¥1,300,000. includes brocade sword bag, purple sword bag, Tokubetsu Kicho Token (Especially Precious Sword) certificate (Society for the Preservation of Japanese Art Swords) inscription on front: "Shinano-Daijo Fujiwara Tadakuni", authentication on shirasaya scabbard by Sato Kanzan, Tokyo Prefecture No. 143810

C-163 河内守祐定 刀 付白鞘 ¥1300000~ 付縞刀袋 特別保存刀剣鑑定書(日刀保) 長さ707 反り28 目くぎ穴1 差裏切先刃マクレ 表銘:(菊紋) 河内守祐定 裏銘:備前國長船住 熊本県第57966号
Sword, Kawachi-no-kami Sukesada includes shirasaya scabbard from ¥1,300,000. includes striped sword bag, Tokubetsu Hozon Token (Special Preserved Sword) certificate (Society for the Preservation of Japanese Art Swords) inscription on front: (chrysanthemum crest) "One, Kawachi-no-kami Sukesada", inscription on back: "Resident of Osafune, Bizen Province", Kumamoto Prefecture No. 57966

C-164 Sword, Hankei includes shirasaya scabbard from ¥1,000,000. includes striped sword bag inscription on front: "Hankei", authentication scabbard by Koson Hon'ami, Iwate Prefecture No. 23211
C-164 繁慶 刀 付白鞘 ¥1,000,000~ 付縞刀袋 長さ697 反り10 目くぎ穴1 差表裏切先フクラ小刃コボレ、鎺元刃中薄サビ 差表物打刃中薄サビ、中程地小サビ、鎺元付近平地小鍛キズ、棟小サビ方々 差裏物打鎬筋、小鎬薄サビ、鎬地小鍛ワレ 表銘:繁慶 本阿弥光遜鞘識 岩手県第23211号

C-167 Sword, Hanmura Arihisa includes handachi sword mounting, shirasaya scabbard from ¥750,000. includes

C-166 Sword, Hikobei Kiyomitsu includes sword mounting from ¥800,000. includes brocade sword bag with floral design inscription on front: "Made by Osafune Hikobei Kiyomitsu of Bizen Province", inscription on back: "August, Eiroku 5 (1562)", Tokyo Prefecture No. 303116
C-166 彦兵衛清光 刀 付拵 ¥800000~ 付草花文錦刀袋 長さ662 反り16 目くぎ穴1 差裏小肌アレ、炭ゴモリ 切先炭ゴモリ 刃区カケ 柄ガタツキ 表銘:備前国住長船彦兵衛尉清光作 裏銘:永禄五年(1562)八月吉日 東京都第303116号

Large and Small Sword Uchigatana Mounting with Black Roiro-nuri Lacquer Scabbards from ¥690,000. includes brocade sword bag for each sword, Tokubetsu Hozon Tosogu (Special Preserved Sword Fittings) certificate (Society for the Preservation of Japanese Art Swords) inscription on edge "Hisamitsu (stylized signature)"
¥690,000~ 付錦刀袋各一
特別保存刀装具鑑定書(日刀保) 大:総長88 鞘小アタリ、剝離 小:総長64 鞘小アタリ 柄糸脆弱 「久満(花押)」縁銘

C-170 黒漆変塗鞘大小半太刀拵 ¥680,000~ 付錦刀袋各一 大:総長97 鞘小剥離 小:総長68 「吉岡因幡介」小柄・笄銘 「土肥真了」小刀銘
Large and Small Sword Handachi Mounting with Black Kawari-nuri Lacquer Scabbards from ¥680,000. includes brocade sword bag for each sword inscription on knife and kogai hairdressing tool "Yoshioka Ibanosuke", inscription on small sword "Doi Shinryo"

C-172 松村昌直 刀 付拵 ¥550,000~ 付錦刀袋 長さ713 反り16 目くぎ穴1 差表刃中小鍛キズ 差裏横手下刃中小キズ 切先小キズ 鎺元棟小キズ 表銘(差裏):松村昌直 裏銘(差表):寛政九年(1797)二月 岡山県第88029号
Sword, Matsumura Masanao includes sword mounting from ¥550,000. includes brocade sword bag inscription on front (back of sword): "Matsumura Masanao", inscription on back (front of sword): "February, Kansei 9 (1797)", Okayama Prefecture No. 88029

C-173 梨子地丸に三ツ柏紋散鞘大小拵 ¥500000~ 付錦刀袋各一 大:総長985 柄糸スレ、キレ 小:総長72 鞘極小ワレ
Large and Small Sword Mounting with Encircled Three-Oak-Leaf Crests on Nashiji Lacquer Scabbards from ¥500,000. includes brocade sword bag for each sword


C-175 長舩祐定 太刀 付太刀拵 白鞘 ¥550,000~ 付柿色錦刀袋 紫刀袋 長さ663 反り22 目くぎ穴2 佩表炭ゴモリ 佩裏切先小鍛キズ 棟受けキズ 柄小ガタツキ 合わせ繋ぎ 表銘(佩裏):備州長舩祐定 裏銘(佩表):永正二年(1505)二月日 神奈川県第76776号
Tachi (Long Sword), Osafune Sukesada includes tachi sword mounting, shirasaya scabbard from ¥550,000. includes reddish-brown brocade sword bag, purple sword bag inscription on front (back of sword): "Osafune Sukesada of Bishu", inscription on back (front of sword): "February, Eisho 2 (1505)", Kanagawa Prefecture No. 76776

C-176 近江大掾忠廣 刀 付拵 白鞘 ¥500000~ 付錦刀袋 紫刀袋
Sword, Omi-Daijo Tadahiro includes sword mounting, shirasaya scabbard from ¥500,000. includes brocade sword bag, purple sword bag, Tokubetsu Kicho Token (Especially Precious Sword) certificate (Society for the Preservation of Japanese Art Swords) inscription on front: "Omi-Daijo Fujiwara Tadahiro of Hizen Province", Hyogo Prefecture No. 92044
特別貴重刀剣認定書(日刀保) 長さ712 反り20 目くぎ穴1 鎺元刃コボレ多数 鞘アタリのため拵に刀身4mm入らず 鞘小アタリ 表銘:肥前国住近江大掾藤原忠廣 兵庫県第92044号

Iron Openwork Guards for Large and Small Swords with Chinese Clematis and Swallowtail Butterfly Design from ¥450,000. includes guard box (paulownia), Tokubetsu Hozon Tosogu (Special Preserved Sword Fittings) certificate (Society for the Preservation of Japanese Art Swords) large guard: 7.3×7.5×0.4 cm inscription "Goto Seijo (stylized signature)"
鉄地鉄線花揚羽蝶透大小鐔 ¥450,000 付鐔箱(桐) 特別保存刀装具鑑定書(日刀保) 大73×75×04ほか 「後藤清乗(花押)」銘

C-278 四分一地牛若弁慶文鐔 ¥250000~ 付鐔箱(桐) 73×77×04 「直利(花押)」銘
Shibuichi Alloy Guard with Ushiwaka and Benkei Design from ¥250,000. includes guard box (paulownia), 7.3×7.7×0.4 cm inscription "Naotoshi (stylized signature)"

C-279 鉄地騎馬山水文鐔 ¥230000~ 付鐔箱(桐) 保存刀装具鑑定書(日刀保) 76×79×04 象嵌剥離 「長州萩住中井善助作」銘
Iron Guard with Horseback Rider and Landscape Design from ¥230,000. includes guard box (paulownia), Hozon Tosogu (Preserved Sword Fittings) certificate (Society for the Preservation of Japanese Art Swords), 7.6×7.9×0.4 cm, peeling inlay, inscription "Made by Nakai Zensuke of Hagi, Choshu"

C-280 赤銅魚子地家紋散大小鐔 ¥290,000~ 付木箱(桐)


大74×75×04ほか 縄目覆輪
Shakudo Alloy Guards for Large and Small Swords with Family Crests on Nanakoji (Fish Roe) Texture from ¥290,000. includes wooden box (paulownia), 7.4×7.5×0.4 cm, rope pattern ornamental border
C-281 素銅石目地蕨文鐔 ¥260,000~ 付識鐔箱(桐) 特別保存刀装具鑑定書(日刀保) 71×73×03 「宜(花押)」銘
Suaka Alloy Guard with Bracken Design on Ishimeji (Stone) Texture from ¥260,000. includes authentication box for guard (paulownia), Tokubetsu Hozon Tosogu (Special Preserved Sword Fittings) certificate (Society for the Preservation of Japanese Art Swords), 7.1×7.3×0.3 cm inscription "Yoshi (stylized signature)"

Shakudo Alloy Guard with The Quarrel of the Monkey and the Crab Design from ¥200,000. includes guard box (paulownia), 5.7×6.2×0.5 cm
赤銅地猿蟹合戦文鐔 ¥200,000~ 付鐔箱(桐) 57×62×05 「岩本良寛(花押)」銘

C-282 鉄地放駒文大小鐔 ¥150000~ 付木箱(桐) 大77×82×03ほか 「長門国萩住岡本常永(花押)」銘 岡本常永は江戸後期の刀装金工師。名信平、長門萩の人。鉄地鋤出影の巧作を残 す。
Iron Guards for Large and Small Swords with Roaming Horses Design from ¥150,000. includes wooden box (paulownia), large guard: 7.7×8.2×0.3 cm, inscription "Okamoto Tsunenaga of Hagi, Nagato Province (stylized signature)" Okamoto Tsunenaga was a sword fitting metalworker in the late Edo period. His real name was Nobuhira, and he was from Hagi, Nagato. He left behind fine works of iron with sukidashi openwork.

岩本良寛は江戸麴町に住した刀装金工師。初代は宗乙の門人 で、宝暦年間の作を知る。二代は江戸後期、初代の門人にして、 初代に引けを取らない良工と知られる。
inscription "Iwamoto Ryokan (stylized signature)" Iwamoto Ryokan was a sword fitting metalworker who lived in Kojimachi, Edo.
The first generation Ryokan was a student of Soitsu, and is known for his work from the Horeki era.
The second generation Ryokan was a disciple of the first generation in the late Edo period, and is known as a skilled craftsman not inferior to the first.

C-285 鉄地家紋散椀鐔 ¥200,000~ 付鐔箱(桐) 9×9×1
C-285 鉄地家紋散椀鐔 ¥200000~ 付鐔箱(桐) 9×9×1
Iron Bowl-Shaped Guard with Family Crests from ¥200,000. includes guard box (paulownia), 9×9×1 cm

C-287 鉄地大薙刀透鐔 ¥150,000~ 付二重鐔箱(内桐 外溜塗) 保存刀装具鑑定書(日刀保) 71×74×04 「武州住正房」銘

Iron Openwork O-naginata (Large Polearm) Guard from ¥150,000. includes pair of nexting guard boxes (inner box: paulownia, outer box: tame-nuri lacquer), Hozon Tosogu (Preserved Sword Fittings) certificate (Society for the Preservation of Japanese Art Swords), 7.1×7.4×0.4 cm inscription "Masafusa of Bushu"
C-287 鉄地大薙刀透鐔 ¥150000~ 付二重鐔箱(内桐 外溜塗) 保存刀装具鑑定書(日刀保) 71×74×04 「武州住正房」銘

C-286 赤銅魚子地家紋散鐔 ¥180000~ 付鐔箱(桐) 72×77×05
C-286 赤銅魚子地家紋散鐔 ¥180,000~ 付鐔箱(桐) 72×77×05 スレ 小アタリ 一文字三星紋 沢瀉紋
Shakudo Alloy Guard with Family Crests on Nanakoji (Fish Roe)
Texture from ¥180,000. includes guard box (paulownia), 7.2×7.7×0.5 cm, stained, small dents, "one"-character and three-star crest, threeleaf arrowhead crest
スレ 小アタリ 一文字三星紋 沢瀉紋

C-288 五島正珉 素銅地海老文鐔 ¥120,000~ 付共鐔箱(桐) 77×83×05
Goto Shomin, Suaka Alloy Guard with Shrimp Design from ¥120,000. includes guard box (paulownia), 7.7×8.3×0.5 cmt
C-288 五島正珉 素銅地海老文鐔 ¥120000~ 付共鐔箱(桐) 77×83×05

C-289 鉄地雲形透鐔 ¥130000~ 付識鐔箱(桐) 特別貴重小道具認定書(日刀保) 70×73×06 黄銅透覆輪(回転) 佐藤寒山箱識
Iron Guard with Cloud-Shaped Openwork from ¥130,000. includes guard box with authentication (paulownia), Tokubetsu Kicho Kodogu (Especially Precious Small Fittings) certificate (Society for the Preservation of Japanese Art Swords), 7.0×7.3×0.6 cm, brass openwork ornamental border (not fixed), inscription on box by Sato Kanzan

C-291 素銅地桜梅花透鐔 ¥120000~ 付鐔箱(桐) 保存刀装具鑑定書(日刀保) 80×83×03 「予州住正阿弥秀清」銘
Suaka Alloy Openwork Guard with Cherry and Plum Blossom Design from ¥120,000.
includes guard box (paulownia), Hozon Tosogu (Preserved Sword Fittings) certificate (Society for the Preservation of Japanese Art Swords), 8.0×8.3×0.3 cm inscription "Shoami Hidekiyo of Yoshu"

C-293 朧銀地燕文鐔 ¥120,000~ 付鐔箱(桐) 特別貴重小道具認定書(日刀保) 6×68×04 「法眼安親(花押)」銘
Oborogin Alloy Guard with Swallow Design from ¥120,000. includes guard box (paulownia), Tokubetsu Kicho Kodogu (Especially Precious Small Fittings) certificate (Society for the Preservation of Japanese Art Swords), 6×6.8×0.4 cm inscription "Hogen Yasuchika (stylized signature)"

C-290 鉄地花弁文鐔 ¥100000~ 付鐔箱(桐) 82×84×04 平安城象嵌
Iron Guard with Petal Design from ¥100,000. includes guard box (paulownia), 8.2×8.4×.04 cm, Heianjo inlay

C-292 素銅地寒山拾得文鐔 ¥120000~ 付鐔箱(桐) 特別貴重小道具認定書(日刀保) 69×72×04 「乗意(象嵌印)」銘
Suaka Alloy Guard with Kanzan and Jittoku Design from ¥120,000. includes guard box (paulownia), Tokubetsu Kicho Kodogu (Especially Precious Small Fittings) certificate (Society for the Preservation of Japanese Art Swords), 6.9×7.2×0.4 cm inscription "Joi (inlaid seal)"

C-294 四分一地雪片文鐔 ¥100,000~
Shibuichi Alloy Guard with Snowflake Design from ¥100,000. includes guard box (paulownia), 6×6.5×0.3 cm inscription "Funada Ikkin (stylized signature)"