Handbook for Living in the United States (अमेरिकामा बसोबास, सहयोगी पुस्तक)

Page 1

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Handbook for Living in the United States Editors Rajesh Koirala Douglas Hall

Text Prepared By Lutheran Social Services of New England 261 Sheep Davis Road, Suite A-1 Concord, NH 03301 www.lsnne.org Printed in the United State of America By Gyan Jyoti Kendra 10 Ashley Drive Manchester, NH 03103 www.gyanjyotikendra.org First Edition: January, 2012 Price in the U.S. $14.00 ISBN: 978-0-615-58000-5


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Contents Acknowledgments...................................................................xi Uses for this Book................................................................xiv 01. The Resettlement Agency......................................................1 à à

What Is a Resettlement Agency?

You and the Resettlement Agency

● What Will the Agency Provide ? ● Social Security Card ● Your Responsibilities

English Classes ● Employment ● Being on Time ● Education ● SelfSufficiency ● Adjustment of Status ● Documents ● Congratulations on Your Resettlement. ●

02. Housing.....................................................................................7

● Your Home ● Housing Terms ● Before Moving ● Maintaining Your Apartment

Kitchen ● Kitchen Appliances ● Counter Tops ● Garbage, Trash and Recycling ● Bed Bugs ● Housing Rights and Responsibilities ● Moving Out ● Heating and Air Conditioning ● Fire Safety ●

03. Education................................................................................17

Education ● Child Education ● Public Schools ● Immunizations ● School Structure ● School Year ● School Meals ● Attendance ● Transportation ● Subjects Taught ● English Language Learning ● Homework ● Report Cards ● Behavior ● Parent Involvement ● Parents’ Responsibilities at Home ● Adult Education ● ESL and Literacy Classes ● GED ● Higher Education ● Vocational Training ● Community Colleges ● Colleges and Universities ● Applying to College ● The Cost of College ● Paying for College ● Foreign Degree/ Certificate Equivalency ● Summary ●

04. Social Services & Public Assistance...................................33 ● Help

for Low Income Families ● Private Assistance ● Food Stamps ● WIC Cash Assistance ● Matching Grants ● Housing Assistance ● Energy Assistance ● Public Assistance and Fraud ● Interpreters ● Keeping Program Information Current ● Goal of Selfsufficiency ● Medicaid ● Medicare ● SSI ● TANF ● Refugee

05. Health Care...........................................................................43

Health Services in the United States ● Scientific Methods ● First Health Screening ● Private Health Insurance ● Government Assistance for Health Care ● Medicare ● Medicaid ● Applying for Medicaid ● Using Medicaid ● Limits on Receiving Medicaid ● Refugee Medical Assistance ● Health Coverage ● Doctors and Health Clinics ● Appointments ● Routine Medical Exams ● Seeing a Doctor ● Using an Interpreter ● Informed Consent ● Confidentiality ● Hospitals ● Emergency Care ● Ambulances ● Immunizations ● Medical Tests ● X-rays, MRI And CT Scans ● Discounts and Financial Assistance ● Prescriptions ● Taking Medicine ● Storing Medicine ● Dental Health and Dentists ● Mental Health ● Refugees and Mental Health ● Depression ● Other Types of Mental Illnesses ● Suicide ● Drug and Alcohol Abuse ●


06. Food Safety and Nutrition...................................................63

Keeping Your Family Healthy ● Food Preparation ● Keeping Food Safe of Raw and Cooked Food ● Refrigerator and Freezer ● Cleaning of Dishes and Cookware ● Disposal of Garbage ● Eating Healthy ● Basic Nepali Foods ● Fruit and Vegetables ● Preparing Vegetables ● Whole Grains ● Reduce the Amount of Fat ● Reduce the Amount of Salt ● Limit the Amount of Sugar ● Healthy Children ● Solid Foods for Babies ● Healthy Meal Time ● Shop for Healthy Foods ● Food Stores ● Farmers' Markets ● Food Labeling ●

● Handling

07. Jobs and Employment............................................................73

Ready for Work ● Importance of Working ● Types of Jobs ● Finding a Job Tips to Finding a Job ● Job Application ● Resume ● How to Prepare for a Job Interview ● Job Interview ● Post Interview Courtesy ● Starting A Job ● Tips for Success on the Job ● Men and Women in the Workplace ● Work Schedule ● Employee Rights ● Getting Paid ● Income ● How You May Be Paid ● Taxes ● Minimum Wage ● Earned Income Tax Credit ● Job Upgrading ● Losing a Job ● Unemployment Benefits ● ●

08. Personal Hygiene and Clothing..........................................85

Personal Hygiene ● Products for Personal Hygiene ● Germs ● Washing Your Hands ● When to Wash Your Hands ● Clean Body ● Shampoo and Conditioner for Your Hair ● Deodorant ● Brushing Teeth ● Flossing Teeth ● Laundry ● Doing Laundry ● Laundry Soap ● Clothing ● Wearing Traditional Clothing ● Clothing for School ● Clothing for Work ● Clothing for Cold Weather ● Clothing for Hot Weather ● Shoes ● Clothing Sizes ●

09. Local Transportation and Own Car...................................93 ●

Local Transportation





Bus Stops

● Bus Schedules and Maps ● Bus Tickets and Passes ● Subways and Commuter

Rail ● Buying and Owning a Car ● New or Used ● Gas Mileage ● Buying a Car ● Negotiating the Price ● Paying for a Car ● Vehicle Title ● Car Registration ● Car Insurance ● Vehicle Inspection ● Responsibilities ● Driver’s License ● Driving Laws ● Car Accidents ● Child Car Seats ● Driving and the Police

10. Money management and banking........................................107

Creating A Budget ● Using Your Budget ● Paying Your Bills ● Conserve Energy and Save Money ● Save Money Shopping ● Why Use a Bank? ● Bank Accounts ● Opening a Bank Account ● Bank Account Fees ● Monthly Statements ● Direct Deposit ● Debit Card ● ATM ● Loans ● IOM Travel Loan ● Credit Unions ● Individual Development Account (IDA) ● Taxes ● Credit ● Credit Report ● Credit Card ● American Money ●

11. Cultural Adjustment and Integration..............................121

Adjustment ● What Is Adjustment? ● What Is Culture? ● The Stages of Adjustment ● Stage One - Arrival ● Stage Two - Reality ● Stage Three- Adjustment ● What Can You Do? ● What Is Stress? ● Give ●

vii Yourself Time to Adjust ● Signs of Stress ● Ways to Manage Stress ● Meeting Neighbors ● Being a Good Neighbor ● Being on Time ● Privacy ● Informality and Names ● Some Questions Not to Ask ● Personal Space ● Body Language ● Changing Roles in the Family ● Men and Women ● School Age Children ● Teenagers ● Grandparents ● Integration ● Protecting Cultural Heritage ● Participate in Community Organizations ● Reading and Writing in Nepali Language

12. Rights, Responsibilities, and Laws.....................................135

Legal System in the United States ● Your Rights ● Your Responsibilities Crime ● Driving Laws ● Laws Related to Sex ● Domestic Violence ● Types of Abuse ● Getting Help from Abuse ● Smoking and Alcohol ● Selective Service ● Income Taxes ● The Police ● If You Are Arrested ● Crime and Deportation ●

● Violent

13. Safety and Emergencies......................................................145

Child Safety ● Street Safety ● Home Safety ● Kitchen Safety ● Fire Safety What Is 911? ● Calling 911 ● When Not To Call 911 ● Police ● Fire ● Ambulance ● When a Victim, Seek Help ● ●

14. Communication.....................................................................153 ● Home

Telephone ● Cell Phone ● Telephone Numbers ● Telephone Etiquette Calling Nepal or Bhutan ● Telephone Bills ● TV ● Cable TV ● Internet ● World Wide Web (WWW) ● Safe Use of Internet ● Newspapers ●

15. Parents and Children..........................................................161

Building Good Relationships ● Be Involved ● Child Supervision ● Child Abuse and Child Neglect ● Child Protective Services ● Support ● Talking to Children ●

16. Family Planning, Prenatal Health, and Giving Birth....167

● Family Planning ● Birth Control Options ● Getting Birth Control ● Pregnancy

Prenatal Care ● Prenatal Visits with Doctor ● Do’s and Don’ts – Food and Don’ts – Lifestyle ● Financial Assistance and Medical Insurance ● Preparing for Delivery ● Going to the Hospital ● At the Hospital ● Taking Your Baby Home ● At Home ●

● Do’s

17. Major Life Events...............................................................175

Traditional Ceremonies in a New Land ● Births ● Birth Certificate ● Rice Feeding Ceremony ● Marriages ● Marriage License ● Marriage Certificate ● Deaths ● Death Certificate ● Funeral Home ● Cremation ● Mourning Period ●

18. Permanent Residency and Citizenship...............................183

Your Immigration Status ● Becoming a Permanent Resident ● Applying for a Green Card ● Biometrics ● Approval of Permanent Residency ● When You Move ● Limits on Benefits ● Deciding to Become a Citizen ● Becoming a Citizen ● Preparing for the Application Process ● Applying for Citizenship ● The Naturalization Test and Interview ● Special Circumstances, ●

viii Accommodations, and Exceptions ● Receiving a Decision ● Continuations and Denials ● Rights and Privileges ● Children Born in the U.S. ● Children Born Outside the U.S.

19. About the United States.....................................................193

Some Facts ● The Size of the United States ● Population ● Resettling Refugees ● The 50 States ● Government ● History ● Other Important Facts ● The Calendar ● Writing a Date ● National Holidays ● Time Zones ● Daylight Savings Time ● Learn More at a Public Library ●






n'y/g ;f];n ;le{;]h -PnP;P;_ :jo+;]jsx?sf] Pp6f ;dlk{t k|of;df k|fof]hg ug{ kfPsf]df uj{ u5{ . of] lstfa g]kfnsf ljleGg lzlj/af6 ;g\ @))* b]lv cd]l/sfdf k'g:yf{lkt u/fOFb} cfPsf g]kfnL–efifL e"6fgL z/0ffyL{x?sf] lxtsf nflu tof/ kfl/Psf] xf] . w]/}hgfsf] k|of; / ;xfotfn] cjwf/0ffaf6 lstfa tof/ x'g Ps jif{eGbf sd ;do nfUof] . n'y/g ;a}k|lt s[t1tf 1fkg ug{ rfxG5 . of] k':tssf] cjwf/0ff rf/ hgf :jo+;]jsx? M 8u xn, ;tg cfrfo{, tf/f cfrfo{ / /fh]z sf]O/fnfsf] cg'ejaf6 cfPsf] xf] . 8u xnn] z/0ffyL{x?sf nflu ;g\ @))* df c sG;fOh O+ulnz–g]kfnL g]kfnL–O+ulnz l8Szg/L (www. nepalidictionaryproject.org) k|sflzt ug{ yfNg'ePsf] xf] . ;tg cfrfo{, pgsL kTgL tf/f cfrfo{ / /fh]z sf]O/fnfn] cfrfo{åosf] sDkgL P;\ PG8 6L sDo'lgs];G;af6 ;g\ @)!) cu:tb]lv kGw|–lbg] g]kfnL Go'hn]6/ cIfl/sf (www.aksharica.com) sf] k|sfzg yfNg'ePsf] xf] . pNn]lvt rf/} :jo+;]jsx? Go' XofD;/ /fHosf afl;Gbf x'g'x'G5 / oxL :jo+;]jL sfo{sf sf/0f Ps–cfk;sf af/]df hfGg'x'GYof] . rf/hgfsf] e]6kl5 pxfFx?n] cd]l/sfdf a;f]af;sf nflu ;xof]u ug]{ Pp6f g]kfnL / c+u|]hL lstfasf] ;+efjgfaf/] 5n©n ug'{eof] . pxfFx?n] n'y/g ;f];n ;le{;]h– nfO{ ;xfotfsf nflu cfu|x ug'{eof], xfdLn] ;xif{ l:jsf¥of}+ . Go' XofD;/ Rofl/6]an ©fpG8];g (www.nhcf.org) n] lstfa tof/ kfg]{ nfut pknAw u/fof] . oL ;a} ;+:yf :yfgLo eP/ klg of] of]hgfnfO{ k"0f{tf lbg k'¥ofPsf] of]ubfgsf] xfdL w]/} k|z+;f u5f}{+ . of] lstfasf] :yfgLo pTkfbg eP klg ljt/0f / k|efj b]ze/ x'g]5 . lstfa n]Vg'cl3 ;tg, /fh]z / 8un] Go' XofD;/ / gy{ Sof/f]nfOgfdf e"6fgL z/0ffyL{sf] nlIft ;d"xdf 5n©n cfof]hgf ug'{eof] . 5n©nsf ;xefuLx?nfO{ cd]l/sf cfPnuQ} oxfF a;f]af; ug{ s] s:tf ljifo hfGg cfjZos 5 / lstfadf s] s:tf hfgsf/L n]lvg'k5{ eg]/ ;f]lwof] . e"6fgL ;d'bfo;Fu sfd u/]sf] cg'ej ePsf ;+:yfsf sd{rf/Lx?;Fu klg lstfasf ljleGg ljifoaf/] d+yg ul/of] . oL 5n©naf6 5 ;oeGbf a9L ljifox?df n]Vg] ;'emfj kfOof] . lstfadf ;dfj]z ljleGg ljifo 5gf}6 k|lqmofdf ;xefuL ;a}nfO{ xfdL wGojfb lbg rfxG5f}+ . o; lstfadf ;d]l6Psf s]xL c+z lnleª Og b o'gfO6]8 :6]6\; M nfO© l:sN; ©/ a'?G8L /]ˆo'hLhaf6 :jLs[lt;lxt lnOPsf] xf] . ;g\ @))* df o'P; sld6L ©/ /]ˆo'hLh PG8 Oldu|]G6\; -o'P;l;cf/cfO_ åf/f k|sflzt pSt k':ts cgnfOg (www.refugees.org) pknAw 5 . a'?G8L z/0ffyL{sf] k':tsdf ePsf ;a} ljifo e"6fgL z/0ffyL{sf nflu tof/ kfl/Psf] of] lstfadf /flvPsf 5}gg\ . o; lstfadf ;d]l6Psf w]/}h;f] ljifox? ljleGg JolSt / :yfgdf ul/Psf 5n©naf6 lnOPsf 5g\ / e"6fgL z/0ffyL{x?sf nflu dfq dgfl;a 5g\ . k|ltlnlk–clwsf/ k|fKt cfˆgf ;fdu|Lx? k|of]u ug{ lbPsf]df xfdL o'P;l;cf/cfO;Fu w]/} cfef/L 5f}+ .


:jo+;]jL ;Dkfbs tyf n]vssf ?kdf 8u xnn] o'P;l;cf/cfOsf] k':tsaf6 lnOPsf ljleGg yk ljifosf c+znfO{ qmddf ldnfpg'eof] . xnn] cltl/Qm ljifo tyf cWofosf c+u|]hL c+zx? tof/ kfg'{eof] . /fh]z sf]O/fnfn] ;a} g]kfnL c+z n]Vg'eof] . sf]O/fnfn] 8n xnåf/f ;+of]lht c+u]|hL c+zaf6 cg'jfb ug'{eof] eg] cIfl/sfsf ljleGg c+sdf k|sflzt s]xL ljifonfO{ klg lng'eof] . /fh]z;Fu g]kfnL kqsf/ tyf n]vssf ?kdf nfdf] ;do;Dd sfd u/]sf] cg'ej 5 . clg sf]O/fnf (www.koirala.com.np) of] lstfasf] cjwf/0ffnfO{ jf:tljstfdf kl/0ft ug]{ sf/s klg x'g\ . o;/L xfdLn] ljleGg ljifodf n]Vof}+ . clg To;} ljifo;Fu ;DalGwt ljleGg lj1 JolStnfO{ v];|fx? afF8\of}+ . pxfFx?sf] k|ltlqmof / ;'emfj dfUof}+ . o; k|lqmofdf klg bh{gf}+ JolStn] ;xfotf ug'{eof] . lstfasf ;fdu|L ;l6s / tYox? ;xL /x'g\ eGgsf vflt/ xfdLn] pxfFx?sf ;'emfj klg ;d]6\of}+ . c+u|]hL–g]kfnL efiff cg'jfbs tyf cbfntL sfjf{xLx?df g]kfnL–efiff ;xfotfsf] nfdf] cg'ej ePsf xf]d If]qLn] k':tssf k|To]s cWofosf b'j} efiffsf ;a} ljifo cIf/zM ;dLIff ug'{eof] . pxfFn] ;a} hfgsf/L / k|:t'ltx?sf ;Gbe{ efiffn] ubf{ ©/s k/]÷gk/]sf] s]nfpg'eof] . of] k|of; ;©n agfpg] ;a}k|lt xfdL s[t1 5f}+ . PdL dflr{N8g lgb{]zs, ;le{;]h ©/ Go' cd]l/sG; n'y/g ;f];n ;le{;]h c© Go' Oª\uNof08 @^! lzk 8]le; /f]8, ;'6 P– ! s+s8{, Go' XofD;/ )##)!


Acknowledgements Lutheran Social Services (LSS) is proud to have sponsored the efforts of a dedicated group of volunteers committed to publishing this handbook. The book is for the benefit of Nepali-speaking Bhutanese refugees who have been arriving in the United States from the refugee camps in Nepal since 2008. Transforming the idea for this book into a reality in less than one year has taken the effort and support of many. LSS would like to acknowledge all involved. The idea for the book grew out of the experiences of four volunteers, Doug Hall, Sattan Acharya, Tara Acharya and Rajesh Koirala. Doug Hall began publishing A Concise English-Nepali Nepali-English Dictionary for the refugees in 2008 (www.nepalidictionaryproject.org). Sattan Acharya, his wife Tara Acharya, and Rajesh Koirala began the publication of a bimonthly Nepali-language newsletter, Aksharica, through the Acharyas’ company S&T Communications (www.aksharica.com). All four live in New Hampshire and had heard about each other’s volunteer efforts. Shortly after they met, they began discussing the idea of a book that would provide helpful information about living in the United States in both Nepali and English. They asked us at Lutheran Social Services if we would be interested in assisting them, and we agreed. Funding for the creation of this book was provided by the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation (www.nhcf.org). We greatly appreciate their willingness to underwrite this project even though they are a local community foundation and the distribution and impact of this book will be nationwide. Before starting the process of writing the book, Sattan, Rajesh, and Doug conducted focus groups among Bhutanese refugees in New Hampshire and in North Carolina. Participants were asked what information they thought was important to include and what they would want newly arriving Bhutanese to know about living in the United States. Brainstorming sessions were also conducted with staff of a variety of community agencies that had experience working with the Bhutanese. More than six hundred topics were suggested. We would like to thank everyone who participated in this process and helped to determine the topics included in the book. Some parts of the English content of this book were copied with permission from Living in the United States: Life Skills for Burundian Refugees, published in 2008 by the U.S. Committee for Refugees and

xii Immigrants (USCRI) and available online at (www.refugees.org). Many of the topics covered in that work had also been suggested by the focus groups and are just as relevant to Bhutanese refugees as they have been for Burundian refugees. We are extremely grateful to USCRI for permission to use their copyrighted material. As a volunteer editor and writer, Doug Hall organized additional topics into chapters, adapted the USCRI material, and wrote the English text for additional sections and chapters. Rajesh Koirala wrote all of the Nepali for this book. Some of it was translated from Doug Hall’s English version and the USCRI book, while some was taken from material he had previously written for Aksharica. Rajesh’s long experience as a Nepali journalist and writer was also instrumental in turning this book into a reality. (www.koirala.com.np) We circulated early drafts of chapters on particular topics to professionals knowledgeable about the identified subject and asked for their feedback and suggestions. Dozens of people helped in this regard. We have incorporated their suggestions to ensure that the material is accurate and the facts correct. Homa Chetry, an experienced Nepali court interpreter and EnglishNepali translator, reviewed the combined Nepali and English texts of each chapter and made suggestions to ensure that the two languages conveyed both the same information and the same tone. Thanks to all for making this a successful effort! Amy Marchildon Director, Services for New Americans Lutheran Social Services of New England 261 Sheep Davis Road, Suite A-1 Concord, NH 03301


of] lstfasf pkof]lutfx? of] k':ts cd]l/sf cfO;s]sf jf cd]l/sfdf rfF8} a;f]af; ug{ yfNg] g]kfnL k9\g] t/ c+u|]hL sd} k9\g] g]kfnL–efifL e"6fgL z/0ffyL{x?sf nflu tof/ kfl/Psf] xf] . xfdLn] g]kfnL;Fu} c+u|]hL c+z ;dfj]z ug'{sf b'O{ sf/0f 5g\ . klxnf] sf/0f z/0ffyL{ k'g:yf{kgf ul//x]sf ;+:yfx?nufot w]/} ;fd'bflos ;+:yfx? cf©"n] g} ga'ˇg] efiffdf n]lvPsf] ;fdu|L afF8\g tTk/ x'Fb}gg\ . bf];|f] sf/0f rflxF c+u|]hL efiff l;Sb} u/]sfx?n] o; lstfanfO{ z}lIfs ;fdu|Lsf ?kdf k|of]u ug{ ;Sg'x'G5 . o; k':tsdf /fVg] ljifox? 5gf}6 ubf{ xfdLn] tLg k|d'v k|fyldstfx?nfO{ s]Gb|laGb'df /fv]sf lyof}+ . klxnf] o;sf ;fdu|Lsf] cfo' sDtLdf Ps jif{sf] x'g'k5{ . lstfa 5flkPkl5 g} o;sf ;fdu|Lx? ablnxfNg'kg]{ vfnsf eP eg] lstfa pkof]uL x'Fb}g . bf];|f] k|fyldstf o;df ;dfj]z ;fdu|L ;+o'Qm /fHo cd]l/sf, e"6fg jf g]kfnsf] /fhgLlt;Fu ;DalGwt x'Fb}gg\ . t];|f] rflxF o;sf ;fdu|L s'g} Ps l;+uf] /fHo, zx/ jf If]qsf nflu dfq geP/ k'/} ;+o'Qm /fHo cd]l/sfe/ nfu' x'g] vfnsf x'g\ . oxL t];|f] k|fyldstfsf sf/0f s'g} ;/sf/L ;xfotfsf af/]df n]Vbf sl7gfO eof] lsgeg] o:tf ;xfotfaf/] /fHolkR5] lgodx? ©/s x'G5g\ . xfdLn] hfgLa'emL of] k':ts ;a}n] x]g{, k9\g, ;fg{ jf 5fKg ldNg] u/L OG6/g]6sf] ;femf 8f]d]gdf /fv]sf 5f}+ . To;}n] of] k':tssf] k|ltlnlk–clwsf/ s;}df lglxt 5}g . o;sf] cy{ o; k':tssf] s'g} c+z ;fg{ ;lsG5 . olb s'g} k'gjf{; ;+:yf, s'g} cfjf; ;+:yf, :s"n l8l:6«S6 jf cGo :yfgLo e"6fgL ;fd'bflos ;+:yfn] o;nfO{ ;fg{, cf©"n] rfx] cg';f/sf] agfpg jf s]xL c+z yKg rfxg'eof] eg] pxfFx? :jtGq x'g'x'G5 . jf:tjdf cf©" a;]sf] zx/ jf gu/df s;}nfO{ s'g} vf; Ps ljifodf s]xL hfgsf/L rflxPdf ToxL c+z sfd nfUg ;S5 . xfdL To;f] ug{ xf};nf lbG5f}+ . of] lstfa ev{/ cd]l/sf cfPsf g]kfnL–efifLnfO{ k|lzIf0f lbg] sfo{qmddf ;Gbe{– ;fdu|Lsf ?kdf lgs} pkof]uL x'G5 . xfdL tL k|To]s g]kfnL–efifL gjcfuGt's kl/jf/nfO{ Ps k|lt k':ts ljt/0f ug{ ;Nnfx lbG5f}+ . e"6fgL z/0ffyL{ kl/jf/x?sf xh'/a'af–xh'/cfdfsf] k':tf lg/If/ 5 . pxfFx?sf nflu of] k':tsn] gofF b]z / gofF ;+:s[ltaf/] a'ˇg] 3]/f t tf]8\b}g . xfdL oxL k':tssf s]xL c+zx?sf >j0f–;fdu|L -;'Gg]–;fdu|L_ agfP/ OG6/g]6df /fVg ;lsG5 ls eGg]df 5f}+ . h;n] >j0f–;fdu|L agfpF5 pxfFx?sf] xfdL ;/fxgf u5f}{+ . of] lstfasf sl/a () k|ltzt ;fdu|L c? efiffdf cg'jfb u¥of] eg] plQs} pkof]uL x'G5g\ eGg] xfdLnfO{ nfU5 . xfdLn] o;sf s]xL ;fdu|L o'P;l;cf/cfOn] a'?G8L z/0ffyL{sf nflu tof/ kf/]sf ;fdu|LnfO{ cfwf/ klg agfPsfn] xfd|f] c+u|]hL c+zx? ad]{nL, O/fsL jf ;f]dfnL z/0ffyL{sf nflu cg'jfb ubf{ pkof]uL x'g;S5g\ . o; k':tssf s]xL c+z g]kfnL–efifL e"6fgL z/0ffyL{ / pxfFx?s} ;+:s[lt;Fu ;DalGwt ePsfn] tL ;fdu|L ;fbf{ jf k|of]u ubf{ Vofn ug'{k5{ . xfdL c? :jo+;]jL jf ;fd'bflos ;+:yfx?nfO{ o; lstfasf ;fdu|Lx? c? efiffdf k|of]u ug{ xf};nf lbg rfxG5f}+ . à


Uses for the Book This book has been written for the benefit of Nepali-speaking Bhutanese refugees who are now or will soon be living in America and who can read Nepali but can not read English well. We have also included a parallel English text for two reasons. First, we know that many community agencies, including resettlement agencies, are unwilling to distribute written material that they themselves cannot understand. Secondly, for those who are already at an intermediate level in learning to read English, the dual text can be used as instructional material. In deciding on the topics to be covered in this book we had three criteria that each needed to meet. First it had to have a “shelf life” of at least 12 months. After a book is printed, it is not useful if the information it contains is quickly out of date. Secondly, it could not contain material that would be considered political in the United States, Bhutan, or Nepal. Thirdly, it had to apply across the United States and not be specific to a single state, city, or region. This third criterion makes writing about some public assistance programs difficult because their rules are so different in different states. We are knowingly placing this book in the public domain. It is not copyrighted. That means that anyone can copy it or parts of it. If a resettlement agency, a housing authority, a school district, or a local Bhutanese community organization wants to copy, modify, or add to certain sections, they are free to do so. In fact, in many cases it will be useful to have supplemental information to hand out that gives local readers specifics about their town or city. We encourage that. This book is perfect for use in initial orientation programs for newly arriving Nepali-speakers. We suggest that one copy be given to each family at that orientation session. We know that some Bhutanese refugees, especially the grandparents’ generation, are illiterate. For them the publication of a book does not break the barrier to understanding this new country and new culture. We are considering whether to create Nepali language audio recordings of the text that could be posted on the Internet. We would applaud anyone who does this. We are sure that 90% of the material in this book could be equally useful to other refugee groups if translated into their languages. Just as we have built this book on the base of the material that USCRI published for Burundi refugees, our English may be useful for Burmese, Iraqi, or Somali refugees when translated. There are some parts, however, that are somewhat particular to the Nepali-speaking Bhutanese and their culture, so care should be given in considering what to copy or use. We strongly encourage other volunteers and community agencies to take on a task of making this material available in other languages. à


cWofo ! : k'gjf{; ;+:yf Chapter 1 : The Resettlement Agency k'gjf{; ;+:yf eg]sf] s] xf] < k'gjf{; ;+:yfx?n] cd]l/sL ;/sf/;Fu ldn]/ jif]{lg ljZje/sf xhf/f}+ z/0ffyL{x?nfO{ cd]l/sfdf k'g:yf{lkt u5{g\ . tkfO{+nfO{ k'g:yf{lkt u/fpg] k'gjf{; ;+:yfn] cd]l/sf cfPsf] ;'?sf s]xL dlxgf tkfO{+nfO{ vfg]–a:g] h:tf cfwf/e"t cfjZostf / ;d'bfodf 3'nldn x'g] ;]jf–;'ljwfx? lbnfpF5g\ . What is a ‘Resettlement Agency’?

Resettlement agencies work with the United States government to resettle thousands of refugees a year from all over the world. Your resettlement agency will make sure during your first months that you receive the services you need to live and join your new community. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

tkfO{+ / k'gjf{; ;+:yf tkfO{+sf] :yfgLo k'gjf{; ;+:yfsf] lhDd]jf/L s] xf] / k'gjf{; k|lqmofdf tkfO{+sf lhDd]jf/L s] s] x'g\ eGg] rflxF tkfO{+n] a'ˇg cfjZos x'G5 . cd]l/sf cfOk'u]kl5 k'gjf{; ;+:yfsf Ps sd{rf/L, tkfO{+s} kl/jf/sf Ps ;b:o÷gft]bf/ jf tkfO{+n] lrg]sf] s;}n] tkfO{+nfO{ ljdfg:yndf :jfut ug'{x'g]5 . You and the Resettlement Agency

It is important for you to understand what your local resettlement agency is responsible for and what you are responsible for in your resettlement. Upon arriving in the United States, a staff person from the resettlement agency, a family member, or other person you know will pick you up at the airport. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

k'gjf{; ;+:yfn] s] s] pknAw u/fpg] 5g\ < • cd]l/sf cfPkl5 sDtLdf #) lbgsf nflu a:g Ps ;'/lIft tyf ;©f cfjf;sf]

Joj:yf u5{g\ . a;f]af;sf] Joj:yf cNksfnLg -5f]6f] ;dosf nflu_ jf bL3{sfnLg -nfdf] ;dosf nflu_ x'G5 . cNksfnLg eGgfn] :jo+;]jL kl/jf/sf ;fy jf gft]bf/sf ;fy a:g] Joj:yf / bL3{sflng aGbf]a:t eGgfn] tkfO{+sf] cfˆg} ckf6{d]G6sf] Joj:yf x'g;S5 . • cTofjZos ©lg{r/sf] Joj:yf M o;df ;f]©f, 6]a'n, s';L{x? / la5\of}gfx? ;+nUg x'G5g\ . ©lg{r/x? gofF jf k'/fgf x'g;S5g\ . • cd]l/sf cfPkl5 vfgfsf] aGbf]a:t .


The Resettlement Agency

• ©"8 :6\ofDk ;]jf, d]l8s]8, ;f];n ;]So'l/6L sf8{ kfpg / of]Uotf k'u]sfnfO{ • • • •

• •

;]n]lS6e ;le{;df gfd btf{ ug{ ;xfotf . :jf:Yof]krf/df ;xfotf M 8fS6/sxfF hfg / vf]ksf] Joj:yf . kof{Kt n'ufx?sf] aGbf]a:t . n'ufx? gofF jf bfg ul/Psf x'g ;S5g\ . tkfO{+sf gfgLx?nfO{ :s"n egf{ ug{ ;xfotf . /f]huf/;DaGwL kl/ro lbg] k|lzIf0f tyf ;xfotf, h:tf] M hflu/sf nflu cfj]bg lbg ;xof]u . s]xL /sdsf] Joj:yf . pSt /sd Psk6s dfq e'Stfg x'g;S5 . jf;:yfg, oftfoft, lzIff, /sd Joj:yfkg, clwsf/ / ;f+:s[lts ;dfof]hgaf/] cltl/Qm tflnd .

What Will the Agency Provide ?

• Safe and clean housing for no less than thirty days after you arrive in the United States. This may be a short-term situation, such as living with a volunteer family or a relative, or long-term, such as your own apartment. • Essential furniture. This includes a couch, table, chairs, and beds. Furniture may be either new or used. • Food when you first arrive. • Assistance applying for the Food Stamp program, Medicaid, your social security card, and selective service (if appropriate). • Assistance getting health care, seeing a doctor, and getting immunizations. • Assistance getting adequate clothing. Clothing may be new or donated. • Help enrolling your children in school. • Employment orientation and support, such as helping you fill out job applications. • A limited amount of cash. This may only be a one time payment. • Additional orientation on housing, transportation, education, health, money management, rights, and cultural adjustment. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

;f];n ;]So'l/6L sf8{ k'gjf{; ;+:yfsf] ;xfotfn] tkfO{+ / kl/jf/sf k|To]s ;b:on] ;f];n ;]So'l/6L gDa/ n]lvPsf] ;f];n ;]So'l/6L sf8{ kfpg'x'G5 . o;df n]lvPsf] gDa/ / sf8{ b'j} dxÎjk"0f{ x'G5g\ . Tof] gDa/ tkfO{+sf] hLjge/ sfd nfUg] gDa/ xf] . k|To]s JolStsf] ;f];n ;]So'l/6L gDa/ ©/s x'G5g\ . Ps–csf{;Fu k6Ss} ldNb}gg\ . of] sf8{ hflu/ kfpg, a}+sdf vftf vf]Ng, ckf6{d]G6 ef8fdf lng / c? w]/} k6s rflxG5 . of] sf8{ x/fpg' x'Gg . kl/jf/sf ;a} ;b:osf] sf8{ ;'/lIft 7fpFdf /flvlbg'xf];\ . of]

k'gjf{; ;+:yf


sf8{ cgfjZos ?kdf s;}nfO{ glbg'xf];\ . cfˆgf] ;f];n ;]So'l/6L gDa/ sG7 ug'{– xf];\ . of] gDa/ :jf:Yonufot c? w]/} ;/sf/L ;]jf–;'ljwfx? kfpg el/g] ©f/ddf n]Vg' k5{ . Social Security Card

With the help of your resettlement agency, you and each member of your family will receive a Social Security number printed on a Social Security card. The numbers and cards are very important. Your number will identify you for your life. No other person will have the same number. You will need your card to obtain a job, to open a bank account, to rent an apartment, and for many other things. Do not lose your card. Keep all of your family’s cards in a safe place. Do not give your Social Security card to anyone else. Memorize your number. You will need to write it on many forms to receive health care and many government services. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

tkfO{+sf lhDd]jf/L tkfO{+ / tkfO{+sf] kl/jf/nfO{ ;©n agfpg cd]l/sfdf ug'{kg{] w]/} sfdx? x'G5g\ . o:tf sfd s'g s'g x'g\ eg]/ Vofn ug{' lgs} cfjZos x'G5 . tL sfddWo] 3/ef8f / lanx? k|To]s dlxgf ltg'{kg]{ x'G5 . tkfO{+ c?sf 3/df a;]jfktsf] /sd g} 3/ef8f xf] . lanx?df lah'nL, kfgL, 6]ln©f]g, UofF; / cGt/f{li6«o cfk|jf; ;+u7g -cfOcf]Pd_ sf] ofqf–vr{sf] C0f k5{g\ . Your Responsibilities

There are many things that are important for you and your family to do to succeed in the United States. These are very important things to remember. Pay your rent and bills every month. Your rent pays for your housing. Your bills may include paying for electricity, water, telephone, gas, and IOM travel loan. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

c+u|]hL sIffx¿ c+u|]hL sIffx? lng'xf];\ . k'gjf{; ;+:yfn] tkfO{+nfO{ c+u|]hL sIffdf egf{ x'g d2t u5{g\ . :yfgLo ;d'bfox?n] o:tf sIff lbgsf s'g} ;dodf klg Joj:yf ug{ ;S5g\ . k'gjf{; ;+:yfn] tkfO{+sf] ;do;Fu ldNg] c+u|]hL sIff kQfnufpg d2t u5{g\ . /fd|f] hflu/ kfpg / ;d'bfodf 3'nldn x'g ;lhnf] x'g] ePsfn] c+u|]hL l;Sg h?/L x'G5 . English Classes

Take English classes. The resettlement agency can help you enroll in classes. Classes in local communities are offered at various times of day.


The Resettlement Agency

The resettlement agency will do its best to help you find classes that fit your schedule. Learning English is important because it will help you get a better job and communicate more easily with people in your community. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

/f]huf/L tkfO{+n] hflu/ vfg cfjZos x'G5 . sfd u/]kl5 tkfO{+n] 3/ef8f / lanx? ltg'{ x'G5, vfg]s'/f / sk8f lsGg'x'G5 . Psflt/ k'gjf{; ;+:yfn] lbg] ;xfotf ;Lldt x'G5g\ eg] csf{lt/ ;/sf/L ;'ljwf tkfO{+ / kl/jf/sf nflu sd x'g ;S5g\ . hflu/ vfof] eg] cfTdlge{/ x'g ;lsG5, clg ;Lk l;lsG5 / cg'ej a6'lnG5 . Employment

You will need to work. Working is necessary so you can pay your rent and bills, and buy food and clothes. Assistance from the resettlement agency is limited and public benefits may not provide enough for what you and your family need. Having a job will help you be self-sufficient and gain skills and experience. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

;dosf] Vofn ug'{ hflu/sf nflu s;}nfO{ e]6\g' 5 eg] jf hflu/ vfg yfNg'eof] eg] hlxn] klg l7s ;dodf k'Ug'xf];\ . cd]l/sfdf ;dodf k'Ug lgs} h?/L x'G5 . ca]nf ug'{ /fd|f] dflgFb}g . sfddf l9nf] k'Ug' eof] eg] tkfO{+sf xflsd l/;fpF5g\ / o;n] ubf{ tkfO{+sf] hflu/ hfg ;S5 . :jf:Yo k/LIf0fsf nflu tkfO{+ 8fS6/sxfF l9nf] k'Ug'eof] eg] 8fS6/n] tkfO{+nfO{ ghfFRg ;Sg'x'G5 . pxfF;Fu csf{]k6s hfFRgsf nflu ;do ldnfpg lgs} ufx|f] klg x'G5 . Being on Time Arrive to appointments and work ON TIME. In the United States, being on time is very important. If you arrive late to work, your boss will not be happy and it could cause you to lose your job. If you are late to a doctor’s appointment, your appointment may be canceled and it may be hard to reschedule it. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

lzIff tkfO{+n] 5f]/f5f]/L :s"n k7fpg' k5{ . cd]l/sfdf sfg'gcg';f/ gfgLx? :s"n hfg} k5{ . gfgLx? ;dodf :s"n k'Ug}k5{ . gfgL :s"n k'Ug l9nf] jf uon x'g] eP :s"ndf va/ u/]/ l9nf] x'g' jf ghfg'sf] sf/0f v'n:t kfg'{xf];\ . :s"naf6 k7fOPsf ;a} ;"rgf k9g'xf];\ . To:tf ;"rgf k9\g hfGg' x'Gg jf a'ˇg' ePg eg] c? s;}nfO{ k9\g cg'/f]w ug'{xf];\ .

k'gjf{; ;+:yf



Make sure your children attend school. In the United States, all girls and boys are required by law to go to school. Children must arrive at school on time. Call the school to explain if your children are going to be late or absent. Read all notices sent to you by the school. Get assistance if you cannot read them or do not understand them. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

cfTdlge{/ sfd ubf{ cfTdlge{/ x'g / cfˆgf cfjZostf k"/f ug{ ;lsG5 . cfTdlge{/ x'g' eg]sf] ;/sf/, k'gjf{; ;+:yf, :jo+;]jsx? jf c? JolStdfly e/ gkg'{ xf], h:tf] M tkfO{+n] sfd ug'{eof] eg] cf©"nfO{ vfBfGg / nQfsk8f lsGg ;Sg'x'G5 . Self-Sufficiency

Work towards being independent and providing for yourself. Being independent means not relying on the government, the resettlement agency, volunteers, or other people for assistance. For example, when you have a job, you can buy your own food and clothing. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

cWofudg sfg'gsf] kfngf ug'{ cWofudg sfg'gcGtu{t /xg'xf];\ . cd]l/sf cfPsf] Ps jif{ ePkl5 tkfO{+n] sfg'gL ?kdf :yfoL afl;Gbfsf ?kdf /xg -jf …lu|g–sf8{Ú_ sf nflu xf]dNof08 ;]So'l/6L ljefudf cfj]bg lbg'k5{ . eljiodf cd]l/sL gful/stf k|fKt ug{sf nflu cWofudg sfg'gsf kfngf ug'{ clgjfo{ x'G5 . Adjustment of Status

Adjust your immigration status. After you have lived in the United States for one year, you need to apply for an adjustment of status to legal permanent resident (or “green card”) with the Department of Homeland Security. Adjusting your immigration status is an important step to becoming a U.S. citizen in the future. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

sfuhkq ;a} sfuhkqx? htg ug'{xf];\ . tL sfuhkqx? dxÎjk"0f{ x'G5g\ . To;}n] ldnfP/ /fVg'xf];\ . ;'/lIft /fVg'xf];\ . htg ug'{kg]{ To:tf sfuhkqx?– 3/ef8f lnFbf 3/a]6L / tkfO{+aLrsf] ;Demf}tf–kq, vf]k nufPsf k|df0fx?, cf}ifwf]krf/sf sfuhkq, cfO– ($ sf8{, ©f]6f];lxtsf] kl/ro–kq tyf ©"8 6\ofDksf] ;"rgf / d]l8s]8 kfpg of]Uo 7x/fOPsf] sfuh cflb x'g\ . o:tf sfuhkq x/fP eg] k'gjf{; ;+:yfnfO{ tTsfn hfgsf/L lbg'xf];\ .


The Resettlement Agency


Take care of all of your documents and paperwork. Keep your important papers organized and in a safe place. These include your apartment lease, immunization records, medical reports, I-94 card, photo ID, and notices of food stamp and Medicaid eligibility. Let your resettlement agency know immediately if your lose any of them. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

k'g:yf{kgfsf nflu awfO{ cd]l/sfdf a:b} hfFbf ;lhnf] dx;'; ug{ ;do nfU5 . z/0ffyL{sf ?kdf tkfO{+ olt 6f9f cfO;Sg'ePsf] 5 / gofF b]zdf a;fOF ;g{] lxDdt klg b]vfpg' eO;s]sf] 5 . cd]l/sfdf ;©n x'g tkfO{+;Fu cfTdan 5 . gofF 7fpFdf ;©n x'g ;Sg'xf];\ / hLjgofkg ;lhn} ug{ ;Sg'xf];\ – xfd|f] z'esfdgf 5 . Congratulations on Your Resettlement

As hard as it may be at times to adjust to living in the United States, as a refugee you have already come far and shown a lot of courage to move to a new country. You have the resilience and strength to succeed in the United States. We wish you the best of luck in moving forward and making a life for you and your family in your new community.





cWofo @ : cfjf; Chapter 2 : Housing tkfO{+sf] 3/ jf ckf6{d]G6 tkfO{+ / kl/jf/sf nflu :jR5, ;©f / ;:tf] -cfDbfgLcg';f/sf]_ cfjf; cTofjZos x'G5 . cf©" a:g] 3/ jf ckf6{d]G6nfO{ ;©f / /fd|f] cj:yfdf /fVg' tkfO{+sf] lhDd]jf/L xf] . Your Home

A safe, clean, and affordable home for you and your family is very important. It is your responsibility to keep your apartment clean and in good condition. ―――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――—

3/;DaGwL zAbx¿ 6]GofG6 -ls/fofbf/÷ef8fjfn_ M c?sf] 3/ jf ckf6{d]G6df a;]jfkt /sd ltg]{ JolSt jf JolStx?nfO{ ls/fofbf/ elgG5 . tkfO{+ ls/fofbf/ x'g'x'G5 . NofG8nf]8{ -3/a]6L÷3/wgL_ M 3/ jf ckf6{d]G6sf] dflns -3/a]6L_ xf] . pxfFn] tkfO{+nfO{ ef8f ltg]{ u/L s'g} 7fpF pknAw u/fPsf] x'G5 . pxfF, tkfO{+ a;]sf] 3/sf] dflns -3/a]6L_ x'g'x'G5 . lnh -s/f/÷;Demf}tf_ M lnh eg]sf] ls/fofbf/ / 3/a]6LaLr ul/g] sfg'gL sfuh xf] . ls/fofbf/n] o:tf] sfuhdf ;xL u/]kl5 dlxgf–dlxgfdf ef8f ltg'{k5{ / To;df n]lvPsf] cjlwe/ dfq To; 3/df a:g ldN5 . ;]So'l/6L l8kf]lh6 -w/f}6L_ M w/f}6Ljfkt s]xL /sd ls/fofbf/n] 3/a]6LnfO{ lt/]sf] x'G5 . ls/fofbf/ a;]s} a]nf s]xL 6'6©'6 eP jf eTs]÷lau|]df oxL /sdaf6 dd{t ul/G5 . slxn]sfxLF 3/ef8fafkt /sd ltg{ afFsL /x] klg oxL /sdaf6 e'Stfg ul/G5 . Housing Terms

A tenant is the person or persons paying money to live in the apartment or house. You are a tenant. A landlord is the person who owns the apartment or house, rents the space to you, and is in charge of the building. A lease is a legal document between a tenant and a landlord. When the tenant signs a lease he or she agrees to pay a monthly rent and live in the apartment for a certain period of time. A security deposit is money the tenant pays the landlord. This money covers damages that may occur while the tenant is renting or covers any unpaid rent the tenant owes the landlord. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――



a:g' jf ;g'{cl3 tkfO{+ s'g} ckf6{d]G6df a:g' jf ;g'{cl3 tkfO{+ jf tkfO{+sf s]; d]g]h/n] 3/a]6L;Fu pSt ckf6{d]G6sf] rf]6f–sf]7f x]g'{kg]{5 . lau|]÷eTs]sf] eP, dd{t ug'{kg]{ 7fpF jf ;/;fdfg ©]nf kfg'{x'G5 . o;f] ug'{eof] eg] tkfO{+nfO{ 3/ ;g]{ a]nfdf w/f}6L l©tf{ ug{ d2t u5{ . Before Moving

Before you move in, you or your case manager should walk through the apartment with your landlord to identify any damage or things that need fixing. This will help you get your security deposit back when you move out. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

ckf6{d]G6sf] /]vb]v sDtLdf xKtfsf] Pslbg cfˆgf] ckf6{d]G6 Eofs'd lSng/n] ;©f ug'{xf];\ . sfk]{6 gcf]5\ofOPsf] e'OFnfO{ s"rf] / n'F8f]n] ;©f ug'{xf];\ . s]xL kf]lvP t'?Gt ;fa'g / kfgLn] ;©f ul/xfNg'xf];\ . sfk]{6 / e'O“ M sfk]{6 / e'OF ;©f /fVg cfˆgf] ckf6{d]G6leq k:bf h'Qf aflx/} vf]Ng] ug'{xf];\ . cfˆgf] ckf6{d]G6 ;©f /fVgfn] ls/f -p8';_ / d';f cfpFb}gg\ . o;af6 tkfO{+sf] kl/jf/ :j:y /xG5 eg] csf]{ 7fpFdf ;bf{ w/f}6L l©tf{ kfOG5 . afy?dsf] ;/;˚fO M ;ftfsf] Psk6s afy?d ;©f ug}{k5{ . afy?d eGgfn] o;sf] e'OF, 6\jfOn]6sf] leq–aflx/, xft–d'v w'g] efF8f] -l;Í_, g'xfpg] 8'F8 -afy6a_ / zfj/ eGg] a'lemG5 . 9n 6flnlbg ;Sg] skfn jf cGo o:tf j:t' kfgL;Fu gaufpg'xf];\ . afy6a / l;Ídf n'uf gw'g' xf]nf . o;f] ug'{eof] eg] aflx/ kfgL kf]lvg ;S5 / e'OF lr;f]–lrKnf] x'G5 . 6\jfOn]6sf ;d:ofx¿ M 6\jfOn]6sf] leqL efu ;©f ug{ a'?; k|of]u ug'{xf];\ . 6\jfOn]6 ;©f ug]{ a'?; c? 7fpF ;©f ug{ k|of]u gug'{xf];\ . g5'g] -dlxgfjf/L_ ePsL dlxnfn] nufpg] :oflg6/L 6fjn, vfg]s'/f jf w]/} 6\jfOn]6 k]k/ 6\jfOn]6df gˆofFSg'xf];\ . o:tf j:t' ˆn; -kfgLn] aufpg]_ gug'{xf];\ . 6\jfOn]6 el/of] jf 6flnof] eg] 3/a]6LnfO{ va/ ug'{xf];\ . kfgL r'lxP–kf]lvP M zfj/sf] kfgL aflx/ cfpg glbg afy6adf kbf{ -zfj/ s6]{g_ xfNg'xf];\ . e'OFsf] kfgL ;w}F k'5\g'xf];\ . kfgLaflx/ cfpg glbg'xf];\ lsgeg] o;n] e'OF lrKnf] x'G5 / e'OFdf k|of]u ePsf] sf7 jf cGo j:t' kfgLn] ;8fpF5 . Maintaining Your Apartment

At least once a week, clean your apartment with a vacuum cleaner. Use a broom and mop to clean floors that do not have carpet. Clean up spills with soap and water immediately. Carpets and Floors: Remove shoes when you enter your apartment to



help keep the carpets and floors clean. Keeping your apartment clean will help prevent attracting bugs and mice. It will also help your family stay healthy and help you get your security deposit back when you move out. Cleaning the Bathroom : The bathroom must be cleaned weekly. This includes the floor, the inside and outside of the toilet, sink, and bathtub and/or shower. Do not allow hair or other items to go down the drain or the drain may get clogged. Do not use the bathtub or sink to wash clothes because water will spill onto the floor. Toilet Problems: Use a brush to clean inside the toilet. Do not use the toilet brush for anything else. Never flush female sanitary products, food, or large amounts of toilet paper down the toilet. If the toilet overflows, call your landlord immediately. Water Leaks and Spills : Keep the shower curtain inside the bathtub and always clean up water on the floor. Do not allow water to escape onto the floor because it can cause flooding and water damage. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

efG;f tkfO{+sf] ckf6{d]G6df ;©f /fVg'kg]{ dxTjk"0f{ If]q eg]sf] efG;f xf] . efG;fdf w]/} ;/;fdfgx? x'G5g\ . tLdWo] s'g} tkfO{+sf nflu gofF x'g;S5g\ . Kitchen

An important area of your apartment to keep clean is the kitchen. The kitchen has many appliances, some that may be new to you. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

efG;fsf ;/;fdfg :6f]e / cf]eg -r'nf]_ M :6f]edf vfgf ksfpFbf ;w}F sd jf dWod vfnsf] tftf]df ksfpg ;'? ug'{xf];\ / clg lj:tf/} rflxFg] tftf] 36L jf a9L u/]/ ldnfpg'xf];\ . ;aeGbf tftf]df vfgf ksfpg' eof] eg] efF8f] jf vfgf 89\g ;S5 . cf]egdf vfgf, jf df;' jf kfp/f]6L ksfpg' kbf{ tfkqmd #%) b]lv $)) l8u|L ©x/]– gxfO6 /fVg'xf];\ . …a|fOnÚ ;+s]t eg]sf] rflxF vfgf ksfpFbf Hjfnf k|of]u x'G5 . of] lgs} tftf] x'G5 / vfgf rfF8f] 89\5 . tkfO{+sf] r'nf] UofF;af6 rNg] vfnsf] 5 eg] of] /fd|/L an]sf] 5 jf 5}g Vofn ug'{xf];\ . olb UofF; /fd|/L gan]sf] / s'lxPsf] c08f h:tf] uGxfPsf] 5 eg] c?sf] d2t lng'xf];\ . :6f]e / cf]egsf] ;/;˚fO M cf]eg / :6f]edf kf]lvPsf vfg]s'/f ;]nfpgf;fy ;©f ul/xfNg'xf];\ . :6f]e lbgx'F ;©f ug'{xf];\ . kf]lvPsf jf 89]sf vfg]s'/f / lrNnf] vt/gfs x'G5g\ . Ps t g/fd|f] uGxfpF5g\, clg o;}sf sf/0f ls/f, d';f / 5'r'Gb|f cfpF5g\ . /]lk|mlh/]6/÷lk|mh/ M vfg]s'/f lr;f] / tfhf /fVg efG;fdf Pp6f /]lk|mlh/]6/



x'G5 . o;df b"w, t/sf/L, bxL, df;' / c08f /fVg'xf];\ . lk|mh/ rflxF /]lk|mlh– /]6/sf] Pp6f efu xf], hf] cem lr;f] x'G5, h;df kfgL hd]/ a/© aG5 . hdfOPsf] cj:yfd} lslgPsf vfg]s'/f lk|mh/df /fVg'xf];\ . olb tkfO{+n] o;df df;' /fVg' eof] eg] Tof] hD5 / s8f x'G5 . o;nfO{ w]/} ;dosf nflu /fVg ;lsG5 . ksfPsf vfg]s'/f a§fdf jf kf]sf] kf/]/ /fVg'k5{ . klxnf h] vfg]s'/f NofP/ /flvPsf] xf], klxnf ToxL vfg', ksfpg' jf k|of]u ug'{k5{ . emf]n vfg]s'/f kf]lvof] eg] ;+ej eP;Dd rfF8} ;©f ul/xfNg'k5{ . l8;jf;/ -ef“8f df‰g] pks/0f_ M l8;jf;/n] sfF6f–rDrf / efF8fjt{gdf ePsf sL6f0f'x?nfO{ df5{ . o;n] efF8f df‰b}g jf 6fFl;Psf] vfgf ;©f ub}{g . l8;jf;/df efF8fjt{g xfNg'cl3 yfn–srf}/fdf 5fl8Psf vfgf hlxn] klg ©f]xf]/ xfNg] jt{gdf xfNg'xf];\ / efF8f kvfNg'xf];\ . l8;jf;/sf nflu dfq elgPsf] ;fa'g o;df k|of]u ug{'xf];\ . xft jf n'uf w'g agfOPsf emf]n–;fa'g l8;jf;/df k6Ss} k|of]u gug'{xf];\ . l;° / ˚f]xf]/ Joj:yfkg M efG;fdf x'g] s'g} l;Ídf ;8\g;Sg] ©f]xf]/ ˆofFSg] Joj:yf -ufa]{h l8:kf]hn_ ul/Psf] x'G5 . of] lah'nLn] rNg] x'G5 . o;leq uPsf vfgfaf6 lgl:sPsf ©f]xf]/ 6'lqmG5g\ / kfOk x'Fb} hfG5g\ . l;Íglhs} o;nfO{ vf]Ng] / aGb ug]{ l:jr x'G5 . kfgL alu/x]sf a]nfdf dfq of] ufa]{h l8:kf]hn vf]Ng'xf]nf . ufa]{h l8:kf]hndf wft', xf8, c08fsf af]qmf, ©n©"nsf aLp, Kofh, ;]n/L jf vfgf– afx]s cGoqaf6 cfPsf j:t' gxfNg'xf]nf . ufa]{h l8:kf]hn 6flnof] eg] kfgL el/P/ l;Í;Dd cfOk'U5 . l8:kf]hnleq xft gxfNg'xf]nf, rf]6 nfU5 . olb efG;fsf] l;Ísf] ufa]{h l8:kf]hn lah'nLn] rNb}g eg] o;df s'g} ©f]xf]/ xfNg' x'Fb}g . Kitchen Appliances

Stove and Oven : When cooking food on top of the stove, always begin on low or medium heat and then adjust. If you begin on high heat, you may burn the food or pan. To use the oven to cook food, or bake meat or bread, place the dial on 350 to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. The “broil” setting uses flames to cook food. It becomes very hot and can quickly burn your food. If you have a gas stove or oven, be sure that the flame lights right away. If you smell an odor like rotten eggs, turn off the gas immediately and seek help. Cleaning the Oven and Stove : Clean any spilled food in the oven and on the stove as soon as they have cooled. Clean your stove daily. Spilled or burned food and grease are dangerous. They smell bad and attract bugs, rats, and mice. Refrigerator/Freezer : Your kitchen has a refrigerator to keep food cold and fresh. Keep milk, vegetables, yogurt, meat, and eggs in the refrigerator. The freezer is the part of the refrigerator that is much colder



and freezes water to ice. Keep in the freezer any foods that are already frozen when you buy them. If you put meat in the freezer, it will become hard and frozen and you can keep it longer. Cooked food should be kept after wrapping tightly. Use the First In, First Out (FIFO) method when getting food from the refrigerator. Clean any spills as soon as possible. Dishwasher : A dishwasher kills germs on dishes and silverware. It does not scrub dishes or take the place of a garbage disposal. Always put food scraps into the garbage and rinse the dishes before putting them into the dishwasher. You must use a special soap designed for the dishwasher. Never use liquid hand soap or laundry detergent in the dishwasher. Sink and Garbage Disposal : Some kitchen sinks have electric garbage disposals that shred food waste so it can pass through the plumbing. There is an on/off switch next to the sink. You should only turn the garbage disposal on when the water is on. Never put metal, bones, egg shells, fruit pits, onions, celery, or non-food items down the garbage disposal. If your garbage disposal becomes stuck, water may back up in the sink. Never put your hands inside the disposal or you may injure yourself. If your kitchen sink does not have an electric garbage disposal, do not put garbage down the drain. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

efG;fsf] l8n c+u|]hLdf …sfpG6/ 6kÚ eg]sf] r'nf] jf l;Ídf hf]l8Psf] ;tx -vfnL l8n_ xf] . r'nf]sf] vfnL l8ndf tftf] efF8f] ;Lw} g/fVg'xf];\ . l8n 89\g glbg tftf] efF8f] /fVg agfOPsf Kof8 jf tftf] efF8f]sf nflu agfOPsf tf}lnof k|of]u ug'{xf];\ . Counter Tops

Never put a hot pan directly on a counter top. Use a hot pad or dish towel under the hot pan to avoid burning the counter. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

˚f]xf]/ ;8\g] ˚f]xf]/ M ;8\g] ©f]xf]/ cfˆgf] ckf6{dG6df ePsf] ©f]xf]/ xfNg] efF8f]df ©fNg'xf];\ . ©f]xf]/ ©fNg] efF8f]leq Knfl:6ssf] y}nf] xfn]kl5 dfq ToxL y}nf]df kg]{ u/L ©f]xf]/ ˆofFSg'xf];\ . ©f]xf]/sf] y}nf] lbgx'F 3/aflx/ nfg'xf];\ / ©f]xf]/ xfNg] 7"nf] efF8f]df ˆofFSg'xf];\ . o;f] ubf{ d';f / ls/f 3/leq cfpgaf6 /f]lsG5g\ . ©f]xf]/nfO{ ckf6{d]G6sf] sl/8/ -;a}sf sf]7faflx/sf] cf]xf]/bf]xf]/ ug]{ 7fpF_ df slxNo} g5f8\g'xf];\ . g;8\g] ˚f]xf]/ M g;8\g] ©f]xf]/x? h:t}– /2L sfuh, sfuhsf afs;, af]tn / 8Aafx?nfO{ tf]lsPsf a]Unfa]Un} efF8f jf 7fpFdf /fVg'k5{ . gu/kflnsfn] o:tf



3/fozL ©f]xf]/ lglZrt lbg / ;dodf p7fpg] u5{g\ . tkfO{+sf 3/a]6Ln] ©f]xf]/ slxn] / sxfF nfg'k5{ eGg] atfpg' x'g]5 . k'gMk|of]u M w]/}h;f] zx/df ©f]xf]/sf k|sf/sf cfwf/df 5'6\ofP/ ©/s efF8f]df /fVg] ul/G5 . ;fdfGotofM Knfl:6ssf af]tn, Pn'ldlgodsf 8Aafx?, l;;f, sfuh / wft'nfO{ vfgfaf6 cfPsf ©f]xf]/eGbf 5'§} /flvG5 . tkfO{+sf 3/a]6Ln] cfˆgf ;d'bfodf s] ug'{k5{ eGg] l;sfpg' x'g]5 . k'gMk|of]u–ljlwn] o:tf j:t'nfO{ ©]l/ sfddf NofpF5 / jftfj/0fsf] /Iff u5{ . Garbage, Trash and Recycling

Garbage : Place garbage in the garbage bins in your apartment. Line garbage bins with plastic garbage bags. Take the garbage out of your apartment every day to a garbage can or dumpster to prevent attracting bugs and mice. Never leave garbage in the hallway of the apartment building. Trash: Trash such as old papers, boxes, bottles, and cans should also be placed in designated containers or locations. Usually there is a certain day and time when the city will take the trash away. Your landlord should tell you where and when to put your trash and garbage outside for pickup. Recycling: Many cities require trash to be separated by type and be placed in special containers. Usually plastic bottles, aluminum cans, glass containers, paper, and metal are separated from wet food garbage. Your landlord can tell you what you must do in your community. Recycling helps the country reuse some of these materials and protects the environment. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

p8'; p8'; ;fgf ls/fx? x'g\ . logLx? tfhf /ut r';]/ afFR5g\ . logLx? p8\b}gg, s'b\b}gg\ jf pk|mb}gg\ . p8'; w]/}h;f] la:t/f, Dof6«]; -u2fjfn 8;gf_, l;/fgL, lunf s';L{ / ;f]©fdf n'S5g\ . laxfg p7\bf 5fnfdf st} ;fgf] bfu b]Vg'eof] eg] of] p8';n] 6f]s]sf] x'g;S5 . la:t/fdf st} ;fgf yf]Knf h:tf b]lvP eg] oL p8'; x'g;S5g\ . To;}n] af6f]5]pdf /flvPsf k'/fgf Dof6«];, tof/L l;/s -ANofGs]6_, l;/fgL jf cGo cf]5\ofgdf rflxg] ;/;fdfg gp7fpg'xf]nf . To:tf j:t' 3/ gNofpg'xf]nf . Psk6s p8'; tkfO{+sf] ckf6{d]G6 jf 3/df cfP eg] lognfO{ k"/} lgd"{n kfg{ lgs} sl7g x'G5 . p8';sf] ;d:of b]lvPdf 3/a]6LnfO{ eGg'xf];\ . Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are tiny insects and they feed on fresh blood. They do not fly, hop, or jump. They often live in bedding, mattresses, pillows, and soft chairs and couches. If you find small bites on your skin in the morning, it may be from bed bugs. If you see tiny dark spots on your bedding you may



have bed bugs. Never bring used mattresses, blankets, pillows, or other used bedding into your home. Once bed bugs are in your apartment, they are very difficult to get rid of. Tell your landlord immediately. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

3/ef8f ln“bfsf clwsf/ / lhDd]jf/L e]befj M 3/ef8fdf lng vf]Hbf tkfO{+nfO{ hflt jf /+u, cfPsf] b]z, tkfO{n] dfGg] wd{, tkfO{+sf] lnª\u, zf/Ll/s ckfª\utf, kfl/jfl/s cj:yf, h:t}– tkfO{+ ljjflxt xf] jf xf]Og cflb cfwf/df 3/a]6Ln] leGg Jojxf/ u/], To:tf] e]befj cd]l/sL sfg'glj?4 x'G5 . tkfO{+n] cf©"nfO{ plrt Jojxf/ gu/]sf] kfpg' eof] eg] o:tf 36gf slxn] slxn] eP / To;a]nf s] s] eof] lnlvt ?kdf /fVg'k5{ . k|To]s /fHo jf sfpG6Ldf o:tf] e]befj x'Fbf d2t ug]{ …©]o/ xfplhªÚ sfof{no x'G5g\ . cg'/f]w M ckf6{d]G6df s]xL dd{t ug'{k¥of] eg] 3/a]6Ln] tkfO{+nfO{ dd{tsf nflu cg'/f]w lnlvt ?kdf dfU5g\ . 3/a]6Laf6 dd{t cg'/f]w ©f/d dfu]/ cfˆgf] cg'/f]w n]Vg'xf];\ . tkfO{+nfO{ ls/f, d';f, 5'r'Gb|f / kfgL lgsf; cflbsf] ;d:of eP t'?Gt 3/a]6LnfO{ va/ ug'{xf];\ . ef]urngsf] lgod M s'g} Ps ckf6{d]G6df a:g] dflg;sf] ;+Vof lglZrt /xg] lgod x'G5 . o:tf] lgod–kfngf ug'{ / 3/df a:b} cfPsf dflg;sf] ;+Vofaf/] 3/a]6LnfO{ hfgsf/L lbg' tkfO{+sf] bfloTj xf] . tkfO{+n] lgod–kfngf gu/]sf] v08df 3/a]6Ln] tkfO{+nfO{ …3/ vfnL ug'{xf];\Ú eGg ;S5g\ . Housing Rights and Responsibilities

Discrimination: It is against the law for a landlord to treat you differently because of your color, nationality, caste, religion, disability, sex, or marital status. If you feel you are being treated unfairly, you should keep a record of what has happened. There is a “fair housing” office in each state or county that can try to help you. Request : Landlords often require a written request before they will make repairs in your apartment. Use a repair request form from your landlord to write this request. Inform your landlord immediately if you are having problems with bugs, rats, mice, or plumbing. Occupancy Rule : There are rules on how many people are allowed to live in an apartment. It is your responsibility to follow the rules and let your landlord know how many people are living in your home. The landlord can tell you to leave your home if you do not follow this rule. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

3/ ;bf{ ;do k"/f ug'{xf];\ M s/f/df tf]lsPsf] ;do;Dd ckf6{d]G6÷3/df a:g' dxÎjk"0f{ x'G5 . s'g} 3/÷ckf6{d]G6df sDtLdf Ps jif{ a:g s/f/df ;do–;Ldf tf]lsPsf]



x'G5 . cf©" ;g'{eGbf Ps dlxgfcl3 3/a]6LnfO{ 3/ ;g]{ lnlvt–;"rgf lbg'xf];\ . s/f/–cjlwsf] cGTodf, olb tkfO{+ a:bf s]xL geTs]÷glau|]sf] / ef8fjfktsf] ;a} /sd r'Stf ePsf] eP 3/a]6LnfO{ a'emfPsf] w/f}6L l©tf{ kfpg'x'G5 . 7]ufgf abnL M gofF 3/÷ckf6{d]G6df ;/]kl5 w]/} JolSt jf sfof{nodf hfgsf/L lbg'k5{ . tkfO{+ cd]l/sfsf] gful/s eO;Sg' ePsf] 5}g eg] …o'P;l;cfOP;Ú nfO{ …Pcf/– !!Ú gfds ©f/d e/]/ cf©" 7fpF ;/]sf] hfgsf/L clgjfo{ ?kdf lbg}k5{ . x'nfs sfof{nosf] …7]ufgf kl/jt{g;DaGwL ©f/dÚ k"/f eg{'kg]{5 . of] ©f/d glhs}sf] x'nfs sfof{no uP/ jf OG6/g]6df eg{ ;lsG5 . To;kl5 x'nfsn] tkfO{+sf] gofF 7]ufgfdf kq NofpF5 . dfl;s lan k7fpg] sfof{nox? h:t} M lah'nL, kfgL, UofF;, 6]ln©f]g, ;]n©f]g, 6]lnlehgsf] s]a'n÷l8; ;]jf lbg] sDkgL cflb x'g\ . cfˆgf] 7]ufgf ©]l/Psf] hfgsf/L tkfO{+n] sfd ug{] 7fpF÷sfof{no, a}+s, 8fS6/sf] sfof{no / gfgL–afa'x? k9\g] :s"ndf klg lbg'k5{ . ˚lg{r/ M gofF ckf6{d]G6df ;bf{ cfˆgf ©lg{r/ n}hfg'k5{ . 3/a]6Lsf ©lg{r/ jf cGo ;/;fdfg 5f8\g'k5{ . cfˆgf k'/fgf ©lg{r/ To;} 5f8\g'x'Gg . tL ©lg{r/ kG5fpg nfUg] vr{ 3/a]6Ln] lnG5g\ . Moving Out

Complete your lease : It is important to complete your lease. Most leases ask that you agree to live in the apartment or house for twelve months. Give your landlord a month’s notice in writing before moving out. At the end of the lease, the landlord will return the security deposit only if the apartment is in good condition and if the rental payments are current. Change of Address : When you move to a new apartment, you should inform many people. If you are not yet a citizen of the US, you must inform the USCIS of your change of address on form AR-11. You should also complete a form to change your address with the post office. You can do that at the nearest post office or on the Internet. The post office will deliver your mail to the new address. You should also change your address with any company that sends you a monthly bill: electric, water, gas, telephone, cell phone, cable TV etc. You should also report your new address to your employer, bank, doctors’ offices, and childrens’ schools. Furniture : When you move to a new apartment you should take the furniture that you own. You must leave any furniture or appliances that belong to the landlord. If you leave any old or broken furniture that you do not want, the landlord may charge you a fee to take it away. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

3/df tftf]–lr;f]sf] k|aGw tkfO{+sf] ckf6{d]G6df hf8f]df tfKgsf nflu lx6/ x'G5 . tfk pTkfbg ug{ lah'nL jf ©g{];sf] k|of]u ul/G5, h;n] tftf] xfjf jf tftf] kfgL ckf6{d]G6sf sf]7fx?df



k7fpF5 . tftf] sd–a];L ug{ Pp6f ydf{]:6]6 /flvPsf] x'G5 . hf8f]df tfkqmd ^% b]lv &@ l8u|L ©x/]gxfO6;Dd /fVg'xf];\ . hlt a9L tftf]sf nflu ydf]{:6]6 3'dfof], Tolt g} tftf]sf nflu k};f ltg'{k5{ . tkfO{+sf] ckf6{d]G6df Po/–slG8;g klg x'g;S5, h;nfO{ af]nLrfnLsf] efiffdf …P;LÚ elgG5, o;sf] k|of]u udL{df x'G5 . o;df tfkqmd &@ b]lv *) l8u|L ©x/]gxfO6;Dd /fVg'xf];\ . P;Ldf hlt sd tfkqmd /fVg'x'G5, k};f Tolt g} a9L ltg'{k5{ . Heating and Air Conditioning

Your apartment has a heater for use during cold weather. The heat may come from electricity or from a furnace that sends hot air or hot water to the rooms in the apartment. There should be a thermostat that let’s you set the temperature for your apartment. In the winter you should set it between 65 and 72 degrees. The higher you set the temperature, the more the heat will cost. Your apartment may also have air conditioning, sometimes called AC, for use during hot weather. You should set its temperature between 72 and 80 degrees. The lower you set the AC temperature, the more it will cost. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

cfuf]af6 ;'/Iff w'jf“;"rs oGq M of] oGqn] tkfO{+sf] 3/df w'jfF cfPsf] yfxf kfpF5 / ;+efljt cfunfuLsf] ;"rgf lbG5 . o;n] 7"nf] :j/df l;6L ahfpFb} tkfO{+ / kl/jf/nfO{ w'jfFsf] ;"rgf lbP/ ;fjwfg u5{ . o:tf oGq kvf{n jf l;lnªdf h8fg ul/Psf x'G5g\ . 3/a]6Ln] tkfO{+ a:g] ckf6{d]G6df o:tf w'jfF;"rs oGq pknAw u/fOlbg'k5{ . o:tf oGq ;w}F rfn" cj:yfdf x'g'k5{ lsgeg] olb cfuf] nfUg nfUof] eg] o;n] ;fjwfgL u/fpF5g\ / Hofg arfpg d2t u5{g\ . o;df Aof6«L xfNg'k5{ . cfjZos kbf{ o;df Aof6«L ©]g]{ sfd rflxF tkfO{+sf] lhDd]jf/L xf] . o:tf ;a} oGqx? dlxgfsf] Psk6s hfFRg'xf];\ . o;sf] hfFr ug{, o;sf] cuf8Lsf] a6g lyRg'xf];\ . olb o;n] l;6L jf ;+s]tsf] 306L lbPg eg] Aof6«L jf oGq g} tTsfn ©]g]{ a]nf ePsf] x'G5 . of] oGq vf]n]/ g/fVg'xf]nf jf o;sf Aof6«L glemSg'xf]nf . o;nfO{ Knfl:6s cflbn] g9fSg'xf]nf . cfunfuLaf6 aRg 9f]sf M s'g} ckf6{d]G6df d"n9f]sfaf6 l5/]kl5 sf]7fx?df hfg] 7fpF jf e¥ofªsf] 6'Kkf] / ©]bdf wft'sf] Pp6f 9f]sf x'g;S5 . o:tf 9f]sfn] lalN8ªsf] Pp6f ckf6{d]G6af6 csf{] ckf6{d]G6df cfuf] ©}ng lbFb}gg\ . o:tf 9f]sf aGb 5g\ eg] dfq cfunfuLdf sfd u5{g\ . tkfO{+ / kl/jf/sf] ;'/Iffsf nflu oL 9f]sf slxNo} v'nf g5f8f}+ . v'nf b]lvof] eg] aGb ul/xfnf}+ . clUg;"rs oGq M of] oGq cfuf] nfu]sf] ;"rgf lbg] 306L xf] . of] oGq d"n– 9f]sfaf6 l5/]kl5 sf]7fx?df hfg] 7fpF jf s'g} ;lhnf] 7fpFdf h8fg ul/Psf]



x'g;S5 . o:tf oGq ;fdfGotM /ftf /+usf x'G5g\ / ;a} ef8fjfnfn] ahfpg ;Sg] 7fpFdf /flvPsf x'G5g\ . cfunfuL ePsf] cj:yfdf dfq of] oGq ahfP/ c? ef8fjfnf 5/–l5d]sLnfO{ / cfuf] lgefpg] ljefu -clUg–lgoGq0f ljefu_ nfO{ va/ ug'{xf]nf . cfuf] lgefpg] pks/0f M oL pks/0fn] cfuf] lgefpg jf cfuf]–lgoGq0f u5{g\ . 3/a]6L;Fu of] pks/0f k|of]u ug{] tl/sf l;Sg'xf];\ . o:tf pks/0f ckf6{d]G6 jf 3/sf s'g s'g 7fpFdf /flvPsf 5g\, Vofn ug'{xf];\ . Fire Safety

Smoke Alarms/smoke detector : A smoke alarm is a device that detects smoke and a possible fire in your home. It will beep loudly to alert you and your family if there is smoke or fire. Smoke alarms are usually mounted on a wall or ceiling. Landlords must provide a smoke alarm in your apartment. The smoke alarm must always be working because if there is a fire, it can alert you and save your life. You are responsible for replacing batteries in your smoke alarm when needed. All smoke alarms should be tested once a month. To test it, touch the small “test” button on the front. If it does not make a beep or alarm sound, the batteries or alarm should be replaced immediately. Never take the smoke alarm down permanently or leave the battery out of it. Do not cover it in any way. Fire Doors : Some apartment buildings may have metal doors in the hallways or at the top and bottom of stairs. These doors help prevent a fire that might start in one apartment from spreading to other apartments in the building. But they only help if they are kept closed. For the safety of you and your family, never leave fire doors open. If you find one open, close it. Fire Alarms : An apartment building might have a fire alarm in the hallway or other convenient location. These are usually painted red and placed where tenants can sound the alarm. Use the alarm only when there is a fire and you want to let other tenants know that there is a fire and to call the fire department. Fire Extinguishers : A fire extinguisher is a device used to put out or control fires. Ask your landlord to show you how to use a fire extinguisher. Know where the fire extinguishers are in your apartment or building.





cWofo # : lzIff Chapter 3 : Education lzIff cd]l/sfdf afnaflnsf / jo:s -pd]/ k'u]sf] JolSt_ b'j}sf nflu lzIff lgs} dxÎjk"0f{ x'G5 . of] cWofodf ePsf hfgsf/Ln] tkfO{+nfO{ cd]l/sfsf] lzIff k4lt / :s"nsf] jftfj/0f s:tf] x'G5 eg]/ a'ˇg d2t ug]{5g\ . of] cWofon] afnaflnsfsf] lzIffdf cleefjssf] e"ldsfsf] dxÎjaf/] :ki6 kfg{'sf ;fy} jo:sx?sf] lzIffaf/] hfgsf/L klg lbg]5 . Education

Education is very important in the United States for both children and adults. The information in this topic will help you understand the educational system in the United States and the school environment for children. It will also explain the important role parents play in their children’s education and provide information on adult education. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

afnlzIff /fHosf] sfg'gcg';f/ k|foMh;f] kfFrb]lv !^ jif{sf] pd]/;Ddsf ;a} afnaflnsf :s"n hfg} k5{ . kfFrb]lv !* jif{;Ddsf afnaflnsfn] lgMz'Ns ;fj{hlgs lzIff kfpF5g\ . k|To]s /fHon] slt pd]/ k'u]sf afnaflnsfn] :s"n hfg ;'? ug'{k5{ / xfO{:s"n hfgsf nflu slt pd]/ rflxF a9L x'G5 eGg] JofVof u/]sf 5g\ . s]xL /fHon] PSsfO; jif{x'Gh]n ;fj{hlgs :s"n hfg] lgod agfPsf 5g\ . k9\g ;d:of ePsf jf zf/Ll/s ckfª\u afnaflnsf clgjfo{ ?kdf :s"n hfg'k5{ . :yfgLo :s"nn] tkfO{+;Fu ldn]/ afnaflnsfsf cfjZostfcg';f/ ;a} k|aGw ldnfpF5g\ . tkfO{+n] cfˆgf gfgLnfO{ s:tf] :s"ndf k9fpg] eg]/ 5fGg ;Sg'x'G5 . ;/sf/L :s"nx? lgMz'Ns x'G5g\ . s]xL cfly{s ;xfotf pknAw kfP klg lghL :s"nx?df z'Ns ltg'{k5{ . s]xL lghL :s"nx? wfld{s x'G5g\ . k'gjf{; ;+:yfn] tkfO{+sf gfgLnfO{ :yfgLo ;/sf/L :s"n egf{ ug{ d2t ug]{5g\ . Child Education

State laws require that all children go to school, usually between the ages of five and sixteen. Free public education is available for children ages five to eighteen. Each state decides how old children must be to start school and when they are too old to be in high school. Some states allow students to attend public school until age twenty-one. Children with learning or physical disabilities must go to school. The local school will



work with you to address your child’s needs. You can choose what kind of school you want your child to attend. Public schools are free. Private schools cost money, although some financial assistance may be available. Some private schools are religious. Your resettlement agency will assist you register your children with your local public school. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

;/sf/L :s"nx¿ ;/sf/L :s"nx?sf] Joj:yfkg …:s"n l8l:6«S6;\Ú gfds lgsfon] u5{g\ . u|fdL0f If]qx?df :s"n l8l:6«S6 w]/} ;fgf x'g;S5g\ / Pp6f dfq :s"n x]/]sf x'g;S5g\ . 7"nf zx/df :s"n l8l:6«S6n] ;of}+ leGgfleGg} :s"nx?sf] Joj:yfkg u/]sf x'g;S5g\ . cd]l/sfsf ;/sf/L :s"nx?df ljleGg hflt / wd{sf gfgLx? Pp6} sIffdf x'G5g\, ;Fu} k9\5g\ / ;fy} v]N5g\ . ;a}h;f] ;/sf/L :s"nx?df 5fq / 5fqfnfO{ Pp6} sIffdf /fv]/ k9fOG5 . Public Schools

Public schools are managed by “school districts.” In rural areas, a school district may be very small and operate only one school. In a large city the school district may operate hundreds of different schools. In American public schools, children from different races and religions attend class, study, and play sports together. Boys and girls are taught together in almost all public schools. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

vf]kx¿ -ODo'gfOh];G;\_ gfgLx?n] :s"ndf xflh/ x'g yfNg'cl3 s]xL /f]ulj?4 vf]k nufPsf] x'g'k5{ . :s"nn] gfgLnfO{ vf]k nufPsf] k|df0fkq jf lrlsT;sn] n]v]sf] sfuh dfU5g\ . :s"nnfO{ gfgLsf] :jf:Yo;DaGwL ;a} k'/fgf hfgsf/L klg rflxg ;S5 . k'gjf{; ;+:yfn] tkfO{+sf gfgLnfO{ vf]k lbnfpg / :s"nnfO{ lbg'kg{] sfuh–kqsf] aGbf]a:t ug{ d2t u5{g\ . Immunizations

Schools require children to be immunized against certain diseases before they can attend classes. Your child’s school will require a copy of your child’s immunization records or a doctor’s written statement. The school may also require other medical history information. Your resettlement agency will help you arrange the necessary immunizations and papers to give to the school. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――



:s"nsf ljleGg tx gfgLx?nfO{ pgLx?sf] pd]/ / pgLx?n] kfO;s]sf] lzIffsf cfwf/df Pp6f lglZrt sIff -u|]8_ df egf{ ul/G5 . s]xL :s"nn] gfgL s'g sIffdf k9\g ;S5 eGg] hfFRgsf nflu k/LIff klg lng ;S5g\ . sd c+u|]hL af]Ng] ;fgf gfgLx?nfO{ ;'?df cln tNnf] sIffdf /fVg klg ;lsG5 . ;fdfGotM cd]l/sL :s"nsf txcg';f/ sIff / gfgLx?sf] pd]/ o;k|sf/ x'G5g\ M • lk|–:s"n -P]lR5s_ – # b]lv $ jif{sf] . • lsG8/uf6{g – % jif{sf] . • Plnd]G6/L :s"n, w]/}h;f] sIff ! b]lv % ;Dd, gfgLx?sf] pd]/ ^ b]lv !! jif{ . • ld8n :s"n, ;fdfGotM sIff ^ b]lv * ;Dd / gfgLx?sf] pd]/ !! jif{b]lv !$ jif{ . • xfO{:s"n, ;fdfGotM sIff ( b]lv !@ ;Dd / gfgLx?sf] pd]/ !$ jif{b]lv !* jif{ . 7\ofSs} pd]/ / sIffx? tkfO{+sf] :s"n l8l:6«S6df ©/s kg{ ;S5g\ . School Structure

Children are placed in a certain grade level depending on their age and how much education they have already received. Some schools may test a student to determine what grade level is best. Younger children who speak little English may be placed in a lower grade level at first. Usually, the different grade levels and ages are: • Pre-school (optional) – 3 to 4 years old. • Kindergarten – 5 years old. • Elementary School, usually grades 1 to 5; students are usually 6 to 11 years old. • Middle School, usually grades 6 to 8; students are usually 11 to 14 years old. • High School, usually grades 9 to 12; students are usually 14 to 18 years old. The exact ages and grades may be different in your school district. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

z}lIfs jif{ z}lIfs jif{ cu:t dlxgfsf] cGTolt/ jf ;]K6]Da/ dlxgf nfu] nuQ} ;'? x'G5 / d] dlxgfsf] cGTo jf h"g dlxgfdf ;lsG5 . gfgLx? ;f]daf/b]lv z'qmaf/;Dd :s"n hfG5g\ . :s"ndf k9\g] ;do ;f9] kfFr 306fb]lv ;ft 306f;Ddsf] x'G5 . of] ;do gfgL s'g txsf] :s"ndf k'u]sf] 5, To;}df e/ k5{ . ;fj{hlgs labfx?, udL{ labf -j;Gt Ct'sf] labf_ / hf8f]sf] 5'§L, / lzIfssf] tflndsf nflu 5'6\ofOPsf lbg gfgLx? :s"n hfFb}gg\ . c+u|]hL ljifodf lgk'0f x'g g;s]sf jf sIffdf sdhf]/



dflgPsf ljBfyL{n] cfˆgf] k|ultsf nflu udL{sf] 5'§Ldf klg :s"n hfg'kg]{ x'g– ;S5 . cleefjsn] sIff–lzIfs÷sIff–lzlIfsf jf :s"n;Fu :s"nsf] jflif{s kfqf] -Sofn]G8/_ dfUg'k5{ . School Year

School years typically begin in late August or early September and end in late May or in June. Children are in school Monday to Friday. The school day is between five and a half to seven hours long, depending on what school the child attends. Students do not attend school on national holidays, during spring and winter breaks, and on days reserved for teacher training. Students who need to improve their English or catch up academically may have to attend summer school as well. Parents should ask their child’s teacher or school for a school calendar. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

:s"ndf vfgf gfgLx?n] lbpF;f]sf] vfgf -nGr_ :s"ndf vfG5g\ . a'af–cfdfn] agfOlbg] eP gfgLx?n] nGr 3/af6 nfg ;S5g\ jf geP :s"ndf lsGg ;S5g\ . cfˆgf] cfDbfgL sd eP lgMz'Ns jf ;x'lnot b/df :s"n] nGr kfpg lgj]bg lbg'k5{ . nGr lgMz'Ns jf ;x'lnot b/df lbnfpg] ljifodf yk a'ˇg' k/] :s"ndf ;Dks{ /fVg'xf];\ . s'g}–s'g} :s"nn] laxfgsf] vfhf -a|]s©f:6_ klg VjfpF5g\ . School Meals

Children eat lunch at school. Children can bring a lunch from home that parents prepare for them, or buy lunch at school. Parents can apply for children to receive free or reduced price school lunches, depending on the household income. Parents should contact their child’s school for information on how to apply. Some schools also offer morning breakfast for students. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

xflh/L ljBfyL{sf] xflh/L dxÎjk"0f{ x'G5 . ljBfyL{n] ;dodf :s"n k'Ug'k5{ . cfˆgf] gfgL :s"n k'Ug l9nf] x'g] eP jf uon x'g] eP ©f]g u/]/ pm lsg l9nf] jf uon ePsf] xf] eGg] hfgsf/L lbg'k5{ . w]/} :s"nx?nfO{ gfgL uon x'g] jf ePsf] hfgsf/L lnlvt ?kdf rflxG5 . cf©" uon ePsf] lbg 5'6]sf] k9fO ljBfyL{n] k"/f u5{g\ eGg] cfzf ul/G5 . Attendance

School attendance is very important. Students must arrive at school on time. You should always call the school to explain if your child is going to be late or absent for any reason. Many schools also require a written



explanation for any absence. Students are expected to make up any school work they missed when they were absent. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

oftfoft tkfO{+sf] a;f]af; :s"nglhs} 5 eg] gfgLx? lxF8]/ hfg–cfpg ;S5g\ . :s"n 6f9f 5 eg] :s"n–l8l:6«S6n] lgMz'Ns a; pknAw u/fpF5 . pSt a;n] gfgLx?nfO{ tf]lsPsf] 7fpFaf6 n}hfG5 / :s"nkl5 NofP/ 5f8\5 . ;fgf gfgLsf cleefjsn] laxfg a; r9\g] 7fpFdf a; gcfpGh]n a:g'k5{ . gfgLx?nfO{ a; r9fpg'k5{ . a]n'sf ;'/lIft ?kdf 3/;Dd Nofpg gfgLx? cf]n{g] 7fpFdf cleefjs k'Ug'k5{ . Transportation

If the school is near to where you live, children can walk to and from school. If the school is far away, the school district will provide a free bus that will pick your child up at a designated location and time and then drop your child off after school. Parents of young children should always wait with them at the bus stop in the morning and be at the stop to greet them and take them home safely in the afternoon. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

:s"ndf k9fOg] ljifo k|To]s /fHo / :s"n l8l:6«S6n] cfˆgf] If]qsf :s"nx?df s'g s'g ljifo k9fpg] eGg] lg0f{o u5{g\ . ;fdfGo ?kdf ;a}h;f] ljBfyL{n] ul0ft, ;fdflhs lzIff, c+u|]hL, lj1fg / zf/Ll/s lzIff k9\g'k5{ . rfxg]n] snf, ;ª\uLt / ljb]zL efiffx? klg k9\g kfpF5g\ . xfO{:s"n / s]xL ld8n :s"nx?n] ljBfyL{x?nfO{ s'g} vf; ljifosf] uxg cWoog ug{ rfx] w]/} ljsNkx? lbG5g\ . tkfO{+n] cfˆgf 5f]/f– 5f]/L;Fu To:tf ljsNkx?af/] 5n©n ug'{k5{ / pgLx?nfO{ To:tf ljifox? 5fGg d2t ug'{k5{ . w]/}h;f] :s"ndf :s"n–;dokl5 v]ns'b / Snax? agfO u}/–z}lIfs lqmofsnfk -k9fOafx]ssf lqmofsnfk_ x'G5g\ . Subjects Taught

Each state and school district decides what subjects will be taught in its schools. In general, most students study mathematics, social studies, English, science, and physical education. Classes in art, music, and foreign languages are also usually offered. High schools and some middle schools give students many choices about what classes they will take within the broad subject areas. You should discuss those choices with your children and help them decide what subjects to select. Most schools also have nonacademic activities such as sports and clubs after school hours. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――



c+u|]hL efiff l;sfO cfk|jf;L afnaflnsfnfO{ /fd|f] c+u|]hL cfpFb}g . pgLx?sf d'Vo r'gf}tLx?dWo] c+u|]hLsf] kof{Kt 1fg gx'g' Pp6f xf] . c+u|]hL sdhf]/ x'gfn] pgLx?sf] k9fO /fd|f] x'Fb}g . ;fgf gfgLx?n] 7"nf afnaflnsf / jo:sx?eGbf rfF8f] efiff l;S5g\ . w]/} :s"ndf cd]l/sfsf gofF afl;Gbfsf nflu efiffsf ljz]if sIff rnfOG5g\ . o:tf sIffx?nfO{ OPnPn -O+uln; Nofª\j]h nlg{ª, c+u|]hL efiff l;sfO_ jf OP;Pn -O+uln; Oh P ;]s]G8 Nofª\j]h, bf];|f] efiffsf ?kdf c+u|]hL_ klg elgG5 . o:tf sIffx? ePsf a]nf tkfO{+n] 5f]/f5f]/LnfO{ k7fpg'eof] eg] pgLx?n] efiff l;Sg ;S5g\ . English Language Learning

One of the biggest challenges for immigrant children is learning sufficient English to be successful in all of their school work. Younger children usually learn more quickly than older children and adults. Many schools have special classes for new arrivals. These classes may be called ELL (English Language Learning) or ESL (English as a Second Language). Your child can benefit from these classes when they are provided. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

u[xsfo{ -xf]djs{_ lzIfslzlIfsfn] :s"nsf sfd 3/df NofP/ ug{ lbO/xG5g\ . 3/df ug]{ o:tf sfdnfO{ u[xsfo{ -xf]djs{_ elgG5 . …u[xsfo{Ú ugf{n] gfgLx?nfO{ :s"ndf k9fOPsf kf7x? a'ˇg ;lhnf] x'G5 . tkfO{+n] pgLx?nfO{ u[xsfo{x? s] s:tf x'g\ eg]/ a'ˇg d2t ug{ ;Sg'x'G5 . t/ pgLx?sf] u[xsfo{ cf©}Fn] eg] k6Ss} ul/lbg' x'Fb}g . Homework

Teachers often assign school work to be completed at home. Doing “homework” helps your children understand what they are learning in school. You can help your children understand the assignment, but you should never do their homework for them. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

nAwf°–kq -l/kf]6{–sf8{_ tkfO{+sf gfgLn] :s"ndf s] s:tf] ul//x]sf 5g\ eGg] n]lvPsf] sfuh l/kf]6{–sf8{ xf] . :s"nx?n] k|foMh;f] jif{sf] rf/k6s l/kf]6{–sf8{ k7fpF5g\ . s'g} l/kf]6{–sf8{df lzIfslzlIfsfn] gfgLsf] k|ultaf/] n]v]sf] l6Kk0fL x'G5 . sf8{df gfgLn] u/]sf] k|ult / l;ls/x]sf ljz]if ;Lk tyf 1fgsf] d"NofÍg c+sdf lbPsf] x'G5 . l/kf]6{–sf8{df cIf/ n]v]/ pgLx?sf] k|ultsf] :t/ lbPsf] x'g;S5 . leGg :t/sf nflu leGg cIf/ x'G5g\ . olb cIf/df :t/ tf]lsPsf] 5 eg] tL cIf/x?sf] cy{ w]/}h;f] o:tf] x'G5 M



• P – pTs[i6 k9fO . • aL – /fd|f] k9fO . • ;L – cf};t k9fO . pgnfO{ k9fOdf ;xfotf cfjZos kg{ ;S5 . • 8L – sd;n k9fO . pgnfO{ cltl/St ;xfotf lbg h?/L 5 jf pgL ©]n x'g

;S5g\ . • P© – cg'QL0f{ -©]n_, pgn] csf]{ ;fn klg oxL sIff k9\g'k5{ ._

cfhsn s]xL :s"nn] gfgLsf l/kf]6{–sf8{ OG6/g]6df x]g{ ;lsg] agfpF5g\ . Report Cards

A report card is a piece of paper that tells you how well your child is doing in school. Schools usually send home report cards four times each year. Some report cards have written comments from teachers. Others provide a score that evaluates the child’s progress and success in gaining specific skills and knowledge. Your child’s report card may have letters on it. If so, the letters usually mean: • A : Excellent work • B : Good work • C : Average work; child may need help with studies • D : Poor work; child needs extra help or will fail • F : Fail; child will have to take the class again Some schools now also provide report cards for parents to see on the Internet. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

cfr/0f :s"ndf gfgLx? cfˆgf ;fyLx?;Fu ldng;f/ x'g'k5{ . lzIfslzlIfsf tyf lk|lG;knsf] cf1fsf/L x'g'k5{ . lk|lG;kn eg]sf] :s"nsf k|d'v x'g\ . :s"nx?df gfgLx?n] kfngf ug{'kg{] dxÎjk"0f{ lgodx? x'G5g\ . o:tf lgodx?sf] kfngf ugf{n] ;fx|f]–ufx|f]af6 6f9} /lxG5 / k9fO /fd|f] x'G5 . ljBfyL{n] kfngf ug{] s]xL lgodx? o:tf 5g\ M • ;dodf sIffdf k'Ug] . • sIffdf s]xL ;f]Wg' jf af]Ng'cl3 xft p7fpg] . • sIffsf]7faflx/ hfg cg'dlt lng] . • u[xsfo{ ;dodf k'/f ug]{ . • emu8f gug]{ . tkfO{+sf gfgLn] :s"nsf lgodx? kfngf u/]gg\ eg] pgLx?n] :s"n–;dokl5 klg ToxLF a:g' kg{] x'g ;S5 . pgLx?n] :s"nsf] lgod tf]8] eg] pgLx?nfO{ s]xL ;dosf nflu :s"n hfg gldNg] u/L 3/ k7fpg ;lsG5 jf pgLx? ;w}Fsf nflu :s"n hfg gkfpg] klg x'g ;S5g\ .




At school, your child should be respectful to his classmates and obey his teacher and principal. The principal is the head of the school. Schools have important rules that children need to obey to stay out of trouble and do well in class. Some classroom rules for students are: • Arrive to class on time. • Raise your hand before you speak in class. • Ask permission to leave the classroom. • Complete homework on time. • Do not fight. If your children break a rule, they may have to stay after school. If they behave very badly, they may be sent home from school for a period of time or not be allowed to attend that school anymore. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

cleefjs ;+nUg cd]l/sLx? cfˆgf ;Gtfgsf] z}lIfs–ultljlwdf cleefjs ;xefuL x'g'k5{ eGg]df ljZjf; u5{g\ . cleefjsx?sf] o:tf] ;xeflutfn] :s"ndf gfgLx?nfO{ k9fO, v]ns'b cflbdf /fd|f] ug{ xf};nf ldN5 . :s"nn] gfgLx?sf] k9fOaf/] afa'cfdfnfO{ a'emfpg] sf]lzz u5{g\ . c+u|]hL ga'ˇg] cleefjsx?nfO{ cem a9L ;xof]u ug{ :s"nx? g} cl3;5{g\ . gfgLx?sf] k|ultaf/] Ps z}lIfs jif{df sDtLdf b'O{ k6s cleefjs / lzIfs– lzlIfsfaLr 5n©n x'G5 . o;sf nflu :s"nn] cleefjsnfO{ af]nfpF5g\ . o;afx]s s]xL k|Zg jf rf;f] eP, lzIfslzlIfsf;Fu ;do ldnfP/ s'g} klg a]nf :s"ndf e]6\g ;Sg'x'G5 . ;+ej eP;Dd :s"ndf x'g] ;ª\uLt, gf6s jf v]ns'b cflbsf ljz]if sfo{qmddf klg cleefjs pkl:yt x'g'k5{ . Parent Involvement

Americans believe that parents should be involved in their children’s education because this helps their children succeed in school. Schools try to help parents understand their children’s education and many offer information specifically for parents who do not speak English. At least twice each year the school will ask you to meet with teachers to discuss your child’s progress. In addition, you can ask to meet with your child’s teachers any time that you have questions or concerns. When possible, parents should also attend special school events such as music concerts, plays, or sports. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――



3/df cleefjssf] e"ldsf 3/df gfgLx?nfO{ k9\g] /fd|f jftfj/0f agfOlbg cleefjsx?n] klg w]/}yf]s ug{ ;Sg'x'G5 . gfgLx?nfO{ k9\g jf xf]djs{ ug{ zfGt 7fpFsf] aGbf]a:t ul/lbg'– xf];\ . o:tf] zfGt 7fpF eg]sf] ;'Tg] sf]7fdf Pp6f 6]a'n jf ;fgf] 8]:s x'g;S5 jf vfgf vfg] 6]a'n klg x'g;S5 . Pp6f lgoldt ;dodf pgLx? Wofg lbP/ k9\g] Joj:yf ul/lbg'xf];\ . k9\g] a]nfdf 6]lnlehg jf lel8of] u]D;x? gvf]lnlbg'xf];\ . a]nfa]nf gfgLx?nfO{ sIffsf af/]df ;f]Wg'xf];\ / pgLx?n] xf]djs{ rflxF lgoldt u/]sf] x'g'k5{ . :s"n hfg] gfgLx?n] kof{Kt ;do ;'Tg'k5{, g'xfpg'k5{, laxfgsf] vfhf vfPsf] x'g'k5{, df};dcg';f/ n'uf nufPsf] / xf]djs{ ;s]sf] x'g'k5{ . Parents’ Responsibilities at Home

Parents can also do several things to make the home a better place for children to study and learn. Provide a quiet place for your child to read or do homework. This can be a table or small desk in a bedroom or even the dining table. Create a regular quiet time when no television or video games are allowed and your child can concentrate and study. Ask your children often about their classes and make sure that they do their homework. Before your children go to school make sure they get enough sleep, shower, eat breakfast, wear clean clothing appropriate for the weather, and have their homework done. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

jo:ssf nflu lzIff gfgLx?sf nflu :s"n clgjfo{ xf] eg] jo:ssf nflu P]lR5s xf] tf klg jo:ssf nflu oxfF lzIff kfpg] w]/} cj;/x? 5g\ . jo:sx?n] ;fFemdf lnOg] sIffx?, Jofj;flos :s"n, sn]hx? / ljZjljBfnodf egf{ eP/ k9\g ;Sg'x'G5 . w]/} k9]/ k|foM /fd|f] hflu/ kfpg d2t k'U5 / a9L cfDbfgL ug{ ;lsG5 . k'gjf{; ;+:yfn] tkfO{+sf] ;d'bfodf o:tf lzIff kfpg] cj;/ vf]Hg ;xfotf u5{g\ . Adult Education

While school is required for children, it is optional for adults. However, there are many educational opportunities for adults. Adults can attend evening classes, vocational school, colleges, and universities. Getting more education can often help you get a better job and make more money. Your resettlement agency can help you find educational opportunities in your community. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

c+u|]hL efiff l;sfO / ;fIf/tf sIffx¿ w]/} ;d'bfox?n] jo:sx?sf nflu c+u|]hL sIffx? lbG5g\ . o;/L w]/}h;f] c+u|]hL sIff rnfpg] ;+:yfx?– sDo'lg6L sn]h, rr{ jf ljz]if :s"n x'g\ . s]xL



t lgMz'Ns x'g ;S5g\ . c? o:tf ;+:yfx?n] eg] z'Ns lnG5g\ . Pp6} sIffdf k|foMh;f] ljleGg pd]/ / hfltsf k'?if tyf dlxnfx? ;Fu} a;]/ k9\5g\ . ;'?sf sIffx?df b}lgs af]nLrfnLdf rflxg] c+u|]hL l;sfOg'sf ;fy} ;fwf/0f c+u|]hL k9\g / n]Vgdf hf]8 lbOG5 . cln dflyNnf] :t/sf] c+u|]hL sIffx?df z'4 c+u|]hL Jofs/0f, lj:t[t zAbx? l;Sg tyf cln pRr:tl/o k9fO / n]vfOdf hf]8 lbOG5 . ESL and Literacy Classes

Most communities offer English classes for adults, often at community colleges, churches, or special schools. Some may be free. Others will charge a fee. Usually men and women of different ages and ethnic backgrounds will attend these classes together. In beginning level classes, emphasis will be on daily English conversation and reading and writing simple English. In more advanced classes the emphasis will be on correct English grammar, learning a larger vocabulary, and more advanced reading and writing. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

lhO8L xfO{:s"n g;s]sf jf To; :t/sf] k9fO k"/f gug{]n] ToxL txsf] 1fg 5 egL b]vfpg Pp6f 6]:6df ;xefuL x'g kfpF5g\ . pSt 6]:6nfO{ …hg/n Ph's];gn 8]enkd]G6 6]:6Ú jf …lhO8LÚ elgG5 . pSt 6]:6df kfFr ljifodf tkfO{+sf] Ifdtf hfFlrG5 . tL kfFr ljifox?– k9fO, n]vfO, Oltxf;, lj1fg / ul0ft x'g\ . lhO8L lbg rfxg]nfO{ :s"n jf ;fd'bflos ;+:yfx?n] tof/Lsf nflu sIff klg rnfpF5g\ . tkfO{+ lhO8L lbg of]Uo x'g'x'G5 eg] slt j6f sIff lng'k5{ / slt z'Ns ltg'{k5{ eGg] kSsf ug'{xf];\ . z'Nsdf s]xL 5'6 kfOG5 ls eg]/ ;f]Wg'xf];\ . lhO8L pQL0f{ ug'{eof] eg] /fd|f] hflu/ kfpg d2t x'G5 . rf/ jif{] sn]h jf ljZjljBfno k9\gsf nflu lhO8L jf xfO{:s"n l8Knf]df k"/f u/]sf] x'g'k5{ . GED

People who did not finish high school can take a test to show that they have the same knowledge as someone who graduated from high school. This test is called the General Educational Development Test or GED. The GED tests your understanding of reading, writing, history, science, and math. GED classes may be offered by schools or community organizations to help you prepare for the test. Make sure you find out how much the classes and the GED test cost, and see if you are eligible for reduced prices. Passing the GED can help you get a better job. The GED or a high school diploma is also required to attend a four year college or university. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――



pRrlzIff jo:ssf] lzIffsf nflu tkfO{+n] oxfF lgDg tx k9\g ;Sg'x'G5 -z}lIfs ;+:yf / tx k"/f ug{ nfUg] cjlw_ M • k|df0fkq -;l6{l©s]6_ tx M sDo'lg6L sn]h, 6«]8 jf Jofj;flos :s"nx? – 5 dlxgfb]lv b'O{ jif{ . • Pzf]l;o6\; l8u|L M sDo'lg6L sn]h – b'O{ jif{ . • :gfts tx -Aofrn;{ l8u|L_ M sn]hdf rf/ jif{ jf ljZjljBfno M rf/ jif{ . • :gftsf]Q/ tx -df:6;{ l8u|L_ M Aofrn;{ l8u|L ;lsPkl5 Ps jf b'O{ jif{ . • ljBfjfl/lw -8S6/]6_ M ljZjljBfno – df:6;{ l8u|L ;lsPkl5 b'O{b]lv * jif{ . Higher Education

These are the different levels of adult education you can receive (institution and time to complete) : • Certificate: Community college, trade or vocational school – six months to two years • Associate’s degree: Community college - two years • Bachelor’s degree: Four year college or university - four years • Master’s degree: University – one or two years after bachelor’s degree • Doctorate: University - two to eight more years after master’s degree ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

Jofj;flos tflnd jo:sx?n] Jofj;flos jf k|fljlws :s"nx?df s'g} ljz]if k]zfsf nflu tflnd lnP/ k|df0f–kq k|fKt ug{ ;Sg'x'G5 . o:tf Jofj;flos jf k|fljlws tflnddf wf/fsf] kfOksf] sfd, l;sdL{, uf8L d]sflgS;, sDKo'6/, lrlsT;f ;xfos / cGo Jofkf/;DaGwL sfd cflb k5{g\ . s'g} hflu/ kfpg tkfO{+n] /f]huf/bftfnfO{ s'g} ljz]if If]qdf tflnd lnP/ cf©";Fu k|df0f–kq ePsf] b]vfpg' kg]{ x'g ;S5 . o:tf ljz]if ;Lksf tflnd– Jofj;flos :s"n, Jofkfl/s :s"n, k|fljlws sn]h jf sDo'lg6L sn]hx?af6 kfOG5g\ . Vocational Training

Adults can earn certificates from vocational or technical schools to show they are trained for particular skilled occupations such as plumbing, carpentry, auto mechanics, computers, medical assisting, and other trades. For some jobs you need a certificate to show your employer that you are trained in a specific skill. Schools that provide training in a specific skill are vocational schools, trade schools, technical colleges, or community colleges. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――



;fd'bflos -sDo'lg6L_ sn]hx¿ sDo'lg6L sn]hx? klg :s"nx? x'g\, ToxfF k9]/ tkfO{+n] Pzf]l;o6 l8u|L kfpg ;Sg'x'G5 . pSt l8u|L k"/f ug{ tkfO{+nfO{ ;fdfGotM b'O{ jif{ nfU5 . s]xL sDo'lg6L sn]hn] /ftL jf ;KtfxfGt -zlgaf/–cfOtaf/_ sIff rnfpg] ePsfn] cfˆgf] lgoldt sfd u/]/ ljBfyL{ sIffdf xflh/ x'g ;S5g\ . Pzf]l;o6 l8u|Ln] tkfO{+sf] cfDbfgL a9fpg d2t ug{ ;S5 . of] tx ;lsPkl5 tkfO{+ rf/ jif{sf nflu o'lgel;{6L -ljZjljBfno_ klg hfg ;Sg'x'G5 . Community Colleges

Community colleges are also schools where you can earn an Associate’s degree. It usually takes two years to earn this type of degree. Some community college courses are offered at night or on weekends so that a student can work a regular job and attend classes. An Associate’s degree can help you earn more money in your job. You can also transfer to a fouryear university after earning your Associate’s degree. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

sn]h / ljZjljBfnox¿ sn]h jf ljZjljBfnodf :gfts tx -Aofrn;{ l8u|L_ k"/f ug{ rf/ jif{ nfU5 . of] tx ;'? ubf{ ;a} ljBfyL{n] tf]lsPsf]÷clgjfo{ vfnsf] kf7\oqmd k'/f u/L cfwfl/t 1fg lng'k5{ . To;kl5 pgLx?n] rfx]sf] If]qdf ljz]if1tf xfl;n ug{ k9\g'k5{ . :gfts txdf ljz]if1tf xfl;n ug{ ;lsg] If]qx? M Joj;fo Joj:yfkg, hLj lj1fg, Oltxf;, ul0ft, lzIf0f jf OlGhlgol/ª cflb x'g\ . sn]h / ljZjljBfnox?df k9\g c+u|]hL efiffdf ljz]if Ifdtf x'g'k5{ . s'g} klg pd]/sf] jo:s dflg; sn]h hfg ;S5g\ . sf]xL dflg; xfO{:s"n ;lsg] lalQs} sn]h hfG5g\ eg] sf]xL s]xL jif{ sfd u5{g\, cln kfsf] pd]/sf x'G5g\, clg sn]h hfG5g\ . Colleges and Universities

At a college or university, you can earn a Bachelor’s degree in four years. Students are usually required to complete a general curriculum before specializing in a field such as business management, biology, history, mathematics, teaching, or engineering. Colleges and universities require a high level of English ability. Adults of any age can go to college. Some people go to college right after they graduate from high school and other people go when they are older and have worked for some years. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

sn]hdf cfj]bg sn]h jf ljZjljBfno egf{sf] cfj]bg lbg tkfO{+n] xfO{:s"n Uo|fh'o6 x'g]–x'g] a]nf ePsf] jf lhO8L u/]sf] x'g'k5{ . tkfO{+n] Pp6f cfj]bg–©f/d eg'{k5{ / …P;P6LÚ



jf …Pl;6LÚ h:tf 6]:6dWo] s'g} Ps 6]:6 lbg'kg{] x'g;S5 . of] 6]:6 lng'sf] cy{ Pp6f ljBfyL{;Fu ljleGg ljifodf s], slt / s:tf] 1fg 5 eGg] hfFRg' xf] . sIff !! df k9\g] ljBfyL{n] xfO{:s"ndf ePsf ;Nnfxsf/;Fu Jofj;flos tflnd / sn]haf/] 5n©n ug{ yfNg'k5{ . ljBfyL{ / cleefjsn] klg pRrlzIff -sIff !@ kl5sf] lzIff_ af/] cfk;df 5n©n ug'{k5{ . sn]hsf nflu cfj]bg k|foMh;f] ljBfyL{ sn]h hfg'eGbf ^ b]lv !@ dlxgfcl3 g} k]z ug]{ ul/G5 . sn]hn] cfj]bg lbg] ;a} ljBfyL{nfO{ egf{ ub}{gg\ . s]xL sn]hn] Psbd} yf]/} dfq ljBfyL{ egf{ lnG5g\ . h'g sn]hx?df cf©"n] egf{ kfpg ;S5' h:tf] nfU5 tL ;a} sn]hdf cfj]bg lbg' /fd|f] x'G5 . Applying to College

To apply to a college or university you need to be close to graduating from high school or have a GED. You will need to fill out an application and may be required to take a standardized test such as either the “SAT” or “ACT” test. These tests evaluate your knowledge in several different subjects. Students in 11th grade should begin to talk about vocational training and colleges with their high school guidance counselor. Students and their parents should discuss together the choices for higher education. College applications must usually be submitted six to twelve months ahead of the time when the student will enroll. Colleges do not accept all students that apply. Some accept only a small percentage. It is important to apply to some colleges that are most likely to accept you. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

sn]hsf] k9fO vr{ sn]h jf ljZjljBfnodf k9\g z'Ns ltg'{k5{ . sn]hdf ltg]{ z'NsnfO{ 6\o"Ozg elgG5 . ©/s sn]hdf 6\o"Ozg ©/s x'G5 . sn]h jf ljZjljBfnocg';f/ Ps jif{sf nflu pSt z'Ns jflif{s $ xhf/ 8n/b]lv *) xhf/;Dd x'G5 . tkfO{+n] lstfa / cGo z'Ns klg a'emfpg' kg]{ x'G5 . rf/ jif]{ ljZjljBfnoeGbf Jofj;flos tflnd jf sDo'lg6L sn]hx? ;:tf x'G5g\ . ;/sf/L ljZjljBfnox? gLlheGbf ;:tf x'G5g\ . tkfO{+ cf©" a;]sf] /fHosf] ;/sf/L ljZjljBfno hfg'eof] eg] tkfO{+nfO{ ;:tf] k5{ . cGo /fHosf] ljZjljBfnodf k9\g hfg'eof] eg] dxFuf] x'G5 . 3/af6 sn]h jf ljZjljBfno gwfpg] xf] eg] 5fqfjf;df a:bf sf]7f / vfgfsf nflu cltl/Qm z'Ns ltg'{k5{ . The Cost of College

You must pay a fee to attend a college or university. The attendance fee is called tuition and may be as little as $4,000 per year to as much as $80,000 per year depending on the college. You also have to pay for books and other school fees. Vocational training or community colleges cost



less than four-year universities. Public universities cost less than private universities. If you attend a public university in your own state, you pay less than if you went to a university in a different state. Students who do not live at home when going to college will have to pay additional fees for a dormitory room and meals. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

sn]hsf nflu e'StfgL ev{/ k'gjf{; ePsf kl/jf/x?n] sn]hsf] k'/} z'Ns r'Stf ug{ ;Sb}gg\ . sn]hsf] z'Ns ltg{ slxn]sfxLF tkfO{+n] s]xL ;xfotf kfpg ;Sg'x'G5 . cg'bfg, 5fqj[lQ jf cfly{s ;xfotfsf nflu lgj]bg lbg'k5{ . tkfO{+n] ljBfyL{–C0fsf nflu klg lgj]bg lbg ;Sg'x'G5 . ljBfyL{–C0fdf lnPsf] /sd cf©" :gfts -Uo|fh'o6_ ePkl5 ltg{ ;'? ug'{k5{ . sn]h–z'Nsdf ykyfk /sd h'6fpgsf nflu lbgsf] jf xKtfsf] s]xL 306f sfd ug{ ;Sg'x'G5 . sn]hsf] cfly{s zfvf / xfO{:s"ndf ePsf ;Nnfxsf/;Fu z'Ns ltg{] jf 5'6 kfpgsf nflu s] s:tf pkfo x'g;S5g\ eGg] hfGg 5n©n ug{ ;Sg'x'G5 . w]/} ljBfyL{nfO{ sn]h z'Ns ltg{ ;+3Lo cg'bfg, C0f, / …sfd ub}{ k9\g]Ú h:tf cj;/ pknAw 5g\ . …;+3Lo ljBfyL{ ;xfotfsf nflu lgMz'Ns cfj]bgÚ ©fˆ;f -k|mL clKns];g ©/ ©]8]/n :6\o'8]G6 P8, P©PP©P;P_ df©{t o:tf ;'ljwf kfOG5g\ . cleefjs / ljBfyL{ ldn]/ o;sf nflu lgj]bg lbg'k5{ . lgj]bg lbP/ dfq k'Ub}g\, cleefjssf] cfDbfgL / hfoh]yf x]/]kl5 dfq ljBfyL{nfO{ k9fO{sf nflu cfly{s ;xfotf pknAw x'g] jf gx'g] lg0f{o x'G5 . Paying for College

Most recent immigrant families will not be able to pay the full cost of college. You can sometimes find assistance to help pay for college. You can apply for a grant, scholarship, or financial aid. You can also apply for a student loan, money that you borrow to pay for school and then start repaying after you graduate. You can also seek part-time jobs to earn money that will help pay for college. You can talk to the financial office at the college and to your high school guidance counselor to find out what options you have to help pay tuition. Federal grants, loans, and work-study opportunities are available for many students to help pay for college. These must be applied for using the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Parents and student must complete this application cooperatively because parents’ incomes and assets are important in determining whether a student will be eligible for any type of aid. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――



ljb]zL l8u|L÷k|df0fkqsf] dfGotf cfˆgf] b]zdf gl;{ª, lzIf0f, n]vf, Joj;fo Joj:yfkg, / OlGhlgol/ª h:tf Jofj;flos If]qsf ljifodf k|fKt l8u|L / k|df0fkqnfO{ cd]l/sfdf ToxL :t/sf] dflgb}g . oxfF ToxLcg';f/sf] z}lIfs of]Uotf k|fKt ug{ 6]:6x? lbg'k5{ jf sn]hdf yk kf7\oqmddf s]xL ;do k9\g'k5{ . cfˆgf] z}lIfs of]UotfnfO{ cd]l/sL of]Uotf– a/fa/ agfpg ul/g] oL pkfox? dxFuf x'g;S5g\ / o;sf nflu w]/} ;do nfUg ;S5g\ . cf©" cfPsf] b]zdf cf©"n] ul//x]sf] k]zfdf hfg rfxg]n] cd]l/sfsf] k|df0fkq gkfpGh]n k|foMh;f] l;sf?sf ?kdf sfd ;'? ug'{k5{ . oxfF s]xL ;+:yfx? 5g\, h;n] tkfO{+n] cfˆgf] b]zdf kfPsf] z}lIfs–of]Uotfsf] dfGotf cd]l/sf / Sofg8fdf s] xf] eg]/ t'ngf ul/lbG5g\ . To;dWo] …jN8{ Ph's];g ;le{;]hÚ Pp6f xf] . Foreign Degree/Certificate Equivalency

People with degrees and certificates from their native country in professional areas such as nursing, teaching, accounting, business management, and engineering will find that their credentials are not accepted in America. They may have to prove their competency through tests or enroll in additional college courses before they will be granted an equivalent American credential. This process can be expensive and take a long time. Immigrants seeking to reenter their professions must often take an entry level job while preparing for American certification. There are some organizations which provide credential evaluations for international students and immigrants planning to continue their studies or work in the U.S. and Canada. One of them is World Education Services (WES). ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

;+If]kdf cd]l/sfdf lzIff lgs} dxÎjk"0f{ x'G5 . afnaflnsfn] ljleGg ljifo k9\g / cfjZos ;Lk l;Sg clgjfo{ :s"n hfg}k5{ . cfˆgf gfgLx?nfO{ /fd|f] ljBfyL{ ag'g\ eGg] cleefjsn] 5f]/f5f]/Lsf] lzIffdf rf;f] lbg' / ;xefuL x'g' lgs} /fd|f] x'G5 . jo:sx?n] cfˆgf] k9fO lgoldt ug{ …lhO8LÚ sIff lng ;Sg'x'G5, Jofj;flos k|df0f–kq xft kfg{ ;Sg'x'G5 / sn]h jf ljZjljBfnodf k9\g ;Sg'x'G5 . lzIffsf sf/0f tkfO{+n] rfx]cg';f/sf] hflu/ kfpg / cfDbfgL a9fpg ;Sg'x'G5 . cd]l/sfdf ;a}nfO{ w]/} z}lIfs cj;/x? 5g\ . Summary

In the United States, education is very important. Children are required to go to school to learn about different subjects and develop useful skills. It

32 is important for parents to be involved in their children’s education so they can help their children be better students. Adults can continue learning by taking GED classes, earning a vocational certificate, and attending a college or university. Education can help you get the job you want and increase the money you can earn. There are many educational opportunities for everyone in the United States.





cWofo $ : ;fdflhs ;]jfx? / ;fj{hlgs ;xfotf Chapter 4 : Social Services and Public Assistance sd cfo ePsf kl/jf/nfO{ d2t tkfO{+sf] a;f]af; ePsf] zx/ jf gu/df cg]sg ;fdflhs ;]jfsf nflu lgof]u -;+:yf_ x? x'G5g\, h;n] tkfO{+ cfTdlge{/ aGg] k|of; ul//x]sf a]nf ;xfotf pknAw u/fpg ;S5g\ . s]xL ;fdflhs ;]jf sfo{qmdx? :jo+;]jL ;+:yfx?åf/f / c? s]xL :yfgLo, /fHo jf ;+3Lo ;/sf/x?åf/f ;~rflnt x'G5g\ . Help for Low Income Families

Your city or town has many social service agencies that may provide you with assistance while you are striving to become self-sufficient. Some social service programs are operated by voluntary organizations and others are operated by local, state, or federal governments. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

lghL ;xfotf cd]l/sLx? cfˆgf] ;do / k};fnfO{ :jo+;]jfdf vr{G5g\ . pgLx? ;fdflhs ;]jf ug]{ lghL ;+:yfx?df©{t o:tf] ;]jf ug'{df uf}/j 7fG5g\ . pbfx/0fsf nflu tkfO{+sf] k'gjf{; ;+:yf Pp6f lghL ;+:yf xf], h;n] tkfO{+sf] ;d'bfodf z/0ffyL{nfO{ k'g:yf{kgf ug]{ lg0f{o u/]sf] x'G5 . To;}u/L tkfO{+sf] zx/df cGo lghL ;+:yfx? klg x'g ;S5g\, h;n] ljleGg lsl;dsf ;xfotf pknAw u/fpF5g\ . o:tf ;+:yfn] ©lg{r/, nQfsk8f, jo:ssf nflu c+u|]hL sIff, hflu/sf nflu k/fdz{, bf]efif] ;xfotf, jf cfkftsflng cfjf;sf] Joj:yf u5{g\ . tkfO{+sf] k'gjf{; ;+:yfn] To:tf lghL ;+:yfx?af/] atfpF5g\ / To:tf ;+:yf;Fu ;Dks{ ug{ ;xof]u u5{g\ . Private Assistance

Americans are proud of volunteer time and money they give to private social service organizations. Your resettlement agency, for example, is a private organization that has decided to help refugees settle in your community. There are other private organizations in your town that may provide other kinds of assistance. They may provide furniture, clothing, English language classes for adults, job counseling, translation assistance, or emergency housing. Your resettlement agency can tell you about them and may help you contact them. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

˚"8 :6ØfDk cd]l/sL ;/sf/n] Go"g cfo ePsf kl/jf/x?nfO{ Pp6f sfo{qmddf©{t vfBfGg vl/bdf ;xfotf u5{ . of] sfo{qmdnfO{ af]nLrfnLsf] efiffdf …©"8 :6\ofDkÚ elgG5,


Social Services and Public Assistance

oBlk o;sf] cf}krfl/s gfd …k"/s kf]if0f ;xfotf sfo{qmd -:gfk_Ú xf] . of] sfo{qmdnfO{ /fHon] ;~rfng u5{ / o;sf lgod /fHolkR5] ©/s x'G5g\ . k'gjf{; ;+:yfn] tkfO{+ cd]l/sf cfPnuQ} ©"8 :6\ofDk sfo{qmdsf] ;xfotf kfpgsf nflu cfj]bg lbg d2t ug]{5 . tkfO{+ pSt sfo{qmddf©{t kfOg] ;xfotfsf nflu of]Uo x'g'x'G5 jf x'g'x'Gg / k|To]s dlxgf slt ;xfotf kfpg] rflxF tkfO{+sf] kl/jf/sf] cfsf/, tkfO{+sf] cfDbfgL, tkfO{+sf] vr{, / tkfO{+;Fu slt gub 5 eGg]df e/ k5{ . ^) jif{eGbf a9L pd]/sf JolSt / ckfª\ux? eg] of] ;'ljwfsf nflu ljz]if of]Uo dflgG5 . ©"8 :6\ofDksf nflu tkfO{+n] lbPsf] cfj]bg :jLs[t eof] eg] tkfO{+n] …On]S6«f]lgs a]g]l©6\; 6«fG;©/Ú -Ola6L_ gfds Knfl:6ssf] sf8{ kfpg'x'G5 . ©"8 :6\ofDkjfkt tkfO{+sf] dfl;s lx:;f /sd dlxgflkR5] sf8{df :jrflnt ?kdf /flvlbOG5 . tkfO{+n] of] sf8{ vfBfGg vl/bsf nflu :6f]/x? / cGo 7fpFdf k|of]u ug'{k5{ . of] sf8{ cGo 3/fo;L ;fdfg, /S;L, ;'tL{hGo j:t' jf tTsfn vfgldNg] vfg]s'/f lsGg'kbf{ k|of]u ug{ ldNb}g . Food Stamps

The U.S. government provides low income families with assistance in purchasing food. This program is usually referred to as “Food Stamps” although its official name is Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). The program is run by the states and some rules are different in each state. Your resettlement agency will help you apply for the food stamp program soon after you arrive in the U.S. Whether you are eligible to receive food stamp assistance and how much you might receive each month depends on the size of your family, your income, your expenses, and how much money you have. There are special eligibility considerations for people over 60 years old and for those who are disabled. If you are approved, you will receive a plastic Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) card. Your monthly allotment of food stamp money will be automatically added to that card each month. You can use the card to purchase food at grocery stores and other locations. You cannot use this food stamp money to buy household supplies, alcohol, tobacco, or readyto-eat hot foods. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

dlxnf, lzz' tyf afnaflnsf kf]if0f sfo{qmd -ljs_ 8An'cfO;L -ljs_ ;+3Lo jf /fHo:t/sf] dlxnf, lzz' tyf afnaflnsf kf]if0f sfo{qmdsf] 5f]6s/L gfd xf] . …ljsÚ sfo{qmdn] ue{jtL / rf/ jif{eGbf sd pd]/sf lzz'sf] x]/rfx ug'{kg]{ Go"g cfo ePsf dlxnfnfO{ ;xfotf u5{ . of]

;fdflhs ;]jfx¿ / ;fj{hlgs ;xfotf


sfo{qmdn] kf]if0f;DaGwL lzIff / ue{jtL dlxnf, ev{/ cfdf ePsL dlxnf, lzz'x? / lk|–:s"n hfg] gfgLx?nfO{ :j:y /fVg kf}li6s vfBfGg pknAw u/fpF5 . 7"nf zx/ / gu/df o:tf] ;'ljwf kfpgsf nflu lgj]bg lbg] sfof{nox? x'G5g\ . tkfO{+ a;]glhs} o:tf] sfof{no sxfF 5 eg]/ k'gjf{; ;+:yf;Fu ;f]Wg'k5{ . o:tf] ;'ljwfsf nflu lgj]bg lbFbf kl/jf/sf] cfDbfgL, aRrfx?sf] pd]/, tkfO{+n] ©"8 :6\ofDkjfktsf] ;'ljwf kfP÷gkfPsf], / cGo hfgsf/L lbg'k5{ . WIC

WIC is the short name for the federal/state Women, Infants, and Children Nutrition Program. WIC assists low-income pregnant women and women with children up through age 4. It provides nutrition education and nutritious foods to help keep pregnant women, new mothers, infants and preschool children healthy. There are offices where you can apply for WIC in larger towns and cities. You should ask your resettlement agency for the closest location to your home. You will need to indicate your family income, age of your children, whether you are receiving food stamps, and other information when you apply. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

d]l8s]8 d]l8s]8 :jf:Yo;DaGwL ;+3Lo / /fHo:t/sf] Ps sfo{qmd xf] . o; sfo{qmddf©{t Go"g cfo ePsf kl/jf/n] 8fS6/, c:ktfn / cGo :jf:Yo ;]jfx? lnPjfkt ltg]{ /sddf ;xfotf ul/G5 . of] ;'ljwf kfpg rflxg] of]Uotf / ;]jfx?sf lgod /fHolkR5] ©/s x'G5g\ . tkfO{+ cd]l/sf cfPnuQ} k'gjf{; ;+:yfn] a;f]af; ePsf] /fHodf d]l8s]8 ;'ljwf kfpgsf nflu cfj]bg lbg ;xof]u u5{ . Medicaid

Medicaid is a federal and state program to help pay the bills of low income families for doctors, hospitals, and other health care services. Each state has different rules for eligibility and services that it will pay for. Your resettlement agency will help you apply for the Medicaid program in your state soon after you arrive in the U.S. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

d]l8s]o/ d]l8s]o/ ;+3Lo :jf:Yo ladf ;'ljwf xf] . o;n] a"9fkfsf / ckfª\unfO{ :jf:Yof]– krf/df ;xfotf u5{ . of] ;'ljwf kfpg] JolSt ^% jif{ jf Tof]eGbf a9L pd]/sf] x'g'k5{ . t/ ;a} ^% jif{ jf Tof]eGbf a9L pd]/sf] JolSt of] ;'ljwfsf nflu of]Uo x'Fb}g . cd]l/sfdf sDtLdf bz jif{ sfd u/]sf] / /f]huf/ ePsf a]nf d]l8s]o/ s/ a'emfPsf] x'g'k5{ .


Social Services and Public Assistance

bz jif{ /f]huf/ ePs} x'g'kg]{ ePsfn] ^% jif{ jf ;f]eGbf a9L pd]/sf z/0ffyL{n] k|foMh;f] d]l8s]o/ ;'ljwf kfpFb}gg\ . Medicare

Medicare is a federal health insurance program for elderly and disabled individuals. Persons who are 65 years old or older are eligible for Medicare if they have worked at least ten years in jobs and paid Medicare taxes as part of that employment. Because of the ten year employment requirement, elderly refugees are not generally able to receive Medicare benefits. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

P;P;cfO …P;P;cfOÚsf] k"/f cy{ …;lKnd]G6n ;]So'l/6L OGsdÚ xf] . of] b[li6ljxLg, ckfª\u, ^% jif{ s6]sf / yf]/} cfDbfgL ePsf JolStnfO{ gub ;xfotf lbg] ;+3Lo sfo{qmd xf] . of] sfo{qmd …o'P; ;f];n ;]So'l/6L P8\ldlg:6«];gÚ gfds sfof{non] rnfpF5 . tkfO{+n] h'g sfof{nodf cfˆgf] ;f];n ;]So'l/6L sf8{ lng'x'G5, ToxL sfof{nodf of] ;'ljwfsf nflu cfj]bg lbg'k5{ . of] ;'ljwf kfpg] cfwf/x? tkfO{+sf] cfDbfgL / hDdf ;|f]tx?df e/ k5{ . ckfª\u xf] eGg] cfwf/df P;P;cfO kfpg h] k|dfl0ft ug{'k5{, Tof] Tolt ;lhnf] 5}g . tkfO{n] cf©" ckfª\u ePsf] k|dfl0ft ug]{ d]l8sn sfuhftx? ;+sng u/]/ a'emfpg'k5{ . k'gjf{; ;+:yf jf cGo ;fdflhs ;]jf;DaGwL sfof{non] …P;P;cfOÚ ;'ljwf kfpg cfj]bg lbg] k|lqmofaf/] hfgsf/L lbg d2t ug{ ;S5g\ . tkfO{+nfO{ of] ;'ljwf kfpg of]Uo 7x¥ofOof] / P;P;cfO ;'ljwf kfpg'eof] eg] ;f];n ;]So'l/6L P8\ldlg:6«];g sfof{non] tkfO{+sf] cj:yfsf] lgoldt hfgsf/L dfUg]5 . z/0ffyL{x?n] …P;P;cfOÚ gub ;xfotf a9Ldf & jif{sf nflu dfq kfpF5g\ . cd]l/sf cfPsf] kfFr jif{kl5 gful/stf lng ;lsG5 / gful/s ePkl5 of] ;xfotfsf] Dofb ylkg ;S5 . ;'?df cfpFbf cf©"nfO{ ;ft jif{ kfpg] of] ;'ljwf lgs} nfdf] h:tf] nfU5 . t/ cf©" :yfoL afl;Gbf dfq ePsf v08df & jif{df of] ;'ljwf ;lsG5 eg] gful/s ePsf v08df Dofb a9\g ;S5 eGg] a'ˇg cfjZos 5 . SSI

SSI is the short name for Supplemental Security Income, a federal cash assistance program for people who are blind, disabled, over age 65 and have little income. This program is operated by the U.S. Social Security Administration. You apply for this program at the same office where you applied for your Social Security card. Eligibility will be determined based on your income and total resources. Proving that a disability is serious enough to be eligible for SSI is not easy. You will need to collect and

;fdflhs ;]jfx¿ / ;fj{hlgs ;xfotf


provide copies of your medical records relating to your disability. Your resettlement agency or another social service agency in your community may be able to help you understand the application process. If you are eligible and receive SSI benefits, the Social Security Administration will ask you to verify and update information about your situation regularly. Refugees are only eligible to receive SSI cash assistance for a maximum of 7 years. An extension may be possible for those who have been naturalized and have become U.S. citizens. Seven years may seem like a long time at first, but it is important to understand that this assistance will end for those who are Permanent Residents and not citizens. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

6Øfg˚ …6\ofg©Úsf] k"/f cy{ …6]Dkf]//L cl;:6]G; ©/ lg8L ©]ldlnhÚ xf] . of] afnaRrf ePsf] kl/jf/sf nflu ;+3Lo÷/fHo:t/af6 lbOg] gub ;xfotf sfo{qmd xf] . of] sfo{qmdaf6 ;xfotf kfpg ljleGg cfjZostf k"/f ePsf] x'g'k5{, ;'ljwf klg a]Unfa]Un} 5g\ eg] o; sfo{qmdsf gfd /fHolkR5] ©/s 5g\ . tkfO{+ cfˆgf !* jif{d'lgsf afnaRrf;lxt cd]l/sf cfpg'ePsf] 5 eg] of] sfo{qmdsf] ;xfotfsf nflu lgj]bg lbg k'gjf{; ;+:yfn] ;xof]u u5{g\ . tkfO{+ cd]l/sf cfPkl5 klxnf] aRrf hlGdof] eg] 6\ofg© ;xfotf kfpg tkfO{+ a;]glhs} sxfF / s;/L cfj]bg lbg] eg]/ kQfnufpg'k5{ . s]xL ckjfbafx]s of] ;'ljwf hLjge/ a9Ldf s'n ^) dlxgfsf nflu x'G5 . TANF

TANF is the short name for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, a federal/state cash assistance program for families with children. This program has different requirements, different cash benefits, and even different names in different states. If you arrive in the U.S. with minor children under the age of 18, your resettlement agency will assist you in applying for this program. If you have a first child after you resettled in the U.S., you will need to determine where and how to apply for this program in your community. With few exceptions, there is a lifetime limit of 60 months that you can receive benefits from this program. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

z/0ffyL{ gub ;xfotf 6\ofg© jf P;P;cfO kfpg cof]Uo z/0ffyLx?n] …z/0ffyL{ gub ;xfotfÚ sfo{qmddf©{t gub ;xfotf kfpg ;S5g\ . of] sfo{qmd tkfO{+sf] /fHo, k'gjf{; ;+:yf jf cGo lghL :jo+;]jL ;+:yfn] rnfPsf x'g ;S5g\ . tkfO{+ 6\ofg© jf


Social Services and Public Assistance

P;P;cfO kfpg cof]Uo 7x/] k'gjf{; ;+:yfn] of] ;'ljwfsf nflu cfj]bg lbg ;xof]u u5{ . of] ;'ljwf cd]l/sf cfPsf] ;'?sf] * dlxgfsf nflu dfq x'G5 . Refugee Cash Assistance

Refugees who are not eligible for TANF or SSI may receive cash assistance under the Refugee Cash Assistance program. This program may be operated by your state, by your resettlement agency, or by another private voluntary agency. Your resettlement agency will help you apply if you are not eligible for TANF or SSI. This program lasts for only the first 8 months after arrival in the U.S. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

cg'bfg ldnfg s'g} k'gjf{; ;+:yfx?n] z/0ffyL{ gub ;xfotfsf] ;§f cg'bfg ldnfg sfo{qmddf ;xefuL u/fpF5g\ . o;df ;xefuL x'g] z/0ffyL{nfO{ ;s];Dd rfF8f] hflu/df nufpg] sf]lzz ul/G5 . To;sf] ;§fdf sfo{qmddf©{t yk gub ;xfotf / hflu/ aGbf]a:t tyf k/fdz{ lbG5g\ . of] sfo{qmdsf] ;xof]u cd]l/sf cfPsf] klxnf] rf/ dlxgfsf nflu dfq xf] . Matching Grants

Some resettlement agencies offer this program instead of Refugee Cash Assistance. Refugees who enroll in this program promise to get a job as soon as possible. In exchange they are provided increased cash assistance and job placement and counseling. This program lasts for only the first 4 months after arrival in the U.S. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

cfjf; ;xfotf ckf6{d]G6 ef8fdf lnP/ a:g' dxFuf] klg x'g;S5 . tkfO{+sf] k'gjf{; ;+:yfn] klxnf] ckf6{d]G6sf] aGbf]a:t / To;df cTofjZos ;fh;Hhf ug{ d2t u5{ . cd]l/sL ;/sf/n] Go"g cfo ePsf kl/jf/nfO{ jf;:yfgsf] Joj:yfsf nflu b'O6f 7"nf sfo{qmdx?df©{t ;xfotf u/]sf] 5 . Pp6f ;fj{hlgs cfjf; -klAns xfplhª_ xf] . of] cfjf; Joj:yf ljz]if ?kdf Go"g cfo ePsf kl/jf/sf nflu ;+/lIft xf] / o;nfO{ :yfgLo cfjf; ;+:yfn] ;~rfng u/]sf x'G5g\ . bf];|f] cfjf; ljsNk ef}r/ sfo{qmd -xfplhª RjfO; efpr/ k|f]u|fd_ xf] . slxn]sfxLF of] sfo{qmdnfO{ …zfvf *Ú -;]S;g *_ klg elgG5 . of] bf];|f] sfo{qmdcGtu{t Go"g cfo ePsf kl/jf/nfO{ cfˆgf] ckf6{d]G6 lbnfpg cg'bfg k|bfg ul/G5 . b'j} sfo{qmddWo] s'g} Ps sfo{qmdcGtu{tsf] ;xfotf kfpg tkfO{+n] :yfgLo cfjf; lgof]udf cfj]bg lbg'k5{ . cfj]bgdf cfˆgf] cfDbfgL, vr{ / ;|f]t pNn]v ug'{k5{ . o; sfo{qmddf ;xefuL x'g z/0ffyL{x? / cd]l/sL gful/sx?nfO{ a/fa/s} of]Uotf k|fKt x'G5 .

;fdflhs ;]jfx¿ / ;fj{hlgs ;xfotf


cg'bfg lglZrt ePsfn] o:tf] sfo{qmddf cfˆgf] kfnf] t'?Gt gcfpg ;S5 . s]xL ;do s'g'{kg]{ klg x'g ;S5 . tkfO{+n] ;fj{hlgs cfjf; jf zfvf * ef}r/ kfpg # jif{ jf Tof]eGbf a9L ;do s'g'{kg]{ x'g ;S5 . Housing Assistance

Renting an apartment can be very expensive. Your resettlement agency helps locate and provided basic furnishings for your first apartment. The U.S. government funds two large programs for housing assistance for low-income households. Public housing is typically special housing developments reserved for low-income households and operated by local housing authorities. The Housing Choice Voucher Program, sometimes called “Section 8” provides a subsidy to low income households who find their own apartment owned by private landlords. Both programs require you to apply at your local housing authority and provide information on your income, expenses, and resources. Refugees are eligible on the same basis as U.S. citizens. Because of funding limitations, there may be a waiting list. You may need to wait 3 years or more before you can obtain public housing or a Section 8 voucher. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

pmhf{ ;xfotf …PncfOPrOPkLÚ sf] k"/f cy{ …nf] OGsd xf]d OghL{ cl;:6]G6\; k|f]u|fdÚ -Go"g cfo cfjf; pmhf{ ;xfotf sfo{qmd_ xf] . of] sfo{qmd ;+3Lo ;/sf/sf] ;xof]udf ;~rfng x'G5 . o; sfo{qmdn] Go"g cfo ePsf kl/jf/nfO{ 3/ ttfpg jf Po/– slG8;g ug{ ;xfotf u5{ . cd]l/sfsf] pQ/ efudf d'VotM of] ;xfotfn] UofF;, OGwg t]n, bfp/f jf lah'nLh:tf pmhf{ ;|f]taf6 3/ ttfpg ;3fpF5 . cd]l/sfsf blIf0fL efudf d'VotM udL{df 3/ lr:ofpg Po/–slG8;gdf ;xfotf ug{ ;S5 . …PncfOPrOPkLÚ sf nflu cfj]bg lbgsf nflu zx/ jf gu/df o;sf sfof{no x'G5g\ . tkfO{+sf] a;f]af; ePglhs} s'g 7fpFdf o;sf] sfof{no 5 eg]/ k'gjf{; ;+:yf;Fu ;f]Wg'k5{ . pmhf{ ;xfotfsf nflu cfj]bg lbFbf tkfO{+n] cfˆgf] kl/jf/sf] cfsf/, cfo, 3/ef8f, 3/ ttfpg] jf Po/–slG8;gsf] vr{nufot 3/fo;L ;]jfx? k|of]u u/]jfkt ltg'{kg]{ lanx?, / cGo hfgsf/L k]z ug'{k5{ . Energy Assistance

LIHEAP is the short name for the federally funded Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program. LIHEAP assists the lowest income households to pay for home heating or air conditioning. In the north of the U.S., the assistance is usually for gas, fuel oil, wood, or electric heat to keep a home warm in the winter. In the south of the U.S. it may be used primarily for air conditioning to keep a home cool during the hot months.


Social Services and Public Assistance

There are offices where you can apply for LIHEAP in towns and cities. You should ask your resettlement agency for the closest location to your home. You will need to provide personal information such as your family size, income, rent, utility bills including heating or air conditioning costs, and other information when you apply. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

;fj{hlgs ;xfotf / 5n5fd oL ;a} ;xfotf sfo{qmdx?n] tkfO{+sf] lgj]bgdf e/f];f u5{g\ . tL lgj]bgx?df tYof+s, gftf–;DaGw, kl/jf/sf ;b:osf] pd]/, tkfO{+sf] cfDbfgL, tkfO{+sf] vr{, tkfO{+sf] sf/sf] d"No, tkfO{+;Fu ePsf] s'n gub, 3/df sf]xL ckfª\u eP pgsf] cj:yf cflb h:tf ljleGg hfgsf/L dfluPsf] x'G5 . o:tf] cj:yfdf ;fFrf] / Odfgbf/ eP/ pQ/ lbg' l7s x'G5 . cfj]bg / cGtjf{tf{df sK6\ofO{+ ug'{ jf em"6f] hfgsf/L k]z ug'{ u}/sfg'gL xf] . tkfO{+n] em"6f] af]n]sf] jf 5n5fd u/]sf] ©]nf k¥of] eg] ;'ljwfx? ;a} sfl6g ;S5g\ / tkfO{+n] ck/fw u/]sf] 7xg{ ;S5 . cGttM tkfO{+n] cd]l/sL gful/s aGg] df}sf u'dfpg ;Sg'x'G5 . Public Assistance and Fraud

Public assistance programs rely on applications in which you are asked to provide information on the number, relationship, and age of people in your family, your income, your expenses, the value of your car, how much money you have, the nature of any disability, etc. It is important that you provide accurate and honest answers. It is illegal to lie on applications and in interviews, or provide fraudulent information. If you are found to have lied or committed fraud, you could lose all of your benefits and be convicted of a crime. You could be prohibited from becoming a U.S. citizen. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

bf]efif]x¿ ;fj{hlgs ;xfotfsf nflu lgj]bg lbg] sfd ;lhnf] 5}g . olb tkfO{+ c+u|]hL a'ˇg'x'Gg eg] emg} ufx|f] x'G5 . tkfO{+n] of] ;'ljwf kfpg lgj]bg lbPkl5 ;DalGwt sfof{nodf tkfO{+sf] cGtjf{tf{ x'G5 . cGtjf{tf{df jf tkfO{+sf nflu cfjZos sfuhft e]nf kfg{ ;xfotf ug]{ bf]efif] -b'O{ efiff af]Ng] JolSt_ pknAw u/fpg' pSt sfof{nosf] sfg'gL lhDd]jf/L xf] . tkfO{+n] ;fdflhs ;]jfsf] sfof{nodf cfˆgf s'/f /fVg jf oLdWo] s'g} sfo{qmddf cfj]bg lbgsf nflu ;do ldnfpg'eof] eg] cf©"nfO{ g]kfnL bf]efif] rflxG5 eg]/ eGg'k5{ . bf]efif]n] ;'ljwf;DaGwL sfo{qmdx?af/] tkfO{+nfO{ / tkfO{+n] ©sf{Psf hjf© pSt sfof{nosf k|ltlglwnfO{ a'emfpg ;xfotf u5{g\ . Interpreters Applying for public assistance programs is not easy. It is especially difficult if you do not understand English. Public assistance programs have

;fdflhs ;]jfx¿ / ;fj{hlgs ;xfotf


a legal duty to provide an interpreter for you at the time you meet with someone in an agency who will interview you or gather your information. When you are setting an appointment in a social service agency to discuss or apply for one of these programs, you should tell the agency that you will need a Nepali interpreter. The interpreter will help you understand the program and will help the agency understand your answers to their questions. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

;'ljwfsf ljj/0f b'?:t /fVg' slxn]sfxLF tkfO{+sf hfgsf/Lx? ©]l/G5g\, h:tf] M tkfO{+sf] 7]ufgf, tkfO{+sf] cfo jf 3/ef8f, jf kl/jf/df a:g] ;b:osf] ;+Vof . o:tf kl/jt{gx? eP eg] tkfO{+n] ;fj{hlgs ;xfotf lbO/x]sf] sfof{nodf oL hfgsf/L lbg'k5{ . o:tf kl/jt{gx? ePsf] hfgsf/L ;se/ bz lbgleq lbg'k5{ . Keeping Program Information Current

Sometimes your information changes, such as where you live, the amount of your income or rent, or who lives in your house. You have a responsibility to inform the office of any programs that are providing you public assistance with information about these kinds of changes. Often the requirement is that you provide the new information within ten days. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

cfTdlge{/ aGg] nIo cd]l/sL ;fj{hlgs ;xfotf sfo{qmdx? ;xefuL JolSt cfTdlge{/ gx'Gh]n lglZrt ;dosf nflu ;xfotf ug{ agfOPsf x'g\ . c? cd]l/sLx? h:t} tkfO{+sf] nIo ;s];Dd rfF8f] cfTdlge{/ aGg] x'g'k5{ . nQfsk8f, ©"8 :6\ofDk, 6\ofg©, P;P;cfO / cGo o:tf sfo{qmdx? hLjge/sf nflu xf]Ogg\ eGg]df tkfO{+ ;w}F ;r]t x'g'k5{ . ;a}h;f]sf] lglZrt ;do tf]lsPsf] 5 . cd]l/sf a:b} hfFbf tkfO{+sf] c+u|]hL ;'lw|G5 / tkfO{+n] /fd|f] sfd kfpg'x'G5, To;kl5 ;fj{hlgs ;'ljwfdflysf] tkfO{sf] lge{/tf :jtM sd x'Fb} hfG5 . Goal of Self-sufficiency

American public assistance programs are designed to help people during limited periods when they are not self-sufficient. Your goal, like that of all Americans, must be to become self-sufficient as soon as possible. Keep in mind that donations of clothing, food stamps, TANF, SSI, and these other programs are not meant to be a permanent part of your life. In many cases, they have explicit time limits.


Social Services and Public Assistance

As you gain experience living in the U.S., as you learn more English, as you find better paying jobs, your dependence on public assistance will naturally be reduced.





cWofo % : :jf:Yo ;]jf Chapter 5 : Health Care cd]l/sfdf :jf:Yo ;]jfx¿ cd]l/sfdf cfˆgf] :jf:Yosf] Vofn ug'{ / :jf:Yo ;'ljwf Joj:yf s:tf] 5 eg]/ hfGg' lgs} dxÎjk"0f{ x'G5 . cd]l/sfdf :jf:Yo ;]jfx? lgMz'Ns 5}gg\ / w]/} dxFuf] kg{ ;S5g\ . Health Services in the United States

It is important to take care of your health and understand how the health care system works in the United States. Health services in the United States are not free and can be very expensive. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

j}1flgs ljlwx¿ cd]l/sfsf :jf:Yo ;'ljwf Joj:yf :jf:Yo lj1fgdf cfwfl/t 5g\ . 8fS6/x?n] tkfO{+nfO{ s:tf] 5 eg]/ ;f]W5g\, t/ pgLx?n] :jf:Yo;DaGwL c? hfgsf/L klg kfpF5g\ . pgLx?n] tkfO{+sf] tf}n lng ;S5g\ . tkfO{+sf] z/L/sf] tfkqmd gfKg / /Strfk x]g{ ;S5g\ . tkfO{+sf] /utsf] gd'gf jf lk;fa gd'gf lng ;S5g\ . tL gd'gfx? k|of]uzfnfdf k/LIf0f ul/G5g\ . pgLx?n] tkfO{+sf] PS;–/] lnP/ jf z/L/sf] cGo s'g} k|sf/sf] :Sofg u/]/ Nofpg'xf];\ klg eG5g\ . o:tf ;a} k/LIf0fx?sf kl/0ffdx? x]/]/ pgLx?n] tkfO{+nfO{ s:tf] pkrf/ ug]{ jf ladf/af6 s;/L arfpg] eGg] lg0f{o u5{g\ . Scientific Methods

The U.S. health care system is based on health sciences. Doctors will ask you how you feel but they will get other information too. They may weigh you on a scale. They may take your temperature and measure your blood pressure. They may take a blood sample or a urine sample and have those tested in a laboratory. They may order an x-ray or other type of body scan. The results of all of these help the doctor decide how to treat you or prevent an illness. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

k|f/lDes :jf:Yo hf“r cd]l/sf cfPnuQ} k'gjf{; ;+:yfn] tkfO{+ / kl/jf/sf] :jf:Yo k/LIf0fsf] aGbf]a:t ldnfpF5 . cd]l/sL :jf:Yo ;'ljwf Joj:yf;Fu tkfO{+sf] of] klxnf] ;fIffTsf/ x'g]5 . of] k/LIf0fn] tkfO{+ jf afnaRrfnfO{ s'g} :jf:Yo ;d:of 5 jf 5}g eGg] kQfnufpF5 . :s"n hfg'eGbf klxn] afnaRrfnfO{ s]xL clgjfo{ vf]kx? lbOG5g\ . oL vf]kn] pgLx?nfO{ la/fdL x'gaf6 arfpF5g\ .


Health Care

First Health Screening

Shortly after you arrive in the U.S., your resettlement agency will arrange a health screening for you and your family members. This will be your first contact with the American health care system. This screening will identify any health problems that you may have or that your children may have. Children will be given immunizations (shots) that are required before they can attend an American school. These shots prevent illness. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

lghL :jf:Yo ladf cd]l/sfdf :jf:Yo ;]jf dxFuf] 5 . vf;df cf©"n] kfPsf] :jf:Yo ;'ljwfjfkt z'Ns ltg{' k|To]s JolSt–JolStsf] lhDd]jf/L xf] . w]/}h;f] dflg; :jf:Yo ladf sfo{qmddf e/ k5{g\ . w]/} /f]huf/bftfn] cf©"sxfF sfd ug]{ JolStsf] :jf:Yo ladf ul/lbG5g\ . ladfjfkt lt/]sf] k};f tnaaf6 s6f}tL ul/G5 / To; s6f}tL /sddf /f]huf/bftfn] s]xL yk]/ dfl;s ladf /sd hDdf ul/lbG5g\ . Pp6f kl/jf/sf nflu :jf:Yo ladf ubf{ dlxgfsf] Ps xhf/ 8n/eGbf a9L nfUg ;S5 . ladLt JolSt la/fdL ePdf :jf:Yof]krf/sf] ;a} vr{ of vr{sf] s]xL /sd ladf sDkgLn] a]xf]5{ . Private Health Insurance

Health care in the U.S. is expensive. In principle, individuals are responsible for paying for health services they receive. Most people rely on health insurance programs. Many employers provide their employees a health insurance program. Money is deducted from the employee’s paycheck and, together with additional money contributed by the employer, is used to pay the monthly cost of health insurance. A health insurance policy for a family may cost more than $1,000 per month. If an insured person becomes sick, the health insurance company covers all or a part of the medical bills. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

:jf:Yo /]vb]vdf ;/sf/L ;xfotf :jf:Yo ;]jf dxFuf] ePsfn] j[4, s]xL ckfª\u JolSt, Go"g cfo ePsf kl/jf/sf] :jf:Yof]krf/df ;xfotf ug{ d]l8s]o/ / d]l8s]8 gfds ;/sf/L sfo{qmd 5g\ . Government Assistance for Health Care

Because costs are so high, the government has programs called Medicare and Medicaid to assist older people, some disabled persons, and lowincome families. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

:jf:Yo ;]jf


d]l8s]o/ d]l8s]o/ eg]sf] ;+3Lo ;/sf/sf] :jf:Yo ladf ;'ljwf xf] . o;n] a"9fkfsf / ckfª\unfO{ :jf:Yof]krf/df ;xfotf u5{ . of] ;'ljwf kfpg] JolSt ^% jif{ jf ;f]eGbf a9L pd]/sf] x'g'k5{ . t/ ;a} ^% jif{ jf ;f]eGbf a9Lsf] JolSt of] ;'ljwfsf nflu of]Uo x'Fb}g . cd]l/sfdf sDtLdf bz jif{ sfd u/]sf] / /f]huf/ ePsf a]nf d]l8s]o/ s/ a'emfPsf] x'g'k5{ . bz jif{ /f]huf/ ePs} x'g'kg]{ ePsfn] ^% jif{ jf ;f]eGbf a9L pd]/sf z/0ffyL{n] k|foMh;f] d]l8s]o/ ;'ljwf kfpFb}gg\ . Medicare

Medicare is a federal health insurance program for elderly and disabled individuals. Persons who are 65 years old or older are eligible for Medicare if they have worked at least ten years in jobs and paid Medicare taxes as part of that employment. Because of the ten year employment requirement, elderly refugees are not generally able to receive Medicare benefits. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

d]l8s]8 d]l8s]8 :jf:Yo;DaGwL ;/sf/L ladf sfo{qmd xf], h;n] Go"g cfo ePsf kl/jf/nfO{ s]xL jf k"/} :jf:Yo ;]jfx? lnPjfkt ltg]{ /sddf ;xfotf u5{ . afnaRrf;lxt cd]l/sf cfPsf] z/0ffyL{ kl/jf/n] of] ;'ljwf kfpF5 . olb tkfO{+n] …;lKnd]G6n ;]So'l/6L OGsdÚ -P;P;cfO_ ;'ljwf kfO/xg'ePsf] 5 eg] klg d]l8s]8 kfpg'x'G5 . d]l8s]8 ;'ljwf s;n] kfpF5 eGg] ;DaGwdf k|To]s /fHosf lgodx? ©/s 5g\ . Medicaid

Medicaid is a government health insurance program that helps low-income families pay for some or all of their medical bills. Refugee families with children can get Medicaid when they come to the U.S. You can also get Medicaid if you are receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Every state has different requirements for who can get Medicaid. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

d]l8s]8sf nflu cfj]bg tkfO{+ cd]l/sf cfPkl5 k'gjf{; ;+:yfn] d]l8s]8 ;'ljwf kfpgsf nflu cfj]bg lbg d2t u5{ . d]l8s]8 ;'ljwf kfpg] lgod /fHolkR5] ©/s 5g\, To;}n] tkfO{+sf] /fHodf s] s:tf hfgsf/L rflxG5 eg]/ a'ˇg cfjZos x'G5 . ;fdfGotM tkfO{+n] kl/jf/sf ;a} ;b:osf] hfgsf/L lbg'k5{, ;a}sf] ;f];n ;]So'l/6L sf8{ b]vfpg'k5{, / tkfO{+ sfg'gL ?kdf cd]l/sf lelqPsf] k|df0f k]z ug'{k5{ . tkfO{+n] cfˆgf] cfo– ;|f]t v'nfpg'k5{, tkfO{+sf] a}+s–vftfdf ePsf] /sdaf/] atfpg'k5{ tyf 3/ef8f,


Health Care

lah'nL, 3/ ttfpg kg]{ vr{ cflbsf] hfgsf/L lbg'k5{ . tkfO{+ ckfª\u x'g'x'G5 eg] ckfª\utfsf d]l8sn k|df0fx? k]z ug'{k5{ . tkfO{+ of] ;'ljwfsf nflu of]Uo xf] jf xf]Og x]l/G5 / ;'ljwf kfO/xgsf nflu s]xL dlxgfsf] cGt/df o:tf k|df0fx? b]vfO/xg' k5{ . Applying for Medicaid

Your resettlement agency will help you apply for Medicaid after you first arrive in the U.S. The exact rules are different in each state, so you will need to learn what information is required in your state. Generally you will need to provide information about everyone in your family, show their social security cards, and show that you have been legally admitted to the U.S. You will also need to show proof of your income, how much money you have in a bank, the rent you pay for your apartment, electricity, heat, etc. If you are disabled, you will be required to provide medical records that show your disability. Your eligibility will be checked and you will need to prove that you are still eligible every few months. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

d]l8s]8sf] k|of]u tkfO{+n] d]l8s]8 ;'ljwf kfpg' eof] eg] tkfO{+nfO{ Pp6f ;fgf] sf8{ lbOG5 . tkfO{+n] pSt sf8{ cfˆgf] cf}ifwf]krf/df ;+nUg 8fS6/, lSnlgs jf c:ktfndf b]vfpg'k5{ . pSt sf8{n] tkfO{+nfO{ :jf:Yo ;'ljwf lbnfpF5 . s'g}–s'g} c:ktfn / 8fS6/n] eg] d]l8s]8 rnfpFb}gg\ . To;/L sxLF d]l8s]8 rn]g eg] cf}ifwf]krf/sf] lan cf©}Fn] r'Stf ug'{k5{ . Using Medicaid

If you are eligible for Medicaid, you will be given a small card that you must show at the doctor’s office, clinic, or hospital. That card will allow you to receive health care services. Some hospitals and doctors do not accept Medicaid. If they do not accept Medicaid, you will be responsible for paying your bill. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

d]l8s]8 ;'ljwfsf] ;Ldf z/0ffyL{sf ?kdf cd]l/sf cfPsf] ;ft jif{;Dd tkfO{+n] d]l8s]8 ;'ljwf kfpg'– x'G5 . s'g} /fHodf ;ft jif{eGbf a9L d]l8s]8 ;'ljwf x'g] rflxF ToxL /fHosf] lgoddf e/ k5{ . afnaRrf gePsf jf cfDbfgL /fd|f] ePsf z/0ffyL{ d]l8s]8 ;'ljwfsf nflu of]Uo gx'g ;S5g\ . Limits on Receiving Medicaid

As a refugee, you can receive Medicaid for up to seven years after you arrive to the United States. It is optional for states’ Medicaid programs to

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cover you more than seven years. Refugees who do not have children or who make too much money may not qualify for Medicaid. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

z/0ffyL{ d]l8sn ;xfotf olb tkfO{+ d]l8s]8 ;'ljwf kfpg cof]Uo 7xg'{ eof] eg] tkfO{+sf] cf}ifwf]krf/ vr{ cd]l/sf cfPsf] klxnf] cf7 dlxgf z/0ffyL{ d]l8sn ;xfotf -/]ˆo'hL d]l8sn Pl;:6]G;_ gfds sfo{qmdn] a]xf]5{ . Tof] cf7 dlxgfkl5 of] ;'ljwf kfpg'x'Gg . Refugee Medical Assistance

If you are not eligible for regular Medicaid, a program called Refugee Medical Assistance can pay for your medical bills for the first eight months after you arrive in the United States. After those eight months, you will no longer be eligible for this program. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

:jf:Yo ;'/Iff olb tkfO{+sf] lghL :jf:Yo ladf, /]ˆo'hL d]l8sn Pl;:6]G;\, jf d]l8s]8 5}g / tkfO{+ pkrf/sf nflu 8fS6/sxfF jf c:ktfn hfg'eof] eg] ;a} d]l8sn lanx? cf©}Fn] r'Stf ug'{k5{ . Health Coverage

If you do not have private health insurance, Refugee Medical Assistance, or Medicaid and you need to go to the hospital or see a doctor, you will have to pay all the medical bills yourself. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

8fS6/ jf :jf:Yo;DaGwL lSnlgsx¿ tkfO{+ la/fdL x'g'eof] eg] 8fS6/sf] cl©; -sfof{no_ jf x]Ny lSnlgs hfg'– x'G5 . tkfO{+nfO{ vf]k lng'k¥of] jf /ut hfFRg'k¥of] jf cfˆgf] :jf:Yo l7s eP÷gePsf] hfFRg] h:tf :jf:Yo ;'ljwf rflxP klg ToxfF hfg'x'G5 . Psk6s ToxfF uP/ ;]jf lnPjfkt tkfO{+n] %) b]lv Ps ;o %) 8n/;Dd ltg'{kg]{ x'g– ;S5 . tkfO{+sf] lghL :jf:Yo ladf jf d]l8s]8 5}g eg] :jf:Yo ;]jfjfktsf] lan cf©}Fn] r'Stf ug'{k5{ . Doctors and Health Clinics

A doctor’s office or health clinic is where you go if you feel sick, if you need health services like vaccinations or blood tests, or for check-ups to make sure your health is good. One visit to a doctor may cost $50 to $150. Without private health insurance or Medicaid you will be responsible for payment. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――


Health Care

hf“Rg] ;do w]/}h;f] 8fS6/sf] cl©; / lSnlgsaf6 s]xL ;]jf kfpg' 5 eg] klxn] g} ©f]g u/]/ ;do lng'k5{ . tkfO{+nfO{ hfFRg jf k/LIf0f ug{ ldnfOg] ;do s]xL lbg jf xKtfkl5 x'g ;S5 . o;/L ldnfOPsf] ;do la;{g' x'Gg . Tof] ;dodf k'Ug l9nf] ug'{x'Gg . lbOPsf] ;doeGbf s]xL klxn] g} 8fS6/sf] cl©; / lSnlgsdf k'Ug'– xf];\ . !* jif{eGbf ;fgf] pd]/sf afnaRrfsf] k/LIf0f ug{ hfFbf a'af jf cfdf ;fy} x'g'k5{ . Appointments

Most doctor’s offices and clinics require you call to make an appointment. Appointments may be a few days or even weeks after you call. When you have made an appointment for you or a member of your family, it is important that you keep the appointment. Do not be late. Arrive at the doctor’s office or clinic before your appointed time. Children under the age of 18 must have their mother or father with them at all appointments. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

lgoldt :jf:Yo k/LIf0f tkfO{+ / kl/jf/sf ;b:onfO{ jif{sf] Ps k6s 8fS6/n] hfFRg'k5{ . tkfO{+ :j:y g} eP klg 8fS6/n] tkfO{+sf] k/LIf0f ug'{x'G5 . /f]un] RofKg'eGbf klxn] g} o:tf] lgoldt k/LIf0f u/] tkfO{+ ladf/ x'g'eGbf klxn] ;d:of eP ©]nf kg{ ;S5 . Routine Medical Exams

It is important that you and your family go to the doctor once a year for a “check-up.” The doctor will examine you even if you feel healthy. By having a check-up, some diseases can be found before they become serious. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

8fS6/nfO{ e]6\bf 8fS6/sxfF hfFbf cf©"nfO{ s:tf] eO/x]sf] 5 eg]/ ;a} eGg'k5{ . 8fS6/n] eg]sf] tkfO{+n] a'lem/xg' ePsf] 5÷5}g klg eGg'k5{ . tkfO{+nfO{ yf]/} c+u|]hL cfpF5 eg] 8fS6/, lSnlgs jf c:ktfnn] bf]efif] ;]jf pknAw u/fpg'k5{ . 8fS6/;Fu s'/f ug{ cf©"nfO{ bf]efif] dfUg' tkfO{+sf] clwsf/ xf] . bf]efif]sf] sfd ug]{ JolSt tkfO{+n] 8fS6/ e]6]s} 7fpFdf cfpg;S5g\ jf 6]ln©f]gaf6 ;xfotf ug{ ;S5g\ . Seeing a Doctor

When you visit a doctor, it is very important to tell the doctor how you feel and that you understand what the doctor is saying. If you have limited English skills, the doctor, clinic, or hospital should provide interpretation

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services. It is your right to ask for an interpreter to help you communicate with the doctor. The interpreter may be a person who will join you at your appointment or may be on the telephone. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

bf]efif]sf] k|of]u :jf:Yo ;]jfdf sfd ug]{ bf]efif]x?n] :jf:Yo;DaGwL hfgsf/L cg'jfb ug{] tflnd lnPsf x'G5g\ . pgLx?n] tkfO{+nfO{ g]kfnLdf a'emfpF5g\ / tkfO{+n] eg]sf] c+u|]hLdf abn]/ 8fS6/nfO{ ;'gfpF5g\ . olb tkfO{+n] a'ˇg'ePg eg] 8fS6/ jf bf]efif]nfO{ bf]xf]¥ofOlbg cg'/f]w ug'{xf];\ . k|Zg ;f]Wg g8/fpg'xf];\ . bf]efif]x?n] ;a} hfgsf/L lgtfGt / uf]Ko /fVg'k5{ . To;sf] cy{ pgLx?n] tkfO{+sf] :jf:Yo, cf}ifwf]krf/ jf k/LIf0fsf nflu lbOPsf] ;do;DaGwL hfgsf/L s;}nfO{ eGg ldNb}g . tkfO{+ 8fS6/;Fu /fd|/L c+u|]hL af]Ng hfGg] geP;Dd :jf:Yof]krf/sf] ;dosf nflu bf]efif]sf] ;]jf dfUg'xf];\ . afnaflnsfsf] c+u|]hL /fd|} eP klg o:tf a]nfdf pgLx?nfO{ bf]efif]sf ?kdf k|of]u gug'{xf];\ . Using an Interpreter

A health care interpreter has been trained to interpret medical information so you can understand it in Nepali and to make sure that your doctor understands what you are saying. If you do not understand the doctor, you should ask the doctor or interpreter to repeat what they are saying. Do not be afraid to ask questions. Interpreters are required to keep all information private and confidential. This means they cannot speak to anyone else about your health, medical treatment, or medical appointments. When you make an appointment you should always ask for a Nepali interpreter until your English is good enough to talk with the doctor. Never use children as interpreters, even if their English is very good. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

clu|d :jLs[lt tkfO{+n] 8fS6/sf] cl©;, lSnlgs jf c:ktfnaf6 :jf:Yo ;]jf rfxg'eof] eg] pkrf/ ug{ :jLs[lt lbPsf] Pp6f sfuhdf tkfO{+n] x:tfIf/ ug'{k5{ . c7f/ jif{d'lgsf gfgLx?sf] pkrf/ ug'{kbf{ To:tf] sfuhdf tkfO{+n] x:tfIf/ ug'{k5{ . o;/L cuf8L g} lnOg] :jLs[ltnfO{ …OG©D8{ sG;]G6Ú -clu|d :jLs[lt_ elgG5 . olb tkfO{+ c+u|]hL a'ˇg'x'Gg eg] Tof] sfuhdf s] n]lvPsf] 5 eg]/ ;f]Wg jf a'ˇg kfpg' tkfO{+sf] clwsf/ xf] . Informed Consent

When you seek certain health care services, at a doctor’s office, clinic, or hospital, you may be asked to sign a paper to give them permission to


Health Care

treat you. You will also need to sign a paper for them to treat your children who are less than 18 years old. This is known as “informed consent.” You have the right to be told what the paper says if you cannot read English. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

uf]kgLotf tkfO{+nfO{ csf]{ Pp6f sfuhdf klg x:tfIf/ ug{ nufOG5, To;df :jf:Yo ;]jf pknAw u/fpg] JolStn] tkfO{+sf] :jf:Yo tyf JolStut hfgsf/L s;}nfO{ lbg] 5}gg eg]/ n]lvPsf] x'G5 . tkfO{+n] pSt sfuhdf x:tfIf/ ug'{sf] cy{ tkfO{+n] pSt sfuhdf n]v]sf] ;a} s'/f a'ˇg' ePsf] 5 eGg] 7x5{ . tkfO{+n] To;df s]xL JolStsf] gfd n]Vg ;Sg'x'G5, h;nfO{ tkfO{+sf] cj:yf jf pkrf/af/] s'/fsfgL ug{ ldN5 . o:tf gfddf tkfO{+sf] >Ldfg, tkfO{+sL >LdtL, pd]/ k'u]sf] ;Gtfg, jf tkfO{+n] e/f]zf ug]{ JolSt s;}sf] x'g;S5 . tkfO{+n] pSt sfuhdf s;}sf] gfd pNn]v ug'{ePg eg] :jf:Yo;]jsn] s;};Fu klg tkfO{+sf] cj:yf jf pkrf/af/] 5n©n ug{ ldNb}g . olt;Dd ls >Ldfg jf >LdtL;Fu klg 5n©n ug{ ldNb}g . Confidentiality

You will also be asked to sign another paper, one that states that the health care provider will not share any of your health and personal information with anyone else. When you sign the paper, it means that you understand and agree. You may list on the form names of people that you give the provider permission to discuss your condition or treatment with. This might include your husband, wife, adult child, or other person that you trust. If you do not list anyone, then the provider will not be able to discuss your condition or treatment with anyone, not even your husband or wife. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

c:ktfnx¿ cd]l/sfsf 7"nf zx/x?df w]/} c:ktfnx? x'G5g\ . ;fgf zx/df Pp6fdfq c:ktfn x'g ;S5 . tkfO{+ la/fdL x'g'eof] eg] 8fS6/n] tkfO{+nfO{ c:ktfn k7fpg' x'G5 . tkfO{+ c:ktfn egf{ ePkl5 tkfO{+sf] :ofxf/sf nflu Pp6f sf]7f, g;{x? / 8fS6/ lbOG5 . ljz]if k/LIf0f ug{ ;lsG5 / cf}ifwLx? klg lbg ;lsG5 . la/fdL eP/ c:ktfn egf{ x'g' dxFuf] x'G5 . tkfO{+sf] s] s] k/LIf0f ug'{k5{ / tkfO{+nfO{ s:tf] cf}ifwL rflxG5 To;sf cfwf/df c:ktfn vr{ lbgsf] Ps xhf/ 8n/ jf Tof]eGbf a9L nfUg ;S5 . lghL :jf:Yo ladf jf d]l8s]8 5}g eg] :jf:Yo ;]jfjfktsf] lan cf©}Fn] r'Stf ug'{k5{ . Hospitals

Large cities in the U.S. have many hospitals. Smaller towns may have only one hospital. Your doctor may send you to a hospital if you are very

:jf:Yo ;]jf


sick. If you are “admitted” at a hospital, you will be given a bed in a room, nurses and doctors will care for you, special tests may be done, and you may be given medicines. Staying in a hospital is very expensive. It may cost $1,000 per day or more, depending on what tests and medicines are required. Without private health insurance or Medicaid you will be responsible for payment. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

cfkftsflng :ofxf/ w]/}h;f] cfkftsflng :jf:Yo ;]jfx? :yfgLo c:ktfnsf] …Odh]{G;L ?dÚ jf …ch]{G6 s]o/ ;]G6/Ú df pknAw x'G5 . crfgs x'g] :jf:Yo ;d:of, Hofg hf]lvddf kg]{ cj:yf / r/d :jf:Yo ;d:ofx? ePdf dfq cfkftsflng :jf:Yo ;]jf lng'k5{, h:t} M • xf8 efFlrP jf v'g axg] h:tf uDeL/ 3fOt] ePdf . • ;f; ©]g{ sl7gfO ePdf . • r]tgf u'dfP jf a]xf]z ePdf . • ljiffSttfsf] z+sf ePdf . • cfTdxTofsf] k|of; u/]df . • d'5f{ k/] jf sfFk]df -sfFd]df_ . • crfgs nfl6P jf xft–uf]8f rnfpg c;dy{ ePdf . • crfgs uw{g;lxt crfSnL 6fpsf] b'v]df jf r]tgf u'dfPdf . • ;f; ©]g{ ufx|f], xftx? lr;f eP / kl;gf cfP/ 5ftL, sfFw, jf kfv'/f b'v]df . cfkftsflng cj:yfafx]s pkrf/sf nflu Odh]{G;L ?ddf slxNo} ghfg'xf];\ . 8fS6/sf] cl©;df ©f]g ug'{xf];\ / hfFRgsf nflu ;do ldnfP/ dfq hfg'xf];\ . Odh]{G;L ?ddf pkrf/ ug{ hfg'k¥of] eg] tkfO{+sf] /f]u yfxf kfpg ul/g] 6]:6x? / /f]u lgsf] kfg{ lbOg] cf}ifwLcg';f/ ToxfFsf] vr{ sDtLdf %)) ;o 8n/ jf a9Ldf !) xhf/ 8n/eGbf dfly k'Ug ;S5 . lghL :jf:Yo ladf jf d]l8s]8 5}g eg] cfkft– sflng sIfdf kfPsf] ;]jfsf] lan r'Stf ug{] lhDd]jf/L tkfO{+sf] x'G5 . Emergency Care

Most emergency health services are provided at a local hospital “emergency room” or “urgent care center.” Using emergency care is only for sudden, life threatening, and extreme health problems. Examples include: • Severe injuries including possible broken bones or bleeding. • Difficulty breathing. • Loss of consciousness, fainting. • Suspected poisoning. • Attempted suicide. • Seizures or convulsions.


Health Care

• Sudden numbness or inability to move an arm or leg. • Sudden severe headache with neck pain or change in consciousness. • Pain in chest, shoulder, or arm with shortness of breath, cold hands, sweating. Do not go to an emergency room for treatment for something that is not an emergency. Call your doctor’s office and make an appointment to see your doctor. An emergency room visit may cost as little as $500 or more than $10,000 depending on the tests and medicines that they provide you. Without private health insurance or Medicaid you will be responsible for payment. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

PDa'n]G; pkrf/ cfjZos ePsf] cfkftsflng cj:yfdf la/fdLnfO{ ;'/lIft / rfF8f] c:ktfnsf] Odh]{G;L ?dsf k'¥ofpg sl7g x'g;S5 . o:tf] cj:yfdf (!! df ©f]g ug'{xf];\ . ©f]g p7fpg] JolStnfO{ s] ;d:of k/]sf] 5 atfpg'xf];\ / PDa'n]G; k7fOlbg' eGg'xf];\ . Pp6f PDa'n]G; / cfkftsflng d]l8sn ;d"x tkfO{+ ePsf 7fpFdf cfpF5 . pxfFx?n] la/fdLsf] cj:yf / s;/L o:tf] eof] eg]/ ;f]Wg'x'G5 . o:tf k|Zgsf] pQ/ rfF8f] / k"/f lbg'xf];\ . pxfFx?n] la/fdLnfO{ …P:6«]r/Ú df /fv]/ PDa'n]G;df /fVg'x'G5 . pxfFx?n] la/fdLnfO{ c:ktfnsf] cfkftsflng–sIf -Odh]{G;L ?d_ n}hfg'x'G5 . pSt 6f]nLn] slxn]sfxLF kl/jf/sf] Ps ;b:onfO{ nfg ;Sg'x'G5 . t/ ;fdfGotM la/fdL nu]kl5 kl/jf/sf ;b:o / cGo ;xof]uLn] uf8Lsf] aGbf]a:t u/L c:ktfnsf] cfkftsflng–sIf k'Ug'k5{ . PDa'n]G;sf nflu tkfO{+n] % ;o 8n/ jf Tof]eGbf a9L ltg'{kg]{ x'g;S5 . PDa'n]G; vr{ la/fdLnfO{ c:ktfn k'¥ofpFbf nfUg] ;dodf e/ k5{ . lghL :jf:Yo ladf jf d]l8s]8 5}g eg] PDa'nG; ;]jfjfktsf] lan cf©}Fn] r'Stf ug'{k5{ . Ambulances

In a medical emergency, getting safely and quickly to an emergency room at a hospital can be difficult. Telephone 911. Tell the operator the problem and ask for an ambulance. An ambulance and emergency medical team will be sent to your location. They will ask questions about the condition of the patient and the cause of the emergency. Try to answer them quickly and fully. They may place the patient on a stretcher and then into the ambulance. They will take the patient to the emergency room at the hospital. Sometimes they may also be able to take one family member, but usually family members and others will have to find their own transportation to the hospital emergency room. A trip in an ambulance may cost $500 or more depending on the time

:jf:Yo ;]jf


it takes. Without private health insurance or Medicaid you will be responsible for payment. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

vf]kx¿ Ps JolStaf6 csf]{df ;g]{ /f]unfO{ ;+qmfds /f]u elgG5 . vf]kx?n] To:tf /f]u lgoGq0f u5{g\ . :s"n hfg] gfgLx?nfO{ pgLx?sf] pd]/;Dddf nufpg] ;a} vf]k nufPsf] x'g'k5{ . lu|g–sf8{ kfpgsf nflu cfj]bg lbFbf g} tkfO{+n] ;a} vfnsf vf]k nufPsf] x'g'k5{ . 8fS6/ jf lSnlgsdf tkfO{+n] s'g s'g vf]k nufO;s]sf] 5 eg]/ x]l/G5 / cfjZos vf]k nufOG5 . tkfO{+n] kl/jf/sf k|To]s ;b:osf] lnlvt vf]k–ljj/0f lng'k5{ . pSt ljj/0fdf s'g vf]k slxn] nufOPsf] xf] eg]/ n]lvPsf] x'G5 . kl/jf/sf ;a}sf] vf]k–ljj/0f ;'/lIft /fVg'xf];\ . s'g}–s'g} a]nf oL ljj/0fsf k|ltlnlk -©f]6f]skL_ x? tkfO{+ jf afnaRrfsf nflu rflxg ;S5 . Immunizations

Immunizations are responsible for the control of many infectious diseases, diseases that can be given from one person to another. Your children must have up-to-date immunizations in order to attend school. You will need up-to-date immunizations when you apply for your Green Card. Your doctor or clinic can check your immunization history and give you any needed immunizations. You should get a written report for each family member that shows when and what immunizations they have received. Keep those reports in a safe place as you or your children may need copies of them. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

d]l8sn k/LIf0fx¿ 8fS6/n] tkfO{+nfO{ ljz]if k/LIf0f -6]:6_ x? u/]/ Nofpg'xf];\ eGg ;Sg'x'G5 . To;a]nf tkfO{+ k|of]uzfnf -Nofaf]/]6/L_ hfg'k5{, ToxfF /ut lbg'k5{ jf cGo 6]:6x? ul/G5g\ . s]xL 6]:6x? c:ktfnd} klg ul/G5g\, 6]:6 ubf{ tkfO{+nfO{ egf{ ul/Fb}g . 6]:6dfq ul/g] la/fdLnfO{ …cfp6–k];]G6Ú elgG5 . tkfO{+ cfp6–k];]G6 xf] . tkfO{+sf ljleGg 6]:6 u/]/ ljZn]if0f ubf{ tL Nofaf]/]6/Lx?n] Pp6f 6]:6sf] Ps ;o 8n/ jf Tof]eGbf a9L lng;S5g\ . lghL :jf:Yo ladf jf d]l8s]8 5}g eg] oL 6]:6x?sf] lan cf©}Fn] r'Stf ug'{k5{ . Medical Tests

Your doctor may order special tests to be done. You may need to go to a laboratory to have blood taken or to have other tests done. Sometimes the tests will be done at a hospital but you will not be admitted. You will


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be an “outpatient.” Laboratories that do the tests and analysis may charge $100 or more for each test. Without private health insurance or Medicaid you will be responsible for payment. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

PS;–/], Pdcf/cfO / l;6L :Sofgx¿ tkfO{+sf leqL c+udf s] eO/x]sf] 5 eg]/ 8fS6/n] cem hfGg vf]Hg ;Sg'x'G5 . o;sf nflu pxfFn] tkfO{+nfO{ PS;/], Pdcf/cfO :Sofg, jf l;6L :Sofg h:tf 6]:6 u/]/ Nofpg'xf];\ eGg ;Sg'x'G5 . oL cfw'lgs ljlwx? xf8, k]6, 6fpsf]sf] leqL efu, jf z/L/sf cGo efusf] ©f]6f] lvRg] sfd x'g\ . Pp6f PS;–/]sf] Ps ;o 8n/ jf ;f]eGbf a9L kg{ ;S5, k|To]s Pdcf/cfO jf l;6L :Sofgsf] ! xhf/ % ;o 8n/ jf ;f]eGbf a9L kg{ ;S5 . lghL :jf:Yo ladf jf d]l8s]8 5}g eg] o:tf ;]jfjfktsf] lan cf©}Fn] r'Stf ug'{k5{ . X-rays, MRI And CT Scans

Your doctor may want to know more about what is happening inside your body. To do this, your doctor may order an x-ray, an MRI scan, or a CT scan. These are all ways that a doctor can get a photograph of your bones, stomach, inside of your head, or other part of your body. Each x-ray may cost $100 or more, each MRI or CT scan may cost $1,500 or more. Without private health insurance or Medicaid you will be responsible for payment. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

ldgfxf / cfly{s ;xfotf w]/} 8fS6/, lSnlgs, / c:ktfndf ladf gul/Psf tyf Go"g cfo ePsf la/fdLnfO{ sxLF s]xL ldgfxf / sxLF lgMz'Ns pkrf/ ul/lbOG5 . olb cfˆgf] d]l8s]8 jf lghL ladf ul/Psf] 5}g eg] ldgfxf / lgMz'Ns pkrf/ kfpg sxfF, s;/L / s:tf] lgj]bg lbg'k5{ egL 8fS6/nfO{, lSnlgs, / c:ktfndf ;f]Wg'xf];\ . lgj]bg lbFbf tkfO{+sf] cfDbfgL / cGo hfgsf/L dfluG5 . tkfO{+sf] lgj]bg :jLs[t eof] eg] pkrf/–vr{df lgs} 5'6 x'g ;S5 . Discounts and Financial Assistance

Many doctors, clinics, and hospitals provide discounts or even free care to patients who have no insurance and very little income. If you do not have Medicaid or private health insurance, ask your doctor, clinic, or hospital how to apply for any discount or free care. They will ask you to provide proof of your income and other information. If you are approved, they may make a large reduction in your bill. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

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8fS6/åf/f cf}ifwL l;˚fl/; 8fS6/n] tkfO{+sf nflu s]xL cf}ifwL l;©fl/; ug'{x'G5 . pxfFn] tkfO{+sf nflu ul/lbPsf] cf}ifwLsf] l;©fl/;nfO{ …k|]l:qmK;gÚ elgG5 . ToxL …k|]l:qmK;gÚ sf cfwf/df s'g} ©fd]{;Ldf tkfO{+n] cf}ifwL lsGg kfpg'x'G5 . ˚fd]{;L eg]sf] Pp6f bf]sfg xf], hxfF ljleGg vfnsf cf}ifwL a]lrG5g\ . slxn]sfxLF 8fS6/n] sfuhL k|]l:qmK;g lbg'x'G5, h'g sfuh lnP/ tkfO{+ ©fd]{;L hfg'x'G5 / cf}ifwL lsGg'x'G5 . To:t} 8fS6/n] tkfO{+n] eg]sf] ©fd]{;Ldf …k|]l:qmK;gÚ k7fpg'x'G5 jf ©f]gaf6 tkfO{+nfO{ lbg] cf}ifwL gfd l6kfOlbg' ePsf] x'G5 . ha tkfO{+ cf}ifwL lng ©fd]{;L hfg'x'G5, cfˆgf] ladf ul/Psf] sf8{ ;fy} nfg'k5{ . tkfO{+sf] ladf jf d]l8s]8 eP klg cf}ifwLsf] k};f eg] ltg'{kg]{ x'g;S5 . of] z'NsnfO{ …sf]–k]Ú -;x–e'Stfg_ elgG5 . Prescriptions

Your doctor may decide that you need prescription medicine. A prescription is what the doctor gives you that allows you to buy special medicines at a pharmacy. A pharmacy is a special store where many kinds of medicine can be bought. Sometimes the doctor will give you a paper prescription that you take to a pharmacy to buy the medicine. Or the doctor may ask you which pharmacy you will go to and will send the prescription to that pharmacy by telephone. When you go to the pharmacy to get your medicine, you should have your insurance card. You might have to pay a fee for the medicine - even if you have insurance or Medicaid. This fee is called a co-pay. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

cf}ifwL ;]jg n]lvP jf elgPcg';f/ cf}ifwL ;]jg ug'{ePg eg] cf}ifwLn] sfd ub}{gg\ . cf}ifwL k|efjsf/L x'Fb}gg\ . 8fS6/n] s]xL cf}ifwL vfg' eGg'eof] eg] tkfO{+ lgDg s'/f a'ˇg' k5{ M • tkfO{+n] of] cf}ifwL lsg vfO/xg' ePsf] 5 < • 8fS6/n] lbPsf] cf}ifwLnfO{ s] ug'{k5{ < • lbgsf] sltk6s vfg] / slxn]b]lv vfg 5f8\g] < • s] cf}ifwL vfgf;Fu} vfg'k5{ < • cf}ifwLsf s'g} cGo c;/x? 5g\ < cf}ifwL vfFb} hfFbf cln ;Grf] nfu] klg 8fS6/n] eg]cg';f/ cf}ifwL vfO/xg'– k5{ . cf}ifwL vfFbf v/faL u¥of], cK7\of/f] dx;'; ug'{eof] jf PnhL{ eof] eg] cf}ifwL vfg aGb ug'{xf];\ / 8fS6/sf] cl©;df ;Dks{ ug'{xf];\ . Taking Medicine

Medicine is not effective if you do not follow the directions correctly. When a doctor has told you to take certain medicine, it is very important


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that you understand: • Why you are taking medicine. • What to do with the medicine the doctor prescribes. • How many times a day you need to take the medicine and when to stop taking it. • If you need to take the medicine with food. • If the medicine has any side effects. It is important to continue taking your medicine as instructed by your doctor even if you start to feel better. If you have a bad reaction, feel worse, or have an allergic reaction, stop taking the medicine and contact the doctor’s office immediately. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

cf}ifwLsf] e08f/0f h'g} klg cf}ifwL gfgLx?af6 6f9f /fVg'k5{ . rfaL nfUg] jf gfgLx?n] ge]6\g] 7fpFdf cf}ifwL /fVg'xf];\ . tkfO{+sf nflu n]lvlbPsf] cf}ifwL kl/jf/df c? s;}nfO{ jf ;fyLefOnfO{ vfg glbg'xf];\ . 8fS6/n] h;nfO{ hfFr]sf] x'g'x'G5 / cf}ifwL pxfFs} nflu lbPsf] x'G5 . Storing Medicine

Make sure you store any medicine away from children. Keep it in a locked cabinet or in a place where children cannot get to it. Never share prescription medicine with family or friends. Prescription medicines are only for the person the doctor saw and gave the prescription to. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

bf“tsf] :jf:Yo / bGt–lrlsT;s tkfO{+sf bfFtsf] x]/rfx :jf:Yo x]/ljrf/dWo] Pp6f dxÎjk"0f{ c+z xf] . cd]l/sf cfPkl5 tkfO{+ / kl/jf/sf ;b:onfO{ bGt–lrlsT;s -8]lG6:6_ sxfF hfg] ;do ldnfOG5 . 8]lG6:6n] tkfO{+sf bfFtdf s'g} ;d:of 5÷5}g / bfFt ;©f ug{ h?/L 5g\÷5}gg\ eGg] x]g'{x'G5 . tkfO{+n] s'g} tftf] jf lr;f] vfg]s'/f vfFbf jf lkpFbf bfFt b'V5 eg] 8]lG6:6nfO{ bfFt hFrfpg] ;do ldnfpg'xf];\ . k'gjf{; ;+:yf;Fu 8]lG6:6af/] ;f]Wg'xf];\ / tkfO{+ a:g] /fHodf d]l8s]8n] bfFtsf] pkrf/ vr{ a]xf]5{ ls a]xf]b}{g eg]/ a'ˇg'xf];\ . Dental Health and Dentists

Caring for your teeth is an important part of health care. After you arrive in the U.S. you and each member of your family should have an appointment with a dentist to see if you have any problems and to do a thorough cleaning. If you have pain in your teeth when you eat or drink something hot or cold, you should get an appointment to see a dentist. Ask

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your resettlement agency about dentists and whether Medicaid in your state will pay for dental care. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

dfgl;s :jf:Yo s'g} dflg;sf] dfgl;s :jf:Yo /fd|f] x'G5, ha p;n] cfˆgf] b}lgs lqmof– snfk /fd|/L lgjf{x u5{, c?;Fu ;DaGw /fV5, lg0f{ox? lnG5, ;d'bfosf nflu of]ubfg lbG5, tgfj jf sl7g kl/l:ylt ;DxfNg ;S5, / s]xL xb;Dd v';L xfl;n u5{ . t/ o;sf ljkl/t efjgfTds ;d:ofx?, h;nfO{ af]nLrfnLsf] efiffdf dfgl;s la/fdL elgG5, nfO{ jf:tljs d]l8sn cj:yfx? dflgG5 . o:tf] cj:yfdf JolStsf] :jf:Yo / v';Ldf afwf k'U5 . s;}nfO{ dfgl;s ;d:of 5 eg] p ;Gsfxf xf] eGg ldNb}g . olb tkfO{+nfO{ dfgl;s ;d:ofx? 5g\ eg] nfh gdfGg'xf];\ jf ck/fwaf]w gug'{xf];\ . c? s;}nfO{ dfgl;s ;d:ofx? 5g\ eg] p;nfO{ nfhdbf]{ cj:yfdf gk'¥ofpg'xf];\ jf ck/fwLnfO{ h:tf] gug'{xf];\ . dflg;sf] z/L/sf] s'g} efudf klg lrlsT;f;DaGwL ;d:of x'g;S5 . dfgl;s ladf/Lx? klg lrlsT;f;DaGwL ;d:of x'g\, hf] ;Lw} lbdfu;Fu ;DalGwt x'G5g\ . Mental Health

Someone has good mental health when he or she can function well in daily life, relate to other people, make decisions, contribute to the community, handle stress and difficult situations, and achieve some degree of happiness. Emotional problems, sometimes called mental illness, are real medical conditions that disrupt a person’s health and wellness. Having a mental illness does not mean someone is crazy. Do not feel shame or guilt if you have emotional problems, and do not place shame or guilt on anyone else who may have emotional problems. People can have medical problems with any part of the body. Mental illnesses are simply medical problems relating to the brain. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

z/0ffyL{x¿ / dfgl;s :jf:Yo cd]l/sf cfpg] z/0ffyL{x?nfO{ efjgfTds ;d:ofx? x'G5g\ . pxfFx?sf hLjgdf 36]sf tLtf cg'ejx?n] kL8f / tgfj x'G5 . e"6fgL z/0ffyL{x? g]kfnsf ljleGg z/0ffyL{ lzlj/x?df aL; jif{ a:g'ePsf] 5 . pxfFx?n] vfgf tyf ;Lldt lzIff Pj+ /f]huf/Lsf cj;/sf nflu ;+o'Qm /fi6«;+3sf ljleGg lgsfox? / c? ;+:yfx?df e/kg'{ kYof]{ . clxn] gofF 7fpF, cfˆgf] d'n'seGbf 6f9f k'g:yf{lkt x'g'ePsf] 5 . tkfO{+nfO{ c+u|]hL gcfpFbf] xf], cd]l/sL rfnrng a'ˇg' ePsf] 5}g xf]nf . gofF 7fpFdf


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hLjgcg's"n agfpg' cf©}Fdf lgs} ufx|f] x'G5 . o:tf w]/} gdL7f cg'ejx?n] efjgfTds kL8f / tgfj yK5g\ . Refugees and Mental Health

Refugees who come to the U.S. may have emotional problems and experience distress and tension because of traumatic experiences in their lives. Bhutanese refugees have lived in refugee camps in Nepal for twenty years. There you were dependent on United Nations agencies and others for food and limited educational and employment opportunities. Now you have been resettled to this new, faraway country and may not know much English or understand American culture. Adjusting to a new place and way of life can itself be very difficult. These traumatic experiences can contribute to emotional distress and tension. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

lbUbf/L lbUbf/L ;a}nfO{ nfU5, t/ ;fdfGotM of] cf©}F x/fpF5 . t/ w]/} xKtf;Dd lbUbf/L nflu/Xof] / b}lgs hLjgdf o;n] k|efj kf¥of] eg] To;n] lg/fzfsf ?k lnG5 . lg/fzfsf s]xL ;femf nIf0fx? o:tf x'G5g\ M lgs} lg/fz cg'ej, l/Sttf, lrGtf, nuftf/ wk]8L jf ysfg, w]/} emsf]{©sf{] jf cw}o{tf, clgb|f jf clws ;do ;'Tg', s'g} lqmofsnfkk|lt hfFu/ gb]vfpg', / ef]s x/fpg' jf w]/} vfg' . lg/fzfn] zf/Ll/s ;d:ofx? hGdfpF5g\, h:t} M k]6 jf 6fpsf] b'Vg] ;d:of . d]l8sn If]qdf sfo{/t Jofj;flosx?n] o:tf ;d:ofx?sf] pkrf/ u5{g\ . pgLx?n] s'/fsfgLsf dfWodaf6 ul/g] y]/]kL, cf}ifwf]krf/ jf b'j} k4lt ckgfpF5g\ . sf]xL lg/fz JolSt;Fu kl/lrt x'g'x'G5 eg] p;k|lt rf;f] lbg'xf];\ / d2t ug'{xf];\ . p;sf s'/fdf Wofg lbg'xf];\ . p;nfO{ lg/fzfaf/] 8fS6/;Fu s'/f ug{ xf};nf lbg'xf];\ . Depression

Sadness is a feeling everyone experiences, but usually it passes. If the sadness lasts for several weeks and interferes with daily life, it may be depression. Common symptoms include persistent feelings of hopelessness, emptiness, anxiety; constant exhaustion or fatigue; excessive irritability or impatience; difficulty with or excessive sleeping; loss of interest in activities; and loss of appetite or overeating. Depression may also cause physical health problems, like stomach aches or headaches. Medical professionals can treat and often cure it through talk therapy, medications, or both. If you know someone who is depressed, offer your concern and support, be willing to listen, and encourage the person to speak with a doctor about their depression. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

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c¿ vfnsf dfgl;s ladf/Lx¿ lg/fzfsf cltl/Qm dflg;nfO{ cGo dfgl;s ladf/Lx? klg x'G5g\, h;sf] pkrf/ ug]{ w]/} pkfox? 5g\ . tL ladf/LdWo] s]xL k|d'v ladf/Lx? x'g\ M • 7"nf b'3{6gfkl5sf] x'g] tgfj;DaGwL ;d:of -kf]:6–6«Dofl6s :6«]; l8;c8{/, lkl6P;8L_ ;fdfGotM zf/Ll/s xdnf, k|fs[lts ljklQx?, cft+ssf/L ultljlw, jf ;}Go o'4 h:tf s'g} 3fts hf]lvdk"0f{ cj:yf jf cTolws eoeLt b'3{6gfkl5 b]lvG5 . of] ;d:ofaf6 k|efljt JolStx?nfO{ lat]sf 36gfsf] ;+:d/0f, b'M:jKg jf To:tf ;Demgfx?n] bb{gfs 36gfsf] af/Daf/ cg'e"t u/fpF5 . o;af6 dflg;x?df PSsf;L emlGsg] jf ck/fwaf]w ug]{, Jou| x'g] jf 8/fpg] h:tf tLj| cg'e"t klg x'G5g\ . • eoeLt cj:yf -Koflgs l8;c8{/_ M ©]l/–©]l/ cfO/xg] cfsl:ds qf; Koflgs l8;c8{/sf] d'Vo nIf0f xf] . s'g} sf/0f lagf s'g} JolStn] ckem{6 / tLj| 8/ jf Jou||tf cg'ej u5{ eg] Tof] Koflgs l8;c8{/n] ePsf] xf] . of] s]xL ldg]6df x/fpF5, t/ slxn]sfxLF w]/}a]/ klg x'G5 / bf]xf]l/G5 . • dgf]efhg -l:shlk|mgLof_ M of] dfgl;s la/fdL ePsf JolStdf jf:tljstfnfO{ a'ˇg] jf a'emfO JoSt ubf{ kl/jt{g b]lvg] Ps vfnsf] u'0f ljsf; x'G5 . o:tf la/fdLnfO{ s;}n] af]nfPsf] h:tf] nfU5, dlte|d x'G5, cf©"nfO{ cs}{ JolStsf ?kdf cg'e"t u5{g\ . l:shlk|mgLof ePsf] JolSt c?nfO{ z+sf ug]{ k|j[lQ -Kof/fgf]of_, xRsg] jf clt Jofs'n x'g] x'G5 . olb tkfO{+ cf©}F jf c? s;}nfO{ dfgl;s la/fdL eP h:tf] nfUof] eg] lrlsT;f ;xfotf lng'xf];\ . 8fS6/nfO{ e]6\g'xf];\ . pxfFnfO{ ;a} nIf0fx? atfpg'xf];\ . pxfFn] dgf]j}1flgs, dgf]lrlsT;s, k/fdz{bftf jf lrlsT;f If]qsf] s'g} Jofj;flos JolSt;Fu hFrfpgsf nflu l;©fl/z ug{ ;Sg'x'G5 . Other Types of Mental Illnesses

In addition to depression, there are many other types of mental illness, and many ways to treat them. Among the most common are: • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can occur after intense trauma or extremely frightening events, such as physical assault, natural disasters, acts of terrorism, or military combat. People with PTSD usually have flashbacks, nightmares, or memories that cause them to experience the traumatic events again and again. They may also have outbursts of anger or intense feelings of guilt, anxiety, or fear. • Panic disorder. Recurring panic attacks are the main symptom of a panic disorder. A panic attack occurs when someone experiences sudden and intense feelings of fear or anxiety without cause. It usually lasts a few minutes, but can be longer or repetitive.


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• Schizophrenia. This mental illness is characterized by changes in the perception or expression of reality. People may hear voices, see hallucinations, or believe that they are someone else. Schizophrenia can cause paranoia, withdrawal, or extreme agitation. If you believe you or someone you know may have a mental illness, seek medical assistance. Begin by speaking with your doctor, explain your symptoms, and he or she may recommend a psychologist, psychiatrist, counselor, or other medical professional. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

cfTdxTof slxn]sfxLF cfˆgf] kl/jf/sf ;b:ox?;Fu 6f9f a:bf, kl/jf/df tLj| ;+3if{, kfl/jfl/s lx+;f, jf u}/sfg'gL nfu'cf}ifwsf] k|of]un] dflg;df tLj| efjgfTds ;+s6 pTkGg x'G5 . sf]xL JolSt a9L pbf; eof] eg] cf©"n] cf©}FnfO{ rf]6 nufpg jf dfg{ sf]lzz ug{ ;S5 . o:tf] cj:yfdf To:tf JolStnfO{ Jofj;flos JolStx?sf] tTsfn ;xfotf rflxG5 . cfTdxTofsf] r]tfjgL lbg] s]xL ;+s]tx? o:tf x'G5g\ M • ;fdfGo lg/fzf, d[To' jf cfTdxTofsf af/]df s'/f ul//xg' . • labf x'g] a]nf ePsf] h:tf] ug'{, h:tf] M cfˆgf lrhx? c?nfO{ lbg' jf …nf} x}, labfÚ eGg' . • cf©" /dfpg] u/]sf ultljlwaf6 klG5g' . • kl/jf/ jf ;fyLx?af6 6fl9g' . ;Dks{df ga:g' . • cf©"nfO{ xfgL ug]{ Jojxf/ ug'{, h:tf] M lgoldt nfu'cf}ifw jf /S;L ;]jg . olb s;}n] cf©}FnfO{ rf]6 k'¥ofpg vf]H5, jf cfTdxTofsf] k|of; u5{ jf To:tf ljifodf s'/f u5{ eg] (!! df ©f]g ug'{xf];\ . s;}n] o:tf] u/]/ klg …s;}nfO{ geGg' x}Ú eG5 eg] klg d]l8sn If]qsf dflg;nfO{ o; ljifodf atfpg' lgs} /fd|f] x'G5 . tkfO{+ cf©}Fn] klg cf©"nfO{ rf]6 nufpg'eof] jf cfTdxTof ug]{ ljrf/ cfof] eg] (!! df ©f]g ug'{k5{ . Suicide

Sometimes a long separation from loved family members, intense family conflicts, violence in the family, or use of illegal drugs can cause very strong emotional distress. When people are very depressed, they may try to hurt or kill themselves. They need immediate professional help. Some suicide warning signs include: • Talking about general hopelessness, death, or suicide. • Talking or acting as though they plan on going away, for example giving away possessions or saying goodbyes. • Avoiding activities they used to enjoy.

:jf:Yo ;]jf


• Avoiding contact with family or friends. • Adopting more self-destructive behaviors, like frequent use of drugs or alcohol. If you know someone who has tried to hurt himself or herself, or has attempted to commit suicide or talked about doing it, call 911. It is important to tell a medical professional about the situation, even if the person asks you not to tell anyone. If you have tried to hurt yourself or have thoughts of committing suicide, you should also call 911. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

nfu'cf}ifw / /S;Lsf] s'nt /S;L / s'g} u}/sfg'gL nfu'cf}ifwx? ljiffb x'g\, Tof] eg]sf] To:tf lrhn] dflg;nfO{ b'MvL, gsf/fTds jf lvGg agfpF5 . slxn]sfxLF b'MvL jf lvGg ePsf] dflg;n] /S;L lkpF5 jf u}/sfg'gL nfu'cf}ifw k|of]u u5{ / cfˆgf b'Mv e'Ng vf]H5 . olb tkfO{+ jf c? s;}nfO{ nfu'cf}ifw jf /S;Lsf] s'nt 5 eg] 8fS6/sf] cl©;, c:ktfn jf k'gjf{; ;+:yf;Fu s'nt 5f8\g ;xfotf dfUg'xf];\ . o:tf] ;d:ofdf d2t dfUg k6Ss} g8/fpg'xf];\ . Drug and Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol and some illegal drugs are depressants, meaning they can make a person feel sad, negative, or depressed. Sometimes people who are sad or depressed drink alcohol or take illegal drugs to try to forget about their problems. If you or someone you know may be abusing drugs or alcohol, you can ask for help at a doctor’s office, hospital, or resettlement agency. Do not be afraid to ask for help.






cWofo ^ : vfB ;'/Iff tyf kf]if0f

Chapter 6 : Food Safety and Nutrition

:j:y kl/jf/ vfg]s'/f aflx/ v'nf /fVg'eof] eg] oLgsf sf/0f ls/f, d";f, / 5'r'Gb|f 3/leq cfpg ;S5g\ . o:tf ls6 / hLjn] /f]u klg NofpF5g\ . vfgf tof/Ldf ;©f;'U3/sf] Vofn ugf{n] / vfgf htg;fy yGsfpgfn] b"lift vfgfsf sf/0f x'g] la/fdLaf6 tkfO{+sf] kl/jf/ ;'/lIft /xG5 . b"lift vfgfaf6 x'g] ladf/x?– kvfnf, Hj/f], k]6 b'vfO, lbuldu, afGtf x'g\ . Keeping Your Family Healthy

If you leave food out, it may attract insects, rats, and mice into your home, all of which can bring diseases. Good hygiene in food preparation and storing your food correctly helps keep your family from getting sick from spoiled food. Sickness from spoiled food may include diarrhea, fever, abdominal cramps, nausea, or vomiting. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

vfgf tof/L vfgf tof/ kfg'{ jf ksfpg'cl3 ;fa'g–kfgLn] xft w'g'xf];\ . r'Nxf] jf l;Í– 5]psf] ;tx -efG;fsf] l8n– sfpG6/ 6k_ jf 6]a'ndf ;Lw} vfg]s'/f -t/sf/L, df;' cflb_ /fv]/ rSs'n] gsf6\g'xf];\ jf g6'So|fpg'xf];\ . sf6s'6 ug]{ af]8{, Kn]6 jf cGo s]xL tx /fv]/ sfpG6/ 6ksf] /Iff ug'{xf];\ . tnf÷e'OFdf /fv]/ klg vfg]s'/f gsf6\g'xf];\ . vfg]s'/f tof/ ePkl5 sfpG6/ 6k / sf6\g] -6'So|fpg]_ af]8{nfO{ ;fa'g–kfgLn] ;©f ug'{xf];\ . o;f] ubf{ l8n ;©f x'G5 / la/fdL kfg{] AofS6]l/of /f]lsG5g\ . Food Preparation

Before beginning any meal preparation, wash your hands with soap and water. Do not chop or slice food with a knife directly on a countertop. Use a cutting board, plate, or other surface to prevent damaging the countertop. Never cut food on the floor. After preparing food, wash the counters and cutting boards with soap and water to keep counters clean and to prevent bacteria that may cause sickness. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

vfgfsf] ;'/Iff ksfPsf] vfgfnfO{ Knfl:6sn] g9fsL, kGgL jf sk8fn] g5f]kL nfdf] ;do;Dd To;} g5f8\g'xf];\ . vfg]s'/f 5f]k]/ /fVg' / /]lk|mlh/]6/ jf lk|mh/leq /fVg' pQd x'G5 .


Food Safety and Nutrition

Keeping Food Safe

Never leave cooked food out on the counter for long without covering it with plastic wrap, foil, or a cloth. It is better to cover food and keep it in the refrigerator or freezer. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

sf“rf] / ksfPsf] vfgfsf] k|of]u sfFr} vfg] vfgf, h:t} M ©n©"n / t/sf/Lx?nfO{ vfg'eGbf klxn] kvfNg'– k5{ . sfFrf] df;'nfO{ ksfpg' / vfg'eGbf klxn] kf]sf] kf/]/ jf aGb a§fdf xfln s]xL lglZrt ;dosf nflu /]lk|mlh/]6/df /fVg'k5{ . df;', c08f, / t/sf/L ksfpg tof/ kfg'{cl3 xft w'g'xf];\ . kfs]sf] vfgf, ljz]if u/L df;', vfgsf nflu tftf] x'g'k5{ eg] /]lk|mlh/]6/df yGsfpFbf ;]nfPsf], kf]sf] kfl/Psf] jf a§fdf /flvPsf] x'g'k5{ . laxfg ksfPsf] vfgf a]n'sfsf] vfgf vfg] a]nf;Dd sf]7fsf] tfkqmddf /fVg'x'Gg . Handling of Raw and Cooked Food

Foods that are meant to be eaten raw, like fruits and some vegetables, should be rinsed in water first. Raw meat should be covered and kept in the refrigerator only a limited time before cooking and eating. Wash your hands before beginning to prepare meat, eggs, and vegetables for cooking. Cooked foods, especially meat, should be kept hot for eating or should be cooled, covered, and then be placed in the refrigerator. Food cooked in the morning should not be left at room temperature until an evening meal. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

/]lk|mlh/]6/ / lk|mh/ olb ksfPsf] vfg]s'/f kl5 vfgsf nflu /fVg'x'G5 eg] o;nfO{ 5f]k]/ jf lasf]{ ePsf] Knfl:6ssf] a§fdf xfn]/ dfq /]lk|mlh/]6/df /fVg'k5{ . ha tkfO{+sf] vfg] a]nf x'G5, ta ttfpg ;Sg'x'G5 . /]lk|mlh/]6/sf v08x? slxn]sfxLF ;fa'g–kfgLn] ;©f ug'{xf];\ . Refrigerator and Freezer

If you are saving cooked food to eat at a later time you should always cover it or place it in a plastic container with a cover and then put it in your refrigerator. When you are ready to eat the food, you can re-heat it on your stove. Once in a while clean the shelves in the refrigerator with soap and water. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

ef“8fjt{gsf] ;˚fO vfgf vfPkl5 efF8f dfˇg] ;fa'gn] ;a} efF8fjt{g d:sfpg' k5{ . d:sfPkl5 ;a} efF8fjt{g kfgLn] kvfNg'k5{ . csf{]k6s rnfpgsf nflu efF8fjt{g ;'Vvf ePsf] x'g'–

vfB ;'/Iff tyf kf]if0f


k5{ . tkfO{+sf] ckf6{d]G6df efF8f dfˇg] pks/0f -l8;jf;/_ 5 eg] To;sf] k|of]u ug{ ;Sg'x'G5 . l8;jf;/df 5'§} lsl;dsf] efF8f dfˇg] ;fa'g rflxG5 . h"7f efF8f /fte/ l;Í / l8ndf To;} g5f8\g'xf];\ . ;fª\nf, d";f / ls/f cfpg ;S5g\ / ladf/ kfg{ ;S5g\ . Cleaning of Dishes and Cookware

After a meal, all dishes, cookware, and utensils that have been used should be cleaned with dish soap. After washing, rinse everything with water and dry before storing away for the next use. If your apartment has a dishwasher, you may use it and will need special dishwasher soap. Do not leave any dirty dishes and cookware in the sink or on counters over night. Roaches, mice, or insects may be attracted and could cause illness. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

˚f]xf]/sf] lj;h{g gvfPsf 7f]; vfgfnfO{ ;w}F plrt tl/sfn] yfGsf] nufpg'xf];\ . ©f]xf]/ xfNg] efF8f]leq Knfl:6ssf] y}nf] /fVg'xf];\ / ToxL Knfl:6ssf] y}nf]df kg]{ u/L ©f]xf]/ xfNg'xf];\ . ©f]xf]/ xfNg] efF8f]df ls/f gk?g\, Wofg lbg'xf]nf . 3/a]6Ln] b]vfPsf] 7fpFdf ©f]xf]/ el/Psf] Knfl:6ssf] y}nf] ldNsfpg' xf];\ . Disposal of Garbage

Always dispose of solid uneaten food correctly. Line garbage bins in your apartment with plastic garbage bags and place garbage in those plastic bags. Make sure that insects cannot get into the garbage bins. Dispose of the garbage bags as instructed by your landlord. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

kf]l;nf] vfgf vfPsf] vfgf :jf:Yosf nflu /fd|f] eof] eg] tkfO{+nfO{ cfgGb cfpF5 . cd]l/sfsf] s[lif ljefu -o'gfO6]8 :6]6;\ l8kf6{d]G6 c© Plu|sNr/_ n] kf]l;nf] vfgfaf/] ;'emfj lbg] u/]sf] 5 . pSt ljefun] lbPsf] cfd;'emfjsf] gfd …d]/f] yfnÚ -dfO{ Kn]6_ xf] . pSt ljefun] lbPsf] pSt ;'emfjdf vfgfnfO{ ljleGg kfFr ju{df afFl8Psf] 5, tL ju{– cGg, t/sf/L, ©n©"n, b"w jf b"waf6 ag]sf cGo kl/sf/ / k|f]l6g x'g\ . pSt ljefun] tL kfFr lsl;dsf vfgfx?sf] dfqf ldnfP/ ;w}Fh;f] vfg ;'emfp lbPsf] 5 . Eating Healthy

When you eat food that is good for your body, you feel better. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) gives advice to Americans on healthy eating. Their most general advice is called “My Plate.” They divide nutritious foods into five categories: grains, vegetables, fruit, dairy,


Food Safety and Nutrition

and protein. They recommend an appropriate mix of these five groups to be eaten regularly. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

df}lns g]kfnL vfgf 7]6 cd]l/sL vfgfeGbf 7]6 e"6fgL jf g]kfnL vfgf lgs} kf]l;nf x'g– ;S5g\ . l7s dfqfdf vfFbf bfn–eft, ;fu–;AhL, bxL, e6\df; jf cGo u]8fu'8L, vL/, df]df] cflb h:tf cGo g]kfnL vfgfx? lgs} :j:ys/ vfgf x'g\ . hf] zfsfxf/L x'g'x'Gg, pxfFx?sf nflu s'v'/f, e]8fsf] df;' / df5fn] bfndf kfpg] k|f]l6gsf] sfd u5{g\ . v;Lsf] df;' cd]l/sLsf cfd–vfBfGg :6f]/x?df gkfpg ;Sg'x'G5 . v;Lsf] df;' Pl;ofnL jf ef/tLo vfBfGg kfpg] :6f]/x? / :yfgLo kz'kfnsx?sf uf]7df kfpg ;S5 . wfld{s cfwf/df 5]sy'g gx'g] JolStn] ufO{, aª\u'/, ;'Fu'/sf df;' kfpg ;Sg'x'G5 . Basic Nepali Foods

The typical Bhutanese or Nepali diet may be more nutritious than the typical American diet. Eaten in appropriate combination, dal bhat, sag, sabji, dahi, bhatmas, khir, momos, and other Nepali foods are a very healthy diet. For those who are not vegetarian, chicken, lamb, and fish are common meats that are available to supplement protein found in dal. Goat meat, however, is not normally available in American stores although it may be available in special Asian or Indian markets or from a local farmer’s farm. For those who do not have religious objections, beef, pork, and ham are also available meats. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

˚n˚"n / t/sf/Lx¿ ©n©"n / t/sf/L vfg' lgs} dxÎjk"0f{ x'G5 lsgeg] z/L/nfO{ :j:y /fVg] w]/} k|fs[lts le6fldgx? logLx?d} kfOG5g\ . z/L/nfO{ rflxg] le6fldgx?sf nflu ljleGg /+usf ©n©"n / t/sf/L vfg] ug'{xf];\ . ;j{q kfOg] ©n©"nx? M :ofp, ;'Gtnf, gf:kftL, cª\u'/, cf?, cfn'av8f, P]+;]n' / v/a'hf x'g\ . ;j{q kfOg] t/sf/Lx? M kfn'ª\uf], ©"nsf]aL, a|f]sfpnL -xl/of] ©"nsf]aL_, ;]n]/L, l;dL–af]8L, ufh/, s]/fp, 6df6/, ©;L{, ds} / aGbf x'g\ . t/sf/Lsf] d"No / :6f]/x?df kfpg]–gkfpg] jf sd kfpg] eGg] rflxF df};d– cg';f/ ©/s x'G5 . Fruit and Vegetables

It is important to eat fruit and vegetables because they provide you with many natural vitamins that your body needs to be healthy. To get the vitamins your body needs, eat different colored fruit and vegetables. Common fruits include apples, oranges, pears, grapes, peaches, plums, berries, and melons. Common vegetables include spinach, cauliflower, broccoli, cel-

vfB ;'/Iff tyf kf]if0f


ery, beans, carrots, peas, tomatoes, squash, corn, and cabbage. The price and availability of vegetables in stores will vary by season. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

t/sf/Lsf] tof/L s'g} t/sf/L sfFr} vfg ;lsG5, h:tf]M ;nfb agfP/ ;fu, 6df6/, ufh/ / sfFqmf] . s'g} t/sf/L ksfP/ vfOG5 . ksfpg] tl/sf ljleGg vfnsf x'g ;S5g\, h:t}M kfgLdf pdfn]/, a©fP/ jf tf/]/ klg vfg ;lsG5 . Preparing Vegetables

You can eat vegetables uncooked - like in salads with lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, and cucumbers. You can also eat vegetables by cooking them in boiling water, steaming, or frying them. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

;Unf] cGg ;Unf] cGgnfO{ /];f -s];|f_ sf] dxÎjk"0f{ ;|f]t dflgG5 . vfgfdf x'g] /];fn] kfrg k|0ffnLnfO{ ;xL cj:yfdf /fV5, s]xL /f]ux?sf] /f]syfd u5{ / df]6f]kg /f]S5 . ;Unf] cGgsf pbfx/0fx? M pl;gf rfdn -a|fpg /fO;_, ;Unf] ux'Fsf] kfp/f]6L, ;Unf] ux'Fsf] rfprfp, / hf}+af6 ag]sf] l;l/cn x'g\ . ;]tf] rfdn, h:tf]M af;dtL rfdn ;Unf] cGg xf]Og . ;Unf] cGg vfgsf nflu tkfO{+ v}/f] -pl;gf_ rfdn ksfP/ eft vfg ;Sg'x'G5 . Whole Grains

Whole grains are an important source of fiber. Fiber can help keep your digestive system regular, prevent certain diseases, and control your weight. Some examples of whole grains are brown rice, whole wheat bread, whole wheat noodles, and cereals such as oatmeal. White rice such as basmati rice, is not whole grain. You might try to cook some brown rice bhat to eat more whole grains. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

lrNnf]sf] dfqfdf sdL lbgx'F vfg] vfgfdf lrNnf]sf] dfqf l7Ss ug'{xf];\ . vfgf ksfpFbf l3p / tf8Lsf] t]n -kfd cfon_ sf] ;f6f] abfdsf] t]n, ds}sf] t]n, Sofgf]nf -tf]/Lsf] Ps k|hflt_ sf] t]n, h}t'g -clne_ sf] t]n rnfpg'xf];\ . lrNnf]sf] dfqf sd ugf{n] tkfO{+n] cfˆgf] jhg l7Ss /fVg ;Sg'xG5, x[bof3ft / s]xL vfnsf SofG;/ x'gaf6 aRg'x'G5 . vfgfdf klg k|fs[lts ?kdf lrNnf] sd ePsf vfg]s'/f, h:t} M s'v'/f, df5f, ©n©"n / t/sf/L 5fGg'xf];\ . a§fdf aGb ul/Psf vfgfeGbf tfhf vfg]s'/f lgs} tfultnf x'G5g\ . lrNnf] a9L xflnPsf vfg]s'/fx? M lrK;, la:s'6, s]s, tf/]sf]


Food Safety and Nutrition

cfn', tf/]sf] s'v'/fsf] df;' / lkhf x'g\ . lrNnf]sf] dfqf a9L ePsf vfgf :jf:Yosf nflu xflgsf/s dflgG5g\ lsgeg] o:tf vfgf dw'd]x -lrgL/f]u÷ax'd'q /f]u_, d'6'sf] /f]u / df]6f]kgsf sf/0f x'g\ . Reduce the Amount of Fat

Limit the amount of fat you eat every day. When you cook, choose liquid vegetable oils, such as peanut oil, corn oil, canola oil, and olive oil, instead of butter and palm oil. Limiting the amount of fat you eat will help you maintain your weight and may help lower your risk of heart disease and certain cancers. Chose foods that are naturally low in fat, like chicken, fish, fruit, and vegetables. Fresh food is better than packaged food. Examples of foods that have high fat are chips, cookies, cakes, french fries, fried chicken, and pizza. Foods with high fat are bad for your health because they can cause diabetes, heart disease, and weight gain. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

g'gsf] dfqf sd ug'{ g'gsf] a9L dfqf tkfO{+sf] :jf:Yosf nflu xflgsf/s x'g;S5 . vfgf ksfpFbf g'gsf] dfqf sd ug'{xf];\ . g'gsf] dfqf sd ePsf vfgf vfgfn] tkfO{+n] cfˆgf] /Qmrfk -An8 k|];/_ lgoGq0f ug{ ;Sg'xG5 . g'gsf] csf]{ gfd …;f]l8odÚ xf] . Reduce the Amount of Salt

Too much salt can be bad for your health. Reduce the amount of salt you use when cooking. Eating foods low in salt helps to control your blood pressure. Sodium is another word for salt. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

lrgLsf] dfqf ;Lldt ug'{ lrgLsf] a9L dfqf klg tkfO{+sf] :jf:Yosf nflu xflgsf/s xf] . lrgLsf] dfqf a9L ePsf k]o kbfy{ h:t} M ;f]8f / ©n©"nsf /; l7Ss dfqfdf lkpg'xf];\ . o:tf k]o afnaflnsfnfO{ sd lbg'xf];\ / sd ug{ l;sfpg'xf];\ . kl/jf/df ;a}n] vfg] rsn]6 / vfgfkl5 vfg] u'lnof] h:tf ld7fO{ klg sd vfg] ug'{xf];\ . sd u'lnof] vfgfn] df]6fOFb}g / bfFt ls/fn] vfFb}g . Limit the Amount of Sugar

Too much sugar is harmful to your health. Limit drinks that contain a lot of sugar, such as soda and fruit drinks, especially for children. Limit sweets, such as candy and dessert, that you and your family eat. Eating less sugar will help you maintain your weight and control tooth decay. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

vfB ;'/Iff tyf kf]if0f


:j:y afnaflnsf tkfO{+sf 5f]/f5f]/LnfO{ kf]l;nf] vfgf lbg' dxÎjk"0f{ xf] . 7"nfnfO{ h:t} ;fgf– nfO{ klg kf]l;nf vfgf rflxG5, t/ dfqf eg] cfsf/ / pd]/cg';f/ ©/s x'G5 . gfgLx?sf bfFt / xf8x? alnof agfpg pgLx?n] b"w vfg'k5{ . afnaflnsfn] lrNnf] a9L ePsf vfg]s'/f h:t}M lrK;, s'lsh -la:s'6_ / tof/L vfgf -©f:6 ©"8_ vfg' x'Gg . afnaflnsfn] l7Ss dfq ;f]8f vfg'x'G5 . hlt w]/} ;f]8f vfof], Tolt w]/} lrgL vfOG5 . gfgLx?n] kf}li6s vfgf vfP eg] pgLx?n] k9fO, v]ns'b cflbdf /fd|f] u5{g\ / pgLx? cgfjZos df]6fpFb}gg\ . Healthy Children

It is important to give your children healthy food. Children need the same healthy food as adults, but in amounts appropriate to their size and age. Make sure children drink enough milk to build strong bones and teeth. Children should not eat a lot of high fat foods, such as cookies, chips, and fast food. The number of sodas children drink should be limited as most sodas have high amounts of sugar. When children eat healthy food, they do better in school and avoid becoming overweight. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

;fgf gfgLnfO{ 7f]; vfgf ;fgf gfgLnfO{ 7f]; vfgf v'jfpg] ;do eg]sf] …kf:gL ug]{ a]nfÚ xf] . ;fgf gfgLnfO{ 7f]; vfgf v'jfpg ta yfNg], ha p – • kfFrb]lv 5 dlxgfsf] x'G5 . • c8]; gnfuL a:g yfN5 . • 6fpsf] / 3fF6L ;lhn} 3'dfpg jf c8fpg ;Sg] x'G5 . • vfg rf;f] lbG5 / rDrf glhs n}hfFbf d'v vf]N5 . t/ aRrf Ps jif{sf] gx'Gh]n ©n©"nsf] /; v'jfpg h?/L 5}g . v'jfpg] ljrf/ ug'{eof] eg] Ps lbgdf $ b]lv * cf}G; v'jfpg'xf];\ . af]tnaf6 ©n©"nsf] /; gv'jfpg'xf];\ . rDrfn] v'jfpg'xf];\ . ;'Gtnf / 6df6/sf] h'; gv'jfpg' /fd|f] x'G5 . Solid Foods for Babies

The traditional “Rice-feeding ceremony” marks the time when a baby is first fed solid food. You can begin to feed a baby solid food when the baby: • is five to six months old. • no longer needs support to sit up. • can turn his/her neck and head. • is hungry and can open his/her mouth if spoon is offered. It is not urgent to feed fruit juice to a baby that has not reached the age


Food Safety and Nutrition

of one year. Feed only four to eight ounces of juice in a day. Do not feed juice from a bottle. Do not feed orange or tomato juice. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

vfgf vfg] lglZrt ;do 5f]/f5f]/L / cf©" ;fy} a;]/ vfgf vfg] ;dodf 5f]/f5f]/Ln] lbge/sf s] eg]/ hfGg] df}sf ldN5 . To;}n] ;a} ;fy} a;]/ vfgf vfg] ug'{xf];\ . o:tf] cfˆgf ;+:s[lt, k/Dk/f / d"No–dfGotfsf s'/f klg ug{'k5{ . kl/jf/sf ;a} Ps};fy a;]/ vfgfn] gfgLx? lg/f]uL x'G5g\ / :s"ndf pgLx?n] /fd|f] u5{g\ a;]/ vfgfn] kl/jf/sf ;a} Ps–cfk;df lgs6 /lxG5 . Healthy Meal Time

s] u/] a]nfdf ;b:o . ;fy

Use family meal time to find out about your children’s day and to share your culture and values with them. Children who eat with their family on a regular basis are healthier and do better in school. Eating together also helps families stay more connected to each other. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

kf]l;nf vfBfGg kfOg] bf]sfg vfgfdf s] s] vfg] eg]/ of]hgf agfpg'xf];\ / vfBfGg vl/bdf hfg'cl3 lsGg'kg]{ vfBfGgsf] ;"rL agfpg'xf];\ . t/sf/L / ©n©"n dxFuf kfOP eg] hdfOPsf jf a§f–aGb t/sf/L / ©n©"n lsGg'xf];\ . b'O{ sDkgLn] agfPsf Pp6} vfBfGgsf] d"No bfFh]/ x]g'{xf];\ . ;:tf] lsGg'xf];\, k};f art ug'{xf];\ . cf©"nfO{ rflxFg] vfBfGg–dWo] d"No–36fOPsf jf 5'6df /flvPsf x]g'{xf];\ . cf©"nfO{ lgoldt rflxFg] vfBfGg lsGg] :6f]/ kfPkl5 klxnf] t k};f art x'G5, bf];|f] tkfO{+ / kl/jf/sf nflu kf]l;nf vfBfGg lsGg ;lhnf] x'G5 . Shop for Healthy Foods

Plan your meals and make a list before going food shopping. If fresh fruit and vegetables cost too much, buy frozen or canned ones. Compare brands and buy the lowest cost brand to save money. Look for sales or discounts on food you need. By knowing your food store, you can save money and buy healthy foods for you and your family. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

vfB–:6f]/x¿ vfBfGg lsGgsf nflu oxfF ljleGg vfnsf bf]sfgx? x'G5g\ . ;'k/dfs]{6nfO{ /;b bf]sfg klg eGg] ul/G5 . oL bf]sfg 7"nf x'G5g\ . ;'k/dfs]{6df w]/} k|sf/sf vfBfGg kfOG5g\ . tkfO{+ a;]sf] ckf6{d]G6af6 o:tf bf]sfg 6f9f x'g;S5g\, ToxfF k'Ug tkfO{+n] cfˆgf] uf8L lnP/ hfg'k5{ jf a; r9\g' kg]{ x'g;S5 . cf©" a;]glhs} ;fgf bf]sfg x'G5g\, h;nfO{ …;'ljwf bf]sfgÚ elgG5 . o:tf bf]sfgdf tof/L vfgf

vfB ;'/Iff tyf kf]if0f


/ k]o kbfy{ h:tf ;Lldt vfg]s'/f dfq a]lrG5g\ . s'g vfBfGgsf] df]n l7Ss xf] eGg] kQfnufpg a]Unfa]Un} bf]sfgdf kfOg] Pp6} vfg]s'/fsf] df]n bfFh]/ x]g'{k5{ . 7"nf bf]sfgdf eGbf ;fgf bf]sfgdf ToxL s'/f slxn]sfxLF dxFuf] x'G5 . Food Stores

There are different kinds of stores where you can buy food. Supermarkets, also called grocery stores, are large and have many, many kinds of foods. They may be a long distance from your apartment and you may need to drive or take a bus to them. In some neighborhoods there are smaller stores, called “convenience stores,” that sell a limited number of foods, especially snack foods and drinks. You should compare the prices for the same foods among different stores to determine which ones generally have the best prices. Often, but not always, you will discover that the prices at small stores are higher than at larger supermarkets. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

s[ifssf] ahf/ zx/glhs} ©nfOPsf s[lif–pTkfbgx? s[ifsx?n] zx/df a]Rg NofpF5g\, o:tf ahf/ …s[ifssf ahf/Ú x'g\ . o:tf ahf/ v'nf 7fpFdf jf 3/leq hxfF klg nfUg;S5g\ . o:tf ahf/ lbgx'F jf xKtfsf] s'g} lglZrt lbg jf lbgx?df nfUg ;S5g\ . o:tf ahf/sf ©n©"n / t/sf/L tfhf x'G5g\ . s[ifssf] ahf/df uP/ s[lif–pTkfbg lsGg' g]kfn jf e"6fgsf xf6df uP/ lsg]h:t} xf] . o:tf ahf/sf s[lif–pTkfbg lslglbFbf :yfgLo s[ifs kl/jf/x?nfO{ d2t klg x'G5 . Farmers' Markets

A “Farmer’s Market” is a location where farmers who live near your city bring their produce to sell. It may be indoors or outdoors. It may be every day or only certain days of the week. The fruits and vegetables are generally very freshly picked. Shopping at a farmer’s market is more like food shopping in Bhutan or Nepal. When you buy food at a farmer’s market you are also helping local farm families. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

vfgfdf ljj/0f cd]l/sfdf sfg'gtM kf]sf jf a§fdf /fv]/ a]lrg] ;a}h;f] vfg]s'/fsf] aflx/ sfuh -krL{÷af]wkq_ 6fFl;Psf] jf /flvPsf] x'G5 . pSt kf]sf jf a§fdf /flvPsf] vfgfaf/] krL{df hfgsf/L lbOPsf] x'g'k5{ . krL{df pSt vfg]s'/f tof/ kfbf{ ld;fOPsf vfB–;fdu|Lx?sf] ;"rL ;dfj]z x'G5 . To;}u/L pSt vfg]s'/fdf xfd|f] z/L/sf nflu cfjZos lrgL, g'g, k|f]l6g, lrNnf] / cGo kf]ifs tÎjsf] dfqf klg n]lvPsf] x'G5 . tkfO{+ /fd|/L c+u|]hL k9\g hfGg'x'G5 eg] klg krL{df n]lvPsf] kf]if0f;DaGwL hfgsf/Lsf] cy{ c?af6 a'ˇg ;Sg'x'G5 .


Food Safety and Nutrition

Food Labeling

By law, most packaged and processed foods sold in the United States must have information about the contents printed on the package or container. This will include a list of the ingredients in the prepared food. It will also include information about how much sugar, salt, protein, fat, and other nutrients the product contains. Even if you can read the English well, you may want someone to explain the meaning of the nutritional information.





cWofo & : hflu/ / /f]huf/L Chapter 7 : Jobs and Employment sfdsf nflu tof/ tkfO{+ cd]l/sf cfPkl5 gofF 3/df a:g yfNg' x'G5 . clg tkfO{+ sfddf hfg tof/ x'g'k5{ . tkfO{+n] cd]l/sfdf sfd ug'{ cfjZos x'G5 . sfd eof] eg] ;/sf/L ;xfotf jf gft]bf/sf] e/lagf tkfO{+ cf©}F / tkfO{+sf] cfˆgf] kl/jf/sf] x]/rfx ug{ ;Sg'x'G5 . Ready for Work

After you arrive in the United States and start to adjust to your new home, it is time for you to get ready to go to work. Having a job in the United States is very important because it allows you to take care of yourself and your family without having to rely on assistance from the government or relatives. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

sfd ug'{sf] dxŒj sfd u/]/ tkfO{+sf xftdf k};f k/]kl5 3/ef8f / lanx? ltg'{x'G5, vfg]s'/f / nQfsk8f lsGg kfpg'x'G5 . o;nfO{ …cfTdlge{/ x'g'Ú elgG5 . cd]l/sfdf sfd ug'{ eg]sf] ljsNk xf]Og, pd]/ k'u]sf k|To]s JolStsf nflu clgjfo{ xf] . Importance of Working

Having a job provides you with money to pay your rent and bills, and buy food and clothes. This is called being self-sufficient. Working is not a choice in the United States, but a necessity for almost every adult. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

sfdsf k|sf/ oxfF ;fdfGo tLg vfnsf d'Vo hflu/x? x'G5g\ M cbIf hflu/, s'zn hflu/ / Jofj;flos hflu/ . a]Unfa]Un} hflu/sf nflu leGgfleGg} txsf] Ifdtf / tflnd rflxG5 . cbIf jf ;'?cftL hflu/nfO{ yf]/} tflnd jf cg'ej rflxG5 . o:tf sfdsf pbfx/0fx?df xf]6nsf] eF8f/], rd]gfu[xdf ;]js, rf}sLbf/, vfB–bf]sfgdf e08f/0f ug]{ dflg; k5{g\ . o:tf sfdsf nflu /fd|f] :t/sf] c+u|]hL rflxGg . c+u|]hL kl9/x]sf / cGo ;Lk l;ls/x]sf] cj:yfdf w]/} z/0ffyL{n] o:t} sfd u5{g\ . s'zn hflu/sf nflu tflnd / pRr :t/sf] c+u|]hL rflxG5 . o:tf sfdsf pbfx/0fx?df uf8L dd{t ug{] sflnu8, >[+uf/ ug]{, sDKo'6/–k|fljlws, gl;{ª\u–;xfos k5{g\ . s'g} s'zn sfd ug{sf nflu cg'dlt–kq cfjZos kg{ ;S5 . tkfO{+n] cfˆgf] b]zdf kfPsf] cg'dlt–kq oxfF dfGo x'Fb}g . tkfO{+n] c+u|]hL cWoog u/L


Jobs and Employment

cd]l/sfd} tflnd kfPkl5 cf©" a;]sf] /fHoaf6 cg'dlt–kq k|fKt ug{ ;Sg'x'G5 . Jofj;flos hflu/sf nflu sn]hsf] lzIff k|fKt u/]sf], w]/} /fd|f] c+u|]hL ePsf] / pRr txsf] ;Lk ePsf] x'g'k5{ . o;sf pbfx/0f M lzIfs, kl/rfl/sf -g;{_, OlGhlgo/, j}1flgs, n]vfkfn -csfpG6]G6_, nfOa|]l/og x'g\ . tkfO{+ cfˆgf] b]zdf o:t} sfd u/]sf] / o; If]qsf] cg'dlt–kq -nfO;]G;_ ePsf] JolSt eP klg oxfF yk cWoog ug'{kg]{ / oxfF To:t} sfdsf nflu oxfF k/LIffdf ;fd]n eP/ csf]{ cg'dlt– kq lng' kg]{ x'g ;S5 . Types of Jobs

There are three general types of employment: unskilled jobs, skilled jobs, and professional jobs. Each type of job requires a different level of skill and training. Unskilled or entry-level jobs require little training or experience. Examples include hotel housekeeper, restaurant server, janitor, stocker in food store. These jobs usually do not require a high level of English. Many refugees work in these jobs while they study English and learn other skills. Skilled labor jobs require training, and a higher level of English. Examples include auto mechanic, beautician, computer technician, nursing assistant. Some skilled jobs may require licenses. Licenses from your homeland may not be accepted. You can study English and seek training in the United State to receive a license in your state. Professional jobs usually require at least a college education, very good English, and a high level of skill. Examples include teacher, nurse, engineer, scientist, accountant, librarian. Even if you were licensed and did this kind of job in your homeland, additional study and recertification tests may be required before you can do the same kind of job in the United States. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

sfdsf] vf]hL tkfO{+sf] k'g:yf{kgfdf ;+nUg ;+:yf jf /f]huf/;DaGwL ;+:yfn] tkfO{+nfO{ hflu/ -sfd_ vf]Hg d2t ug]{5 . tkfO{+n] tL ;+:yfnfO{ cfˆgfaf/]df atfpg'xf]nf . tkfO{+n] cfˆgf] ljut, sfdsf] cg'ej, ;Lkx? / ?lraf/] atfpg' kg]{5 . tkfO{+n] cfˆgf] wfld{s–ljZjf;sf cfwf/df gug]{ sfdaf/] klg v'n:t kfg'{xf]nf . o:tf s'/fn] tkfO{+n] ug{;Sg] sfdaf/] a'ˇg pxfFx?nfO{ d2t k'U5 . Finding a Job

Your resettlement agency or an employment agency will work with you to help you find a job. Talk to them about your background, work ex-

hflu/ / /f]huf/L


perience, skills, and interests. Mention any jobs you cannot take because of religious beliefs. They will help you understand what type of job you can find. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

sfd vf]Hg] tl/sf • w]/} sfdsf] hfgsf/L lrghfgsf dflg;s} dfWodaf6 x'G5 . To;}n] ;fyL,

gftfuf]tf / j/k/sf ;a};Fu hflu/ v'n]sf] / cj;/x?af/] s'/f ug'{xf];\ . • c+u|]hLsf] sIff lnof] / cd]l/sL rfnrngaf/] l;Sof] eg] tkfO{+nfO{ oxfF sfddf hfg tof/ x'g d2t x'G5 . • cd]l/sf cfpg] lalQs}sf s]xL dlxgf sfd kfpg ;lhnf] 5}g . nugzLn eP/ sfd vf]Hg'xf];\ / lxDdt gxfg'{xf];\ . Tips to Finding a Job

• Many jobs are found through people you know. Talk with friends, relatives, and others in the community about job openings and opportunities. • Taking English classes and learning about American culture will help you to prepare for working in the United States. • Finding a job in your first months in the United States is not always easy. Be persistent and do not give up. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

hflu/sf nflu lgj]bg w]/}h;f] /f]huf/bftfn] tkfO{+nfO{ hflu/sf nflu lgj]bg lbg nufpF5g\ . s]xL o:tf 7fpFdf tkfO{+n] lbg] lgj]bgsf] ©f/d x'G5 . sfuhsf] x'G5 . cGo s]xL lgj]bg OG6/g]6af6 lbg] vfnsf x'G5g\ / OG6/g]6df eg'{kg]{ x'G5 . b'O{dWo] s'g} tl/sfaf6 lgj]bg lbP klg To;df tkfO{+sf] z}lIfs–of]Uotf / sfdsf] cg'ejaf/] hfgsf/L dfluG5 . Pp6} hflu/sf nflu w]/} dflg;n] lgj]bg lbG5g\ . /f]huf/bftfn] tkfO{+sf] lgj]bgsf cfwf/df af]nfpg] lg0f{o u5{g\ . To;}n] lgj]bg lbFbf jf ©f/dsf ?kdf lgj]bg ebf{ ;©f / z'4 x'g' lgs} cfjZos x'G5 . Job Application

Many potential employers will ask you to complete a job application. For some businesses, the application form is on paper. For other businesses the application is on the Internet and you will need to complete it online. In either case, the application will ask for information about your education and your prior work experience. More people may apply for the same job and the employer will use their applications to decide whom to ask for an interview, so it is important that you complete the application neatly and accurately. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――


Jobs and Employment

/]Ho'd] s]xL hflu/sf nflu /f]huf/bftf;Fu ;a} vfn] tYo /fVg ldNg] jf dfUg] vfnsf] lgj]bg gx'g ;S5 . To;sf] ;§f pxfFx?n] tkfO{+nfO{ …/]Ho'd]Ú lbg'xf];\ eGg'x'g]5 . /]Ho'd]n] tkfO{+sf] z}lIfs–of]Uotf, sfdsf] cg'ej / tkfO{+n] rfx]sf] sfdaf/]df :ki6 kf/]sf] x'g'k5{ . …/]Ho'd]Ú xftn] n]lvPsf] x'g'x'Gg . 6fOk ul/Psf] x'g'k5{ . cf©"nfO{ /fd|f] …/]Ho'd]Ú tof/ kfg{ cfpFb}g eg] klxn] …/]Ho'd]Ú agfO;s]sf ;fyL;Fu d2t lng'xf];\ . Resume

For some jobs, employers will not have a standard application. Instead, they will ask you to give them your resume. Your resume should highlight your education, work experience, and type of job that you are seeking. It should be typed, not hand written. If you are unfamiliar with how to write a good resume, you should ask a friend who has done this to help. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

cGtjf{tf{sf] tof/L cGtjf{tf{df hfFbf o:tf tof/L ug'{xf];\ M • hfg'kg]{ 7fpF, ;do, ldlt / e]6\g'kg{] JolStsf] gfd hfGg'xf];\ . • ;doeGbf cl3 k'Ug] Joj:yf ldnfpg'xf];\ . • skfn sf6\g'xf];\ . ;©f / ;'lsnf] n'uf tof/ kfg'{xf];\ . • k]; ug{'kg{] dxÎjk"0f{ sfuhft, h:t} M ;f];n ;]So'l/6L sf8{, kl/ro–kq -cfO8L sf8{_ jf cGo Nofpg' elgPsf k|df0fkq jf sfuhft cflb tof/ kfg'{xf];\ . • cf©"n] sfd ug]{ ;+:yf, sfof{no cflbsf af/]df k|z:t hfgsf/L vf]Hg'xf]; / k9\g'xf];\ . • /]Ho'd]df n]lvPsf ;a} tYo ofb kfg'{xf];\ . • cf©"n] ;f]Wg] k|Zgx? tof/ kfg'{xf];\ . • cf/fd ug'{xf];\ . ylst cj:yfdf cGtjf{tf{df hfg' gk/f];\ . • cf©"n] xfl;n u/]sf ;Lk / cg'ejaf/] eGg tof/ x'g'xf];\ . • vfgf l7Ss vfg'xf];\ . cGtjf{tf{df hfg'cl3 r'/f]6÷/S;L vfPsf] /fd|f] x'Gg . How to Prepare for a Job Interview

Make these preparations for your interview • Know the place, time, date, and name of the person who will interview you. • Arrange to arrive before the time of the interview. • Have clean hair and wear neat, clean clothes. • Bring your social security card, photo ID, and other papers that have been requested. • Find and review information about the business.

hflu/ / /f]huf/L • • • • •


Review the information in your resume. Prepare questions to ask the interviewer. Be rested. Do not be tired at the time of the interview. Be ready to talk about your work experience and skills. Do not each much and do not smoke or drink alcohol before the interview. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

sfdsf nflu cGtjf{tf{ cGtjf{tf{ eg]sf] tkfO{+ / tkfO{+sf /f]huf/bftfaLr x'g] a}7s xf], h;df pxfFn] tkfO{+nfO{ x]/]/ jf tkfO{+sf af/]df hfg]/ sfd ug{ of]Uo eP÷gePsf] 7x/ ug'{ x'g]5 . w]/}h;f] /f]huf/bftfn] tkfO{+nfO{ sfddf nufpg'cl3 cGtjf{tf{ lng' cfjZos 7fG5g\ / lnG5g\ . cGtjf{tf{df hfFbf tkfO{+n] o:tf a'Fbf Vofn ug{ h?/L 5M • ;dodf cGtjf{tf{:yndf k'Ug'xf];\ . • cfˆgf sfdsf cg'ej / ;Lkaf/] eGg tof/ x'g'xf];\ . • ;'xfpFbf] -plrt_ n'uf nufpg'xf];\ . ;©f;'U3/ /xg] cfr/0f b]vfpg'xf];\ . • cfFvfdf cf“vf x]/]/ s'/f ug'{xf];\ . d':s'/fpg'xf]; . cGtjf{tf{sf/;Fu xft ldnfpg'– xf];\ . • cf©"n] hflu/ kfPdf s] sfd ug'{k5{ eGg] ;f]Wg'xf];\ . • cGtjf{tf{sf/n] tkfO{+sf] c+u|]hL af]Ng] / a'ˇg] Ifdtf hfFlr/x]sf x'G5g\ eGg] Vofn ug'{xf];\ . Job Interview

A job interview is a meeting between you and an employer to see if you are a good fit for the job. Most employers require a job interview before they decide to hire you. For the job interview, it is important that you: • Arrive to the job interview on time. • Prepare to talk about your work experience and skills. • Dress appropriately and practice good hygiene. • Make eye contact, smile, and shake hands with the employer. • Ask questions about what you will do on the job. • Remember that the interviewer will be evaluating your ability to speak and understand English. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

cGtjf{tf{kl5sf lzi6frf/ cGtjf{tf{kl5 klg s]xL sfd afFsL x'G5g\, tL o:tf x'G5g\ M • cGtjf{tf{ ;lsPsf] hfgsf/L kfPkl5 ;a} cGtjf{tf{sf/nfO{ wGojfb eGg'xf];\ . • cGtjf{tf{sf] kl/0ffd cf©"n] s;/L yfxf kfpg] eg]/ ;f]Wg'xf];\ . • cGtjf{tf{ ;lsPsf] !–# lbgleq kqdf©{t jf Od]ndf©{t wGojfb–kq n]Vg'xf];\ .


Jobs and Employment

o:tf] Od]n jf kqdf cGtjf{tf{ lnFbf eGg la;{]sf ljifodf klg n]Vg ;lsG5 . • cGtjf{tf{kl5 klg tkfO{+nfO{ ©f]gdf©{t s'/f ug{ vf]Hg] ;+efjgf ePsfn] sDkgL jf sfof{noaf/] yk hfgsf/L lnP/ a:g'xf];\ . Post Interview Courtesy

After the interview you should do these things: • Thank the interviewer at the end of the interview. • Ask how you will know the result of the interview. • Send a thank you letter or email to the interviewer 1-3 days after the interview. You can also write about anything you forgot to discuss during the interview. • Sometime after your interview, you may be contacted by phone. So collect some more information about the company and be ready. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

sfd yfNg'cl3 /f]huf/bftfn] tkfO{+nfO{ hflu/ lbG5g\, pgLx?n] tkfO{+ o:tf s'/f atfpg]5g\ M • tkfO{+sf] Hofnf jf tna slt x'G5 < • tkfO{+sf] Hofnf jf tna slxn] lbOG5 < • tkfO{+sf] sfd ug{] ;do–tflnsf s:tf] x'g]5 < • tkfO{+n] xKtfdf slt 306f sfd ug'{kg]{5 < • sfd ubf{ :jf:Yo ;'/Iff, 3/fo;L labf / la/fdL labf h:tf ;'ljwf 5g\ eg] tkfO{+n] s] slt kfpg'x'G5 < Starting A Job • • • • •

When an employer offers you a job, they should tell you: How much the wage or salary will be. When you will be paid. Your work schedule. How many hours a week you will need to work. If you will receive benefits, like health coverage, vacation days, and sick days. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

sfddf ;˚n /xg] s]xL h'lStx¿ • • • • •

/f]huf/bftfn] lbPsf] ;do–tflnsfcg';f/ sfd ug'{xf];\ . l7s ;dodf sfddf k'Ug'xf];\ . sfddf k'Ug l9nf] x'g] eP ;'k/efOh/nfO{ va/ ug'{xf];\ . la/fdL eP dfq la/fdL–labf lng'xf];\ . sfddf lbg la/fpg] gug'{xf];\ . la/fdL x'Fbf jf 3/–kl/jf/df ckem{6 sfd k/]/ hfg g;s] ;'k/efOh/nfO{ va/ ug'{xf];\ .

hflu/ / /f]huf/L


• • • • •

e/kbf]{, cfb/fyL{, lhDd]jf/ / lxt}ifL x'g'xf];\ . tf]lsPsf] kf]zfs nufpg'xf];\ / :j:y cfr/0fsf] kfngf ug'{xf];\ . ;'/lIft /xg agfOPsf lgod kfngf ug'{xf];\ . tkfO{+nfO{ rf]6k6s gnfuf];\ . sfddf ©f]g ug]{ jf cfPsf] ©f]g p7fpg] gug'{xf];\ . gofF lhDd]jf/Lx? / sfdx? lng'xf];\ . d]xgt ug'{eof] eg] kbf]Gglt -a9'jf_ x'g jf tna a9\g ;S5 . • olb tkfO{+ ul//x]sf] sfd 5f8\g rfxg'x'G5 eg] sfd 5f8\g] ldltn] sDtLdf b'O{ xKtfcl3 ;'k/efOh/nfO{ hfgsf/L lbg'xf];\ . • ;'k/efOh/;Fu /fd|f] ;DaGw /fVg'xf];\ . ha tkfO{+ csf]{ 7fpFdf hflu/ vfg hfg'x'G5, pxfFn] gofF 7fpFsf /f]huf/bftfnfO{ tkfO{+sf] cfr/0faf/] atfpg' k/] /fd|f s'/f elglbg'x'G5 . Tips for Success on the Job • • • • • • • • • • • •

Follow the work schedule your employer gives you. Always arrive to work on time. If you are going to be late, call your supervisor. Take time off for illness only when you are very sick. Try not to miss a day of work. If you have to miss a day of work because you are sick or you have a family emergency, call your supervisor to let them know. Be reliable, respectful, responsible, and friendly. Follow the dress code and maintain good hygiene. Follow safety guidelines so you do not get hurt. Do not make or receive personal phone calls during work time. Take on new responsibilities and tasks. Working hard may help you get a promotion or pay increase. If you decide to quit your job, tell your supervisor at least two weeks before you are going to leave. Keep a good relationship with your supervisor. When you move to another job, the supervisor can say nice things about you to your next employer. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

sfddf k'?if / dlxnf kl/jf/df bf]xf]/f] cfDbfgL eof] eg] 3/df w]/} k};f lelqG5 . kl/jf/ cfTdlge{/ x'G5 . To;}n] cd]l/sfdf w]/}h;f] 3/af6 klt–kTgL b'j} sfd u5{g\ . To;}u/L dlxnf / k'?if Ps} 7fpFdf sfd u5{g\ . dlxnfn] klg k'?ifn] u/]h:t} sfd u5{g\ . dlxnfsf] xflsd k'?if / k'?ifsf] xflsd dlxnf x'g;S5g\ .


Jobs and Employment

Men and Women in the Workplace

In the United States, both husband and wife often work because having two incomes helps families be self-sufficient. It is also common for women to do the same jobs as men and for women to supervise male employees. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

sfdsf] ;do–tflnsf sfd ug]{ ;fdfGo ;do Ps xKtfdf rfnL; 306f x'G5 . olb tkfO{+n] rfnL; 306feGbf a9L ;do sfd ug'{eof] eg] tkfO{+ cltl/St–;do sfd u/]jfkt kfl/>ldssf] xsbf/ x'g'x'G5 . Work Schedule

A normal work week is forty hours a week. If you work more than forty hours a week, you may be entitled to receive overtime pay. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

sd{rf/Lsf clwsf/ sfd ug]{ 7fpFdf tkfO{+sf] clwsf/ cd]l/sL gful/s;/x x'G5 . /f]huf/bftfn] sfd ug]{nfO{ z/0ffyL{, pd]/, j0f{, wd{, hflt, lnª\u jf ckfª\usf cfwf/df e]befj ug{ ldNb}g . c;'/lIft cj:yfx?df sfd u/]jfkt tkfO{+sf] ;'/Iffsf nflu ljleGg cd]l/sL /f]huf/ sfg'g 5g\ . Employee Rights

You have the same rights in the workplace as a U.S. citizen. Employers cannot discriminate against employees based on refugee status, age, race, religion, ethnicity, sex, or disability. There are also employment laws in the United States that protect you from unsafe working conditions. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

e'StfgL kfpg' sfd u/]jfkt tkfO{+n] kfPsf] /sd cfo -cfDbfgL_ xf] . s/ jf /f]Ssf /sd 36fP/ tkfO{+n] ;fdfGotM lglZrt /sd kfpg' x'G5 . cfos/ eg]sf] tkfO{+n] ;/sf/nfO{ a'emfpg] /sd xf] . tkfO{+n] a'emfpg] s'n s/ …tkfO{+n] slt cfDbfgL ug'{x'G5 / tkfO{+sf] kl/jf/sf] cfsf/ sqf] 5Ú eGg]df e/ k5{ . Getting Paid

Income is the money you receive when you work. Your pay usually has a certain amount subtracted from it called taxes or withholding. Income tax is money you pay to the government. The amount of taxes you pay depends on how much you earn and your family size. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

hflu/ / /f]huf/L


cfo -cfDbfgL_ tkfO{+n] tf]lsPsf] cjlwe/ sfd u/]/ sdfPsf] /sddf s/ jf /f]Ssf /sd gsfl6Psf] s'n /sd hDdf tna xf] . v'b tna eg]sf] s/ jf :jf:Yo ladf sf6]– kl5sf] s'n /sd xf] . olx v'b tna tkfO{+n] …e'Stfg r]sÚ df©{t kfpg'x'G5 . Income

Gross pay is your pay before any deductions have been subtracted from it. Net pay is your pay after deductions have been subtracted from it, such as taxes and health insurance. This is the amount you will receive on your paycheck. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

tkfO{+sf] tna s;/L e'Stfg ul/G5 < tkfO{+n] tna e'StfgL r]ssf ?kdf, gub jf tkfO{+sf] a}+s–vftfdf hDdf x'g] u/]/ kfpg ;Sg'x'G5 . tkfO{+nfO{ hlxn] klg e'StfgL ljj/0f ePsf] …e'Stfg /l;bÚ -k] :6a_ lbOG5 . …e'Stfg /l;bÚ n] tkfO{+n] sdfPsf] /sd / To; /sddf s'g ljifodf s] s6f}tL u/]/ slt tkfO{+nfO{ lbOof] eGg] :ki6 n]lvPsf] x'G5 . tkfO{+sf] /f]huf/bftfn] tkfO{+nfO{ sfd u/]jfkt gub lbg'eof] / …e'Stfg /l;bÚ lbg'ePg eg] tkfO{+x? b'j}n] sfg'g tf]8]sf] 7x5{ . How You May Be Paid

Your pay may be given to you by check, by cash, or may be directly deposited in your bank account. You should always be given a pay stub. The pay stub is a piece of paper that tells you how much you were paid, how much was deducted and for what purpose. If your employer pays you in cash and does not give you a pay stub, both you and the employer are breaking the law. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

s/x¿ cd]l/sL ;/sf/n] s/jfktsf] /sd ;fdflhs ;'/Iff -;f];n ;]So'l/6L_, sfg'g sfof{Gjog, lzIff / ;fj{hlgs oftfoft cflbsf] nfutdf vr{ u5{ . hf]sf]xL cd]l/sfdf a:5 / cfDbfgL u5{ eg] sfg'gcg';f/ k|To]s jif{ p;n] s/–l©tL{ ©f/d eg'{ k5{ / s/ ltg'{k5{ . Taxes

The U.S. government uses taxes to help pay for things such as social security, law enforcement, education, and public transportation. Anyone who lives in the United States and earns an income is required by law to file a tax return every year and to pay any taxes they owe. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――


Jobs and Employment

Go"gtd Hofnf cd]l/sfdf Ps sfdbf/sf] Go"gtd Hofnf p;n] sfd ug]{ /fHocg';f/ ©/s kg{ ;S5 . tkfO{+sf] /f]huf/bftfn] tkfO{+nfO{ Go"gtd HofnfeGbf sd lbg' sfg'glj?4 xf] . Minimum Wage

In the United States, the minimum wage an employer can pay you depends on the state where you work. It is against the law for your employer to pay you less than the minimum wage. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

cflh{t cfo–s/ pwf/f] cd]l/sL ;/sf/sf] Pp6f ljz]if sfo{qmd 5, h;n] sfd ug]{ s]xL JolStsf nflu cfly{s ;'ljwf lbg] u5{ . o;nfO{ cflh{t cfo–s/ pwf/f] -cG8{ OGsd–6\ofS; qm]l86_ elgG5 . olb tkfO{+sf] cfDbfgL sd 5 / kfNg'kg{] 5f]/f5f]/L w]/} 5g\ eg] cfo–s/ a'emfPkl5 tkfO{+ of] ;'ljwf kfpg of]Uo x'g'x'G5 . of] ;'ljwfdf s/ lt/]kl5 s]xL /sd l©tf{ kfOG5 / Ps jif{df a9Ldf % xhf/ 8n/;Dd x'g;S5 . t/ of] ;'ljwf eg] tkfO{+sf] kl/jf/sf] cfsf/ / cfDbfgLdf e/ k5{ . Earned Income Tax Credit

The United States has a special program that provides financial benefits to some people who work. This is the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). If your family’s annual income is low and if you have children to support, when you file your income tax, you may be eligible to receive these benefits. The benefit could be as much as $5,000 for the year, but it depends on the size of your family and the amount you earn by working. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

hflu/df a9'jf cd]l/sfdf tkfO{+n] ug{] klxnf] sfd To;cl3 cGt st} u/]sf] sfd;Fu gldNg ;S5 jf sfdaf6 yf]/} cfDbfgL x'g;S5 . t/ oxfF s'g} sfd ug'{eof] eg] To;n] cem /fd|f] sfd vf]Hg cg'ej lbG5 / ;Lk l;sfpF5 . tkfO{+n] ;f]r]cg';f/sf] sfd gkfP klg h] sfd u5'{ eg]/ :jLsfg'{ lgs} dxÎjk"0f{ x'G5 . Job Upgrading

Your first job in the United States may not be related to your former profession or pay a lot of money, but it will give you experience and skills to find a better job. It is important to accept a job offer even if it is not what you expected. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

hflu/ / /f]huf/L


hflu/af6 al~rt tkfO{+sf /f]huf/bftfn] tkfO{+nfO{ sfdaf6 x6fpg ;S5g\ . slxn]sfxLF pgsf] sfdn] ©fObf gsdfO/x]sf] x'g;S5 . slxn]sfxLF tkfO{+sf] sfd c:yfoL klg x'g;S5 . clg slxn]sfxLF tkfO{+n] uNtL ug'{eof] jf c;'/lIft tl/sfn] ug'{eof] jf ;'k/efOh/n] tf]s]cg';f/ sfd gu/]sf] x'g;S5 . ha tkfO{+nfO{ /f]huf/bftfn] hflu/af6 al~rt u5{g\, ta pgn] s] sf/0fn] x6fOof] atfpg'k5{ . Losing a Job

Your employer may terminate your work. Sometimes the reason is that the business is not successful. Sometimes it is because your job was only temporary. Sometimes it may be that you did something incorrectly or unsafely or did not perform up to the standards of your supervisor. When your job is being terminated, your employer should tell you why. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

a]/f]huf/ ;'ljwfx¿ a]/f]huf/sf nflu Pp6f ;/sf/L sfo{qmd 5 . o; a]/f]huf/ ladf sfo{qmdaf6 cfˆgf] uNtLlagf hflu/af6 al~rt x'g] sfdbf/nfO{ lglZrt cfly{s ;xfotf lbg]] ul/G5 . of] ;'ljwf kfpg tkfO{+n] :yfgLo a]/f]huf/ sfof{nodf lgj]bg lbg'k5{ . o;;DaGwL lgod / tkfO{+n] kfpg;Sg] ;'ljwf /fHolkR5] ©/s x'G5g\ . Unemployment Benefits

The United States has an unemployment insurance program that provides some limited financial assistance to workers who lose their jobs through no fault of their own. To receive such assistance you must apply at a local unemployment office. The rules and amount of benefits differ in different states.






cWofo * : JolStut ;/;˚fO / nQf–sk8f Chapter 8 : Personal Hygiene and Clothing JolStut ;/;˚fO sfddf hfg] 7"nf dflg; x'g\ jf :s"n hfg] gfgLx? x'g\, ;a}n] cfˆgf] z/L/sf] x]/rfx ug'{ lgs} cfjZos x'G5 . o:tf] x]/rfx ul/of] eg] cf©" / kl/jf/ ladf/ kb}{g . tkfO{+ / kl/jf/sf ;b:osf] z/L/sf] x]/rfx ug{sf nflu ljleGg vfnsf pTkfbgx? kfOG5g\ . Personal Hygiene

Taking care of your body is important for work, school, and to keep you and your family from getting sick. There are many different products to take care of your body. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

JolStut ;/;˚fOsf pTkfbg JolStut ;/;©fOsf pTkfbgx?df z/L/sf] uGwgfzs -l8of]8]/]G6_, AofS6]l/of– gfzs ;fa'g, uGwgfzs ;fa'g, bGtdGhg, ZofDk", slG8;g/, nf];g / c? s}og\ w]/} 5g\ . oLdWo] s'g pTkfbg s] sfdsf nflu k|of]u ug]{ eg]/ cndn x'g ;S5 . Products for Personal Hygiene

Products include deodorant, antibacterial soap, deodorant soap, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, lotion, and many more. It can be confusing what products to use for what purposes. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

sL6f0f' JolStut ;/;©fOsf oL pTkfbgdWo] s'g}–s'g} rflxF xfdLnfO{ sL6f0f'af6 6f9} /fVgsf nflu k|of]u ul/G5g\ . sL6f0f'x? ;'Id hLj x'g\ . oLgn] xfdLnfO{ ladf/ kf5{g\ . xfd|f cfFvfn] sL6f0f' b]Vb}gg\ . Germs

Some of these products are used to protect us from germs. Germs are tiny, living things that can make us sick. Germs are too small for our eyes to see. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

xft w'g' sL6f0f' dfg]{ ;aeGbf pQd pkfo AofS6]l/of–gfzs jf uGwgfzs–;fa'gsf] k|of]u xf] . xft w'g] afgLn] ?3f / Hj/f] h:tf ladf/ kfg{] To:tf ;'Id hLj ;lhn} ©}nb}gg\ .


Personal Hygiene and Clothing

Washing Your Hands

Using antibacterial or deodorant soap is the best way to kill germs that spread disease. Washing your hands prevents the spread of germs that also cause illnesses like colds and flu. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

xft slxn] slxn] w'g' k5{ < • • • •

o:tf a]nfdf xft ;w}F w'g'xf];\ M vfgf vfg'cl3, vfgf ksfpg'cl3 / vfgf 5'g'cl3 . zf}rfno uPkl5 . gfgLx?nfO{ wf]OkvfnL u/]kl5, g'xfP jf 8fOk/ ©]l/lbPkl5 . 3/aflx/ v]n]kl5 .

When to Wash Hands? • • • •

Always wash your hands: Before eating, cooking, and touching food. After using the bathroom. After cleaning a child or changing a child’s diaper. After playing outside. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

;˚f z/L/ z/L/ :jR5 eP tkfO{+ :j:y /xg'x'G5 . uGwgfzs jf AofS6]l/of–gfzs ;fa'gsf] k|of]u u/]/ g'xfpgfn] z/L/af6 b'u{Gw lgsfNg] sL6f0f' d5{g\ . Clean Body

A clean body keeps you healthy. Taking a shower or bath with deodorant or antibacterial soap helps kill the germs that can make us smell bad. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

skfnsf nflu ZofDk" / slG8;g/ ZofDk"n] skfnsf] d}nf] / lrNnf] x6fpF5 . o;n] 6fpsfsf] 5fnf ©';|f] x'gaf6 hf]ufpF5 . tkfO{+n] sDtLdf xKtfsf] b'O{k6s cfˆgf] skfn ZofDk"n] ;©f ug'{k5{ . w]/} dflg; lbgx'F g'xfpF5g\ / skfn w'g ZofDk" k|of]u u5{g\ . slG8;g/n] g'xfpFbf skfn ©';|f] x'g lbFb}g . ZofDk"n] skfn wf]Pkl5 slG8;g/ k|of]u ug'{k5{ . ZofDk" / slG8;g/nfO{ Pp6} af]tndf ld;fP/ klg a]lrG5 . b'j} Ps} 7fpFdf ePsf pTkfbg lsGgfn] k};f art x'G5 . Shampoo and Conditioner for Your Hair

Shampoo gets rid of the dirt and oil in your hair. It also keeps the skin on your scalp from flaking. You should wash your hair at least two times a week with shampoo. Many people shower and shampoo their hair every

JolStut ;/;kmfO / nQf–sk8f


day. Conditioner keeps your hair from becoming too dry after washing. You should use conditioner after shampoo in the shower. Some products combine shampoo and conditioner in one bottle which can help you save money. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

z/L/sf] uGwgfzs z/L/af6 cfpg] uGw sd ug{ sfvLdf nufpg] pTkfbgnfO{ uGwgfzs -l8of]– 8]/]G6_ elgG5 . l8of]8]/]G6– emf]n, h]n -3f]n_, l;sf{ cfpg] -:k|]_ ?kdf kfOG5g\ . s'g} l8of]8]/]G6 ;]tf] /+usf x'G5g\, o:tf] /+usf] l8of]8]/]G6 k|of]u ubf{ sk8fdf ;]tf bfu a:5g\ . /+u gePsf l8of]8]/]G6 k|of]u ugf{n] o:tf bfu a:b}gg\ . k'?if / dlxnf b'j}n] l8of]8]/]G6 k|of]u u5{g\ . k'?if jf dlxnfsf nflu 5'§f5'§} lsl;dsf l8of]– 8]/]G6 agfOPsf x'G5g\ . Deodorant

Deodorant is applied under your armpits to reduce body odor. Deodorants are available in liquid, gel, or spray. Some deodorants are white and leave white powder on your clothing. Using a clear gel can help avoid this problem. Deodorants are used by both men and women and most are made specifically for either a man or woman. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

bf“t df‰g' luhf / bfFtsf] x]/ljrf/ ugf{n] bfFt lvOb}gg\ / bfFt b'Vg] ;d:ofn] ;tfpFb}g . dGhg nufP/ lbgx'F tLgk6s bfFt dfˇg'xf];\ . k|To]s tLg dlxgfdf gofF a'?; lsGg'xf];\ . Brushing Teeth

Taking care of your teeth and gums prevents tooth decay and toothaches. Brush your teeth three times a day with toothpaste. Buy a new toothbrush every three months. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

bf“taLrsf] ;˚fO bfFtsf cGt/s'Gt/df /x]sf vfgfsf 6'qmf6'lqm -n]u|f]_ x6fpg ˆn; -bfFt ;©f ug]{ wfuf]_ k|of]u ug'x{ f];\ . bfFt /fd|/L ;©f ug{ jif{df b'O{k6s bfFtsf] 8fS6/sxfF hfg'xf];\ . Flossing Teeth

Use dental floss to remove food remains in your teeth. Visit a dentist two times a year to have your teeth professionally cleaned. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――


Personal Hygiene and Clothing

sk8f w'g] yf]/} k6s nufPsf jf ©f]xf]/ b]lvPsf n'uf w'g'xf];\ . o;f] ubf{ n'uf ;©f / af:gfbf/ x'G5g\ . 3fp–vl6/f cfpg glbg xKtfdf Psk6s tGbf / l;/fgLsf] vf]n w'g'xf];\ . n'uf w'g] sfd 3/wGbf h:tf] lgoldt x'g'k5{ . Laundry

Wash your clothes after wearing them only a few times or if they have become visibly dirty. This keeps your clothes clean and smelling good. Wash your bedding (sheets and pillow covers) at least once a week to prevent skin rashes. Doing the laundry should be a regular chore. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

sk8f w'nfO tkfO{+ a;]sf] ckf6{d]G6df sk8f–w'g] :jrflnt dl;g x'g;S5, h;nfO{ Snf]b\; jf;/ elgG5 . ckf6{d]G6df 5}g eg] tkfO{+ a;]glhs} sk8f w'g] Joj;fo nG8«f]Dof6 x'g;S5 . sk8f–w'g] dl;g rnfpg l;Ssf rflxFg ;S5 . sk8f lnP/ uP– kl5 pSt dl;gdf cfˆgf sk8f / sk8f–w'g k|of]u ul/g] ;fa'g xfNg'xf];\ . dl;g rnfpg'xf];\ . dl;gdf tkfO{+n] w]/} sk8f xfNg'eof] eg] To;n] /fd|/L sfd ub}{g . sk8f w'g #) ldg]6 jf a9L ;do nfUg ;S5 . sk8f wf]O ;s]kl5 dl;g aGb x'G5 . wf]Psf ;a} sk8fx? aflx/ lgsfNg'xf];\ . tL sk8f …;'sfpg] dl;gÚdf xfNg'xf];\ . sk8f ;'sfpg] dl;gnfO{ 8«fo/ elgG5 . …8«fo/Ú df sk8f ;'sfpg 5'§} k};f rflxg ;S5 . Doing Laundry

You may have a clothes washer in your own apartment, a machine that automatically washes clothes. If not, there may be clothes washers nearby in your apartment building or in a business called a laundromat. Those nearby will probably require coins to operate. Put clothing and laundry detergent into the machine. Then start the machine. If you pack too many clothes into the washing machine it will not work correctly. The washing cycle may take 30 minutes or more. When the washing machine has finished washing the clothes, take them out and put them in a different machine, a dryer. The dryer may also cost money. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

sk8f w'g] ;fa'g dl;gdf n'uf w'g k|of]u ug]{ ;fa'gnfO{ …nG8«L ;f]kÚ elgG5 . nufpg] n'uf / la5\of}gfsf sk8f w'g dfq …nG8«L ;f]kÚ k|of]u ul/G5 . g'xfpg] ;fa'g -hLp / skfn_ / …nG8«L ;f]kÚ ©/s pTkfbg x'g\ . …nG8«L ;f]kÚ, 7f]; -w'nf]_ jf emf]n x'g;S5g\ . o:tf] ;fa'g s'g} :6f]/df jf …nG8«f]Dof6Ú df lsGg kfOG5g\ .

JolStut ;/;kmfO / nQf–sk8f


Laundry Soap

Laundry soap is used to wash your clothes and bedding. Laundry soap is different from the soap you use to wash your body and hair. The laundry soap for clothes washing machines may be liquid or solid. You can buy laundry soap in stores or at a laundromat. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

nQf–sk8f 7]6 cd]l/sL klx/geGbf g]kfnL jf e"6fgL klx/g ©/s x'G5g\ . cd]l/sfdf tkfO{+n] OR5fcg';f/ n'uf nufpg ;Sg'x'G5 . sk8f nufpFbf df};d / cf©" sxfF hfg] xf] Vofn ug'{k5{ . Clothing

Typical American clothing is different from traditional Nepali or Bhutanese clothing. In America you are free to wear whatever clothing you choose. When choosing what to wear, you should consider the weather and where you will be going. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

k/Dk/fut n'uf tkfO{+n] rfx]sf a]nf cfˆgf k/Dk/fut n'ufx? M ;f/L–rf]nf], bf}/f–;'?jfn, / g]kfnL–6f]kL nufpg ;Sg'x'G5 . t/ ;g\ @))! ;]K6]Da/kl5 s]xL cd]l/sLx? gf}nf] klx/gdf s;}nfO{ b]v] To:tf n'uf nufpg]nfO{ cljZjf; ug{ yfn]sf 5g\ . t/ yf]/}n] dfq To:tf] z+sf ug{ ;S5g\ . tkfO{+n] nufpg' ePsf] k/Dk/fut klx/g b]v]kl5 w]/}h;f] cd]l/sLx?n] :jfut ug'{sf ;fy} tkfO{+sf] ;+:s[ltaf/] hfGg OR5f /fVg ;S5g\ . Wearing Traditional Clothing

You are free to wear traditional clothing such as a sari, cholo, daursuruwal, and topi whenever you choose. However, since September 2001, some Americans have become distrustful of those who wear clothing that they are not familiar with. A few people may express suspicion. But most Americans will welcome you and want to learn about your culture when they see you wearing traditional clothing. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

:s"n hf“bf nufpg] n'uf ljz]if u/L s]xL ld8n :s"n / xfO{:s"ndf s'g} vf; lsl;dsf n'uf dgfxL ul/Psf] x'G5 . :s"ndf s] nufpg kfOG5 jf kfOFb}g eGg] o:tf lgod k9\g'xf];\, hfGg'xf];\ . lgod pNn3+g gug'{xf];\ . pQfpnf] b]lvg] vfnsf n'uf gnufpg'xf];\ . :s"n hfFbf rKkn nufpg' x'Gg, h'Qf nufpg' k5{ .


Personal Hygiene and Clothing

v]n v]nfpg] jf Jofofd ug{ n}hfg] lbg gfgLx?n] Ps hf]/ hu]8f n'uf :s"n n}hfg clgjfo{ x'G5 . Clothing for School

Some schools, especially middle schools and high schools, have rules that prohibit certain types of clothes. You should learn the school rules and not violate them. You should dress conservatively with clean clothes. You should wear shoes that cover your toes, not sandals or flip-flops. Many schools require children to bring extra clothes for those days when they will have gym class or for playing sports. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

sfdsf n'uf ©/s vfnsf] sfddf ©/s n'uf nufpg' kg{] x'g;S5, h:tf] M v]t jf au}+rfdf sfd ubf{ bx|f vfnsf a'6 rflxG5g\ eg] c:ktfn jf gl;{ª xf]ddf sfd ubf{ ljz]if vfnsf ;6{ jf sldh rflxg ;S5g\ . s'g} sDkgLdf sfd ubf{ ToxL sDkgLn] cfˆgf] ljz]if /+u jf lrGx–clÍt sk8f lbg;S5g\ . To:tf n'uf ;©f x'g'k5{ / sfd ubf{ xnrn ug{ ;lsg] ;'ljwfhgs x'g'k5{ . Clothing for Work

Different kinds of work require different kinds of clothing. For example, outdoor work on a farm or orchard may require strong hard boots but work in a hospital or nursing home may require special shirts or smocks. Some employers may even provide their workers with shirts and blouses with the company color or company logo. Clothes should always be clean and not get in the way of your movement and activities on the job. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

hf8f]sf n'uf cd]l/sfsf ljleGg 7fpFdf Ct'cg';f/ df};d w]/} ©/s x'G5 . cd]l/sfsf s'g}– s'g} 7fpFx?df lxpFbdf lgs} hf8f] x'G5 . 3/aflx/ hf8f]df lg:sbf 7G8L xfjfaf6 arfpg] afSnf n'uf nufpg'xf];\ . Pp6f afSnf] n'ufsf] ;§f l7s}sf n'uf w]/} tx kf/]/ nufpg'xf];\ . k"/f v'§f 9fSg] u/L h'Qf / afSnf df]hf nufpg'xf];\ . sfg / 6fpsf] 5f]Kg] u/L 6f]kL clg 3fF6L 9fSg] u/L unaGbL nufpg'xf];\ . w]/} hf8f] 5 jf lxpF k/]sf] 5 eg] k~hf nufpg'xf];\ . 3/aflx/ lg:sg'cl3 slt hf8f] x'G5 eGg] hfGg df};d–hfgsf/L yfxf kfpg'xf];\ . 5f]/f5f]/L :s"n hfg'cl3 jf v]Ng lg:sg'cl3 Gofgf] x'g] u/L n'uf nufOlbPsf] x'g'k5{ . Clothing for Cold Weather

Weather is quite different in different places in the United States and in different seasons. Some parts of the United States get very, very, cold in

JolStut ;/;kmfO / nQf–sk8f


the winter. When it is cold outside, you should wear clothes that are thick and protect you from cold wind. Wear several layers of clothing instead of one. Wear warm socks and shoes that completely cover your feet. Cover your head and ears with a hat and your neck with a warm scarf. Wear gloves on your hands when it is very cold or there is snow. Before you go outside, listen to the weather report to find out how cold it will be. Make sure children are dressed warmly before they go to school or go outside to play. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

udL{sf n'uf cd]l/sfsf s]xL efux?df avf{df w]/} udL{ x'G5 . 3/aflx/ udL{ 5 eg] xn'sf jf kftnf n'uf nufpg'xf];\ . udL{df aflx/ hfg' 5 eg] cfwf afx'nf ePsf] ;6{ / xf©k]G6 nufpg'xf];\ . w]/} sfof{no, :6f]/, :s"n / cGo ejgleq Po/–slG8;g x'G5, lr;f] nfU5 eg] Gofgf n'uf n}hfg ;Sg'x'G5 . To:tf sfof{no, :6f]/, :s"n / cGo ejgleq k"/f afx'nfsf ;6{ nufpg ;Sg'x'G5 . Clothing for Hot Weather

Some parts of the United States get very, very hot in the summer. When it is hot outside, you should wear light clothing. You can wear short sleeve shirts and shorts when you will be outside. Because many offices, stores, schools, and other buildings will be air conditioned, however, you may want to carry a warmer piece of clothing, such as a long sleeve short, to wear when you go back inside to shop, work, or for school. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

h'Qf cd]l/sLx? k"/} uf]8f 9fSg] vfnsf 5fnf jf sk8fsf h'Qf nufpF5g\ . slxn]sfxLF ljz]ifu/L udL{ df};ddf dfG5]x? cf}+nf aflx/ b]Vg] h'Qf jf rKkn nufpF5g\ . :jf:Yosf sf/0fn] w]/} zx/sf :6f]/, rd]gf–u[x -/]:6'/fF_, / cGo ejgn] vfnL v'§f leq k:g gkfOg] lgod agfPsf x'G5g\ . To:tf] a]nfdf c? dfG5] s] nufpF5g\, s] u5{g\, x]g'{xf]nf . Shoes

Americans usually wear shoes made of leather or cloth that cover the entire foot. Sometimes, especially in the summer, some people may wear open-toe shoes, sandals, or flip-flops. For health reasons, many cities have laws that prohibit people from entering stores, restaurants, and other buildings in their bare feet. Observe what other people are wearing. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――


Personal Hygiene and Clothing

klx/gsf ;fdfg / gfk ;a}sf n'ufsf] gfk x'G5 . w]/} n'ufx?, h:t} M l6–;6{, kfOhfdf, s6\6', :s6{, df]hf / kGhf cflbdf k|foMh;f] …PS;P;Ú, …P;Ú, …PdÚ, …PnÚ, jf …PS;PnÚ n]lvPsf] x'G5 . …PS;P;Ú eg]sf] cltl/St ;fgf], …P;Ú eg]sf] ;fgf], …PdÚ eg]sf] dWod, …PnÚ eg]sf] 7"nf] / …PS;PnÚ eg]sf] cltl/St 7"nf] xf] . cGo n'ufdf cfsf/sf cfwf/df gfk tf]lsPsf] x'G5, h:tf] M k'?ifn] nufpg] k]G6df Psy/L gfk sDd/sf] x'G5 eg] csf{]y/L gfk nDafOsf] x'G5 . oL b'O{ gfk OGrdf x'G5g\ . k]G6sf] cfsf/ …#$–#)Ú n]lvPsf] 5 eg] sDd/ #$ OGr / nDafO #) OGr xf] . h'Qfsf cfsf/ cfˆg} gfkdf x'G5g\ . Psk6s lsGbf l7Ss ldNg] n'uf jf h'Qf kfOof] eg] ToxL gfk st} sfuhdf l6k]/ /fVg'xf];\ . csf]{k6s sk8f jf h'Qf lsGbf ToxL gfk sfd nfU5 . Clothing Sizes

Clothing for all is marked with size information. Many clothes, such as t-shirts, pajamas, underwear, skirts, socks, and gloves are often marked as XS, S, M, L, or XL. “XS” means extra small, “S” means small, “M” means medium, “L” means large, and “XL” means extra large. Other clothing, however, will have a size given by measurements. For example, men’s pants often have two measurements: the first is the size around the waist in inches and the second is the length, also measured in inches. Pant size '34-30' means the waist in 34 inches and the leg length is 30 inches. Shoes have the own special size measurements. When you find the correct size of a particular piece of clothing or shoes, it is a good idea to write the size down so you will know the next time you are shopping.





cWofo ( : :yfgLo oftfoft / cfgf] uf8L

Chapter 9 : Local Transporation and Own Car

:yfgLo oftfoft tkfO{+ a:g] ckf6{d]G6 zx/sf] Psflt/ x'g;S5 . nQf–sk8f tyf vfBfGg vl/b ug{] bf]sfg, 8fS6/sf] sfof{no, c+u|]hL efiff sIff / sfd ug{] 7fpF zx/s} csf{lt/ x'g;S5g\ . Ps 7fpFaf6 csf{] 7fpF ;lhn} k'Ug tkfO{+n] af6f] yfxf kfpg'k5{ . lxF8]/} k'luG5 eg] t lgs} /fd|f] x'G5, tkfO{+sf] cxf]efUo . k}bnafx]s cfjthfjt ug]{ ;fwgx?df a;, 6\ofS;L / ;fOsn x'g\ . 7"nf zx/x?df b|'t ultdf ;]jf lbg] /]n / nf]sn /]nx? x'g ;S5g\ . 7"nf zx/afx]s cGoq clwsf+z cd]l/sLx? sf/df Ps 7fpFaf6 csf]{ 7fpF hfG5g\ . Local Transportation

Your apartment, stores where you shop for food and clothing, doctors’ offices, English language classes, and work locations may all be in very different locations in the city or town where you live. You will need to learn how to get from one location to another as efficiently as possible. Sometimes, if you are lucky, it will be possible to walk. Other means of transport include buses, taxis, and bicycles. The largest cities may also have subways and commuter trains. Except in the big cities, however, most Americans drive cars to move from one place to another. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

k}bn lgs} hf8f] / lgs} udL{afx]s k}bn lxF8\g' :jf:Yosf nflu ©fObfhgs x'g'sf ;fy} Ps 7fpFaf6 csf]{ 7fpFdf k'Ug ;aeGbf ls©fotL x'G5 . k}bn lxF8\bf ;8sdf glxF8\g'xf];\ . ;w}F kSsL–;8sk]6L, ;8s5]psf] vfnL 7fpF jf 3fF;df lxF8\g'xf];\ . zx/L ;8ssf rf}af6fx?df k}bnofq'nfO{ af6f] sf6\g jf lxF8\g ;lhnf] xf];\ egL ljz]if vfnsf lgoGq0f–pkfox? /flvPsf x'G5g\ . To:tf lgoGq0fsf ;xfotfn] u'l8/x]sf uf8Lx?n] ;+s]t kfpF5g\, uf8Lx? /f]lsG5g\ / tkfO{+nfO{ af6f] sf6\g ;do ldN5 . tkfO{+n] af6f] sfl6 ;s]kl5 dfq uf8Lx? lxF8\5g\ . To:tf lgoGq0fsf pkfox? k|of]u ug{] tl/sf l;Sg'xf];\ . olb st} To:tf ljz]if pkfox? 5}gg\ eg] /ftf] aQLdf af6f] gsf6\g'xf];\ . To:tf pkfo ePsf 7fpF jf cGo 7fpFdf af6f] sf6\bf uf8L cfpFb} 5g\÷5}gg\ eg]/ b'j}t©{ x]g'{xf];\ . b'3{6gfaf6 aRg'xf];\ . Walking

Except in the very coldest and very hottest weather, walking can be healthy exercise as well the least expensive way to go from one place to


Local Transportation and Own Car

another. Never walk in the street. Always walk on a paved sidewalk or on the dirt or grass that is near the road. At some intersections of city roads there are special controls that let pedestrians stop the cars so they can cross the streets. Learn how to use those controls. If there are no special controls, never walk across a street in the direction of a red stop light. When crossing any street, even those with special controls, always look both ways to make sure that there are no vehicles that could injure you. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

;fOsnx¿ s'g} zx/ / gu/x?df Ps 7fpFaf6 csf]{ 7fpFdf k'Ug ;fOsn rnfpFbf ofqf ;'ljwfhgs tyf ls©fotL x'G5 . ;8sdf uf8Lx? a9L u'8\g] ePsfn] ;fOsn rnfpFbf lgs} xf]l;of/ x'g'k5{ / 6«fl©s–lgodsf] kfngf ug'{k5{ . Jo:t ;8sdf ;fOsn xfFSg' lgs} hf]lvdk"0f{ x'G5 . afnaflnsfn] Jo:t ;8sx?df slxNo} ;fOsn r9\g' x'Fb}g . Bicycles

In some towns and cities, owning and riding a bicycle, can be an efficient and low cost method to get from one place to another. Because of the automobile traffic, however, you must be very careful and obey all traffic laws. Riding a bicycle on a busy street can be very dangerous. Children should never ride bicycles on busy streets. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

6ØfS;Lx¿ w]/} zx/ / gu/x?sf 6\ofS;Ln] ef8f lnP/ ofq'x? cf];f/k;f/ u5{g\ . 6\ofS;L rflxPsf] 5 eg] 6\ofS;L sDkgLdf ©f]g u/]/ af]nfpg ;lsG5 . 6\ofS;L af]nfpFbf slt a]nf, s'g 7fpFdf /, sxfF hfg] eGg' k5{ . 6\ofS;Ldf ld6/ h8fg ul/Psf] x'G5 . of] ld6/n] 6\ofS;L u'8]sf] b"/Lsf cfwf/df ef8fsf] lx;fa u5{ . 6\ofS;L r9\g' eof] eg] ld6/df p7]sf] ef8f lbg'xf];\ / as; ylklbg'xf];\ . as;nfO{ c+u|]hLdf -l6k_ elgG5 . l6k lbFbf ;fdfGotM hDdf ef8fsf] !% b]lv @) k|ltzt lbg' kg]{ x'G5 . Taxis

Most cities and towns have taxi services that will take you from one location to another for a fee. You may have to make a telephone call to a taxi company and tell them when and where you want a taxi and where you are going. Taxis have meters that calculate the distance of your trip and its cost. If you take a taxi, you must pay the fee and should also pay the driver a “tip”, usually 15%-20% of the fee. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

:yfgLo oftfoft / cfˆgf] uf8L


a;x¿ ;a}h;f] cd]l/sL zx/x?df :yfgLo ?kdf ;fj{hlgs a;x? rN5g\ . tL a;x? rNg] af6f] lglZrt x'G5 . ;fgf zx/ / gu/sf a;x? ;a} 7fpFdf gk'Ug ;S5g\ . s'g} If]qx?df a; g} rNb}gg\ . cf©" a:g] zx/sf] a; Joj:yfaf/] k'gjf{; ;+:yfnfO{ ;f]Wg'xf];\ . Buses

Almost all American cities have local public buses that travel fixed routes. In smaller cities and towns the system of routes may not be very complete and some parts of the community may have no buses at all. Ask your resettlement agency for information about the bus system in your town. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

a; la;f}gL a;x? tf]lsPsf] 7fpFdf dfq /f]lsG5g\ / tL 7fpFx? a;–la;f}gL x'g\ . a;– la;f}gLx?df ;fdfGotM a; lxF8\g] af6f]sf] gDa/ jf Tof] af6f]df a; sxfF sxfF k'U5g\ / /f]lsG5g\ eg]/ n]lvPsf] x'G5 . ToxfF a;sf] ;do–tflnsf x'g ;S5, h;df s'g 7fpFdf slt ah] a; k'U5g\ eg]/ n]lvPsf] x'G5 . To;}n] cfˆgf] 3/ jf ckf6{d]G6glhs sxfF a; /f]lsG5g\ eg]/ yfxf kfpg'xf];\ . Bus Stops

Buses stop only at specific locations called bus stops. Bus stops usually have signs that indicate the route number or route name of the buses that stop at that location. They may also have schedules that tell what time a bus is expected to stop there. You should learn the location of the bus stops that are closest to your home. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

a; rNg] ;do–tflnsf / gSzf a; rNg] zx/sf] af6f]sf] gSzf / ;do–tflnsf;lxtsf] Pp6f krL{ lgMz'Ns kfOG5 . o:tf] krL{sf] Ps k|lt cfˆgf] ckf6{d]G6df /fVbf lgs} ;lhnf] x'G5 . a;sf rfns;Fu To:tf] krL{ sxfF kfOG5 < eg]/ ;f]Wg ;lsG5 . o:tf] krL{ ePkl5 cf©" hfg'kg]{ 7fpFsf] a; s'g xf] -slt gDa/sf] xf]_ < a; slt a]nf cfpF5 < slt ah] k'¥ofpF5 < slt ;do nufpF5 < h:tf hfgsf/L ;lhn} kfOG5 . Bus Schedules and Maps

It is useful in your apartment to have a copy of the map and schedule of your town’s bus system. Ask the driver of a bus where you can get a copy of the schedule of buses and a map of the entire system. When you have a map and schedule you can determine which buses will take you to


Local Transportation and Own Car

the locations where you need to go and what time buses will arrive at the bus stops. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

a; l6s6 / lgMz'Ns ofqf ;'ljwf a;sf] l6s6–b/ zx/lkR5] ©/s x'G5 . s'g} zx/df a; r9\bf ef8f nfUb}g, t/ w]/}h;f]df k|To]s JolStnfO{ Ps 8n/, b'O{ 8n/ jf Tof]eGbf cln a9L klg x'g;S5 . zx/leq lgs} 6f9f;Dd hfg'k¥of] eg] To;a]nf # 8n/ jf sd÷a9L klg ltg'{ kg]{ x'g;S5 . s'g} zx/df a; r9\g'cl3 l6s6 sf6\g' kg]{ x'G5 . s'g}df rfns;Fu jf a;leqsf] dl;gaf6 l6s6 lsGg kfOG5 . clwsf+z zx/x?df w]/} a;df lxFl8/xg] dfG5]nfO{ ;x'lnot b/sf] ef8f ltg]{ Joj:yf ldnfOPsf] x'G5 . To:tf] cj:yfdf r9]lkR5] l6s6 lsGg'eGbf lbge/, Ps xKtf jf Ps dlxgfsf nflu Psd'i6 l6s6 lsGbf ;:tf] x'G5 . ;x'lnot b/sf] l6s6 sxfF kfOG5 eg]/ a;–rfns jf l5d]sLnfO{ ;f]Wg'xf];\ . Bus Tickets and Passes

The price of a ticket to ride on a bus is different in different cities. In a few places it may be free, but usually it will cost $1.00, $2.00 or a little less/more for each person. The cost to go a long distance on a city bus system may be $3.00 or more. Some city buses require you to have a ticket before you get on the bus. Other buses may allow you to buy a ticket from the driver or a machine on the bus. Most city bus systems also have special fees for people who use the buses a lot. You may be able to buy tickets that let you ride for a day, a week, or a month at less cost than buying a new ticket for each ride. Ask a bus driver or a neighbor where you can buy these kinds of tickets. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

/]n l;sfuf], Go' of]s{, ;fgk|mflG;:sf], c6\nfG6f, / dfofdL h:tf 7"nf cd]l/sL zx/df /]n ;]jfx? 5g\ . dflg;x?n] cf©" Ps 7fpFaf6 csf]{ 7fpFdf hfg oLg} /]nx?df e/ k5{g\ . o:tf /]nx?nfO{ …;a–j]Ú / …sDo'6/Ú /]n elgG5 . oL /]ndf ofqf ubf{ a;eGbf rfF8f] x'G5 / ;8sdf x'g] le8ef8df kl/b}g . a; h:t} /]n klg tf]lsPsf 7fpFx?df /f]lsG5g\ / lglZrt ;dodf rN5g\ . To;}u/L Ps lbg, Ps xKtf jf Ps dlxgfe/ /]n r9\g Psd'i6 ;:tf]df l6s6 vl/b ug{ ;lsG5 . Subways and Commuter Rail

The biggest American cities, like Chicago, New York, San Francisco, Atlanta, and Miami, have subways or commuter trains that move people from one part of town to another faster than buses because they avoid crowded city streets. Like bus systems, these have designated stops and

:yfgLo oftfoft / cfˆgf] uf8L


schedules and may have special passes that allow you to ride for a day, a week, or a month. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

cfgf] uf8L uf8L -sf/_ lsGg' / cf©" uf8L–wgL x'g' eg]sf] d'Vo / ljrf/0fLo nufgL xf] . olt 7"nf] nufgL ug{] lg0f{o ug'{cl3 s] ubf{ s;f] x'G5 < ljsNk / tYox?dfly ;f]rljrf/ ug'{xf];\ . uf8L lsGg] lg0f{ocl3 uf8L–wgLsf ?kdf tkfO{+sf w]/} lhDd]jf/L x'G5g\ . tL lhDd]jf/L k"/f ug'{k5{ . To;}n] uf8L lsGg'cl3 nfO;]G; lng], uf8Lsf] ladf ug{] / ;'/lIft ?kdf uf8L xfFSg] h:tf lhDd]jf/Laf/] dgg ug'{k5{ . Buying and Owning a Car

Buying and owning your own car is a major investment. Before making this financial commitment, learn about the options and factors to consider. Before deciding to buy a car, know what your responsibilities will be as a car owner, including being a licensed, insured, and safe driver. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

gof“ jf k'/fgf] uf8L gofF uf8L -sf/_ x? ;Lw} sf/vfgfaf6 cfPsf x'G5g\, hf] rnfOPsf x'Fb}gg\ . cd]l/sfdf a]lrg] l7s}sf] gofF uf8Lsf] cf};t d"No sl/a @* xhf/ 8n/ k5{ . gofF uf8Lx? l8n/x?df a]lrG5g\ . uf8Lsf] bf]sfgnfO{ l8n/lzk elgG5 . k'/fgf] uf8L eg]sf] c? s;}n] rnfO/x]sf] jf rnfPsf] / a]Rg rfx]sf] uf8L xf] . kfFr jif{ rnfPsf] uf8LeGbf bz jif{ rnfPsf] uf8L ;:tf] x'G5 . k'/fgf] uf8Ln] w]/} dfOn b"/L k'/f u/]sf] x'G5, To;}n] To;sf] d"No sd x'G5 . k'/fgf] uf8L 5, lsGbf ;:tf] eof] eg]/ klg x'Fb}g . o:tf] uf8LnfO{ rfF8} / w]/} dd{t ug'{kg{] x'g ;S5 . dd{tdf w]/} vr{ nfUg ;S5 . k'/fgf uf8Lx? klg l8n/df a]lrG5g\ . k'/fgf] uf8L a]Rg rfxg]n] cfˆgf] uf8Laf/] ;"rgf OG6/g]6 jf klqsfdf lbG5g\ . l8n/df a]Rg /flvg] k'/fgf] uf8L x]l/–hfFrL lsGg'k5{ . uf8L hfFRg] sfd dd{t ug]{ k|fljlwsx?n] g} u5{g\ . pgn] uf8Lsf] cj:yf s:tf] 5 < atfpg ;S5g\ . l8n/af6 a]lrg] s]xL k'/fgf uf8Lsf] klg Uof/]G6L x'G5, eTs]–lau|]df lglZrt lbgleq s]xL dd{t klg ul/lbOG5 . ;fdfGotM o:tf] Uof/]G6L Ps dlxgfsf] x'G5 . New or Used

New cars come from the factory and have never been used before. The average price of a new car sold in the United States is around $28,000. New cars are sold at dealerships, which are car stores. Used cars are vehicles that someone has owned before, and wants to sell. A ten year old used car will generally cost less than a 5 year old used car. The older a used car is and the more miles it has already been driven, the less it costs to buy. But older, less expensive cars may need


Local Transportation and Own Car

more repairs sooner and repairs can cost hundreds of dollars. Used cars are sold at dealerships or through people who advertise on the Internet or in newspapers. Used cars sold by dealerships are usually tested by a service technician who decides if the car is in good condition. Some used cars sold by dealers will have a “warranty” that guarantees that the dealer will fix certain kinds of problems in a certain time period, often 30 days. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

t]n -Uof“;_ vr{ uf8Ln] slt UofF; k|of]u u/]/ slt dfOn bf}8g ;S5, To;nfO{ UofF; dfOn]h elgG5 . OGwg–ls©fot ug]{ uf8Lx?n] cf};t uf8Lx?eGbf yf]/} UofF; k|of]u u5{g\ / o:tf uf8Ldf af/Daf/ UofF; xfln/xg' kb}{g . OGwg ©f? ug]{ uf8L zx/–ahf/df xfFSbf Ps Uofng UofF;n] @)–@% dfOn;Dd s'b\5g\ eg] /fhdfu{df xfFSbf #)–$) dfOn;Dd s'b\5g\ . OGwg–ls©fotL ug]{ uf8L lsGbf w]/} nufgL ug{ ;Sg'x'G5 / ;do laTb} hfFbf sd UofF; vr{gfn] tkfO{+sf] k};f art x'G5 . Gas Mileage

Gas mileage is the number of miles a car will travel based on the amount of gasoline it uses. Fuel-efficient cars use less fuel than the average car, and need to be refilled with gas less often. A car with good gas mileage gets around 20-25 miles per gallon (MPG) of gas when driving in the city, and 30-40 MPG when driving on the highway. You may spend more money to buy a fuel efficient car, but save money over time by purchasing less gas. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

uf8L vl/b dgk/]sf] uf8L lsGbf ©/s l8n/x?df jf ©/s lj1fkgx?df n]lvPsf d"No bfFHg'xf];\ . gofF uf8L x]g{] xf] eg] To;df ljleGg Uof/]G6Lx? lbOPsf x'G5g\ . To:tf Uof/]G6L s] s]df 5g\ /fd|/L k9\g'xf];\ . uf8L lsg]sf] lglZrt ;doleq uf8L– pTkfbsn] lglZrt ;]jf jf ;/;fdfg lbg] ;t{ n]lvPsf] sfuh …Uof/]G6LÚ xf] . uf8L lsGg'cl3 o;sf] cj:yf l7s 5 eGg] hfFRg uf8L xfFs]/ x]g'{xf];\ . o;nfO{ …6]:6 8«fOeÚ ug'{ elgG5 . k'/fgf] uf8L lsGg'cl3 d]sflgsnfO{ hfFRg nufpg'xf];\ . l;kfn' d]sflgs sxfF e]6\g ;lsG5 eg]/ ;fyLefO jf Oi6ldq;Fu ;f]w] x'G5 . cg'ejL d]sflgsn] uf8L /fd|f] cj:yfdf 5 jf 5}g eG5g\ . To;kl5 tkfO{+n] Tof] uf8L lsGg] jf glsGg] lg0f{o ug{ ;Sg'x'G5 . Buying a Car

Compare prices of cars that you like at different dealerships or in advertisements. For new cars, read about the different types of warranties with each car, and ask if there are extended warranties offered. A warranty

:yfgLo oftfoft / cfˆgf] uf8L


is a written promise that the car maker will provide certain services or products for your car for a limited amount of time. Always test drive cars to make sure they work well. Have a mechanic inspect the car if you are buying a used car. Ask friends or community members for a good mechanic in your neighborhood. An experienced mechanic will tell you if the car is in good condition or not, then you can decide if you want to buy it. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

d"Nodf df]ntf]n cd]l/sfdf c? ;fdfg lsGg'eGbf uf8L lsGg' ©/s x'G5 . uf8L–ljqm]tfx?sf] efpdf tkfO{+n] ;Sbf] df]ntf]n ug{ ;Sg'x'G5 . uf8L lsGg hfFbf cln wf}wf} x'G5 / lgs} cndndf kl/G5 . To;}n] uf8L lslg;s]sf] ;fyLefO jf Oi6ldqnfO{ ;fy} nfg'xf];\, hf] /fd|/L c+u|]hL af]Ng, a'ˇg / k9\g hfGg] x'g\ . ©';{b lnP/ hfg'xf];\ . uf8L–ljqm]tfx?n] n6k6 kf/]/ uf8Lsf ;d:of 5n]sf] jf a9L d"No lnPsf] tkfO{+n] kQf] gkfpg ;Sg'x'G5 . w]/} k|Zgx? ;f]Wg'xf];\ / xtf/ gug'{xf];\ . uf8L lsGg] 6'+uf] x'G5 . ;xdltsf nflu Pp6f sfuh tof/ x'G5 . To;df tkfO{+n] ;xL ug'{k5{ . t/ ;xL ug'{cl3 pSt sfuh /fd|/L k9\g'xf];\ . ;xL u/]kl5 s/f/df pNn]v ePsf ;t{x? tkfO{+n] dfGg'k5{ . tL ;t{x? l©tf{ x'Fb}gg\ . ©]g{ klg ldNb}gg\ . Negotiating the Price

Buying a car in the United States is different from making other purchases. You can bargain with sellers to pay less money than they ask for. Because buying a car can be stressful and confusing, take someone with you who speaks, understands, and reads English fluently and has purchased a car in the United States. Take your time. Car salesmen will often try to rush you so that you do not notice any problems with the car or do not understand extra costs. Ask lots of questions, and go slowly. Once you have reached a deal with the seller, read the papers you sign very carefully. Once you sign these papers, you cannot change your contract. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

uf8Lsf] e'StfgL uf8L dxFuf x'G5g\ . w]/} dflg;n] uf8L lsGg cfˆgf ;fyLefO–Oi6ldq jf a}+s;Fu C0f lnG5g\ . s'g}–s'g} l8n/n] klg C0fsf] k|aGw u5{g\ . olb tkfO{+n] a}+s jf uf8L l8n/af6 C0f lng'eof] eg] s'n d"Nosf] s]xL efu ;'?d} ltg'{k5{ . afFsL /sd C0fsf ?kdf /xG5 . a}+s jf l8n/nfO{ dlxgflkR5] lglZrt /sd ltg'{k5{ . pSt /sddf uf8Lsf] d"No -;fFjf_ / Aofh b'j} x'G5 . a}+sx?n] cfˆgf u|fxsnfO{ C0fsf nflu of]Uo jf cof]Uo eg]/ 5'6\ofpF5g\ . To;}n] uf8L lsGg'cl3 a}+sn] C0f lbG5 jf lbFb}g eGg] a'ˇg a}+s hfg'k5{ . a}+s–C0f kfpg tkfO{+n] a}+s;Fu /fd|f] sf/f]jf/ u/]sf] …qm]l86 lx:6«LÚ x'g'k5{ of …qm]l86 lx:6«LÚ


Local Transportation and Own Car

/fd|f] ePsf] c? s;}n] C0f lng] sfuhdf x:tfIf/ ul/lbg'k5{ . tkfO{+n] C0f ltg'{ePg eg] x:tfIf/ ug]{ csf]{ JolStn] ltg'{k5{ . a}+sn] tkfO{{+nfO{ C0f lbg] jf glbg] / a9Ldf slt /sd lbg] eGg] lg0f{o u5{ . Paying for a Car

Cars are expensive and some people must get a loan from a family member or a bank to pay for them. Some car dealers will also make loans. If you get a loan from a bank or car dealer, you will have to pay a certain portion of the price in cash and the loan will pay the remainder. You will then have to pay the bank or car dealer a fixed amount each month for an agreed number of months to pay back the loan plus interest. You can go to a bank before you shop for a car to learn if you “prequalify”, or are eligible, for a car loan. To prequalify for a loan, you need to have a good credit history or you must have a co-signer who has good credit. A co-signer is someone who is responsible for paying the car loan if you do not pay. The bank decides whether to give you a loan, and the maximum amount that they will loan to you. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

uf8Lsf] nfnk'hf{ tkfO{+n] gofF jf k'/fgf] uf8L lsg]kl5 ljqm]tfn] tkfO{+nfO{ Pp6f sfuh pknAw u/fpg'k5{, h;nfO{ …uf8Lsf] nfnk'hf{Ú -e]OSn 6fO6n_ elgG5 . pSt sfuh g} tkfO{+ uf8L–wgL xf] eGg] v'nfpg] cf}krfl/s b:tfj]h xf] . pSt sfuhdf uf8Lsf] k|sf/ / ag]sf] jif{, ljz]if uf8L kl/ro gDa/ -e]OSn cfO8]lG6l©s];g gDa/, eLcfOPg_ / cGo hfgsf/L x'G5 . Vehicle Title

When you buy a new or used car, the seller must provide you with a paper called an “vehicle title.” This is an official document that states that you are the owner of the car. It will state the type and year of the car, its special vehicle identification number (VIN), and other information. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

uf8L btf{ ;8sdf uf8L xfFSg lgsfNg'eGbf klxn] cf©" a:g] /fHodf tkfO{+n] cfˆgf] uf8L btf{ ug'{k5{ . ha uf8L lsGg'x'G5, k|foMh;f] ToxL a]nf l8n/n] tkfO{+nfO{ c:yfoL uf8L btf{ lbPsf x'G5g\ . of] c:yfoL btf{n] Ps jf b'O{ xKtf sfd u5{ . oxL ;dodf tkfO{+n] cfˆgf] uf8L …l8kf6{d]G6 c© df]6/ e]OsN;Ú -l8PdeL_ df btf{ ug'{xf];\ . uf8L btf{ ubf{ z'Ns ltg'{k5{ . uf8L btf{ u/]kl5 pSt sfof{non] tkfO{+nfO{ wft'sf Ps jf b'O{ nfO;]G; kftf -Kn]6_ x? lbG5 . tL kftfx? uf8Ldf 6fF:g'k5{ .

:yfgLo oftfoft / cfˆgf] uf8L


Car Registration

In order to drive a car on the roads, you must register your car with the state where you live. When you buy a car, the dealer will usually give you a temporary car registration that is good for a week or two. During that time you must register your car with your state’s Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) and pay a registration fee. When you have registered your car and paid the fee, the DMV will give you one or two metal license plates that must be attached to the car. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

uf8L ladf sfg'gL ?kdf uf8L xfFSg tkfO{+n] uf8Lsf] ladf u/fPsf] x'g'k5{ . tkfO{+n] ltg'{– kg]{ cfjZos Go"gtd ladf slt x'G5 eg]/ a'ˇg /fHosf] l8PdeLdf hfg'xf];\ . s'g} /fHodf ladf u/] jf gu/]sf] gvf]h] klg C0f lbg] a}+ssf nflu ladf cfjZos x'G5 . b'3{6gf eO{ cfˆgf] uf8Ldf jf c?nfO{ Iflt k'u] ladfn] s]xL cfly{s ;+/If0f k|bfg u5{ . ladf gLltcg';f/ tkfO{+n] lgoldt ?kdf lglZrt s]xL /sd a'emfpg' k5{ . o:tf] /sdnfO{ ladfsf] ls:tf -OG:of]/G; lk|ldod_ elgG5 . tkfO{+sf] b'3{6gf eof] eg] ladfn] cfjZos s]xL /sdsf] lx:;f a]xf]5{ . uf8L dd{t ubf{ tkfO{+n] s6f}tL /sd ltg'{k5{ / afFsL /sd ladf sDkgLn] a]xf]5{ . ladf ePg eg] ;a} vr{ tkfO{+n] a]xf]g'{k5{ . Tof] dd{t vr{ xhf/f}+ 8n/ x'g ;S5 / tkfO{+ C0fdf 8'Ag ;Sg'x'G5 . c?n] tkfO{+sf] uf8L c?n] rnfP/ jf tkfO{+n] c?sf] uf8L rnfP/ Iflt k'¥ofP jf b'3{6gf ePdf ladf sDkgLn] vr{ ga]xf]g{ klg ;S5 . Car Insurance

Almost all states require you to have insurance to drive legally. You should check with your state’s DMV to learn what the minimum insurance requirements are in your state. Even if your state does not require insurance, banks will require you to have insurance if you buy your car with a loan. Car insurance gives you some financial protection if your car is damaged or someone is hurt in an accident. You must pay a certain amount of money (called the “insurance premium”) periodically for the insurance policy. If you are in an accident, insurance may cover some of the related costs. There is a “deductible” amount that you will have to pay before the insurance will cover the remaining costs. Without insurance, you have to pay all of the costs on your own, which could be many thousands of dollars and put you into debt. Insurance may not cover other people who drive your car or you when you drive someone else’s car. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――


Local Transportation and Own Car

uf8L lg/LIf0f s]xL /fHodf ;'/Iffsf nflu ;a} uf8Lx? Ps jf b'O{ jif{df Ps k6s lg/LIf0f u/fpg'k5{ . cGo s]xL /fHodf k'/fgf uf8Lsf] dfq lg/LIf0f ul/G5 . s]xL /fHodf o:tf] lg/LIf0faf6 uf8Ln] ˆofFSg] w'Fjfn] xfjfdf k|b"if0f ©}nfPsf] 5 jf 5}g hfFlrG5 . tkfO{+sf] uf8Lsf] w'Fjfn] pSt /fHodf tf]lsPsf] …jfo'sf] u'0f:t/ dfkb08Ú gfF£g' x'Fb}g . cfˆgf] /fHosf] ;jf/L lg/LIf0fsf cfjZostfx? cf©"n] kfngf u/]sf] ;'lglZrt x'g'k5{ . To;sf nflu l8PdeLsf lgod x]g'{xf];\ . Vehicle Inspection

Some states require all cars to be inspected for safety every year or every two years. Other states require safety inspections only for older cars. Some states also require cars to be inspected to be sure they meet air quality standards. Check with your state’s DMV and make sure that you have complied with your state’s vehicle inspection requirements. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

lhDd]jf/Lx¿ OlGhgsf] t]n ©]g]{ / 6fo/df xfjf sd–a];L ePsf] hfFRg] h:tf lgoldt /]v– b]v ugf{n] tkfO{+sf] uf8Ln] /fd|f] / w]/} ;do sfd u5{ . uf8L;Fu} lbOPsf] ;fg' k':ts k9\g'xf];\ . o; k':tsnfO{ …Dofg'cnÚ elgG5 . pSt k':tsdf uf8Lsf] s'g efu / slxn] s:tf] dd{t ug'{k5{ eg]/ n]lvPsf] x'G5 . l;kfn' d]sflgsnfO{ cfˆgf] uf8L b]vfpg'xf];\ . pgn] /fHosf] cfjZostfcg';f/ lg/LIf0f / cGo s'g} klg cfjZos dd{t u5{g\ . Responsibilities

Regular maintenance, such as changing the oil and checking tire air pressure, will keep your car working for better and longer. Read the owner’s manual to learn about your car’s maintenance needs and schedule. Take your car to a good auto mechanic to have them perform state required inspections and any necessary maintenance. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

rfns cg'dlt–kq ;fj{hlgs af6f]df uf8L rnfpg tkfO{+;Fu /fHon] lbPsf] dfGotf–k|fKt rfns cg'dlt–kq -nfO;]G;_ x'g'k5{ . cg'dlt–kq;DaGwL lgod / ljlgod /fHolkR5] ©/s x'G5g\ . tkfO{+n] cfˆgf] /fHosf] l8PdeLaf6 klxnf] rfns cg'dlt–kq k|fKt ug{ s] s] ug'{k5{ eGg] yfxf kfpg'xf];\ . ;fwf/0ftofM cfFvfsf] Ifdtf hfFRg] k/LIff, rfns;DaGwL lgodaf/] k/LIff / k|x/L jf l8PeLsf sd{rf/L;Fu ;8sdf uf8L xfFSg] k/LIff kf; ug'{k5{ . tkfO{+ a;]sf] /fHon] k|bfg u/]sf] pSt cg'dlt–kq ePkl5 tkfO{+n] c? ;a} /fHodf uf8L rnfpg kfpg'x'G5 .

:yfgLo oftfoft / cfˆgf] uf8L


Driver’s License

You must have a valid driver’s license issued by your state to legally drive on public roads. The laws and regulations regarding licenses differ in different states. You should check with your state’s DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles) about what you must do to obtain your first driving license. Generally, however, you must be able to pass an eye test, a written test on driving laws, and a practical road test given by a police officer or DMV official. The license issued by your state allows you to drive in all other states as well. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

;jf/L rfnssf lgod ;Demg'kg]{ slx dxÎjk"0f{ lgod–sfg'g o:tf 5g\ M • uf8L rnfpg tkfO{+;Fu dfGotf–k|fKt rfns cg'dlt–kq -nfO;]G;_ x'g'k5{ . • w]/}h;f] /fHodf uf8L rnfpFbf jf ofqf ubf{ tkfO{+n] l;6–a]N6 afFWg'k5{ . • ;fdfGotM s'g} lglZrt pd]/ jf tf}nsf gfgLx?nfO{ uf8Ldf lx8fpFbf pgLx?sf

nflu agfOPsf sf/–l;6df pgLx?nfO{ /fVg}k5{ . • w]/}h;f] /fHodf df]afOn ©f]gdf s'/f ub}{ jf 6]S:6 -Dof;]h_ k7fpFb} uf8L rnfpg ldNb}g . • /S;L jf nfu'kbfy{ ;]jg u/]sf] cj:yfdf slxNo} uf8L grnfpg' xf];\ . Driving Laws

Some important laws to remember are: • You must have a valid driver’s license to drive a car. • In most states, you must wear a seat belt while driving or riding in a car. • Generally, children under a certain age or weight must ride in a special car seat. • In many states, you may not drive while texting or talking on a phone. • NEVER DRIVE WHILE UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF ALCOHOL OR DRUGS. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

uf8L b'3{6gf tkfO{+sf sf/0f ;jf/L b'3{6gf eof] eg] To;} 5f8]/ efUg' u}/sfg'gL x'G5 . tkfO{+ y'gfdf kg{ ;Sg'x'G5 / z/0ffyL{sf] kl/ro vf]l;g ;S5 . olb tkfO{+ jf c? s;}af6 b'3{6gf eof] eg] ;xof]usf nflu (!! df ©f]g ug'{xf];\ . (!! df ©f]g ubf{ k|x/LnfO{ klg b'3{6gfsf] hfgsf/L lng af]nfpg'xf];\ . b'3{6gfdf k/]sf] csf{] uf8Lsf rfnsnfO{ cfˆgf] gfd, 7]ufgf, 6]ln©f]g gDa/ / ladf;DaGwL hfgsf/L lbg'xf];\ . To;}u/L csf{] uf8Lsf rfns;Fu pgsf] gfd, 7]ufgf, 6]ln©f]g gDa/ / ladf;DaGwL


Local Transportation and Own Car

hfgsf/L lng'xf];\ . st} /f]ls/fv]sf] uf8Ldf tkfO{+sf] uf8Ln] 7Ss/ lbof] eg] pSt uf8L–wgLn] tkfO{+nfO{ ;Dks{ ug{ ;lhnf] xf];\ eGgsf nflu Pp6f sfuhdf ;Dks{ hfgsf/L -tkfO{+sf] gfd, 7]ufgf, ©f]g gDa/_ 5f8\g'xf];\ . cfˆgf] ladf sDkgLnfO{ b'3{6gfaf/] atfpg k6Ss} l9nf] gug'{xf];\ . Car Accidents

If you are in an automobile accident, it is illegal to leave an accident that you caused; you could go to jail and possibly lose your refugee status. If you or anyone else is hurt, call 911 for an ambulance. Also call 911 and have the police officer come to document the accident. Give your name, address, telephone number and insurance information to other drivers. Get their names, addresses, telephone numbers, and insurance information. If you hit a parked car, leave a note with your contact information so the other driver can contact you. Call your insurance company as soon as possible to let them know what happened. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

gfgLx¿sf nflu sf/–l;6 cjZo klg tkfO{+ cfˆgf] gfgLnfO{ uf8Ldf ;'/lIft ofqf u/fpg rfxg'x'G5 . sl/a # jif{;Ddsf gfgLnfO{ k5fl8 ©ls{Psf] sf/–l;6df /fv]/ dfq ofqf u/fpg'– k5{ . To:t} $ b]lv & jif{sf gfgLnfO{ Ps 7fpFdf 6dSs afFw]/ /fVg ldNg] cufl8 ©ls{Psf] sf/–l;6df /fVg'k5{ . o:tf sf/–l;6af/] ;Nnfx dfUg'xf];\ . k'gjf{; ;+:yfnfO{ eGg'xf];\ . k'gjf{; ;+:yfsf] ;Dks{df s'g} ;fd'bflos ;+:yf x'g;S5, h;n] ;fk6df jf ;:tf] d"Nodf sf/–l;6 lbnfpg ;S5g\ . Child Car Seats

Of course you want to keep young children safe when they ride in your car. Infants and children up to about age 3 should ride in special rearfacing child seats. Children who are from 4 to 7 years old should ride in forward-facing child seats with special harness that holds them in place. Ask for advice about car seats. Your resettlement agency may know of a community agency that loans car seats or provides used seats at low cost. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

;jf/L / k|x/L tkfO{+n] tf]lsPsf] ulteGbf a9Ldf uf8L xfFSg'eof] eg] jf /ftf] aQL x'Fbfx'Fb} c6]/ u/L 6«fl©s lgod pNn3+g ug'{eof] eg] k|x/Ln] tkfO{+sf] uf8L /f]Sg ;S5g\ . tkfO{+sf] uf8Lk5fl8 lemldSs–lemldSs aQL afNb} jf ;fO/g ahfpFb} k|x/Lsf] uf8L cfO– /x]sf] 5 eg] cfˆgf] uf8LnfO{ lj:tf/} 5]p nufP/ ;'/lIft 7fpFdf /f]Sg'xf];\ . k|x/Ln] cfˆgf] uf8L tkfO{+sf] k5f8L /f]s] eg] tkfO{+n] cfˆgf] uf8Lsf] OlGhg aGb ug'{xf];\ / cf©" uf8Lleq a:g'xf];\ . ha k|x/L tkfO{+sf] uf8Lglhs cfpF5g\, pgL cfPkl§sf]

:yfgLo oftfoft / cfˆgf] uf8L


l;;f vf]Ng'xf];\ / cfˆgf b'j} xftn] :6]ol/ªsf] dflyNnf] efu ;dft]/ a:g'xf];\ . xft vNtLlt/ xfNg] jf otf–ptf ug]{ gug'{xf];\ . zfGt x'g'xf];\ . pgn] tkfO{+sf] rfns cg'dlt–kq -nfO;]G;_ / uf8L–btf{sf] sfuh dfu] eg] b]vfpg'k5{ . pgn] tkfO{+sf] uf8L vfgtnf;L ug'{k5{ eg] tkfO{+n] …x'GgÚ eGg kfpg' x'G5 . of] tkfO{+sf] clwsf/ xf] . k|x/Ln] tkfO{+nfO{ 6«fl©s lgod pNn3+g ug'{eof] eGg ;S5g\ / l6s6 lbg;S5g\ . w]/}h;f] l6s6df hl/jfgf n]lvPsf] x'G5 . pSt hl/jfgf tkfO{+n] ltg'{k5{ . t/ hl/jfgflj?4 clkn ug{ ;Sg'x'G5, cbfnt hfg ;Sg'x'G5 / tkfO{+sf] clkndf GofofwLzn] ©};nf ug'{x'G5 . Driving and the Police

The police may want to stop your car if they believe you have broken a law like driving faster than the speed limit or going through a red traffic light. If you see a police car behind you with flashing lights or hear sirens, steer your car to the side of the road and stop in a safe place. If the police car stops behind you, turn off your car and stay inside. When the police officer approaches your car, roll down your window and keep your hands on the steering wheel. Be calm. You must show your driver’s license and car registration if the officer asks for them. If a police officer asks to search your car, you have the right to say no. The officer may say that you violated a law and give you a “ticket.” Most tickets state a fine that you must pay. However, you can appeal a ticket, go to court, and a judge will decide your case.






cWofo !) : /sd Joj:yfkg / a}+lsª Chapter 10 : Money Management and Banking cfo–Joosf] cg'dfg tkfO{+ cfˆgf] cfDbfgL s] ug'{x'G5 < slt vr{ ug'{x'G5 / slt arfpg'– x'G5 < gub Joj:yfkg s;/L ug{] / vr{ s] s]df ug'{k5{ jf ul/G5 eg]/ Psk6s l;Sg'eof] eg] art ug{ ;lhnf] x'G5 . tkfO{+sf] cfjZostfsf cfwf/df /sd vr{g] / art ug]{ of]hgfnfO{ ah]6 -cfo–Joosf] cg'dflgt n]vf_ elgG5 . dfl;s ah]6 tof/ kfgf{n] tkfO{+nfO{ k|To]s dlxgf s;/L vr{ ug'{k5{ eGg] :ki6 x'G5 . Pp6f sfuhdf kl/jf/sf ;a} ;b:osf] dfl;s cfDbfgL n]Vg'xf];\ . s'n cfDbfgLdf sfdjfktsf] Hofnf÷tna, ©"8 6\ofDk, 6\ofg© -vfFrf] k/]sf kl/jf/– nfO{ c:yfoL ;xfotf, 6]Dkf]//L Pl;:6]G; ©/ lg8L k]mldlnh_ / cGo ;/sf/L ;xfotf÷;'ljwfx? k5{g\ . To;};Fu dlxgfe/ s'g s'g sfdsf nflu slt vr{ nfU5 n]Vg'xf];\ . vr{df 3/ef8f, lah'nL, 3/ ttfpg] tfksf] vr{, vfBfGg, nQfsk8f, a;– ef8f, sf/sf] dfl;s C0f, sf/nfO{ UofF;, cf}ifwL, 6]ln©f]g, s]a'n l6eL, cGt/f{li6«o cfk|jf; ;+u7g -cfOcf]Pd_ sf] ofqf–C0f cflb k5{g\ . oL j:t' / ;'ljwf tkfO{+sf cfjZostf x'g\, tkfO{+sf OR5f xf]Ogg\ . cfˆgf] s'n cfDbfgL / s'n vr{ t'ngf ug'{xf];\ . tkfO{+sf] vr{eGbf cfDbfgL a9L eof] eg] tkfO{+n] art ug{ ;Sg'x'G5 jf rfx]sf] s]xL ;fdfg lsGg ;Sg'x'G5 . Creating A Budget

What do you do with your money? How much do you spend and save? Once you learn how to manage money and track spending, saving money will be easier. A budget is a plan for spending and saving money based on your goals. Creating a monthly budget will help you see how you spend your money each month. On a piece of paper, write down each of your family’s sources of income for a month. These may include wages from jobs, food stamps, TANF, and other public assistance. Next write down each of the things you will spend money on during the month. These may include, rent, electricity, heat, food, clothing, bus fares, car loans, gasoline for a car, medicine, telephone, cable TV, repaying the IOM travel loan, etc. These expenses should be only the things you need, not things you want. Compare the total of income and the total of expenses. The amount of income that is greater than your expenses can be saved or can be used to buy some things that you want. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――


Money Management and Banking

vr{sf] af“8˚f“6 ah]6nfO{ cfwf/ dfg]/ tkfO{+ k|To]s dlxgf ug{] vr{ cg'dfg ug{ ;Sg'x'G5 . clg ls©fotL k;ndf ;/;fdfg lsGg] jf sd lah'nL rnfpg] h:tf afgL ug]{af/] ;f]Rg'xf];\ . eljiosf nflu k|To]s dlxgf s]xL art ug{] sf]lzz ug'{xf];\ . o:tf] art– nfO{ k9fO vr{, sf/ jf 3/ lsGg cyjf cfkftsflng cj:yfdf k|of]u ug{ ;Sg'– x'G5 . dflg;x? sfd ug{ g;Sg] ePkl5 a'9]; sfndf ;'v;Fu afFRg o:tf art k|of]u u5{g\ . art ug{ a}+s vftfdf k};f /fVg yfNg'xf];\ . Using Your Budget

Using your budget, you can see what you spend money on every month. Think about how you might change your spending by shopping at cheaper stores or using less electricity, for example. Try to set aside some money every month for your financial future. Use these savings to pay for school, to buy a car or house, or in an emergency. People also use savings to live comfortably when they are too old to work. To start saving, put money in a bank account. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

lan e'StfgL tkfO{+n] k|To]s dlxgf 3/ef8f, 3/]n' k|of]hgsf ;'ljwfx?sf] vr{ / cGo lanx? ltg'{k5{ . 3/]n' k|of]hgsf ;'ljwf eGgfn] 3/ ttfpg] tfk–z'Ns, lah'nL, 6]ln©f]g, s]a'n / Po/–slG8;g a'lemG5 . o:tf ;'ljwfx?sf] z'Ns Hofb} dxFuf] x'g;S5 . s'g} ckf6{d]G6df 3/]n' k|of]hgsf ;'ljwfx?sf nflu ltg{] k};f 3/ef8fd} hf]l8Psf] x'G5 . tkfO{+n] s'g s'g 3/]n' k|of]hgsf ;'ljwfsf nflu k};f ltg'{k5{ eg]/ 3/a]6L;Fu ;f]Wg'k5{ / a'ˇg'k5{ . Paying Your Bills

You must pay your rent, utilities, and other bills on time every month. Utilities usually include heat, electricity, telephone, cable, and air conditioning. Utilities can be very expensive. The amount of rent for some apartments may include some utilities. You should ask your landlord and understand what utilities you must pay. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

pmhf{ / k};fsf] art 3/ ttfpg] ©g]{;, lx6/ jf Po/–slG8;g/ rln/x]sf] 5 eg] 9f]sf / ˇofnx? aGb ug'{xf];\ . ydf]{:6]6 gfdsf] pks/0fn] tkfO{+sf] ckf6{d]G6sf] tfkqmd sd–a];L u5{ . hf8f]df ydf]{:6]6nfO{ ^% b]lv &) l8u|LaLrdf ldnfP/ /fVg'k5{ . udL{df tkfO{+sf] ckf6{d]G6df Po/–slG8;g 5 eg] ydf]{:6]6nfO{ &) b]lv &% l8u|LaLrdf ldnfpg' k5{ . cf©" 3/aflx/ hfFbf an]sf aQL lgefpg' xf];\, o;af6 lah'nLsf] k};f

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sd ug{ ;lsG5 . o:tf xf]l;of/L ckgfpg' eof] eg] 3/]n' k|of]hgsf ;'ljwfsf] lan sd cfpF5 / vr{ sd x'G5 . Conserve Energy and Save Money

If the furnace, heater, or air conditioner is running, keep the windows and doors closed. The thermostat controls the temperature in your apartment. In the winter, the thermostat should be set between 65 and 70 degrees. In the summer, if you have air conditioning, it should be set between 70 and 75 degrees. Turn off the lights when you leave your apartment to save money on electricity. When you do these things, your utility bills will be lower. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

;x'lnotdf lsgd]n vfgf / cGo j:t'sf] d"No :6f]/lkR5] ©/s x'g;S5 . vl/bbf/Ldf lg:sFbf sd d"Nodf rfdn, b"w, bfnx? h:tf vfBfGg sxfF kfOG5 eGg] tkfO{+n] kQf nufpg' k5{ . w]/} dflg;x? w]/} dxFuf ;fdfg lsGg'sf] ;§f d"Nodf 5'6 kfOg] s'kg rnfP/ / ;'k/dfs{6s} lrGx–c+lst ;fdfg lsg]/ vfBfGgsf] vr{ 36fpF5g\ . slxn]sfxLF s[ifssf] ahf/df ;x'lnotdf tfhf vfBfGg kfOG5g\ . ly|ˆ6 zk -art bf]sfg_ n] ;©f t/ k|of]u ul/Psf n'uf, ©lg{r/ / 3/fozL ;fdfg gofFeGbf ;:tf]df a]R5g\ . cfˆg} 3/–cfFugdf of8{ ;]n / u/fh ;]n /fv]/ dflg;x?n] cf©"n] rnfPsf ;fdfg w]/} ;:tf]df a]R5g\ . of8{ ;]n / u/fh ;]n x''g] ;"rgf af6f] cf;kf; 6fFl;Psf jf ;"rL agfP/ klqsfdf 5flkPsf x'G5g\ . Save Money Shopping

Prices for food any other items can be different at different stores. As you shop, you should discover where you can get rice, milk, and lentils for your meals at the lowest cost. Many people reduce their food costs by using discount coupons and purchasing supermarket store brands instead of more expensive items. Sometimes a farmer’s market will have fresh food at a fair price. Thrift shops sell clean used clothing, furniture, and household items at much lower prices than similar new items. Yard sales and garage sales are where people sell used items from their homes at very low prices. You may find signs for them in your neighborhood or they may be listed in a newspaper. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

a}+ssf] k|of]u lsg ug]{ < • •

;'/Iff M a}+sdf /fv]sf] k};f cfuf], b'3{6gf / rf]/Laf6 ;'/lIft x'G5 . ;:tf] M c? tl/sfeGbf a}+saf6 r]s ;f6]/ k};f lng, lanx? ltg{ jf c?nfO{ k};f lbg ;:tf] x'G5 .

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Money Management and Banking

;'ljwf M lan e'Stfg ug{, r]s ;f6\g / k};f s] s:tf] sfddf k|of]u eO/x]sf] 5 eGg] yfxf x'G5 .

eljiosf nflu cfly{s M eljiosf nflu rflxg] k};f art x'g'sf ;fy} tkfO{+sf nflu pkof]uL cfly{s ljj/0f tof/ x'G5 .

Why Use a Bank? • • • •

Safety: In a bank, money is safe from fire, accidents, and theft. Cost: Cashing checks, paying bills, and sending money to someone is usually less expensive at a bank than at other kinds of businesses. Convenience: It is easy to pay bills, cash checks, and track your money. Financial Future: Banks help you save for the future and provide useful financial records. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

a}+s vftfx¿ a}+s vftf ePkl5 tkfO{+sf] k};f ;'/lIft x'G5 . k};f rnfpg ;lhnf] x'G5 . d'VotofM b'O{ vfn] a}+s vftfx? x'G5g\ M rNtL / art . tkfO{+n] Pp6f rNtL / Pp6f art vftf vf]Ng ;Sg'x'G5 . rNtL vftf -r]lsª csfpG6_ vf;u/L lan e'Stfg ug{ k|of]u ul/G5 lsgeg] of] vftfaf6 ehfpg' c? rNtL gub sf/f]jf/x?af6 ehfpg'eGbf ;:tf] x'G5 . tkfO{+n] cfˆgf] vftfdf gub hDdf ug'{eof] eg] Tof] lgIf]k -l8kf]lh6_ xf] . tkfO{+n] cfˆgf] vftfaf6 gub lgsfNg' eof] eg] Tof] e'StfgL -ljb8«n_ xf] . tkfO{+sf] vftfdf /x]sf] /sdnfO{ df}Hbft -Aofn]G;_ elgG5 . gub lemSg jf lan e'Stfg ug{ r]s sf6\g'xf];\, To;kl5 a}+sn] tkfO{+sf] vftfaf6 /sd e'Stfg u5{ . t/ r]s sf6\bf cf©"n] e'Stfg ug{ k'Ug] /sd vftfdf x'g'k5{ . art vftf -;]leª csfpG6_ rNtL vftfeGbf ©/s vfnsf] vftf xf] . art vftfdf /flvPsf] gubn] Aofh sdfpF5 . vftfdf gub /fv]jfkt a}+sn] lbg] /sd Aofh xf] . pbfx/0f M tkfO{+n] cfˆgf] art vftfdf Ps ;o 8n/ /fVg'eof] eg] Ps jif{kl5 b'O{ 8n/ Aofh kfpg ;Sg'x'G5 . art vftfdf gub hDdf ug'{xf];\ . pSt /sd eljiodf sfd nfU5 / cfOkbf{ sfd nfUg] k};f vftfdf hDdf x'G5 . Bank Accounts

With a bank account, your money is protected and still easy to use. There are two main types of bank accounts: checking and savings. You can have one of each kind. A checking account is mainly used to pay bills because it is cheaper than using other check cashing businesses. A deposit is when you put money put into your account. A withdrawal is when you take money out

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of the account. The total amount in the account is the balance. To withdraw money or pay bills, write a check so your bank will pay money from your account. Make sure there is enough money in your account to pay the check amount. A savings account is different from a checking account. Money in savings accounts earns interest. Interest is money the bank pays you for keeping your money there. For example, if you put $100 in a savings account, after a year you might earn $2 in interest. Try to put some money in a savings account each month so you can use it in the future and have money saved for emergencies. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

a}+s vftf vf]Ng] a}+s vftf vf]Ng cfˆgf nflu ;lhnf] a}+s /f]Hg'xf];\ . sfd ug]{ 7fpF jf 3/glhs} a}+s eP cf©"nfO{ vfFrf] kbf{ hfg ;lhnf] x'G5 . a}+s vftf vf]Ng'cl3 a}+ssf sd{rf/L;Fu o:tf s'/f a'ˇg ;lsG5 M • s] tkfO{+sf] a}+sdf art / rNtL vftfx? vf]Nbf z'Ns nfU5 < • vftf vf]Nbf Go"gtd /sd slt rflxG5 < • vftfdf slteGbf sd /sd x'g] u/L k};f lgsfNg' x'Fb}g < • d}n] Ps dlxgfdf sltj6f r]s;Dd sf6]/ lbg ;S5' < • d}n] Ps dlxgfdf d}n] sltk6s;Dd k};f lgsfNg ;S5' < vftf vf]Ng a}+s hfg'xf];\ . a}+ssf sd{rf/LnfO{ cf©"n] s:tf] vftf vf]Ng rfx]sf] eGg'xf];\ . pxfFn] tkfO{+;Fu tkfO{+sf] ;f];n ;]So'l/6L sf8{ / ©f]6f];lxtsf] kl/ro–kq -h:tf] M uf8Lrfns cg'dlt–kq jf lu|g–sf8{_ dfUg' x'g]5 . pxfFn] tkfO{+sf] hGd–ldlt, 3/sf] 7]ufgf, / 6]ln©f]g gDa/ h:tf JolStut hfgsf/L klg dfUg' x'g]5 . vftf vf]Ng a}+s hfFbf vftf vf]Ng k'Ug] kof{Kt /sd af]s]/ hfg'xf];\ . vftf vf]Ng ;fdfGotM %) jf !)) 8n/ rflxG5 . Opening a Bank Account

To open a bank account, pick the bank that best meets your needs. It should be a bank near your home or your work so you can go there easily when you need to. Here are some questions to ask the bank worker before you open an account: • Are there free checking and savings accounts? • Do I need a minimum deposit to open an account? • Is there a minimum balance required? • How many checks can I write each month? • How many withdrawals can I make each month? Go to the bank you choose and tell a bank worker what kind of account


Money Management and Banking

you want. The worker will ask to see your Social Security card and a photo ID card (like a driver’s license or Green Card). The worker will also ask for personal information, including your date of birth, home address, and telephone number. Take enough money to deposit to open the account, usually $50 or $100. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

a}+s vftf z'Ns w]/} a}+sn] ljleGg ;]jfsf nflu z'Ns lnG5g\ . tkfO{+n] o:tf z'Nsaf/] s'/f a'ˇg' ePg eg] a}+ssf sd{rf/LnfO{ ;f]Wg'xf];\ . tkfO{+sf] vftfdf df}Hbft lgs} sd ePdf a}+sn] dfl;s ;]jf z'Ns lng ;S5g\ . o:tf] z'Ns sd lng] a}+sdf vftf vf]Ng'xf];\ . art vftfaf6 Ps dlxgfdf lglZrt k6s dfq gub lgsfNg ldN5 . a}+sn] tf]s]eGbf a9L k6s gub lgsfNg' eof] eg] cltl/Qm z'Ns ltg'{k5{ . vftfdf df}HbfteGbf a9L /sd lgsfNbf tkfO{+n] ltg'{kg{] z'Ns eg]sf] r]sx? l©tf{ x'Fbf jf a9L k};f lgsfn]jfktsf] z'Ns xf] . pbfx/0f– tkfO{+sf] vftfdf &% 8n/dfq 5 / ;o 8n/sf] r]s sf6\g'eof] eg] tkfO{+n] w]/} z'Ns ltg'{k5{ . Bank Account Fees

Many banks charge you money (fees) for different services. Ask a bank worker if you do not understand any fees. A bank might charge you a monthly service charge for having an account if the balance is too small. Use a bank with a low service charge. There may be a limit to the number of withdrawals you can make each month from a savings account. You will have to pay a fee if you take out money more times than allowed. Bounced or overdraft check fees are fees charged for taking out more money than you have in your account. For example, if you write a check for $100, but you only have $75 in your account, you will be charged a large fee. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

dfl;s a}+s–ljj/0f tkfO{+sf] a}+sn] tkfO{+nfO{ k|To]s dlxgf ljj/0f k7fpF5 . pSt ljj/0fdf slxn]– slxn] vftfdf slt gub hDdf ul/of] / slxn]–slxn] vftfaf6 slt lgsflnof] eGg] n]lvPsf] x'G5 . pSt kqn] dlxgfsf] cGTodf tkfO{+sf] vftfdf slt df}Hbft 5 / s] s] z'Ns nufOof] eGg] klg b]vfpF5 . pSt dlxg] ljj/0f tkfO{n] ;'/lIft /fVg'k5{ . tkfO{+;Fu ;a} vr{ k'Ug] u/L /sd 5 eg] ©"8 :6\ofDk, 6\ofg©, ;lKnd]G6n ;]So'l/6L OGsd -P;P;cfO_ / klAns xfplhª h:tf s]xL ;fd'bflos ;xfotf sfo{qmdn] tkfO{+nfO{ ;'ljwf pknAw u/fOFb}gg\ . tkfO{+;Fu cfˆgf] a}+s vftfdf slt gub 5 eGg] b]vfpg pSt ljj/0fx? To:tf] ;xfotf lbg] sfof{nodf a'emfpg'k5{ .

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Monthly Statements

Your bank will send you a statement each month. The statement is a report that shows the date and amount of each deposit made into your account and the date and amount of each withdrawal from the account. It will also show the balance at the end of each month and any fees that have been charged. You should save each monthly statement. Some public assistance programs such as food stamps, TANF, SSI, and public housing will not provide benefits if you have enough money to pay for all of your expenses. They will require you submit copies of your bank statements to show how much money you have in the bank. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

vftfdf ;Lw} tna hDdf w]/}h;f] /f]huf/bftfn] tkfO{+sf] tna ;Lw} a}+s–vftfdf hDdf ug{ rfxG5g\ . o;f] ubf{ cf©"n] r]s a'em]/ vftfdf hDdf ug'{ jf gub ;f6\g'eGbf ;'/lIft x'G5 . tkfO{+sf] ;do aR5 . /f]huf/bftfn] tkfO{+sf] a}+s–vftfdf tna hDdf ul/lbG5g\ eg] pgn] vftfdf slt /sd hDdf ul/of] eGg] :ki6 n]lvPsf] e'Stfg /l;b -k] :6a_ lbG5g\ . Direct Deposit

Many employers are willing to deposit your pay directly into your bank account. This may save you time and be safer than being given a pay check that you have to take to your bank to deposit or cash. If your employer does this, they will still give you a pay stub that shows how much money was deposited into your account. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

8]la6 sf8{ tkfO{+sf] vftf ePsf] a}+sn] tkfO{+nfO{ Pp6f 8]la6 sf8{ pknAw u/fpg ;S5 . w]/} :6f]/df ;fdfg lsGbf of] sf8{ k|of]u ug{ ;Sg'x'G5 . 8]la6 sf8{af6 tkfO{+n] vr{ ub}{ hfg'eof] eg] tkfO{+sf] rNtL vftfaf6 /sd lemlsG5 . tkfO{+sf] vftfdf ePsf] /sdeGbf a9L /sd slxNo} vr{ gug'{xf]nf . Debit Card

Your bank may provide you with a debit card. You can use it in many stores to buy things. Money you spend with your debit card is automatically taken out of your checking account. Do not spend more money than you have in your account. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――


Money Management and Banking

Pl6Pd Pl6Pdsf] k"/f cy{ …c6f]d]l6s 6]n/ dl;gÚ xf] . gub lgsfNg'kbf{ tkfO{+n] cfˆgf] 8]la6 sf8{nfO{ Pl6Pdsf ?kdf k|of]u ug{ ;Sg'x'G5 . s'g} Pl6Pd sf8{x? rnfP/ gub hDdf ug{ / cfˆgf] vftfdf slt k};f afFsL 5 egL hfFRg ;lsG5 . Pl6Pd k|of]u u/]sf] z'Ns nfUg ;S5 . tkfO{+sf] vftf ePsf] a}+sn] /fv]sf] Pl6Pd dl;gaf6 k};f lgsfNof] eg] z'Ns sd x'G5 . Pl6Pd k|of]u ubf{ sf8{ l5/fpg] Kjfndf l5/fpg'xf];\ / To;kl5 dl;gn] lbPsf] lgb]{zgcg';f/ ub}{ hfg'xf];\ . oxfF cfˆgf] lkg -JolStut klxrfg gDa/_ 6fOk ug'{k5{ . cfˆgf] lkg -gDa/_ s;}nfO{ geGg'xf];\ . cf©"n] /fVg] jf af]Sg] s'g} sfuhdf cfˆgf] lkg slxNo} gn]Vg'xf];\ . sG7 ug'{xf];\ . olb s;}n] tkfO{+sf] lkg gDa/ yfxf kfof] / tkfO{+sf] 8]la6 sf8{ rf]¥of] eg] tkfO{+sf] vftfdf ePsf] ;a} /sd rf]l/g ;S5 . ATM

ATM is short for “Automatic Teller Machine.” You can use your debit card in an ATM to get cash. Some ATMs allow you to deposit money and check your balance. It can cost money to use an ATM, but one with your bank’s name on it is usually cheaper to use than others. To use an ATM, put your debit card in the card slot, follow the instructions, and type your personal identification number (PIN). Never tell anyone your PIN. Never write your PIN on paper that you keep with you. If someone else knows your PIN and steals your debit card they may be able to steal all the money you have in the bank account. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

C0fx¿ dxFuf ;/;fdfg vl/bf/Lsf nflu a}+sx?n] C0f klg lbG5g\ . o:tf] ;]jfjfkt tkfO{+n] lglZrt cjlwsf nflu C0f kfpg'x'G5 . o;/L tkfO{+n] lnPsf] C0fsf] ;fFjf / Aofh ltg'{k5{ . C0f lng x:tfIf/ ug'{eGbf klxn] C0f s;/L ltg]{, tf]lsPsf] ;do u'h|]df s] ug]{, Aofh slt a'emfpg'k5{, / cGo lgodx? tkfO{+n] /fd|/L a'em]sf] x'g'k5{ . o:tf ljifodf s]xL ;f]Wg dg nfu] a}+ssf sd{rf/L jf tkfO{+sf] k'g:yf{kgfdf ;xof]u ug]{ ;+:yfn] v6fPsf …s]; js{/Ú ;Fu ;f]Wg'xf];\ . Loans

Banks also give loans for big purchases. With a loan, you borrow an amount of money for a certain period of time. You must pay back the money and interest for borrowing it. Make sure you understand how to repay the loan, when payments are due, the amount of interest you will pay, and any other rules before you sign. Ask a bank employee or caseworker if you have questions. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

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cGt/f{li6«o cfk|jf; ;+u7g -cfOcf]Pd_ sf] ofqf C0f tkfO{+n] lt5'{ egL dGh'/L lbPsf] Pp6f C0f t tkfO{+nfO{ nflu;s]sf] 5, Tof] tkfO{+nfO{ cd]l/sf Nofpgsf nflu xjfO{hxfh ef8fjfkt ltl/Psf] ofqf–C0f xf] . tkfO{+ cd]l/sf cfPsf] s]xL dlxgfkl5 ofqf C0fsf] klxnf] lan cfpF5 . tkfO{+sf] C0f k'/} r'Qmf geP;Dd k|To]s dlxgf tkfO{+n] pSt ofqf–C0f e'QmfgL ug'{k5{ . C0f ltgf{n] tkfO{+n] cfˆgf] bfloTj s] xf] eg]/ a'em]sf] :ki6 x'G5 / sf/ jf cGo w]/} d"Nosf j:t'x?sf] vl/bdf a}+saf6 C0f rfxg'eof] eg] C0f lng ;lhnf] x'G5 . IOM Travel Loan

You already have one loan you have agreed to repay, the IOM travel loan for the airfare that brought you to the America. A few months after you arrive you will receive the first bill for your travel loan. You need to make a payment each month until it is repaid. Paying the loan back will prove you understand your responsibility and will make it easier when you want a bank loan to pay for a car or other large purchase. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

qm]l86 o'lgogx¿ qm]l86 o'lgog klg a}+s h:t} cfly{s sf/f]jf/ ug]{ ;+:yf xf], t/ o;sf ;b:ox? g} dflns x'g'sf ;fy} o;nfO{ Ps ;xsf/L ;+:yfsf ?kdf rnfPsf] x'G5 . o;sf] ;b:otf kfpg ;'?df tkfO{+n] lgj]bg lbg'k5{ . tkfO{+ ;b:o ePkl5 pSt ;+:yfdf rNtL vftf, art vftf vf]Ng kfpg'x'G5 jf C0fsf nflu lgj]bg lbg ;Sg'x'G5 . cGo 7"nf Jofj;flos a}+seGbf qm]l86 o'lgogsf] art vftfsf Aofh b/ a9L x'G5 jf sf/ lsGg C0f lng] C0fsf] Aofhb/ cln sd x'G5 . tkfO{+sf] a;f]af; jf sfd ug]{ 7fpFglhs s'g} qm]l86 o'lgog 5 jf tkfO{+ ;b:o x'g of]Uo x'g'x'G5 eg] To;af/] a'ˇg' ©fObfhgs x'G5 . Credit Unions

A credit union is like a bank, but it is owned by its members like a cooperative. First you must apply to be a member. Once you are a member, you can open a checking account, savings account, or apply for a loan. Credit unions may have better rates for savings accounts or car loans than commercial banks. It is a good idea to see if there is a credit union near your home or work and if you are eligible to become a member. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

JolStut ljsf; vftf -cfOl8P_ Go"g cfo ePsf kl/jf/x?nfO{ ;xfotf ug{ ;Sg] Pp6f ljz]if art vftf …cfOl8PÚ xf] . o;af6 tkfO{+nfO{ sf/ lsGg, 5f]/f5f]/Lsf] k9fO vr{, 3/ lsGg, jf cem egf}+ g ;fgf Joj;fo ;'? ug{;d]t d2t u5{ . cfOl8Pdf art u/]sf] Ps–Ps


Money Management and Banking

8n/n] artcg'?k k|lt©n / artsf nflu k|f]T;fxg b'j} lbG5 . cfOl8Psf] :yfkgf ;fd'bflos ;+:yfx?n] a}+s / qm]l86 o'lgogx?;Fu ldn]/ u5{g\ . tkfO{+n] cfˆgf] cfOl8P -vftf_ vf]Ng cfˆgf] ;d'bfosf] s'g ;+:yfn] d2t u5{ eg]/ ;f]Wg'k5{ . vftf v'n]kl5 tkfO{+n] k|To]s dlxgf gub hDdf ug'{k5{ / tkfO{+n] hDdf u/]sf] /sd;Fu cGo ;|f]tx?af6 Tolt g} /sd tkfO{+sf] vftfdf ldnfg ul/G5 . pbfx/0f M olb tkfO{+n] vftfdf k|To]s dlxgf @)) 8n/ hDdf ug'{eof] eg] To;df yk @)) jf $)) 8n/ /flvlbOG5 . cfOl8P -vftf_ ePsf sf/0f /sd Joj:yfkg;DaGwL lbOg] w]/}h;f] tflnddf tkfO{+n] klg efu lng'k5{ . Individual Development Account (IDA)

An IDA is a special savings account for low income families that may help you to buy a car, to pay for a child’s education, to buy a home, or even to start a small business. For every dollar saved in an IDA, savers receive a corresponding match which serves as both a reward and an incentive to save. IDA’s are set up by community agencies in cooperation with banks and credit unions. You should ask what agency in your community will help you set up an IDA. After your IDA is set up, up, you put money into the IDA every month and that money is matched from other sources. For example, if you put in $200 per month, an additional $200 or $400 may be placed in the account for you. Usually you must also participate in a training program regarding money management to have an IDA account. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

s/x¿ :yfgLo, /fHo / ;+3Lo -/fli6«o_ s/x? ltg'{xf];\ . s/ eGgfn] :yfgLo, /fHo / ;+3Lo ;/sf/x?nfO{ cd]l/sfdf a:g] gful/sn] ltg]{ jf lt/]sf] k};f xf] . r'Stf s/sf] /sd /fi6«sf] ;'/Iff, lzIff, ;8sx? / /fhdfu{df vr{ x'G5 . tkfO{+sf] cfDbfgL 5 eg] s/–l©tf{ -6\ofS; l/6g{_ sf nflu ©f/d eg'{xf];\ jf c? s'g} s/ eP ltg'{xf];\ . s/ ltg{ sfg'gn] clgjfo{ u/]sf] 5 . tkfO{+nfO{ ©fObf k'Ug] o:tf ljifo / ;+efljt cfDbfgLaf/] k'gjf{;df ;xof]u ug]{ ;+:yfn] v6fPsf …s];–js{/Ú;Fu ;f]Wg'xf];\ . Taxes

Pay local, state, and federal taxes. Taxes are money paid to the local, state, and federal governments by people living in the United States. Taxes pay for services such as keeping our country safe, education, and roads and highways. If you earn an income, you will need to file a tax return and pay any taxes you owe. This is required by law. Ask your caseworker for more information on any of these topics and possible credits you can earn. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

/sd Joj:yfkg / a}+lsª


qm]l86 sf/h:tf dxFuf ;fwg lsGg'kbf{ C0f lng'kg]{ x'g ;S5 . tkfO{+n] C0f lnP/ a]nfdf ltg'{ePsf] 5 eg] a}+sn] tkfO{+nfO{ C0f lbG5 . ;fk6 lnP/ a]nfdf ltg'{nfO{ c;n–qm]l86 elgG5 . c;n–qm]l86 eGgfn] tkfO{+nfO{ C0f lbof] eg] tkfO{+n] ;dodf ltg'{x'G5 /, v/fa–qm]l86 eGgfn] tkfO{+n] ;dodf ltg'{x'Gg eGg] a}+sn] a'ˇg ;S5g\ . qm]l86–c+s -qm]l86 :sf]/_ tkfO{+n] C0f lnP/ a]nfdf lt/]sf] :ki6 kfg]{ c+s xf] . To;}n] cGt/f{li6«o cfk|jf; ;+u7gsf] ofqf–C0f hlt ;Sg'x'G5 Tolt / c? C0f ;dodf lt/]/ c;n–qm]l86 agfpg'xf];\ . Credit To buy something expensive, like a car, you might need to borrow money through a loan to pay for it. A bank will give you a loan if you have good credit. Good credit means that banks think you will pay back money you borrow, and bad credit means they think you might not. Your credit score is a number that shows how good your credit is. Build good credit by paying, on time, at least the minimum amount due on your IOM loan and any other loan payments. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

qm]l86 ljj/0f tkfO{+sf] qm]l86 ljj/0fn] tkfO{+sf] qm]l86–Oltxf; -tkfO{+n] afFsL lnP/ a]nfdf lt/]sf] ljj/0f_ 5n{ª kf5{ . a}+sx?, 3/a]6Lx?, /f]huf/bftfx? / c?n] tkfO{+;Fu sfd ug{] a]nfdf tkfO{+sf] qm]l86–Oltxf; a'ˇg ;S5g\ . tkfO{+n] OlSjˆofS;, PS:k]l/og / 6«fG;o'lgog h:tf ;+:yfaf6 lgz'MNs qm]l86 ljj/0f kfpg'x'G5 . ToxfFaf6 k|fKt ljj/0fnfO{ /fd|/L hfFRg'xf];\ . pSt ljj/0fdf q'l6 ePsf] x'g;S5 . q'l6 ©]nf k¥of] eg] pSt ;+:yfnfO{ ;"rgf lbg ;Sg'x'G5 . Credit Report

Your credit report describes your credit history. Banks, landlords, employers, and others may check your report to determine if they want to work with you. You can get a free credit report each year from Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. Check your report every year to make sure it is correct. If there is a mistake, write to the credit reporting agency. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

qm]l86 sf8{ qm]l86 sf8{sf] ;xfotfn] tkfO{+ clxn] s]xL ;fdfg lsGg'x'G5, clg s]xL xKtfdf dfq k};f ltg'{ x'G5 . of] sf8{+ kfpg tkfO{+n] M • cfˆgf] hGd–ldlt / 3/sf] 7]ufgf h:tf hfgsf/L lbg'k5{ . • cfˆgf] lgoldt cfDbfgL -h:tf] M sfd u/]sf 7fpFaf6 kfPsf] r]s e'Stfgsf] k|df0f_ ePsf] b]vfpg'k5{ .


Money Management and Banking

• cf©"n] ;dodf k};f lt/]sf] k|df0f x'g'k5{ .

qm]l86 sf8{ lng'cl3 o:tf] sf8{af/] ;a} hfgsf/L k9\g'xf];\ . s'g} sf8{df w]/} vfnsf z'Ns ltg'{kg{] x'G5 . Pp6f qm]l86 sf8{af6 pwf/f]df sf/f]jf/ ug{ ;Ldf tf]lsPsf] x'G5 . tf]s]– eGbf a9L pwf/f] lng ldNb}g . olb s'g} sf8{af6 Ps xhf/ 8n/dfq vr{ ug{ kfOG5 elgPsf] 5 eg] tkfO{+n] Ps xhf/eGbf a9Lsf ;fdfg lsGg ldNb}g . sf8{ k|of]u u/]/ pwf/f]df slt vr{ ug{ kfOG5 eGg] hfGgsf nflu sf8{sf] k5f8L n]lvPsf] 6]ln©f]g gDa/df ©f]g u/]/ hfgsf/L lng'xf];\ . qm]l86 sf8{ rnfpFbf xf]lzof/L ckgfpg' eof] eg] tkfO{+n] afFsL lnP/ a]nfdf lt/]sf] ljj/0f tof/ x'G5, To;}n] M • dlxgfe/ vr{ ug{ ldN5 elg tf]lsPsf] /sd dfq vr{ ug'{xf];\ . • tf]lsPsf] ;doleq lan e'Stfg ug'{xf];\ . • cf©";Fu eP hlt dfq /sd vr{ ug'{xf];\ . lan ltg]{ /sd cf©";Fu ;w}F x'g'k5{ . Credit Card

Credit cards let you buy something then pay for it a few weeks later. To get one, you will need to: • Give information such as birth date and home address • Show proof of regular income (for example, your paycheck stubs) • Have good credit Read all the information about a credit card before you decide to get one. Some cards have many fees. A credit card has a credit limit, the maximum amount of money you can spend with it. If the credit limit is $1,000, you cannot use that card to buy things that total more than $1,000. Learn the credit limit by telephoning the number on the back of the card. If you are careful with your credit card, you will build good credit. • Always use less than your credit limit. • Pay your bill before the due date. • Do not spend more money than you have. Always have enough money to pay your bill. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

cd]l/sL d'b|f k|To]s cd]l/sL l;Ssfsf gfd 5g\ . ;aeGbf ;fgf] l;Ssf Ps ;]G6sf] x'G5, o;nfO{ k]gL elgG5 . kfFr ;]G6sf] l;SsfnfO{ lgsn elgG5 . bz ;]G6sf] l;SsfnfO{ 8fod elgG5 . kRrL; ;]G6sf] l;SsfnfO{ Sjf6{/ elgG5 . To:t} %) ;]G6 / Ps 8n/sf klg l;Ssf kfOG5g\ . %) ;]G6 / Ps 8n/sf l;Ssf sd}

/sd Joj:yfkg / a}+lsª


kfOG5g\ / tkfO{+n] gb]Vg klg ;Sg'x'G5 . Ps, b'O{, kfFr, bz, aL;, krf; / ;o 8n/sf sfuhL gf]6x? x'G5g\ . sfuhL gf]6nfO{ …lanÚ eGg] rng 5, h:tf] M Ps 8n/ lan, b'O{ 8n/ lan, kfFr 8n/ lan cflb . 8n/nfO{ af]nLrf]nLsf efiffdf …asÚ klg eg]sf] ;'lgG5 . American Money

Each American coin has a name. The 1 cent coin is called a “penny.” The 5 cent coin is called a “nickel.” The 10 cent coin is called a “dime.” The 25 cent coin is called a “quarter.” There are also 50 cent and one dollar coins, but they are not used often and you may never see them. Paper money is called a “bill". There are one dollar, two dollar, five dollar, ten dollar, twenty dollar, fifty dollar and one hundred dollar bills. In slang, a dollar is also called a “buck".






cWofo !! : ;f+:s[lts ;dfof]hg / PsLs/0f Chapter 11 : Cultural Adjustment and Integration ;dfof]hg cd]l/sfnfO{ …cj;/sf] e"ldÚ elgG5 . oxfF c;Lldt cj;/x? 5g\ . To;}n] tkfO{+nfO{ cd]l/sf cfpg' /f]df~rs x'G5 . gofF b]z Pjd\ ;+:s[ltdf a;f]af; tyf sfd ug'{ tkfO{+ / kl/jf/sf nflu r'gf}tLk"0f{ klg x'G5 . of] cWofodf tkfO{+n] cd]l/sfdf s] s] cfzf ug{ ;Sg'x'G5 / oxfFsf] kl/l:ylt;Fu ldnh'n ub}{ hfFbf cfOkg]{ ;d:of s;/L ;dfwfg ug'{k5{ eGg] 5n©n ul/Psf] 5 . Adjustment

Coming to the United States is an exciting time with many possible opportunities available to you. It is also a challenging time for you and your family as you must learn to live and work in a new country and new culture. This chapter will discuss what you can expect and ways to overcome problems as you adjust. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

;dfof]hg eg]sf] xf] < gofF b]zdf a;f]af; / sfd ug{ l;Sg] k|lqmof g} ;dfof]hg xf] . ;dfof]hg x'g] qmd o;/L cl3a9\5, ;'?df – b]lvG5, clg hflgG5 / lj:tf/} crDd dfGg 5fl8G5 . ;dfof]hg x'gsf nflu kl/jt{g x'g'k5{ / gofF s'/f l;Sg'k5{ . h:t} M • gofF dfG5]x?;Fu e]63f6 x'G5 . • gofF efiff l;lsG5 . • kl/jf/sf] e"ldsfdf kl/jt{g x'G5 . • lr/–kl/lrt 7fpFafx]sdf klg afFRg l;lsG5 . What Is Adjustment?

Adjustment is the process of learning to live and work in a new country. It involves making changes and learning new things. For example: • Meeting new people. • Learning a new language. • Taking on different family roles. • Learning to live without familiar places and people. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

;+:s[lt eg]sf] xf] < ;+:s[lt eg]sf] s'g} Ps ;d"xsf dflg;sf] ;femf d"No, dfGotf / k/Dk/f– x?sf] Pp6f ;+u|x xf] . ;+:s[ltdf s'g} Ps ;d"xsf] efiff, snf / dgf]efjx? ;d]l6Psf x'G5g\ . dflg;x?sf] af]nLrfnL / Jojxf/n] pgLx?sf] d"No / dfGotf


Cultural Adjustment and Integration

emNsfpF5 . gofF ;+:s[ltaf/] l;Sg' eg]sf] gofF b]zdf a;f]af; ug{ l;Sg'sf] Ps lx:;f xf] . tkfO{+n] cfˆgf] ;f+:s[lts lrgf/Lsf ;a} kIfx? Tofu]/ k"/} cd]l/sL ;+:s[lt cufNg' kb{}g, of] ;dfhleq a:g / sfd ug{ dfq l;Sg' k5{ . What Is Culture?

Culture is a set of beliefs, values, and traditions that a group of people share. Culture can include a group’s language, art, and attitudes. These beliefs and values influence what people say and do. Learning a new culture is part of learning to live in your new country. You do not have to change completely and follow American culture, you just have to learn to live and work within it. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

;dfof]hgsf r/0fx¿ gofF b]z / /xg;xgdf ;a}nfO{ p:t} vfnsf] cg'ej x'Fb}g, w]/}h;f] dflg;sf] u'h|g] kl/l:ylt eg] Ps} 9fFrfsf] x'G5 . ;a}n] a'ˇg] s'/f rflxF s] xf] eg] afnaflnsf;lxt a]Unfa]Un} dflg;n] 5f]6f] jf nfdf] ;dosf nflu yf]/} jf w]/} tn elgPsf] h:tf] cg'ej u5{g\ . The Stages of Adjustment

Not everyone’s experience is exactly the same, but there is a general pattern most people follow as they adjust to a new country and culture. Remember that different people may feel these things more or less intensely and for different lengths of time, including children. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

klxnf] r/0f M cfudg ha tkfO{+ ljdfgaf6 pqg'x'G5, To;kl5sf s]xL xKtf;Dd t k|To]s rLh cb\e't / /f]df~rs nfU5g\ . dflg;x? bofn' nfU5g\, cj;/x? cgluGtL x'G5g\, / ;a} ;d:ofx? ;dfwfg ePh:tf] nfU5 . tkfO{+n] cfgGb, ;'/lIft / /fxt dx;'; ug{ ;Sg'x'G5 . Stage One – Arrival

When you get off the plane and several weeks after that everything seems wonderful and exciting. The people seem kind, opportunities are endless, and you feel like all of your problems are over. You may feel happy, safe, and relieved. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

bf];|f] r/0f M jf:tljstf cd]l/sfdf cfPsf] s]xL xKtfkl5 tkfO{+nfO{ cf©"n] a'em]eGbf ©/s cg'ej x'g yfN5 . tkfO{+n] cd]l/sfdf cGt/x? ©]nf kfg'{x'G5 . 3/ ©s{g kfP x'GYof] eGg]

;f+:s[lts ;dfof]hg / PsLs/0f


sfdgf ug{ yfNg'x'G5 . ;ayf]s ;fx|f]–ufx|f] ePsf] cg'ej ug{ ;Sg'x'G5 . b'MvL x'g'x'G5, l/; p7\5, lx:; kg'{x'G5 / xf/]h:tf] cg'ej eP/ ysys x'g yfN5 . Stage Two – Reality

After several weeks in the United States, your feelings may begin to change as reality starts to sink in. You see how different things are in the United States. You may wish to go home. You may feel like things are too hard. You may feel sad, angry, disappointed, and overwhelmed. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

t];|f] r/0f M ;dfof]hg oL cg'ejx? ;fdfGo x'g\ / ;do laTb} hfFbf ;a} x6]/ hfG5g\ . ;dfof]hg lj:tf/} x'g] k|lqmof xf] . cGttM rLhlahx? la/fgf] / c;lhnf x'Fb}gg\ . tkfO{+n] gofF ;fyLx? ©]nf kfg'{x'G5 / ;fy} cf©"nfO{ Jo:t kfg]{ sfdsfh klg kfpg'x'g]5 . clg b]z 5f8]/ cfPsf]df UnfgL x'g 5f8\5 . cd]l/sf g} cfˆgf] 3/ xf] eGg] cg'e"t ug{ yfNg'x'G5 . Stage Three – Adjustment

These feelings are normal and in time, they will go away. Adjusting is a slow process, but eventually things will not feel as strange and difficult. You will find new friends and things to do. You will not miss your home country as much. You will start to think of the United States as your home. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

tkfO{+n] s] ug{ ;Sg'x'G5 < ;dfof]hg k|lqmofdf cf©}F x'g] xf]Og\, tkfO{+n] cfˆgft©{af6 klg ug'{kg]{ s]xL dxÎjk"0f{ k|oTgx? 5g\ M • cfˆgf] j/k/ -jftfj/0f_nfO{ ;sf/fTds ?kdf x]g'{xf];\ . r'gf}tLx?nfO{ pGglt / lzIff xfl;n ug]{ cj;/ ;Demg'xf];\ . • l;Sg / cg's"n x'g ;do nfU5 eGg] a'ˇg'xf];\ . slxn]sfxLF cf©" xf/]h:tf] x'g' jf b'MvL x'g' :jfefljs xf] . • cln ;do lnP/ cf©"nfO{ /dfOnf] nfUg] sfdsfh ug'{xf];\ . • 3/leq dfq} ga:g'xf];\ . gn'Sg'xf];\ . gofF dflg;x?;Dd k'Ug'xf];\ / gofF j:t'x?;Fu kl/lrt x'g] cfF6 ug'{xf];\ . • cd]l/sLx?nfO{ ;fyLefO agfpg yfNg'xf];\ . • gofF b]zsf af/]df hfGg'xf];\ . a'ˇg'xf];\ . hlt w]/} l;Sg] sf]lzz ug'{x'G5, cf©" j/k/sf dflg;af/] Tolt g} a'ˇg'x'G5 . • kl/jf/ / ;fyLefO;Fu ;do latfpg] ug'{xf];\ . pgLx?;Fu cg'ej afF8\g'xf];\ . eGg'xf];\, ;'Gg'xf];\ .


Cultural Adjustment and Integration

What Can You Do?

Adjusting requires some important efforts on your part. • Look for the good around you. See challenges as a way to grow and learn. • Accept that it takes time to learn and adapt. It is okay to feel overwhelmed and sad sometimes. • Take time to do things you enjoy. • Do not hide at home. Find the courage to do things with new people and to try new things. • Make friends with Americans. • Learn about your new country. The more you learn, the better you will understand the people around you. • Spend time with your family and friends. Share your experience with them. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

tgfj -lbUbf/L_ s] xf] < cK7\of/f kl/l:yltx?df tkfO{+n] s:tf] Jojxf/ ug'{x'G5, ToxL g} tgfj xf] . tgfj hLjgsf] Ps ;fdfGo c+z xf], t/ of] :jf:Yosf nflu xflgsf/s x'g;S5 . s'g} ;do, 7fpF jf kl/l:ylt Pshgfsf nflu tgfjk"0f{ eP, csf{ JolStsf nflu To:tf] gx'g;S5 . tgfj x'g'sf] sf/0f kl/jf/df s;}sf] d[To', ljjfx, uef{j:yf, gofF hflu/, gofF 3/df ;bf{, la/fdL / k};fsf] ;d:of x'g\ . gofF b]z / gofF /xg;xgdf cf©" a;fOF ;gf{n] cjZo tgfj x'G5 . What Is Stress?

Stress is how you react to difficult situations. Stress is a natural part of life, but it can be harmful to your health. What is stressful for one person may not be for another. Many things can cause stress, such as death of a loved one, marriage, pregnancy, a new job, moving to a new home, illness, and money problems. Moving to a new country and a new culture can definitely cause stress. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

;dfof]hgsf nflu cfgf] ;do lbg'xf];\ cd]l/sfnfO{ …cj;/sf] e"ldÚ elgG5 . of] d'n'sn] w]/} gofF cj;/x? k|bfg u5{ . t/ klg z/0ffyL{sf] ;dfof]hgsf] ;'?jft lgs} sl7g x'g;S5 . z/0ffyL{x?n] em]Ng'kg{] ljleGg r'gf}tLn] tgfj x'g ;S5 . tgfj x'Fbf s] ug]{ / gofF ;+:s[ltdf s;/L 3'nldn x'g] eGg] hfGof] eg] lgs} ©fObf x'G5 . cf©"n] s:tf] cg'ej ug'{ePsf] 5 eg]/ c?nfO{ ;'gfpg / ;fx|f]ufx|f]df d2t dfUg ws gdfGg'xf];\ .

;f+:s[lts ;dfof]hg / PsLs/0f


Give Yourself Time to Adjust

The United States offers many new opportunities. However, initial adjustment can be difficult. Refugees face many new challenges that can cause stress. It is important to understand how to deal with stress and how to adjust to a new culture. Do not be afraid to talk about how you are feeling and to ask for help. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

tgfjsf nIf0fx¿ dflg;x?n] ljleGg tl/sfn] tgfj dx;'; u5{g\, tL dfgl;s, zf/Ll/s, efjgfTds jf ;fdflhs tgfj x'G5g\ . tgfjsf nIf0fx? M 6fpsf] b'Vg', lgb|f gnfUg', /S;L lkpg', a]sfd] ePsf] cg'ej ug'{, lrRofpg', l/; p7\g' jf ;fyLefO– Oi6ldqnfO{ 5Ng' cflb x'g\ . Signs of Stress

People feel stress in many ways, including mentally, physically, emotionally, or socially. Some of the signs of stress are: headaches, trouble sleeping, drinking alcohol, not feeling like doing anything, crying, feeling angry, or avoiding friends and family. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

tgfj Joj:yfkg ug]{ pkfox¿ cf©"nfO{ s] ubf{ tgfj x'G5 / o;af6 d'lQm kfpg] pkfo s] s] x'g ;S5g\ eg]/ hfGg' eof] eg] lgs} ©fObf x'G5 . Wofg -lrGtg_ u/]/, kl/jf/ jf ;fyLefO;Fu u© u/]/, kof{Kt ;do ;'t]/, kf]l;nf] vfgf vfP/, xfF;]/, lxF8]/, Jofofd u/]/ jf s;};Fu d2t lnP/ tgfj sd jf lgoGq0f ug{ ;lsG5 . Ways to Manage Stress

It is important to learn what makes you stressed and how to manage stress. To manage stress you can meditate, talk to family and friends, get enough sleep, eat healthy, laugh, take a walk, exercise, or ask for help. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

l5d]sLx¿;“u e]63f6 cd]l/sLx?sf] cfgLafgL / dfGotfx?af/] hfGg' clg tL ;fdflhs lx:;fnfO{ ;'xfpFbf] tl/sfn] Jojxf/df ptfb}{ hfg' g} ;f+:s[lts ;dfof]hgsf] Ps c+z xf] . cd]l/sL / cd]l/sL ;+:s[ltaf/] hfGg ;'? ug]{ Pp6f pkfo oxLF hGd]sf] cd]l/sLnfO{ e]6\g' xf] . tkfO{+sf l5d]sL cd]l/sLx? x'g ;S5g\ . tkfO{+n] pxfFx?nfO{ ckf6{d]G6 lalN8ªsf] 9f]sf, n'ufw'g] 7fpF -nG8«f]Dof6_ jf :6f]/ cflb 7fpFdf e]6\g ;Sg'x'G5 . e]6\bf lrg]–hfg] h:tf] ug'{xf];\, cK7\of/f] dfg]h:tf] gug'{xf];\, w]/} c+u|]hL ga'em]÷ gaf]n] klg …x]nf]Ú eGg'xf];\ .


Cultural Adjustment and Integration

Meeting Neighbors

Learning about American behaviors and values and coping with them is part of cultural adjustment. One way to begin to understand Americans and American culture is to meet native-born Americans. You may have American neighbors. You may meet them at the door to your apartment building, at a laundromat, or store. Be friendly and say “Hello” even if you do not understand much more English. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

c;n l5d]sL aGg'xf];\ ckf6{d]G6df a:g] clwsf+z dflg;x? /ftL bz jf P3f/ ah];Dddf ;'T5g\ . /ftL !) ah]b]lv laxfg * ah];Dd 5/l5d]sLnfO{ afwf k'Ug] ultljlw /f]Sg'xf];\, h:t} M gfgLx?nfO{ xNnf ug{ glbg'xf];\, ;fgf] :j/df s'/fsfgL ug'{xf];\, afhf gahfpg'xf];\ jf ;fgf] kfg'{xf];\ . 5/l5d]sL;Fu s]xL c;xdltx? eP, xn ug{] sf]lzz ug'{xf];\ . cf©"n] ;dfwfg ug{ ;lSbFg h:tf] nfU5 eg] 3/a]6L;Fu d2t lng'xf];\ . Being a Good Neighbor

Most people living in apartments go to sleep around 10 p.m. or 11 p.m. Please keep children quiet, keep conversations at a low level, and do not play music or make noise that neighbors can hear between 10 p.m. and 8 a.m. If you have disagreements with your neighbors, try to resolve them together. If you cannot, ask your landlord to help. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

;dosf] Vofn ug'{ cd]l/sfdf ;dolgi7 x'g' lgs} dxÎjk"0f{ x'G5 . :s"n, sfd, 8fS6/;Fu k/LIf0f ug{, uf8L l;Sg, k'gjf{; ;+:yfsf sd{rf/Lx?;Fu tf]lsPsf] a}7s jf ;fyLefOnfO{ e]63f6df hfFbf ;dodf k'Ug'k5{ . tkfO{+ k"j{lgwf{l/t ;dodf !) ldg]6eGbf l9nf] x'g] x'g'eof] eg] ©f]g u/]/ cf©" l9nf] x'g] atfpg' k5{ / Ifdf dfUg' k5{ . 8fS6/n] hfFRg] ;dodf l9nf k'Ug'eof] eg] pxfFn] tkfO{+nfO{ ghfFRg ;Sg'x'G5 / ghfFr] klg hfFr]jfkt ltg'{kg{] z'Ns eg] lng ;Sg'x'G5 . Being on Time

In America, it is always important to be on time for everything: for school, for work, for doctors’ appointments, for driving tests, for scheduled meetings with staff of your resettlement agency, for meeting friends. If you are ever going to be more than 10 minutes late for an appointment, it is important to telephone and let the person know that you will be late and apologize. If you are late for a doctor’s appointment, the doctor may not see you but still may charge you a fee. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

;f+:s[lts ;dfof]hg / PsLs/0f


uf]kgLotf cd]l/sLx? JolStut uf]kgLotfnfO{ dxÎj lbG5g\ . dflg;x? c?sf] 3/df lgDtf] gkfO, ©f]g gu/L, jf To:tf] s]xL aGbf]a:t gu/L lj/n} hfG5g\ . cd]l/sLx?n] tkfO{+nfO{ klxnf]k6s pgLx?sf 3/df af]nfPsf a]nf tkfO{+n] s'g} sf]7fsf] 9f]sf aGb ePsf] kfpg' x'G5 / leq sf]xL a;]sf klg x'g;S5g\ . 3/sf ;a}hgf aflx/ gcfpg ;S5g\ . of] pgLx?sf] JolStut OR5f xf] . kl/jf/sf s'g} ;b:o cfˆgf sf]7fdf uf]Ko /xg rfxG5g\ . Privacy

Americans value their privacy. People usually do not visit the homes of other people unless they have been invited, have telephoned, or have made arrangements ahead of time. When an American invites you to her home for the first time, you may find that some inside doors are closed. This may be because some family members want to remain private in their own rooms. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

cgf}krfl/stf / gfdx¿ cd]l/sLx? w]/} cgf}krfl/s x'g vf]H5g\ . Psk6s kl/ro ePkl5 pgLx? s'/fsfgL ubf{ jf af]nfpFbf k|foM klxnf] gfd k|of]u u5{g\ . 8fS6/ jf lzIfs– lzlIfsf h:tf Jofj;flos dfG5]x?nfO{ ;Daf]wg ubf{ pko'St bhf{df y/ /fVg'k5{ . h:t}M lzIfssf nflu …ld:6/ hf]G;Ú pko'St x'G5 eg] lzlIfsfsf nflu …ld; hf]G;Ú ;xL x'G5 . t/ dlxnf jf k'?if h] eP klg …8f= hf]G;Ú 7Ls x'G5 . To;}u/L w]/} cd]l/sLx? gfdsf] 5f]6f] ?k -pkgfd_ k|of]u u5{g\ . ;'?df o:tf pkgfdn] cndn kf5{g\ . Pshgf nf]Ug]dfG5]sf] gfd …/a6{Ú x'G5, p;n] kl/ro lbFbf cfˆgf] gfd …aaÚ atfpF5g\ . To:t} Pshgf dlxnf jf o'jtLsf] gfd …Plnhfj]yÚ x'G5, pgn] kl/ro lbFbf cfˆgf] gfd …a]§LÚ atfpFl5g\ . o:tf cgf}krfl/s pkgfdx? af]nL– rfnLdf dfq k|of]u ul/G5g\ / cf}krfl/s sfuhkqdf n]Vg'kbf{ jf x:tfIf/ ug'{kbf{ k"/f gfd n]lvG5g\ . oxfF lbPsfafx]s o:tf pkgfdsf c? w]/} ckjfb 5g\ . Informality and Names

Americans tend to be very informal. Once they are introduced, they mostly use first names when speaking with each other. Use family names with an appropriate title when, for example, when speaking to a professional such as a doctor or a teacher. “Mr. Jones” would be an appropriate way to address a male teacher, “Ms. Jones” would be appropriate for a female teacher. And “Dr. Jones” would be appropriate for either a male or female doctor. Many American names also have short versions called “nicknames.” This may be confusing at first. But a man with the first name “Robert” may introduce himself by his nickname “Bob” and a woman


Cultural Adjustment and Integration

with the first name “Elizabeth” may introduce herself as “Betty.” You may find that informal nicknames are usually used in conversation and more formal, full names are used in written lists and signing papers. There are exceptions. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

;f]Wg gx'g] s]xL k|Zgx¿ cd]l/sLx? cfˆgf s]xL lghL ljifox? uf]Ko /fV5g\ . cfˆgf Psbd glhs}sf ;fyLx?afx]s c? s;}nfO{ tkfO{+n] To:tf ljifo;DaGwL k|Zg ;f]Wg jf 5n©n ug{ vf]Hg'eof] eg] s]xL cd]l/sLx? l/;fpg ;S5g\ . s'/fsfgL ubf{ o:tf ljifo 5Ng] sf]lzz ug{'xf];\ M slt jif{sf] x'g'eof] < slt k};f sdfpg'x'G5 jf tna slt 5 < tkfO{+ s'g wd{ dfGg'x'G5 < tkfO{+ lsg olt df]6fpg' ePsf] 5 < s] tkfO{+;Fu k|z:t k};f 5 < 3/ lsGbf slt k};f xfNg'eof] < cflb . Some Questions Not to Ask

There are some subjects that Americans keep very private. If you ask questions or try to discuss these subjects, some Americans will be offended, especially if you are not very, very close friends. Try to avoid these subjects when talking: How old are you? How much money do you make at your work? What is your religion? Why are you so fat? Do you have a lot of money? How much did you pay for your house? ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

b'O{ JolStaLrsf] b"/L sfd ug]{ 7fpFdf ;xsdL{, 5/l5d]sL;Fu / ;fj{hlgs :yndf vf; u/L w]/}h;f] cd]l/sL csf]{ JolSt;Fu s'/f ubf{ # jf $ l©6 6f9f pleg rfxG5g\ . olt 6f9f pleP/ s'/f ubf{ pgLx?n] ;'lj:tf 7fG5g\ . cfˆgf] kl/jf/sf ;b:o / 3lgi7 ldq eg] lgs} glhs pleg ;S5g\ . cd]l/sL;Fu s'/f ubf{ glhs hfg sf]lzz ug'{eof] eg] pgLx?n] tkfO{+nfO{ ldrfxf 7fG5g\ / kl5 x6\5g\ . o:tf] afgLk|lt ;r]t x'g] k|of; ug'{xf];\ . s;};Fu s'/fsfgL ul//xFbf pxfF yf]/} k5f8L x6\g'eof] eg] tkfO{+ pxfFlt/ g;g'{xf];\ . To;a]nf pxfFn] aLrsf] vfnL 7fpF 36fpg vf]Hg'ePsf] xf] . a;, /]n, xjfO{hxfh / Plne]6/ -cf©}F dfly–tn ug]{ e¥ofª_ df dflg;x? c?;Fu glhs geO 6f9} pleg] jf a:g] sf]lzz u5{g\ . pbfx/0fsf nflu a;df r9]kl5 w]/} vfnL l;6x? x'Fbfx'Fb} Tof] 5f8]/ s'g} ckl/lrt JolStsf] 5]pdf uP/ a:g'eof] eg] pgnfO{ cK7\of/f] dx;'; x'g ;S5, pgL ToxfFaf6 p7]/ csf]{ l;6 uP/ a:g ;S5g\ . Personal Space

Most Americans tend to stand about 3 or 4 feet apart when they are talking to another person, especially with colleagues at work, neighbors,

;f+:s[lts ;dfof]hg / PsLs/0f


and in public places. This distance makes them feel comfortable. They may stand closer together if they are members of the same family or are very close friends. If you try to get too close to an American during a conversation, he or she will feel that you are being aggressive and will try to back away. Try to be aware of this, so if the person to whom you are speaking backs away a little, do not try to close the gap. In buses, trains, airplanes, and elevators, people will try to stand or sit in locations where they will not be too close to others. For example, if you take a seat right next to a stranger when there are many other empty seats on a bus, the stranger may feel uncomfortable and get up and take another seat. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

z/L/sf] efiff dflg;x? cfk;df ;+jfb ubf{ c+usf] k|of]usf ;fy} af]nLaf6 u5{g\ . hLpsf] rfnaf6 k|s6 ul/g] ;+jfb klg efiff h:t} cfˆg} ;+:s[ltaf6 l;lsG5 . pbfx/0fsf nflu w]/}h;f] cd]l/sL …xf]OgÚ eGg pgLx? cfˆgf] 6fpsf] bfofF–afofF u5{g\ / …xf]Ú eGg pgLx? 6fpsf] tn–dfly u5{g\ . ptf g]kfnLx? eg] …xf]Ú eGg 6fpsf] o:;f] Psflt/ 3'dfpF5g\ . cd]l/sLx? cfFvfdf cfFvf h'wfP/ s'/f ug{ dg k/fpF5g\ . c? ;+:s[ltaf6 cfPsf dflg; cfFvf–cfFvf h'wfP/ s'/f ub}{gg\, To;df klg vf;u/L dlxnf / k'?if s'/f ubf{ . s'/f ubf{ cf©"n] cGoq x]l/of] eg] 5Ng vf]h]sf] ;+s]tsf ?kdf lnOG5 . cd]l/sLx? e]6 x'Fbf xft ldnfP/ clejfbg u5{g\ . tkfO{+n] o:tf] a]nfdf xft ldnfpg' ePg eg] cd]l/sL ;xsdL{ jf xflsd -k|aGws_ n] cgfb/ ug]{ afgL /x]5 eGg] 7fG5g\ . gofF /xg;xgsf dflg;n] s;f] u5{g\ Wofg lbP/ x]g'{ / s:tf] Jojxf/ u5{g\ hfGg' g} z/L/sf] ;+jfb l;Sg] ;aeGbf ultnf] tl/sf xf] . Body Language

People communicate by using their bodies as well as by speaking. Most body movements are a learned part of a culture, just like a language. For example, most Americans typically signal “no” by moving their head left and right but signal “yes” by nodding their head up and down. Nepalis, however, might signal “yes” by tilting their head to one side. Americans like to make eye contact when talking with each other. People from other cultures, may avoid eye contact, especially between men and women. If you look away, it may be taken as a sign of evasiveness. Americans shake hands when greeting each other. If you do not shake hands at the appropriate time an American worker or manager may view this as lack of respect. An important way to learn appropriate body language in this new culture is to observe people closely and see how they behave. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――


Cultural Adjustment and Integration

kl/jf/df abln“bf] e"ldsf cd]l/sf cfpFbf / oxfFsf] gofF /xg;xg tyf efiff l;Sbf o;n] cfdf–a'af, xh'/cfdf–xh'/a'af, slnnf] pd]/sf s]6fs]6L / ;fgf] pd]/sf gfgLx?nfO{ ©/s tl/sfn] k|efj kf5{ . o;n] Ps csf{l;tsf] ;DaGwx?df klg k|efj kf5{ . o;n] cK7\of/f] kl/l:ylt klg Nofpg ;Sg] eP klg of] ;fdfGo kIf xf] . Changing Roles in the Family

Moving to America and its new culture and new language will affect mothers, fathers, grandparents, teenagers, and young children differently. It can also affect their relationships with each other. This is all normal, but it can cause difficulties. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

k'?if / dlxnf cd]l/sfdf >Ldfg\ / >LdtL b'j}n] sfd u5{g\ eGg] cfzf ul/G5 . >LdtLn] klxnf hflu/ kfOFg eg] cf©"n] hflu/ gkfpGh]n >Ldfgn] afnaRrfsf] :ofxf/ u5{g\ . >Ldfg\ / >LdtL b'j} sfd u5{g\ eg] aRrf x]g]{ lhDd]jf/L afF8\5g\ . slxn]sfxLF >LdtLn] >Ldfg\sf] eGbf a9L sdfpFl5g\ . cfˆgf] b]zdf /xFbf kl/jf/sf] lzif{ :yfgdf /x]sf k'?ifn] g]t[Tj u'dfPsf] cg'e"lt u5{g\ / pgLx?nfO{ gofF 7fpFsf] hLjgz}nLdf ldNg sl7gfO x'g ;S5 . Men and Women

Men and women are both expected to work in America. If the wife finds a job first, the husband may care for children at home until he also finds a job. When they are both working they will need to share child care responsibilities. Sometimes the wife will earn more money than the husband. Men who are comfortable in the traditional role as sole leaders of their families may find it difficult to adjust to their changed role. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

:s"n hfg] pd]/sf gfgLx¿ :s"n hfg] pd]/sf gfgLx?n] k|foMh;f] cfˆgf cfdf–a'af / xh'/a'af– xh'/cfdfeGbf rfF8f] c+u|]hL l;S5g\ . cleefjsn] cfˆgf gfgLx?af6 bf]efif]sf ?kdf ;xof]u lng ;S5g\ . gfgLx?n] 6]ln©f]gdf hjf© ©sf{pg], 8fS6/;Fu hfFRg] ;do ldnfOlbg], lr7L–kqx? kl9lbg], l5d]sL jf 3/a]6L;Fu s'/f ul/lbg] u5{g\ . To;}n] z/0ffyL{sf gfgLx?n] ToxL pd]/sf cd]l/sL gfgLx?eGbf cfˆgf cleefjssf] lhDd]jf/Lx? a9L lng ;S5g\ . School Age Children

School age children will often learn English faster that their parents and grandparents. Parents may ask their children to act as interpreters, to

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answer the telephone, to make appointments with doctors, to read the mail, to talk with neighbors or landlords. Refugee children, therefore, may take on more adult responsibilities than American children of the same age. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

lszf]/–lszf]/L vf;u/L slnnf] pd]/ -!# b]lv !( jif{_ sf s]6fs]6LnfO{ cd]l/sfdf k'gjf{; ubf{ lgs} cK7\of/f] x'G5 . pgLx?sf] w]/} 306f :s"ndf laT5, hxfF pgLx?n] cfˆgf cd]l/sL lszf]/–lszf]/Lsf njfO–vjfO / cfgLafgL x]5{g\, clg ;lhn} To;sf] l;sf] ug{ ;'? u5{g\ . ptf 3/df pgLx?n] cfˆgf] k/Dk/fut hLjgz}nL g} ckgfpF5g\ eGg] ;f]lrG5, ls t n'uf xf];\, vfg]s'/f xf];\ of Jojxf/ xf];\ . s]xL cleefjsn] pgLx?sf] gofF hLjgz}nL ckgfPsf]df cfklQ hgfpF5g\ / o;n] 3/– snx Nofpg ;S5 . of] pd]/sf s]6fs]6LnfO{ b'O{ ©/s–©/s ;f+:s[lts rfnrng ckgfpFbf ePsf] tgfj cfˆgf cleefjsnfO{ JoQm ug{ ;S5f}+ h:tf] nfUb}g . s]6f– s]6LaLrsf] ldqtf / pgLx? b'j} ;Fu} x'Fbfsf] Jojxf/n] tgfjk"0f{ cj:yf NofpF5 . Teenagers

Resettlement in America can be especially difficult for teenagers. They spend many hours in school where they observe closely the clothing, food, and behavior of American teenagers and they begin quickly to adopt similar clothing and behavior. At the same time, in their home they are expected to maintain the traditional way of life, including clothing, food, and behavior. Some parents may object to the assimilation changes they see in their teenagers and family conflict may result. Teenagers may not feel they can communicate the stress of being part of two different cultures with their parents. This may be especially true regarding relationships between boys and girls and their behavior together. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

xh'/a'af–xh'/cfdf kfsf] pd]/sf ;b:ox?nfO{ c+u|]hL l;Sg ;aeGbf cK7\of/f] x'G5 . To;}n] hflu/ kfpg yk ufx|f] x'G5 . pgLx?n] kl/jf/sf tGg]/L ;b:ox?sf] cfDbfgLdf e/kg'{ kg{] x'G5 . ;a}sf] a]nf cfpF5 / hfG5 . a"9f ePsf ;b:ox?sf] a]nf lyof] . tGg]/L ;b:ox?sf] a]nf cfPsf] x'G5 . clxn] a"9fkfsf ePsf kl/jf/sf ;b:ox? klxn] hf] kl/jf/sf nflu 1fg / cg'ejsf] ;|f]t lyP, clxn] Tof] :yfg u'd]sf] dx;'; ug{ ;S5g\ . gofF /xg;xgdf ;fy{s sfd jf ljlzi6 e"ldsfsf] cefj / g]kfnL efiffdf dfq s'/fsfgL ug{ ;Sg] ePsfn] xh'/a'af–xh'/cfdfx?n] cf©"nfO{ PSnf] 7fGg ;Sg'x'G5 . o;n] pxfFx?nfO{ lg/fz agfpg ;S5 / cfˆg} k'/fgf] /xg;xgdf ©s{g] OR5f hfu]/ cfpg ;S5 .


Cultural Adjustment and Integration


Older adults often have the most difficulty learning English. For that reason they may have greater difficulty in obtaining jobs. They may remain dependent on the income of younger members of their families. The elderly may feel that they have lost their status as the source of knowledge and experience in their families. Without meaningful work or specific role in the new culture and with the limitation of being able to communicate only in Nepali, the elderly may feel isolated. This can lead to depression and a strong desire to return to their old culture. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

PsLs/0f ;dfof]hgkl5 PsLs/0f x'G5 . gofF 7fpF tkfO{+sf nflu s]xL cg's"n ePkl5 tkfO{+ / kl/jf/sf ;b:o cd]l/sL ;d'bfodf 3'nldn x'g yfNg'x'G5 . gofF 7fpFdf Ps jif{ latfPkl5 Tof] 7fpFsf] df};d, Ct'x?, cd]l/sfsf ;fj{hlgs labfx?sf] qmd, cf©"nfO{ dgkg{] 6]lnlehg sfo{qmdx?, v]ns"b, g]kfnL / e"6fgL vfBfGg vl/b ug]{ /fd|f :6f]/x?af/] yfxf x'G5 . tkfO{+n] cfˆgf] sfd / l5d]sdf gofF cd]l/sL ;fyLx? agfpg'x'G5 . tkfO{+sf gfgLx?nfO{ pgLx?;Fu} :s"ndf k9\g] cd]l/sL ;fyLx?n] cfˆgf] hGdlbgsf] kf6L{df af]nfpg ;S5g\ / tkfO{+n] klg cd]l/sL ;fyLx?nfO{ cfˆgf] aRrfsf] hGdlbgsf] kf6L{df af]nfpg yfNg'x'G5 . cfpg] jif{x?df c+u|]hL af]Ng] / a'ˇg] Ifdtf ljsf; ug'{sf ;fy} cd]l/sfdf ;©n x'g rflxg] 1fg / cfgL– afgLaf/] a'em]kl5 tkfO{+nfO{ cem ;lhnf] x'G5 . To;kl5 cd]l/sL /xg;xgdf s;/L ;fd]n x'g] / cfˆgf] ;+:s[lt s;/L arfO/fVg] eg]/ lg0f{o ug{ ;Sg'x'G5 . Pp6f ;fwf/0f t/ dxÎjk"0f{ pbfx/0f sfF6f, rDrf / :ofFuL k|of]u u/]/ cd]l/sL tl/sfn] vfgf vfg] ls cfˆgf] ;dfhdf rn]sf] tl/sf– xftn] vfg] eg]/ lg0f{o ug{ ;Sg'– x'G5 . k|To]s JolSt jf kl/jf/n] o:tf] 5gf}6 cf©}F ug]{ xf] . b]vfl;sL ug'{ kb}{g . Integration

Integration follows adjustment. After your initial adjustment to your new home, you and your family members will begin to integrate into American society. After your first year in your new home, you will be familiar with the weather, the seasons, the sequence of American holidays, television programs you enjoy, sports, best places to shop for traditional Nepali and Bhutanese foods. You will have made new American friends at work and in your neighborhood. Your children may be invited to birthday parties of American school friends and you may invite their American friends to celebrate your child’s birthday. The following years will be easier as you will have gained the ability to speak and understand English, and you will have the knowledge and understand the behaviors necessary

;f+:s[lts ;dfof]hg / PsLs/0f


to live successfully in America. You will make choices about what parts of American culture to adopt and what parts of your traditional culture you will maintain. As a very simple but specific example of a cultural choice, you will decide between eating meals in the traditional manner with your hand or eating in the American manner with fork, spoon, and knife. Each person and each family will be making these choices for themselves. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

;f+:s[lts ;Dkbfsf] ;+/If0f k/Dk/fut vfgfx?, ;ª\uLt, wfld{s ;+:sf/x?, /fli6«o rf8kj{x?, kf]zfs, g[To / efiff tkfO{+n] cf©";Fu} NofPsf k/Dk/fut e"6fgL÷g]kfnL ;+:s[ltsf afXo c+zx? x'g\ . ha tkfO{+n] cf©"nfO{ cd]l/sL ;+:s[ltcg's"n agfpg'x'G5, To;} a]nf cfˆgf gfgLx? / cfpFbf] k':tfsf nflu cfˆgf] /xg;xgsf] ;+/If0f / ;+j4{g ug{] ljifodf ;f]Rg'k5{ . o;sf cltl/Qm tkfO{+n] cd]l/sLx?nfO{ cfˆgf] ;f+:s[lts ;Dkbf kl/lrt u/fpg d2t ug{ ;Sg'x'G5 . Protecting Cultural Heritage

Traditional foods, music, religious rites, national festivals, clothing, dance, and language are all outward parts of the traditional Bhutanese/ Nepali culture you have brought with you. While you adapt to American culture, you should consider how you can help preserve and protect your traditions for your children and for future generations. In addition, you can help introduce Americans to much of your cultural heritage. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

;fd'bflos ;+:yfx¿df ;xeflutf g]kfnsf z/0ffyL{ lzlj/x?df a:b} cfPsf e"6fgLx?nfO{ cd]l/sfn] s]xL jif{cl3 Nofpg yfn]sf] xf] . ;g\ @))* df oxfF cfPsf kl/jf/x?n] cd]l/sfdf s]xL jif{ latfO;Sg'ePsf] 5 . pxfFx?n] cf©" k'g:yf{lkt zx/ / /fHodf s]xL cg'ej ;Dxfln;Sg'ePsf] 5 . ;'?df cfPsf cfk|jf;Ln] w]/} zx/df e"6fgLx?sf] ;fd'bflos ;+:yf :yfkgf ug'{ePsf] 5 . To:tf ;+:yfx?n] ev{/ cfPsf kl/jf/x?nfO{ gofF kl/l:yltcg's"n x'g d2t u5{g\ . o:tf ;+:yfn] ;+f:s[lts sfo{qmd / ljz]if kj{x?, h:t} M b;}+, ltxf/, k/Dk/fut gofF jif{ j}zfv !, cflbdf pT;j cfof]hgf u5{g\ . o:tf ultljlwn] k/Dk/fut ;+:s[ltsf] dxÎjk"0f{ kf6f]nfO{ sfod /fVg d2t u5{ . cf©" a:g] ;d'bfodf e"6fgL ;+:yf 5g\ jf 5}gg\ / yk hfgsf/Lsf nflu sf];Fu ;Dks{ ug'{k5{ eg]/ k'gjf{; ;+:yfnfO{ ;f]Wg'xf];\ . :jo+;]jsn] :yfgLo ;+:yfx?nfO{ ;f+:s[lts sfo{qmd tof/ kfg{ d2t ug'{k5{ . Participate in Community Organizations America has been accepting Bhutanese refugees from the camps in Nepal for only a few years. Those who arrived in 2008 have now lived here


Cultural Adjustment and Integration

for some years. They have much experience living in the city and state in which they were resettled. In many cities, the earliest immigrants created a Bhutanese community organization. These organizations often help the newest arrivals adapt to their new lives. They also help organize culture shows, and celebrations of holidays like Dashain, Tihar, and Baisakh 1, the traditional New Year. These activities help maintain important parts of the traditional culture. Ask your resettlement agency about whether there is a Bhutanese organization in your community and who you should contact to learn more about it. Volunteer to help your local organization prepare cultural activities. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

g]kfnL efiffsf] k9fO–n]vfO kl/jf/sf ;a} ;b:ox? c+u|]hL l;ls/x] klg 3/df kl/jf/sf ;b:ox?n] ;w}F g]kfnL af]nL/x] x'G5 . o;f] ubf{ afnaflnsf b'O{ efiff l;Sb} x's{G5g\ . cd]l/sfdf g]kfnL k9\g] / n]Vg] df}sf lj/n} ldN5 . cd]l/sfdf afnaflnsf x's{b} hfFbf df}lns ;+:s[ltdWo] rfF8f] nf]k x'g] Pp6f dxÎjk"0f{ c+z …cfˆgf] efiffdf k9\g] / n]Vg] Ifdtf nf]k x'gÚ' xf] . To;}n] kl/jf/sf jo:s ;b:ox?df cfˆgf afnaflnsfnfO{ g]kfnL efiffdf ;fIf/ agfpg] c7f]6 5 eg] efiff l;sfpgsf nflu s'g} Pp6f sfo{qmdsf] of]hgf agfpg'k5{ . Reading and Writing in Nepali Language

Even as each family member is learning English, families will continue to speak Nepali at home. This will ensure that children will grow up bilingual. In America, however, there are few opportunities to read Nepali and even fewer to write Nepali. One component of culture that can be lost very quickly as children grow up in America is the ability to read and write in their native language. Adults should consider whether they believe it is important to transmit literacy in Nepali to their children and, if they do, plan a means to do so.





cWofo !@ : clwsf/, lhDd]jf/L, / sfg'g Chapter 12 : Rights, Responsibilities, and Laws cd]l/sfsf] sfg'g–Joj:yf cd]l/sfsf] sfg'g–Joj:yfsf s]xL dxÎjk"0f{ tYox? oxfF 5g\ M • sfg'g To:tf] lgod xf], hf] ;a}n] kfngf ug}{k5{ . cd]l/sfdf /fli6«o -;+3Lo_,

/fHo / :yfgLo :t/sf sfg'gx? x'G5g\ . • k|x/Lsf] sfd /Iff / ;xof]u ug'{ xf] . pgLx?n] sfg'g sfof{Gjog -nfu'_

u5{g\ . • cbfntn] sfg'gsf] JofVof u5{ / sf]xL bf]ifL jf lgbf{]if ePsf] ©};nf u5{ . oxfF cWofudg cbfnt, kl/jf/ cbfnt / 6«fl©s cbfnt;lxt ljleGg k|sf/sf cbfntx? x'G5g\ . oxfFsf] sfg'g–Joj:yf a'‰g'eof] eg] o;n] tkfO{+ / tkfO{+sf] kl/jf/ ;'/lIft /xg d2t u5{ / sfg'gL–emd]nfx? kb}{gg\ . Legal System in the United States

Here are a few important facts about the legal system in the United States: • Laws are rules everyone must follow. There are national, state, and local laws. • Police protect and help people and enforce laws. • Courts interpret laws and decide if people are innocent or guilty. There are different types of courts, including immigration court, family court, and traffic court. Understanding the legal system will help keep you and your family safe and out of trouble. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

tkfO{+sf clwsf/ • • • • • • • •

cd]l/sfsf] Ps sfg'gL afl;Gbfsf lgDg clwsf/x? x'G5g\ M dgdf nfu]sf s'/f eGg kfpg] -jfs :jtGqtf_ . cfˆgf] wd{ dfGg kfpg] -wfld{s :jtGqtf_ . /+u, wd{ jf hft h] eP klg ;dfg Jojxf/ kfpg] . k'hf{lagf tkfO{+sf ;/;fdfgsf] vfgtnf;L ug{ vf]h]df c:jLsf/ ug{ kfpg] . k|x/L jf cWofudg clwsf/Ln] s]xL ;f]w]df r'k /xg kfpg] . d'n'ssf s'g} :yfgdf klg a:g / sfd ug{ kfpg] . ;fj{hlgs :s"n jf sn]hdf k9\g kfpg] . 3/ / af6f]df lx+;faf6 ;'/lIft /xg kfpg] .


Rights, Responsibilities, and Laws

• cbfntn] bf]ifL k|dfl0ft gu?Gh]n lgbf]{ifsf ?kdf dfGotf kfpg] . • cfˆgf] ;DklQ /fVg kfpg] . • sfg'gL ?kdf of]Uo ePkl5 :yfoL afl;Gbf -lu|g–sf8{_ / gful/stfsf nflu

cfj]bg lbg kfpg] . Your Rights • • • • • • • • • • •

As a legal resident in the United States, you have the right to: Speak freely. Practice your religion. Be treated equally regardless of race, religion, or ethnic background. Refuse to allow someone to search through your belongings without a warrant. Remain silent when questioned by police or immigration authorities. Live and work anywhere in the country. Attend public schools and colleges. Be safe from violence in your home and on the streets. Be considered innocent of any crime until proven guilty in a court. Own property. Apply for permanent residency (green card) and citizenship when you are eligible. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

tkfO{+sf lhDd]jf/L • • •

tkfO{+sf tn pNn]v ul/Pnufot s]xL lhDd]jf/Lx? klg x'G5g\ M sfg'gsf] kfngf ug'{xf];\ . slxn]sfxLF yfxf gkfO{ sfg'g ldRg'eof] eg] klg tkfO{+n] ;hfosf] efuLbf/ x'g'kg]{ x'g;S5 . ;+3Lo -/fli6«o_, /fHo :t/ / :yfgLo :t/sf s/x? ltg'{xf];\ . gofF 7fpFdf a:g yfn]sf] bz lbgleq ;/sf/nfO{ …7]ufgf ©]l/Psf]Ú hfgsf/L lbg'k5{ . of] hfgsf/L lbg …Pcf/ – !!Ú gfdsf] ©f/d eg'{xf]; / …o'P; l;l6hgl;k PG8 Oldu|];g ;le{;]hÚ sfof{nodf k7fpg'xf];\ . tkfO{+ !* jif{b]lv @% jif{;Ddsf] k'?if x'g'x'G5 eg] cfˆgf] gfd …;]n]lS6e ;le{;Ú gfds sfof{nodf btf{ u/fpg'xf];\ .

Your Responsibilities

You also have responsibilities to do certain things, including: • Obey all laws. You can be punished if you break a law, even when you did not know about it. • Pay federal, state, and local taxes. • Fill out an AR-11 form and send to US Citizenship and Immigration Services within 10 days every time you move to a new address.

clwsf/, lhDd]jf/L, / sfg'g


• Register for Selective Service if you are a male between 18 and 25 years old. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

lx+;fTds ck/fw cfˆgf] >Ldfg÷>LdtL, afnaRrf, ;fyLefO jf ckl/lrt JolSt s;}nfO{ zf/Ll/s ?kdf 3fOt] agfpg' ck/fw xf] . lx+;fTds ck/fwsf] ;hfo kqmfp / y'gf x'g;S5 . Violent Crime

It is a crime to physically hurt someone, including a spouse, children, friends, or strangers. Acts of violence may result in arrest and imprisonment. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

rfns;DaGwL sfg'g rfns;DaGwL lgod /fHolkR5] ©/s x'g ;S5g\ . uf8L rnfpg tkfO{+sf] pd]/ k'u]sf] 5 / uf8L rnfpg rfxg'x'G5 eg] tkfO{+n] cf©" a:g] /fHosf] df]6/–jfxg ljefu -l8kf6{d]G6 c© df]6/ leSn, l8PdeL_ df hfg'k5{ / cg'dlt–kq -nfO;]G;_ kfpg cfj]bg lbg'k5{ . nfO;]G; kfpg'cl3 d'Vo tLg k/LIffdf pQL0f{ x'g'k5{, tL x'g\ – tkfO{+sf] cfFvfsf] Ifdtf hfFRg] k/LIff, Jofjxfl/s ;8s k/LIff -;8sdf uf8L rnfpg ;Sg]÷g;Sg] eGg] Ifdtf;DaGwL k/LIff_ / /fHosf] uf8L rnfpg] lgod– sfg'gsf] k/LIff . cd]l/sfdf uf8L rnfpg]n] a'‰g'kg]{ s]xL dxÎjk"0f{ tYox? oxfF 5g\ M • rfns cg'dlt–kq -nfO;]G;_ lagf uf8L rnfpg' u}/sfg'gL xf] . • /S;L jf cGo nfu'kbfy{ vfP/ uf8L rnfpg' u}/sfg'gL xf] . • ;fgf gfgLx?nfO{ pgLx?sf nflu agfOPsf ljz]if k|sf/sf l;6df /fv]/ dfq uf8Ldf lnP/ lxF8\g'k5{ . • w]/}h;f] /fHox?df rfns / ofq' ;a}n] l;6–a]N6 nufPsf] x'g'k5{ . • w]/}h;f] /fHox?df uf8L rnfpg] cg'dlt–kq kfpg !^ jif{ k'u]sf] x'g'k5{ eg] s]xL /fHodf ;f9] rf}w, kGw| jf ;q jif{ k'u]sf] x'g'k5{ . • w]/}h;f] /fHox?df uf8L xfFSbf ©f]gdf s'/f ug{ jf df]afOnaf6 6]S:6 Dof;]h -;Gb]z_ k7fpg'nfO{ u}/sfg'gL dflgG5 . lgod pNn3+g ubf{ hl/jfgf ltg'{kg{], y'gfdf kg'{kg{] x'g;S5 jf cf©" jf c?nfO{ rf]6k6s nfUg ;S5 . Driving Laws

Driving laws can differ in each state. If you are an adult and want to drive a car, you must go to an office of your state’s Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) and apply for a driver’s license. You will have to pass a


Rights, Responsibilities, and Laws

vision test, a test about your state’s driving laws, and a practical road test. Here are a few important facts about driving in the United States: • It is illegal to drive without a driver’s license. • It is illegal to drive while under the influence of alcohol or other drugs. • Young children must be in a special child car seat while riding in a car. • In most states, the driver and passengers must wear seat belts. • In most states 16 year olds are able to obtain a license; in other states it may be 14½ , 15, or 17. • In many states, it is illegal to talk or text on a phone while driving. Breaking driving laws could result in paying a fine, going to jail, or causing injury to yourself or others. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

of}g–;DaGw;DaGwL sfg'g w]/}h;f] /fHodf k};f lt/]/ jf dGh'/ eP/} klg c7f/ jif{d'lgsf JolSt;Fu of}g–;DaGw /fVg' u}/sfg'gL x'G5 . cfˆgf] sfd ug]{ 7fpFdf of}g–;DaGw;DaGwL l6sf–l6Kk0fL, cg'/f]w / ultljlw ug'{ klg u}/sfg'gL dflgG5 . o:tf sfo{nfO{ of}g–pTkL8g u/]sf] elgG5 / o;}sf sf/0f tkfO{+sf] hflu/ hfg ;S5 . Laws Related to Sex

It is illegal in most states to pay someone for sex and for adults to have sex with someone less than eighteen years old, even if the child agrees. In the work place, it is illegal to make offensive comments, requests, or actions relating to sex. This is called sexual harassment and you could lose your job. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

3/]n'–lx+;f cd]l/sfdf 3/]n'–lx+;f Ps k|sf/sf] ck/fw xf] . ;a}sf] lx+;f/lxt hLjg lhpg] clwsf/ x'G5 . 3/]n'–lx+;f eg]sf] >Ldfg–>LdtL, k|]dL–k|]ldsf / kl/jf/sf] jo:s ;b:ox?aLr x'g] ceb| Jojxf/ xf] . x'g t kl/jf/df >Ldfg of >LdtL b'j}hgf 3/]n'–lx+;faf6 kLl8t x'G5g\, t/ *% k|ltzt dlxnf o:tf] Jojxf/af6 kLl8t ePsf] kfOG5 . Domestic Violence

In the United States, domestic violence is a crime. Everyone has the right to live a life free of violence. Domestic violence is abusive behavior between a husband and wife, boyfriend and girlfriend, one adult family member against another. While both men and women can be victims of

clwsf/, lhDd]jf/L, / sfg'g


domestic violence, eighty-five percent of domestic violence victims are women. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

b'Jo{jxf/sf k|sf/ 3/]n'–lx+;f eGgfn] zf/Ll/s, of}g, efjgfTds jf cfly{s b'Jo{jxf/x? x'g\ . zf/Ll/s b'Jo{jxf/sf pbfx/0fx? M s;}nfO{ ws]Ng', ;dfTg', lxsf{pg', r8\sfpg', nft xfGg', / lkN;fpg'÷kf]Ng' x'g\ . of}g b'Jo{jxf/ eg]sf] ljjflxt >Ldfg jf >LdtLnufot s;}sf] OR5fljk/Lt of}g–;DaGwsf nflu anh©tL ug'{ xf] . efjgfTds b'Jo{jxf/– sf pbfx/0fx? M gfd lauf/]/ af]nfpg', x]nf ug'{, ;tfpg] lgotn] s;};Fu ;Dks{ ug'{ jf s;}nfO{ k5\ofpg', cf©Gtaf6 s;}nfO{ 5'6fP/ n}hfg', wDSofpg', t;f{pg', s;}nfO{ c+u|]hL–sIff lng glbg', c?sf] ©f]g ;'Gg' jf c?sf] Od]n x]g'{ cflb x'g\ . cfly{s b'Jo{jxf/sf pbfx/0fx? M s;}nfO{ hflu/ vfg glbg' jf vfPsf] hflu/df /xg glbg', c?sf] x/lx;fa cf©"n] lgoGq0fdf lng', k};f n'sfOlbg' / ;fyLefO jf >Ldfg–>LdtLn] sfd u/]jfkt cfPsf] r]s cg'dlt lagf lng' cflb x'g\ . Types of Abuse

Domestic violence can include physical, sexual, emotional, or economic abuse. Examples of physical abuse are pushing, grabbing, hitting, slapping, kicking, and burning someone. Sexual abuse is forcing sexual activity against someone’s will, including between married partners. Examples of emotional abuse are name-calling, insulting, obsessively contacting or following someone, keeping someone from their family or friends, making threats, intimidating another person, not allowing someone to take English classes, and monitoring another person’s phone calls or mail. Examples of economic abuse are not allowing someone to get or keep a job, maintaining control over financial resources, hiding money, and taking a partner or spouse’s paycheck without permission. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

b'Jo{jxf/ x'“bf kfOg] ;xfotf cd]l/sfdf tkfO{+sf] >Ldfg jf >LdtLn] tkfO{+nfO{ b'Jo{jxf/ u/]df ck/fw u/]sf] 7x5{ . o:tf] cj:yfdf tkfO{+sf] ;'/lIft /xg] xs x'G5 . o;sf nflu k|x/LnfO{ ©f]g ug'{xf];\ . pxfFx? tkfO{+sf] 3/ cfpg'x'G5 . olb tkfO{+ c+u|]hL af]Ng'x'Gg eg] g]kfnL / c+u|]hL af]Ng] bf]efif] vf]Hg'xf];\ . o:tf] cj:yfdf bf]efif]sf ?kdf afnaflnsfsf] k|of]u gug'{xf];\ . k|x/Ln] ©f]gsf dfWodaf6 bf]efif];Fu ;xfotf klg lng ;S5g\ . tkfO{+sf] >Ldfg jf >LdtLn] ck/fw u/]sf] 7x/ eP k|x/Ln] kqmfp ug{ klg ;Sg'x'G5 . kqmfp ubf{ k|x/LnfO{ 36gf–btf{sf sfuhft k"/f ug{ / btf{ gDa/ lbg cg'/f]w ug'{xf];\ . 36gf–btf{ ug{] k|x/Lsf] gfd / pxfFsf] Aofh–gDa/ klg lng'xf];\ .


Rights, Responsibilities, and Laws

o:tf tYox? lnFbf 36gfaf/] s] s] sfjf{xL eO/x]5 eGg] hfGg ;lhnf] x'G5 . cbfntn] Pp6f cfb]z hf/L u5{, h;nfO{ …;'/Iff cfb]zÚ elgG5 . of] cfb]z tkfO{+ / 5f]/f5f]/LnfO{ b'Jo{jxf/ ug{] JolStaf6 ;'/lIft /fVg] csf]{ pkfo xf] . o; cfb]z– df©{t GofofwLzn] b'Jo{jxf/ ug]{ JolStnfO{ 3/ 5f8\g / >Ldfg, >LdtL jf ;fy} a:b} cfPsf] JolSt tyf 5f]/f5f]/Laf6 6f9f a:g cfb]z lbg ;Sg'x'G5 . Getting Help from Abuse

If your partner is abusing you, he or she is committing a crime in the United States. You have the right to be protected. Call the police. They will come to your home. If you do not speak English, find someone who can interpret for you – but do not use a child. The police can also use an interpreter who speaks Nepali through a telephone phone service. If the police believe your partner has committed a crime, they can arrest him. If this happens, ask the police to complete an incident report and get the report number. Also, get the name and badge number of the police officer making the report. This information will help you follow up on the status of the case. A “protection order” issued by the court is another way to keep you and your kids safe from an abusive partner. With a “protection order” a judge can order an abusive person to leave his home and stay away from his spouse or partner, and children. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

w"d|kfg / /S;L ;a} /fHodf @! jif{eGbf sd pd]/sf JolStn] lao/, jfOg jf cGo s'g} vfnsf /S;L vl/b ug'{ u}/sfg'gL xf] . tf]lsPsf] :yfg, h:t} M dw'zfnf -af/, /S;L vfg] 7fpF_ jf rd]gf–u[x -/]i6'/fF_ afx]s ;8s jf ;fj{hlgs :yndf /S;L lkpg' ;fdfGotM u}/sfg'gL xf] . /S;L;DaGwL cGo sfg'g /fHolkR5] ©/s x'g;S5g\ . ;a}– h;f] /fHodf !* jif{ gk'u]sf JolStn] l;u/]6 jf ;'tL{af6 ag]sf cGo pTkfbg vl/b ug'{ klg u}/sfg'gL xf] . s]xL /fHon] ;fj{hlgs :ynx? h:t} M rd]gf–u[x, :s"n, gf6s3/ / cGo :yfgdf w"d|kfg ug{ k|ltaGw nufPsf 5g\ . Smoking and Alcohol

It is illegal in every state for someone under the age of 21 to purchase beer, wine or other alcoholic beverages. It is usually illegal to drink alcoholic beverages on the street or in public places except designated bars or restaurants. Other laws regarding alcohol may vary by state. It is illegal in every state for someone under the age of 18 to purchase cigarettes or other tobacco products. Some states and communities prohibit smoking in public places, such as restaurants, schools, theaters, and other locations. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

clwsf/, lhDd]jf/L, / sfg'g


;]n]lS6e ;le{; tkfO{+ !* b]lv @% jif{;Ddsf] k'?if x'g'x'G5 eg] tkfO{+n] cfˆgf] gfd …;]n]lS6e ;le{;Ú df btf{ u/fpg}k5{ . o;/L gfd btf{ ug'{kg]{df z/0ffyL{, :yfoL afl;Gbf / gful/s k5{g\ . cd]l/sf cfpg]lalQs} jf !* cf}+ hGdlbg dgfPsf] #) lbgleq o; ;]jfdf cfˆgf] gfd btf{ u/fpg'k5{ . …;]n]lS6e ;le{;Ú Pp6f ;/sf/L lgsfo xf] . vfFrf] k/]sf a]nf ;/sf/n] o; ;]jfdf btf{ ePsf o'jfnfO{ cd]l/sf ;]gfdf sfd ug{ af]nfpF5 . clxn]sf] cj:yfdf ;]gfsf ;a} ;b:o :jo+;]js x'g\ / etL{ x'g clgjfo{ 5}g . o; ;]jfdf gfd btf{ u/fpg x'nfs sfof{no hfg ;lsG5 jf OG6/g]6sf] dfWodaf6 klg ug{ ;lsG5 . tkfO{+n] o; ;]jfdf cfˆgf] gfd btf{ ug{ r'Sg'eof] eg] tkfO{+ cd]l/sfsf] gful/stf kfpgaf6 alGrt x'g ;Sg'x'G5 . Selective Service

If you are a man ages 18 through 25 and living in the U.S., then you must register with the Selective Service System. This includes refugees, permanent residents, and citizens. Registration must be done by men soon after arriving in the US or within 30 days after a boy has his 18th birthday. Selective Service is the government agency that can call people to serve in the U.S. military if necessary. Presently, all members of the military are volunteers and no one is required to serve. Registration can be done at any post office or on the Internet. If you fail to register you may not be able to become an American citizen. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

cfos/ kl/jf/sf] sf]xL ;b:on] sfd u/]/ jf cGo s'g} ;|f]taf6 k};f sdfof] eg] jif{sf cGTodf tkfO{+n] cfos/ ltg'{k5{ . o;sf nflu cd]l/sL cfGtl/s /fh:j ;]jf -o'P; OG6/gn /]e]Go' ;le{;, cfOcf/P;_ gfds sfof{nodf cfos/–l©tf{ -OGsd 6\ofS; l/6g{_ sf nflu !)$) ˚f/d e/]/ k7fpg'k5{ . s]xL /fHo / zx/df jif{e/ sdfPsf] s'n cfDbfgLsf] ljj/0f klg k]z ug'{k5{ . of] ljj/0f–kq e/]kl5 tkfO{+n] ;/sf/– nfO{ a'emfpg'kg]{ /sd slt xf] jf ;/sf/af6 tkfO{+n] slt /sd l©tf{ kfpg'x'G5 eGg] yfxf x'G5 . tf]lsPsf] ;dodf s/;DaGwL o:tf ©f/d e/]/ a'emfpg' tkfO{+sf] lhDd]jf/L xf] . o:tf ©f/ddf w]/} ljj/0f eg'{kg]{ ePsfn] cln ufx|f] nfUg ;S5 . s]xL ;fd'bflos ;+:yfx?df o:tf ©f/d eg{{] :jo+;]js x'g ;S5g\ . tL :jo+;]jsn] lgMz'Ns ©f/d el/lbG5g\ . tf]lsPsf] ;dodf s/;DaGwL ©f/d geg'{ jf s/ gltg'{ u}/sfg'gL sfd xf] . Income Taxes

If someone in your immediate family earns money from a job or other sources during a year, at the end of that year you must file a report, called


Rights, Responsibilities, and Laws

an income tax return (or 1040 form), with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Many states and some cities also require you to submit an annual report of income earned. When you complete the reports, you will determine how much money you must pay the government in income taxes or how much money the government owes you. It is your responsibility to submit the necessary forms before the date they are due. Some community agencies may have volunteers who can provide free assistance in completing the complicated forms. It is illegal to not file a tax return when it is due or to not pay the taxes owed. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

k|x/L s]xL b]zx?df k|x/L kf]zfsdf cfPsf dfG5] c?sf nflu 8/nfUbf x'g;S5g\ jf To:tf JolStn] 3'; lng ;S5g\ . cd]l/sfdf k|x/Ln] cfdgful/ssf] ;'/Iff / gful/snfO{ d2t u5{g\ . olb sxLF ck/fw x'g nfu]sf] jf eO/x]sf] b]Vg'eof], tkfO{+nfO{ s;}n] wDSofof] jf cfˆgf] ;'/Iffsf nflu s] u/f}+ s;f] u/f}+ eGg] cj:yf cfof] eg] (!! df ©f]g ug'{xf];\ . k|x/Ln] s] eG5g\, ;'Gg'xf];\ / eg]sf] dfGg'xf];\ . olb pgLx?n] tkfO{+;Fu s'/fsfgL ug{ rfx] eg] gtls{g'xf];\ jf gefUg'xf];\ . ;w}F gd| x'g'xf];\ . k|x/LnfO{ xft gxfNg'xf];\ jf k|x/L;Fu gaf‰g'xf];\ . k|x/LnfO{ lrof–kfgL vr{ eg]/ 3'; lbg gvf]Hg'xf];\ lsgeg] of] ck/fw xf] . The Police

In some countries, people in uniform may be dangerous or may take bribes. In the United States the police protect and help people. Call 911 if you see a crime, if you have been threatened, or if you are worried about your safety. Obey the police. If they want to talk to you, do not run away. Always be polite. Do not touch or shout at the police. Do not offer money to a police officer because that is a crime. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

tkfO{+ kqmfp kg'{eof] eg] tkfO{+ kqmfp kg'{eof] eg] k|x/L–rf}sL nluG5 jf hfg'x'G5 . ToxfF ts{–ljts{ jf emu8f gug'{xf];\ . tkfO{+n] cfˆgf nflu jlsn /fVg kfpg] clwsf/ x'G5 . tkfO{+n] ;xof]usf nflu t'?Gt …jlsnÚ dfUg ;Sg'x'G5 . jlsn gcfpGh]n tkfO{+n] s'g} k|Zgsf] hjf© lbg' kb}{g . em"6f] gaf]Ng'xf];\ . em"6f] af]Ng'eGbf af]Nb} gaf]Ng' /fd|f] x'G5 . bf]ifL jf lgbf]{if ©};nf ug{] sfd cbfntsf] xf] . tkfO{+ o:tf] ©};nfsf nflu cbfnt hfg ;Sg'x'G5 . cbfntL sfdsf nflu tkfO{+n] jlsn / bf]efif]sf] ;xfotf lng ;Sg'x'G5 . oL klg tkfO{+sf clwsf/ x'g\ . olb tkfO{+ jlsn jf bf]efif]nfO{ nfUg] vr{ ug{ ;Sg'x'Gg eg] cbfntn] o:tf] ;'ljwf pknAw u/fpF5 .

clwsf/, lhDd]jf/L, / sfg'g


If You Are Arrested

If you are arrested, you will go to a police station. Do not argue or fight. You have the right to a lawyer. Ask for one immediately. You do not have to answer questions until your lawyer is present. Do not lie. It is better to say nothing than to lie. You may go to court to decide if you are guilty of the crime. It is your right to have a lawyer and an interpreter help you. If you cannot afford them, the court will provide them. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

ck/fw / l˚tL{ -b]z lgsfnf_ cd]l/sfsf] sfg'gL :yfoL afl;Gbf eP/ klg tkfO{+n] s]xL To:tf ck/fw ug'{eof] eg] tkfO{+ h]n kg{ ;Sg'x'G5, gful/stf gkfpg ;Sg'x'G5 jf tkfO{+nfO{ tkfO{+s} b]z l©tf{ k7fpg ;lsG5 . To:tf ck/fwx? lgDg x'g\ M • cfˆgf] >Ldfg÷>LdtL, ;fyL–;xof]uL÷;fem]bf/ jf 5f]/f5f]/LnfO{ wDSofpg] sfd jf b'Jo{jxf/ u/]df . • s'g} JolStnfO{ u}/sfg'gL ?kdf cd]l/sf leqg ;xof]u u/]df . • kl/jf/sf] vr{ar{df ;xof]u gu/]df . • u}/sfg'gL nfu'kbfy{sf] a]rlavg jf k|of]u u/]df . • anfTsf/ jf xTofh:tf h3Go ck/fw u/]df . ;fd'bflos ;]jf–;'ljwfx? kfpg ;/sf/nfO{ cfu|x ubf{ lbOg] cfj]bgdf em"6f] ljj/0f eg'{, ;/sf/L sd{rf/LnfO{ 3'; jf lrof–vr{ lbg', of}g;DaGw /fVg' jf o:tf sfddf d2t ug'{ klg u}/sfg'gL sfd x'g\ . Crime and Deportation

Even if you are a legal permanent resident, certain crimes may send you to jail, stop you from becoming a citizen, or get you deported. These include: • Threatening or abusing your spouse, partner, or children. • Helping someone enter the United States illegally. • Not supporting your family financially. • Using or selling illegal drugs. • Committing violent crimes, such as rape or murder. It is also illegal to provide false information on public benefits applications, to tip or bribe public officials, or to exchange sexual favors for money or help.






cWofo !# : ;'/Iff / cfkftsflng cj:yfx? Chapter 13 : Safety and Emergencies

afnaflnsfsf] ;'/Iff afnaflnsf 3/aflx/ v]Nbf cleefjssf] /]vb]v x'g'k5{ . ;8s jf uf8L kfls{ª– :yndf v]Ng' ;'/lIft x'Fb}g . ToxfF v]Nbf pgLx?nfO{ sf/n] 7Ss/ lbg ;S5 . rf]6k6s nfUg;S5 / d[To' klg x'g;S5 . ;fgf gfgLx?nfO{ kfgL5]p jf kfgLdf PSn} 5f8\g'x'Fb}g . o:tf 7fpFx? M gbL, tnfp, ©f]x/f / 3/sf] g'xfpg] 8'F8 -afy6a_ x'g\ . ;fgf gfgLx? b'O{ OGreGbf sd kfgLdf klg 8'Ag ;S5g\ . ;fgf gfgLx?nfO{ e¥ofª / afy?ddf hfg glbg'xf];\ . Totf hfg glbg ;fgf] b}nf] xflnlbg'xf];\ . Tof] b}nf] nufOlbg] ug'{xf];\ . Child Safety

Children should always be supervised by adults when playing outside. Playing in the street or parking lot is not safe because children can be hit by a car and be hurt or even killed. Never leave a small child alone in or near water. This includes streams, ponds, fountains, and even the bathtub in your home. A child can drown in less than two inches of water. Use safety gates to keep small children away from stairs and out of bathrooms. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

;8sdf ;'/Iff ;8sdf slxNo} glxF8\g'xf];\ . ;8s–k]6Ldf jf ;8s;Fu}sf] vfnL 7fpFaf6 lxF8\g'xf];\ . hxfF kfof], ToxLFaf6 af6f] gsf6\g'xf];\ . ;+s]t kfPkl5 -xl/of] aQL an]kl5_ dfq af6f] sf6\g'xf];\ . af6f] sf6\g'cl3 klxn] b]a|] clg bflxg] x]g'{xf];\ / sf/x? gcfPsf] kSsf ePkl5 dfq af6f] sf6\g'xf];\ . /ftL lxF8\bf pHofnf] /+usf] sk8f -jf 6Nsg] sk8f_ nufpg'xf];\ . To:tf] sk8f nufpFbf sf/–rfnsn] tkfO{+nfO{ 5n{ª b]V5g\ . ;fgf gfgLx?n] PSn} cf©}F slxNo} af6f] gsf6'g\ . uf8L b'3{6gfaf6 aRg pgLx?n] cfˆgf cleefjs jf cf©"eGbf 7"nfsf] ;xfotf lng' k5{ . cln 7"nf gfgLx?nfO{ ;8s s;/L sf6\g] eg]/ l;sfpg'xf];\ . Street Safety

Never walk in the street. Always walk on the sidewalk or on the ground next to a street. Use crosswalks and look for walk signals to tell you when it is safe to cross a busy street. Before crossing, always look left and right to make sure no cars are coming. At night, always wear light colored clothing so that drivers can see you better.


Safety and Emergencies

Young children should not cross the street by themselves. They should cross with a parent or another adult to avoid getting hurt by a car. Teach older children how to safely cross the street. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

3/sf] ;'/Iff cf©" 3/d} ePsf a]nf eP klg 9f]sf aGb ug'{xf];\ . rf]/L jf cGo ck/fw /f]syfd ug{ 3/aflx/ hfg'kbf{ ‰ofn aGb ug'{xf];\ . glrg]sf] dflg;sf nflu slxNo} 9f]sf gvf]Ng'xf];\ . kf];fsd} cfPsf] eP klg klxn] pgsf] kl/ro–kq b]vfpg nufpg'xf];\ . cfˆgf gfgLx?nfO{ glrg]sf] dflg; cfP slxNo} 9f]sf gvf]Ng' eg]/ l;sfpg'xf];\ . Home Safety

Always keep your apartment door locked, even when you are home. Shut and lock your windows before you leave to prevent theft and other crimes. Do not unlock or open your door for anyone you do not know. Ask strangers, including people in uniform, to first show you their identification. Teach children not to open the door to strangers. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

efG;fdf ;'/Iff r'nf] UofF; jf lah'nLsf] d2tn] aNg] vfnsf x'G5 . vfgf a;fPsf] 5 eg] aln– /x]sf] r'nf] 5f8]/ efG;faf6 aflx/ ghfg'xf];\ . vfgf ksfO ;s]kl5 r'nf] aGb ug{ gla;{g'xf];\ . efG;fdf cfuf] ;lNsP, kfgL jf kL7f] h:tf] w'nf] ˆofFs]/ cfuf] lgefpg] k|of; gug'{xf];\ . o:tf] cfuf] l3p–t]n e'6'g xfNbf Hjfnf lg:s]/ jf lrNnf] kf]lvP/ nfUg ;S5 . cfuf] ;fgf] 5 eg] Hjfnfdfly s/fxL 5f]Kg] 9Ssg 9\ofKk /fv]/ cfuf] dTy/ kfg{'xf];\ . o;}aLr r'nf] aGb ug'{xf];\ . cfuf] glge'Gh]n 9Ssg TolQs} 5fl8lbg'– xf];\ . r'nf]df a;fPsf] efF8f]nfO{ ;]nfpg lbg'xf];\ . xf]; ug'{xf];\, cfuf]n] kf]Ng jf tftf] efF8f]n] 8fDg ;S5 . of] pkfo sfd nfu]g jf cf©" g} glhs} hfg g;lsg] 7"nf] cfuf] eP, ©fo/ PS;l6ª\lUj;/ -cfuf] lgefpg agfOPsf] /ftf] efF8f]_ glhs} eP k|of]u ug'{xf];\ . Kitchen Safety

Your kitchen has either a gas or electric stove. When using the stove to cook, do not leave the kitchen. When you are done using the stove or oven, make sure to turn it off. If a fire starts in your kitchen, never use water or flour to put out cooking fires. If the fire is small, put a pan lid over the flames to smother a grease or oil fire. Turn off the heat and leave the lid in place until the pan

;'/Iff / cfkftsflng cj:yfx¿


cools. Be careful not to burn yourself. If that does not work or the fire is too big to get close enough, use a fire extinguisher if one is nearby. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

cfuf]af6 ;'/Iff 3/a]6Ln] tkfO{+sf] ckf6{d]G6df clUg;"rs oGq -cfuf] nfu]sf] ;"rgf lbg] 306L_ pknAw u/fpg' k5{ . clUg;"rs oGq ;w}F rfn' cj:yfdf x'g'k5{ lsgeg] olb cfuf] nfUof] eg] of] …lak lak=== Ú ub}{ 7"nf] :j/df s/fpF5 . tkfO{+nfO{ ;ts{ u/fpF5 . Hofg–hf]lvddf kg{ lbFb}g . cfjZos kbf{ clUg;"rs oGqdf Aof6«L ©]g]{ lhDd]jf/L rflxF tkfO{+sf] xf] . of] oGq leQf jf l;lnªdf h8fg ul/G5 . of] oGqnfO{ slxn] klg v':sfP/ g/fVg'xf];\ . o;sf Aof6«L glgsfNg'xf];\ . ©fo/ PS;l6ª\lUj;/ Ps k|sf/sf] cfuf] lgefpg jf lgoGq0f ug{ agfOPsf] oGq xf] . ckf6{d]G6 jf lalN8ªdf of] oGq sxfF–sxfF /flvPsf 5g\ / o;sf] k|of]u s;/L ug]{ eg]/ 3/a]6LnfO{ ;f]Wg'xf];\ . olb cfuf] w]/} 7"nf] 5 / ©fo/ PS;l6ª\lUj;/n] lgefpg ;lsG5 h:tf] nfUb}g eg] tkfO{+ / kl/jf/sf ;a} hgf 3/aflx/ lg:sg'xf];\ / (!! df ©f]g ug'{xf];\ . tkfO{+sf ;/;fdfgeGbf tkfO{+sf] hLjg lgs} dxÎjk"0f{ xf] . olb tkfO{+ ;'t]sf] jf p7]sf] a]nf cfuf] nfu]sf] ;+s]t ub}{ …lak lak=== Ú sf] cfjfh cfP, l3;|b} aflx/ lg:sg'xf];\ . p7\bf w'Fjf x'G5 . ;f; ©]g{ ufx|f] x'G5 . e'OF;Fu}sf] xfjfdf ;f; ©]g{ ;lhnf] x'G5 . sf]7fsf] w'Fjf / tftf] xfjfn] tkfO{+sf] Hofg hfg ;S5 . ;'Tg]–sf]7faf6 aflx/ hfg] af6f] cfuf]n] 5]lsPsf] 5 eg] aflx/ lgSng] csf{] af6f]sf] k|aGw ug'{k5{ . nufO/x]sf] sk8fdf cfuf] nfUof] eg] e'OFdf ;'Tg'xf];\ / n8La8L -cfuf]nfO{ lylrg] u/L otfaf6 ptf / ptfaf6 otf kN6g'_ ug'{xf];\ . cfuf] lge]kl5 dfq p7\g'– xf];\ . afnaflnsfx?sf n'ufdf cfuf] nfu], …6Ss cl8g', ;'Tg' / n8La8L ug'{Ú eGg] l;sfpg'xf];\ . Fire Safety

Landlords must provide a smoke alarm in your apartment. The smoke alarm must always be working because if there is a fire, it will beep very loudly to alert you and save your life. You are responsible for replacing batteries in your smoke alarm when needed. Smoke alarms are usually mounted on a wall or ceiling. Never take the smoke alarm down permanently or leave the battery out of it. A fire extinguisher is a device used to put out or control fires. Ask your landlord to show you where fire extinguishers are in your apartment or building and how to use a fire extinguisher. If a fire is too big and you do not think you can put it out with a fire extinguisher, YOU AND YOUR FAMILY NEED TO GET OUT OF THE


Safety and Emergencies

BUILDING AND CALL 911! Your life is more important than your things. If the smoke alarm sounds when you are sleeping or if you have a fire when you are awake, crawl on the floor to get to an exit. You can breathe better near the floor. Smoke and hot gases higher in the room can kill you. Make sure that there is a second way to get out of your bedroom if a fire blocks your escape. If your clothes catch fire, fall down on the floor or ground and roll back and forth until the fire is put out. Teach children that if their clothes catch fire to “Stop, Drop, and Roll.” ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

(!! eg]sf] s] xf] < cd]l/sfdf cfkftsflng cj:yfdf ;xof]usf nflu (!! gDa/df ©f]g ul/G5 . o:tf]–o:tf] cj:yfdf (!! df ©f]g ul/G5 M • tkfO{+ cf©}F jf c? s;}nfO{ tTsfn pkrf/ cfjZos eP PDa'n]G; af]nfpg . • cfunfuL ePdf . • s'g} ck/fw eO/x]sf] b]v]df . • k|x/L eP lgoGq0f x'g] vfnsf 36gf h:t} M s"6lk6, rf]/L jf ;Defljt lx+;s l:yltdf . What Is 911?

In the United States, 911 is the phone number you dial to get emergency help. Call 911 to: • Get an ambulance for emergency medical help for yourself or someone else. • Report a fire. • Report a crime. • Report a situation that requires a police officer on the scene, such as an assault, burglary, or a potentially violent situation. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

(!! df ˚f]g ug'{ ha tkfO{+n] (!! df ©f]g ug'{x'G5, ta kfFrb]lv 5 ;]s]08;Dd s]xL cfjfh cfpFb}g . To;kl5 dfq …ck/]6/Ún] tkfO{+;Fu s'/f ug'{x'G5 . ck/]6/sf] hjf© cfpGh]n s'g'{xf];\ . cfjfh cfPg eg]/ ©f]g g/fVg'xf];\ . tkfO{+nfO{ …k|x/LÚ, …cfuf]Ú jf …PDa'n]G;Ú s] rflxPsf] xf] ck/]6/nfO{ eGg'xf];\ . 36gfaf/] yk hfgsf/L lbg tkfO{+nfO{ efiffsf] sl7gfO{ 5 jf tkfO{+nfO{ c+u|]hL af]Ng cfpFb}g eg] tkfO{+ s'g efiff af]Ng'x'G5, …ck/]6/ÚnfO{ eGg'xf];\ . pxfFn] bf]efif] -cg'jfbs_ vf]Hg] k|of; ug'{x'G5 .

;'/Iff / cfkftsflng cj:yfx¿ 36gfaf/] ck/]6/nfO{ ;s];Dd k|z:t lsg ©f]g ug'{ ePsf] xf], sxfFaf6 ©f]g eGg'xf];\ . ck/]6/n] ;f]w]sf ;a} k|Zgsf] lbFbf gcflQg'xf];\ . ©f]g rflxF g/fVg'xf];\


hfgsf/L lbg'k5{ . ck/]6/nfO{ tkfO{+n] ug'{ePsf] xf] / s:tf] cfkft k/]sf] 5 pQ/ lbpGh]n ©f]g g5f8\g'xf];\ . pQ/ .

Calling 911

When you call 911, there may be silence for five to six seconds and then your call will be answered by an operator. Wait for the operator to answer. Do not hang up. Tell the operator what you need, “police,” “fire,” or “ambulance.” Tell the operator what language you speak if you do not speak enough English to give more information. The operator will try to get an interpreter. You will need to provide the operator with as much information as you can. Tell the operator why you are calling, and where and what the emergency is. Stay on the phone until you answer all of the operator’s questions. Remember to stay calm. Do not hang up. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

s:tf] cj:yfdf (!! ˚f]g ug'{ x'Gg uDeL/, Hofg–hf]lvddf kg]{ cfkft–cj:yfx?df dfq (!! df ©f]g ug'{k5{ . cfkftsflng cj:yf 5}g eg] (!! df ©f]g ug'{x'Gg . cf©" hfg'kg{] 7fpFsf] af6f] ;f]Wg jf 9f]sf gvf]lnP/ cf©" 3/aflx/ k/]sf] cj:yf h:tf 36gfdf s] ug'{ eg]/ (!! ©f]g ub}{ gug'{xf];\ . (!! df ©f]g u/]jfkt bdsn jf PDa'n]G; cfOk'u]/ cfkft– sflng cj:yf g/x]sf] kfP eg] ©f]g ug]{nfO{ hl/jfgf x'g;S5 . When Not To Call 911

Calling 911 is only for serious, life-threatening emergencies. Do NOT call 911 if there is NOT an emergency. Do NOT use 911 for things like asking for directions or if you are locked out of your home. You may be fined if you call 911 and an emergency vehicle arrives when there is no emergency. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

k|x/L k|x/Ln] k|To]s zx/ jf a:tLdf sfg'g sfof{Gjog u5{g\ . k|x/Lsf] sfd gful/ssf] ;'/Iff ug'{ xf] . tkfO{+n] cfˆgf] 6f]n–l5d]sdf k|x/Lx? cfˆgf] sf/, k}bn jf ;fOsndf lxFl8/x]sf] b]Vg'x'G5 . tkfO{+n] k|x/L–;]jfsf] ;Ddfg ug{'k5{ . pgLx?;Fu 8/fpg' kb}{g . pgLx?sf] sfd ;a}sf] /Iff ug'{ xf] . k|x/L b]v]/ gefUg' xf]nf . s'g} ;]jf jf ljifodf k|x/LnfO{ lagfsf/0f k};f glbg'xf]nf . olb k|x/Ln] tkfO{+;Fu s]xL ;f]Wg cfP eg] ;xof]uL aGg'xf]nf . tkfO{+ c+u|]hL /fd|/L af]Ng hfGg'x'Gg eg] cf©"n]


Safety and Emergencies

af]Ng] efiff s'g xf] atfpg'xf]nf . pgn] bf]efif] ©]nf kfg{ sf]lzz u5{g\ . tkfO{+nfO{ s'g} ck/fwaf/] ;"rgf lng cg'/f]w ul/of] eg] k|x/LnfO{ hlt;Sbf] hfgsf/L lbg'– xf]nf / ;a} k|Zgsf] hjf© lbg'xf]nf . Police

In every city and town, the local police enforce laws and ensure public safety. You may see police officers on patrol in your neighborhood in cars and sometimes on foot or bicycle. You should respect the authority of the police but do not be afraid of them. Their job is to protect everyone. Do not run away from a police officer. Do not offer money to a police officer for any reason. If a police officer approaches you and asks for information, try to be helpful. If you do not speak much English, tell the police officer what language you speak and the officer may try to find an interpreter. If you have requested police in order to report a crime, give them as much information as possible and answer all of their questions. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

cfuf] tkfO{+n] cfunfuL ePsf] ;"rgf lbg'eof] eg] :yfgLo clUg–lgoGq0f ljefun] 36gf–:yndf bdsn / cGo pks/0fx? k7fpF5 . tkfO{+n] pSt pks/0f;Fu} cfPsf] 6f]nLn] eg]cg';f/ ug'{k5{ / pgLx?nfO{ sfd ug{ ;lhnf] xf];\ eg]/ cln k/ xl6lbg'k5{ . pgLx? cfˆgf] sfddf s'zn x'G5g\ / s:tf] cfuf]df s;/L sfd ug'{k5{ eGg] pgLx?nfO{ yfxf x'G5 . cfufnfuLsf] k|s[lt ©/s–©/s vfnsf] x'g] ePsfn] s'g}–s'g} cj:yfdf 9f]sf / ‰ofnx? ©'6fpg' kg]{ klg x'g ;S5 . sf]xL JolSt hf]lvddf k/]sf] 5 eg] pgLx?n] p2f/ ug]{ sf]lzz u5{g\ . Fire

If you report a fire, the local fire department will respond by sending fire trucks and equipment to your location. You should then obey orders by fire officials and get out of their way. They are professionally trained and know what should be done in different kinds of fires. Depending on the situation they may need to break doors and windows. They will try to rescue anyone who may be in danger in the fire. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

PDa'n]G; s;}sf] Hofg–hf]lvddf kg]{ vfnsf] 36gfaf/] va/ ug'{eof] eg] Pp6f PDa'n]G; / cfkftsflng pkrf/ 6f]nL tkfO{+ ePs} 7fpFdf k7fOG5 . pSt 6f]nLsf ;b:on] la/fdLsf] cj:yf / cK7\of/f] kg'{sf] sf/0f ;f]Wg]5g\ . To:tf k|Zgsf] pQ/ rfF8f] / a'‰g] u/L lbg'xf];\ . pSt 6f]nLn] la/fdLnfO{ …P:6«]r/Ú df /fv]/ PDa'n]G;df

;'/Iff / cfkftsflng cj:yfx¿


r9fpg] ug{'x'G5 . pxfFx?n] la/fdLnfO{ c:ktfnsf] cfkftsflng–sIf -Odh]{G;L ?d_ n}hfg'x'G5 . pSt 6f]nLn] slxn]sfxLF kl/jf/sf] Ps ;b:onfO{ nfg ;Sg'x'G5 . t/ ;fdfGotM la/fdL nu]kl5 kl/jf/sf ;b:o / cGo ;xof]uLn] uf8L aGbf]a:t u/L c:ktfnsf] cfkftsflng–sIf k'Ug'k5{ . Ambulance

If you report a life threatening medical emergency, an ambulance and emergency medical team will be sent to your location. They will ask questions about the condition of the patient and the cause of the emergency. Try to answer them quickly and fully. They may place the patient on a stretcher and then into the ambulance. They will take the patient to the emergency room at the hospital. Sometimes they may also be able to take one family member, but usually family members and others will have to find their own transportation to the hospital emergency room. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

kLl8t eP, ;xfotf dfUg'xf];\ tkfO{+ s'g} ck/fwsf] l;sf/ x'g'eof] eg] tkfO{+n] k|x/L;Fu ;xfotf dfUg'k5{ . tkfO{+ ;8sdf n'l6g'eof], 3/df rf]/L eof], s;}n] cfqmd0f u¥of] jf 3fOt] kf¥of] eg] tkfO{+n] (!! df ©f]g ug'{k5{ / k|x/LnfO{ ;Sbf] rfF8f] d2t ug{ cg'/f]w ug'{k5{ . When a Victim, Seek Help

If you are a victim of a crime you should seek help from the police. If someone robs you on the street, if anything is stolen from your home, if someone attacks you and harms you, you should call 911 and request police help as soon as possible.






cWofo !$ : ;~rf/ Chapter 14 : Communication 3/sf] ˚f]g k'gjf{; ;+:yfn] tkfO{+sf] ckf6{d]G6df Pp6f ©f]gsf] aGbf]a:t ul/lbG5 . o:tf] ©f]gnfO{ af]nLrfnLdf …NofG8 nfOgÚ elgG5, lsgeg] o;sf tf/x? ©f]g sDkgL;Fu hf]l8Psf x'G5g\ . s'g} Ps a:tLsf 3/ / Joj;fox?df ;fdfGotM Pp6fdfq 6]ln©f]g sDkgLsf] ;]jf x'G5 . 3/aflx/ hfFbf vf; u/L c+u|]hL af]Ng ghfGg]sf ;fy} ;'?–;'?df c? ;a}n] 3/sf] 6]ln©f]g gDa/ / cf©" a;]sf] ;8ssf] gfd;lxt 3/–gDa/ n]v]/ af]Sg'– k5{ . olb tkfO{+ x/fpg' eof] jf 3/df ©f]g ug'{k¥of] eg] cfˆgf] hfgsf/L c?nfO{ b]vfP/ d2t kfpg ;Sg'x'G5 . Home Telephone

Your resettlement agency may help arrange a telephone for you in your apartment. This kind of telephone is sometimes called a “land line” because it is connected by wires to the telephone company. In each community there is generally only one company that installs land lines in homes and businesses. Everyone in your family, especially anyone who does not speak English, should carry a small piece of paper with your apartment phone number and street address when you go out of your apartment. If you get lost or need to call your home, you will be able to show the information to someone who might be able to help. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

;]n˚f]g÷df]afOn ˚f]g tkfO{+n] af]s]/ lxF8\g] ;]n©f]g -df]afOn ©f]g_ rfxg'x'G5 . cd]l/sfdf ;]n©f]g ;]jf lbg] d'Vo 5÷;ft j6f sDkgL 5g\ . ltg} sDkgLx?dWo] s'g} Pp6faf6 ;]n©f]g lng ;Sg'x'G5 . ;fdfGotM o:tf sDkgLn] tkfO{+;Fu ;Demf}tf u5{g\ . ;Demf}tfdf ;]jf, ;'ljwf / ;t{ n]lvPsf x'G5g\ . dlxgf–dlxgfdf Go"gtd ;]jf z'Nsjfktsf] lan e'Stfg ug]{ ;t{ /flvPsf] pSt ;Demf}tf b'O{ jif{;Ddsf] x'G5 . tkfO{+n] pSt ;Demf}tfdf x:tfIf/ ug'{k5{ . s'g} ;]n©f]g ;:tf x'G5g\ / 6]ln©f]g ;]jfdfq lbG5g\ . c?n] n]v]/ ;Gb]z -6]S:6_ k7fpg / OG6/g]6 x]g{ ldNg] ;'ljwf lbG5g\, t/ lgs} dxFuf x'G5g\ . To;}n] o:tf ;]n©f]g sDkgL;Fusf] ;Demf}tfdf x:tfIf/ ug'{cl3 To;df n]lvPsf ;a} a'Fbf cf©"n] a'em]sf] x'g'k5{ . tkfO{+sf] c+u|]hL /fd|f] 5}g eg] efiff a'‰g] / bf]efif] x'g ;Sg] gft]bf/÷Oi6ldq;Fu d2t dfUg'xf];\ . cf©";Fu ;]n©f]g ePkl5 3/sf] ©f]g grflxg ;S5 . 3/sf] ©f]g s'g



sDkgLsf] xf], To;sf] sfof{nodf va/ u/]/ NofG8 nfOg sf6\g cg'/f]w ug{ ;Sg'x'G5 . 3/df c?;Fu ;]n©f]g 5}g jf 3/df kfsf] pd]/sf kl/jf/sf ;b:ox? x'g'x'G5 eg] pxfFx? ;Dks{lagf / PSnf] x'g'x'G5 . Cell Phone

You may want a cell phone that you can carry with you. In the U.S. there are six or seven major companies that provide cell phone services. You can buy a cell phone from one of them. Usually they require that you sign a contract that commits you to paying a minimum monthly amount for each month for two years. Some cell phones are very cheap and provide only telephone service. Others include text messaging and Internet access and are more expensive. Before you sign a contract with a cell phone company, make sure you understand everything. If your English is not very good, take someone with you who can interpret and help you understand. When you have a cell phone you may decide that you do not need a home phone also. You can request the company that provides your land line to disconnect the land line. But it would be unsafe to do this if there is someone living in your home, such as an elderly relative, who might sometime be alone and without any phone. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

6]ln˚f]g gDa/x¿ Pp6f 6]ln©f]g gDa/df tLg efu x'G5g\ . pbfx/0fsf nflu M -***_–%%%–!))! df klxnf] efu *** If]q hgfpg] ;+s]t -Pl/of sf]8_ xf] . b]zsf zx/x? / If]qx?sf cfˆg} Pl/of sf]8x? x'G5g\ . of] pbfx/0fsf] bf];|f] efu %%% nfO{ PS:r]Gh elgG5 . k|To]s zx/ jf gu/df w]/} PS:r]Ghx? x'g ;S5g\ . pbfx/0fsf] t];|f] efu !))! rflxF Pp6f PS:r]Ghaf6 ljtl/t ©f]g gDa/ xf] . Telephone Numbers

A telephone number has three parts. For example: (888)-555-1001. The first part (888 in the example) is the Area Code. Cities and regions of the country have their own area codes. The second part of the number (555 in the example) is the Exchange. Each town or city may have many exchanges. The third part of the number (1001 in the example) is the phone number in the exchange. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

6]ln˚f]gsf lzi6frf/ tkfO{+n] c? s;}nfO{ ©f]g ug'{x'G5 eg] pxfFn] …x]nf]Ú jf …xfoÚ eg]/ hjf© ©sf{pg'x'G5 . To;kl5 tTsfn tkfO{+n] cfˆgf] gfd eGg'k5{ . olb tkfO{+n] cfˆgf]



gfd eGg'ePg eg] pxfFnfO{ cf©" sf];Fu af]ln/x]sf] 5' eGg] yfxf x'Fb}g / pxfFn] tkfO{+sf] gfd ;f]Wg'kg]{ x'G5 . ha c? s;}n] tkfO{+sf] 3/df ©f]g u¥of] eg] tkfO{+n] …x]nf]Ú eGg'k5{ / …d======== x'FÚ -jf cfˆgf] gfd eGg'xf];\_ . To;/L ©f]g ug]{ jf ©f]g p7fpg] JolStn] cf©" sf];Fu s'/f ul//x]sf] 5' eGg] yfxf kfpF5 . t/ ©f]g ug]{ jf p7fpg] JolSt cfˆgf] ;fyL jf gft]bf/ xf] eg] pxfFn] tkfO{+sf] cfjfh lrGg'x'G5, gfd eGg} k/]g . gfd eg]/ s'/f ug{ yfNg' ;aeGbf /fd|f] tl/sf xf] . s'/fsfgL ;lsg] a]nfdf …afO{Ú eGg'xf];\ . Telephone Etiquette

When you call someone’s telephone, they will answer by saying “Hello” or “Hi.” You should then tell them your name. If you do not state your name, they may not know who is calling them and will have to ask you. When someone telephones your home phone, you should say “Hello” and then say “This is …….” (whatever your name is). That way the caller will know who has answered the phone. If the other person is a very close friend or relative who will recognize your voice, you will not have to state your name. Usually, however, it is the best way to start a conversation. You end a telephone call by saying “Bye” to the other person. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

g]kfn jf e"6fg ˚f]g ug{ 3/sf] ©f]g jf df]afOn ©f]gaf6 ;Lw} g]kfn jf e"6fg ©f]g ubf{ dxFuf] k5{ . Sofg8f glhs} 5, t/ klg Sofg8fdf s;}nfO{ ©f]g ug'{k¥of] eg] klg dxFuf] x'G5 . To;}u/L e"6fg jf g]kfn ©f]g ug'{ lgs} dxFuf] x'G5 . t/ of] ©f]g vr{ 36fpg] Pp6f pkfo 5 . cd]l/sfdf w]/} s]xL sDkgLx? 5g\, h;n] …OG6/g];gn slnª\ sf8{Ú x? a]R5g\ . o:tf] slnª\ sf8{ k|of]u u/]/ tkfO{+n] k|lt ldg]6 lglZrt k};fdf s'g} vf; b]zdf ;:tf]df ©f]g ug{ ;Sg'x'G5 . g]kfn, e"6fg jf Pl;of ©f]g ug{sf nflu 5'§} slnª sf8{ klg x'G5g\ . tkfO{+n] lglZrt /sddf o:tf sf8{ lsGg ;Sg'x'G5, h:t} M @) 8n/sf] lsGg'eof] eg] To;af6 lglZrt ldg]6 ©f]g ug{ ;Sg'x'G5 . o:tf] sf8{df ljz]if ;+s]t -sf]8_ lbOPsf] x'G5 . tkfO{+n] slnª\ sf8{df n]lvPsf] 6]ln©f]g gDa/df ©f]g u/]kl5 pSt ;+s]t klg xfNg'k5{ . To;kl5 cf©"n] ©f]g ug{ rfx]sf] csf]{ b]zsf] gDa/ 8fon u/]/ s'/f ug{ ;Sg'x'G5 . o:tf OG6/g];gn slnª\ sf8{x? ljleGg :6f]/x?df lsGg kfOG5g\ . ef/tLo jf g]kfnL vfgf a]Rg] :6f]/x?n] klg o:tf sf8{x? a]R5g\ . tkfO{+;Fu qm]l86 sf8{ 5 eg] OG6/g]6df klg o:tf sf8{ jf sDkgL;Fu ;do lsGg ;lsG5 . g]kfn jf e"6fg a:g] tkfO{+sf gft]bf/ jf ;fyLefO;Fu sDKo'6/ / OG6/g]6 ;'ljwf 5 eg] lel8of]–Rof6af6 s'/fsfgL ug{ ;lsG5 .



Calling Nepal or Bhutan

It is very expensive to telephone anyone outside of the U.S. from your home phone or cell phone. Even calling someone in Canada can be expensive. Telephoning a number in Bhutan or Nepal is very expensive but there is a way to minimize that cost. There are many companies that sell international calling cards. These cards allow you to call numbers in certain foreign countries for a fixed amount per minute. There are specific cards for calling Nepal or Bhutan or Asia. You buy a card by paying a certain amount of money, say $20, and that gives you a fixed number of minutes that you can use. You are given a special personal account code. When you telephone the calling card’s special telephone number, you then must enter your account code, and then enter the telephone number you are trying to call in another country. You can buy these international calling cards at some stores. Often stores that sell Indian or Nepali foods will also sell international calling cards. You can also buy international calling cards or time on the Internet but you must have a credit card to pay. If your relatives and friends have computers and Internet access in Nepal or Bhutan, you can talk with them using video-chat technology. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

6]ln˚f]g lan tkfO{+nfO{ 6]ln©f]g ;'ljwf lbg] sDkgLn] dlxgflkR5] ©f]gsf] lan k7fpF5g\ . ;]n©f]g sDkgLn] klg dlxgf–dlxgfdf lan k7fpF5g\ . tkfO{+n] o:tf] lan ;dodf e'Qmfg ug{'k5{ . tkfO{+n] nuftf/ b'O{ jf tLg dlxgf lan ltg'{ ePg eg] sDkgLn] ©f]g sfl6lbG5g\ . o;n] kl/jf/nfO{ g} cK7\of/f]df kf5{ . Telephone Bills

The telephone company that provides your home phone will send you a monthly bill. A cell phone company will also send you a monthly bill. You should pay these bills every month. If you do not pay your telephone bills for two or three months in a row, a telephone company will disconnect your phone. That will be unsafe for your family. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

6]lnlehg a|f]8sf:6 6]lnlehg k|0ffnLaf6 k|;fl/t sfo{qmdx? 6]lnlehgdf b]lvg PG6]gfn] ;+s]tx? l6Kg'k5{ . clxn] o;/L 6]lnlehgsf ;+s]tx? l6Kg] k|ljlw ablnPsf] 5 . k'gjf{; ;+:yfdf©{t k|fKt 6]lnlehgx?df l8le8L hf]8]/ l©Ndx? x]g{ ldNg] vfnsf eP klg clxn]sf 6]lnlehgn] P8fK6/ gfds pks/0f geO{



gofF cÍ b]lvg] ;+s]tx? gl6Kg ;S5g\ . a|f]8sf:6 6]lnlehg k|0ffnLaf6 k|;fl/t sfo{qmdx? lgz'MNs x'G5g\ . TV

Broadcast television uses TVs equipped with antennas to receive the broadcast programs. Recently the technology to receive these signals has changed. Old televisions that may be donated to resettlement agencies may not be able to receive the new digital signals without an adapter, even though they can be connected to DVD players. Broadcast TV is free. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

s]a'n l6eL s]a'n l6eL sDkgLx?n] yk l6eL ;]jf lbG5g\ . o:tf] ;]jfdf a|f]8sf:6 6]ln– lehg k|0ffnLaf6 k|;fl/t sfo{qmdeGbf w]/} Rofgn / sfo{qmdx? x'G5g\ . tkfO{+sf] ckf6{d]G6df s]a'n l6eL hf]l8Psf] 5 eg] s]a'n l6eL sDkgLdf ©f]g u/]/ cfˆgf] 6]lnlehgdf hf]8\g ;Sg'x'G5 . s]a'n l6eLsf] k|;f/0f x]g{] xf] eg] dlxgf–dlxgfdf k};f ltg'{k5{ . s]a'n l6eLsf] lan :yfgLo sDkgLcg';f/ / tkfO{+n] slt Rofgn x]g'{x'G5 To;}adf]lhd w]/–yf]/ x'G5 . Cable TV

Cable companies provide additional TV services, including many more channels and programs than broadcast TV. If there is cable access in your apartment, you can telephone the cable company and have cable TV turned on and connect it to your TV. You will need to pay a monthly bill. The amount of the bill will depend on your local cable company and the number of channels that you want to receive. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

OG6/g]6 cd]l/sfsf ;a}h;f] 3/df OG6/g]6 hf]l8Psf] x'G5 . ckf6{d]G6df a:g yfn]kl5 l9nf]–rfF8f] tkfO{+nfO{ sDKo'6/ / OG6/g]6 rflxg ;S5 . :s"n hfg] gfgLnfO{ cem rfF8f] sDKo'6/ / OG6/g]6 ;'ljwf rflxg ;S5 . s'g} :s"nsf sfdsf nflu o:tf ;'ljwf clgjfo{ g} x'G5g\ . NofG8 nfOg ©f]gsf] sDkgL jf s]a'n l6eLsf] sDkgLn] tkfO{+sf] 3/df OG6/g]6 ;'ljwf lbg ;S5g\ . To:t} :of6]nfO6 l6eL sDkgLn] klg OG6/g]6 ;'ljwf lbG5g\ . OG6/g]6 h8fg ug'{cl3 5/l5d]sL jf ;fyLefO;Fu ;Nnfx u/L s'g sDkgLsf] /fd|f] / ;:tf] ;'ljwf 5 egL kQf– nufpg'xf];\ . sDKo'6/df OG6/g]6 hf]8]/ dfq k'Ub}g, cf©"nfO{ Od]n x]g{'k ¥of] eg] OG6/g]6 s;/L hf]8\g], OG6/g]6df ljleGg ljifoaf/] s;/L vf]Hg] / OG6/g]6sf] c? k|of]u s;/L ug]{ eGg] yfxf 5}g eg] OG6/g]6 hf]8\g cfpg] k|fljlws, hfGg] ;fyLefO jf Oi6ldqnfO{ ;f]Wg'xf];\ .




Most homes in the U.S. are connected to the Internet. Soon after you are settled in your apartment, you may want to obtain a computer and access the Internet. School age children, in particular, may want a computer and Internet access right away. Some schools may even require it. Your local land line phone company and your local cable TV company may be able to provide Internet access at your home. Satellite TV companies also can provide Internet access. You should discuss this with neighbors and friends to determine what the best service and price for your location. You should also ask for their help if you do not know how to set up your Internet for email, web browsing, and other uses. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

jN8{ jfO8 j]a -8An'8An'8An'_ jN8{ jfO8 j]a -jf af]nLrfnLdf j]a_ sf] ;xfotfaf6 tkfO{+n] OG6/g]6df w]/} ljifosf af/]df x]g{, k9\g jf l;Sg kfpg'x'G5 . jN8{ jfO8 j]asf] 5f]6s/L 8An'8An'8An' x'G5 . pbf/x0fsf nflu M www.aksharica.com, of] cd]l/sfdf lg:sg] g]kfnL Go'hn]6/ …cIfl/sfÚ sf] j]a;fO6 xf] . g]kfnL / cGo w]/} efiffsf o:tf c;+Vo j]a;fO6x? 5g\ . e"6fg / g]kfnsf ;dfrf/x? ePsf j]a;fO6x? 5g\ . w]/} j]a;fO6x? g]kfnL efiffdf 5g\ . cd]l/sfdf k'g:yf{lkt e"6fgL z/0ffyL{x?af/] ;dfrf/ / hfgsf/Lx? ePsf j]a;fO6x? 5g\ . g]kfnL rnlrqx? x]g{ / g]kfnL tyf lxGbL uLtx? ;'Gg ldNg] j]a;fO6x? klg 5g\ . World Wide Web (WWW)

The World Wide Web (or simply web) allows you to see, read, and learn about almost everything. Short form of 'World Wide Web' is WWW. One example is www.aksharica.com, which is the website of Nepali newsletter 'Aksharica' in the US. There are many websites in Nepali and in other languages. There are websites with news from Bhutan and Nepal and many are written in Nepali. There are websites with news and information for Bhutanese refugees who are now settled in the U.S. There are also websites where you can watch Nepali movies and listen to Nepali and Hindi songs. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

OG6/g]6sf] ;'/lIft k|of]u cfˆgf gftfuf]tf / ;fyLefOnfO{ Od]n k7fpFbf / pxfFx?n] k7fPsf Od]n kfpFbf /dfOnf] x'G5 . t/ tLg} Od]ndWo] s'g}n] cK7\of/f] kf5{g\ . tkfO{+n] lrGb} glrg]sf dfG5] jf sDkgLn] k7fPsf Od]nnfO{ …:kfdÚ elgG5 . o:tf Od]nn] cK7\of/f] kfg{ ;S5g\ . o:tf ckl/lrt Od]n d]6\g'k5{ . glrg]sf dflg;n] k7fPsf o:tf Od]ndf



tkfO{+sf] ;f];n ;]So'l/6L gDa/, qm]l86 sf8{ gDa/, kf;j8{ jf cGo s'g} JolStut hfgsf/L k6Ss} lbg'x'Gg . k5fl8 …=hLcf]eLÚ ePsf OG6/g]6 ;fO6x? dfq cd]l/sL ;/sf/sf cflwsfl/s j]a;fO6 x'g\ . tkfO{+n] …=l;cf]PdÚ, …=PgO6LÚ, …=cf]cf/hLÚ df 6'lËg] jf …=hLcf]eLÚ afx]s c? h];'s}df 6'lËg] 7]ufgfaf6 Od]n k|fKt ug'{ePsf] 5 eg] To:tf Od]n cd]l/sL ;/sf/ jf o;sf dGqfnosf cflwsfl/s Od]n x'g ;Sb}gg\ . OG6/g]6df cZnLn ;fdu|L / afnaflnsfn] x]g{ gldNg] vfnsf v/fa hfgsf/L, tl:a/ jf b[Zox? klg x'G5g\ . To;}n] afnaflnsfn] sDKo'6/ jf OG6/g]6 rnfPsf a]nf s] ul//x]sf 5g\, cleefjsn] ;r]t x'g'k5{ . afnaflnsfn] klg rnfpg] ePsfn] sDKo'6/ ;asf cfFvf kg]{ 7fpFdf /fVg'k5{ . pgLx?n] s] ul//x]sf 5g\, b]Vg ;lsG5 . Safe Use of the Internet

You may enjoy sending and receiving email from friends and relatives. But there are also emails that can cause problems. Emails from people or companies that you do not know, called spam, can cause problems. They should be deleted. Do not give your social security number, credit card number, password or any personal information to unknown persons who request it by email. Only Internet sites including the “.gov" indicator are official government websites. If you receive any e-mail from an address that is from a “.com”, “.net”, “.org,” or anything other than “.gov,” please be aware that it is not a legitimate e-mail from the U.S. Government or of its any departments. There are some bad things on the Internet too, including pornography and other things that you will not want your children to see. You should be aware of what your children are doing when they are using a computer and are on the Internet. The best way to do this is to keep your computer in your living area where you and everyone in the home can see what you child is viewing or doing. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

kqklqsf cd]l/sfsf ;a}h;f] d'Vo zx/df sDtLdf Pp6f b}lgs cvaf/ k|sflzt x'G5g\ . o:tf cvaf/n] zx/ / o; j/k/sf, /fhgLlt;DaGwL tfhf ;dfrf/ tyf ©f]6fx?sf ;fy} cfpFbf lbg, ;ftf jf dlxgfx?df x'g] sfo{qmdsf ;"rgf k|sflzt u5{g\ . xf], oL ;a} klqsf c+u|]hLdf x'G5g\ . /fli6«o:t/df lrlgPsf s]xL cvaf/x? klg 5g\ . oL cvaf/x?n] /fli6«o tyf cGt/f{li6«o ;dfrf/x? k|sflzt u5{g\ . o:tf klqsfx? M Go' of]s{ 6fOD;\,



o'P;P 6'8], jfn l:6«6 hg{n, jfl;+u6g kf]:6, / n; PGhn; 6fOD;\ x'g\ . oL ;a} cvaf/sf j]a;fO6x? 5g\, hxfF tkfO{+n] cvaf/df 5flkPsf s]xL ;dfrf/ klg k9\g ;Sg'x'G5 . cvaf/x?sf] k|of]un] c+u|]hL ;'wfg{ ;lsG5 . c+u|]hL ;'wfg{sf nflu cvaf/ k9\g] xf] eg] lgMz'Ns kfpg] pkfo klg 5 . cvaf/sf] u|fxs ag]sf cf©";Fu sfd ug]{ ;fyLefO;Fu k'/fgf c+sx? dfu]/ k9\g ;Sg'x'G5 . tkfO{+sf] c+u|]hL ;'wfg{ d2t k'Ug] eP pxfFx? tkfO{+nfO{ cvaf/ lbg v';L x'g'x'G5 . Newspapers

All major cities in the U.S. have at least one local daily newspaper. The newspaper will provide the latest news and photos about your community, politics, and lists of upcoming events. Of course this will all be in English. There are also a few newspapers that are recognized as national newspapers. These cover mostly national and international news. These include New York Times, USA Today, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, and Los Angeles Times. All newspapers have websites where you can read some (but usually not all) of what they print. You can use newspapers as a way to improve your English. You probably do not even need to pay for the paper if you use it for this purpose. You can ask friends or co-workers who may have subscriptions to a newspaper if they would be willing to give you a newspaper that is a few days old. They will probably be happy to do that if you tell them that you will use it to improve your English.





cWofo !% : a'af–cfdf / afnaflnsf Chapter 15 : Parents and Children /fd|f] ;DaGw agfpg' afnaflnsfsf nflu afa'cfdfsf w]/} lhDd]jf/L x'G5g\ . afa'cfdfn] afnaflnsfnfO{ kf]if0f tyf dfof lbg'k5{, zf/Ll/s tyf efjgfTds ljsf;df of]ubfg k'¥ofpg'k5{, pgLx?sf] ;'/Iffsf] lgwf] ug'{k5{ . afa'cfdf / gfgLx?aLr k|uf9 ;DaGw /Xof] eg] pgLx?n] /fd|f] dx;'; u5{g\ / clg k|ult u5{g\ . To;}n] o:tf] ;DaGw sfod /fVg pgLx?;Fu k9\g], v]Ng], :s"nsf af/]df s'/fsfgL ug]{ jf Oi6ldqx?nfO{ e]6\g hfg] ug'{k5{ . gfgLx?n] /fd|f] dx;'; u?g\ / cfTdljZjf; a9fpg eGg] rfxg] xf] eg] k|f]T;fxg lbg'k5{ . Building Good Relationships

Parents have many responsibilities to their children, including nurturing and loving them, supporting their physical and emotional development, and making sure they are safe. Children feel and do better when they have a strong relationship with their parents, so it is important to develop this bond by reading together, playing games, talking about school, or visiting relatives. Encourage your children to feel good and confident. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

;dfj]z • • • • • • • •

afnaflnsfsf] ljsf;sf nflu cleefjsn] yk o:tf sfd ug{ ;lsG5 M tkfO{+sf gfgLx?n] 6]lnlehgdf s] x]b}{5g / OG6/g]6df s] u5{g\ eGg] rf;f] lng'xf];\ . slt ;do 6]lnlehg x]g]{ / lel8of] u]dx? v]Ng] eg]/ tf]lslbg'xf];\ . gfgLx? k9\g] :s"ndf :jo+;]jf ug'{xf];\ / lzIfslzlIfsfnfO{ e]6\g'xf];\ . :s"naf6 ©s]{kl5 / xKtfsf] cGtsf b'O{ lbg -zlgaf/ / cfOtaf/_ gfgLx? s] u5{g\ eGg] Vofn ug'{xf];\ . gfgLx?nfO{ a]n'sf ;'Tg] Pp6} ;do tf]lslbg'xf];\ . cf]5\ofg, ef8fjt{g jf nQfsk8f ;/;©fO{ h:tf 3/fo;L sfd lgoldt ug{ nufpg'xf];\ . xKtfe/df ;Sbf] w]/}k6s gfgLx?;Fu a;]/ vfgf vfg'xf];\ . kl/jf/sf ;a} ;b:o;Fu} a;]/ u©uf© ug]{ ;do lgsfNg'xf];\ / Tof] ;dodf ;a} ;Fu} a:g] ug'{xf];\ .

Be Involved

Some other ways you can guide your child’s development include: • Know what your children watch on television and do on the Internet.


Parents and Children

• • • • •

Limit how much time they can watch television or play video games. Volunteer in their schools and meet with their teachers. Know what they do after school and on the weekends. Set a time at which they need to go to sleep. Assign regular chores, like cleaning bedrooms, washing dishes, or doing laundry. • Eat meals together as often as possible. • Choose a time for family to talk regularly. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

afnaflnsfsf] /]vb]v afnaflnsf ;'/lIft 5g\ eGg] rflxF cleefjsnfO{ kSsf] x'g'k5{ . pgLx?sf] ;'/Iffsf] lhDd]jf/L cleefjssf] xf] . afx| jif{eGbf sd pd]/sf gfgLx?nfO{ 3/df PSn} 5f8\g'x'Gg . 3/df cf©" gx'g] jf lhDd]jf/ l5d]sLn] x]g{ ;Sg] cj:yf 5}g eg] gfgL x]g]{ dflg; x'g'k5{ . gfgL x]g]{ dflg;nfO{ c+u|]hLdf …a]aL–l;6/Ú elgG5 . a]aL–l;6/sf] pd]/ sDtLdf !% jif{sf] x'g'k5{ . gfgLx? 3/df PSn} 5f8\g ldN5 jf ldNb}g, o;/L a'‰g ;lsG5 M • slt jif{sf eP / slt kl/kSj 5g\ < • pgLx? kl/l:ylt a'em]/ ;xL÷unt 5'6\ofpg ;Sg] / lgod kfngf ug{ ;Sg] ePsf 5g\ jf 5}gg\ < • cfkftsflng cj:yfdf gfgLx?n] tkfO{+nfO{, c? 7"nf dflg;nfO{ jf 5/l5d]sL, / cfkftsflng cj:yfdf ;xfotf ug]{ lgsfodf s;/L ;Dks{ ug{] 5g\ < To:tf] hfg]sf 5g jf 5}gg\ < • s] tkfO{+sf] 3/ / 5/l5d]s ;'/lIft 5 . ck/fw x'g] u/]sf 5g\÷5}gg\ < • tkfO{+ slt ;dosf nflu 3/aflx/ /xg'x'G5 < Child Supervision

It is also the parents’ responsibility to make sure their children are safe. Children under 12 years old should not be at home alone. If no family members or neighbors can watch your children when you are away, find a babysitter (usually at least 15 years old) to watch them. Some things to consider when deciding if your children are ready to be left home alone include: • How old and how mature they are. • If they have shown good judgment and followed rules well. • If they know how to reach you, other adults or neighbors, and the authorities in case of an emergency. • If your house and neighborhood are safe from crime or not. • How long you will be away. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

a'af–cfdf / afnaflnsf


afn–b'Jo{jxf/ / afn–pk]Iff slxn]sfxLF cleefjsn] afnaflnsfnfO{ plrt :ofxf/ ub}{gg\ . afnaflnsfsf] :ofxf/ ubf{ x'g] b'O{ c;©ntfx? afn–b'Jo{jxf/ / afn–pk]Iff x'g\ . pk]Iffn] ubf{ afnaflnsfsf cfwf/e"t cfjZostf ;d]t k"/f x'Fb}gg\ . afnaflnsfsf] lgu/fgL gug'{, kf]l;nf vfg]s'/f glbg' jf :jf:Yof]krf/ gug'{, :s"n uP÷guPsf] cQf]kQf] gx'g' h:tf pbfx/0fx?nfO{ pk]Iff u/]sf] dflgG5 . afn–b'Jo{jxf/ eg]sf] afnaflnsfnfO{ s'g} xflg ug'{ jf xflg x'g] cj:yfdf 5f8\g' xf] . afn–b'Joj{xf/ zf/Ll/s, of}g jf efjgfTds x'G5g\ . zf/Ll/s b'Joj{xf/ eGgfn] lxsf{pg', nft xfGg', ;dft]/ xNnfpg'÷ws]Ng' jf c? s'g} tl/sfaf6 afnaflnsfnfO{ 3ft x'g' xf] . afnaflnsfsf] of}g–b'Joj{xf/ eGgfn] jo:sn] afnaflnsfnfO{ cg'lrt ?kdf 5'g', of}g ultljlw jf o:tf lrq÷b[Zo b]vfpg' cflb h:tf jo:s JolSt / afnaflnsfaLr of}g lqmofsnfk x'g\ . efjgfTds b'Joj{xf/ eGgfn] lgoldt cfqmf]; kf]Vbf, qf; b]vfpFbf jf xf]RofP/ gfd laufl/ lbg] vfnsf cfgLafgLn] afnaflnsfsf] ljsf; jf cfTd;Ddfgsf] ;'ema'emdf rf]6 nfUg' xf] . Child Abuse and Child Neglect

Sometimes parents do not take appropriate care of their children. Child abuse and child neglect are serious failures to properly care for a child. Neglect is not providing for a child’s basic needs. Examples of neglect are not supervising a child, not providing needed nutrition or medical care, not making sure they go to school. Child abuse is doing something that harms a child or puts the child at risk of harm. Child abuse can be physical, sexual, or emotional. Examples of physical abuse are striking, kicking, shaking, or otherwise harming a child. Child sexual abuse is any sexual activity between a child and an adult, and includes inappropriate touching and showing a child sexual activity or images. Emotional abuse is a pattern of behavior that hurts a child’s development or sense of self-worth and can occur through constant screaming, threats, or name calling. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

afn–;'/Iff ;]jfx¿ k|To]s /fHodf afn–b'Jo{jxf/ jf afn–pk]Iff;DaGwL sfd–sfjf{xL ug]{ ;/sf/L lgsfo x'G5g\ . k|To]s /fHon] o:tf ljifonfO{ cf–cfˆgf] tl/sfn] JofVof u/]sf x'G5g\ . o:tf lgsfosf] gfd …afn–/If0f ;]jfÚ -rfON8 k|f]6]lS6e ;le{;]hx?_ jf …afnaflnsf tyf kl/jf/ zfvfÚ -l8lehg c© lrN8«]g PG8 ©]ldlnhx?_ jf o:t} ljifo–ldNbf] x'g ;S5 . s'g} kl/jf/df afn–b'Joj{xf/ jf afn–pk]Iff ePsf] ph'/L k/] pSt lgsfosf s];–js{/ -dfldnf x]g]{ sd{rf/L_ n] afns jf aflnsf ;'/lIft eP÷gePsf] 6'+uf] nufpg 3/df cfpg;S5g\ . w]/}h;f] kl/jf/ a:g] 3/df pSt


Parents and Children

lgsfosf sd{rf/L cfpFb}gg\, t/ cfP eg] ;fFrf] af]Ng'xf];\ / zfGt eP/ ;xof]u ug'{ /fd|f] x'G5 . tkfO{+ c+u|]hL af]Ng'x'Gg eg] sf]xL bf]efif]sf] aGbf]a:t x'g'k5{ . o:tf] cj:yfdf afnaflnsfnfO{ g} bf]efif]sf ?kdf k|of]u gug'{xf];\ . pSt lgsfon] o:tf cj:yfx?df kl/jf/nfO{ s;/L kl/l:yltdfly sfa' kfpg ;lsG5 eg]/ j}slNks pkfox? lbP/ ;xof]u u5{g\ . To:t} lgsfo;Fu ePsf ;+efljt ;]jf / ;|f]taf6 d2t lbnfpg lgsfo tyf kl/jf/aLr ;DaGw sfod u5{g\ . pSt lgsfon] kl/jf/df afnaflnsf c;'/lIft ePsf] 7x/ u/] eg] afns jf aflnsf– nfO{ gft]bf/, kfNg] cleefjs jf s'g} cfjf;df nu]/ /fV5g\ / otf 3/sf] cj:yf ;'wfg]{ sfd u5{g\ . afns jf aflnsf 3/df c;'/lIft /x]sf] ©]nf k/] p;sf] eljio– af/] lg0f{o GofofwLzn] ug{'kg]{ klg x'g ;S5 . Child Protective Services

In each state there is a governmental agency that responds to reports of child abuse or neglect. Each state sets its own definition of these terms. The name of the agency may be “Child Protective Services” or “Division of Children and Families” or something similar. If a family is reported for possible child abuse or neglect, a caseworker from that agency may visit the family to make sure the child is safe. Most families are never visited by a CPS worker, but if they visit you, it is important that you are honest and co-operate calmly. Make sure there is an interpreter if you do not speak English well. Do not use your children as interpreters. The agency can provide help and support to families by teaching them alternative methods to handle situations and connecting families with services or resources that may help them. The agency will place children with relatives, foster parents, or in shelters if it is determined that the home is not safe for the child and then work with the family to improve conditions. If this happens, the decision about the child’s future may be up to a judge. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

e/0f–kf]if0f 3/sf 7"nf–a8fnfO{ k};f sdfpg], kl/jf/sf nflu ufF; / af;sf] aGbf]a:t ug{], lan ltg{] / ljleGg sfof{no;DaGwL sfuhftx? b'?:t /fVg] h:tf w]/} sfddf ;xfotf rflxg ;S5 . afnaflnsfnfO{ :s"ndf ;xh x'g / pd]/ a9\b} hfFbf tgfj a9\g] kl/l:yltdf klg ;xfotf cfjZos x'G5 . Ps–csf{sf sfd k"/f ug{, nIo xfl;n ug{ / tgfjsf] ;fdgf ug{ cfk;df ;xfotf ug'{k5{ . Support

Adults have many things they may need support with, including earning money, providing food and a home for their families, and managing

a'af–cfdf / afnaflnsf


bills and official paperwork. Children also need support as they adjust to school and deal with the pressures of getting older. Support one another by helping each other accomplish tasks, reach goals, and cope with stress. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

5f]/f5f]/L;“u s'/fsfgL 5f]/f5f]/L;Fu s'/fsfgL ubf{ pgLx?nfO{ a'‰g'sf ;fy} pgLx?n] c?;Fu s;/L ;+jfb ug'{kg]{ /x]5 eGg] l;Sg d2t k'U5 . ;/n, :ki6 / k|ToIf s'/f ug'{xf];\ . tkfO{+n] cfˆgf 5f]/f5f]/LnfO{ eg]sf] s'/f bf]xf]¥ofpg ;Sg] Ifdtf pgLx?df x'g'k5{, h;sf] cy{ tkfO{+n] eg]sf] pgLx?n] a'em]sf] x'g'k5{ . pgLx?sf OR5fdf ljsNkx? lbg'xf];\ / tL ljsNkdWo] s'g} klg cf©" ;lhn} dfGg tof/ ePsf] a'emfpg'xf];\ . cfjZostf k/] s'g} ljsNk lsg tkfO{+nfO{ dfGo 5}g eGg] :ki6 kfl/lbg'xf];\ . 5f]/f– 5f]/L czfGt eP eg] pgLx?nfO{ ;fDo kfg{ cf©" gd| / zfGt eP/ af]Ng'xf];\ . pgLx? hª\luPsf a]nf pgLx?n] xfd|f s'/f ;'Gg lgs} ufx|f] x'G5 . Talking to Children

Communicate with children in a way that will help them understand and learn how to communicate well with others. Be simple, clear, and direct. Your child should be able to repeat what you said back to you. Give them choices that you are comfortable with and accept their decisions from those options. If needed, explain clearly why some choices are unacceptable. If children become upset, speak patiently and quietly to calm them down. It is difficult for them to listen when they experience intense emotion.






cWofo !^ : kl/jf/ lgof]hg, uef{j:yfdf :jf:Yo / k|;"lt Chapter 16 : Family Planning, Prenatal Health, and Giving Birth

kl/jf/ lgof]hg s]xL bDkltx? slxn] ;Gtfg hGdfpg] eg]/ of]hgf agfpF5g\ . kl/jf/ lgof]hg eg]sf] cf©" slxn] ue{jtL x'g] / slt ;Gtfg hGdfpg] egL lgoGq0f ug{] pkfo xf] . >Ldfg–>LdtLn] cfk;df 5n©n u/]/ ;Gtfgaf/] o:tf lg0f{o ug'{k5{ . tkfO{+nfO{ cfˆgf] wfld{s cf:yfsf cfwf/df ljz]if k|sf/sf] kl/jf/ lgof]hgsf] tl/sf ckgfpg' k5{ eg] cf©"n] dfGb} cfPsf cf:yfx?af/] ;Nnfx lng'k5{ . tkfO{+ cfˆgf] cf:yfcg';f/ ug{ rfxg'x'G5 eg] hGdlg/f]wsf To:tf lglZrt k|sf/sf] pTkfbg k|of]u ug{ tkfO{+ :jtGq x'g'x'G5 . hGdlg/f]wsf pkfox?n] k'?if jf dlxnfnfO{ afFemf] agfpFb}gg\, o;n] ue{jtL slxn] x'g] eGg] dfq lgoGq0f u5{g\ . Family Planning

Some couples plan when they want to have children. Family planning is a way to control when you get pregnant and how many children you want to have. The man and woman should decide after talking about it together. If your religious faith offers specific guidance on family planning, you should consult your own faith practices. If you choose to do so, you have the right to use certain products called birth control. The use of birth control does not make you infertile or barren, it just controls when you get pregnant. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

ue{lg/f]wsf pkfox¿ olb tkfO{+ hGd–lgoGq0f ug{ rfxg'x'G5 eg] tkfO{+nfO{ s'g vfnsf] ;fwg pko'Qm x'G5 eg]/ lrlsT;s;Fu ;Nnfx lng h?/L x'G5 . ue{lg/f]w ug{ k'?ifsf nflu sG8d, dlxnfsf nflu sG8d, vfg] ue{lg/f]w, vf]k -;'O{_, 8fok|mfd / hgg]lGb|odf /fVg] pks/0fx? -cfOo'8L_ h:tf w]/} ;fwg jf ;'ljwfx? x'G5g\ . uef{wfg /f]Sg ue{ a:g] ;dodf tkfO{+ zf/Ll/s ;Dks{ gu/L a:g ;Sg'x'G5 . cd]l/sfdf ue{– lg/f]wx? rng–rNtLdf 5g\ / lgs} ;'/lIft 5g\ . t/ s'g} klg ;fwg jf pkfonfO{ ue{lg/f]wsf] /fdjf0f dflgFb}g . tkfO{+nfO{ ;Gtfg hGdfpg dgnfUof] eg] vfO/x]sf] jf k|of]u ul//x]sf] ue{lg/f]w tTsfn aGb ug{ ;Sg'x'G5 . Birth Control Options

If you choose birth control, it is important to talk to your doctor about the type of birth control that may be right for you. There are many birth control options, including male condoms, female condoms, oral contra-


Family Planning, Prenatal Health, and Giving Birth

ceptives, shots, diaphragms, and intrauterine devices (IUD). You can also choose to avoid sexual intercourse during the part of your cycle when you could become pregnant. In the United States, birth control is widely used and very safe. However, no method of birth control is completely guaranteed to prevent pregnancy. You can stop using birth control if you want to have children. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

ue{lg/f]wsf ;fwg kfpg] 7fp“ ue{lg/f]wsf ljleGg ;fwg jf ;'ljwfx? lrlsT;ssf] sfof{no, ©fd{];L, lSnlgs jf :6f]/df kfOG5g\ . slxn]sfxLF o:tf ;fwg jf ;'ljwf lsGgsf nflu lrlsT;sn] n]lvlbPsf] sfuh rflxFg;S5 . o:tf ;fwg jf ;'ljwfsf] d"No 7fpFcg';f/ ©/s x'g;S5 . olb tkfO{+n] cf}ifwf]krf/sf nflu d]l8sn–ladf ug'{ePsf] 5 eg] ToxL ladfn] ue{lg/f]wdf nfUg] vr{ wfGg ;S5 . cf}ifwf]krf/df nfUg] vr{ / kfpg] ;'ljwfaf/] s] s;f] ubf{ /fd|f] x'G5 eg]/ lrlsT;s;Fu ;Nnfx ug'{xf];\ . Getting Birth Control

You can get birth control from the doctor’s office, pharmacy, clinic, or store. Sometimes you need a prescription to buy birth control. Each birth control product has a different price. If you have medical insurance, it might cover the expenses. Talk to your doctor about finding assistance for the costs. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

uef{j:yf dlxnfsf] hLjgdf uef{j:yf lgs} dxÎjk"0f{ x'G5 . o:tf] a]nfdf lgoldt :jf:Yo–k/LIf0f ug'{xf];\, k|;j cj:yf / k|;"ltsf nflu tof/ x'g'xf];\ . o;sf nflu cfˆgf] >Ldfg / 8fS6/;Fu tf/tDo ldnfpg'k5{ . o:tf] a]nfsf nflu kl/jf/, Oi6ldq / :jf:Yo;]jsnfO{ ;/–;xfotfsf nflu cfu|x ug'{xf];\ . Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a special time in a woman’s life. While pregnant, get regular prenatal health care and prepare for labor and delivery with your partner and doctor. Ask for help from family, friends, and health care professionals during this time. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

uef{j:yfdf :ofxf/ tkfO{+ cf©" ue{jtL eP h:tf] nfUof] eg] 3/d} hfFr ug{ ;Sg'x'G5 . o:tf] hfFr ug{] ;fwg v'b|f k;n jf ©fd{];Ldf kfpg ;Sg'x'G5 . ue{jtL hfFr ubf{ …xf]Ú -kf]lhl6e_ cfof] eg] cfˆgf] lgoldt hfFr ul//x]sf lrlsT;snfO{ t'?Gt ;Dks{

kl/jf/ lgof]hg, uef{j:yfdf :jf:Yo / k|;"lt


u/L :jf:Yo–k/LIf0fsf nflu ;do ldnfpg'xf];\ . uef{j:yfdf ul/g] :ofxf/–;';f/ ;+ej eP;Dd rfF8f] ;'? ug'{k5{ . uef{j:yfdf ul/g] :ofxf/–;';f/ eGgfn] ue{jtL / pgsf] ue{sf] lzz'sf] :ofxf/–;';f/ xf] . tkfO{+ o;k6seGbf klxn] g} ue{jtL eO– ;s]sL eP klg uef{j:yfdf ul/g] :ofxf/–;';f/ cem dxÎjk"0f{ x'G5 . cd]l/sfdf w]/}h;f] ue{jtL dlxnfx?n] 8fS6/sf] x]/rfx kfpF5g\ . o:tf] cj:yfdf x]/rfx ug]{ 8fS6/nfO{ cA:6«]l6;g jf ufOg]snf]lh:6 -cf]aL÷lhjfOPg_ elgG5 . cd]l/sfdf ;a}h;f] aRrfaRrL c:ktfndf hGdfOG5g\ . aRrfaRrL hGdfpg] Joj:yf klg c:ktfndf ldnfOPsf] x'G5 . 8fS6/;Fu lgoldt hrfpFgfn] s'g} klg :jf:Yo;DaGwL ;d:of b]lvgf;fy t'?Gt To;sf] pkrf/ ul/G5 . Prenatal Care

If you think you are pregnant, you can take an at-home pregnancy test. You can buy these at a grocery store or pharmacy. If the result is positive, schedule an appointment with your regular doctor right away. You should begin prenatal care as soon as possible. Prenatal care is health care for the pregnant woman and for her unborn child. Prenatal care is very important, even if you have been pregnant before. In the United States, most women get prenatal care through a doctor known as an obstetrician/ gynecologist (or OB/GYN), and give birth at a hospital. Doctors can find and treat health problems early when they see you regularly. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

uef{j:yfdf lrlsT;snfO{ e]6\bf • • • • • •

uef{j:yfdf :jf:Yo–k/LIf0fsf nflu lrlsT;ssxfF hfFbf pxfFn] M tkfO{+sf] cfˆgf] / kl/jf/sf] k'/fgf] :jf:Yo ljj/0faf/] atfpg'xf];\ eGg'x'G5 . tkfO{+sf] sDd/eGbf tn / lt3|fdflysf c+ux? tyf ;Defljt SofG;/ hfFRg ul/g] k/LIf0f …kfk l:do/Ú nufot k"/} z/L/sf] hfFr ug'{x'G5 . Nofa -k|of]uzfnf_ df k7fP/ hfFRgsf nflu /ut / lk;fa lng'x'G5 . /Strfk -An8–k|];/_, prfO / tf}n gfKg'x'G5 . aRrf hGdg] ldltaf/] n]vfhf]vf ug'{x'G5 . aRrfsf] d'6'sf] w8\sg hfFRg'x'G5 .

Prenatal Visits with Doctor • • • •

During prenatal visits, the doctor will: Ask for personal and family health history. Do a complete physical exam, including a pelvic exam and pap smear (test to detect possible cancer). Take blood and urine. Check blood pressure, height, and weight.


Family Planning, Prenatal Health, and Giving Birth

• Calculate the due date, a date near which the baby will be born. • Check the baby’s heart rate. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

vfg x'g] / gx'g] • …cfO/gÚ;lxt kof{Kt kf]ifs tÎjx? vfg'xf];\ . cfO/gn] ue{df /x]sf] lzz'nfO{

kof{Kt clS;hg lbnfpg d2t u5{ . • ©n©"n, t/sf/L, ;Unf] cGg tyf SoflN;odsf] dfqf a9L ePsf vfg]s'/f / sd hDg] vfnsf lrNnf];lxt ;Gt'lnt vfgf vfg'xf];\ . • s©L, lrof / xNsf k]o h:tf Sofl©g ePsf÷xflnPsf emf]n sd lkpg'xf];\ . Do’s and Don’ts – Food

• Get enough nutrients, including iron, which helps your baby get oxygen. • Eat a balanced diet including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and foods high in calcium and low in saturated fat. • Do not drink large amounts of caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea, and soft drinks. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

kfngf ug]{ hLjgz}nL • • • • •

ue{jtL x'Fbf w"d|kfg, /S;L jf cj}w nfu'cf}ifw ;]jg gug'{xf];\ . lgs} tftf] kfgLdf 8'a'NsL gdfg'{xf];\ jf gg'xfpg'xf];\ . k|z:t ;do ;'Tg'xf];\ / wk]8L gug'{xf];\ . xKtfsf] kfFr lbg lbgx'F #) ldg]6 -cfwf 306f_ xNsf Jofofd ug'{xf];\ . ls6gfzs -ljif÷ljiffbL_, ;/;©fO{ ug{] emf]n, ln8 -l;;f_, ds{/L -kf/f]_ / 3/ /+ufpg] /+u h:tf /;fog cflbaf6 6f9} a:g'xf];\ .

Do’s and Don’ts - Lifestyle

• DO NOT SMOKE, DRINK ALCOHOL, OR USE ILLEGAL DRUGS DURING PREGNANCY. • Do not take very hot baths. • Sleep well and avoid stress. • Exercise moderately for 30 minutes five days a week. • Avoid chemicals like insecticides, cleaning supplies, lead, mercury, and paint. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

cfly{s ;xfotf / d]l8sn ladf w]/}h;f] /fHodf cf}ifwf]krf/ ladf gul/Psf JolStx?nfO{ uef{j:yf, k|;"lt ;]jf / k|;"ltkl5sf] :ofxf/sf nflu …d]l8s]8Ú gfds ;/sf/L ;'ljwfdf©{t cfly{s–

kl/jf/ lgof]hg, uef{j:yfdf :jf:Yo / k|;"lt


;xfotf ul/G5 . dlxnf, lzz' tyf afnaflnsf -8An'cfO;L_ gfds sfo{qmd kf]if0f sfo{qmd xf] . of] sfo{qmdn] ue{jtL, k|;"ltkl5 / aRrfnfO{ :tgkfg u/fpg] cfdfsf nflu tyf kfFr jif{d'lgsf afnaflnsfnfO{ kf]if0f tyf cfly{s cfjZostfsf] vfFrf] 6fg{ s'kg pknAw u/fpF5 . o:tf] sfo{qmdsf lgodx? /fHolkR5] ©/s x'G5g\ . To;}n] ;/sf/L ;'ljwf lbg] sfof{no jf k'gjf{; ;+:yfdf ;Dks{ u/L cf©" pSt ;'ljwfx? kfpg of]Uo eP÷gePsf] / ;'ljwf kfpgsf nflu lgj]bg lbg] tl/sfaf/] hfgsf/L lng'xf];\ . Financial Assistance and Medical Insurance

In most states, Medicaid pays for some or all of prenatal care, delivery services, and post-partum care for those people who do not have private health insurance. The Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program is a nutrition program that offers coupons for specific foods to pregnant, postpartum, and breastfeeding women; and children under five with nutritional and financial need. States’ programs differ, so contact your social services office or resettlement agency for information on eligibility and the application process. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

k|;"ltsf nflu tof/L k|;"ltsf nflu >Ldfg / lrlsT;s jf g;{sf] ;xof]udf hGd–of]hgf -ay{ Knfg_ tof/ kfg'{xf];\ . o:tf] of]hgf k|;j -k|;"ltcl3sf] cj:yf_ / k|;"lt tof/Lsf] lg0f{o ug]{ Ps pkfo xf] . o:tf] of]hgfdf cf©"nfO{ ;lhnf] nfUg] bf]efif]sf] ;Dks{ hfgsf/L, k|;"lt–sIfdf hfg ldNg] gft]bf/ jf Oi6ldqx?sf gfd / b'vfO a9] cfˆgf nflu s] ug{ rfxg' x'G5 eGg] klg v'nfP/ n]lvlbg'xf];\ . lzz'sf] hGdaf/] ug{ ldNg] jf ug{ gldNg] vfnsf tkfO{+sf s'g} wfld{s jf ;f+:s[lts cf:yfx? 5g\ jf To:tf] ;dodf s'g} vf; vfg]s'/f vfg' x'Gg eGg] 5 eg] Tof] klg pSt of]hgfdf ;dfj]z ul/lbg'xf];\ . tkfO{+sf c? aRrf 5g\ / tkfO{+ c:ktfn hfFbf jf k|;j cj:yfdf /xFbf pgsf] x]/rfx s;n] ug]{ xf], Tof] klg pSt of]hgfdf v'nfO– lbg'xf];\ . aRrf hGd]kl5 pgnfO{ lgoldt b]vfpg] lrlsT;s -h;nfO{ lkl8cl6«;g elgG5_ sf] xf] <, pxfFsf] gfd of]hgfdf n]lvlbPsf] x'g'k5{ . pSt …hGd–of]hgfÚ lrlsT;s / cf©"n] aRrf hGdfpg] c:ktfnnfO{ lbg'xf];\ . ;a} lg0f{ox? cuf8L g} ug'{eof] eg] k|;j / k|;"ltdf x'g] jf ul/g] ;a} sfd ;lhnf / tgfjd'Qm x'G5g\ . Preparing for Delivery

Make a birth plan with your partner and doctor or nurse-midwife. This is a tool used to communicate decisions about labor and delivery. Include contact information of preferred interpreters, a list of people allowed in the delivery room, and pain management choices. If you have religious or


Family Planning, Prenatal Health, and Giving Birth

cultural beliefs about birth or do not eat certain foods, include this in your birth plan. If you have other children, decide who will take care of them when you are in labor and go to the hospital. You should decide who will be your child’s doctor (called a pediatrician) after the birth and that name should be in your birth plan. Share your birth plan with your doctor and with the hospital where your delivery will take place. Making decisions beforehand will make everything easier and less stressful during the labor and the delivery process. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

s;/L c:ktfn k'Ug] < lzz' hGdg] ;do ePsf] 5 / k|;j cj:yf ;'? ePsf] xf] jf xf]Og eGg]df tkfO{+ cem} clglZrt eP lrlsT;snfO{ ©f]g ug'{xf]; jf ;Lw} c:ktfn hfg'xf];\ . w]/} dlxnfnfO{ Joyf nfu]sf] h:tf] cg'ej x'G5, jf:tjdf To:tf] ePs} x'Fb}g . To:tf] cj:yf cfP, ;+sf]r gdfGg'xf];\ . tkfO{+nfO{ k|;j cj:yf eP, c:ktfn hfg'xf];\ . ToxfF uP/ egf{ x'g'xf];\ . egf{ x'g' eg]sf] tkfO{+ c:ktfndf ue{jtLsf ?kdf btf{ x'g' xf] . oxL ;dodf c:ktfnsf sd{rf/Ln] tkfO{+sf] :jf:Yo–ladf;DaGwL hfgsf/L vf]Hg EofpF5g\ . Going to the Hospital

If you are ever unsure if you’re going into labor, call your doctor or go to the hospital. Many women go into “false labor”, believing they are in labor when they really are not. Do not be embarrassed if this happens to you. When you are in labor and go to the hospital, you need to go through admissions. This registers you as a patient in the hospital. Hospital staff will also collect your health insurance information at this time. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

c:ktfndf s] x'G5 < tkfO{+nfO{ :jf:Yo;DaGwL s'g} cK7\of/f 5}gg\ eg] c:ktfn egf{ ePkl5 k|;"lt– sIfdf nluG5 . pSt sIfdf tkfO{+sf nflu Pp6f lj:t/f / tkfO{+sf ;fy hfg'ePsf >Ldfg jf cGo ;xof]uL a:gsf nflu Pp6f s';L{ x'G5 . Pshgf lrlsT;sn] tkfO{+ / lzz'nfO{ k|;jdf s] eO/x]5 eg]/ lgu/fgL ug'{ x'g]5 . k|;j cj:yf nfdf] x'g ;S5 . s;}nfO{ lgs} b'V5 . o:tf] b'vfO sd ug{] cf}ifwL lbg'xf];\ eg]/ lrlsT;s;Fu cg'/f]w ug{ ;Sg'x'G5 . w]/}h;f] lzz' cfdfsf] hgg]lGb|o x'Fb} aflx/ lg:sG5g\ . of] :jefljs hGd xf] . slxn]sfxLF ue{jtL x'Fbf c? ;d:of 5g\ eg] lrlsT;sn] aRrf hGdfpg zNolqmof -ck/];g_ ug]{ lg0f{o klg ug{ ;Sg'x'G5 . o:tf] zNolqmofnfO{ …l;h]l/og ;]S;gÚ -5f]6s/Ldf …l;–;]S;gÚ_ klg elgG5 . zNolqmof ubf{ tkfO{+sf] k]6 lrl/G5 / ToxL lrl/Psf] efuaf6 lzz'nfO{ aflx/ lgsflnG5 . zNolqmofaf6 aRrf hGdfpg] cfdfnfO{ k"/} ;Grf] x'g s]xL ;do nfU5 / pxfFnfO{ 3/df cln a9L

kl/jf/ lgof]hg, uef{j:yfdf :jf:Yo / k|;"lt


g} :ofxf/;';f/ ug{ h?/L x'G5 . ay{ Knfgdf n]lvPsf] 5}g eg] c:ktfn 5f8]– kl5 lzz'sf] :jf:Yo k/LIf0f ug{] lrlsT;s -afnlrlsT;s_ sf] x'G5 eGg] tkfO{+n] lg0f{o ug'{k5{ / c:ktfnaf6 lzz'nfO{ 3/ Nofpg'cl3 tL lrlsT;ssf] gfd klg c:ktfnsf sd{rf/LnfO{ l6kfpg' k5{ . At the Hospital

Once you are admitted to the hospital, if you have no complications, you will be taken to a labor and delivery room. There will be a bed for you and a chair where your partner or other support person can sit. A doctor will monitor you and your baby to see how you are both tolerating labor. Labor can be very long and painful for some women, and you can request medicine to help with the pain. Usually, the baby will be born by natural vaginal birth. Sometimes, however, if you have a high-risk pregnancy, your doctor might decide to perform a cesarean section (also called a csection) where the baby will be removed through an incision that will be made in your abdomen. Women who have had a c-section require a longer recovery period and extra support at home after the birth. Make sure you tell the hospital staff the name of the doctor (pediatrician) who will care for your baby after you leave the hospital. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

gjhft lzz'nfO{ 3/df :jfut ;do pko'Qm ePkl5 lrlsT;sn] tkfO{+ / lzz'nfO{ 3/ hfg lbg'x'G5 . ;fdfGotM of] ;do Ps jf b'O{ lbgdf g} x'G5 . ljz]if cf}ifwf]krf/ ug{ cfjZos 7x¥ofOPsf gfgLnfO{ c:ktfndf /flvG5 . To:tf] cj:yfdf gfgLx?nfO{ pkrf/ ul/g] sIf …gjhftsf nflu uxg :ofxf/ sIfÚ -PgcfOl;o"_ df /fVg ;lsG5 . To:tf] cj:yfdf lzz'nfO{ c:ktfn /fVg] ;do cln w]/} lbgsf] x'g ;S5 . gjhft lzz'nfO{ 3/ NofpFbf gfgLsf nflu rflxg] sf/–l;6sf] aGbf]a:t 5 jf 5}g kSsf ug'{xf];\ . Taking Your Baby Home

The doctor will discharge you and your baby from the hospital when the time is right. Usually this is within one or two days. New babies who need extra medical attention, however, may be admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and stay in the hospital longer. Make sure you have a properly installed car seat to bring your baby home in. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

3/df s] ug]{ < lzz'nfO{ ;do lbg'k5{ . pg};Fu a:g'xf];\ . pgsf] :ofxf/sf nflu lrlsT;sn] h] h] ;Nnfx lbg'ePsf] 5 eg] pxfFsf tL ;Nnfxcg';f/ sfd ug'{xf];\ . tkfO{+ jf lzz'af/] s]xL ;f]Wg'k¥of] jf b'O{dWo] s;}nfO{ s]xL c;fdfGo cj:yf cfP h:tf] nfUof]


Family Planning, Prenatal Health, and Giving Birth

eg] lrlsT;snfO{ ©f]g ug'{xf];\ . lrlsT;s klg tkfO{+ / tkfO{+sf] lzz'nfO{ :jf:Yo– k/LIf0fdf cfPsf] /fd|f] dfGg'x'G5 . aRrfsf] k/LIf0fsf nflu aRrfs} lrlsT;s jf kfl/jfl/s lrlsT;snfO{ e]6\g] ;do ldnfpg'xf];\ . Tof] e]6df csf]{–csf]{ k6s ul/g] lgoldt k/LIf0fsf nflu tf/tDo ldnfpg'k5{ . ue{jtL jf ;'Ts]/LnfO{ Gof;|f], lvGgtf, lr9–lr9\ofO jf lgb|f srkr x'g] vfnsf ;d:of x'g' Psbd c;fdfGo cj:yf xf] . To:tf ;d:ofn] cfˆgf] jf gfgLx?sf] :ofxf/;';f/df k|efj k5{ . o:tf a]nfdf dlxnfn] cf©}FnfO{ jf ;Gtfgx?nfO{ kL8f lbg ;lS5g\ . tkfO{+nfO{ o:tf ;d:ofn] ;tfPsf] cg'ej eof] eg] t'?Gt lrlsT;snfO{ va/ ug'{xf];\ . o:tf ;d:ofx? ;dfwfg ug{] pkrf/x? -pkfox?_ 5g\ . pkrf/ kl5 tkfO{+ k]ml/ cf/fd dx;'; ug'{ x'G5 . At Home

Spend time with your baby, and follow any instructions the doctor gave you on how to take care of him or her. If you have any questions or suspect that something is not normal with you or your baby, call your doctor. He or she will also want to see you and your baby for a follow-up visit. Make an appointment with your baby’s pediatrician (doctor for kids) or family doctor to establish regular care for your baby. It is not unusual for women who are pregnant or have had a baby recently to experience sadness, depression, anger, or sleep problems that affect their ability to care for themselves or their children. Sometimes they even have feelings about hurting themselves or their babies. If you have any of those feelings, call your doctor right away. There is treatment for these feelings and you will feel better again.





cWofo !& : hLjgsf k|d'v 36gfx? Chapter 17 : Major Life Events

gof“ e"lddf k/Dk/fut ;+:sf/ g]kfnLefifL e"6fgL ;d'bfon] ub}{} cfPsf cfˆgf k/Dk/fut hGd, ljjfx / d[To'sf ;+:sf/x? cd]l/sfdf klg To;/L g} ug{ ;lsG5 . t/ oxfFsf /fHosf] sfg'gcg';f/ tL ;+:sf/df yf]/} ©]/abn cfjZos x'G5 . oxfF yk s]xL sfg'gL cfjZostfx? klg k"/f ug'{k5{ . cfˆgf kfl/jfl/s ;+:sf/x?df cd]l/sfdf hGd]sf ;fyL, l5d]sL jf ;xsdL{x?nfO{ af]nfpg] ug'{xf];\ . o:tf cj;/x? g} pxfFx?nfO{ cfˆgf ;+:sf/x?;Fu kl/lrt u/fpg] pQd tl/sf x'g\ . Traditional Ceremonies in a New Land

Most ways that Nepali-speaking Bhutanese have traditionally marked births, marriages, and deaths can be continued unchanged in the U.S. There are a few aspects of traditional ceremonies that will need to be altered to comply with the laws of your state. There are also additional legal requirements that you will need to meet. Inviting a few native-born American friends, neighbors, or co-workers to your family celebrations can be a good way to introduce them to your culture. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

hGd lzz'sf] hGdn] h'g;'s} ;+:sf/ ePsf kl/jf/df klg cb\e"t v';L NofpF5 . ue{jtL / ue{sf] lzz'sf nflu cd]l/sfdf d'Vo ?kdf …a]aL ;fj/Ú gfdsf] ;+:sf/ ul/G5 . slxn]sfxLF …a]aL ;fj/Ú lzz' hGd]kl5 u/] klg w]/}h;f] of] ;+:sf/ lzz'sf] hGdeGbf s]xLcl3 g} ul/G5 . cfdlGqtx?n] cfdf / lzz'nfO{ pkxf/ lbG5g\ . cd]l/sfdf tkfO{+ cfˆgf] rngcg';f/ aRrf hGdFbf v';LofnL dgfpg :jtGq x'g'x'G5 . cd]l/sfdf w]/} lzz'x? c:ktfndf hGdG5g\ eg] s]xL dfq ;'F8]gLsf] ;xfotfdf 3/df hGdG5g\ . Births

The birth of a new baby to a family is a wonderful joyful event in all cultures. Often in America a relative or close friend will host a baby shower for the soon-to-be mother and unborn baby. Sometimes the baby shower will be after the baby is born, but usually it is before. Guests give presents to the mother for her or for her baby.


Major Life Events

In the U.S. you are free to celebrate the birth of a child according to your own culture. Most births in the U.S. take place in a hospital although some births may take place at home with a midwife in attendance. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

hGdbtf{sf] k|df0fkq aRrfsf] hGdbtf{sf] klxnf] k|df0fkq 8fS6/, c:ktfn jf ;'F8]gLn] lbG5g\ . To;kl5 hGdbtf{ tkfO{+ a:b} cfPsf] /fHol:yt ;/sf/L sfof{nodf ug'{k5{ . aRrf hGdg]lalQs} lbOg] klxnf] hGdbtf{ k|df0fkqdf aRrfsf] gfd n]Vg'k5{ . cfˆgf] ;+:sf/cg';f/ gfd /fVg] sd{ aRrfsf] hGdkl5 ul/g] eP klg aRrfnfO{ kl5;Dd af]nfpg] gfd p;sf] hGdeGbf klxn] tof/ kf/]/ /fv]sf] x'g'k5{ . aRrfsf] hGdbtf{sf] k|df0fkqdf n]lvPsf] gfd g} p;sf] sfg'gL -cflwsfl/s_ x'G5 . hGdg]lalQs} lbOPsf] k|df0fkq kl5 ;/sf/L sfof{nodf btf{ u/]kl5 ;f] sfof{non] cf}krfl/s hGdbtf{ k|df0fkq lbG5 . of] k|df0fkqdf aRrfsf] gfd, p;sf] hGdldlt, cfdfafa'sf] gfd / cGo hfgsf/L ;dfj]z x'G5 . cd]l/sfdf hGd]sf] lzz' :jtM cd]l/sL gful/s x'g] ePsfn] of] hGdbtf{sf] k|df0fkq lgs} dxÎjk"0f{ x'G5 . of] hGdbtf{sf] k|df0fkqn] g} pm cd]l/sL gful/s xf] eGg] k|dfl0ft u5{ . s'g} a]nf ToxL aRrf cd]l/sfdf hGd]sf] xf] egL k|dfl0ft ug'{k¥of] eg] tkfO{+n] hGdbtf{sf] k|df0fkq b]vfpg'k5{ / o;sf] k|ltlnlk k]z ug'{k5{ . aRrf 7"nf] ePkl5 p;sf] gfd dtbftf–;"rLdf btf{ ug{ jf cd]l/sL kf;kf]6{ -/fxbfgL_ kfpg p;sf] hGdbtf{sf] k|df0fkq g} rflxG5 . Birth Certificate

The birth of a child must be certified by a doctor, hospital, or midwife and then be registered with an office in the state where you live. The baby’s name must be written on the birth certificate at the time of birth. For this reason, even if you are planning to have the traditional name-giving ceremony shortly after the baby’s birth, you must have the baby’s name selected and ready before the time of birth. Whatever name goes on the birth certificate will be the legal name of the child. After the birth is registered, you will be able to get an official government birth certificate that will include the name of the child, the date of birth, the name of the parents, and other information. This birth certificate is very important because every child born in the U.S. is automatically a citizen of the U.S. The birth certificate will be evidence that the child is a citizen. There will be situations where you need to show evidence that the child is born in the U.S. and you will need a copy of the birth certificate. When the child

hLjgsf k|d'v 36gfx¿


is an adult, the child will need the birth certificate to register to vote or to get a U.S. passport. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

kf:gL tkfO{+sf] ;+:s[ltdf aRrfsf] kf:gL ug]{ h:tf] ;+:sf/ cd]l/sL ;+:s[ltdf 5}g . To;f] eP klg tkfO{+n] e"6fg jf g]kfndf u/]h:tf] tl/sfn] kf:gL ug{ ;Sg'x'G5 . Rice Feeding Ceremony

In American culture there is no equivalent of the rice feeding ceremony. However, you are free to celebrate this as you would in Bhutan or in Nepal. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

ljjfx ljjfx x/]s ;d'bfodf ©/s tl/sfn] ul/G5 . ljjfx ;a} ;+:s[ltsf] dxÎjk"0f{ kfl/jfl/s ;+:sf/ xf] . cd]l/sfdf lxGb", O;fO{, d'l:nd, ox'bL, / cGo s'g} cf:yfsf] eP klg cfˆgf] ;+:sf/cg';f/ ljjfx ug{ ;lsG5 . hGdh:t} ljjfx klg ;/sf/L sfof{nodf btf{ ug'{k5{ . ljjfx btf{ ug]{ k|lqmof /fHolkR5] ©/s eP klg o;sf s]xL :j?k p:t} x'G5g\ . cf©" a:g] /fHodf ljjfx–btf{ k|lqmof s:tf] 5 a'‰g'xf];\ . Marriages

Marriages are important family events in all cultures although the wedding ceremonies that celebrate them vary widely. People from Hindu, Christian, Muslim, Jewish, and other faiths in America are free to celebrate marriages according to their own traditions. Marriages, like births, must be registered with the government. While this process may be different in each state of the U.S., some aspects are common. You should determine the specific details in your state. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

ljjfx cg'dlt–kq ljjfx Pp6f k|lqmof xf], of] k|lqmofsf] klxnf] v'8\lsnf]df ;fdfGotM ljjfx cg'dlt– kq -Dofl/h nfO;]G;_ lng' k5{ . of] nfO;]G; ljjfx ug{ af6f] vf]Ng] sfg'gL sfuh xf] . pSt cg'dlt–kq kfpgsf nflu tkfO{+n] :yfgLo zx/, gu/ jf sfpG6L sfof{nodf cfj]bg lbg'k5{ . tkfO{+n] lax] ug'{cl3 Dofl/h nfO;]G; lnPsf] x'g'k5{ . cfj]bg lbFbf b'j}sf] ©f]6f];lxtsf] kl/ro–kq -©f]6f] cfO8L_ jf tkfO{+x? sf] xf] egL lrgfpg], sxfF a:g'x'G5 eGg] k|df0f k]z ug'{sf ;fy} z'Ns ltg'{k5{ . cfj]bgdf cGo s]xL yk hfgsf/L rflxg;S5 . Dofl/h nfO;]G; lnPkl5 tkfO{+ cfˆgf k/Dk/fcg';f/ ljjfx ug{ ;Sg'x'G5 .


Major Life Events

ljjfx k'/f]lxt jf cGo s'g} cflwsfl/s JolStsf] pkl:yltdf ug{ ;Sg'x'G5 . To:tf cflwsfl/s JolStx?df /fHon] tf]s]sf JolSt jf …hl:6;–c©–b–lk;Ú cf]xbfsf JolSt klg x'g ;S5g\ . Marriage License

Generally, the first step to getting married is to obtain a marriage license. This is the legal document that allows you to marry. Generally you can apply for the license at a town, city, or county office. You should get your marriage license in advance of the wedding. You will need to show a photo ID or other proof of who you are, where you live, and pay a fee. There may be other requirements as well. After you have your marriage license, your wedding may be performed by a priest or other official of your religion, by a justice-of-the-peace, or by other persons given authority to perform marriages by your state. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

ljjfx–btf{sf] k|df0fkq ljjfx ul/lbg] JolStn] ljjfx–btf{sf] ©f/d el/lbg'k5{ . tf]lsPsf 7fpFx?df x:tfIf/ u/]kl5 of] dxÎjk"0f{ sfuh ljjfx–btf{ ug]{ ;/f]sf/ sfof{nodf k7fpg'– k5{ . ToxfF tkfO{+sf] ljjfx cflwsfl/s ?kdf btf{ x'G5 . ;a}h;f] 7fpFdf ljjfx– btf{sf nflu z'Ns ltg'{k5{ . cd]l/sfdf lax] u/]kl5 tkfO{+sf w]/} sfg'gL, cfly{s / s/;DaGwL ;'ljwf tyf lhDd]jf/L a9\5g\ . s'g}–s'g} a]nf tkfO{+ sfg'gL ?kdf ljjflxt xf] eg]/ k|df0f k]z ug'{k¥of] eg] ljjfx–btf{ k|df0fkq b]vfpg'k5{ . Marriage Certificate

The person who performs the wedding ceremony must complete a marriage certificate. This important certificate, with all necessary signatures, must be delivered to the appropriate government office so that the marriage can be officially recorded. In most communities you will need to pay an additional fee. Being married has many legal, financial, and tax benefits and responsibilities in the U.S. You must have a marriage certificate if you are asked to prove that you have been legally married. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

d[To' kl/jf/sf] s'g} Ps ;b:o jf ;fyLefOsf] d[To' x'g' ;a}sf nflu b'Mvb 36gf xf] . ljleGg wd{ of ;+:s[ltdf sfhlqmof tyf ;+:d/0f ug]{ tl/sf / ;dodf klg leGgtf kfOG5 . cd]l/sL sfg'g kfngf ug{ d[To';DaGwL lxGb" ;+:sf/sf s]xL

hLjgsf k|d'v 36gfx¿


k/Dk/fut ljlwx?df kl/jt{g ug{ cfjZos x'G5 . cd]l/sfdf w]/}h;f] dflg;sf] d[To' c:ktfn -jf wd{zfnf÷x;\lk;\ xf]d_ df x'G5g\, hxfF 8fS6/x? / g;{x? x'G5g\ . c:ktfndf cfˆgf] gft]bf/sf] clGtd cj:yf 5 eg] 8fS6/ tyf g;{x?;Fu cf©"n] s:tf] clGtd;+:sf/ ug]{ xf] eg]/ atfpg'k5{ / pxfFx?sf] cg'dlt lng'k5{ . tkfO{+n] k|s6 u/]sf] dd{k|lt pxfFx?n] ;xfg'e"lt b]vfpg' x'g]5 . s;}sf] d[To' 3/df eof] eg] k|x/LnfO{ va/ ug'{k5{ . k|x/Ln] d[To'af/] hfgsf/L lnG5g\ . k|x/Ln] Tof] ;fdfGo d[To' xf] / xTof cflb xf]Og eGg] 7x/ ug'{k5{ . Deaths

The death of a family member or close friend is a difficult time for everyone. Different religions and cultures have different ways to give time for mourning and remembrance. Important aspects of traditional Hindu ceremonies surrounding death must be modified to comply with American law. Most deaths in America occur in hospitals (or hospice homes) where doctors and nurses are present. If your loved one is nearing death in a hospital, you should talk with the doctors and nurses about rituals you wish to perform and obtain their permission. They will usually be very understanding. When a person dies at home, the police must be called. The police need to investigate to make sure that the death was a natural death and not the result of a crime. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

d[To'btf{sf] k|df0fkq s;}sf] d[To' ePsf a]nf c:ktfn, x;\k;\ jf 3/df x]/rfx u/]sf 8fS6/n] x:tfIf/ u/]sf] d[To'sf] k|df0fkq lbg'x'G5 . pSt k|df0fkqdf d[To'sf] ;do, cj:yf /, sf/0f n]lvPsf] x'G5 . d[To' ePnuQ} bfx;+:sf/ ug'{cl3 kl/jf/sf ;b:on] of] k|df0fkq lnPsf] x'g'k5{ . of] k|df0fkq ladf bfaL ubf{ k]z ug{ rflxg ;S5 . s'g} /fHodf bfx;+:sf/sf nflu s]xL ;fj{hlgs ;xfotfcGtu{t cfly{s ;xof]u kfOG5 . of] ;xfotf kfpg klg pSt k|df0fkqn] d2t ug{;S5 . Death Certificate

A doctor who had been caring for the person at the time of death, whether at home or in a hospital, must sign a death certificate that states the time, circumstances, and reason for the death. This certificate is necessary before the body can be legally disposed of. It is important for the immediate family to obtain copies of the official death certificate. The certificate may be used to file insurance claims. In some states the death


Major Life Events

certificate may assist in obtaining some public assistance in paying for cremation or burial. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

3f6 cd]l/sfdf bfx;+:sf/ ug{] clwsf/–k|fKt 3f6 -o'g/n xf]d_ x'G5g\ . oxfFsf w]/} ˆo'g/n xf]ddf sfd ug]{ sd{rf/Lx?nfO{ lxGb" ;+:sf/ s:tf] x'G5 eGg] yfxf gx'g;S5 . k'gjf{; ;+:yf jf e"6fgL ;d'bfo;DaGwL ;+:yfx?n] bfx;+:sf/sf nflu glhs}sf] ˆo'g/n xf]d vf]Hg d2t u5{g\ . ˆo'g/n xf]dn] bfx;+:sf/ u/]jfkt k};f lnG5g\ . bfx;+:sf/ / ;fgf] lqmof–sd{sf nflu s]xL xhf/ 8n/ nfUg ;S5 . of] vr{ tkfO{+sf] :jf:Yo–ladf -x]Ny OG:of]/]G;_ jf d]l8s]8n] a]xf]b}{g . Funeral Home

Funeral rites are organized through a licensed funeral home. Many funeral homes in America may be unfamiliar with Hindu funeral rites. Your resettlement agency or Bhutanese community organization will be able to suggest a funeral home that will best help you make arrangements in your town or city. Funeral homes charge for their services. The cost for cremation and a small ceremony may be few thousand dollars. These costs are not covered by health insurance or Medicaid. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

bfx;+:sf/ d[To' ePsf] @$ 306fleq bfx;+:sf/ ug{] tkfO{+sf] k/Dk/f wfGg oxfF k|foM ;+ej x'Fb}g . tkfO{+n] @$ 306fleq bfx;+:sf/ ug{] k/Dk/f 5 eg]/ :ki6 cg'/f]w ug'{eof] eg] ˆo'g/n xf]dn] ;+:sf/ / ;fgf] lqmof–sd{ ;s];Dd rfF8f] ug{ sf]lzz u5{g\ . sfg'gL k|lqmof / ;do–tflnsfcg';f/ clGtd;+:sf/ qmd;Fu} ug'{kg]{ x'gfn] ˆo'g/n xf]dn] xfd|f] ;docg';f/ sfd ug{ ;Sb}gg\ . cd]l/sfdf sxLF klg bfx;+:sf/ v'nf 7fpFdf ug{ ldNb}g . o:tf] ;+:sf/ ljz]if aGbf]a:t ePsf ˆo'g/n xf]ddf dfq ul/G5 . ;+:sf/kl5 ˆo'g/n xf]dn] zjsf] s]xL z]if pko'Qm efF8f]df /fv]/ kl/jf/sf ;b:onfO{ lbG5g\ . Cremation

The tradition of cremation within 24 hours of death is often not possible. If you make a clear request, the funeral home will try to schedule a ceremony and cremation as quickly as possible. But they are constrained by the law and by other funerals that they already have scheduled in their facility. In almost all communities in the U.S. it is not possible to cremate a body in the open air. Cremation of a body in America is done in a special

hLjgsf k|d'v 36gfx¿


facility operated by a funeral home. The funeral home will provide the family with the remaining ashes in an appropriate container. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

lqmof–sd{ -zf]s kg]{ ;do_ lxGb" k/Dk/fcg';f/ zf]s k/]sf] kl/jf/n] 3/ jf dlGb/df !# lbgsf] lqmof– sd{ ug{ ;lsG5 . w]/}h;f] cd]l/sL /f]huf/bftfn] zf]s k/]sf kl/jf/sf ;b:onfO{ sfdaf6 Ps jf b'O{ lbg dfq …3/ labfÚ lbG5g\ . tL /f]huf/bftfn] tkfO{+ labfkl5 sfd ©s{g'x'G5 eGg] cfzf u5{g\ . s'g} /f]huf/bftfn] art labfaf6 ldnfP/ tkfO{+nfO{ rflxP hlt 5'§L lbg ;S5g\ . olb tkfO{+sf] glhs}sf] sf]xL gft]bf/sf] cj:yf gfh's 5 / pxfF clGtd cj:yfdf x'g'x'G5 eg] cf©"n] ug'{kg]{ sd{ / rflxg] ;doaf/] ;'k/efOh/nfO{ atfpg'xf];\ . ;'k/efOh/ / tkfO{+aLr labfaf/] ;xdlt xf];\, x'g;s] tnaL labf;lxt sfddf ©s{g] ;do 6'+uf] nufP/ labf a:g'xf];\ . Mourning Period

The 13 day Hindu mourning period can be observed and necessary rites can take place at the home of the deceased person or in a temple. Most American employers will give only one or two days of paid “family leave” to workers at the time of a death of a close family member. They will expect you to return to work after those days. Some employers may agree to let a worker take unused vacation leave to extend the time away from work. If a relative is very sick and may die, you should explain to your supervisor that you may soon have a death in your family and may require time off for the mourning period. You and your supervisor should both agree when you will return to work and whether you will be paid for any time off.






cWofo !* : :yfoL a;f]af; / gful/stf Chapter 18 : Permanent Residency and Citizenship tkfO{+sf] cWofudg cj:yf z/0ffyL{sf ?kdf ha tkfO{+n] cd]l/sf 6]Sg'x'G5, To;a]nf tkfO{+nfO{ oxfF a:g] clwsf/ lbOPsf] x'G5 . t/ tkfO{+nfO{ oxfFsf] …:yfoL afl;GbfÚ dflgPsf] x'Fb}g . ;'?df tkfO{+n] oxfFsf] …:yfoL afl;GbfÚ / kl5 cf©"n] rfx]df oxfFsf] gful/s aGg kfpg'x'G5, h;sf nflu tkfO{+n] s]xL k|lqmof k"/f ug'{k5{ . c:yfoL afl;Gbf, :yfoL afl;Gbf / gful/s h:tf cWofudg cj:yfnfO{ c+u|]hLdf …Oldu|];g :6\of6;\Ú elgG5 . :yfoL afl;Gbf aGg tkfO{+n] cd]l/sL gful/stf tyf cWofudg ;]jf -o'P; l;l6hglzk PG8 Oldu|];g ;le{;]h, o'P;l;cfOP;_ gfds sfof{no;Fu ldn]/ sfd ug'{k5{ . o'P;l;cfOP;n] c? b]zaf6 cfP/ cd]l/sfdf a;f]af; ug]{ gofF afl;Gbfsf ljj/0f /fV5 / :6\of6;\ ©]g{ d2t u5{ . Your Immigration Status

When you first arrive in the United States as a refugee, you are authorized to live here but you are not considered a “permanent resident.” There are steps you must take, first to become a permanent resident and then, if you choose, to become a citizen. In order to become a permanent resident you must change your status with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

:yfoL afl;Gbf aGg' :yfoL afl;Gbf eg]sf] Tof] JolSt xf], h;nfO{ o'P;l;cfOP;n] :yfoL ?kdf cd]l/sfdf a:g / sfd ug{ clwsf/ lbPsf] x'G5 . :yfoL afl;Gbfsf] :6\of6;\ hgfpg Pp6f :yfoL afl;Gbf sf8{ lbOG5, h;nfO{ af]nLrfnLsf] efiffdf …lu|g–sf8{Ú elgG5 . cd]l/sf cfpFbf cWofudg ljefun] lbPsf] :6\of6;\sf cfwf/df lu|g–sf8{ kfpg] tl/sf ©/s 5g\ . z/0ffyL{sf ?kdf tkfO{+nfO{ cd]l/sfn] NofPsf] xf] eg] sfg'gcg';f/ oxfF cfPsf] Ps jif{df lu|g–sf8{sf nflu cfj]bg lbg kfpg'x'G5 . Becoming a Permanent Resident

A permanent resident is someone who has been granted authorization by USCIS to live and work in the United States on a permanent basis. As proof of that status, a person is given a Permanent Resident Card, commonly called a “Green Card." Depending on the status you had when you arrived in the United States, there are different ways to obtain a Green Card. Refugees are required by law to apply for a Green Card one year after they arrived in the United States. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――


Permanent Residency and Citizenship

lu|g–sf8{sf nflu cfj]bg tkfO{+nfO{ c+u|]hL sd cfpF5 eg] lu|g–sf8{sf nflu cfj]bg lbg] tl/sf cK7\of/f] x'G5 . To;}n] ;fyL, 5/l5d]sL, jf gftfuf]tfdWo] h;n] klxn] g} lu|g–sf8{ lnPsf] 5, pxfFnfO{ ©f/dx? / k|lqmofaf/] ;f]Wg'xf];\ . lu|g–sf8{sf] cfj]bg lbFbf k|To]s z/0ffyL{n] cfO–$*% gfds ©f/d eg'{k5{ . of] ©f/d o'P;l;cfOP;sf] j]a;fO6 (www.uscis.gov) df kfOG5 jf o;sf] Ps k|ltsf nflu k'gjf{; ;+:yf jf cGo ;fd'bflos ;+:yfnfO{ eGg'xf];\ . cfO–$*% ©f/d;lxt cfO–($ sf] ©f]6f]skL / kf;kf]6{ cfsf/sf b'O{ k|lt ©f]6fx? a'emfpg'xf];\ . rf}wb]lv &( jif{– aLrsf k|To]s z/0ffyL{n] hL–#@%P gfds ©f/d klg eg'{k5{ . tkfO{+n] cfO–^(# ©f/d klg a'emfpg'k5{ . of] ©f/ddf tkfO{+n] nufPsf ;a} vf]kx?sf] hfgsf/L x'G5 . of] ©f/ddf lrlsT;s -l;len ;h{g_ sf] x:tfIf/ x'G5 / ©f/d xflnPsf] vfdnfO{ aflx/af6 6fFrf nufOPsf] x'G5 . of] ©f/d tof/ kf/]jfkt lrlsT;sn] tkfO{+;Fu z'Ns lng;S5g\ . ©f/dx?df ;fgf–;fgf tYox? /fVg] vfnL 7fpFx? x'G5g\ . s'g vfnL 7fpFdf s] eg'{kg]{ xf] /fd|/L a'‰g'k5{ . clg Wofg lbP/ eg'{k5{ . o'P;l;cfOP; k7fpg'cl3 bf]xf]¥ofP/ hfFRg'k5{ . Applying for a Green Card

Applying for a Green Card is a difficult process, especially if you read and understand only a little English. Ask your friends, neighbors, or relatives who already have a Green Card if they could help you understand the forms and procedures. To apply for a Green Card, each refugee must complete an I-485 form. This form can be obtained from the USCIS website on the Internet (www.uscis.gov) or you can ask your resettlement agency or other community agency to give you a copy. Together with the I-485, you must provide a photocopy of your I-94 and two color photographs of correct size. Each refugee between ages 14 and 79 must also complete a Form G-325A. You must also provide an I-693 form signed and sealed in an envelope by a Civil Surgeon that lists all of your immunizations. The Civil Surgeon may charge a fee for this service. There are many details that must be done correctly, so make sure you understand and have completed everything correctly before sending your application to USCIS. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

afof]d]l6«S;\ lu|g–sf8{ kfpF egL lbPsf] tkfO{+sf] cfj]bgnfO{ o'P;l;cfOP;n] ;dLIff u5{ . To;kl5 pSt sfof{non] tkfO{+nfO{ Pp6f kq k7fpF5 . pSt kqdf tkfO{+sf]

:yfyL a;f]af; / gful/stf


a;f]af;glhs}sf] o'P;l;cfOP;sf] sfof{nodf hfg ;do tf]lsPsf] x'G5 . kqdf n]lvPsf] ;dodf tkfO{+ pSt sfof{nodf hfg'k5{ . ToxfF tkfO{+sf cf}+nfsf 5fkx? lnOG5 . cf}+nfsf 5fkx?n] tkfO{+ s'g} cfk/flws ultljlwdf ;fd]n eP÷gePsf] hfFr ul/G5 . pSt sfof{nodf tkfO{+sf cfFvfsf] tl:a/ klg lnOG5, h;nfO{ …/]l6gn :SofgÚ elgG5 . tkfO{+sf] cGtjf{tf{ klg lng ;lsG5 . Biometrics

After USCIS has reviewed your application for a Green Card, they will send you a letter that tells you when you have an appointment to go to a local USCIS office. At that appointment they will take finger prints so they can do a criminal background check. They may also take a special photo of your eyes, called a retinal scan, or may want to conduct an interview with you. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

:yfoL a;f]af;sf nflu cg'df]bg lu|g–sf8{ kfpF egL lbPsf] tkfO{+sf] cfj]bgnfO{ o'P;l;cfOP;n] ;dLIff u5{ . tkfO{+sf] cfj]bg :jLs[t eof] eg] pSt sfof{non] tkfO{+nfO{ lu|g–sf8{ k7fpF5 . lu|g–sf8{ x'g' eg]sf] tkfO{+sf] :6\of6\; …:yfoL afl;GbfÚ df ablnPsf] xf] . …:yfoL afl;GbfÚ sf] :6\of6;\ k|To]s bz jif{df ;lsG5 / gjLs/0f ug'{k5{ . lu|g–sf8{nfO{ ;'/lIft /fVg'xf];\ . tkfO{+n] lu|g–sf8{ x/fpg' eof] eg] csf]{ sf8{ agfpgsf nflu o'P;l;cfOP;df cfj]bg lbg'k5{ . Approval of Permanent Residency

USCIS will review your application. If they approve, they will send you a special letter with your Green Card that gives you permanent resident status. You must renew that status every ten years. Always keep your Green Card safe. If you do lose it, you can apply to USCIS for another card. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

ha tkfO{ a;fO“ ;g'{x'G5 tkfO{+ gofF ckf6{d]G6 jf 3/df a;fOF ;g'{eof] eg] cf©" ;/]sf] bz lbgleq o'P;l;cfOP;nfO{ 7]ufgf ©]l/Psf] hfgsf/L lbg'k5{ . a;fOF ;/]kl5 kl/jf/sf ;a} ;b:osf] gofF 7]ufgfsf nflu Pcf/–!! gfds ©f/d e/]/ o'P;l;cfOP;sf] sfof{nodf k7fpg'xf];\ . k|To]s ;b:osf nflu ©/s–©/s ©f/d x'g'k5{ . of] ©f/d sDKo'6/ k|of]u u/]/ o'P;l;cfOP;sf] j]a;fO6df klg eg{ ;lsG5 . When You Move

If you move to a different apartment or home, you must inform USCIS in writing within ten days of moving. This must be done for each family


Permanent Residency and Citizenship

member who has moved. You must do this by mailing a completed form AR-11 for each family member to the USCIS or may do it by computer at the USCIS website. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

;'ljwfsf] ;Ldf gful/s gag'Gh]n s]xL ;/sf/L ;'ljwf lglZrt ;dosf nflu dfq lbOG5 . h:tf] M gful/s gag]sf] afl;GbfnfO{ P;P;cfO -;lKnd]G6n ;]So'l/6L OGsd_ gfdsf] ;'ljwf ;ft jif{sf nflu dfq pknAw x'G5 . …P;P;cfOÚ ;'ljwf slxNo} /f]lsFb}g eGg] 7fGbf ;ft jif{kl5 kfsf] pd]/sf ckfª\u z/0ffyL{n] cefj em]Ng'kg]{ x'G5 . Limits on Benefits

Some government programs have limits on the length of time non-citizens are able to receive benefits. For example, SSI (Supplemental Security Income), has a 7 year limit for non-citizens. This limit can cause a crisis for older refugee immigrants who are disabled and did not realize that their SSI might be ended. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

gful/s aGg] lg0f{o cd]l/sfsf] gful/stf lng] lg0f{o Pp6f JolStsf] hLjgsf nflu lgs} dxÎjk"0f{ x'G5 . cd]l/sfsf] gful/s aGg cfj]bg lbg] lg0f{o ug'{ eg]sf] tkfO{+n] cd]l/sfk|lt argj4tf hfx]/ ug'{ xf] / cd]l/sL ;+ljwfgdfly tkfO{+n] a©fbf/L b]vfpg' xf] . gful/s ePjfkt tkfO{+n] w]/} clwsf/x? / ;x'lnotx? kfpg'x'G5, tL cd]l/sL gful/stfsf c+z x'g\ . Deciding to Become a Citizen

Deciding to become a U.S. citizen is a very important decision in an individual’s life. If you decide to apply to become a U.S. citizen, you will be showing your commitment to the United States and your loyalty to its Constitution. In return, you are rewarded with all the rights and privileges that are part of U.S. citizenship. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

gful/s x'g' cd]l/sf cfPsf] ldltn] kfFr jif{ k'Ubf tkfO{+ oxfFsf] gful/stfsf nflu cfj]bg lbg of]Uo x'g'x'G5 . cd]l/sfsf] gful/stf kfpg] k|lqmofnfO{ c+u|]hLdf …g]r'/nfOh];gÚ elgG5 . gful/s aGg' eg]sf] yk clwsf/ / ;x'lnot kfpg' tyf lhDd]jf/L a9\g' klg xf] . c? b]zsf] gful/stf Tofu]/ oxfFsf] gful/s aGbf cd]l/sfk|lt tkfO{+ a©fbf/ klg x'g cfjZos 5 . gful/s aGg ug'{kg{] k|lqmof ©/s dflg;sf ©/s x'G5g\ . gful/s aGgsf nflu cfj]bg lbg'cl3 x'g'kg]{

:yfyL a;f]af; / gful/stf


cfjZos cfwf/ M • lat]sf] kfFr jif{dWo] sDtLdf #) dlxgf cd]l/sfdf a;]sf] x'g'k5{ . • gful/stfsf nflu cfj]bg h'g o'P;l;cfOP;sf] lhNnfaf6 lbg] xf], To; lhNnfdf cfj]bg lbg'cl3sf] # dlxgf a;]sf] x'g'k5{ . • ;fwf/0f c+u|]hLdf af]nrfn ug{ ;Sg] x'g'k5{ . -af]Ng ghfGg]sf nflu s]xL ljsNkx? lbOPsf 5g\ ._ • cd]l/sL Oltxf; / ;/sf/af/] ;fwf/0f hfgsf/L lnPsf] x'g'k5{ . -o;nfO{ gful/s–zf:q elgG5 ._ • cd]l/sL ;+ljwfgsf] l;4fGt hfg]sf] / :jLsf/]sf] x'g'k5{ . • b]z lgsfnf -cfˆgf] b]z l©tf{_ jf avf{:t cfb]z sfof{Gjog x'g afFsL ePsf] x'g'x'Fb}g . • c;n cfr/0f ePsf] x'g'k5{ . Becoming a Citizen

Five years after your arrival date, you are eligible to apply to become a citizen of the United States. “Naturalization" is the process of becoming a U.S. citizen and comes with rights, privileges, and responsibilities. It requires loyalty to the United States and, usually, giving up citizenship to other countries. Rules and processes can be different for different people. Before applying, individuals must: • Have been in the United States for at least 30 months of the last five years. • Have lived in the USCIS district where you plan to file for citizenship for at least three months before filing. • Be able to communicate in basic English (there are exceptions). • Know basic information about U.S. history and government (called civics). • Know and accept the principles of the Constitution. • Have no outstanding deportation or removal orders pending. • Be of good moral character. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

cfj]bg k|lqmofsf nflu tof/L gful/stfsf nflu cfj]bg lbg'cl3 tkfO{+n] ug'{kg{] tof/L oL x'g\ M • c+u|]hL hfGg'k5{ . • cd]l/sL Oltxf; / ;/sf/af/] cWoog ug'{k5{ . • gful/s ePkl5sf clwsf/ / lhDd]jf/Lx?af/] hfGg'k5{ .

Preparing for the Application Process

Before you apply for citizenship, you should prepare by: • Studying English.


Permanent Residency and Citizenship

• Learning about U.S. history and government. • Learning about the rights and responsibilities of citizenship. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

gful/stfsf nflu cfj]bg gful/stfsf nflu Pg– $)) -g]r'/nfOh];gsf nflu lbOg] cfj]bg–©f/d_ k"/} e/]/ o'P;l;cfOP;df a'emfpg'k5{ . pSt ©f/dsf ;fydf tkfO{+sf] lu|g–sf8{sf] ©f]6f]– skL, kf;kf]6{ cfsf/sf b'O{ k|lt ©f]6fx?, / gful/stf z'Nssf] r]s jf dlg–c8{/ k7fpg'k5{ . o;afx]s yk hfgsf/L rflxP o'P;l;cfOP;sf] j]a;fO6df x]g{ ;lsG5 jf o'P;l;cfOP;sf] sfof{nodf ©f]g ug{ ;lsG5 M • clxn] nfUg] cfj]bg–z'Ns slt xf] < • s] d]/f] gful/stf cfj]bg–z'Ns ldgfxf x'G5 < • s] d}n] yk ©f/dx? klg a'emfpg'k5{ < Applying for Citizenship

Submit to USCIS a completed form N-400 (Application for Naturalization). With the form you must also send a photocopy of your Green Card, two standard passport-style photographs, and a check or money order for the fee amount. Contact USCIS (www.uscis.gov) for information about • the current fee • if you can be excused from paying the fee • if you must submit extra forms. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

gful/s aGgsf nflu k/LIff / cGtjf{tf{ Pg–$)) ©f/d btf{ ePkl5 tkfO{+ a:g]glhs}sf] o'P;l;cfOP; sfof{nodf cf}+nfsf 5fkx? lnOG5 . To;kl5 o'P;l;cfOP;n] tkfO{+sf] cGtjf{tf{ lng / g]r'/nfOh];g 6]:6 lng ;do tf]s]/ kq k7fpF5 . tf]lsPsf] ;dodf tkfO{+ hfg g;Sg] x'g'eof] eg] tTsfn tkfO{+ hfg' elgPsf] sfof{nodf va/ ug'{xf];\ . csf{] ;do ldnfpg w]/} dlxgf nfUg] ePsfn] klxnf]k6ss} ;dodf hfg' / a]nfdf k'Ug' lgs} /fd|f] x'G5 . cGtjf{tf{sf qmddf o'P;l;cfOP;sf cl©;/n] tkfO{+sf] cfj]bg / k[i7e"ldaf/] ;f]Wg'x'G5 . ;fFrf] af]Ng'xf]nf . cGtjf{tf{ ;lsPkl5 c+u|]hL / gful/stf lbg] 6]:6x? x'G5g\ . 6]:6x? kf; ug{, tkfO{+n] M • c+u|]hLsf tLgdWo] Ps jfSo z'4 k9\g'k5{ . • c+u|]hLsf tLgdWo] Ps jfSo z'4 n]Vg'k5{ . • gful/s–zf:qsf bzdWo] 5 j6f k|Zgsf] ;xL pQ/ lbg'k5{ . c+u|]hL–af]nfO;DaGwL 6]:6 cGtjf{tf{ lnPs} a]nf lnOG5 . tkfO{+ oL 6]:6dWo] s'g} Psdf ©]n x'g'eof] eg] ^) / () lbgsf aLrdf ©]l/ 6]:6 lbg ;Sg'x'G5 .

:yfyL a;f]af; / gful/stf


bf]xf]¥ofP/ lbg] 6]:6 Psk6s dfq x'G5 . bf];|f]k6s klg tkfO{+ ©]n x'g'eof] eg] ©]l/ cfj]bg lbg'k5{ / ©]l/ z'Ns ltg'{k5{ . oL 6]:6x?df ;f]lwg] k|Zg / pQ/ ePsf ;fdu|Lx? o'P;l;cfOP;sf] j]a;fO6 www.uscis.gov df k9\g'xf];\ . The Naturalization Test and Interview

USCIS will send you an appointment for an interview and to take the naturalization test after you have submitted Form N-400 and have had your fingerprints taken at a local USCIS facility. If you cannot go to the appointment, contact the USCIS facility as soon as possible. Rescheduling may take several months, so it is important that you go to your appointment and be on time. During the interview, a USCIS officer will ask about your application and background. Be honest. Once the interview is complete the English and civics tests will follow. To pass the tests, you must be able to: • Read one of three sentences correctly in English • Write one of three sentences correctly in English • Answer six of ten civics questions correctly Spoken English is usually tested during the interview. If you fail any part of the tests, you can take them again between 60 and 90 days. You can retake the test only one more time. If you fail a second time, you will have to reapply and pay the fee again. Study materials are on www.uscis.gov. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

ljz]if kl/l:ylt, ldnfg / ckjfb tkfO{+nfO{ c+u]|hLsf] 6]:6 lbg 5'6 lbOof] jf 6]:6 g} lbg' k/]g eg] tkfO{+sf] gful/s–zf:qsf] 6]:6 lnOG5 . olb tkfO{+ c+u|]hL af]Ng hfGg'x'Gg eg] cfˆgf] dft[efiffdf 6]:6 lbg ;Sg'x'G5 . cf©"nfO{ c+u|]hL gcfpg] hfgsf/L o'P;l;cfOP; sfof{nodf ;s];Dd rfF8f] lbg'k5{ . zf/Ll/s jf j[l4;DaGwL ckfª\u x'g'x'G5 eg] tkfO{+nfO{ b'j} k/LIff lbg' gkg]{ klg x'g;S5 . o:tf] cj:yfdf 6]:6sf nflu tf]lsPsf] ;doeGbf klxn] g} 8fS6/ jf dgf]j}1flgsn] e/]sf] Pg–^$* gfdsf] ©f/d o'P;l;cfOP;df a'emfpg'k5{ . g]r'/nfOh];gsf ;a} ljlw k"/f ug{ cK7\of/f] kg]{ u/L tkfO{+df zf/Ll/s jf dfgl;s v/faL 5 eg] o'P;l;cfOP;n] 6]:6sf nflu ©]/abn u5{ . Special Circumstances, Accommodations, and Exceptions

If you are exempt from, or allowed not to take, the English test, you must take the civics test. You may take it in your native language if unable to take it in English. Speak to USCIS about this as early as possible. You may be exempted from both tests because of a physical or developmental disability. Submit Form N-648 (completed by a doctor or psychologist) to


Permanent Residency and Citizenship

USCIS before your test date. USCIS will change the testing environment if you have physical or mental impairments that make it difficult to complete the naturalization process. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

lg0f{o k|fKtL tkfO{+n] cGtjf{tf{ / b'j} 6]:6 kf; ug'{eof] -jf k/LIff lbg 5'6 kfpg'eof]_ eg] tkfO{+nfO{ …a©fbf/Lsf] zkyÚ lng af]nfOG5 . tkfO{+n] Pg–$$% gfds Pp6f ©f/d kfpg'x'G5 . pSt ©f/d gful/stfsf] zky ;df/fxsf] ;"rgf -lgDtf]_ xf] . zky ;df/f]x, cGtjf{tf{ / 6]:6x? Ps} lbg klg x'g;S5g\ . zky ;df/f]xdf hfFbf tkfO{+n] cfˆgf] :yfoL afl;Gbfsf] sf8{ -lu|g–sf8{_ l©tf{ ug'{k5{ . pSt ;df/f]xdf tkfO{+n] cd]l/sL gful/stfsf] k|df0fkqsf ?kdf …;l6{l©s]6 c© g]r'/nfOh];gÚ kfpg'x'G5 . To;kl5 cfˆgf] glhs}sf] ;f];n ;]So'l/6L sfof{no hfg'xf];\ . cfˆgf JolStut ljj/0fdf ©]/abn ug'{xf];\ . gful/s ePkl5 kfpg] yk ;/sf/L ;'ljwfsf nflu cfˆgf] of]Uotfx? :yflkt ug'{xf];\ . Receiving a Decision

If you pass the interview and both tests (or are exempted), you will be invited to take the Oath of Allegiance. You will receive a Form N-445, Notice of Naturalization Oath Ceremony. This may take place the same day as the interview and tests. You must return your Permanent Resident Card to the USCIS at this time. In its place you will receive a Certificate of Naturalization as proof of your new U.S. citizenship. Go to the nearest Social Security office to update your information and establish eligibility for certain benefits. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

lg/Gt/tf / c:jLsf/ 6]:6df ©]n x'g'eof] jf o'P;l;cfOP;sf] sfof{nodf sfuhkqx? k'u]gg\ eg] klg tkfO{+nfO{ gful/s agfpg] k|lqmof hf/L g} /xg ;S5 . tkfO{+nfO{ bf];|f] cGtjf{tf{sf nflu, ©]l/ 6]:6 lbgsf nflu / yk sfuhkqx? k]z ug'{xf];\ elgG5 . tkfO{+ 6]:6df Psk6s ©]n x'g' eof] eg] csf]{ Psk6s dfq lbg kfpg'x'G5 . olb tkfO{+nfO{ o'P;l;cfOP;n] uNtL u/]sf] h:tf] nfUof] eg] pSt sfof{nosf cl©;/nfO{ ;'g'jfOsf nflu cg'/f]w ug{ ;Sg'x'G5 . tkfO{+sf] c:jLs[t kqnfO{ s] ug{ ;lsG5 eg]/ pkfo l;sfOlbg ;Sg'x'G5 . c:jLs[t kq cfPkl5 ©f/d eg'{xf];\ / z'Ns;lxt #) lbgleq k7fpg'xf];\ . olb tkfO{+n] u/]sf] clkn uNtL;fy c:jLs[t u/]h:tf] nfu] ;+3Lo lhNnf cbfnt -o'P; l8l:6«S6 sf]6{_ df k'glj{rf/sf nflu lgj]bg ug{ ;Sg'x'G5 . k|foMh;f] tkfO{+sf] kqdf tf]lsPsf] ldltcg';f/ tkfO{+n] gful/stfsf nflu k'gM lgj]bg ug{ ;Sg'x'G5 . ;a} ©f/d / z'Ns a'emfpg'xf];\ .

:yfyL a;f]af; / gful/stf


cf}+nfsf 5fk lng / ©f]6f] lvRg cg'/f]w ug'{xf];\ . b'O{k6s 6]:6 kf; ug{ g;s]– sfn] tkfO{+sf] lgj]bg c:jLs[t ePdf tkfO{+n] t'?Gt csf]{ lgj]bg lbg ;Sg'– x'g]5 . t/ hfFr kf; ug{ ;S5' eGg] cfF6 gcfpGh]n kv]{/ a;]sf] /fd|f] x'G5 . Continuations and Denials

Your case may be continued if you failed a test or USCIS did not receive your documents. You may be asked to return for a second interview, to return for a retest, or to provide additional documents. You will be given only one more chance to pass a test that you failed. If you feel that USCIS was wrong, request a hearing with an immigration officer. You should receive information on how to do this with your denial letter. File the form and send the fee within 30 days of receiving the letter. If you feel your appeal is wrongly denied, file a request for review in U.S. District Court. Usually, you may reapply for citizenship after the date indicated on your letter. Resubmit all forms and fees, and have your fingerprints and photographs taken again. If denied because you failed a test two times, you may reapply immediately, but it is better to wait until you feel you can pass. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

clwsf/ / ;x'lnotx¿ • • • • • •

gful/stf kfPkl5 o:tf clwsf/ / ;x'lnot kfOG5g\ M kl/jf/sf ;b:onfO{ cd]l/sfdf a;f]af;sf nflu Nofpg cfj]bg lbPsf] cj:yfdf k|fyldstf . s]xL cg'bfg / 5fqj[lQsf nflu of]Uo . gful/sn] dfq vfg ldNg] hflu/sf nflu of]Uo . ckfª\un] kfpg] ;'ljwfsf nflu of]Uo -s'g} /fHodf gful/stf ePkl5 dfq o:tf] ;'ljwf kfpg] ePsfn]_ . cfˆgf] gfd dtbftf–;"rLdf btf{ ug{ / r'gfjx?df dt v;fNg of]Uo . cd]l/sL /fxbfgL -kf;kf]6{_ kfpg of]Uo .

Rights and Privileges • • • •

Citizens have rights and privileges that include: Priority when applying to bring family members to live in the United States. Eligibility for certain grants and scholarships. Eligibility for jobs open only to citizens. Eligibility for disability benefits (in states where citizenship is required).


Permanent Residency and Citizenship

• Ability to register to vote and to vote in elections. • Eligibility for a U.S. passport. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

cd]l/sfdf hGd]sf afnaflnsf s'g} aRrf cd]l/sfdf hGdG5 eg] hGd]s} ;dodf pm :jtM Ps cd]l/sL gful/s x'G5 . To;}n] gful/stfsf nflu hGdbtf{sf] k|df0fkq h?/L x'G5 . Children Born in the U.S.

Any child who was born in the United States is automatically a citizen at the time of birth. The child’s birth certificate is therefore necessary to prove citizenship. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

cd]l/sfaflx/ hGd]sf afnaflnsf cfdf jf afa'n] cd]l/sfsf] gful/stf lnPkl5 cd]l/sfaflx/ hGd]sf] c7f/ jif{d'lgsf] s'g} aRrf :jtM gful/s aG5 . gful/s aGgsf nflu Pg–^)) ©f/d e/]/ cfjZos z'Ns;lxt o'P;l;cfOP;sf] sfof{nodf k7fpg'k5{ . ©f/d / z'Ns a'emfPkl5 aRrfsf] gful/stfsf] k|df0fkq tkfO{+sf] 7]ufgfdf k7fOG5 . Children Born Outside the U.S.

A child under the age of 18 who was born outside the U.S. automatically becomes a citizen when one parent has become a citizen. To prove citizenship, however, a form N-600 must be filed with USCIS along with the necessary fee. In return the child will be sent a Certificate of Citizenship.





cWofo !( : cd]l/sfaf/] hfgsf/L Chapter 19 : About the United States s]xL tYo tkfO{+ cd]l/sf cfOk'Ug' ePsf] 5 / oxfF k'g:yf{lkt x'g'ePsf] 5, To;}n] tkfO{+n] xfd|f] b]zaf/] s]xL hfGg'k5{ . of] b]z slt 7"nf] 5 < oxfF s:tf] ;/sf/ x'G5 < o;sf] Oltxf; s:tf] 5 < To;}u/L tkfO{+n] oxfFsf] gful/stf lng lbOg] gful/s– zf:qsf] kl/Iffsf nflu o:tf w]/} tYox? hfGg cfjZos x'G5 . To;f] eP lsg clxn] g} ;'? gug{] < Some Facts

Now that you have arrived and have been resettled in the United States, you should know a few things about our country. How big is the country? What is its government like? What is its history? You will need to know many facts when you take the civics test for citizenship. Now is the time to begin learning. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

cd]l/sfsf] If]q˚n If]q©nsf cfwf/ cd]l/sf ljZjsf rf}yf] 7"nf] b]z xf] . cd]l/sfeGbf ?;, Sofg8f / rLg 7"nf 5g\ . cd]l/sfsf] If]q©n sl/a #& nfv !& xhf/ ju{ dfOn 5 . g]kfnsf] If]q©n sl/a %& xhf/ ju{ dfOn / e"6fgsf] !% xhf/ ju{ dfOn 5 . To; lx;fan] g]kfneGbf cd]l/sf sl/a ^% u'0ff 7"nf] / e"6fgeGbf sl/a @ ;o %) u'0ff 7"nf] 5 .


About the United States

;Fu}sf] gS;fdf Pp6} gfksf cd]l/sf, g]kfn / e"6fg b]vfOPsf 5g\ . gS;f x]/]/ g]kfn / e"6fg slt ;fgf /x]5g\ eGg] :ki6 x'G5 . The Size of the United States

The United States is the fourth largest country in the world in land area. Only Russia, Canada, and China are larger. The U.S. has about 3,717,000 square miles of land. Nepal has about 57,000 square miles of land and Bhutan has only 15,000. The U.S. is 65 times the size of Nepal and is almost 250 times bigger than Bhutan. The map shows the U.S., Nepal, and Bhutan at the same scale. You can easily see how much smaller Nepal and Bhutan are. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

hg;+Vof ;g\ @)!) sf] hgu0fgfcg';f/ cd]l/sfdf #) s/f]8 *& nfv $% xhf/ % ;o #* hgf dflg; a:5g\ . ljZjsf c? b'O{ b]z rLg / ef/tdf dfq cd]l/sfeGbf a9L dflg; 5g\ . g]kfndf sl/a @ s/f]8 &) nfv dflg; a:5g\ eg] e"6fgdf & nfv dflg; a:5g\ . e"6fgsf k|To]s dflg;a/fa/ cd]l/sfdf $ ;o %) dflg; x'G5g\ . Population

According to census of 2010 the United States is the home of 308,745,538 people. Of the world’s many countries, only China and India have more people. Nepal is home to about 27,000,000 people. Bhutan is home to about 700,000. For each person living in Bhutan, there are about 450 people living in the U.S. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

z/0ffyL{ k'g:yf{kgf tkfO{+sf l5d]sL jf c+u|]hL sIffsf ;fyLx? c? b]zaf6 cfPsf z/0ffyL{ x'g ;S5g\ . cd]l/sfn] jiff}{b]lv z/0ffyL{x? k'g:yflk{t ub}{ cfPsf] 5 . cd]l/sfn] z/0ffyL{ k'g:yf{lkt ug]{ gLlt lnPsf] 5 . ;g\ @)!) df &# xhf/ ! ;o #! z/0ffyL{nfO{ cd]l/sf NofOof] . pgLx? ljleGg &* d'n'saf6 cfPsf x'g\ . ;g\ @)!) df cd]l/sf cfPsf s'n z/0ffyL{dWo] e"6fgL z/0ffyL{sf] ;+Vof !@ xhf/ # ;o ( /Xof] . To:t} c7f/ xhf/eGbf a9L O/fsaf6 / !^ xhf/eGbf a9L adf{af6 z/0ffyL{ cfPsf lyP . c? xhf/f}+ z/0ffyL{ s+uf], O/fg, ;f]dflnof, Ol/l6«of cflb b]zaf6 cfP . cfpFbf jif{x?df ljZjsf ljleGg d'n'saf6 jif]{lg &) xhf/eGbf a9L z/0ffyL{nfO{ k'g:yf{kgf ug]{ cg'dfg ul/G5 . Resettling Refugees

You may now have neighbors or students in your English classes who are refugees from other countries. The United States has had a policy of

cd]l/sfaf/] hfgsf/L


accepting refugees for resettlement in our country for many years. In 2010 there were 73,131 refugees admitted to the U.S. They came from 78 different countries. Of these, 12,309 were Bhutanese refugees. More than 18,000 came from Iraq and 16,000 from Burma. Thousands more came from Congo, Iran, Somalia, and Eritrea. More than 70,000 refugees from all around the world are expected to be resettled in the U.S. in each of the coming years. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

krf; /fHox¿ cd]l/sfdf %) /fHox? 5g\ . ;a} /fHosf /fhwfgL 5g\ . kqfrf/sf nflu vfddf 7]ufgf n]Vbf / cGo k|of]hgsf nflu cf©" a;]sf] /fHosf] b'O{ cIf/sf] 5f]6s/L k|of]u ul/G5 . The 50 States

There are fifty states in the United States. Each state has a capital city. For mailing addresses on envelopes and for other uses state names are often written as a two letter abbreviation. State Name -/fHosf] gfd_=========Abbr. -5f]6s/L_========Capital City -/fhwfgL zx/_ Alabama -cnfafdf_======================AL================================Montgomery -df]G6uf]d/L_ Alaska -cnf:sf_=========================AK================================Juneau -h'gf]_ Arizona -Pl/hf]gf_========================AZ================================Phoenix -l©lgS;_ Arkansas -cfs{G;_=======================AR================================Little Rock -ln6n /s_ California -Sofln©f]lg{of_=============CA===============================Sacramento -:ofqmDofG6f]_ Colorado -sf]nf]/f8f]_=====================CO===============================Denver -8]Ge/_ Connecticut -sg]l6s6_===============CT===============================Hartford -xf6{©8{_ Delaware -8]nfj/_=========================DE===============================Dover -8f]e/_ Florida -ˆnf]l/8f_============================FL===============================Tallahassee -6Nnfxf;L_ Georgia -hlh{of_===========================GA==============================Atlanta -c6nfG6f_ Hawaii -xjfO{_================================HI================================Honolulu -xf]gf]n'n'_ Idaho -cfO8fxf]_==============================ID================================Boise -af]OhL_ Illinois -Olngf]O_============================IL================================Springfield -l:k|ª\l©N8_ Indiana -OlG8ofgf_=========================IN===============================Indianapolis -OlG8ofgfkf]ln;_ Iowa -cfof]jf_=================================IA===============================Des Moines -8 df]Og_ Kansas -SofG;f;_=========================KS==============================Topeka -6lksf_ Kentucky -s]G6sL_======================KY==============================Frankfort -ˆ|ofª\s©6{_ Louisiana -n'Olhofgf_==================LA=============================Baton Rouge -Aof6g ?h_ Maine -d]g_====================================ME============================Augusta -cu:8f_ Maryland -d]l/Nof08_===================MD============================Annapolis -cGgfkf]ln;_ Massachusetts -df;fr';]6\;_=======MA=============================Boston -af]:6g_


About the United States

State Name -/fHosf] gfd_=========Abbr. -5f]6s/L_=====Capital City -/fhwfgL zx/_ Michigan -ldl;ug_========================MI===========================Lansing -NoflG;ª_ Minnesota -ldg];f]6f_====================MN==========================Saint Paul -;]G6 kn_ Mississippi -ldl;l;kL_==================MS===========================Jackson -HofS;g_ Missouri -ldh'/L_===========================MO==========================Jefferson City -h]©;{g l;6L_ Montana -df]G6fgf_=========================MT===========================Helena -x]n]gf_ Nebraska -g]a|f:sf_========================NE============================Lincoln -lnÍg_ Nevada -g]ef8f_==============================NV===========================Carson City -sf;{g l;6L_ New Hampshire -Go' XofD;/_=======NH===========================Concord -s+s8{_ New Jersey -Go' h;L{_====================NJ============================Trenton -6«]G6g_ New Mexico -Go' d]lS;sf]_===========NM==========================Santa Fe -:ofG6f ©]_ New York -Go' of]s{_=======================NY===========================Albany -cNagL_ North Carolina -gy{ Sof/f]nfOgf_===NC============================Raleigh -¥ofnL_ North Dakota -gy{ 8sf]6f_===========ND===========================Bismarck -laHdfs{_ Ohio -cf]xfof]_===================================OH============================Columbus -sf]nDa;_ Oklahoma -cf]Snxf]df_====================OK==========================Oklahoma City -cf]Snxf]df l;6L_ Oregon -cf]/]ug_===============================OR===========================Salem -;]nd_ Pennsylvania -k]G;ne]lgof_============PA===========================Harrisburg -x]l/;ju{_ Rhode Island -/f]8 cfONof08_========RI============================Providence -k|f]le8]G;_ South Carolina -;fpy Sof/f]nfOgf_===SC==========================Columbia -sf]nlDaof_ South Dakota -;fpy 8sf]6f_=========SD==========================Pierre -lko/{_ Tennessee -6]g];L_===========================TN===========================Nashville -Gofzlen_ Texas -6]S;;_===================================TX==========================Austin -cl:6g_ Utah -o'6f_=========================================UT==========================Salt Lake City -;N6 n]s l;6L_ Vermont -ed{G6_===============================VT==========================Montpelier -df]G6lklno/_ Virginia -elh{lgof_===========================VA==========================Richmond -l/Rd08_ Washington -jfl;+u6g_==================WA==========================Olympia -cf]lnlDkof_ West Virginia -j]:6 elh{lgof_==========WV=========================Charleston -rfN;{6g_ Wisconsin -lj:sfG;g_=====================WI==========================Madison -Dofl8;g_ Wyoming -jfof]ldª_=========================WY========================Cheyenne -zfog_

cd]l/sfsf] /fhwfgL jfl;+u6g l8=;L= -l8l:6«S6 c© sf]nlDaof_ xf] . jfl;+u6g /fHo / /fhwfgL jfl;+u6g l8=;L= Pp6} xf]Ogg\ . oL b'O{ gfdn] slxn]sfxLF em'SofpF5g\ . olb s;}n] …d jfl;+u6gaf6 cfPsf] x'FÚ eGg'eof] eg] tkfO{+n] pxfF jfl;+u6g /fHo jf jfl;+u6g l8=;L= sxfFaf6 cfpg'ePsf] xf] eg]/ ;f]Wg'k5{ . cd]l/sfsf s]xL cwLg:y e"–efux? klg 5g\, t/ tL e"–efux? /fHo xf]Ogg\ . tL efux? M k'c6f]{ l/sf], u'cfd, o'P; elh{g cfONofG8;\, cd]l/sg ;df]cf, gb{g{ Dofl/cfgf cfONofG8;\ / cGo x'g\ . oL låkx? cfGw| dxf;fu/ / k|zfGt dxf;fu/df 5g\ .

cd]l/sfaf/] hfgsf/L


The capital of the country is Washington D.C. (District of Columbia). The state of Washington and the capital Washington D.C. are not the same. That can be confusing sometimes. If someone tells you “I am from Washington.”, You should ask if they mean the state of Washington or Washington D.C. The United States also has possessions that are not states. They are islands in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and include Puerto Rico, Guam, U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Northern Mariana Islands, and others. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

;/sf/ cd]l/sfdf ljleGg rf/ txdf ;/sf/x? x'G5g\ M /fli6«o, /fHo, sfpG6L / :yfgLo ;/sf/ . /fli6«o ;/sf/nfO{ b]zsf] ;+ljwfgn] JofVof u/]sf] x'G5 . ;/sf/sf tLg c+ux? 5g\ M sfo{kflnsf, Joj:yflksf / Gofokflnsf . sfo{kflnsfsf] g]t[Îj cd]l/sfsf /fi6«kltn] ug'{x'G5 . k|To]s rf/ jif{df hgtfsf] dtaf6 /fi6«klt r'lgG5 . sfo{kflnsfn] ljleGg sfo{qmd ;~rfng u5{ / d'n'sdf sfg'g nfu' u5{ . cd]l/sfsf] Joj:yflksfnfO{ s+u|]; elgG5 . s+u|];n] sfg'g agfpF5 . s+u|];sf b'O{ ;ef 5g\, Pp6f l;g]6 xf] eg] csf]{ k|ltlglw–;ef xf] . l;g]6df k|To]s /fHoaf6 b'O{ hgfsf b/n] Ps ;o l;g]6/ -l;g]6–;b:o_ /xG5g\ . k|ltlglw–;efdf $ ;o #% ;b:o /xG5g\ . k|ltlglw ;efsf ;b:o hg;+Vofsf cfwf/df tLg} /fHoaf6 lgjf{lrt x'G5g\ . l;g]6/x? / k|ltlglw–;ef ;b:ox?nfO{ hgtfn] cf©" a:g] /fHo jf lhNnfaf6 dt lbP/ r'G5g\ . Gofokflnsfsf] g]t[Îj ;jf]{Rr cbfntn] u5{ / ;/sf/sf] o; c+udf ($ lhNnf cbfntsf ;fy} k'g/fj]bg cbfnt x'G5g\ . cbfntdf ;'g'jfO{ x'G5 / ©f}hbf/L tyf b]jfgL d'2fdf ©};nf x'G5 . cbfntL sfjf{xLx? ;+3Lo sfg'gdf cfwfl/t x'G5g\ . GofofwLzx?sf] lgo'lQm /fi6«kltn] ug'{x'G5 . sfg'gn] ;+ljwfg ldRof] jf ldr]g eGg] lg0f{o ;jf]{Rr cbfntn] u5{ . olb ldr]sf] 7x/ eof] eg] sfg'g sfof{Gjog x'Fb}g . k|To]s /fHo ;/sf/sf] agf]6 /fli6«o ;/sf/;Fu ldN5 . k|To]s /fHosf] cfˆgf] ;+ljwfg x'G5 . /fHosf] sfo{kflnsfsf] g]t[Îj lgjf{lrt ueg{/n] ug'{x'G5 . /fHosf] Joj:yflksfsf ;b:ox? ToxL /fHosf hgtfn] lbPsf] dtaf6 r'lgG5g\ . /fHosf] cbfntn] cfˆgf] sfg'gcg';f/ ©f}hbf/L / b]jfgL d'2f ©};nf u5{ . Pp6f /fHosf] ;/sf/sf] agf]6 csf]{ /fHosf] ;/sf/sf] agf]6;Fu ldNb}g . To;}n] cf©" a;]sf] /fHoaf/] hfGg] k|of; ug'{xf];\ . /fHox? ;fgf ef}uf]lns PsfOx? ldn]/ ag]sf x'G5g\ . oL ;fgf PsfOnfO{ k|b]z -sfpG6L_ elgG5 . sfpG6Ldf klg ;fgf] ;/sf/ x'G5 . sfpG6L ;/sf/sf sfd / lhDd]jf/L /fHolkR5] ©/s x'G5g\ . w]/}h;f] /fHo -;a}df xf]Og_ sf sfpG6L


About the United States

;/sf/sf sfof{nodf tkfO{+n] s]xL lglZrt ;]jf / ;'ljwfsf nflu cfj]bg lbg'k5{ . cd]l/sfdf # xhf/ ! ;oeGbf a9L sfpG6Lx? 5g\ . -n'lhofgf /fHodf sfpG6LnfO{ kfl/; elgG5, h;sf] cy{ …6f]nÚ, …OnfsfÚ jf …a:tLÚ x'G5 . cnf:sfdf sfpG6LnfO{ a/f] elgG5, h;sf] cy{ …gu/Ú x'G5 ._ ;/sf/sf] ;aeGbf ;fgf] PsfO :yfgLo ;/sf/ xf] . k|To]s zx/, gu/ jf ufpFdf cfˆg} k|sf/sf] ;/sf/ x'G5 . :yfgLo ;/sf/sf] g]t[Îj k|foMh;f] zx/ jf gu/sf hgtfn] r'lgPsf JolStn] u5{g\ . :yfgLo ;/sf/sf] dftxtdf k|x/L / clUg–lgoGq0f ljefu x'G5g\ . :yfgLo ;/sf/n] :s"nx? ;~rfng, af6f] dd{t, v]ns'b–d}bfg tyf kfs{x? Joj:yfkg u5{g\ . sxLFsxLF :yfgLo ;/sf/ x'Fb}gg\, h;sf] sfd sfpG6L ;/sf/x?n] u5{g\ . cd]l/sfe/ &) xhf/eGbf a9L :yfgLo ;/sf/x? 5g\ . b]zsf ljleGg /fHo / If]qsf sfpG6L tyf :yfgLo ;/sf/x? ljleGg tl/sfn] ©/s x'g] ePsfn] tkfO{+n] cf©" a;]sf] If]qsf ;/sf/af/] hfGg h?/L x'G5 . Government

There four levels of government in the United States: national, state, county, and local. The national government of the United States is defined by its Constitution. There are three branches of government: executive, legislative, and judicial. The Executive Branch is headed by the President of the United States who is elected by the people every four years. The Executive Branch is responsible for running the programs and enforcing the laws of the country. The Legislative Branch, or Congress, is where the laws are made. Congress has two chambers, the Senate and the House of Representatives. Each state has two Senators but the 435 Representatives are divided among the states on the basis of population. Senators and Representatives are elected by the people of their state or district. The Judicial Branch is headed by the Supreme Court and consists of 94 district courts as well as appellate courts. The courts hear and decide criminal and civil cases involving federal laws. The judges are appointed by the President. The Supreme Court can decide whether a law violates the Constitution. If so, that law cannot be enforced. Each state government is similar in form to the national government. Each state has its own constitution. Each state’s Executive Branch is headed by an elected Governor. The members of each state’s legislature are elected by the people of that state. State courts decide criminal and civil cases under state law. The details of each state’s government structure can be quite different. You should try to learn about the state that you are living in.

cd]l/sfaf/] hfgsf/L


States are made up of smaller geographical units called counties. County government functions and responsibilities can be quite different in different states. In many states (but not all) county government offices are the places where you must apply for certain social service programs and benefits. There are more than 3,100 counties in the U.S. (In Louisiana a county is called “parish”. In Alaska a county is called “Borough”.) The smallest unit of government is local government. Each city, town, and village has its own form of local government. Generally, however, they are headed by officials who are elected by the people in their city or town. Local governments generally have police and fire departments, run the public schools, clean and repair the streets, and manage playgrounds and parks. In some places there is no local government and these functions are the responsibility of county governments. There are more than 70,000 different local governments in the U.S. Because of the many ways that county and local governments can be very different in different states and regions of the country, you should learn about their responsibilities and functions in your own community. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

Oltxf; o'/f]k]nLx? cfpg ;'? ug'{ / pklgj]z :yfkgf ug{ yfNg'cl3 clxn]sf] cd]l/sfdf /}yfg] cd]l/sLx?sf] a;f]af; lyof] . tL /}yfg] cd]l/sLnfO{ slxn]sfxLF …cd]l/sg OlG8ogÚ klg eg]sf]÷n]v]sf] kfOG5 . lKndy ufpF -clxn]sf] df;fr';]6\; /fHodf_ ;g\ !^@) df :yfkgf eof], h'g a]nfotLx?sf] klxnf] a:tL lyof] . To;kl5 :k]g, k|mfG; / cGo o'/f]k]nL d'n'sx?af6 afl;Gbfx? klg cfP / cGo ljleGg :yfgdf a:g yfn] . ;g\ !&&) ;Dddf cfGw| dxf;fu/sf] lsgf/fsf] If]qsf] hg;+Vof @ nfv k'lu– ;s]sf] lyof] . oL @ nfvdf w]/}h;f] Oª\uNof08af6 cfPsf lyP . Oª\uNof08s} pklgj]z lyof] / Oª\uNof08sf] zf;g lyof] . s]xL pklgj]zx?n] c+u|]h -Oª\uNof08sf]_ ;/sf/sf sfd–sfjf{xLsf] lj/f]w u/] . oL pklgj]zx? Psh'6 eP / Oª\uNof08af6 :jtGq ePsf] 3f]if0ff u/], h;sf] kl/0ffd o'4 eof] . cd]l/sL o'4 ;g\ !&&% b]lv !&*# ;Dd nl8of] . Oª\uNof08nfO{ cd]l/sLx?n] x/fPkl5 ;'?sf !# /fHox? Ps eP/ g} /lx/x] / ;g\ !&*& df jt{dfg ;+ljwfgsf] cfwf/df ;+o'Qm /fHo cd]l/sf :yfkgf eof] . ;'?sf afl;Gbfx? -h;nfO{ ;+:yfksx? klg elgG5_ k"jL{ zx/x?af6 klZrdt©{sf s[lif If]qdf a;fOF ;/] / gofF a:tLx? agfP . cd]l/sfn] k|mfG; / ?;;Fu yk e"ld lsGof] . o'4df :k]gaf6 c? e"ld lhTof] . o;/L cd]l/sfsf] If]q©n a9\b} uof] .


About the United States

clk|msLx?nfO{ bf;sf ?kdf cd]l/sf NofPsf] b'O{ ztfAbL eO;Sof] . blIf0fL /fHox?sf] cy{tGq bf;x?sf] >ddf lge{/ lyof] . kftnf] a:tL ePsf] klZrdL If]qdf bf;k|yf hf/L /fVg] jf g/fVg] eGg] Pp6f k|Zg pAh]sf] lyof] . bf;k|yf / cGo ljifon] ubf{ blIf0f t©{sf /fHox?n] cd]l/sfaf6 5'l§P/ a]Un} /fi6« agfpg rfx] . of] lg0f{osf sf/0f cd]l/sfdf u[xo'4 eof] . of] o'4 pQ/ / blIf0fsf /fHox?aLr ;g\ !*^! b]lv ;g\ !*^% ;Dd ePsf] lyof] . o'4df sl/a ^ nfv dflg;n] hLjg u'dfP . pQ/t©{sf /fHox?n] o'4 lht] / bf;k|yfsf] cGTo eof] . cd]l/sL afl;Gbfx? klZrdt©{ a;fOF ;g]{ qmd hf/L /fv] . o;af6 /}yfg] cd]l/sLx? cfˆgf] e"ldaf6 lj:yflkt eP . klZrdL e"efux?df hg;+Vof a9\b} uof], cflv/Ldf tL If]qx?nfO{ gofF /fHosf ?kdf ;dfj]z ul/P . /}yfg] cd]l/sLx?sf nflu cnu s]xL e"dL -h;nfO{ ;+/lIft elgG5_ tof/ kfl/of] . Pl/hf]gf ;g\ !(!@ df cd]l/sfsf] $* cf}+ /fHo aGof] . ;g\ !(%( df b'O{ /fHox? ylkP, Pp6f ;'b"/ pQ/df …cnf:sfÚ / k|zfGt dxf;fu/l:yt 6fk'x?sf] ;d"x …xjfO{Ú . klxnf] ljZjo'4 -;g\ !(!$–!(!*_ df cd]l/sf ljZjzlQmsf lrlgof] / bf];|f] ljZjo'4 -;g\ !(#(–!($%_ sf a]nf / To;kl5 cem a9L zlQmzfnL aGof] . History

The land that is now the United States was populated by indigenous Native Americans (sometimes called American Indians) before Europeans began to arrive and establish colonies. The village of Plymouth (in what is now the state of Massachusetts) was established in 1620 and was the first British settlement to survive. Settlers from Spain, France, and other European countries also arrived and settled in various locations. By 1770 the eastern region near the coast of the Atlantic Ocean was populated by nearly 2,000,000 people, mostly settlers from England living in a number of colonies under rule by England. The colonies resented some of the actions taken by the English government. They banded together and declared their independence from England, resulting in war. The American Revolution was fought from 1775 to 1783. After the Americans had defeated England, the 13 original colonies continued to band together and formed the United States of America under the current constitution in 1787. Settlers (also called pioneers) moved from the eastern cities and farms westward and established new settlements. The United States purchased more land from France and Russia and took land from Spain as a result of war. Africans had been brought to America as slaves for two centuries. The southern states had an economy that depended on using slaves for labor.

cd]l/sfaf/] hfgsf/L


There was a question whether slavery would be allowed in the sparsely populated lands to the west. This and other issues resulted in the southern states trying to secede from the U.S. and form their own separate country. The result was the American Civil War. This war between the northern states and the southern states lasted from 1861 to 1865 and resulted in more than 600,000 deaths. The north won the war and slavery was abolished everywhere in the country. American settlers continued to move westward and displace the Native Americans from their land. As the population increased in western territories, they were eventually admitted as new states. Some land (called reservations) was set aside for Native Americans. Arizona became the 48th state in 1912. Two more states were admitted in 1959: Alaska in the far north and Hawaii, a group of islands in the Pacific Ocean. The U.S. emerged as an international power following World War I (1914-1918) and even more so during and after Word War II (19391945). ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

yk dxŒjk"0f{ tYox¿ cflwsfl/s gfd M ;+o'St /fHo cd]l/sf /fhwfgL M jfl;+u6g, l8=;L= /fli6«o :jtGqtf M ;g\ !&&^ h'nfO{ $ cfbz{ jfSo M O{Zj/df xfd|f] cf:yf 5 -Og u8 jL 6«:6_ 7"nf zx/x¿ M Go' of]s{, n; PGhn;, l;sfuf], Xo':6g, l©nf8]lN©of, l©lgS;, ;fg PG6f]lgof], ;fg l8ofuf], 8Nnf;, ;fg xf]h] cUnf] efu M dfpG6 DofslsGn], cnf:sf, ;d'b| ;txeGbf @),#@) l©6 -^,!($ ld6/_ dfly xf]rf] efu M 8]y EofnL, Sofln©f]lg{of, ;d'b| ;txeGbf @*@ l©6 -*^ ld6/_ tn 7"nf] /fHo M cnf:sf ;fgf] /fHo M /f]8 cfONof08 d'Vo kj{t >[+vnfx¿ M /sL kj{t, cKkfnflrofg kj{t d'Vo gbLx¿ M ldl;l;kL, ldh'/L, sf]nf]/f8f] d'Vo efiff M c+u|]hL, :k]lg; d'b|f M o'=P;= 8n/ /fli6«o r/f M d'8'nf] lrn /fli6«o ˚"n M u'nf© /fli6«o ufg M b :6f/–:k]ª\uN8 Aofg/


About the United States

Other Important Facts

Official Name: United States of America Capital City: Washington, D.C. National Independence: July 4, 1776 Motto: In God We Trust Largest Cities: New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Philadelphia, Phoenix, San Antonio, San Diego, Dallas, San Jose Highest Point: Mt. McKinley, Alaska, 20,320 ft. (6194 m.) above sea level Lowest Point: Death Valley, California, 282 ft (86 m.) below sea level Largest State: Alaska Smallest State: Rhode Island Major Mountain Ranges: Rocky Mountains, Appalachian Mountains Major Rivers: Mississippi, Missouri, Colorado Language: English, Spanish Currency: U.S. Dollar National Bird: Bald Eagle National Flower: Rose National Anthem: The Star-Spangled Banner ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

kfqf] cd]l/sfdf k|of]u ul/g] kfqf] ljZjsf c? w]/} b]zx? / ;+o'Qm /fi6«;+3n] k|of]u ug]{ h:t} kfqf] xf] . of] kfqf] cf}krfl/s e"6fgL / g]kfnL kfqf]eGbf ©/s x'G5 . of] klZrdL kfqf]sf] klxnf] dlxgf hgj/L xf] . cd]l/sfdf hgj/L dlxgfdf lxpFb x'G5 / of] jif{sf] ;aeGbf 7G8L dlxgf xf] . The Calendar

The Western Calendar in use in the U.S. is the same calendar that is used in many countries and by the United Nations. It is different from the official Bhutanese and Nepali calendars. The first month of the year in the Western Calendar is January. In the U. S. January is in the winter, the coldest time of the year. Month ==============================================Days in month

-dlxgfsf] gfd_ -dlxgfdf x'g] lbg_ January -hgj/L_================================31 -#!_ February -©]a|'c/L_==============================28 -@*_ March -dfr{_=======================================31 -#!_ April -ck]|n_========================================30 -#)_

cd]l/sfaf/] hfgsf/L


Month ==============================================Days in month

-dlxgf_ -dlxgfsf lbg_ May -d]_===============================================31 -#!_ June -h'g_===========================================30 -#)_ July -h'nfO{_=========================================31 -#!_ August -cu:t_===================================31 -#!_ September -;]K6]Da/_==========================30 -#)_ October -cS6f]a/_==============================31 -#!_ November -gf]e]Da/_==========================30 -#)_ December -l8;]Da/_===========================31 -#!_ k|To]s rf/ jif{df ©]a|'c/Ldf Ps lbg ylkG5 / pSt ljz]if jif{df ©]a|'c/L dlxgf @( lbgsf] x'G5 .

Every fourth year, the month of February has an extra day making 29 in those special years. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

ldlt n]Vg] tl/sf slxn]sfxLF cd]l/sLx? ldlt …d] !!, @)!!Ú n]V5g\ . pgLx? Hofbfh;f] ldlt n]Vg] 5f]6f] tl/sf ckgfpF5g\ M …%÷!!÷!!Ú jf …)%÷!!÷@)!!Ú . of] eg]sf] …dlxgf÷lbg÷jif{Ú xf] . o;df klxnf] c+s dlxgf, bf];|f] lbg / t];|f] jif{ xf] . tkfO{+n] ;/sf/L jf s'g} cflwsfl/s sfuh–kqdf x:tfIf/ ug'{eof] eg] To;df ;w}Fh;f] ldlt n]Vg'k5{ . To:tf]df ldlt 5f]6s/Ldf n]Vg ;Sg'x'G5 . Writing a Date

Sometimes Americans write dates like “May 11, 2011”. But they also often use a short way to write a date: “5/11/11” or “05/11/2011” This means “Month/Day/Year". You can understand these by noting that the first number is the number of the month, the second number is the day in that month, and the third number is the year. When you sign official documents you will usually need to include a date. You can use the short form. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

/fli6«o kj{÷labfx¿ cd]l/sLx? jif{sf ljleGg lbgdf /fli6«o kj{ dgfpF5g\ . tL lbgx?df ;fj{hlgs labf x'G5g\ . oL rf8kj{÷lbj;x? wd{lg/k]If, wfld{s jf cd]l/sfsf cfˆgf ljz]if 5g\ . /fli6«o rf8kj{÷lbj;sf oL bz lbg /fli6«o -;+3Lo_ ;/sf/sf sfof{nox? labf x'G5g\ . tL sfof{nosf sd{rf/LnfO{ tna kfpg] u/L labf lbOG5 . w]/} lghL Joj;fo, a}+s, /fHo tyf :yfgLo ;/sf/sf sfof{no, / :s"nx? klg oL lbg k|foMh;f] aGb x'G5g\ .


About the United States

gof“ jif{sf] klxnf] lbg eg]sf] hgj/L ! xf] . gofF jif{sf] :jfut hgj/L ! sf] cl3Nnf] /ft g} ;'? x'G5, ha cd]l/sLx? Ps} 7fpFdf e]nf x'G5g\ / cfpFbf] jif{ v';L Pj+ ;d'Ggt /xf];\ eGg] sfdgf u5{g\ . w]/} cd]l/sLx?n] gofF jif{e/df k"/f ug{ ;+sNkx? u5{g\ . dfl6{g n'y/ lsª h'lgo/ lbj; labfsf] lbg xf] . of] hgj/Lsf] t];|f] ;f]daf/ k5{ . of] lbj; clk|msg–cd]l/sg kfb/L /]e/]G8 dfl6{g n'y/ lsª h'lgo/sf] :d[ltdf dgfOG5 . pxfFnfO{ clx+;fTds af6f]af6 cfdhgtfsf] gful/s clwsf/ kfpg cys k|of; ug]{ JolStsf ?kdf lrlgG5 . jfl;+u6gsf] hGdlbg ;+3Lo labfsf] lbg xf] . cd]l/sfsf] klxnf] /fi6«klt hh{ jfl;+u6gsf] ;Ddfgdf dgfOg] of] lbj; ©]a|'c/Lsf] t];|f] ;f]daf/ k5{ . of] lbj;nfO{ /fi6«klt lbj;sf ?kdf klg lrlgG5 . w]/} ;d"xn] o; lbg ljutsf ;a} /fi6«kltsf] of]ubfgnfO{ ;+:d/0f u5{g\ . :df/s lbj; -d]df]l/on 8]_ d] dlxgfsf] clGtd ;f]daf/ kg]{ ;+3Lo labfsf] lbg xf] . ;'?df of] lbj; cd]l/sL u[xo'4df dfl/Psfx?sf] ;+:d/0fdf dgfpg cfof]hgf ul/of] . kl5 of] lbj; ;a} o'4df dfl/Psf cd]l/sLx?sf] ;+:d/0f lbj; aGof] / clg ;a} d[t cd]l/sLx?sf] ;Demgfdf dgfpg yflnof] . of] lbj; sa|:tfg, rr{ / cGo ;fj{hlgs ;ef:yndf dgfOG5 . ;a}sf] ;+:d/0fdf cd]l/sL em08f ©x/fpg] Jofks rng 5 . :jtGqtf lbj; h'nfO{ $ -h'nfO{ kmf]y{_ df k5{ . of] lbg /fi6«sf] hGdlbg xf] . ;g\ !&&^ h'nfO{ $ df cd]l/sfn] …:jtGqtfsf] 3f]if0ffkqÚ u|x0f u/]sf] xf] . o;} lbgsf] ;+:d/0fdf h'nfO{ $ df :jtGqtf lbj; dgfOG5 . o; lbg jgef]h / b]zelSt sjfh, ;fFemdf ;ª\uLt sfo{qmd tyf cft;afhL ul/G5 . o; lbj;df klg Jofks ?kdf cd]l/sL em08f ufl8G5g\, 6fFluG5g\ . >lds lbj; -n]a/ 8]_ ;]K6]Da/sf] klxnf] ;f]daf/ k5{ . ;+3Lo labfsf] of] lbj; vf;u/L >d ug]{ hgtfsf] ;Ddfgdf dgfOG5 . >lds lbj;df k|foMh;f] sjfh ul/G5 . w]/} cd]l/sLx?sf nflu of] lbgn] udL{ labf ;lsP/ :s"nx? v'Ng] ;do cfPsf] ;+s]t u5{ . sf]nDa; lbj; cS6f]a/sf] bf];|f] ;f]daf/ kg{] ;+3Lo labfsf] lbg xf] . ;g\ !$(@ cS6f]a/ !@ df O6fn]nL ;d'b|ofqL lqm:6f]©/ sf]nDa; gofF e"ld -clxn]sf] cd]l/sf_ cfOk'u]sf lyP . e"tk"j{ ;}lgs lbj; -e]6]/G; 8]_ gf]e]Da/ !! df dgfOG5 . ;'?df of] lbj; klxnf] ljZjo'4 n8]sf cd]l/sLx?sf] ;Ddfgdf dgfpg yflnPsf] lyof] . kl5 ;a} o'4df n8]sfx?sf nflu of] lbj; ;dlk{t ul/of] . o; lbj;df e"tk"j{ ;}lgsx?sf ljleGg ;+:yfn] sjfh cfof]hgf u5{g\ . Yof°;\ luleª\ 8] ;+3Lo labfsf] lbg xf] / of] gf]e]Da/ dlxgfsf] rf}yf] lalxaf/ dgfOG5 . ;g\ !^@! sf] x]dGt Ct'df lKndy ufpF, df;fr';]6\;df a:g yfn]sf

cd]l/sfaf/] hfgsf/L


gofF afl;Gbfn] /fd|f] ©;nsf nflu tLg–lbg] pT;j dgfP . oxL pT;j g} d'n'ssf] klxnf] YofÍ;\ luleª\ lyof] eGg] w]/}sf] dfGotf 5 . YofÍ;\ luleª\ pT;j /fli6«o k/Dk/f aGof] / of] lbj; dgfpg] lbg clxn] klg klxnf] pT;jdf kl:sPsf k/Dk/fut vfgfx? M r'nf]leq ksfPsf] 6sL{, qm]ga]/Lsf] 5f]k ;w}F kl:sg] ul/G5 . 6sL{ Ps k|sf/sf] r/f xf] eg] qm]ga]/L Pp6f ©n xf] . lqm;d; 8] l8;]Da/ @% df k5{ / of] ;+3Lo labfsf] lbg xf] . lh;; qmfO:6 hlGdPsf] lbgnfO{ O;fO{ -lqml:rog_ x? lqm;d;sf ?kdf dgfpF5g\ . of] rf8df 3/ ;hfpg] / 3/–cf“ugdf aQL afNg], ;hfOPsf] ;Nnf]sf] ?v -lqm;d; 6«L_ /fVg], pkxf/ lbg], / z'esfdgf sf8{x? k7fpg] ul/G5 . o:tf ultljlw clxn] u}/–O;fO{ ;d'bfodf klg b]lvG5 .

cGo kj{÷labfx¿ oL rf8x?afx]s cd]l/sLx?n] cGo ljz]if rf8x?nfO{ klxrfg lbPsf 5g\ / tL rf8x? dgfpg ;S5g\ . tL rf8x? u|fpG8xu 8], Eofn]G6fOG; 8], ;]G6 Kofl6«S; 8], O:6/, db;{ 8], ˆNofu 8], ©fb;{ 8] / xnf]ljg x'g\ . ljleGg hflt / wfld{s ;d"xn] cd]l/sfdf cfˆgf] dxÎjsf rf8 dgfpF5g\ . pbfx/0fsf nflu ox'bLx? /f]z xfzfgfx / of]d lsKk/, d'l:ndx?n] /dhfg, / d]lS;sgx?n] l;Gsf] bL dfof] dgfpF5g\ . cd]l/sfdf tkfO{+n] :jtGqtfk"j{s cfˆgf] e"6fgL, g]kfnL, lxGb" jf cGo rf8x? dgfpg ;Sg'x'G5 . National Holidays

Americans celebrate a variety of national holidays throughout the year. American holidays can be secular, religious, or uniquely American. Federal government offices are closed and workers are given days off with pay for ten holidays. Many private businesses, banks, state and local offices, and schools are usually closed on these holidays as well. New Year's Day is January 1. The celebration of this holiday begins the night before, when Americans gather to wish each other a happy and prosperous coming year. Many Americans make New Year's resolutions. Martin Luther King Day is a holiday celebrated on the third Monday in January. The Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., was an African-American clergyman who is recognized for his tireless efforts to win civil rights for all people through nonviolent means. Washington's Birthday is a holiday observed the third Monday of February to honor George Washington, the first President of the United States. This date is commonly called Presidents' Day and many groups honor the legacy of past presidents on this date. Memorial Day is a holiday observed the last Monday of May. It originally honored the people killed in the American Civil War, but has become


About the United States

a day on which the American dead of all wars, and the dead generally, are remembered in special programs held in cemeteries, churches, and other public meeting places. The flying of the American flag is widespread. Independence Day is July 4. This holiday honors the nation's birthday - the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. It is a day of picnics and patriotic parades, a night of concerts and fireworks. The flying of the American flag is widespread. Labor Day is the first Monday of September. This federal holiday honors the nation's working people, typically with parades. For most Americans it marks the end of the summer vacation season and the start of the school year. Columbus Day is a holiday celebrated on the second Monday in October. The day commemorates October 12, 1492, when Italian navigator Christopher Columbus landed in the New World. Veterans’ Day is celebrated on November 11 and honors Americans who had served in World War I, but it now honors veterans of all wars in which the U.S. has fought. Veterans' organizations hold parades. Thanksgiving Day is a federal holiday celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November. In the fall of 1621, the Pilgrim settlers in Plymouth Massachusetts held a three-day feast to celebrate a bountiful harvest. Many regard this event as the nation's first Thanksgiving. The Thanksgiving feast became a national tradition and almost always includes some of the traditional foods served at the first feast: roast turkey, cranberry sauce. Christmas Day is a federal holiday celebrated on December 25. Christmas is a Christian holiday marking the birth of the Christ Child. Decorating houses and yards with lights, putting up Christmas trees, giving gifts, and sending greeting cards have become holiday traditions even for many non-Christian Americans. Other Holidays In addition to these holidays, Americans recognize and may celebrate other special days. These include Groundhog Day, Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, Mother’s Day, Flag Day, Father’s Day, and Halloween. Different ethnic and religious groups in America also celebrate days with special meaning to them. For example, Jews celebrate Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, Muslims celebrate Ramadan, and Mexicans celebrate Cinco de Mayo. You are free to celebrate your own Bhutanese, Nepali, Hindu or other holidays here in the U.S. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

cd]l/sfaf/] hfgsf/L


˚/s–˚/s ;do cd]l/sf lgs} 7"nf] 5 . klZrdsf] Ps /fHo Sofln©f]lg{ofdf eGbf tLg 306fcl3 k"j{sf] /fHo Dof;fr';]6\;df 3fd pbfpF5 . To;}n] cd]l/sL dxflåksf $* /fHonfO{ ljleGg rf/ ;do–If]qdf afF9LPsf] 5 M k"jL{o, dWo, kxf8L / k|zfGt ;do–If]q . k"jL{ ;do If]qe/ Pp6} ;do x'G5 . t/ dWo ;do–If]qdf Ps 306f l56f] x'G5, kxf8L ;do–If]qdf b'O{ 306f l56f] x'G5 eg] k|zfGt ;do If]qdf tLg 306f l56f] x'G5 . of] gSzfn] cnf:sf / xjfO{ /fHoafx]ssf] ;do–If]q b]vfPsf] 5 . k"jL{o ;do ;fFemsf] ^ ah]sf] eP dWo ;dodf % ah], kxf8L ;dodf $ / k|zfGtdf # ah]sf] x'G5 . k"j{af6 klZrd hfFbf Ps 3G6fsf b/n] 36fpFb} hfg'k5{ .

Time Zones

The U.S. is very large. The sun rises in Massachusetts three hours before it will rise in California. For this reason the 48 states of the continental U.S. are divided into four time zones: Eastern, Central, Mountain, and Pacific. Clocks in the Eastern Time Zone will all read the same time. But clocks in the Central Time Zone will read one hour earlier, clocks in the Mountain Time Zone will read two hours earlier, and clocks in the Pacific Time Zone will read three hours earlier. This map shows the time zones for all states except Alaska and Hawaii.

cnf:sf /fHo cnf:sf ;do–If]qdf k5{, hxfFsf] ;do k|zfGt ;doeGbf Ps 306f l56f] 5 . xjfO{ /fHo xjfO{ ;do–If]qdf k5{, hxfFsf] ;do k|zfGt ;doeGbf b'O{ 306f l56f] 5 .


About the United States

Almost all of Alaska is in the Alaska Time Zone where clocks are one hour earlier than clocks in the Pacific Time Zone. Hawaii is in the Hawaiian Time Zone where clocks are two hours earlier than clocks in the Pacific Time Zone. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

8]–nfO6 ;]leª cd]l/sLx? jif{sf] b'O{k6s 38Ldf ;do ldnfpF5g\ . dfr{ dlxgfsf] bf];|f] cfOtaf/ ;'? ePsf] dWo/ftkl5 @ ah] 38L 3'dfP/ Ps 306f ylkG5 . To;a]nf @ ah]nfO{ # ah] agfOG5 . tkfO{+n] Tof] /ft Ps 306f lgb|f u'dfpg'x'G5 . tkfO{+n] 38L 3'dfpg la;{g'eof] eg] csf]{ lbg sfd jf :s"n k'Ug l9nf] x'g;S5 . s]xL dlxgfkl5 gf]e]Da/sf] klxnf] cfOtaf/ ;'? ePsf] dWo/ftkl5 @ ah] ©]l/ 38L 3'dfP/ Ps 306f 36fpg'k5{ . To;a]nf @ ah]nfO{ ! ah] agfpg'x'G5 . To;f] ePkl5 Tof] /ft Ps 306f a9L ;'Tg kfpg'x'G5 . tkfO{+n] gf]e]Da/sf] klxnf] cfOtaf/ 38L 3'dfpg la;{g'eof] eg] csf]{ lbg sfd jf :s"n Ps 306f rfF8f] x'g'x'G5 . Daylight Savings Time

Twice a year American’s change the setting on their clocks. At 2:00 a.m. on the second Sunday in March you move your clock or watch forward one hour. What was 2:00 a.m. becomes 3:00 a.m. You lose one hour of sleep. If you forget to do this, you may be late for work or school the next day. Months later, at 2:00 a.m. on the first Sunday in November, you turn your clock back one hour. So 2:00 a.m. becomes 1:00 a.m. You gain an extra hour to sleep. If you forget to set your clock backward in November, you may be an hour early for work or school the next day. ――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――

yk hfgsf/Lsf nflu ;fj{hlgs k':tsfno cd]l/sfaf/] yk hfgsf/L rfxg'x'G5 eg] :yfgLo k':tsfno hfg'k5{ . k|To]s zx/ / gu/df sDtLdf Pp6f k':tsfno x'G5g\ . k':tsfnosf sd{rf/LnfO{ cd]l/sf / cd]l/sfsf] Oltxf;;DaGwL lstfa sxfF 5g\ eg]/ ;f]Wg'xf];\ . w]/}h;f] k':tsfnodf lstfax? c+u|]hLdf x'G5g\ eg] s]xL zx/df :k]lg; efiffdf klg x'g ;S5g\ . Learn More at a Public Library

If you want to learn more about the United States, you should visit a local public library. Every city and town has at least one library. Ask the librarian to show you where books about the country and its history are located. The books in the library will be in English and, in some towns, maybe also in Spanish.




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