Aksharica - 074 (अक्षरिका - ०७४)

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5jflif{sf]T;j cf}+

@)!% cu:t jif{ % c+s &$

w]/} sfd lbg] sDkgL

a9L /f]huf/L lbg] sDkgL

Rajesh Koirala

-cd]l/sfe/ gDa/ ! b]lv % ;Dd_

jfndf6{M @) /fHodf w]/}nfO{ /f]huf/L lbg] sDkgLdf of] gDa/ ! xf] .

s'g /fHodf s;n] a9L /f]huf/L lbPsf 5g\ < cd]l/sfdf s'g 7"nf

o; c+sdf s] s] < (What is inside ?)

à à

jfndf6{M a9L /f]huf/

cd]l/sfdf jfndf6{, / o;sf] yf]s ljqm]tf :ofD; (Companies with most employees) Sna (Sam’s Club) df sl/a gful/s k|Zg–pQ/ (*==============# @@ nfv dflg;nfO{ /f]huf/L (Civic Test - Q/A no. 98) lbPsf] 5 . of] sDkgL lgisfzg k|0ffnLsf c+u===========$ cd]l/sfsf oL @) /fHosf] (Organs of excretory system) d'Vo /f]huf/bftf xf]M rNtLsf c+u|]hL zAb $@==========$ • cnfafdf (Alabama),

à w]/} sfd lbg] sDkgL=================! à

sDkgLn] a9L dflg;nfO{ /f]huf/L lbPsf 5g\ < xfdL a9L ;+Vofdf sfd lbg]sf s'/f ub}{5f}+ . ;aeGbf w]/}nfO{ sd lbg] jfndf6{ (Walmart) xf] . o;afx]s oxfF s'g cd]l/sfe/ a9L /f]huf/L lbg] s:tf ;+:yf 5g\ eGg] k|Zgsf] hjfkm lbg] sf]lz; ul/Psf] 5.

(Most common Eng. words 42)

• Pl/hf]gf (Arizona), • csf{G;f; (Arkansas), • ˆnf]l/8f (Florida), • hlh{of (Georgia), • Olngf]o (Illinois), • s]G6sL (Kentucky), • n'Olhofgf (Louisiana), • ldl;l;kL (Mississippi), • ldh'/L (Missouri), • df]G6fgf (Montana), • gy{ Sof/f]nfOgf (North Carolina), • cf]xfof] (Ohio), • cf]Snxfdf (Oklahoma), • ;fpy Sof/f]nfOgf (South Carolina), • 6]g];L (Tennessee), • 6]S;; (Texas), • elh{lgof (Virginia),

@ -cd]l/sfe/ gDa/ ^ b]lv !) ;Dd_

jfndf6{ w]/} /fi6«df Jofkf/ ug]{ v'b|f k;n xf] . o;sf] d'Vo sfof{no cd]l/sfsf] cfs{G; (Arkansas) /fHosf] a]G6glen (Bentonville) df 5 . jfndf6{sf] :yfkgf :ofd jfN6g (Sam Walton) gfdsf wgf9\on] ;g\ !(^@ df u/]sf x'g\ . ;g\ @)!% ;Dd jfndf6{n] ljZjsf @* b]zdf ^% j6f gfddf !! xhf/ % ;o (* :6f]/ rnfPsf] 5 . cd]l/sf / cd]l/sfsf] pQ/L ;Ldfsf] b]z Sofg8f (Canada) df jfndf6{ 5 eg] :ofD; Sna csf]{ yf]s ;fdfgsf] :6f]/ xf] . blIf0fL ;Ldfsf] b]z d]lS;sf] (Mexico) df jfndf6{ 8] d]lS;sf] jfO{ ;]G6«f]cd]l/sf (Walmart de Mexico y Centroamerica) gfd lbOPsf] 5 . a]nfotdf cf:8f (Asda), hfkfgdf ;]Oo' (Seiyu), ef/tdf a]:6 k|fO; (Best Price) gfd 5 . ch]{lG6gf (Argentina), a|flhn (Brazil) / Sofg8fsf jfndf6{ o;sf k"0f{ :jfldTjdf 5g\ eg] c? b]zdf ;fem]bf/L ul/Psf] 5 . • j]:6 elh{lgof (West Virginia), / • jfof]ldª (Wyoming) .

@)!% cu:t, jif{ % c+s &$

a9L /f]huf/L lbg] sDkgL

jfndf6{ s] xf] <


/fHolkR5] x]bf{ cd]l/sfdf @) /fHodf jfndf6{n] w]/} dflg;nfO{ sfd lbPsf] 5 . ljZjljBfnodf /f]huf/L sfd a9L lbg] bf];|f] :yfgdf jfndf6{afx]s c? #) oxfFsf ljZjljBfnox¿ /fHodf ljZjljBfno, c:ktfn÷ cfpF 5g\ eg] t];|f] :yfgdf lzIf0f c:ktfn, 7"nf :jf:Yo;] jL ;+:yfx¿ . pBf]u cflbdf a9L dflg; ΩΩ /f]huf/ ePsf] kfOG5 . ljZjljBfnodf cfwfl/t a9L :jf:Yo–;]jfdf a9L c:ktfn÷lzIf0f c:ktfn jf /f]huf/L k|bfg ug]{ /fHox? !% /fHo oL x'g\M :jf:Yo;]jL ;+:yfdf a9L • Soflnkmf]lg{of (California), /f]huf/L lbg] /fHo ( oL x'g\M • sf]nf]/f8f] (Colorado), • 8]nfj/ (Delaware), • xjfO{ (Hawaii), • cfO8fxf] (Idaho), • OlG8ofgf (Indiana), • ldg];f]6f (Minnesota), • cfof]jf (Iowa), • Go' XofD;/ • SofG;; (Kansas), (New Hampshire), • d]l/NofG8 (Maryland), • gy{ 8sf]6f • Dof;fRo';]6\; (North Dakota), (Massachusetts), • cf]/]ug (Oregon), • ldl;ug (Michigan), • /f]8 cfONofG8 • g]a|f:sf (Nebraska), (Rhode Island), • Go' d]lS;sf] • ;fpy 8sf]6f (New Mexico), (South Dakota), • Go'of]s{ (New York), • o'6fx (Utah) . • k]G;ne]lgof oL $$ /fHoafx]s ^ (Pennsylvania), /fHodf eg] leGgf–leGg • ed{G6 (Vermont) / k|s[ltsf ;+:yf÷pBf]ux?n] • lj:sfG;g a9L dflg;nfO{ /f]huf/L lbPsf 5g\ . (Wisconsin) .

a9L /f]huf/Lsf sDkgL /f]huf/ dflg;sf] ;+Vof != jfndf6{ (Walmart) à /f]huf/M @@ nfv à v'b|f k;n @= od a|fG8\; (Yum! Brands) à /f]huf/: % nfv @# xhf/ à tof/L vfgf #= Dofs8gN8\; (McDonald’s) à /f]huf/: $ nfv $) xhf/ à tof/L vfgf $= cfOlaPd (IBM) à /f]huf/: $ nfv #$ xhf/ @ ;o $^ à sDKo'6/ lgdf{tf÷k|ljlw %= o'gfO6]8 kf;{n ;le{; (United Parcel Service) à /f]huf/: # nfv (( xhf/ à ljt/0f tyf 9'jfgL ^= 6fu]{6 (Target) à /f]huf/: # nfv ^! xhf/ à v'b|f k;n &= qmf]u/ (Kroger) à /f]huf/: # nfv $# xhf/ à ls/fgf k;nx? *= xf]d l8kf]6 (Home Depot) à /f]huf/: # nfv $) xhf/ à 3/–lgdf{0f j:t' ljqm]tf

(= x]lj6–k]s8{ (Hewlett-Packard) à /f]huf/M # nfv #!

xhf/ * ;o à sDKo'6/ lgdf{tf÷k|ljlw !)= hg/n On]lS6«s (General Electric) à /f]huf/M # nfv % xhf/ à ljB'tLo tyf cGo lgdf{tf


24/7 Wall St, USA Today

@)!% cu:t, jif{ % c+s &$


;+o'St /fHo cd]l/sfsf] /fi6«ufg sf] Star-Spangled Banner) af6 lrlgof] . ;g\ !(#! sf s+u|]; n] sfg'g kfl/t u/]kl5 of] cf}krfl/s ?kdf /fi6«ufg aGof] . w]/} 7fpFdf klxnf] kB is the name of the national dfq ufOg] ul/Psf] o; ufgsf] anthem?) – tf/fx¿n] rlDs/x]sf] Wjhf k"0f{ c+z oxfF lbOPsf] 5M (b :6f/ :KofËN8 Aofg/,

gful/s k/LIff

(Civic Test)

k|Zg gDa/ (* / pQ/M à cd]l/sfsf] /fli6«o ufgsf] lzif{s -gfd_ s] xf] < (What

The Star-Spangled Banner) . ••

a]nfotL ;]gfn] ;g\ !*!@ sf] o'4df cd]l/sfdfly cfqmd0f u/] . ;g\ !*!$ ;]K6]Da/ !# sf /ft a]nfotL o'4sf hxfhn] Dofs x]g/L ;}Go– lzlj/ (Fort McHenry) df ad jiff{P . of] lzlj/n] d]l/Nof08 (Maryland) sf] aflN6df]/ (Baltimore) zx/sf] ;'/Iff uYof]{ . k|mflG;; :s6 ls (Francis Scott Key) gfdsf Ps cd]l/sLn] of] adaf/L b]v]sf lyP . pgnfO{ To;a]nf Tof] lzlj/n] k/fho ef]Unf eGg] nfUof] . ef]lnkN6 laxfg ;"o{ pbfP . pgn] lzlj/ lt/ x]/] . lzlj/dfly /flvPsf] em08f cem} kmx/fO/x]sf] lyof] . Tof] b]v]kl5 pgnfO{, …a]nfotLx?;Fu cd]l/sLx?sf] k/fho ePsf] /x]g5,Ú eGg] yfxf eof] . :s6n] kmx/fO– /x]sf] em08fn] x]b}{ oL zAbx?nfO{ t'?Gt} sljtfdf ptf/] / o;sf] lzif{s …lzlj/ PdÚx]g/Lsf] k|lt/Iff… -l8km]G; ckm kmf]6{ PdÚx]g/L, Defence of Fort M'Henry_ /fv] . t/ pgsf] sljtf …tf/fx¿n] rlDs/x]sf] WjhfÚ (b :6f/ :KofËN8 Aofg/, The

cd]l/sfsf] /fi6«ufgsf] k"0f{ c+z

Oh, say can you see by the dawn’s early light What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars thru the perilous fight, O’er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming? And the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there. Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave? On the shore, dimly seen through the mists of the deep, Where the foe’s haughty host in dread silence reposes, What is that which the breeze, o’er the towering steep, As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses? Now it catches the gleam of the morning’s first beam, In full glory reflected now shines in the stream: ‘Tis the star-spangled banner! Oh long may it wave O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave. And where is that band who so vauntingly swore That the havoc of war and the battle’s confusion, A home and a country should leave us no more! Their blood has washed out their foul footsteps’ pollution. No refuge could save the hireling and slave’ From the terror of flight and the gloom of the grave: And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave. Oh! thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand Between their loved home and the war’s desolation! Blest with victory and peace, may the heav’n rescued land Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation. Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just, And this be our motto: “In God is our trust.” And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

$ @)!% cu:t, jif{ % c+s &$

lrlsT;sLo zAbx¿

lgisfzg k|0ffnL z/L/af6 ljsf/nfO{ lk;faaf6 ˆofFSg] k|0ffnLnfO{ lgisfzg k|0ffnL (Excretory System) elgG5 . o; k|0ffnLdf d[uf}nf, d"qgnL, d"qy}nL, d"qdfu{ cflb x'G5g\ . o; k|0ffnLsf c+usf gfd lbOPsf] 5M à lz/f (Vein) . à wdgL (Artery) . à d[uf}nf (Kidney) . à d"qgnL (Ureter) . à d"qy}nL (Bladder). à d"qdfu{ (Urethra) .

c+u|]hL zAb ;"rL 42 c+u|]hLdf ;fwf/0f af]nrfn ug{ rflxg] sl/a # xhf/ zAbdWo]af6 aofnL;f}+ ;"rL -efu $@_ • college :

gfd– sn]h, dxfljBfno, d08n, ;xJoj;foLsf] ;ª\3 . • colony :

gfd– a:tL, pklgj]z, 6f]n, pkgu/, gofF a:tL . • color :

gfd– ?k, /Ë, j0f{, cfef;, axfgf, ldYof, k|bz{g, ;Ssn cg'xf/, cg'xf/sf] :jefljs j0f{, rds, ?k/Ë, b]vfp, cg'xf/df b]lvg] j0f{ . lqmof– /Ë nufpg' jf eg'{, :jefljs /Ë cfpg' jf Nofpg', nfhn] d'v /ftf] kfg'{, cfˆgf] b[li6df Nofpg', cTo'lSt ug'{, a9fOr9fO eGg', s'/f aËofP/ k|:t't ug'{, k|efj kfg'{ . • Columbus :

gfd– sf]nDa;, JolSt jf 7fpFsf] gfd, cf]xfof] (Ohio) /fHosf] /fhwfgL, cd]l/sf kQfnufpg] JolSt, of] gfdsf ;fgf 7fpF c? klg 5g\ . • column :

gfd– vDaf, yfd, :tDe, vfFaf],

dxn, vfgf, kmf}hsf] k+lQm, 9f8;, ;~rf], 9'Ss, ;'v;'ljwf, ;}Gobn, :tDefsf/ j:t', ;xf/f, k'lu;/L, ;fGTjgf, ;'vs/ sfnd . ;fdu|L, ;fGTjgfbfos j:t', • combination : lbnf;f, cf8e/f];, ;'vr}g, gfd– ldng, of]u, ;+ldng, ;'v;on, xfO;~rf], cf/fd– ;lDd>0f, ;~ro, ;+of]hg, r}g . ldnfg, Psh'6, ;+of]u, tfNrf lqmof– ;fGTjgf lbg', 9f8; vf]Ng jf nufpg gDa/ lbg', cf/fd k'¥ofpg', ;'v lbg', ldnfpg] k|0ffnL . k|km'Nn kfg'{, km'Nofpg' . • combine :

lqmof– hf]8\g', ldnfpg', ldl;g', ;+o'St kfg'{ jf x'g', ;lDdl>t ug'{, Psh'6 kfg'{, ;xof]u lbg', h'6\g' . gfd– Jofkf/L ;+:yf . • come :

• comfortable :

ljz]if0f– cf/fdbfos, ;'ljwfk"0f{, cfgGbk|b, ;'vb, lglZrGt, ;'vL, ;'ljwfhgs, si6/lxt . • command :

gfd– cf1f, ;dfb]z, x's"d, x}sd, xsws, xfnL, d'xfnL, dhL{, zf;g, t}gfy, pbL{, cfb]z, k|e'Tj, clwkTo, sdfg, lgoGq0f . • comedy : lqmof– ;dfb]z lbg', c/fpg', gfd– ;'vfGt gf6s, xfF:o cflwkTo hdfpg', zf;g ug'{, gf6s, dgf]/~hgk|wfg gf6s, clwsf/ /fVg', lgoGq0f ug'{, xif{k|wfg gf6s, k|x;g, sd]8L, k|fKt ug'{, sdfg lbg' . ;+of]ufGt gf6s . ljz]if0f– cfb]zaf6 ul/Psf], • comfort : cf1faf6 ePsf] . gfd– cf/fd, ;'v;on, rog, qmdzM lqmof– cfpg', kfpsi6 ug'{, ;jf/L x'g', kfNg', cfOnfUg', cfudg x'g', 3l6t x'g', e"ldsf v]Ng' .

la6 dfbf{dfb}{ kfFr jif{sf] t aNn eof] of] c+sdf b'O{ ;+of]u k/]sf] 5 . klxnf] t …cIfl/sfÚ kfFr jif{sf] ePsf] 5 . xfdLn] cu:t, @)!) df o;sf] klxnf] tyf gd'gf c+s lgsfn]sf lyof}+ . dlxgfdf @ c+s lgsfNg yflnPsf] …cIfl/sfÚ nfO{ cS6f]a/, @)!! b]lv dlxgfsf] Ps c+sdfq lgsflnof] . o;f] eGb}df k[i7 ;+Vof ;w}+ $ dfq /x]g . s'g} a]nf ljz]if c+s lgsflnP / s'g} a]nf * k[i7sf cIfl/sf klg lgsflnP . t/ klg lgoldt $ k[i7sf] cIfl/sf lgsfNg] sfd /f]lsPg . /f]lsb}g . bf];|f] ;+of]u cd]l/sL gful/stf kfpg lbg'kg]{ k/LIffsf] tof/L k':tssf k|Zg– pQ/sf] cg'jfb o;} c+sdf clGtd x'Fb}5 . Ps ;o j6f k|Zg / ltgsf hjfkm g]kfnLdf cg'jfb ul/Psf 5g\ . hjfkm;Fu} To;sf] JofVof klg k|:t't ul/b} cfPsf] 5 . casf] kfnf] c+u|]hL efiff1fgsf] 5f]6f] c+z k|:t't ul/g]5 . jif{ @)!^ df o;n] k"0f{ k':tssf] ¿k kfpFb}5 . kf7saf6 ;w}+sf] dfof kfpg] cfzf;lxt Û wGojfb

Gyan Jyoti Kendra, 49 Lane Road, Chichester, NH 03258, Email : aksharica.communication@gmail.com, URL : http://gyanjyotikendra.org/ Editor : Rajesh Koirala, Co-ordinator : Tara Acharya, Managing Director : Sattan Acharya

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